3 2SociologyofSociFinalProj

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Rakim Moore

SOC- 213: Sociology of Social Problems

Southern New Hampshire University

Instructor Labarre


5-2 Final Project Milestone One: Department of Health and Human Services: Identifying the Problem

Disability could be considered to be the result of interactions between health conditions, and personal and

environmental factors (WHO,2001). Disability is a biological and social construct as the result of interactions between

social constructions. Disability occurs at the types of levels of function, such as limitations of activity body function,

structure in restrictions, and participation. Individuals are sometimes times easy to identify either being blind with a

walking stick or a dog wheelchair and some physical appearances. ( TICFDH, WHO,2001). Individuals with

disabilities have a lot of barriers when accessing services like educational care that the individuals understand the

possible rehabilitation transport Social Security benefits in employment. (WHO,2001). A lot of these types of barriers

must include the individuals within the educational understanding of differences, policies, cooperation, lack of services,

lack of service provisions, not as much funding, lack of accessibility, lack of communication, lack of service,

inappropriate form, mats of technology that affect these individuals with disabilities locally in globally (WHO,2001).

The social economic outcomes ( poorer health than the general population), low, educational achievement, higher rates

of poverty than people without disability, and increased dependencies restricted participation, provision of adequate and

sustainable funding and improved affordability, and adoption of a national disability strategy for a plan of action,

improve data collection strategy and the other types of interventions that could be effective is to increase public

awareness. These options will help improve the understanding of disabilities, and improve the Human Resources

capacity professionally training both never and older heath professionals (WHO, ISPO, USAID, 2008; WHO,

UNESCO, ILO, 2010; WHO, 2012: WHO, UNICEF, 2012).

Cultural Awareness and Disability, humans control contingencies of punishment, and reinforcement that affect

behaviors, learned reinforcement, and punishers of a group of people. Culture may be further defined as “the

extent to which a group of individuals engages in overt and verbal behavior reflecting shared behavioral

learning histories, serving to differentiate the group from other groups, and predicting how individuals

within the group act (Sugai, G., et al ., 2012). The particular stimuli and response classes that occur

include socioeconomic class, age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, nationality, and

geographic context (Sugai, G., et al ., 2012). Being culturally aware could increase the probability that

behavior analysts will encounter behaviors that are socially acceptable to participants from diverse

backgrounds. These types of behaviors include the best selection of culturally appropriate treatment

options (Rispoli, M., et al., 2011). When developing cultural awareness of Clients assessments can help

analysts learn more about the client by obtaining and learning more information about their client’s

cultural background. Culturally aware assessment may also allow behavior analysts to identify any

potential cultural barriers such as modalities of communication and expression of emotions (Garcia, J., et

al., 2003). behavior analysts should reflect on the spoken and written language he or she uses and how it

will be perceived by the client. Professionals should be careful with which type of jargon is used and

avoid complex or excessive language or behavior to eliminate any confusion or misunderstandings for the

client. It is always important to communicate throughout assessments and treatments being able to be

culturally aware, and easily understood, and specific terms used cannot be used as inappropriate or

confusing (Rolider, A., et al., 2005).

Compare and contrast in the disability field have different models (medical model, function model, and

the social model), A medical model describes the consequence of a health condition or a type of disease

that has led up to the disability that was caused by trauma, the medical model also explains the disability

that is a disrupting function in a psychological or cognitive type of way (Zaks, Z.,2023). The functional

model describes disability caused by cognitive, physical, or medical deficits, this model explains the

ability to perform functional activities (Griffen, A., 2023). The social model gives details about
individuals’ activities being limited by the environment and not by the impaired conditions that cause

consequences due to the lack of social organization (Griffen, A.,2023).

Research and synthesis of information Data analysis for disabilities is used for data analysis collecting,

analyzing, interpretation, research, and synthesis of several types. These sources that collect and see data

use the results to understand diverse types of issues between different barriers to get better results by

creating policies, laws, and much more (Berghis, M et al., 2016).

Critical Thinking Skills for Disabilities can be developed by teaching this group of individuals principles

of scientific knowledge and reasoning teachers and students in a learning environment due to the dialogue

used between the two ( Leeshowitz, B, et al., 1993).

Problem analysis and problem-solving for individuals with disabilities can be quite effective for word-

problem solving, peer interaction, and intrusive intervention could have positive effects (Kong, J., et al.,


Communication must be effective due to this necessary issue about ensuring the quality of healthcare

corporations, this is a mandatory requirement under the ADA (Agaronnik, N., et al., 2019).

Working independently with individuals that have deemed disabilities have a historically short lifespan

out of 62% of young adults have some form of disability (AIHW, 2011). significant developments in

medical interventions, young adults with physical disability are now living late into their 20's and 30's

(Binks, J., et al., 2007).

The profound impact that disability has on the worldwide economy, communities and individuals) is

caused by societal barriers that can cease or limit healthcare services, employment. And access to

education. Without social participation with individuals with disabilities continues to increase the

widespread social exclusions, a great loss and reduction to the quality of life and economic disadvantages
(ADA,2021). Disability is a mental or physical impairment that can limit one or more activities that life

requires?ADA.Gov., 2020). Disabilities fall into one of six categories fr reasons like cognitive, mobility,

visual, hearing (NCBDD, CDC, 2021).

The local impact that disability has on our society today is that there will always be a continued

challenging experience and aspects for these people's lives, like negative stereotypes seen from a lot of

new media platforms, and societal issues, can contribute to the social isolation that excludes individuals

with disabilities, unconscious biases, higher poverty rates due to the decrease in employment and higher

social security disability payouts, increased government assistance, along with, financial and cognitive

challenges. A study was conducted from an unspecified amount of people who exhibited unconscious bias

toward disabled people that are considered unfavorable compared to favor-abled people over people with

disabilities (Harder, J., et al., 2019).

The global impact that disabilities has increased due to the conceptualization from a medical to a social

perspective on disabilities that has led to a higher level of relevance that has prompted the involvement of

of international organizations. From a meprespective that can clearly understand the disabilities

limitations to the perception of limitations imposed by society, due to the acknowledgment of disability as

a global social policy issue as a global organizational field (Abbot, K., et Al., 2016). The concept of

global governance underlines the influence of non-state actor that have ansinterplay with” state actors”

that are in relation to a specific policy globally (Rosenau, J., 1995). There are many diverse actors in the

organizational field who are seen as interdependent, which means that these organizations build networks

to form alliances and disseminate information in order to strengthen their positions (Adam, S., Hanspeter,

K.,2007). Political influence has shaped agendas pertaining to specific topics (Barnett, M., et al.,1999).

There is policy is a traditional principle agent model that that contains international regimes as agents for

predefined issues issues that may be outdated for social policies which then makes it the role of IOs to

continue investigations to better the disabled populations that consider two types of approaches the

“intrinsic, the organizational environment” (Abbott, K., et al., 2016).

The similarities between global and locally affected by disabilities is social shared causes like poverty,

inequality, unequal distribution of funding, educational issues, medical issues and stereotyping. Trends

that are being influenced by media can also be a global factor because it can cause harmful trends aimed

at those who are disabled. Trading is usually has no discrimination when trading between countries.

Some things that are not alike between global and local disability locally is just because one is disabled

does not mean that everyone shares the same disability. There are some countries that do not have

availability resources for their disability such as health care, education, work.

As a solution I think that making disabilities globally knowledgable could possible help bring global

awareness with social problems and the must be addressed and exercised because this is a serious issue

that could escalate a lot more deaths, unawareness and even more services need to be created much more

often as well.


Abbott, Kenneth W., Jessica F. Green, and Robert O. Keohane. 2016. "Organizational Ecology and
Institutional Change in Global Governance." International Organization 70
(2): 247-277.

Adam, Silke, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2007.

"The Network Approach." In Theories of the Policy Process, edited by Paul A. Sabatier. 2nd ed., 189-
220. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Agaronnik N, Campbell EG, Ressalam J, Iezzoni LI. Communicating with Patients with Disability:

Perspectives of Practicing Physicians. J Gen Intern Med. 2019 Jul;34(7):1139-1145. doi: 10.1007/s11606-

019-04911-0. Epub 2019 Mar 18. PMID: 30887435; PMCID: PMC6614249

AIHW. 2011. Health Expenditure Australia 2009-2010

Barnett, Michael N., and Martha Finnemore.

1999. "The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations." International Organization
53 (4): 699-732.

Berghs M, Atkin K, Graham H, et al. Implications for public health research of models and theories of

disability: a scoping study and evidence synthesis. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Jul.

(Public Health Research, No. 4.8.) Available from:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK378941/#doi: 10.3310/phr04080

Binks J.A., Barden W.S., Burke T.A., Young N.L. What do we know about the transition to adult-centered

health care? A focus on cerebral palsy and spina bifida. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2007;88(8):1064–


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, United Nations, 2006.

Disability Impacts All of Us," National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, CDC,
accessed August 25, 2021,

Jenna Harder, Victor Keller, and William Chopik, "Demographic, Experiential, and Temporal Variation
in Ableism," Journal of Social Issues 75, no. 3 (July 2019): 683-706,

Rosenau, James N. 1995. "Governance in the Twenty-First Century." Global Governance 1 (1):13-43.

WHO, ISPO, USAID. Guidelines on the provision of manual wheelchairs in less-resourced settings,

Geneva, World Health Organization, 2008.

Kong, J. E., Yan, C., Serceki, A., & Swanson, H. L. (2021). Word-Problem-Solving Interventions for

Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities: A Selective Meta-Analysis of the Literature. Learning

Disability Quarterly, 44(4), 248-260. https://doi.org/10.1177/0731948721994843

WHO, UNESCO, ILO. International Disability and Development Consortium. Community-based


CBR guidelines. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2010.

WHO QualityRights tool kit: assessing and improving quality and human rights in mental health and

social care facilities. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2012.

S WHO, UNICEF. Early childhood development and disability: discussion paper. Geneva, World Health

Organization, 2012.

Zaks, Z. (2023). Changing the medical model of disability to the normalization model of disability:
clarifying the past to create a new future direction. Disability & Society,1-28.

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