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SSLD 7 Internal Doorsets

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Internal doorsets in schools

We are grateful to the following individuals Linton Ross, Feilden Bradley Clegg Architects
and organisations that have contributed to Peter Clegg, Feilden Bradley Clegg Architects
this document: Paul Hetherington, Alumasc
Richard Flint, BRE Global Richard Parker, Morgan Professional Services
Andrew Williams, BRE (SSLD Doorset Andrew Williams, BRE
Working Group Chairman)
Bill Healy, Build Offsite
Beech Williamson, Partnerships for Schools Richard Ogden, Build Offsite
Mike Entwisle, Buro Happold
Rita Singh, Construction Products Association
A number of other organisations kindly donated Michael Ankers, Construction Products
their time to assist in the production of this Association
guidance. A full list can be found on page 53. Bea Etayo, Fulcrum Consulting
We are also grateful to the following members Peter Blunt, Mtech Group
of the Standard Specifications, Layouts and Martin Goss, Mtech Group
Dimensions (SSLD) Forum who have helped David Mackness, SCAPE System Build Ltd
shape the broad approach to standardisation in Martin Lipson, 4Ps
this and other guidance documents in this series: Mairi Johnson, CABE
Richard Saxon CBE
Mukund Patel, DCSF (SSLD Chair)
Peter Woolliscroft, OGC
Alan Jones, DCSF (SSLD Policy Lead)
Richard Brindley, RIBA
Ian Morris, Atkins (SSLD Project Manager)
Vic Ebdon, Devon County Council
Stephen Reffitt, Atkins
Don Bryson, Manchester City Council
Mark Cleverly, EC Harris
Kevin Kendall, Nottinghamshire County Council
Michal Cohen, Walters and Cohen Architects
Christian Held, Penoyre and Prasad Architects
Sunand Prasad, Penoyre and Prasad Architects
1 Introduction 2
Who is this guidance for? 2
How the guidance should be used 2
Background to Standard Specifications,
Layouts and Dimensions (SSLD) 4
Aims and scope of this guidance 5

2 Key performance requirements 6

Design requirements 6
Materials and finishes 13
Acoustic performance 16
Fire safety 16
Hygrothermal performance 17
Security 18
Sustainability 18
Durability 19
Structural performance 20
Doorsets fitted to moveable partitions 20
Health and safety 21
Provision for engineering services 21
Certification and approval 21
Installation and commissioning 22
Maintenance 23
Cost comment 24

3 Performance specifications
and design solutions 26
Doorset specifications 27
Hardware specifications 35

4 References & bibliography 46

References 46
Bibliography 49

Internal doorsets in schools 1


This guidance is one of a series of Who is this guidance for?

Standard Specifications, Layouts and • Teachers and governors acting as clients for
school capital projects.
Dimensions (SSLD) notes produced to
inform the Building Schools for the • Local authority officers responsible for
procuring school capital projects.
Future (BSF) programme.
• Diocesan building officers.
• Local authority and private sector school
designers and specifiers.
• Manufacturers and suppliers.
• Contractors.

How the guidance should be used

This guidance sets out the standards of
performance for internal doorsets in the Building
Schools for the Future (BSF) programme and
shows through some examples how they might
be delivered. It is one of a number of publications
on various building elements within the SSLD
series. The aim is to disseminate best practice and
avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’ every time a school
building is designed, so that consistently high
quality environments can be delivered, offering
best whole-life value for money.

2 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

School building clients, their professional
It will be for users to exercise their own skill
advisers, contractors and their supply chains
and expertise in deciding whether a standard
should use this guidance to inform their
or example shown in this document is
decisions on internal doorsets and specification
reasonable and appropriate for their own
standards at the early stages of a project’s
circumstances. This guidance does not affect
development – whether new build, extension or
obligations and liabilities under the law
refurbishment – at RIBA Stages A-F.
relating to construction and building.
To help encourage the take up of these
performance specifications, this guidance will
become the standard in BSF programme Though principally aimed at secondary school
documentation and the Government will building projects delivered through the BSF
expect it to be adopted in the majority of programme, the specifications and examples
situations where it is reasonable and may also apply to other educational buildings.
appropriate to do so. We will keep this guidance under review and
While we would expect projects to comply with update it as necessary to reflect the
the standards, other solutions – possibly based development of new products, processes and
on new products or technologies, or reflecting regulations. There is a web-based version at
local factors – may equally comply with the www.teachernet.gov.uk/schoolbuildings
performance specification and could be used.
We do not want to stifle innovation by being
too prescriptive.

Internal doorsets in schools 3

Background to Standard Specifications,
Layouts and Dimensions (SSLD)
The BSF programme offers a unique opportunity
over the next 10-15 years to transform our
secondary schools, providing innovative
learning environments that will inspire pupils
to achieve more. High quality, modern school
buildings will help to raise standards and play
a crucial part in the Government’s programme
of educational reform.
With the huge increases in funding associated
with this programme, there is considerable
scope for using standardised specifications,
layouts and dimensions to speed up design and
construction, reduce whole-life costs and deliver
consistently high quality and better value school
buildings. Standardisation will support the use of
more off-site fabrication and modern methods
of construction, which should help to improve
health and safety performance, reduce waste
and deliver more sustainable solutions. For the
supply industry, being involved in
standardisation will help to demonstrate market
leadership – and help firms reduce risk and
increase sales, profitability, and market size.
The examples in this document and the others
in the SSLD series have been developed based
on extensive consultation under the auspices of
the SSLD Forum. Set up by the Department for
Children Schools and Families (DCSF), this
forum represents key stakeholders in the
building design, research, contracting, and
supply industry communities, as well as local
authority construction client bodies.

4 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Aims and scope of this guidance It is structured as follows:
This document provides standard performance Section 2
specifications and some examples to help
The generic performance characteristics of
with the choice of internal doorsets in BSF
internal doorsets and their associated hardware
secondary schools.
in secondary schools. This section also sets out
Specifically it: the specific whole-life cost information for the
• sets out minimum standards of performance example solutions in Section 3.
and quality expected by the DCSF; Section 3
• provides design guidance for project Performance specifications for internal
designers formulating technical specifications; doorsets and their associated hardware, in
• standardises internal doorset types so that different locations within a building, together
efficiencies and economies of scale can be with some design examples that meet the
generated within the supply chain; and performance requirements.
• makes it easier for caretakers and facilities Section 4
managers to maintain, repair and replace References to relevant European, British
components correctly. Standards, DCSF and other design guidance.
This guide has been produced to inform rather
than replace detailed project specifications.
Descriptions are given in generic terms and are
not intended to promote the products of
specific manufacturers. Contractors and
specifiers should consult with relevant
manufacturers to establish which products are
appropriate and compliant.

Internal doorsets in schools 5

Key performance requirements

This section sets out the minimum The primary functions of internal doorsets are to
generic performance and design control movement between separate internal
spaces within a school building and to maintain
standards DCSF would expect to be the different environmental conditions required
adopted for internal doorsets in BSF within the various internal spaces.
schools wherever it is reasonable and
Design requirements
appropriate. Section 3 defines the
specific internal doorset requirements
Doorsets should be specified wherever possible,
for each location and suggests some
rather than specifying separate components
examples that meet those requirements. such as leaves, frames and architraves. This is
because the latter is rarely supported by
appropriate evidence of the combined door
assembly’s conformity with the appropriate
performance requirements.
Specifying doorsets also has other advantages:
• Doorsets can be installed much later in the build
programme, especially if they are of a cassette
design that slots into a pre-formed aperture.
This reduces the opportunity for damage to
occur to the door between its installation and
the building being completed and handed over.
• Doorsets require far less assembly of
components on site. Where possible, such
assembly should be restricted to fixing the
architrave and any projecting hardware to the
leaf, which may otherwise have been damaged
in transit if pre-fitted to the door. This can:

6 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

– reduce the time needed to assemble and • The sub-frames permit cassette style doorsets
install doors once supplied to site; and to be simply slotted into place once delivered.
– reduce opportunities for components to be This can reduce installation times and allows
paired with the wrong doors and the the doorsets to be relocated to other openings
resulting time required to rework or replace more easily if the layout of the school changes
incorrectly assembled doorsets and within the doorsets’ planned lifetime.
associated waste. • The doorset is less likely to become damaged
The economies of scale achieved through during construction and fit out of school, as
standardisation of doorsets used should, doorsets can be installed much later in the
in turn, mean that the replacement of complete build programme.
doorsets is more economical, making it possible • Cassette doorsets can be easier to replace
to avoid repair and replacement of individual than door assemblies or standard doorsets.
components or elements of the doorset.
This should lead to greater certainty that the Co-ordinated doorset dimensions
doorsets continue to offer the full range of The following factors should apply:
performance characteristics that those doorsets • Use doorsets of standard sizes wherever
are required to provide. possible, as this maximises opportunities for
If doorsets are to be installed into brick or savings through economies of scale.
blockwork walls, specifying cassette style • Where the use of larger doorsets is unavoidable,
doorsets can offer further advantages. specify those doorsets that incorporate:
These incorporate outer sub-frames that act
– multiple leafs of sizes consistent with those
as templates to aid the construction of the
on other doorsets within the school; and
openings into which the doorsets are then fitted.
The doorset is then installed directly into that – frames of cross-sections consistent with
sub-frame, offering the following advantages: those on other doorsets within the school.

• The sub-frames ensure openings are sized Height

to suit the doorsets to be fitted. This in turn Wherever possible, doorsets should be
helps ensure that the doorsets provide the designed to fit structural openings of heights
required acoustic and other properties that measuring 2100mm from the finished floor level
might otherwise be affected if the size of the and incorporate leaves 2040mm high.
gaps between the doorset and supporting
structure are not within acceptable tolerances.

Internal doorsets in schools 7

Width If single leaf doorsets are to be located either
Doorsets must be sufficiently wide to permit: straight on from the direction of approach,
without a turn or oblique approach, or at right
• movement of people, including those with
angles to an accessible route at least 1500mm
disabilities, between adjacent spaces in
wide, the doorset should be designed to fit
accordance with the requirements of
structural openings of widths measuring
Approved Document M;
1000mm and incorporate leaves 926mm wide.
• people to escape safely in an emergency,
In order to achieve the 800mm minimum clear
in accordance with the requirements of
opening width specified for such doorsets in
Approved Document B; and
Approved Document M, the impact of the leaf
• the transfer of equipment and materials from thickness and hardware projection need to be
one space to another. taken into account when specifying the doorset,
Wherever possible, single leaf doorsets should its associated hardware and the surrounding
be specified. layout, as the door leaf may need to open
beyond 90 degrees, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Effect of door leaf opening angle on effective clear opening

Orientation of leaf when open Example doorset dimensions (mm)

(i) Leaf opened to 90 degrees Leaf width 926

– Leaf thickness 44

– Stops (total of both) 26

+ Clearance (total of both sides) 4

– Hinge projection 15

– Hardware projection 70

= Clear opening 775

(ii) Leaf opened beyond 90 degrees Leaf width 926

– Leaf thickness 44

– Stops (total of both) 26

+ Clearance (total of both sides) 4

– Hinge projection 15

– Hardware projection N/A

= Clear opening 845

8 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

If single leaf doorsets are located at right angles Steel doorsets are typically available with a
to accessible routes less than 1500mm wide, range of one-piece frames of sizes and designs
wider doorsets that provide a clear opening of at to suit different wall thicknesses and
least 825mm should be specified. While this can configurations.
be achieved using doorsets with 926mm wide It is usually possible to fit timber doorsets with
leaves, it is almost certain that the leaves will one-piece frames into walls up to 150mm thick.
need to open beyond 90 degrees in order to Beyond that thickness, extension linings may be
achieve the 825mm clear opening specified in required as illustrated in Figure 2.
Approved Document M.
Where single leaf doorsets do not provide
suitable access or egress, particularly in Figure 2 Use of extension lining on thicker
relation to the requirements of Approved partitions
Document B, consider:
• specifying double leaf doorsets formed
from two 926mm wide leaves with plain
meeting stiles;
• specifying leaf and a half doorsets formed
from at least one 926mm wide leaf and both
leaves having plain meeting stiles except
where the doorset is across corridors or other
circulation routes; and
• providing additional alternative routes
because this not only helps minimise the size
and mass of each doorset; doing so also:
– helps ensure escape is possible if one route Tolerances
were to become blocked; and The following factors apply:
– may provide greater flexibility in terms of • Doorsets should be capable of
the future use of the space to which those accommodating deviations in the size of
doorsets lead. structural openings. Doorsets should therefore
be built to suit the size of the openings, with a
Frame depth
tolerance of – 10mm / + 0mm2 on the width
The depth of door frames should suit the and height of the opening and ± 5mm on
thickness and construction of the wall1 in wall thickness.
which the doorset is to be fitted and should
accommodate variances in wall thickness
of ± 5mm.

1 Refer to DCSF publication – ‘Standard Specifications, Layouts and Dimensions. 1: Partitions in schools’.
2 Based on maximum gap recommended within BB93.

Internal doorsets in schools 9

• Use doorsets with common frame dimensions • be located towards the leading edge of the
because this: door, remembering to allow suitable space
– helps to maximise economies of scale between the vision panel(s) and the leading
associated with the doorset production; edge of the leaf for:

– simplifies building works, enabling all – door protection plates;

openings to be built to the same size; and – accommodating lock cases within the
– reduces opportunities for confusion leaf; and
and errors. – operating handles without catching hands
on any beading around the vision panel;
Avoid doorsets that incorporate thresholds
wherever possible as thresholds cut into the
screed and can lead to cracking of the screed
and will leave a groove in the screed if the door Figure 3 Doors with single vision panels
is moved.
Thresholds may also cause trip hazards and
inhibit free movement of trolleys (used to
transport ICT equipment, laboratory materials,
etc.) and floor cleaning equipment.
Therefore, any thresholds that are fitted should:
• be set flush with the floor screed and covered
by the floor finish;
• comply with the requirements contained
within BS 8300: 2001.

Vision panels Figure 4 Doors with two vision panels

Vision panels should:
• be fitted to all door leaves wider than 450mm,
except those leaves on doorsets leading into
the following spaces:
– changing rooms;
– medical inspection rooms/‘sick bays’;
– plant rooms;
– service ducts; and
– store cupboards;

10 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

• provide effective zones of visibility. Alternative The hardware selected must provide
layouts that may be considered include: functionality and performance appropriate to
– a single vision panel that, at minimum, covers that doorset’s intended use and must not
a vertical zone between 500mm and 1500mm undermine the performance of the doorsets to
from the floor, as shown in Figure 3; and which they are fitted. Therefore, always ensure:

– two vision panels, the lower of which at • the hardware is independently tested and
least covers a vertical zone between 500mm certified to confirm it meets the relevant
and 800mm from the floor and the upper of hardware classification requirements defined
which at least covers a vertical zone in the hardware specifications defined in
between 1150mm and 1500mm from the Tables 7 to 14; and
floor, as shown in Figure 4; • the use of hardware on the doorset is covered
• incorporate glazing that meets the by the scope of the evidence confirming the
requirements of Class C to BS 6206: 1981 if it is doorsets’ compliance with all the performance
up to 900mm wide; and requirements identified in Section 3.

• be covered by the evidence of conformity Co-ordinated designs and dimensions

provided for the doorset in relation to the Specifying the same hardware on as many
performance requirements contained in this doorsets as possible can help to achieve
standard, such as those relating to fire, financial savings through economies of scale.
acoustic and security performance.
Specifying locking hardware from modular
If a degree of privacy is desirable, for example, on ranges with coordinated dimensions enables
doorsets to offices or toilet blocks, either avoid the hardware to be changed to suit the
incorporating vision panels or consider fitting doorset’s desired functionality if the layout of
privacy glass. the school changes, or if there are changes to
the way in which individual spaces within the
school are used. It also generally makes it easier
for fire and other performance assessments to
Flush fitting hardware should be fitted to the be completed if the existing evidence does not
doorset prior to delivery to ensure it fits and the cover the specific models selected.
doorset functions correctly. Projecting items,
The locks selected should also suit the fitting of
such as handles and surface-mounted door
cylinders that can be operated within a common
closers, should be packaged separately for
master key system.
delivery in order to avoid damage.
Any hardware that is supplied separately should
be clearly marked to show which doorset it is
paired with, as this will help to ensure the
hardware is fitted to the correct doorset.

Internal doorsets in schools 11

Access control cylinders. This is because the costs of upgrading
Doorsets should incorporate hardware that the mechanical cylinder locks to achieve the
permits appropriate control of access through wider access control functionality possible with
the doorset and, where appropriate, the record electronic locks can be much less than the cost
of any operations. This is particularly relevant to of replacing the complete locksets or having
external entrance doorsets and internal wiring installed for more complicated access
doorsets within school that are likely to be control systems. Electronic cylinders can also
opened to the general public. provide greater resistance to certain types of
criminal attack.
Access control systems complying with BS EN
50133-1: 1997 can provide appropriate controls Irrespective of the type of access control system
and avoid the need to replace complete key and devices specified, it is important to ensure
suites if a master key is lost, since the system that any access control devices:
can simply be reprogrammed to prevent the • do not undermine the performance provided
lost key being used. Such systems can offer by the doorsets on which they are fitted;
flexible management of access according to • do not inhibit escape in the case of a fire or
how the school is to be used. For example, other emergency;
many systems allow access tokens (e.g. swipe
• comply with relevant directives for
cards) to be set in such a way as to allow only
electronic devices;
the holder access to particular areas at particular
times, for example, access to the main entrance, • can be operated by disabled users;
relevant corridors and the appropriate teaching • offer appropriate durability;
space(s) when the card holder is due to attend
• offer the range of functionality required; and
evening classes.
• can be easily repaired or replaced.
Ensuring the card or token incorporates a photo
of the holder can help staff to ensure only the
correct people are using the cards, thereby
deterring misuse by criminals.
Although access control systems are generally
hard-wired, internet protocols (IP) and other
technologies are now enabling the use of
wireless access control devices.
These can greatly reduce the cost of installing,
repairing and replacing systems and their
components or adding to the system at a
later date.
As an alternative to installing hard-wired access
control systems when upgrading existing
schools, consideration should be given to fitting
electronic lock cylinders in place of mechanical

12 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Materials and finishes Any timber used must be procured in
It is important to ensure that any materials and accordance with the Government’s Timber
finishes specified: Procurement Policy. Further details are available
from the following website:
• do not prevent the doorset providing the
performance defined in Section 3;
• are widely available and are likely to remain
available over the design life of the doorset so Lippings
that matching replacement materials/parts Door edges can be damaged during use,
can be sourced; especially in high traffic areas or when there
is regular movement of equipment and
• are economically viable to use;
materials, for example in kitchens, workshops
• are, wherever possible, available from and laboratories.
sustainable sources;
Using electromagnetic hold-open devices
• can be recycled at the end of the product’s (linked to an automatic fire detection and alarm
life; and system) can reduce the opportunities for
• are not hazardous and are not on the lists of damage, especially if the doorsets open
banned materials available from the European sufficiently to permit free movement of people
Commission’s Enterprise and Industry website and materials through the opening.
(http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise) or the Health Although they can be removed, it is important
and Safety Executive (www.hse.gov.uk) to consider their resistance to removal before
websites. specifying plastic lippings.

Table 1 Alternative door leaf edge protection

Type Benefits Weaknesses

Curved post formed edges • Can reduce the chance of the laminate • Can be more difficult and expensive to
being damaged during the doorset’s repair if they are damaged

Hardwood lippings • Generally easier to repair than curved • More prone to damage than curved
post formed edges post formed edges
• Can provide visual contrast down the
edge of the door

Plastic lippings • Can resist scoring • Prone to removal

Internal doorsets in schools 13

Surface finishes Elements should therefore contrast visually
The surface finishes should be suitably robust with one another by the minimum differences
and perform their necessary protective and in light reflectance value (LRV) specified in
decorative functions. The following factors apply: BS 8300: 2001. These are summarised in Table 2.

• The surface finish should have a resistance to The following should be considered when
marking of at least class 3 when tested to specifying the colour of doorsets and adjacent
methods 2 to 6 in BS 3962-6: 1980 and should walls, floors and ceilings:
be capable of withstanding cleaning with hot • Colour code doorsets, frames, handles,
water containing mild non-abrasive walls and/or wall-floor junctions, as
detergents and disinfectants as part of a appropriate, to identify each class base
regular cleaning programmes. or area of different activity.
• The finishes should be covered by the • Avoid excessive use of bright colours or
evidence of the doorset’s compliance with the patterns because excessive use can result in
performance requirements defined in Section 3. over-stimulation or visual confusion.
• The finish should not create any reflections Remember, teachers and pupils will add
likely to disturb pupils or affect visually colour to environment during activities
impaired people’s ability to use the doorset. undertaken and in their display of work.

Colour • Light colours assist with good quality light

reflectance; while dark colours reflect less light
It is important to ensure visually impaired users
and may contribute to glare.
can negotiate doorsets safely by avoiding visual
clutter and using colour and tonal contrast • Bright colours in large expanses and strong
between surfaces (for example, frame, leaf and patterns can be over stimulating, confusing or
door handles). distracting, whereas passive cool colours such
as blue-green, light green and beige are
thought to aid concentration.

Table 2 Minimum differences in light reflectance values (LRVs)

Elements Minimum difference in LRV

Door leaf and operating hardware (e.g. handles) 203 (30 preferred)

Face and edge of door leafs that are not self closing or are held open 30

Door frame and surrounding wall, for example, by using an architrave that has the 30
same LRV as the doorset but a different LRV from the surrounding wall

3 Based on results of research contained within the report ‘The examination of the effects of differences between door faces and
hardware in terms of light reflectance values (LRVs) and gloss levels’ published by Research Group for Inclusive Environments in 2005.

14 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

• Pastels and softer, subtle, subdued tones can Hygiene
be uplifting, soothing or calming for pupils A doorset and its associated hardware should
who need a low stimulus or non-distraction not contain materials which by direct contact or
environment, enabling teachers to introduce otherwise can be detrimental to the health and
stimuli to suit pupils’ needs. safety of the user.
• Contrasting tones of colour can be used to Doorsets and their associated hardware should
assist recognition, and way-finding, and for be designed and constructed so as to avoid
differentiation of wall and floor surfaces, undesirable accumulations of dirt, possible attack
doorsets, handles, frames, etc. by micro-organisms, fungi or insects, or possible
• Changes in the tactile qualities of surfaces can infestation by insects. This is particularly relevant
also assist with way-finding. for doorsets and hardware that will be used in
areas where food is prepared or consumed,
• High gloss finishes can cause reflections,
medical rooms and other areas where hygiene
which can affect the ease with which some
is particularly important.
visually impaired people use the doorset.
All doorsets and associated hardware should
be capable of withstanding wet cleaning
of exposed faces using mild detergents
or disinfectants, without deterioration or
discoloration of surfaces or performance.

Internal doorsets in schools 15

Acoustic performance Fire safety
Good acoustic performance within schools is The main objective of fire compartments in
essential for learning; it facilitates clear schools is to reduce the potential for fire and
communication of speech between teacher and smoke to develop and spread from the room of
student, and between students, and improves origin, while the main objective of fire doorsets
study activities. is to allow the movement of people and
Guidance on the minimum acoustic reduction equipment between adjacent fire compartments
values for doorsets is provided in Section 3 of while preventing the passage of fire and smoke.
this publication. The values specified are based A fire strategy should therefore be developed
on those specified in Building Bulletin 93. by a qualified fire engineer at an early stage
The doorsets must have good perimeter sealing to determine the location of fire doorsets and
in order to provide the desired airborne sound the minimum fire and smoke resistance they
insulation. The following factors apply: must provide.

• Minimise the size of any gaps between door The minimum performance each doorset is
frames and the walls in which they are fixed. required to provide depends on where that
No gaps should exceed 10mm. doorset is located and the fire strategy for that
school. The minimum performance identified in
• Fill and seal gaps between door frames and Approved Document B is primarily designed to
the surrounding walls in a manner compliant ensure occupants have sufficient time to
with the fire, security and acoustic escape. Additional fire resistance may be
performance sought. required to protect rooms containing items of
• Consider the potential for the acoustic seals to significant value to the school. However, fewer
wear the floor covering lying under the doorsets and/or doorsets of lower resistance
opening arc of the door leaf or the floor may be acceptable if sprinkler systems are
covering to cause wear to the seals. designed and installed in accordance with
• Regularly inspect seals on doorsets and LPS1048-1: Issue 4 or BS EN 12845: 2004.
replace when worn, damaged or removed, for Further guidance is provided in BB 100 Design
example, as a result of vandalism. Avoid for fire safety in schools.
locating doorsets in partitions between rooms The following factors apply:
requiring values above 35 dB, for example,
• At minimum, fire doorsets should meet the
between music rooms, studios, halls for music
classification specified in Section 3, based on
or drama performance and other teaching
tests conducted to the following standards:
spaces. If such routes are unavoidable,
consider incorporating acoustic lobbies. – BS 476-22: 1987 – Fire tests on building
materials and structures. Methods for
determination of the fire resistance of non-
load bearing elements of construction;
– BS EN 1634-1: 2000 – Fire resistance tests for
door and shutter assemblies. Fire doorsets
and shutters; and

16 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

– BS EN 1634-3: 2004 – Fire resistance and Ability to resist changes/extremes of
smoke control tests for door and shutter temperature and humidity
assemblies, openable windows and elements Most areas within the school will have relative
of building hardware. Smoke control test for humidity levels ranging between 25 per cent
door and shutter assemblies. and 65 per cent and temperatures ranging
• It is important to ensure that the interface between 10°c and 25°c. Doorsets between
between the doorsets and surrounding these areas need not offer significant
substrate does not reduce the fire performance against hygrothermal effects.
performance. Therefore, refer to manufacturers’ However, doorsets from these areas into those
literature for recommended installation details of higher temperature and humidity
and ensure they are covered by valid fire will need to provide appropriate resistance
performance assessments and third party to hygrothermal effects. Areas of higher
certification from a recognised third party temperature and humidity include changing
certification body such as BM Trada, Bodycote rooms and kitchens, with temperatures ranging
Warrington Fire or LPCB. between 10°c and 30°c and relative humidity
levels ranging between 25 per cent and
• Any glazing, hardware or other items specified
100 per cent.
on the doorset may undermine that doorset’s
fire resistance. Therefore, ensure they are Capability of resisting the presence of water
covered by any supporting evidence of third and water vapour
party certification for those doorsets. The surface finishes of doorsets and their
• It is vital that the fire resistance is associated hardware used in kitchens, changing
maintained throughout the life of the facilities, toilets and other areas likely to be
school. Therefore ensure: subject to intermittent contact with water and
water vapour should meet the requirements of
– fire doorsets are regularly inspected and BS EN 1294: 2000 and BS EN 12219: 2000.
maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions by qualified Thermal transmittance
service and maintenance engineers; and Where there is a temperature difference
– the fire strategy plans are consulted before between two spaces on either side of the
replacing or altering fire resisting doorsets. doorset; for example, the doorset divides a
heated and unheated space; the doorset should
Hygrothermal performance be capable of achieving an improved
‘U’ value of 3.0 W/mk.
In order to prevent heat loss caused by thermal
Hygrothermal conditions can affect the
bridging, minimise any gaps between the
performance of doorsets, so it is important
frame of the doorset and the surrounding
to ensure the doorsets used withstand
wall, and ensure all gaps are filled using
these conditions without loss of performance
appropriate sealants.
or appearance.

Internal doorsets in schools 17

Security Sustainability
The opportunities for crime in schools are Since March 2005, it has been a Departmental
increasing. This is primarily because of the requirement that all major new build and
increased value and desirability of ICT and other refurbishment projects aim to achieve a
equipment used within schools attracting minimum BREEAM rating of ‘very good’.
burglars; and increased access to the school Compliance with the standard is inspected by a
being provided to the wider community both in team of licensed assessors.
and out of normal teaching hours. BREEAM Schools considers a wide range of
Arson is also an extremely big problem. environmental factors that are affected by the
According to the Arson Prevention Bureau, 20 design and construction of school buildings
schools a week suffer an arson attack in the UK, over their operating life. The standard is
with arson reportedly costing schools an intended to guarantee a minimum level of
estimated £83 million in 20044. environmental performance for school building
While arson generally occurs as a result of fire designs, without specifying particular solutions.
setting on the outside of the school, a large Designs score points for meeting various
number of fires are set within school buildings – sustainability criteria.
some of which are by burglars attempting to BREEAM Schools assesses the performance of
destroy forensic evidence following theft of buildings in a number of areas. The selection of
property from a school. doorsets can affect the scores achieved under
Doorsets must therefore offer appropriate levels the following credits within BREEAM for Schools:
of security performance to prevent unauthorised • MW8 – Responsible sourcing of materials.
access by arsonists and burglars, while not
• MW10 – Designing for robustness.
preventing the passage of authorised people.
The security each doorset needs to provide Further information on BREEAM and a copy of
depends on a number of factors, including: the BREEAM for Schools Technical Manual are
available at www.breeam.org
• local crime patterns;
• the value and desirability of the equipment
contained within the area(s) to which the
doorset restricts access;
• the security of the school perimeter and
external façade of the school buildings; and
• the use of other crime prevention measures
within the school.

Further guidance on school security is available

from the local Police Architectural Liaison
Officer (ALO) or Crime Prevention Design
Advisor (CPDA).
4 Zurich Municipal, July 2005

18 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Specifying doorsets complying with the Durability
requirements of this doorset specification Doorsets are required to perform satisfactorily
document can reduce the environmental under the conditions appropriate to the
impact of the doorsets. This is because: specified categories of use, given reasonable
• The outer frame of ‘cassette’ style doorsets use and the expected standards of
can act as a template to be used to aid maintenance, for a period of 20 years.
construction of the opening when the wall is The following formula can be used to
formed. This should increase the certainty that determine the total number of times the
the doorsets will fit first time without the need doorset is expected to be used over its lifetime
to rework or replace the doorsets to suit the and can be used to specify the appropriate
hole into which the doorset is to be installed, durability classification according to EN 1191:
thus reducing construction waste. 2000, as illustrated in Table 3.
• Doorsets can be installed later in the build
programme, reducing opportunities for them Figure 5 The approximate number of times a
to be damaged during fit-out and doorset will be operated during its lifetime
subsequently scrapped.
• Manufacturers can invest in developing their X = Y x ((T x N) + (t x n))
production systems to suit the standard sizes Where
of doorsets required, providing more X = Approximate number of times the doorset will be
operated in its lifetime
opportunities for reducing production waste
Y = Expected lifetime of the doorset
and inefficiencies.
T = Average number of expected operations on each
• The cassette design allows doorsets to be teaching day
interchanged with one another when the use N = Number of teaching days each year
of spaces within the school changes. t = Average number of expected uses on each non-
teaching day
n = Number of non-teaching days on which doorset
is likely to be used each year

Table 3 Durability classifications according to total number of operations expected over the
intended lifetime

Durability Class defined

in EN 1191: 2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Approximate number of
operations over 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
lifetime of doorset (000’s)

Internal doorsets in schools 19

It is important to reduce the likelihood of careless Structural performance
operation causing damage to the door, hardware A doorset and its associated hardware should
or adjacent walls in order to achieve the lifetimes be capable of withstanding incidental static,
specified. Therefore ensure the doorsets: dynamic and impact forces. The minimum
• meet the minimum mechanical strength doorset strengths identified within Section 3
classifications specified in Section 3 and are reflect the level of care likely to be taken by
located a sufficient distance from adjacent those either using the doorset or moving near
walls to prevent the door or its associated the doorset. They are given in terms of
hardware impacting the wall when opened; or classifications to BS EN 1192: 20005.
• incorporate door stops fitted as close to the
Doorsets fitted to moveable partitions
leading edge of the leaf and no less than two
School environments are generally required to
thirds of the door width away from the hinge
perform a multitude of activities over time. This
line. It is also important to ensure door stops
results in some spaces being required to be
are never located in positions where they may
adaptable. There are numerous proprietary
constitute a trip hazard.
moveable wall products available on the market
Avoiding the use of door closers on any to achieve this, and many incorporate doorsets.
doorsets that are not required to be self closing
Although such doorsets are outside the scope of
will help extend the life of those doorsets and
this publication, they should comply with the
associated hardware such as hinges and latches.
performance requirements identified within this
This will also help to reduce the force required
publication appropriate to the function of the
to open the door, making it more useable by
spaces divided by the partitions.
disabled and other users who may otherwise
struggle to overcome the additional resistance
to opening caused by the use of closers.
If door closers are fitted on fire doorsets on
circulation routes, ensure they incorporate
electromagnetic hold-open devices linked to the
automatic fire detection and alarm system, to
help reduce the number of times
the doorset is operated each day while also
ensuring the doorsets can close when required
to act as a fire or smoke barrier. However,
electromagnetic hold-open devices should not
be fitted to doorsets required to be self closing in
order to provide appropriate privacy, such as
doorsets to changing rooms.

5 BS EN 1192: 2000 Doors. Classification of strength requirements, BSI.

20 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Health and safety Certification and approval
Always ensure: Many issues can affect whether the doorsets
• work involving installation and maintenance supplied and installed offer the performance
of doorsets is covered by a valid risk required within this standard. It is therefore
assessment and method statements; important to ensure:

• doorsets and their associated hardware • Any test evidence supplied to confirm the
incorporate adequate means to prevent doorset offers the required performance
casual dismantling or tampering; and covers:

• all power-operated doorsets meet the – the construction of the doorset and
requirements of BS 7036: Part 1: 1996. hardware fitted;
– the opening configuration;
The risk of fingers becoming trapped in doors
should be considered, in particular, on doors – size; and
that will not be held open using hold-open – installation method.
devices during peak periods of pedestrian
• The tests were independently conducted,
movement through those door doorways.
preferably by a suitably qualified laboratory
Although the risks of finger trapping are more
accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 by a
prevalent in nursery, primary and special
recognised accreditation body such as UKAS.
schools, the risks should be considered when
designing secondary schools especially in • The doorset’s conformity with the full set of
relation to doors to spaces within the school requirements contained within this document
where young children may occasionally be is confirmed by a third party certification body
present, such as, reception areas and halls. which:

Specify the fitting of finger guards where – is independent of manufacturer interest;

considered appropriate to the risk, ensuring the – regularly audits the production to ensure
guards do not: the units produced continue to meet the
required performance classifications; and
• reduce the width of the clear opening below
that required to satisfy DDA requirements; or – is independently accredited to BS EN
45011:1998 by a recognised accreditation
• undermine the doorset’s ability to provide the
body such as UKAS.
performance defined in Section 3.
Doorsets must be installed in accordance with
Provision for engineering services the approved instructions into openings within
Avoid incorporating ventilation grilles in internal the tolerances permitted by this standard. In
doorsets wherever possible. If their use is order to ensure the quality of installation work
unavoidable, ensure the ventilation grilles do undertaken and performance of the doorsets
not compromise the doorset’s compliance with once installed, ensure those installing the
the performance requirements specified in doorsets are approved under recognised third
Section 3. party installer schemes such as those operated
for fire doorsets by BM Trada, FIRAS and LPCB.

Internal doorsets in schools 21

Installation and commissioning • Where the opening into which the door is to
Installation be fitted is formed by timber stud, the
doorsets can be installed directly into
Doors are often installed before much of the fit
openings pre-formed within the stud work.
out of the building is complete. This increases
Alternatively, in the case of brick, blockwork or
the opportunity for damage to the doors to
concrete walls, cassette style doorsets can be
occur before the building is handed over to the
used to speed up installation. That is, an outer
client and can result in doors requiring repair or
frame can be built into the fabric of the wall
replacement towards the end of the project.
allowing the doorset to be slotted into
In addition, if doors are supplied to site as kits of position on delivery and fixed back to the
parts rather than complete assemblies (sets), outer frame and/or surrounding wall.
the various components can become mixed up
• In all cases, with each door the manufacturers
on site if they are not marked up well, or are all
should supply instructions for the door’s
unpacked at once rather than unpacked as and
secure installation and use and should
when each component is required. This can
describe how the doors are to be fitted and
result in the wrong components being paired
used in order to achieve the requirements of
together and reworked in order to assemble
this document.
and fit doorsets on site.
These issues can affect installation timescales
and installation and waste costs, as well as the
performance of the door once it is assembled
and installed.
The following factors apply:
• Doors should be delivered to site in as
completely assembled a state as possible,
prepared ready to take any projecting
hardware supplied separately to prevent
damage to the hardware in transit.
• Any hardware supplied separately should be
suitably packed to prevent damage and
marked to show which doors they are to be
fitted to. These should then be paired with
the relevant doors on site.
• Doors supplied to site as pre-assembled sets
have the advantage that they can be installed
into pre-constructed openings within the
building fabric much later in the build
programme than traditional door assemblies
supplied to site as separate frames, leaves,
hardware and architraves.

22 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Commissioning Maintenance
Once the doorset is installed, the following The maintenance instructions manufacturers
factors apply: issue with each doorset should cover:
• Check: • cleaning;
– all seals and intumescents are present; • decorating;
– fixings are present and secure; and • lubricating moving parts;
– hardware is installed and operates correctly. • checking operating forces and functionality;

• Check the force required to open the doorset • checking seals;

to ensure the opening force is no greater than • replacing damaged components; and
the following when measured at the leading
• maintenance of any hardware supplied
edge of the door:
on/with the doorset.
– 30 N from 0° (the door in the closed
position) to 30° open; and The maintenance described within the
instructions should match that applied to
– 22.5 N from 30° to 60°. samples during durability tests conducted
If it is not possible to measure the forces at during the evaluation of the doorset’s
the leading edge, the forces may be performance to the requirements defined in
measured at a point on the face of the door Section 3.
up to 60mm from the leading edge, a position The project architect should use this
approximately in line vertically with the information to compile an operation and
spindle of a lever handle or the centre line of a maintenance manual for the doorsets specified.
pull handle or push plate, in which case the This should be handed to the maintenance staff
opening force limits can be increased by on completion of the contract.
approximately 2 N.
The manual should include all maintenance
The accuracy of force measuring instruments
recommendations made by the doorset
available on the market varies and there are
manufacturer because the performance claimed
inherent difficulties in measuring forces on
by the manufacturer is likely to be conditional
site. It is therefore recognised that any
on such measures being implemented.
measurements are subject to a degree of
imprecision which could give rise to variations The maintenance regime should ensure doorsets
of between 2 and 3 N. and their associated hardware are visually
inspected on a regular basis to make sure they
• Adjust any closers fitted to the doorset to
are free of defects and that all seals and fixings
ensure that they can close the leaf from any
are in place and secure. This is particularly
position and the operating forces fall within
relevant to fire doorsets as removal of, or
the limits described above.
damage to, intumescent strips may undermine
• Check any hold-open devices to ensure that the doorsets’ performance in a fire situation.
they hold the door leaf open and release
when signalled to do so by the fire detection
and alarm system.

Internal doorsets in schools 23

It is also important to ensure that the doorset Cost comment
continues to operate using forces below those Capital costs
defined within Approved Document M. As with
The unit capital costs of doorsets are affected
the initial commissioning checks, this
by many factors:
maintenance can be conducted using a plunger-
type force measuring instrument. • designing and developing the doors
and hardware;
Any increases in the force measured during
maintenance checks beyond that measured • tooling and pre-production costs;
during commissioning or previous maintenance • testing and approval costs;
checks may indicate problems that could be
• materials and proof of sourcing
affecting the doorset’s compliance with other
(environmental policy/legislation);
performance requirements, such as fire
resistance, acoustic performance, security and • production and delivery costs; and
durability. It is therefore important to • administration, overheads and profit of
investigate the likely causes of any increase in manufacturing company.
the operating force and repair or replace the
The first three can be classified as fixed costs that
doorset/hardware as appropriate.
need to be covered by the doors sold to that
In order to ensure the continued performance specification. Therefore, the impact these have
of doorsets to the relevant standards, it is critical on the unit cost of the doorsets manufactured to
that the replacement components match those that specification reduces significantly as the
being replaced. If alternative components are number of doorsets specified increases. This is
sourced, for example, different locksets, it is also true to some extent for the last three items.
important to ensure that the use of that
Standardising the doorsets’ design and
alternative lockset is covered by appropriate third
performance characteristics can lead to savings
party assessments and does not invalidate any
through economies of scale that largely offset
warranty or certification covering that doorset.
the additional cost of developing and
producing doorsets which achieve the specified
performance criteria.
Research suggests that specifying doorsets in
accordance with the recommendations of this
document may result in a small increase, of
around one per cent, in the initial capital cost of
doorsets. This is because the product is likely to
be of a generally higher and more consistent
quality than is being delivered in current projects.

24 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Whole-life costs • Consequential cost of product failure
The higher capital cost should be more than If a doorset suffers a catastrophic failure in
offset by opportunities for reductions in other service, this will not only lead to replacement
whole-life costs arising from compliance with costs but may also incur consequential costs
this doorset specification. These include: that are often a hidden cost of specifying lower
• Specification and tendering performance doors. Such costs may include:

The new specification provides a single point – loss of availability of an area for its normal use;
of reference on performance requirements – claims resulting from injury or death, for
that should help to reduce time taken to draw example, due to a doorset failing to offer
up door schedules and tender requirements. required resistance to fire and smoke; and
• Installation and commissioning – damage to or losses of other items in the
Supplying doorsets to site as complete environment, for example, the value of
sets should: products stolen if a door fails to offer the
required resistance to forced entry.
– reduce installation times and associated costs;
By defining minimum levels of security, the
– enable doorsets to be fitted much later in
doorsets should help achieve a significant
the build programme, reducing
reduction in the level of theft of ICT and other
opportunities for doors to suffer damage
equipment, and may help reduce losses from
during building work; and
arson. This could result in significant
– help to reduce snagging costs. consequential benefits to school users since
• Operating costs crime and arson can lead to:
The standards relating to durability, impact – lost learning time;
resistance, surface finish and security should – loss of facilities for extramural community
help to minimise damage suffered by doors activities; and
during normal use, thereby reducing repair
– cost of treating staff and pupils for
and maintaining costs.
psychological affects of being a victim of
Further reductions can be achieved by crime or fire.
selecting doors that:
– achieve higher durability classifications with
fewer maintenance conditions identified
within the relevant maintenance
instructions; and
– do not incorporate unique designs,
materials or components that may not easily
be replaced/repaired over the desired
design life of the doorset.

Internal doorsets in schools 25

Performance specifications and
design solutions
This section provides performance The first part of the specification code used
specifications and some design should relate to the type of doorset that is
appropriate to the spaces each side of the
examples for doorsets, together with opening in which the doorset is to be fitted.
their associated hardware. The section This can be determined using Table 4.
also defines the locations where each The next should be a numeric code placed in
door type may be used. brackets indicating the number of leaves on
the doorset:
Doorsets may be referenced in
(1) = single leaf doorset
specifications using the codes
(1.5) = leaf and half doorset
contained within this section,
(2) = double leaf doorset
in the following examples, rather
than including all the information The final part of the code should be a number
relating to the hardware set that is to be fitted
contained within this document.
to the door. These should be selected
according to the door type and are described in
Tables 7-14.

26 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Figure 6 Example door reference for a single leaf Notes relating to the performance requirements
door between a circulation space and a food common to all doorsets are provided in Table 4.
technology teaching space Table 5 indicates the reference code of the
type of doorset that should be specified
B2h(1)4 according to the two spaces that doorset
Where separates. The codes contained within the
B2h = Doorset leading into heavy-practical right hand column(s) refer to the detailed
teaching and other work spaces of higher doorset specifications defined in Table 4.
humidity than the adjacent spaces from
which the door leads, as indicated as being Mechanical durability
appropriate for that location in Table 5. The classifications defined within the individual
(1) = Single leaf doorset specifications assume those doorsets
that incorporate door closers will also
4= Doorset is to be fitted with hardware set ‘4’.
incorporate electromagnetic hold-open devices
This was selected from the hardware
and that the hold-open devices will be
options noted as being appropriate for a
operated during periods of peak movement of
‘B2h’ doorset because the doorset is to be
people to reduce the number of times the
used in a situation where a self closing
doorset is operated. If this is not the case, then
doorset is required to satisfy the
the higher durability classifications should be
requirements of Approved Document B.
specified according to the expected frequency
of use and lifetime of that doorset, as discussed
in the durability section on page 19.
Doorsets specifications
Mechanical strength
This section defines the design and
This includes resistance to accidental impact.
performance attributes of internal doorsets.
Grade Description
Detailed performance and design specifications
for individual types of doorsets are defined in 1 Light duty – Low frequency of use with
Table 4. care – e.g. private house owners where
there is a small chance of accident
The doorset specifications are grouped occurring or misuse
according to the minimum acoustic
2 Medium duty – Medium frequency of
performance each doorset is expected to
use primarily with care, with some
provide and the areas in which those doorsets
chance of accident/misuse
may be used.

Internal doorsets in schools 27

3 Heavy duty – High frequency of use Security
without care with good chance of Higher security ratings may be appropriate
accident/misuse depending to the location of the school,
4 Frequent violent use the value of equipment located within the
protected space and the ease with which
Fire and smoke resistance criminals could access that doorset at different
All fire doors should, at minimum, offer the fire times of the day and night. It is therefore
performance specified when subjected to recommended that the advice of the local
exposure from each side architectural liaison officer is sought when
of the doorset separately. determining whether greater security
Two classifications are noted for each doorset: performance is required.

• Those starting ‘FD’ relate to tests conducted in Hygrothermal performance

accordance with the following British Standard: This covers the doorsets’ behaviour when set
– BS 476 Part 22 Methods for determination between spaces that have different climates, as
of the fire resistance of non-load bearing experienced by doorsets to kitchens, changing
elements of construction. rooms and food technology teaching spaces.
• Those starting with ‘E’ relate to tests Doorsets requiring hygrothermal performance
conducted in accordance with one of the must comply with BS EN 12219: 2000 and
following European Standards BS EN 1294: 2000 and are indicated by ‘h’
for doorsets: after the reference code for the core door
– BS EN 1634-1: 2000 Fire resistance tests type. For example, ‘Eh’ is the version of door
for door and shutter assemblies. Fire doors ‘E’ that provides hygrothermal performance.
and shutters. Vision panels
– BS EN 1634-3: 2001 Fire resistance tests If the specification indicates the door must
for door and shutter assemblies. Smoke incorporate vision panels, then vision panels
control doors. should be fitted to each full leaf as illustrated
In both cases, the number following the in Figure 3 or 4.
initial letter(s) relates to the minimum The maximum width of each vision panel
period of integrity provided by the doorset. should be 90mm and the vision panels
The additional letter ‘S’ or ’Sa’ placed at the should incorporate glass meeting class C to
end of the classification relates to the need BS 6206: 1981.
for the doorset to restrict smoke leakage
at ambient temperature.
Doorsets that achieve higher fire and smoke
classifications than those noted may be
required if they are to be used in areas of
higher fire risk or to provide greater protection
to emergency escape routes to allow all
occupants to exit the building safely via that
route. BB 100 provides further guidance.

28 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Design requirements Minimum performance requirements Doorset






1634-3: 2001)


Vision panels
(Security rating

EN 12400: 2000

Hardware sets
(value of “##” in
ISO717-1: 1997)

Fire and smoke

(Rw (dB) to BS EN

or E##Sa to BS EN

BS EN 1294: 2000)
(BS EN 1192: 2000)

EN 1192: 2000 and

FD##s to BS 476-22

(Class defined in BS
(Class defined in BS

defined in LPS 1175)


Doorsets leading into music and


Table 4 Doorset specifications

performance spaces

4 or 5
Doorsets leading into general teaching


spaces, light-practical paces, offices, etc.

4 or 5
Doorsets leading into heavy-practical

teaching and other work spaces of




4 or 5
similar humidity to the adjacent spaces
from which the door leads
Toilets and changing rooms for disabled


pupils, staff and visitors

Toilets and changing rooms for non-



disabled pupils, staff and visitors

General purpose doorsets with vision

panels for use on circulation routes with


ability to secure unused areas of the
school outside normal teaching hours

Doorsets into cupboards containing



equipment or materials for lightweight
activities (e.g. stationery and text books)

Doorsets into materials storage and



preparation areas for heavy-practical

4 or 5

Doorsets into chemical and other



hazardous material stores, service ducts
and plant rooms

Internal doorsets in schools

Table 4 continued

Cassette design All doorsets to be fitted into masonry openings should incorporate an outer sub-frame
capable of being used as a template to construct the opening and into which the doorset
can be fitted at the time of installation.
Doorset height 2100mm (from finished floor level)

Frame depth Should suit wall types into which they are to be fitted and should accommodate
variances in wall thickness of ± 5mm.
Hygiene • Should not contain materials that could be detrimental to the health and safety of the user.
• Exposed surfaces should be capable of withstanding routine wet cleaning by mild
detergents or disinfectants, without deterioration or discoloration of surfaces.
Leaf height 2040mm

Leaf width 926mm

Lippings (timber leaves) Curved post formed edges

Surface finish • Minimum of class 3 when tested to methods 2 to 6 in BS 3962-6: 1980.

• Should be capable of withstanding cleaning with hot water containing mild non-
abrasive detergents and disinfects as part of regular cleaning programmes.
Thresholds None to be fitted.

Variance in structural Doorsets should accommodate variances in the height and width of structural openings
opening (height and of + 10/-0mm.

30 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Table 5 Doorset types

Teaching spaces

ensemble rooms, recording

rooms, drama studios and
General teaching spaces

Resistant materials and

electronics and control

Music classrooms, music

Art, textiles, graphics,

ICT suites and cluster

studios, studio control

recital, music practice,
Science laboratories

audiovisual studios/
conference facilities
Circulation spaces

Food technology
Horizontal and vertical
circulation spaces including atria D B1 B1 B1 B1 B2 B2h A

Teaching spaces B1(6)

Meeting rooms (including

interview rooms)

Offices for head teacher, senior

teaching staff and caretaker B1

Staff rooms B1

Reprographic facilities B1

Medical inspection rooms and

sick bays

Storage E(7) E E(8) E E E(9) Eh(10) E

Science preparation rooms B1 B1

Dining and sandwich/vending areas D

Common rooms D

Kitchen preparation areas B2h

Kitchen staff rooms B1

Kitchen walk-in store rooms F

Toilets and changing rooms C1(11)

Plant rooms and service ducts G G G G G G Gh

Server rooms E E

6 Type A for performance spaces; B2 for resistant materials and engineering; B2h for food technology.
7 Type Fh to food technology storage; Type G for chemical storage.
8 Type G for chemical store.
9 Type B2 for heavy material storage.
10 Type B2h to food technology food storage.
11 Type C2 for disabled users.

Internal doorsets in schools 31

Table 5 Doorset types continued

Halls Learning resource areas Services

SEN resource bases/small

Plant rooms and service

areas/meeting rooms/

Toilets and changing

Libraries and careers
multi-purpose halls

group rooms/study

offices/MI rooms
(over 50 people)
Lecture theatres
Main assembly/

Server rooms
Study areas


Horizontal and vertical
circulation spaces including atria B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 C1(11) G E

Teaching spaces B1 B1 G(12) E

Meeting rooms
(including interview rooms) B1 G

Offices for head teacher, senior

teaching staff and caretaker B1

Staff rooms B1 G

Reprographic facilities B1 G E

Medical inspection rooms and

sick bays B1

Storage E E E E E Eh G

Science preparation rooms G

Dining and sandwich/vending

areas D(13) C1(11) G

Common rooms G

Kitchen preparation areas B2h Gh

Kitchen staff rooms B1 G

Kitchen walk-in store rooms

Toilets and changing rooms C1(11) C1(11)

Plant rooms and service ducts


Server rooms E E

12 Type Gh to food technology.

13 Specify type ‘B1’ doorset if either of the two adjacent spaces may be used for teaching or other study activities and ‘A’ if those
activities are related to music or drama.

32 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Table 5 Doorset types continued

Dining and
Staff and administration Catering services
social areas

Meeting rooms (including

senior teaching staff and

Offices for head teacher,

Reprographic facilities

Dining and sandwich/

Kitchen walk-in store

rooms and sick bays

Kitchen preparation

Kitchen staff rooms

Medical inspection
interview rooms)

Common rooms
vending areas

Horizontal and vertical
circulation spaces B1 B1 B1 B1 D(13) D(13) B2h B1 F
including atria

Teaching spaces D(13)

Meeting rooms (including

interview rooms

Offices for head teacher, senior

teaching staff and caretaker

Staff rooms

Reprographic facilities B1 G E E

Storage E E E E Eh

Dining and sandwich/vending

areas D(13) B2h B1

Common rooms D(13)

Kitchen preparation areas B2h B2h Fh

Kitchen staff rooms B1 B2h

Kitchen walk-in store rooms


Toilets and changing rooms

C1(11) E

Plant rooms and service ducts

G G G G Gh G

Server rooms E

Internal doorsets in schools 33

Table 5 Doorset types continued


General teaching storage

Heavy-practical storage
Light-practical storage/

Food technology food

Science preparation

Exam paper storage

Musical instrument

preparation rooms

Maintenance and
Chemical stores

cleaners’ stores
Chair store

Horizontal and vertical
circulation spaces E E B1 G B1 F Fh E E E
including atria

Teaching spaces E(14) E B1 G B1 B2 B2h E E(14) E(14)

Meeting rooms (including

interview rooms) E E E E

Offices for head teacher, senior

teaching staff
and caretaker

Staff rooms E E

Reprographic facilities E E

Storage E(8) E E(15) E(8)

Dining and sandwich/vending

areas E B1 G E E

Common rooms E E

Kitchen preparation areas Eh

Kitchen staff rooms

Kitchen walk-in store rooms

Toilets and changing rooms


Plant rooms and

service ducts G G G G

Server rooms

14 Type Eh to food technology.

15 Type F for heavy practical storage/preparation areas.

34 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Hardware specifications Delayed action closers may be fitted to doorsets
This section defines the hardware sets referred to to individual rooms but are not recommended
in the doorset specifications defined in Table 5. for use on doorsets across circulation routes. If a
delayed action closer is fitted, it should not
Tables 7-14 define the classifications the delay the closing action more than that
hardware selected must meet in accordance required for its use (for example, for the ease of
with the products standards referred to for each elderly or disabled people). Where the device is
type of hardware. A key to the classification fitted to a fire door, this delay should not
symbols used in that table is provided in exceed 25 seconds, as specified in BS EN 1154.
Table 5. The classification symbols are based on
those developed by the Association of Building Cylinders
Hardware Manufacturers (ABHM)16. Cylinders should meet the requirements of
BS EN 1303.
Requirements and notes common to all
hardware sets are outlined in the sections below. Specify cylinders that can be operated:

Closers • within a common master key system; and

Avoid selecting hardware options that include • by a key on both sides of the doorset.
closers wherever possible, as closers can affect
Select cylinders of profiles that are compatible
the ability of disabled users to operate the
with the lock on which the cylinder is to be used
doorsets to which they are fitted.
and ensure the cylinder is of a common profile,
Where closers are specified, they should meet such as Scandinavian oval and Europrofile.
the requirements of BS EN 1154.
Ensure the cylinder’s length suits the thickness
The closers specified in Tables 7-14 incorporate of the door leaf and any trim specified.
adjustable closing force (power) settings. Where
Specify category 4 durability if the cylinder is
possible, specify those closers with ‘wind-up’
likely to be used to lock/unlock the doorset
spring adjusters as these are easier to adjust
up to seven times each day and category 5
than those whose power is set using a template
durability if the cylinder is likely to be used
or via adjustable shoes. Always ensure the
to lock/unlock the doorset between 8 and
power is set according to that needed to return
14 times each day.
the door to the closed condition so that
optimum fire resistance and acoustic
performance are achieved when the room is in
use and the operating forces are within the limit
permitted within BS 8300.

16 The ABHM now forms part of the Door and Hardware Federation (DHF).

Internal doorsets in schools 35

Door protection plates When specifying the power rating, consider
These are not required on steel doorsets or the closing force applied to the door leaf by
timber doorsets with a laminate finish. any closer fitted to that doorset when that leaf
is held open by the electromagnetic hold
Specify the following protection plates if the
open device.
leaves are veneered or painted:
If the door is further than 300mm away from
• One 200mm high by 2mm thick kick plate of
a wall or is not parallel with an adjacent wall
width to suit door leaf to be fitted to the foot
when held open, then the leading edge of the
of each face of the leaf.
door leaf should be guarded when in the open
• Either one 200mm wide by 1400mm high position to prevent accidental impact.
vertical protection plate/push plate to be
fitted to the face of the leaf used to push the Hinges
leaf open; or, if a single plate is not Hinges should meet the requirements of
compatible with the other hardware fitted to BS EN 1935.
the door, two 200mm wide vertical protection The test door mass classification specified
plates/push plates, fitted to that face of the should suit the mass of the leaves on the
leaf above and below the lock position. doorsets to which they are to be fitted.
However, the actual mass of the doorset that
Door stops
the hinges of a particular class may be fitted to
To avoid the door or hardware from being is reduced by the following factor if the doorset
damaged, stops should be fitted to the skirting is fitted with a closer:
board on the adjacent wall. Where practicable,
the stops should be located so that when they • 20 per cent if the closer does not incorporate
make contact with the door leaf they do so no a backcheck function; or
less than two-thirds across the width of the leaf • 75 per cent if the closer incorporates a
when measured from the hinge line. backcheck function.

Electro-magnetic hold open devices For example, a grade 13 hinge (test door mass
Electro-magnetic hold open devices should grade 6) that is rated for use on test door of
meet the requirements of BS EN 1155. mass 120 kg should only be fitted to doors of
mass up to 96 kg if a closer is fitted to the
Electro-magnetic hold open devices should be
doorset and 30 kg if that closer incorporates a
linked to the fire detection and alarm system
backcheck function.
and be compatible with that fire detection and
alarm system. Other features of the doorset and how it
will be used that should be considered when
Specify electro-magnetic devices only on
specifying the class of hinge to be fitted to a
self-closing fire doors, and ensure only those
doorset are factors affecting:
devices which release automatically in the
event of a fire are used. • operating force such as whether the doorset
is designed to be used by elderly, infirm or
disabled people;

36 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

• the closing moment provided by the closer Locks
over the final 4° of door leaf movement Locks should meet the requirements of
towards the closed position, including whether: BS EN 12209.
- the doorset is to be latched or Specify mortice locks with common lock
unlatched; and case dimensions and backsets. This ensures
- smoke, acoustic and/or other seals are fitted. maximum commonality between the
construction of the doorsets and greatest
For example, hinges with low friction bearings
opportunity for the interchangeability of the
may be appropriate where opening force is to
hardware once the doorsets are installed.
be minimised.
Ensure the locks are compatible with the
As with all hardware fitted to the doorset,
cylinders specified and that the use of those
it is important to ensure the type of hinges
cylinders with the lock is covered by the scope
specified, location where they are fitted, and the
of the lock's approval to the performance
manner in which they are fitted to the doorset
classification specified.
are covered by the appropriate evidence of
conformity of the complete doorset with the The ’door mass and closing force‘ classifications
relevant performance requirements defined specified in Tables 7-14 assume the door mass is
in Table 4. up to 100kg and a closing force of up to 25 N is
applied to the leaf. If this does not reflect the door
Lever handles to which the locks are to be fitted, locks of
Lever handles are only required if the doorset alternative appropriate ‘door mass and closing
incorporates a latch function. force’ classifications should be specified as
They should meet the requirements of indicated in EN 12209.
BS EN 1906. Specify locks with:
It is important to ensure the lever handles • higher categories of security and drill
specified are compatible with the locks with resistance where appropriate for the doorset
which they are to be used. to achieve the required security rating
In order to satisfy BS 8300: 2001, specify lever • fields of application appropriate to the type of
handles that: doorset the locks are to be fitted to
• have a minimum diameter of 19mm; • backsets of at least 54mm and ensure the
• are offset from the door leaf by at least 45mm; lock selected is one of a range of modular
lock cases, as that allows the lock case to
• are at least 95mm long;
be interchanged with others of differing
• have a return end; functionality as and when required, for
• visually contrast with the door leaf by at least example, when the use of the room into
20 LRV points; and which the doorset leads changes.

• are ‘warm to touch’ if located on external

faces of external doorsets.

Internal doorsets in schools 37

Pull handles General
Pull handles should meet the requirements All hardware specified for use on doorsets
of BS 8424. should be covered by the appropriate
In order to satisfy BS 8300: 2001, specify pull supporting evidence of that doorset’s
handles that: conformity with the performance requirements
defined in the doorset locations section.
• have a diameter between 19mm and 35mm;
Specify hardware that achieves class 4 corrosion
• are offset from the door leaf by at least 45mm;
resistance in accordance with BS EN 1670 if the
• are at least 400mm long; and school is near the sea, or is in other areas likely
• visually contrast with the door leaf by at least to result in the hardware being exposed to
20 LRV points. higher salt corrosion.

In order to satisfy BS 8300: 2001, ensure pull

handles are located so that their lower end is
1000mm above finished floor level unless it will
result in the handle interfering with other
furniture. In which case, set the pull 1100mm
above finished floor level.

Locate pull handles in line with the backset of

the lock case cylinder barrel and trim.

Table 6 Key to symbols used in Tables 7 to 14

Attribute Symbol Attribute Symbol

Category of use Safety in use

Closing force Security

Corrosion resistance Suitability for use on fire and smoke

control doorsets
Test door mass/size/weight
Field of door application
Type of key
Hinge grade
Type of operation
Hold-open force
Type of spindle
Key identification

38 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Table 7 Hardware – Set 1


4 8 3 1 1 3

1 4 0 1 0 3

4 1

Electromagnetic hold open device

3 8 3 1 1 3

4 7 6 1 0 3

1 13

Locks Cylinder operated deadlock

3 M 4 1 0 C

4 A, B or H A 0 C

Pull handles One vertical pull handle should be fitted to the ‘pull face’ of
the door

3 2 – 1 1 3

Signage Two ‘Automatic fire door keep clear’ signs, one on each face if
the door is designated a fire door

Internal doorsets in schools 39

Table 8 Hardware – Set 2


1 4 0 1 0 A

4 1


4 7 6 1 1 3

1 13

Locks Cylinder operated deadlock

3 M 4 1 0 C

4 A, B or H A 0 C

Pull handles One vertical pull handle should be fitted to the ‘pull face’ of
the door

3 2 – 1 1 3

Signage Two ‘Fire door keep shut’ signs, one on each face if the door is
designated a fire door

40 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Table 9 Hardware – Set 3


4 8 3 1 1 3

1 4 0 1 0 A

4 1


4 7 6 1 1 3

1 13

Locks Cylinder operated deadlock

3 M 4 1 0 C

4 A, B or H A 0 C

Pull handles One vertical pull handle should be fitted to the ‘pull face’ of
the door

3 2 – 1 1 3

Signage Two ‘Fire door keep shut’ signs, one on each face if the door is
designated a fire door

Internal doorsets in schools 41

Table 10 Hardware – Set 4

Use in situations where self closing doorsets are required to satisfy the requirements defined within
Approved Document B.


4 8 3 1 1 3

1 5 0 1 0 A

4 1

Electromagnetic hold open device

3 8 3 1 1 3

4 7 6 1 1 3

1 13

Locks Cylinder operated deadlock

3 M 4 1 0 C

4 A, B or H A 0 C

Pull handles One vertical pull handle should be fitted to the ‘pull face’ of
the door

3 2 – 1 1 3

Signage Two ‘Automatic fire door keep clear’ signs, one on each face if
the door is designated a fire door

42 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Table 11 Hardware – Set 5

Use in place of ‘Hardware Set 4’ where the last person using the door can be expected to close the door or
where Approved Document B does not require self-closing doorsets.


1 5 0 1 0 A

4 1


4 7 6 1 1 3

1 13

Lever handles

4 7 – 1 1 3

2 A

Locks Cylinder operated lock operated by lever handles and cylinder

3 M 4 1 0 C

4 A, B or H A 3 C

Signage Two ’Fire door keep shut‘ signs, one on each face if the door is
designated a fire door

Internal doorsets in schools 43

Table 12 Hardware – Set 6


4 7 6 1 1 3

1 13

Lever handles

4 7 – 1 1 3

1 U

Locks Lock with manual deadlocking without need for key operation

3 M 4 1 0 C

4 K G 3 0

Pull handles One vertical pull handle should be fitted to the ’pull face‘ of
the door and one horizontal pull handle should be fitted to
the other face of the door

3 2 – 1 1 3

Signage Two ‘Fire door keep shut’ signs, one on each face if the door is
designated a fire door

44 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Table 13 Hardware – Set 7


4 8 3 1 1 3

4 7 6 1 1 3

1 13

Pull handles One vertical pull handle should be fitted to the ‘pull face’ of
the door

3 2 – 1 1 3

Signage Two ‘Automatic fire door keep clear’ signs, one on each face if
the door is designated a fire door

Hardware sets for multi-leaf doorsets

The requirements for hardware sets used on
multi-leaf doorsets are generally the same as
those used on the single leaf doorsets. The only
major differences between the hardware sets
used on single and multi-leaf doorsets are:
(i) The number of units of each type of hardware
fitted to the complete doorset should suit the
number of leaves.
(ii) Multi-leaf doorsets should incorporate
lever action flush bolts complying with
the minimum requirements defined in
Table 14.

Table 14 Minimum requirements for lever action flush bolts fitted to multi-leaf doorsets

BS EN 12051

2 1 – 1 1 3 4

Internal doorsets in schools 45

References and bibliography

This document was published in References

February 2008. After this date readers The following documents are referred to within
this guidance.
should ensure they use the latest
edition of all references. Accessibility
• Building Regulations Approved Document M
– Access to and use of buildings, 2004.
• BS 8300: 2001 Design of buildings and their
approaches to meet the needs of disabled
people. Code of practice. BSI.
• The Examination of the Effects of Differences
between Door Faces and Hardware in
terms of Light Reflectance Values (LRV’s)
and gloss levels, 2005, Research Group for
Inclusive Environments.

• BS EN ISO 717-1: 1997 Acoustics. Rating of
sound insulation in buildings and of building
elements. Airborne sound insulation. BSI.

• BREEAM Schools Manual. BRE.
• Green guide to specification, 2002. BRE.

46 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Fire Hygrothermal
• Building Regulations Approved Document • BS EN 1294: 2000 Door leaves. Determination
B – Fire Safety, 2006. of the behaviour under humidity variations in
successive uniform climates. BSI.
• BS 476-22: 1987 Fire tests on building
materials and structures. Methods for • BS EN 12219: 2000 Doors. Climatic influences.
determination of the fire resistance of non- Requirements and classification. BSI.
load bearing elements of construction. BSI.
• BS 476: section 31.1: 1983. Methods of • BS 8424: 2004 Building hardware. Pull handles.
measuring smoke penetration through Requirements and test methods. BSI.
doorset and shutter assemblies. Method of
• BS EN 1154: 1997 Building hardware.
measurement under ambient temperature
Controlled door closing devices.
conditions. BSI.
Requirements and test methods. BSI.
• BS EN 1634-1: 2000 Fire resistance tests for • BS EN 1155: 1997 Building hardware.
door and shutter assemblies. Electrically powered hold-open devices for
Fire doorsets and shutters. BSI. swing doorsets. Requirements and test
methods. BSI.
• BS EN 1634-3: 2004 – Fire resistance and
smoke control tests for door and shutter • BS EN 1303: 2005 Building hardware. Cylinders
assemblies, openable windows and elements for locks. Requirements and test methods. BSI.
of building hardware. Smoke control test for • BS EN 1906: 2002 Building hardware. Lever
door and shutter assemblies. BSI. handles and knob furniture. Requirements
BS EN 12845: 2004 Fixed firefighting systems. and test methods. BSI.
Automatic sprinkler systems. Design, • BS EN 1935: 2002 Building hardware.
installation and maintenance. BSI. Single-axis hinges. Requirements and test
LPS 1048-1: Issue 4 Requirements for the methods. BSI.
approval of sprinkler contractors in the UK • BS EN 12051: 2000 Building hardware. Door
and Eire. LPCB. and window bolts. Requirements and test
• School arson: Education under threat. The methods. BSI.
Arson Prevention Bureau.
• School fire and security guidance.
Zurich Municipal.

Internal doorsets in schools 47

• BS EN 12209: 2003 Building hardware. Locks Security
and latches. Mechanically operated locks, • LPS 1175: Issue 6 Requirements and
latches and locking plates. Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval
test methods. BSI. and listing of burglary resistant building
• BS EN 50133-1: 1997 Alarm systems – Access components, strongpoints and security
control systems for use in security enclosures, 2007. LPCB.
applications. Part 1: System requirements. BSI.
Surface finishes
Robustness and durability • BS 3962-6: 1980 Methods of test for finishes
• BS EN 1191: 2000 Windows and doorsets. for wooden furniture. Assessment of
Resistance resistance to mechanical damage. BSI.
to repeated opening and closing. Test Other documents referred to
method. BSI.
• BS EN 45011:1998 General requirements
• BS EN 1192: 2000 Doors. Classification of for bodies operating product certification
strength requirements. BSI. systems. BSI.
• BS EN 12400: 2002 Windows and pedestrian • BS EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 General
doorsets. Mechanical durability. Requirements requirements for the competence of testing
and classification. BSI. and calibration laboratories. BSI.
• BS 5499-1: 2002 Graphical symbols and signs.
Safety signs, including fire safety signs.
Specification for geometric shapes, colours
and layout. BSI.
• BS 6206: 1981 Specification for impact
performance requirements for flat safety glass
and safety plastics for use in buildings. BSI.
• BS 7036-1:1996 Code of practice for safety
at powered doorsets for pedestrian use.
General. BSI.

48 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Bibliography Fire
The following documents were referred to • DCSF Building Bulletin100, Design for fire
during the development of this document. safety in schools, published October 2007.
Although not directly referenced within this • DCSF Guide 6 – Fire Safety – Managing School
document, they provide useful additional Facilities, 2000. The Stationery Office. BS 5588-
information in support of the specification of 4: 1998 Fire precautions in the design,
internal doorsets and their associated hardware. construction and use of buildings. Code of
Accessibility practice for smoke control using pressure
• DCSF Building Bulletin 77 – Designing for differentials. BSI.
Pupils with Special Educational Needs: Special BS 8214: 1990 Code of practice for fire door
Schools, 2005 draft. The Stationery Office. assemblies with non-metallic leaves. BSI.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 94 – Inclusive School General requirements
Design, 2001. The Stationery Office.
• BS EN 14351-1: 2006 Windows and doors.
• Royal National Institute for the Blind. Building Product standard, performance characteristics.
sight – A handbook of building and interior Windows and external pedestrian doorsets
design solutions to include the needs of visually without resistance to fire and/or smoke
impaired people, 1995. The Stationery Office. leakage characteristics. BSI.
• Sport England Publications – Access for • BS EN 14600: 2005 Doorsets and openable
disabled people. Sports England 2001. windows with fire resisting and/or smoke
• BS EN 12217: 2003 Doors. Operating forces. control characteristics. Requirements and
Requirements and classification. BSI. classification. BSI.
• PAS 23-1:1999 General performance
requirements for door assemblies. Single leaf,
• Building Regulations Approved Document E external door assemblies to dwellings. BSI.
– Resistance to the passage of sound, 2003
• DCSF Building Bulletin 93 – Acoustic Design of Hygrothermal
Schools. The Stationery Office, 2003 ISBN 0 11 • DCSF Building Bulletin 87, 2nd Edition
271105 7. This publication is available in the Version 1 (May 2003). Guidelines for
Regulatory Information Section of the DCSF Environmental Design in Schools. This
School Buildings and Design Unit’s website at publication is available in the Regulatory
www.teachernet.gov.uk/acoustics Information Section of the DCSF School
Buildings and Design Unit’s website at
• BS EN ISO 140-3: 1995 Acoustics.
Measurement of sound insulation in buildings
and of building elements. Laboratory
measurement of airborne sound insulation
of building elements. BSI.

Internal doorsets in schools 49

Ironmongery Materials and workmanship
• BS 3621: 2004 Thief resistant lock assemblies. • Building Regulations Approved Document to
Key egress. BSI. support Regulation 7 – Materials and
• BS 8621: 2004 Thief resistant lock assemblies. workmanship, 1992.
Keyless egress. BSI. • BS EN 951: 1999 Door leaves. Method for
• BS EN 179: 1998 Building hardware. measurement of height, width, thickness and
Emergency exit devices operated by a lever squareness. BSI.
handle or push pad. Requirements and test • BS EN 952: 1999 Door leaves. General and
methods. BSI. local flatness. Measurement method. BSI.
BS EN 1125: 1997 Building hardware. Panic exit • BS EN 1529: 2000 Door leaves. Height, width,
devices operated by a horizontal bar. thickness and squareness. Tolerance classes. BSI.
Requirements and test methods. BSI.
• BS EN 1530: 2000 Door leaves. General and
• BS EN 1158: 1997 Building hardware. Door local flatness. Tolerance classes. BSI.
coordinator devices. Requirements and test
methods. BSI. Robustness and durability
• prEN 13633. Building hardware. Electrically • BS 5234:1992 Partitions (including matching
controlled panic exit systems. Requirements linings). BSI.
and test methods (undated – CEN work item • BS EN 947: 1999 Hinged or pivoted doors.
03/102517 DC). BSI. Determination of the resistance to vertical
• prEN 13637. Building hardware. Electrically load. BSI.
controlled emergency exit systems for use on • BS EN 948: 1999 Hinged or pivoted doors.
escape routes. Requirements and test Determination of the resistance to static
methods (undated – CEN work item torsion. BSI.
03/102518 DC). BSI.
• BS EN 949: 1999 Windows and curtain walling,
doors, blinds and shutters. Determination of
the resistance to soft and heavy body impact
for doors. BSI.
• BS EN 950: 1999 Door leaves. Determination of
the resistance to hard body impact. BSI.
• BS EN 13049: 2003 Windows. Soft and heavy
body impact. Test method, safety
requirements and classification. BSI.

50 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Safety Security
• Building Regulations Approved Document • BS 8220-2: 1995 Guide for security of buildings
K – Protection from falling, collision and against crime. Offices and shops.
impact, 1998. • CEN/TC 33 N 1957 UK position paper for :
• Building Regulations Approved Document N – CEN/TC 33 regarding prEN 1627 – 1630
Glazing – Safety in relation to impact, opening Burglar resistance, 4 April 2007. BSI.
and cleaning, 1998. • DD ENV 1627: 1999 Windows, doors, shutters.
• BS 7671: 2001 Requirements for electrical Burglar resistance. Requirements and
installations; IEE Wiring Regulations. Sixteenth classification. BSI.
edition. IEE. • DD ENV 1628: 1999 Windows, doors, shutters.
• BS 5499-4: 2000 Safety signs, including fire Burglar resistance. Test method for the
safety signs. Code of practice for escape route determination of resistance under static
signing. BSI. loading. BSI.
• BS 5499-5:2002 Graphical symbols and signs. • DD ENV 1629: 1999 Windows, doors, shutters.
Safety signs including fire safety signs. Signs Burglar resistance. Test method for
with specific safety meanings. BSI. determination of resistance under dynamic
• BS 5499-10: 2006 Safety signs, including fire loading. BSI.
safety signs. Code of practice for the use of • DD ENV 1630: 1999 Windows, doors, shutters.
safety signs, including fire safety signs. BSI. Burglar resistance. Test method for the
• BS 7036-2:1996 Code of practice. Safety at determination of resistance to manual
powered doors for pedestrian use. Part 2 burglary attempts. BSI.
Straight and curved sliding doors and • DCSF Guide 4 – Improving Security in Schools,
prismatic and folding doors. BSI. 1996. The Stationery Office.
• BS 7036-3: 1996 Code of practice for safety at • Secured By Design schools, 2004. Secured By
powered doors for pedestrian use. Swing Design (Initiatives) Limited.
doors and balanced doors. BSI. • PAS 24-1: 1999 Enhanced security
• BS 7036-4:1996 Code of practice. Safety at performance requirements for door
powered doors for pedestrian use. Part 4 Low assemblies. Single and double leaf, hinged
energy swing doors. BSI. external door assemblies to dwellings. BSI.
• BS 7036-5:1996 Code of practice. Safety at Surface finishes
powered doors for pedestrian use. Part 5
• BS 4800: 1989 Schedule of paint colours for
Revolving doors. BSI.
building purposes. BSI.
• BS 5252:1976 Framework for colour
co-ordination for building purposes. BSI.

Internal doorsets in schools 51

• Building Regulations Approved Document L2
– Conservation of fuel and power in buildings
other than dwellings, 2002.
• BS EN ISO 10077-1: 2000 Thermal performance
of windows, doors and shutters. Calculation of
thermal transmittance. Simplified method. BSI.
• BS EN ISO 10077-2: 2003 Thermal performance
of windows, doors and shutters. Calculation of
thermal transmittance. Numerical method for
frames. BSI.

Other documents referred to:

• DCSF Building Bulletin 80 – Science
Accommodation in Secondary Schools:
A Design Guide, 2004. The Stationery Office.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 81 – Design and
Technology Accommodation in Schools:
A Design Guide, 2004. The Stationery Office.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 86 – Music
Accommodation in Secondary Schools, 1997.
The Stationery Office.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 88 – Fume Cupboards
in Schools, 1998. The Stationery Office.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 89 – Art
Accommodation in Secondary Schools, 1998.
The Stationery Office.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 92 – Modern Foreign
Languages Accommodation: A Design Guide,
2000. The Stationery Office.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 95 – Schools for the
Future, 2002. The Stationery Office.
• DCSF Building Bulletin 98 – Briefing
Framework for Secondary School Projects,
2004. The Stationery Office.
• The design and protection of new school
buildings and sites, 2005. Zurich Municipal.

52 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

Supplementary acknowledgments
Alex Reiche, Aedas
Graham Shirville, Allgood (GAI)
Paul Heatherington, Alumasc
Pauline Richardson, Assa Abloy UK
Robin Hall (BRE)
Sam Greenwood, BRE Global
Anna Surgenor, BRE Global (BREEAM)
Paul Duggan, Bodycote Warrington APT (GAI)
John Hedgecock, BWF
Graham Hulland, Dorma UK (GAI)
Bob Page, Cambridgeshire County Council
Tony Fitzpatrick, Doors and Hardware
Timothy Robinson, EC Harris
Norman England, Highfield Consultancy
Mark Tailby, IR Martin Roberts
Ian Purkis, Jeld-Wen
Jacky Sinclair, JRS Consultancy (GAI)
Ray Anning, LS Group
Kevin Ross, LS Group
David Paxton, Premdor
Nicholas Gibb, Willmott Dixon
Ian Stewart, Yannedis (GAI)

Internal doorsets in schools 53

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