D Develop
D Develop
D Develop
Ministry of Tourism
(Swadesh Darshan Division)
Transport thawan,
L, Pa rliament Street,
New Delhi
lamdirected to inform that the Min istry of Tou rism has launched 'Challenged Based Destination
Development', a sub-scheme underitsswadesh Darshan 2.0 scheme. The guidelines ofthe sub-
scheme are enclosed. The other details in respect of the sub-scheme will subsequently follow.
(Pra sha nt I
Director I
Encl. As above
Copy to
1. lntrod uction
1.1. Background
Swadesh Darshan 2.0 Scheme was launched in 2022 to develop sustainable and
responsible tourism destination in the country. The scheme has been envisaged for
integrated development of tourism destination in partnership with State/UT's and
local govern ments.
The Budget for the period 2023-24 has announced holistic development of tourism
destinations in the country under the challenge method. Accordingly, a sub scheme
underthe Swadesh Darshan 2.0 Scheme has been launched fordevelopment oftourist
destinations through a chal lenge-based selection method.
2. Objective
The details of the tourist touch points and experiences have been illustrated in
Annexure 1.
The proposals submitted under the Scheme should demonstrate the following:
The Goa Roadmap has identified five inter-connected priorities for development
of tourism sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals namely Green
Tourism, Digitalization, Skills, Tourism MSMEs and Destination Management.
The proposalshould be in line with these five pillars. A copy of the roadmap with
complete details ofthe priorities, opportunities, objectives and key action areas
is available on the website. (www.tou rism.gov. in)
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(iii). Travel for LiFE
Travel for LiFE which is a part of Mission LiFE, aims to promote sustainable
tourism in the country in convergence with the National Strategy for Sustainable
Tourism. The "Travel for LiFE" Program aims to mobilize tourists and tourism
businesses of the country to be mindful in their actions as important
stakeholders of the tourism value chain. As part of the Travel for LiFE action
items have been classified under following pillars:
(iv). lnnovation
4. Stake holde rs
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5. Key Elements
The destination proposal for respective thematic category shal incrude aspects
in clu d ing:
(i). End to end development of major tou rist attraction at the destin ations catering
to all aspects that impacts the tourist experience.
(ia). Details of Tourism Value Chain for destination under consideration
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(iii) Clear plan of action for increasing the quality of tourist experience under
selected touch points.
(iv) Type of lnterventions proposed with mapping of one or more key principles as
per guideline.
(v). The proposal must demonstrate how convergence amongst various Central
Government Schemes will be leveraged to develop and promote tourism
potential of the destin ation.
(vi). lan-BhaBidari and partnership with private sector wherever possible.
(vii). At least one transformative idea for development of the proposed tourist
(v i ii) Clear and implementable timelines for both short term (0-3 months) and
medium-term goals (3-6 months) under the scheme.
(ix) Defined Outconre of the proposed interventions
(x). The proposal must contain the mandatory initiatives for the destination namely
strengthening DMOs and STCI certification of the destination.
The proposal should provide relevant information on all the criteria specified for
evaluation of the proposal.
The Ministry of Tourism may select additional destinations which are exceptional
The proposal shall be submitted before due date published, to the National Mission
Director, Swadesh Darshan Scheme, Ministry of Tourism through the state/ UT
government endorsed by the Chief Secretary of the respective state.
Evaluation ofthe procedure will bedone by the procedure decided by the Ministry
of Tourism.
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5.7. lncentives to the Winners
The funding will primarily be for soft interventions such as Training and Capacity,
Marketing and Promotion, Market Research, visitor management, lnst,tutional
strengthening, enhancing tourist experience etc. Hard intervention as criticar part of
enabling and creating tourist experience only will be considered, which can be
executed within the program timelines. No standalone hard infrastructure
intervention s will be considered.
For hard interventlons, the state should certiry availability of land in the name of the
tourism department, free from arr encumbrances- No rand acquasition wi be funded.
After the winners are declared, the destinations will submit the Detailed Action plan
in the light of the suggestions made after the evaluation of the proposals- Th e States/
Destinations will mobilize additional resources for executing the proposals, wherever
requ ired.
The sub scheme shall be funded under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme
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The funds will be disbursed to the implementing agencies in the following manner:
For successful implementation of the sub scheme, institutional framework and other
functions shall be as per the Swadesh Darshan scheme and will govern the
implementation of the scheme. Periodic review by will be undertaken on a monthly
and weekly basis to steer the development at these destinations. For reporting the
progress on the project, The DMO shall be required to submit the weekly progress
report (WPR) on every first day of the week (Monday).
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Annexure 1- Tourist Experience
The key to the success of a destination would be quality of experience to the tourists. lt is
further important that entire experience of the tourist at the destination has to be enhanced
and not merely one or two aspects. ln this connection, it is important to identify the tourist
touch points and improve the experience by various interventions in the supply side. Some of
the tourist touch points in his journey are:
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bicycle rentals, cabs, rickshaws, shared autos or through a decent public transport
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Annexure 2- Convergence
Tourism requires the support of many other sectors. Tourasm rides on the infrastructure and
services developed by other sectors. Over the last nine years there has been a massive push
for creation and upgradation of infrastructure across the country. Some of the programs of
Central Government, which contribute to tourism development at the destination are given
SeveralAirports and Air routes have been made operational under UDAN scheme and
this has paved the wayforfurther development ofthese destinataons for attracting
tou rists.
( ii) Railways
High speed connectivity under Vande Bharat and renovation of a large number of
railway stataons including complete transformation of some of the railway stations
will provide the visitors with new convenience and experience.
(iii) Highways
MoRTH has been enabling road connectivity to various destinations through different
programs. The world class highways and wayside amenities give a big boost to tourism'
Skilling and entrepreneurship are crucialto the development oftourism and hospitality
sector and Central Government is implementing Skill lndia Mission across the country
and a tourist destination must take benefit under the Scheme.
Central Government has developed various cities under Smart City Mission. Some 100
cities have been taken up under the Mission and developed. Some of the city-wide
interventions such as command and control centre, city mobile app apart from other
quality infrast ructu re will su pport th e tou rism potentia I of the destination.
Swachh Bharat Mission has been a successful campaign to clean up urban and rural
areas and build suitable sanitation infrastructure and practices for ensuring clean and
hygien ic cities.
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(vii) Solar Cities Mission
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Annexure 3- Strengthening Destination Management Organization
Destination management consists of the coordinated management of all the elements that
make up a tourism destanation taking a strategic approach to link-up these sometimes very
separate elements for the better management of the destination. Such a joined-up
management helps avoid overlapping functions and duplication of effort with regards to
promotion, visito r services, tra in ing, business su pport and identify a ny management gaps that
are not being add ressed.
2. Constitution of DMOS
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Further, in case of non-existence of DMO at a destanation, initially destination proposal
u nder th is scheme may be submitted by the Destination Management Committee (DMC)
The States willtake step to set up Destination Management Organization and empower
them with clear mandate. The DMO may also work for MICE promotion as city bureau.
The proposal under the Scheme must contain measu res for th e ca pacity bu ild ing of the
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Annexure 4 - Sustainable Tourism Criteria of lndia (STCI) Certification for Destinations
Sustainable Tourism Criteria of lndia (STCI) for destinations has been developed by the
Ministry of Tourism as a guiding framework for destination management organizations
(DMOs) to develop sustainable and resilient destinations. lt
acts as an effective
instrument for ensuring adherence to sustainable practises, which will lead to improved
visitor experience, satisfaction and ensuring tourist's revisit intention. STCI is based on
four key principles and 10 criteria as follows:
A. SustainableManagement
(i). Management structure and framework
(ii). 5ta keholder engagement
(iii). Managing pressure and change
C. CulturalSustainability
(vi). P rotecting cultural heritage
(vii). Visiting cu ltu ra I sites
D. Environment Sustainability
(viii). Conservation of natural heritage
(ix). Resou rce management
(x) Management of waste and emissions
The STCI certification has detailed 112 indicators under the principle and criteria given
above. The destinations are graded based on the score, in bronze, silver and gold.
Ministry of Tourism has further developed the entire process of STCI certification on
The proposal must contain a plan ofaction for STC| certification ofthe destination. The
Scheme will provide support forthe destination to undertake STCI certification. As part
ofthe scheme, the destinations are required to at least secure bronze certification. The
destinations which that will be able to secure gold certification shall be provided with
fu rther incentives as reward.
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Annexure 5 - lllustrative Outline of the Proposal
To enhance the tourist experience, the proposal shall focus on end to end development at
the maior tourist attraction (hero attraction) and its immediate vicinity area (focus area).
The interventions should be proposed keeping in view the various tourist touch points (refer
Annexure 1)and identified gaps in experience of tourists in the focus area. The proposed
components, which can enhance the experience of tourists of the destination shall be
prioritised. These may include but not limited to:
(ii) Aesthetics and Visual Experience: To ensure aesthetics and design coherence at the
destination including street scaping, buildings, fagade, facilities, signages, accessibilitv
etc. Coherence in outlook brings uniqueness at a tourist destination. Suitable design
toolkits may be developed for ensuring uniformity in future interventions.
(iii) Hygiene & Cleanliness: Dedicated cleaning and maintenance agencies at the tourism
hotspots / zones to ensure high standards of destanation cleanliness. Various models
including outsourcing / PPP / CSR may be assessed ln consultation with relevant uLB or
Gram Panchayat.
(iv) Safety & Security: Various initiatives to ensure deployment of necessary processes and
interventionsto record and addresstourist safetyand security related incidents. Various
interventions may include enabling GCTV network, dedicated tourist police, central
control centre at PS / DMO, safety helpline number, elimination of dark zones, gender
sensitization, Dos & Don'ts, night patrolling and promoting women personnel like taxi
operators, conductors, security staff etc.
(v) Skill development & Sensitization: To enhance skill standards and availability. Ensuring
mandatory sensitization of tourist facing staff across the demand elements, tagging of
skilled resources though badges to enhance tangible outcome, foreign language
trainings based on tourist segments, storytelling, hygiene, safety & incident reporting
and general etiquettes.
(vi) Local Community lnvolvement: Enabling locals especially women and youth to
participate in tourism pla nning, development and operation s to drive larger impact from
the tourism activity at the destination. Activating local sHGs and tourism clubs across
various platforms during destination development, skilling programs and
entrepren eursh ip development programs.
(vii) Connectivity: Ensuring good connectivity to destination though Road, Rail, Air and
Cruise (ifapplicable). Strong connectivity shall play important role in ensuring
sustaina ble tourism sector development.
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(viii) Accessibility: lncluding welcoming arrival zones, smooth onboarding experience at
destination, availabality of information to the tourists, quality of roads and
transportation means, pricing, digital initiatives and ensuring safety and security.
(ix) Greening and Landscaping: Concerted efforts should be placed in including landscaping
elements in planning and implementation of various interventaons, tree plantation
drives at roadsides, tourist attractions, city centres, afforestation drives etc.
(xi) Establishing Standards and Quality Assurance: Deployment of relevant standards and
quality assurance process to ensure delivery ofenhanced tourist experience giving high
priority to ensuring safety, hygiene and process oriented delivery of services. euality
assu ra nce in it iatives shou ld d rive futu re interventions at the destinations th rough DMO.
(xii) lnformation: Developing ready information on the destination including aspects related
to tourist demand parameters defined above. Dissemination of thas information across
various mediums including website, app, handouts, signages, interpretation centres ,
(xiii) Digitization: Use of digital medium to provide access, ease, payments and experience
to the tourist across various demand parameters. Tourist cards may be explored to
access various services at the destinataon including booking, localtravels, priority access
etc. Tourist data management to map tourist data including interest, spend and
du ration.
(xiv) Monetization of Tourism Assets: Develop revenue generation streams from tourism
assets for sustaining the development and management of the tourism destination.
(w) Carrying Capacity ManaBement: Assessing the carryang capacity of the tourist
destination and individual asset and managing the capacity through various
interventions including visitor management systems, planned holding areas, crowd
control, online booking systemt variable pricing, queuing systems, creating alternate
assets, attractions etc.
(xvii) Development of new Tourist Experiences including guided Tours, Hop on Hop Off
Service, festivals and events, sports etc. curated based on tourist segment and purpose.
(xviii)Food Outlets and Cuisines: Development offood street, collaboration with FCI and IHM
to creating local menus and provide training to local outlets, restaurants, haats and Caf6
caterang to tou rists.
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(xix) Experience Sharing: Establishang interventions and processes to capture tourist
experience through various platforms including primary surveys, digitally capturing
experience at attractions, social media analysis, word of mouth etc. The inputs from the
tou rist experience should be taken into accou nt for design ing interventions for effective
planning and management ofthe destination.
The proposed interventions may not be limited to the listed interventions and shall be
customised as per requirement of the destination proposed.
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