DLL English-6 Q2 W2

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GRADE 6 School: Rosa L.

Susano- Novaliches Elementary School Grade Level: VI

Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
LOG Teaching Dates and Time: OCTOBER 7 - 11, 2024 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2nd Quarter


A. Content Standards Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding
understanding of various of various linguistics nodes to of various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to of various linguistics nodes to
linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts.
comprehend various texts.
B. Performance Analyzes text types to Analyzes text types to Analyzes text types to Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to
Standards effectively understand effectively understand effectively understand understand information or effectively understand
information or messages. information or messages. information or messages. messages. information or messages.
C. Learning Distinguish text types Distinguish text types Distinguish text types Distinguish text types Distinguish text types
Competencies) according to purpose and according to purpose and according to purpose and according to purpose and according to purpose and
language features - language features – Compare/ language features – time language features – time language features – time
order, sequence, recounts, order, sequence, recounts, order, sequence, recounts,
Enumeration. (EN6RC-Ii- contrast. (EN6RC-Ii-3.2.8)
process (EN6RC-Iib-3.2.9) process (EN6RC-Iib-3.2.9) process (EN6RC-Iib-3.2.9)
II. Content Distinguishing text type Distinguishing text type Distinguishing text type Distinguishing text type Performance Task 1 –
according to purpose and according to purpose and according to purpose and according to purpose and Cooking Demonstration /
language features – author’s language features- compare language features – time language features - sequence Sandwich Making
and contrast
purpose and enumeration order
III. (Learning Resources)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages K12 English Curriculum K12 English Curriculum Guide; K12 English Curriculum Guide; K12 English Curriculum Guide; K12 English Curriculum
Guide; English DBOW English DBOW, English DBOW English DBOW Guide; English DBOW
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning R(LR) Portal
B.Other Learning Resources DepEd TV video 2Q, Power DepEd TV video 2Q, Power DepEd TV video 2Q, Power DepEd TV video 2Q, Power
Point presentation, Google, Point presentation, Google, Point presentation, Google, Point presentation, Google,
YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube
A.Review Previous Lessons a. What is Propaganda? What are the diff. author’s What is Comparison and What is sequence?
b. What are its types? purposes? Contrast? Give one sequence indicator.
B. Establishing purpose for What are the different Ask a question: What is What is time order? What are other sequence Explanation of Rubrics for
the Lesson author’s purposes? comparison / contrast? indicators for process/steps? the cooking demo
C. Presenting examples The pupils will watch a video The pupils will watch a video The pupils will watch a video The pupils will watch a video Preparation of materials
/instances of the new lessons about the lesson. about Enumeration. about time order. about Sequencing of events. for the demo.
D. Discussing new concepts What is to inform? When do we compare? What How do we have a correct How do we have a correct Setting of standards for
and practicing new skills #1. Differentiate to persuade graphic organizer can we use time order? sequence of events? class behavior
from to entertain. for this?
E. Discussing new concepts & When is enumeration used When is contrast used in What expressions are used to What expressions are used to Activity Proper /
practicing new skills #2 in presenting ideas? presenting ideas? show time order? show sequence? Performance Task 1
F. Leads to Formative Pupils will answer a practice Pupils will answer a practice Pupils will answer a practice Pupils will answer a practice Each group will be given
Assessment 3) exercise from the lesson. exercise from the lesson. exercise from the video. exercise from the book. 10 minutes to present.
G. Finding Practical Enumerate the benefits that Compare and contrast cats Tell us your daily activity from Tell the correct sequence of
Applications of concepts and we get from the sun. from dogs. waking up till going to bed. cooking rice.
skills in daily living
H. Making Generalizations & What are the different What is Compare and What is time order? What is sequence?
Abstractions about the author’s purposes? What is contrast? What expressions are used for What expressions are used for
lessons enumeration? time order? steps or directions?
I. Evaluating Learning Pupils will answer the Pupils will answer the Pupils will answer an exercise Pupils will answer an exercise Evaluation of group
exercises in the video exercises in the video lesson. from the video lesson. from the book. performance and
lesson. revelation of rating/points.
J. Additional activities for Write a 5-sentence Compare and contrast lions Prepare for Performance Task Prepare for Performance Task
application or remediation paragraph about your and tigers using a Venn 1 – Cooking Demonstration. 1 – Cooking Demonstration.
favorite animal. Enumerate diagram.
its characteristics.
V. Remarks

Standards 5 points 4 points 3 points

1. Available materials Complete Lacks 1 Lacks 2 or more
2. Given instructions Complete Forgets 1 Forgets 2 or more
3. Over-all presentation Awesome Very Good Good
Total Score 15 points

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