OSU S/A Directions To Dijon

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-If you arrive in terminal 2, you will go through customs, and collect your baggage.

Then you will follow the overhead signs marked Gare SNCF Railway Station to make your way to the SNCF ticket office. Now skip down several steps, bypassing the directions getting you from terminal 1 to terminal 2. -You will most likely be arriving in terminal 1, in which case you will go through customs, and proceed to the baggage claim the hard part begins now. -From there, youll make your way to the Gare SNCF (train station) in terminal 2 by way of the CDGVAL (airport shuttle). If this sounds like a daunting task, there are overhead signs that you can easily follow, and if youd like to check it out early to get an idea of it the website (In French) for the CDG (Charles De Gaulle) Gare is at the bottom of this page. -The CDGVAL makes stops at parking garages in between the terminals, so take care not to get off too early. The stops are announced in both French and English. -At the Terminal 2 stop (last stop), exit the CDGVAL, and follow the signs labeled Gare SNCF, TGV Railway Station, or Trains Grandes Lignes - they all take you to the same place, but apparently consistency isnt a concept known to the French yet. --Those of you coming in through terminal 2, continue here: -Locate the SNCF office, located in this terminal (2), and get in line. When you get to the teller at the counter (Most of whom speak English, dont worry) ask for: 1) La Carte 12-25 (Railway discount card) 2) A TGV ticket to Dijon 3) An RER Ligne B ticket *La Carte 12-25: this is a discount rail pass, costing roughly 50 euro. The upside of *this pass is that if you plan on travelling at all this will pay for itself after the first *2-3 trips. It is well worth it, but remember to always keep it and your ticket with *you while on any trains. -Allow yourself a minimum of 2 -3 hours to get to the train station (you dont leave from Charles de Gaulle I told you this would be hard) -Remember that shuttle you took earlier? The CDGVAL? Get back on it, each of you with your tickets, rail passes, and bags. Take the CDGVAL to terminal 3. Once there, navigate your way to the RER station, overhead signs will guide you there. -Insert your RER ticket (The smaller of your two tickets) into the turnstile, and descend the stairs to the train platforms Try and grab an RER/metro map first, itll make the rest of the trip easier, as youll be able to plan ahead, and track your progress. -Take the next train that shows up, they ALL go to Paris, every one. Youll get off at the eleventh (11th) stop; called Chtelet Les Halles its a long ride, just over half an hour. -Get off the RER at Chtelet Les Halles, and follow the overhead,

and eye-level signs posted on the wall to the number 14 Metro line, in the direction of Bibliothque Franois Mitterrand, denoted on the signs by the color purple. -Take this line one stop to Gare de Lyon. This is where you will get on your train to Dijon. -Gare de Lyon is a bit confusing at first, depending on where your train will be leaving from in the Gare, you will be making use of the maps on the wall, and going to the information desks. -After exiting the metro youll need to make your way from Niveau (Level) -2 to up to the train platforms at street level (Niveau/ Level 0). From the Metro or RER platforms, take stairs or escalators up one level and follow the overhead signs pointing to the Grandes Lignes. -Along the way youll be seeing overhead screens listing train departures. These screens show the train number, departure time, final destination, which zone of Gare de Lyon the train will be leaving from (either Blue or Yellow), and finally which platform (Voie), designated by letters for the blue zone and numbers 5 through 23 for the yellow zone. Depending on how soon your train leaves, it will be listed on the aforementioned screens; match the train number from your ticket to the one on the screen. You may notice blue and yellow squares beside destination names, but no number or letter. This means that it hasnt been decided which platform the train will leave from, only that it will leave from the designated zone: Yellow or Blue. Navigate your way to your zone, and either get on your train, or chill out probably get something to eat (now would be the time). -Once your train has been assigned a platform, navigate your way to that specific platform, and upon finding your train match up the your assigned car number listed on your ticket to the numbers marked on the sides of the train cars near the doors, and get on the train. Stow your baggage, (There are racks if you walk inside, and turn towards the inner seating area of the car; there are also racks on the second floor near the stairwell if you find yourself in a double-decker car) and find your seat. Seats are numbered, and your assigned number is found listed on your ticket, near where your car number was indicated. -Dijon is about an hour and a half trip. Once there, get off quickly, as the trains usually only stay for a few minutes at a time. -Once off the train (with everything you got on with), go down the stairs on the platform, into the main atrium that connects the platforms. Should someone be meeting you there from CIEF look for an overly smiley Frenchman holding a sign that says CIEF, this is Stphane. He will be taking care of you from this point forward in getting you to the res. -Should there not be someone there meeting you, you will follow the mass of people towards the main exit of the Gare de Dijon, to the main area where there is a parking lot, and (right now) a lot of construction. -The construction? Its a tram-line Follow the tracks in front of the

station up towards town, until the tracks start to curve. At this point you should be able to see a huge copy of the Arc de Triomphe, its massive you have to work hard to miss it. Still standing where the tracks curve, looking at the arc, there is a bus stop on the RIGHT hand side of the Arc, across the street. Do not get on the bus at the stop to the left of the arc, as it will take you the opposite way that you want to go. Get the number 3 bus, pay your 1 euro for a ticket, and ride the bus until the stop Bouteiller. Get off the bus, the bus stop sign for this stop you just got off at is right on a street corner. Hang the corner (thus putting you on the road that the bus is NOT on), onto Rue Marechal Leclerc, and walk straight roughly 500 feet. The Residence International DEtudiants will be on your right, set back from the street, with the words RESIDENCE INTERNATIONAL DETUDIANTS in blue on the front window. Congrats, youve made it (Hopefully). I know youll have heard this a lot already, but its true: Keep your valuable stuff safe no wallets in your back pocket/open purses/laptop out and visible. To aid in this a travel lock on your suitcase is very helpful.

Important Links: Gare de CDG: http://www.aeroportsdeparis.fr/ADP/fr-FR/Passagers/Acces-PlansParking/Paris-CDG/Acces/Transports-En-Commun/cdg-train.htm CDGVAL Wikipedia page, with map of route: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CDGVAL RER info page: http://www.aeroportsdeparis.fr/ADP/en-GB/Passagers/Access-maps-carparks/Paris-CDG/Access/public-transport/paris-cdg-rerb.htm Paris Metro/RER map: http://www.aparisguide.com/maps/metro.htm ^I implore you to print this off and take a copy, there arent always copies to take at the station Link to download a map of the Gare De Lyon: http://www.Gares-enmouvement.com/resources/plans/frply/frontoffice/1317824664167.pdf

Outline: -Arrival in CDG --Customs/Baggage claim ---Make your way to the CDGVAL (Airport shuttle) -Take the CDGVAL to terminal 2 --If coming from terminal 1, this is the last stop on the line -Exit CDGVAL at terminal 2 --Follow the signs for SNCF, TGV Railway Station, or Trains Grandes Lignes ---Find the SNCF office, get in line. Its pretty recognizable, there is usually a long line ----Tell the person at the counter that you need to get to Dijon. -----Buy your carte 12-25 now, and you get the discounted price immediately -----They will give you a range of times to choose from, allow yourself at least 2-3 hours to get to the train station. -----Get your ticket, and also ask to buy an RER ligne B ticket while at the counter -Take the CDGVAL back in the direction you came to terminal 3. --Follow the signs to the RER B platform ---Insert your ticket in the turnstile ----Play eeny-meeny-miny-mo with trains and get on any of them. They all go to Paris -----Exit the RER on the 11th stop, Chtelet Les Halles -Transfer to the number 14 Metro line, in direction Bibliothque Franois Mitterrand, denoted on signs by color purple on overhead & eyelevel signs on the walls --Get off the Metro at the 1st stop, Gare de Lyon. -Go up the stairs to level 0 --Find train number on ticket; match this number to ones on the overhead screens ---If listed, go to your designated zone (Blue or Yellow), and platform ----Get on train to Dijon

-----Arrive in Dijon -Bus to res (if necessary) --Line 3 ---Stop: Boutellier

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