From To 1. Form‘A’ (duly filled) 2. In case of Individual: a) Name b) Father’s Name c) Occupation d) Permanent Address with Contact No. and Email ID e) Photograph 3. In case of Firm: a) Name of the Firm b) Address with Contact No. and Email ID c) Copy of Registration Certificate d) Main objectives of the Company e) Name, Photographs and Address of Chairman of the Governing Body / Partners / Directors, etc., The name and designation of photo affixed should be mentioned below the photos 3a. Details of Land Owner only in case of Joint Venture: a) Name b) Father’s Name c) Occupation d) Permanent Address with Contact No. and Email ID e) Photograph 4. PAN No. and Copy of PAN CARD Copy of Patta and Sale Deed / PLR. If the applicant now applied for registration is different from the Planning Permit 5. obtained applicant, link document should be furnished along with document flow chart. Copy of EC (From the date of PP Approval to 15 days prior to 6. the date of submission to TNRERA) 7. I. Details of Approval a) Copy of Planning Permission Approval Letter b) Copy of Planning Permit c) Copy of Local Body Approval Letter d) Copy of one set of Approved Plan with Local Body seal II. Copy of NOC, if applicable a) PWD / WRD b) Revenue Department Sl.No. Particulars Pages From To
8. Form ‘B’ – in Rs.20/- stamp paper duly signed by the promoter
Total Project Cost [Land Cost + Development Charges 9. (Infrastructure) + Building Construction + Fees paid charges] Audited Balance Sheet of the promoter for the preceding 10. financial year A Certificate in original from the Bank to be enclosed (format 11. available in TNRERA website) 12. Project Address (S.No./T.S.No./R.S.No.) 13. Extent of the Land in Sq.m.
Registration fee remitted and mode of payment
14. (Layouts, sub-divisions and site approvals – Rs.5/- per square meter of plottable area excluding EWS Plots, Roads and OSR) Brief detail of the projects launched in the past five years, whether alreadycompleted or being developed, as the case may be, including the current status of the said projects, any delay in its completion, details of cases pending, details of type of land and payments pending 15. Site Project Status Case Type of land Payment Address Details of the pending, (Self- pending Project if any development or JV)
Location details of the project, with clear demarcation of land
dedicated for the project along with its boundaries including the Latitude and Longitude of the endpoints of the project(Google image with site location) 16. Latitude -
Longitude -
17. Name of the License Surveyor and L.S.No.
18. Stage of Development Works and Site Photographs with date
Show cause Notice if issued if any and if so, copy of notice to 19. be enclosed 20. CD with all the above details in PDF format