Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Cleaner Production
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The purpose of the current review is to give an insight into various Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) techniques
Received 30 September 2019 in pavement engineering. The idea is to provide a comprehensive overview of this technology that may
Received in revised form serve as a basis for engineers and practitioners to structure the entire processes, associated with the
21 April 2020
design and construction of roads, under healthier and safety-oriented working conditions while
Accepted 7 May 2020
Available online 18 May 2020
following an environmentally friendly conscious approach. This manuscript provides an up-to-date re-
view of WMA technologies. The paper also presents and compares several studies on the most common
Handling Editor: Prof. Jiri Jaromir Klemes additives, mix design and environmental benefits of this production method. Also, this review discusses
the improvement in physical, mechanical properties and durability of pavement designed with WMA
Keywords: mixtures.
Warm mix asphalt © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Asphalt mixture
Environmental benefits
Hot mix asphalt (HMA)
Recycled materials
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Warm mix asphalt additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1. Organic additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2. Chemical additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3. Foaming technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Performance of warm mix asphalt technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1. Mechanical performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2. Performance of WMA with recycled materials and industrial by-products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4. Benefits and drawbacks of warm mix asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.1. Environmental and economic benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2. Drawbacks of warm mix asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128
Fig. 1. a) Number of documents by country, b) the number of documents by year, and c) types of documents.
Waxes decrease the viscosity of the mix at temperatures above (Vaitkus et al., 2016). Table 2 reports on the use of WMA mixture in
their melting point and increase the stiffness by solidifying into different countries (Button et al., 2007; Sasol, 2008; Goh and You,
microscopically small and uniformly distributed particles when the 2009; NCAT, 2012; Jamshidi et al., 2013). In a similar investiga-
mixture cools down. Commonly used waxes for this purpose are tion, two additives (paraffin wax 56 and Sasobit) were used to
Fischer Tropsch waxes, Montan waxes, and fatty acid amides (Rubio evaluate the effects of WMA on fatigue (Leng et al., 2017; Yu et al.,
et al., 2012; Ji et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the selected type and 2018). In these studies, a reference WMA sample containing 3 wt%
amount of wax has to be adjusted to in-service temperatures of the Sasobit and 1.5 wt% paraffin wax in asphalt rubber binder was
asphalt mixture to ensure satisfying mechanical behavior. If the in- developed. The results indicated that both WMA organic additives
service temperatures are exceeding the melting point of the used improved workability and fatigue resistance. It should be noted
wax, satisfactory mechanical behavior can no longer be guaranteed that the incorporation of Sasobit to produce WMA binder over a
(Silva et al., 2010). In recent research, the feasibility of using certain amount may potentially compromise the resistance to low-
carnauba wax (a plant wax) is examined as a WMA additive (Feitosa temperature performance (You et al. 2011b).
et al. 2016). With the carnauba wax modification of the used binder,
compaction and mixing temperatures could be reduced by 2.2. Chemical additives
25e35 C. Fig. 4 presents the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
micrographs for wax-based WMA particles distributed in the Research on the use of a different additive group on WMA was
asphalt matrix. recently proposed by Sharma et al. (2019). In this study, the use of
Several studies reported on the use of Sasobit® (an organic an anti-stripping chemical additive (Zycotherm), an emulsion-
warm binder additive) in the production of WMA (Middleton and based chemical additive (Evotherm), and an organic wax additive
Forfylow, 2009; Vaitkus et al. 2016). The results confirmed that (Sasobit) were investigated for producing Warm Mix Asphalt. It was
Sasobit can reduce viscosity compared to conventional mixing and observed that though Zycotherm™ performed best in terms of
compaction temperatures (Sadeq et al., 2016). Other studies moisture susceptibility, the best overall performance Index
confirmed that Sasobit improves the stability of asphalt mixtures considering, air voids and Marshall stability was shown by Sasobit.
4 G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128
In contrast to organic additives, chemical additives do not rely In a different research, it was demonstrated that the use of
on viscosity reduction to achieve lower mixing and compaction Evotherm in WMA may lead to lower resilient modulus and tensile
temperatures (Rubio et al., 2012). Chemical additives can be used to strength (Omranian et al. 2018). In a study by Lakshmi Roja et al.
achieve different goals, such as serving as emulsifying agents or (2018), characteristics and properties of WMA with Evotherm and
adhesion promoters. The combination with surfactants, polymers Sasobit were investigated. The results illustrated that apparent
or different additives can result in improved coating properties, viscosity of binder was considerably reduced in association with a
better mixture workability, and more effective compaction at lower change in the crossover frequency of the binder. Also, another
temperatures. The temperature reduction gained by the use of research is carried out that it showed that WMA chemical additives
chemical additives depends on the selected products. Additionally, could improve the mechanical properties of asphalt rubber binder
the amount of the specific additive is highly influential for the and mixture (Yu et al. 2018). The additives (Evotherm-DAT and
desired temperature reduction. Zycotherm™ investigated to Evotherm-3G) were used to evaluate the warm mix asphalt effect
enhance the properties of WMA asphalt materials (Khani Sanij on the mechanical resistance of binder. They developed a base
et al., 2019); the results indicated that 0.15% wt of Zycotherm™ WMA sample containing 5 wt% Evotherm-DAT and 0.5 wt%
(as a reducer of the hardness of asphalt binder) improved resilient Evotherm-3G in asphalt rubber binder. Both WMA chemical addi-
modulus, creep, and moisture susceptibility. Furthermore, the tives improved fatigue and moisture damage resistance and
addition of Zycotherm™ improved rotational viscosity and workability.
increased ductility in comparison with the base binder. Fig. 5 pre- The use of chemical additives has been well-recognized of being
sents the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) micrographs for able to reduce compaction and production temperatures of asphalt
zycotherm™. mixture (Pereira et al., 2018). The combination of chemical
G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128 5
Table 1
Characteristics type of additive or technology used in warm mix asphalt (D’Angelo et al., 2008a, 2008b; Bueche, 2009; Zaumanis, 2010; Rubio et al., 2012).
Table 2
Characteristics of WMA pavement constructed in different countries.
Country Location Purpose Area (m2) Additive (%) Binder type Mix type
Russia Gelendyhik Runway and Taxiway 200,000 Sasobit 3% Pen 60/90 AC 0/85
USA Franklin, TN Road e Advera 0.5% PG 70-22 e
Norway Svalbard Runway and Taxiway 170,000 Sasobit 3% Pen 490 AC 0/11
China Trial Road Jiangsu Road 30,000 Sasobit 3% AH 70 SMA
USA Silverthorne, Co Road e Advera, Sasobit, PG 58-28 e
Evotherm DAT
Austria Linz Runway 50,000 Sasobit 3% PMB 60/90 AC 0/16
Germany Frankfurt Runway 250,000 Sasobit 4% PMB 45 SMA 0/11 S
Malaysia NS Expressway Road 40,000 Sasobit 3% SMB 35 SMA
USA Graham, TX Road e Astec DBG PG 64-22 e
Slovenia Spodnjibrik Road 1800 Sasobit 3% AC 50/70 BT 0/16 S
Serbia Belgrad Runway 20,000 Sasobit 3% PMB 60/90 AC 0/8
Germany Eurogate (Hamburg) Container Terminal 50,000 Sasobit 4% PMB 50/70 0/22 inch. 50% RAP
USA Walla Walla, WA Road e Maxam Aquablack PG 64-28 e
South Africa South Coast Road Road 12,000 Sasobit 3% AC 60/70 Med. Cont. Grade
Germany Airbus Terminal Runway 96,000 Sasobit 2.5% PMB 45 AC 0/11
Finkenwerder (Hamburg)
China Shandong Road 500,000 Sasobit 1% Chun Hai 36e1 þ 3% SBS AK 16
Germany Airport Berlin Shonefeld Runway 135,000 Sasobit 3% PEN 45 0/16 S
Malaysia Perak Road 35,000 Sasobit 3% PMB 45 SMA
South Africa M4 Southern Road 60,000 Sasobit 3% AC 60/70 Med. Cont. Grade
Germany Munich Apron 60,000 Sasobit 3% PMB 45 AC 0/11
Sweden Sturoman Apron and Runway 110,000 Sasobit 3% PEN 120/160 AC 0/11
Denmark M23, Oslo- Drammen Motorway 100,000 Sasobit 3% B 85 SMA 15
Sweden Umea Motorway 110,000 Sasobit 3% B 120/160 ABTS 11
Denmark M30, Rodby (Heavy traffic side) Motorway 30,000 Sasobit 2% AC 40/60 ABB
USA M95 Iron Mountain, MI Road e Sasobit 1.5% PG 58-34 5E3
USA Queens, NY Road e Cecabase, Sonneborn, PG 64-22 e
BituTech PER
China Wuxi Jiangsu Province Road 5000 Sasobit 3.5% AH 70 AK- 131
Denmark M11, Holbeak (Heavy traffic side) Motorway 15,000 Sasobit 2% AC 40/60 ABB
New Zealand Taranaki Region Road 2800 Sasobit 3% B 80/100 AC 0/10
Denmark M70, Alborg South Motorway 81,000 Sasobit 1.5% SMA 11 Ab 60
Germany A25 Hamburg Motorway 25,000 Sasobit 1.5% SMA 0/8 S 0/16S
New Zealand Taranaki Region Car park 1400 Sasobit 3% B 80/100 AC 0/10
Czech Brno Road 3000 Sasobit 3% PMB 45 SMA 0/11 S
Germany Fraport (Frankfurt) Runway 100,000 Sasobit 4% SMA 0/22 S SMA 0/11 S
Norway Drammen- Westfall Road 10,000 Sasobit 3% B 85 SMA 11 þ 15
Norway Oslo- Drammen Motorway 100,000 Sasobit 3% B 85 SMA 15
Germany Rendsburg Bridge Pavement 16,500 Sasobit 3% Olexobit 45 Gussasphalt 0/11 S
UK Cambridge Apron 3000 Sasobit 3% PMB 65 AC 0/16
Italy Piemont, Turin Road 4000 Sasobit 3% AC 50/70 AC 0/16
USA Jefferson Co, FL Road e Terex foaming PG 76-22 e
Hungry Szekesfehervar Road 3000 Sasobit 3% AC 50/70 SMA 0/11 S
Germany Veddeler Damm- Hamburg Road 5000 Sasobit 3% PEN 45 PMB 0/16 HS
Germany Hamburg Airport Runway 60,000 Sasobit 3% AC 50/70 SMA 0/11 S
Germany A1, Maschen- Harburg Motorway 25,000 Sasobit 3% SMA 0/5 Caribit 45
China Guangdong Province Road 4500 Sasobit 3% AH 70 þ 1.5% SBR AK 16A
Germany B 83, Bad Eilsen (A- Road) Road 25,000 Sasobit 3% SMA 0/5 Caribit 45
Denmark Asrhus Road 22,000 Sasobit 3% SMA 0/8 AC 50/70
France Misc. streets Road 20,000 Sasobit 3% Gussasphalt AC 30/50
Netherland Docking Station Schoitema, Road 15,000 Sasobit 2% Gussasphalt AC 30/50
China Guangdong Province Road 20,000 Sasobit 3% AH 70 þ 1.5% SBR AK 131
USA Baker, MT Road e Evotherm DAT PG 64-28 e
Germany Neuhofer Street (Hamburg) Waste disposal side 80,000 Sasobit 4% AC 50/70 SMA 0/11
Malaysia Seremban Road 8500 Sasobit 4% AC 80/100 ACW 20
USA Munster, IN Road e Evotherm, Gencor foam, PG 64-22 e
Heritage wax
South Africa Jean Avenue Road 2700 Sasobit 3% AC 80/100 SMA
when compared to the WMA suggesting a consistent impact of the Further, the performance of 16 different foaming WMA technolo-
selected technology on the behavior of asphalt mixture. gies was compared with the current HMA pavement (Wu et al.,
In a series of experimental research, the rheological property of 2019). Slightly higher in-place air voids and wheel-longitudinal
water-foamed asphalt binder was analyzed using the cup-and-bob cracking were observed in foamed mixtures. In case of resistance
test (You et al., 2018a, 2018b). The apparent viscosity and agitation on transverse cracking and rutting, reasonable (and/or comparable)
torque dramatically decreased as water content increased, when performances were exhibited. Moreover, the influence of foaming
the maximum water content was 3.0%. Also, the performance of technology has observed on asphalt binder by performing strain
water-foamed asphalt mixtures under freeze-thaw conditions was sweep, frequency sweep, and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spec-
studied. The freeze-thaw cycles weakened the internal structure, troscopy (FTIR) tests (Liu et al., 2019). As a result, similar rheological
resulting in increased porosity and decreased cohesive strength. properties (including viscoelastic characteristics) were found in the
G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128 7
Fig. 5. SEM image of the modified asphalt binder containing Zycotherm™ at different magnification (Khani Sanij et al., 2019) With permission from Elsevier.
Fig. 6. SEM images of the Zeolite A and Zeolite HS for application in WMA (Zhang et al. 2018) With permission from Elsevier.
foamed asphalt binder compared to the conventional one. In this that type of RAP binder, aging condition, which was a function of
field, the dynamic response of the foamed WMA mixture was foaming technique, and production temperature may highly affect
evaluated with considerations of the impact of the cold climate in the material behavior.
China (Hou et al., 2019). In most cases, Foamed WMA presented
similar performance compared to conventional asphalt mixture 3. Performance of warm mix asphalt technologies
however, aggregate gradation, testing temperature, and frequency
dependency were found to partially influence the behavior of the 3.1. Mechanical performance
WMA material. The authors reported that given this peculiar de-
pendency, specific mix design for foamed WMA is highly recom- Many investigations support the idea that the characteristics
mended for better performance. Attempt in developing a new and the performance of WMA are equivalent to the traditional
asphalt foaming protocol using sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was asphalt mixtures and, in some cases, superior, such as for aging and
investigated by Hasan and co-workers (2017; 2019c). Rotational low temperatures properties (EAPA, 2014; Hofko et al., 2017;
Viscosity (RV) and Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) were selected Diefenderfer, 2018; Wang et al., 2018a,b, 2019). In a 2017 NAPA
to address the mechanical performance of newly developed report (NAPA, 2018). It is pointed out that approximately 39% of
foamed asphalt binder. It was found that NaHCO3 tends to increase asphalt pavement mixtures were produced as WMA, which im-
viscosity, expansion ratio and rutting resistance of foamed asphalt proves compaction, decreases air emissions, and reduces energy
binder while lowering its volatile loss. Besides, the potential use of demands at cooler temperatures. Bonaquist (2011) developed a
ethanol, ethanol-NaHCO3, methanol in foaming WMA had been modified model of Warm Mix Asphalt called WMA design pro-
discussed in recent studies from You’s research group (Hasan et al. cedure and concluded that properties similar to those of HMA could
2018, 2019; 2019a; You et al. 2017). Among studied foamed WMA be achieved by suitable design methods of WMA (NCHRP, 2017).
mixtures, the combinations of ethanol with 1% NaHCO3 exhibited Recently, studies about mechanical properties and performance
optimal mixture performance. Also, the effect of the foaming had shown that WMA had acceptable reliability in terms of fatigue
technique and the mixing temperature was investigated on the cracking (Wu et al., 2019), tensile strengths (Sanchez et al., 2017),
rheological characteristics of foamed RAP mixtures using Dynamic rutting and deformation resistance (Topal et al., 2017; Sadeq et al.,
Mechanical Analysis (DMA) (Sa nchez et al., 2019). Results indicate 2018a,b), moisture sensitivity (Khani Sanij et al., 2019), degree of
8 G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128
compaction (Kamarudin et al., 2018), and rheological and long- resistance and WMA deformation characteristics were also
term performance (Zaman et al., 2019). The studies evaluating improved by the addition of warm mix additives. In a similar
WMA performance with different types of additives are summa- investigation, two additives (Sylvaroad and Evotherm) were used
rized in Table 3. Tables 4 and 5 present mechanical performance to evaluate the effects of WMA and RAP on material performance
(moisture resistant, rutting and fatigue properties) for some WMA (Lu et al., 2019). A reference WMA sample containing 2.0% Syl-
studies. varoad and 0.5% Evotherm was initially prepared. Then, different
percentages of RAP (25e70%) were added to the reference sample
3.2. Performance of WMA with recycled materials and industrial and the mechanical properties investigated (AASHTO T49, 2015;
by-products DIN EN 1426, 2007). In another work, the effect of different types
of WMA additives on the performance of recycled asphalt pave-
According to European Union Waste Framework Directive ment has been investigated (Tao and Mallick, 2009). Two additives
(2008/98/EC), a recycling target of 70% for nonhazardous demoli- were used: Sasobit (1.5e5.0%), Advera zeolite (0.3e0.7%). The re-
tion waste and construction (including asphalt waste) should be sults supported the idea that the RAP and the additives help to
achieved by 2020 (Miliutenko et al. 2013). The warm mix asphalt lower the viscosity of the asphalt mixtures. In a different research,
technologies allow the implementation of higher proportions of it was demonstrated that the Sasobit (as a WMA additive), can
recycled materials (D’Angelo et al., 2008a). Several investigations improve rutting resistance (Moghadas Nejad et al., 2014). How-
have been recently performed on this subject (Buss et al., 2015; ever, an amount of RAP beyond 50% increased moisture suscep-
Dinis-Almeida et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2016; Sengoz et al., 2017; Xiao tibility of WMA mixtures. In a different study (Goh and You, 2011),
et al., 2016). A summary of different WMA investigations with RAP the mechanical properties of porous asphalt mixtures with 15%
materials in recent years is reported in Table 3 (Hettiarachchi et al., RAP and 0.25% Advera additive, were evaluated. The mixtures
2019). with Advera additive required lower compaction energy than the
The environmental impact was examined by using a high control mixture (HMA). Also, the addition of the Advera reduced
amount of RAP (Aurangzeb et al., 2014). The results indicated that the dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures.
carbon dioxide gas emissions and energy consumption can be In a study by Dinis-Almeida et al. (2016), the characteristics and
reduced when incorporating recycled asphalt pavement in the properties of WMA with 100% RAP were addressed. The warm mix
production of the asphalt mixture. Other researchers proved that asphalt in this investigation was produced by adding asphalt
using WMA technologies with RAP reduces the environmental emulsion (a small percentage) at ambient temperature to the
impacts by decreasing emissions of CO2 while demanding less heated RAP (100e140 C). In the recent past, Mogawer et al. (2011)
virgin material. (O’Sullivan and Wall, 2009; Mallick et al. 2008). A used 35% RAP and 5% RAS in Warm Mix Asphalt. They conducted
research effort on the use of different percentages of RAP with Asphalt Concrete Cracking Device (ACCD) tests, overlay tests, and
WMA mixtures was recently proposed by Sengoz et al. (2017). In the Hamburg Wheel-Tracking tests on several mixtures. The
this research, the application of Warm Mix Asphalt additives such experimental results suggested that WMA and RAP mixtures pre-
as natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite), synthetic zeolite (Advera), sent better mechanical properties and higher stiffness and rutting
Rediset WMX and, Sasobit was investigated. Fatigue performance resistance. The combination of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) and
tests and Marshall stability showed the asphalt mixtures were WMA was addressed in recent research work by Buss et al. (2014). It
considerably improved by warm mix additives in combination was found that WMA and RAP mixtures present higher stiffness,
with RAP (Sengoz et al., 2017; AASHTO T245, 2015; DIN EN better moisture susceptibility and rutting resistance at high tem-
12697e34, 2012; Cannone Falchetto et al., 2018). Rutting peratures (37 C).
Table 3
Reported type of additive used in WMA and their behavior.
Crumb rubber Improve fatigue resistance, resistance against permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures Fakhri and Azami (2017).
Yang et al. (2017)
Nanoclay Positive effect as an anti-stripping agent Abdullah et al. (2016a)
Improve fatigue performance and tensile strength
Steel wool fiber Improve microwave heating performance Gao et al. (2019)
Emulsions Improve tensile strength pez et al. (2019)
Reduce moisture damage
Silica fume and slag Decrease binder viscosity Tang et al. (2018)
Reduce mixing temperature
Graphene oxide Reduce resilient modulus, creep and moisture susceptibility Liu et al. (2018)
Glass Reduce resilient modulus, creep and moisture susceptibility Khani Sanij et al. (2019)
Furnace slag Improve fatigue resistance and stiffness modulus Martinho et al. (2018)
Jute fibers Improve fracture resistance Mansourian et al. (2016)
Nano-sized Hydrated Lime Improve creep behavior Diab and You (2014)
Hydrated Lime Improve moisture susceptibility Hasan et al. (2015)
Nanoclay Increase resistance to fatigue Abdullah et al. (2013)
Mesoporous silica Improve rutting and moisture susceptibility resistance Woszuk et al. (2018)
Steel slags Improve fatigue resistance and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures Pasetto et al. (2017)
Glass fiber Improve rutting and moisture susceptibility resistance Fakhri and Hosseini (2017)
Polyphosphoric acid Improve high temperature rheological properties and moisture susceptibility Liu et al. (2016)
Nano hydrated lime Increase ITS and TSR Cheng et al. (2011)
Titanium Dioxide Improve physical properties Hassan et al. (2011)
Improved NOx removal efficiency of the surface coating
Fly ash Improve rheological and thermal properties Woszuk et al. (2018)
Nanoclay Reduce up to 50% of the pollutants emitted during mixing process Abdullah et al. (2016b)
Enhance resistance to rutting.
G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128 9
Table 4
Summary of the WMA works reported for rutting and fatigue properties.
WMA Additive Standard method of Temperature in In comparison with Type of binder Air voids (%) References
rutting/fatigue test rutting/fatigue control mixtures
test ( C)
Rut depth Fatigue cycles
Chemical Zycotherm BS 589e110/four point 50/25 Increased Increased PG 64-22 4 Mansourkhaki and Aghasi (2019)
beam fatigue test
Evotherm 3G AG:PT/T231/AG:PT/T233 20 Decreased Decreased N/A 6.5 Lu et al. (2019)
Evotherm AASHTO TP 63e03/0.1s 64/7 Decreased Unchanged PG 64-22 7 Zhao et al. (2013)
loading, no rest period
Cecabase RT AASHTO TP 63e03/four 58/20 Decreased Decrease PG 58-34 7 Shu et al. (2012)
point beam fatigue test
Cecabase EN 12697e22/four point 50/20 Decreased Increased 50/70 4 Oliveira et al. (2012)
beam fatigue test
Cecabase RT AASHTO TP 63e03/four 58/20 Increased Decreased PG 58-34 7 Elie and Edward
point beam fatigue test
Densicryl AASHTO TP 63 60 Decreased N/A PG 64-16 4 Baek et al. (2018)
Evotherm AASHTO T324 50 Decreased N/A 70e28 6 Syed et al. (2019)
Zycotherm BS 589-110 50 Decreased N/A 60/70 4 Ziari et al. (2018)
Cecabase AASHTO T324 50 Decreased N/A 70e28 6.7 Syed et al. (2019)
Organic SMRA AASHTO TP 63 60 Increased N/A PG 64-16 4 Baek et al. (2018)
LEADCAP-c64 AASHTO TP 63 60 Decreased N/A PG 64-16 4 Baek et al. (2018)
Rheofalt BS 589-110 50 Decreased N/A 60/70 4 Ziari et al. (2018)
Sasobit AASHTO T324/four 50/20 Decreased Decreased PG 64-22 7 Diefenderfer and Hearon (2008)
point beam fatigue test
Sasobit AASHTO TP 63 60 Decreased N/A PG 64-16 4 Baek et al. (2018)
Sasobit BS 589-110 50 Decreased N/A 60/70 4 Ziari et al. (2018)
PBSW AASHTO TP 63 60 Decreased N/A PG 64-16 4 Baek et al. (2018)
Foaming Advera AASHTO T324/four 64/21 Decreased Decreased PG 64-22 4 Ahmed et al. (2013)
point beam fatigue test
Zeolite EN 12697-22 60 Decreased N/A 50/70 4 Topal et al. (2017)
WMA Foam AASHTO T324 64 Increased N/A PG 64-22 7 Rahman et al. (2018)
Zeolite EN 12697-22 60 Decreased N/A PG 70-XX 4 Topal et al. (2017)
Terex Foaming AASHTO T324 50 Decreased N/A 70e28 5.7 Syed et al. (2019)
In recent research, the effect of combining epoxy and Sasobit amount, as well as the selected binder used (Moon et al., 2014; Buss
was evaluated on the mechanical response of epoxy asphalt rub- et al., 2015; Westerhoff et al., 2018).
ber (Gong et al. 2019). The authors found that Sasobit improved
the material properties such as glass transition temperature, 4. Benefits and drawbacks of warm mix asphalt
phase-separated morphology, and rotational viscosity perfor-
mance of the epoxy asphalt rubber at lower WMA additive con- 4.1. Environmental and economic benefits
centration. Also, the moisture damage of warm mix asphalt and
steel slag mixtures based on Fracture Energy Ratio, Tensile Over the last few years, several studies evaluated the economic
Strength Ratio, Resilient Modulus Ratio, and Marshall Stability and environmental benefits of WMA technologies (Nabizadeh et al.,
Ratio were investigated (Hesami et al. 2015). The experimental 2017; Rodríguez-Alloza and Gallego, 2017; Khedmati et al. 2017;
results suggested that Warm Mix Asphalt with steel slag aggregate Amelian et al. 2018). WMA has been proven to result in consider-
has better resistance to moisture damage. In recent research, able emission reduction and energy saving (Almeida-Costa and
mechanical performance special WMA was reported that WMA Benta, 2016; Yang et al. 2019). Also, an improvement of the work-
designed with slags of electric arc furnace and recycled concrete ing, safety and health conditions for personnel and workers in the
(Martinho et al. 2018). According to their observation, electric arc construction site was observed (Hurley and Prowell, 2005a, 2005b).
furnace slag or recycled concrete aggregate in combination with Hence, the carbon dioxide emission of WMA is evaluated by
WMA technology improved Marshall stability. In another inves- (Mallick and Bergendahl, 2009). They found that temperature is the
tigation, the effect of incorporating electric arc furnace steel slag only statistically significant factor affecting emissions. According to
aggregates and reclaimed asphalt pavement in the mix design of their results, lowering the production temperature of the asphalt
WMA was addressed. RAP and steel slag lead to higher resilient mixture is the most effective way to decrease the emission of car-
modulus and improve the number of cycles in both indirect tensile bon dioxide during pavement construction and asphalt mix
fatigue and dynamic creep tests at all temperatures (Fakhri and production.
Ahmadi, 2017). The statistical data shows energy costs can be reduced by about
Overall, the combination of warm mix asphalt with recycled 12e14% when using warm mix technology (Mohammad et al.
materials and industrial by-products appears to be a reasonable 2014). Gas emissions are also significantly limited (50% volatile
approach to reducing CO2 emission and improving the mechanical organic compounds, 35% SO2, 30e40% CO2, 60e70% NOx, 10e30%
properties of mixtures. Nevertheless, it must be mentioned that in CO and 20e25% in emissions of dust) when WMA is adopted in
some research efforts (Dinis-Almeida and Afonso, 2015; Monu place of conventional HMA (Prowell, 2007; D’Angelo et al., 2008a),
et al., 2019) the response to fatigue and moisture susceptibility ultimately reducing the energy demand during the manufacturing
may be in part adversely affected. For each warm mix asphalt process (Silva et al., 2009; Oliveira et al., 2013). Further, WMA
technology, there have to be specific studies on recycled materials plants can be located near to urban areas due to the reduced
that can be incorporated, since significant differences may be emissions of greenhouse gases (Capita ~o et al. 2012). Moreover, this
experienced depending on the recycled materials, additives technology can provide benefits also during the compaction phase
10 G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128
Table 5
Summary of the WMA works reported for moisture resistant properties.
WMA Additive Standard Tensile Indirect tensile Aggregate type Additive materials References
method of test strength strength (%)
ratio (%)
Wet Dry
Chemical Zycotherm AASHTO T283 12.7 14.2 11.7 Limestone Anti-stripping agents Ameri et al. (2018)
Evotherm 3G AASHTO T283 40 54 13.5 N/A RAP Lu et al. (2019)
Evotherm AASHTO T283 16 21.6 0.2 N/A RAP MeadWestvaco (2009)
Zycotherm AASHTO T283 7.5 3.7 4.8 Siliceous N/A Mansourkhaki and Aghasi (2019)
Zycotherm AASHTO T283 12 N/A N/A Limestone Sulfur pellets/antistripping agents Shafabakhsh et al. (2015)
Cecabase EN 12697-12 2.4 4 3.8 Granite RAP Oliveira et al. (2012)
Evotherm AASHTO T283 6.7 1.2 6.3 Schist Hydrated lime Cheng et al. (2011)
Zycotherm AASHTO T283 15 N/A N/A Granite Modified sulfur pellets Shafabakhsh et al. (2015)
Cecabase RT AASHTO T283 3.2 12 23 N/A RAP Goh et al. (2013)
Zycotherm AASHTO T283 1.26 10 4 Granite N/A Hasan et al. (2017)
Zycotherm AASHTO T283 12 6.8 6 Limestone N/A Ziari et al. (2018)
Sasobit ASTM D4867 2 14.6 15.1 N/A N/A Baek et al. (2018)
Organic Sasobit AASHTO T283 N/A 15.9 7 Limestone N/A Habal and Singh (2019)
Sasobit ASTM D 4867 68.5 7 79.4 Granite Crumb rubber modified binder Hurley and Prowell (2006)
SMRA ASTM D4867 4.5 7.9 11.7 N/A N/A Baek et al. (2018)
Sasobit AASHTO T283 7 16 9.6 Limestone N/A Ziari et al. (2018)
Rheofalt AASHTO T283 10 15 5.6 Limestone N/A Ziari et al. (2018)
PBSW ASTM D4867 17.2 8.3 9.1 N/A N/A Baek et al. (2018)
Sasobit AASHTO T283 13.3 3.5 15.4 Siliceous N/A Fakhri et al. (2013)
Sasobit AASHTO T283 N/A 9.7 14.6 Granite N/A Habal and Singh (2019)
Sasobit ASTM D 4867 7 N/A N/A Granite RAP Moghadas Nejad et al. (2014)
Sasobit AASHTO T283 13.3 30 19 Basalt RAP Sengoz et al. (2013)
Foaming Advera AASHTO T283 N/A 34 30.3 Limestone N/A Habal and Singh (2019)
Asphamin AASHTO T283 1.2 6 5 Granite Crumb rubber modified binder Shivaprasad et al. (2012)
WMA Foam N/A 14.5 20 2 N/A Nano-hydrated lime Hasan & You, (2019).
Advera AASHTO T283 15 17 1.5 Granite Anti-stripping agents Hossain et al. (2012)
WMA Foam AASHTO T283 3.7 5.3 6 Limestone N/A Ali et al. (2013)
Advera AASHTO T283 N/A 15.7 28.9 Granite N/A Habal and Singh (2019)
Fig. 7. Mix type classification by energy consumption and temperature range (Fayat Group, 2017).
of the asphalt mixture while extending the construction season costs of asphalt mixture can be an eco-friendly selection (Wen et al.,
(Silva et al., 2010). Based on other researches, the low energy 2018). By comparing with Sasobit and polyethylene wax in
asphalt techniques enabled a decrement of both greenhouse gas reducing energy consumption, it was shown that the Sasobit is
emissions and energy consumption to 40% (Olard et al., 2007; Wang better than polyethylene but the cost of the blending binder with
et al., 2018a,b). Also, as a case study, the capability of polyethylene polyethylene wax was lower than of when using Sasobit. They
wax and Sasobit in energy consumption, and mixture production found that wax-based additives can efficiently decrease the
Table 6
Summary of literature based on WMA containing RAP materials (Hettiarachchi et al., 2019).
WMA technology Additive and percentage RAP % Binder grade Moisture Fatigue Rutting Workability Low High temp. Resilient Stiffness Author(s)
resistance performance Resistance/ temp. Modulus
Chemical Evotherm11% and SeI 5.3% 0, 20,30,40 AH-90 e e þ e Guo et al. (2014, 2017)
Additives Organic 3%, Chemical 15 þ Frigio et al.
0.5% Zeolite 0.3%
Waterfoam Evotherm 20, 40 PG 58e28 PG 64e22 e Cao et al. (2017)
Foaming and Evotherm 0, 20, 40 PG 64e22, PG 58e28 þ Kim et al. (2017)
Evotherm 0.5%, Rediset LQ 0, 15, 45 PG 64e22 þ þ Hill et al. (2012)
Sasobit 3.0%
Advera, Sasobit, and 15, 50 PG 58e28 e þ þ Kim et al. (2017)
Evotherm 0.5% 25e70 AC 80/100 þ e þ þ Lu and Saleh (2016a,b)
Evotherm 0.5% and RH3% 30,50 PG-64 (SBS) PG-76 þ Omranian et al. (2018)
12 G. Cheraghian et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122128
(Autelitano et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2017; Jamshidi et al. 2018). WMA
can, therefore, decrease temperature and energy consumption and
makes the pavement production more environmentally friendly.
(Shu et al., 2012; Song et al., 2018). In another investigation, Hassan
(2010) In a different research, it was demonstrated that use the
PG 64e28
PG 64e22
AC 60/80
AC 60/80
Foaming technology,
Foaming technology
Advera WMA 0.25%
Table 7
Emission reduction classified according to additive or technology used in warm mix asphalt.
Additive Sulfur Carbon Carbon Monoxide (%) Nitrogen Total Particulate Volatile Organic Compounds (%) References
Dioxide Dioxide (%) Oxides Matter (%)
(%) (%)
Table 8
Cost-benefit analysis results (Oner and Sengoz, 2015).
Organic WMA Chemical WMA Water Containing 10% RAPþChemical 20% RAPþWater 30% RAPþOrganic
Additive Additive WMA Additive Additive Containing Additive Additive
Total aggregate cost 28.59 28.59 28.59 28.59 20.01 25.73 22.87
Total asphalt binder cost 26.24 23.13 24.36 24.20 16.19 22.05 19.57
The cost of asphalt binder 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.13 0.12
transportation from the
place of delivery to
storage tank ($/ton)
The cost of asphalt 0.044*M þ0.63 0.044*Mþ0.63 0.044*Mþ0.63 0.044*Mþ0.63 0.044*Mþ0.63 0.044*Mþ0.63 0.044*M þ0.63
mixture transportation
from plant to
construction site ($/ton)
Heating of the asphalt 0.56 0.44 0.47 0.48 0.31 0.43 0.39
binder ($/ton)
Cost of WMA additive e 3.05 2.14 1.38 2.13 1.93 1.12
Cost of RAP excavation e e e e 2.37 0.79 1.58
Cost of RAP transportation e e e e 0.45 0.14 0.30
Cost of 1 tone asphalt 56.23 þ 0.0441*M 55.56 þ 0.0441*M 56.39 þ 0.0441*M 55.48 þ 0.0441*M 42.24 þ 0.0441*M 51.90 þ 0.0441*M 46.63 þ 0.0441*M
mixture ($)
Cost of asphalt mixture for 67.47 þ 52.95*M 67.23þ52.95*M 67.67þ52.95*M 66.57þ52.95*M 50.68þ52.95*M 62.28þ52.95*M 55.96 þ 52.95*M
1 km highway ($)
Case study of asphalt 68.80 68.55 68.99 67.90 52.01 63.60 57.28
mixture for 1 km
highway ($), M ¼ 25 km.
Case study of asphalt 70.121 69.87 70.31 69.22 53.33 64.92 58.61
mixture for 1 km
highway ($), M ¼ 50 km.
Case study of asphalt 71.44 71.20 71.64 70.54 54.66 66.25 59.93
mixture for 1 km
highway ($), M ¼ 75 km.
environmentally friendly technology represents a solid opportunity temperature reduction, foaming water content, and aggregate moisture content
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Declaration of competing interest Ameri, M., Vamegh, M., Naeni, S.F.C., Molayem, M., 2018. Moisture susceptibility
evaluation of asphalt mixtures containing Evonik, Zycotherm and hydrated
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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Anderson, E.O., Moen, Ø., 2007. WAM-Foam-An environmentally friendly alterna-
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mix asphalt performance with high RAP content. Jurnal Teknologi 73 (4).
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asphalt mixtures with high RAP content. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 83, 77e86.
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paper. blends for warm mix asphalt production. J. Clean. Prod. 164, 749e756.
Ayazi, M.J., Moniri, A., Barghabany, P., 2017. Moisture susceptibility of warm mixed-
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