Sr. Component Details No. 1. Name of the Builder 2. Brief about the builder 3. Concern (Proprietorship, partnership, pvt. Ltd etc.) 4. Regd. Office Address 5. Other Address (in any) 6. Mobile No. & Phone number (Mandatory) 7. Date of inception/Total No. of Yrs. in builder ____Years business 8. Name of Proprietor/partners/directors Mr… 9. Total No. of Projects Completed 10. No. of projects in which there was delay & brief NA details in below format C 12. Total Built up area completed in past (in sq.ft) Sq ft 13. Total Built up area sold in past (in sq.ft.) Sq ft 14. WIP-ongoing projects (in sq.ft.) 15. WIP (in amount) 16A. Website url 16-B Email Id (Mandatory) 17. List of Bankers/banking relationship
B) Proposed Details on Project on which APF is proposed:
Sr. No. Component Details 1. Name of the project 2. Address & Location 3. Land area (in Square Feet) 4. Total built up area 5. Project commencement Date 6. Expected completion Date 7. Cost of Project (including land cost) 8. Builder’s share/stake in the project 9. Total No. of Buildings/Wings in the Project 10. Total Number of flats/units in the project 11. Number of units sold till date in the project
12. Is the Project approved by any other
banks/FI/NBFC.(List the names) 13. Other amenities in the project 14. Project Broucher /Marketing arrangement/tie-up 15. Environmental Clearance of the Project – NA/Pollution clear/Forest Clearance etc. 16. Location/Infrastructure availability around the Project 17. Proposed Number of Units and in amount (lakhs) required for ADF Approval 18. Quality of Project & construction quality Fi 19. Is Legal Clear? 20. Is Technical Clear? 21. Are approved plans in place & mentioned by valuer in technical report?
1 22. Mortgage Plot Details/Plot Numbers Details against Development
C) Details about all Completed projects of the builder:
Location Project Project Total Built-up Stories Total No. of Construction # of
Name Cost Area for the /Floors Units/flats in Dates units project the project unsold cr. Start End Date Date
D). Proposed Project:
Flat Type Area (sq.ft) per Rate per sq.ft. Cost of each flat No. of flats flat (Area x Rate) 1 BHK