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Design of a Basic BJT Monostable Multivibrator


Aim: To design and Analyze the operation of a basic BJT monostable


The objective of this experiment is to design a BJT monostable
multivibrator circuit that generates a signal output pulse of a specified
duration in response to an external trigger and to study its time
constant and output waveform characteristics.

Apparatus Required:
Sr. no Name and Specification Quantity Required

1 CL100S (npn) 2
2 Regulated Variable DC Dual -power 1
supply[0-32V &2A]
3 Probes [1:1] 3
4 Dual channel DSO 100MHz 1
5 Resistors in kΩ As per circuit design

6 Connecting Wires As per circuit design

7 Breadboard 1

8 Capacitors in μF As per circuit design

9 Function Generator 1

A BJT monostable multivibrator, also known as a one-shot multivibrator, is a circuit that
generates a single output pulse of fixed duration in response to an external trigger. The
circuit typically consists of two bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), resistors, and a
capacitor. It has one stable state and one quasi-stable state. In its stable state, one
transistor (let's say Q1) is off while the other transistor (Q2) is on, resulting in a low
output. When an external trigger is applied, the circuit temporarily switches to the
quasi-stable state, where Q1 turns on and Q2 turns off, causing the output to go high.

The duration of the high output pulse, also known as the pulse width, is determined by
the time constant of the circuit, which depends on the values of the resistor and
capacitor. Once this period elapses, the circuit automatically returns to its stable state,
with Q1 turning off and Q2 turning on, making the output low again. The BJT
monostable multivibrator is widely used in applications requiring precise timing, such as
pulse generation, digital timing circuits, and delay circuits, Its ability to produce a
consistent, predictable pulse width makes it valuable in various electronic systems.

Circuit diagram:

Theoretical waveform:

1. Choose the Components: Select the appropriate resistors, capacitors, and
2. Circuit Configuration: Arrange the components in a specific configuration.
For a 555 timer, connect the trigger pin to a capacitor and resistor network.
3. Calculate Timing: Determine the time period of the output pulse using the
formula T=1.1×R×C, where R is the resistance and C is the capacitance.
4. Power Supply: Ensure a stable power supply to the circuit.
5. Testing: Build the circuit on a breadboard and test it to ensure it works as

1. Design the circuit by choosing appropriate resistor and capacitor values.
2. Assemble the BJT monostable multivibrator circuit on a breadboard using the selected
3. Connect ike DC power supply to the circuit
4. Use a function generator tu apply a square wave as the trigger signal to the circuit.
5. Connect the output of the circuit to an oscilloscope and observe the output pulse 6. Note the
duration of the output pulse on the oscilloscope and compare it with the theoretical value.

Components Theoretical Practical Percentage
Values Pulse Pulse Error(%)
Width(T) Width(T)

Practical circuit diagram:

Theoretical pulse width =
Practical Pulse Width =

The experiment with a monostable multivibrator demonstrates its ability to
generate a precise output pulse duration when triggered, highlighting its
effectiveness in timing applications and its role in digital circuits.
Understanding its operation reinforces fundamental concepts of pulse
generation and timing control in electronics.

1. Component Ratings: Ensure all components are within their specified ratings to avoid
damage and ensure proper operation.
2. Connections: Double-check all circuit connections on the breadboard to prevent
incorrect wiring and circuit malfunction.
3. Function Generator Settings: Set the function generator to the correct voltage and
frequency to ensure accurate triggering of the circuit
4. Oscilloscope Calibration: Calibrate the oscilloscope properly and ensure secure
probe connections for accurate output waveform measurements
5. Component Values: Verify component values, especially the resistor and capacitor, to
ensure they match the desired time constant for accurate pulse generation.

Timers: Creating precise timing intervals in various electronic devices.
Pulse Generation: Generating single pulses for triggering other circuits.
Debouncing Switches: Eliminating noise from mechanical switch signals.
Frequency Division: Converting a continuous signal into a pulse signal.
Data Transmission: Ensuring reliable signal timing in communication systems.


Design of a Basic BJT Astable Multivibrator
Aim: To design and Analyze the operation of a basic BJT astable

The objective of this experiment is to design a BJT astable
multivibrator circuit that continuously oscillates between two
output states, generating a square wave signal of specified
frequency and duty cycle and to study its output waveform
characteristics and frequency stability.

Apparatus Required:
Sr. no Name and Specification Quantity Required

1 CL100S (npn) 2
2 Regulated Variable DC Dual -power 1
supply[0-32V &2A]
3 Probes [1:1] 3
4 Dual channel DSO 100MHz 1
5 Resistors in kΩ As per circuit design

6 Connecting Wires As per circuit design

7 Breadboard 1

8 Capacitors in μF As per circuit design

9 Function Generator 1

A BJT astable multivibrator is an oscillator circuit that continuously generates a square
wave signal without needing external triggering. The circuit comprises two bipolar
junction transistors (BJTs), along with resistors and capacitors. It operates in a manner
where it continuously alternates between two unstable states, producing a square wave

In this circuit, when one transistor (Q1) turns on, the other transistor (Q2) turns off, and
vice versa. This switching behavior is facilitated by the capacitors and resistors, which
create feedback that causes the transistors to toggle states repeatedly. The frequency
and duty cycle of the output waveform are determined by the values of the resistors and
capacitors used in the circuit. The astable multivibrator is widely used in applications
requiring a stable clock signal or periodic pulse generation, such as in timing circuits
and pulse generators.


Theoretical waveform:

Select Components: You'll need two transistors (NPN type, two resistors, two capacitors
(C1, C2), and two collector resistors

1. Circuit Configuration:
● Connect the collector of Q1 (first transistor) to the positive supply through
● Connect the collector of Q2 to the positive supply through R4.
● The base of Q1 is connected to the junction of R2 and C1.
● The base of Q2 is connected to the junction of R1 and C2.
● The emitters of both transistors are connected to ground.
2. Timing and Oscillation:
● C1 charges through R1, and C2 charges through R2. When C1 charges to
a certain voltage, it turns Q2 on, discharging C2.
● This process repeats, creating an oscillating signal with a frequency
determined by the values of R1, R2, C1, and C2.
3. Frequency Calculation: The period of oscillation T can be approximated by
T≈0.693×(R1×c1+R2×C2). The frequency f is f=1/T.
4. Assembly and Testing:
● Build the circuit on a breadboard, ensuring all connections are secure.
● Power the circuit and observe the oscillations using an oscilloscope.
Adjust the resistor and capacitor values if needed to achieve the desired

1. Design the circuit by choosing appropriate resistor and capacitor values
2. Assemble the BJT astable multivibrator circuit on a breadboard using the selected
3. Connect the DC power supply on the circuit.
4. Use an oscilloscope to connect to the output of the circuit.
5. 5 Observe the generated square wave signal on the oscilloscope.
6. Measure the frequency and duty cycle of the output waveform and compare them with
the theoretical values

Components Theoretical Pulse Practical Pulse Percentage
Values Width(T) Width(T)

Practical circuit:

Theoretical frequency =
Practical frequency =
Theoretical duty cycle =
Practical duty cycle =

The BJT astable Multivibrator successfully generated a continuous square wave signal,
demonstrating its ability to function as an oscillator circuit. The observed frequency and
duty cycle of the output waveform were found to be close to the theoretical values,
indicating that the circuit operates as expected. Any discrepancies between the
theoretical and practical values can be attributed to component tolerance and
measurement accuracy. Overall, the experiment validated the design principles of the
astable multivibrator and its application in generating periodic waveforms.

1 Component Ratings: ensure that all components, especially resistors and capacitors are
within their specified ratings to avoid damage and ensure proper circuit operation.
2. Connections: Double-check all connections on the breadboard to prevent incorrect wiring,
which could lead to circuit malfunction.
3. Power Supply Settings: Set the power supply to correct voltage to ensure the circuit operates
within its designed parameters.
4.Oscilloscope Calibration: Properly calibrate the oscilloscope and ensure correct voltage 10 the
oscilloscope and ensure the circuit gesture secure probe
connections for accurate measurement of the output waveform.
5. Component Values: Verify the values of resistors and capacitors to ensure they match the
intended design for accurate frequency and duty cycle.

1. Timing Circuits: BJT astable multivibrators are used in timing applications to
generate precise time delays and periodic signals.

2. Pulse Generators: They are employed in pulse generation systems to produce

square signals for electronic devices and systems.


Design of a Basic BJT Bistable Multivibrator
Aim: To design and Analyze the operation of a basic BJT bistable

The objective of this experiment is to design a BJT bistable
multivibrator circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store
a binary state. The experiment involves analyzing the circuit's ability to
switch between these states and to study its stability, output
waveform, and switching characteristics.

Apparatus Required:
Sr. no Name and Specification Quantity Required

1 CL100S (npn) 2
2 Regulated Variable DC Dual -power 1
supply[0-32V &2A]
3 Probes [1:1] 3
4 Dual channel DSO 100MHz 1
5 Resistors in kΩ As per circuit design

6 Connecting Wires As per circuit design

7 Breadboard 1

8 Capacitors in μF As per circuit design

9 Function Generator 1

A BJT bistable multivibrator, also known as a flip-flop, is a circuit that can maintain one
of two stable states indefinitely. The circuit typically consists of two bipolar junction
transistors (BITs), along with resistors and capacitors. Each transistor controls the state
of the other, creating a feedback loop that ensures the circuit remains in one of its two
stable states until an external signal triggers a state change.

In its stable state, one transistor (Q1) is on, and the other transistor (Q2) is off, resulting
in a high output on one side and a low output on the other. When an external trigger
signal is applied, it causes the transistors to switch states: the transistor that was on
turns off, and the transistor that was off turns on. This switching behavior is facilitated by
the feedback network, which maintains the circuit in as a new state until another trigger
is received. The bistable multivibrator is widely used in digital electronics for storing
binary information and implementing memory elements.


Theoretical waveform:

R2 = (Vcc - Vce2(sat)/ Ic2(sat)

Ib2 = (Ic2/ hfe)

I4 = (Ib2 / 10)

R2 = (Vb2 - (-Vbb) / I4

I3 = I4 +Ib2

R2 = (Vc1 - Vb2) / I3

1. Design the circuit with appropriate resistor values.
2. Assemble the BJT bistable multivibrator on a breadboard
3. Connect the regulated dual-power supply to the circuit.
4. Attach oscilloscope probes to the output points.
5. Use the function generator to apply trigger signals.
6. Observe and record the output waveform on the oscilloscope.
7. Analyze the circuit's performance and switching behavior
8. Test the circuit by applying different trigger signals to observe state changes.

Stable state VBE1 VBE2 VCE1 VCE2

After Triggering

Practical circuit:

The bjt bistable multivibrator operated as expected. the measured voltages were:

before triggering:

After triggering:

The experiment successfully demonstrated the functionality of the BJT
bistable multivibrator as a flip- flop circuit capable of storing binary states.
The observed output voltages and switching characteristics were in
agreement with theoretical predictions. This confirms that the bistable
multivibrator can reliably switch between two stable states and is effective
for applications in digital memory and binary state storage.
1. Component Ratings: Ensure all components are within their specified ratings
to prevent damage and ensure proper operation.
2. Connections: Double-check all circuit connections on the breadboard to avoid
incorrect wiring and circuit malfunctions.
3. Function Generator and Power Supply Settings: Use the function generator
and power supply with correct settings to avoid incorrect triggering and operation.
4 Oscilloscope Calibration: Properly calibrate the oscilloscope and ensure secure
probe connections for accurate measurement of the output waveforms.
5. Transistor and Resistor Verification: Verify the transistor connections and
resistor values carefully to ensure accurate operation and switching behavior.

1. Digital Memory Storage: BJT bistable multivibrators, or flip-flops, are used in digital
memory circuits to store binary data, which is essential in various computing and
electronic systems.
2. Switching and Counting Circuits: They are used in switching applications and binary
counters, providing stable and reliable state changes for digital counting and control



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