Asoka's Minor Rock Edicts
Asoka's Minor Rock Edicts
Asoka's Minor Rock Edicts
The Minor Rock Edicts of Ashoka (r. 269–233 BCE)[1] are rock inscript ions which form t he earliest
part of t he Edict s of Ashoka, and predat e Ashoka's Major Rock Edict s. These are t he first edict s in
t he Indian language of Emperor Ashoka, writ t en in t he Brahmi script in t he 11t h year of his reign. They
follow chronologically t he Kandahar Bilingual Rock Inscript ion, in Greek and in Aramaic, writ t en in t he
10t h year of his reign (260 BCE),[2][3] which is t he first known inscript ion of Ashoka.[4]
There are several slight variat ions in t he cont ent Minor Rock Edicts of Ashoka
of t hese edict s, depending on locat ion, but a
common designat ion is usually used, wit h Minor
Rock Edict N°1 (MRE1)[5] and a Minor Rock Edict
N°2 (MRE2), which does not appear alone but
always in combinat ion wit h Edict N°1), t he
different versions being generally aggregat ed in Minor rock edict of Sasaram.
most t ranslat ions. There is also a minor edict
Material Rock, stone
No.3, discovered in Bairat , for t he Buddhist
clergy.[6] Created 3rd century BCE
The Minor Rock Edict s t herefore follow t he very first inscript ion of Ashoka, writ t en in year 10 of his
reign, t he Kandahar Bilingual Rock Inscript ion est ablished at Chilzina, Kandahar, in t he cent er of
Afghanist an.[8] This first inscript ion was writ t en in Classical Greek and Aramaic exclusively.
The Minor Rock Edict s maybe slight ly earlier t han t he Major Rock Edict s est ablished t o propagat e
t he Dharma, from t he 12t h year of Ashoka's reign.[9] These Ashoka inscript ions are in Indian languages
wit h t he except ion of t he Kandahar Greek Edict of Ashoka inscribed on a limest one st ele.[8] It was
only lat er, during t he 26t h and 27t h years of his reign, t hat Ashoka wrot e new edict s, t his t ime on
majest ic columns, t he pillars of Ashoka.[9][7]
The different variat ions of edict s on rock 1 and 2 are usually present ed in t he form of a
compilat ion.[10] There is also a minor edict on Rock No.3, discovered in Bairat only, addressing not t he
Ashoka officers as t he first t wo edict s, but t he Buddhist clergy, wit h t he recommendat ion t o st udy a
very specific list of Buddhist script ures.[11]
In t he Minor Rock Edict s, Ashoka makes explicit ment ion of his religious affiliat ion by present ing
himself as a "lay disciple" or "disciple of t he Buddha" according t o t he versions, and speaking of his
proximit y t o "t he order" (samgha), which is far from t he case in most ot her edict s where he is only
promulgat ing t he moral laws of "Dharma".
There are slight variat ions bet ween each of t he versions of t he Minor Rock Edict s. The Maski
version of Minor Rock Edict No.1 was hist orically especially import ant in t hat it confirmed t he
associat ion of t he honorific t it le "Devanampriya" wit h Ashoka:[12][13]
In t he Gujarra Minor Rock Edict also, t he name of Ashoka is used t oget her wit h his t it les:
"Devanampiya Piyadasi Asokaraja".[15]
Pre-existence of pillars
In t he Minor Rock Edict s, Ashoka also ment ions t he dut y t o inscribe his edict s on t he rocks and on
t he pillars ("wherever t here is a pillar or rock"). This has led some aut hors, especially John Irwin, t o
t hink t hat t here were already pillars in India before Ashoka erect ed t hem. For John Irwin, examples
t oday of t hese pillars prior t o Ashoka would be t he bull pillar of Rampurva, t he elephant pillar of
Sankissa, and t he Allahabad pillar of Ashoka.[16] None of t hese pillars received t he inscript ion of t he
Minor Rock Edict s, and only t he pillar of Allahabad has inscript ions of Ashoka, which weakens t his
t heory, since, according t o t he orders of t he same of Ashoka, t hey should have been engraved wit h
his Minor Rock Edict s.
Language of the edicts
Several edict s of Ashoka are known in Greek and Aramaic; by cont rast t he many minor edict s on rock
engraved in sout hern India in Karnat aka use t he Prakrit of t he Nort h as t he language of
communicat ion, wit h t he Brahmi script , and not t he local Dravidian idiom, which can be int erpret ed as
a kind of int rusion and aut horit arianism in respect t o t he sout hern t errit ories.[17]
Only appears in a few places, in conjunct ion wit h Minor Edict No.1
Minor Rock Edict No.2 (conflat ed versions)
Only appears at Bairat , where it was discovered in front of t he Bairat Temple, possibly t he oldest
free-st anding t emple in India. The Edict is now locat ed in t he Museum of The Asiat ic Societ y,
Calcut t a, and because of t his is somet imes called t he "Calcut t a-Bairāṭ inscript ion".[22][23] Also known
as t he Bhabru Edict .[24] Ashoka claims "great is my reverence and fait h in t he Buddha, t he Dharma
(and) t he Samgha", and makes a list of recommended Buddhist script ures t hat Buddhist monks as
well as t he lait y should repeat edly st udy.
Minor Rock Edict No. 3
The minor rock edict s of Ashoka are exclusively inscribed on rock. They are locat ed t hroughout t he
Indian subcont inent . Edict N°1 appears alone in Panguraria, Maski, Palkigundu et Gavimat h,
Bahapur/Srinivaspuri, Bairat , Ahraura, Gujarra, Sasaram, Rajula Mandagiri, Rupnat h, Rat ampurwa and in
conjunct ion wit h Edict N°2 at Yerragudi, Udegolam, Nit t ur, Brahmagiri, Siddapur, Jat inga-
The t radit ional Minor Rock Edict s (excluding t he miscellaneous inscript ions in Aramaic or Greek found
in Pakist an and Afghanist an) are locat ed in cent ral and sout hern India, whereas t he Major Rock Edict s
were locat ed at t he front iers on Ashoka's t errit ory.[26]
Minor Rock Edict s of Ashoka
Rubbing /
Name Locat ion Map Overview Rock
Piyadasi nama
rajakumala va
samvasamane imam Saru Maru
Saru Maru/
Panguraria desam papunitha Rock
No.1.[30] Commemorative
The king, who (now
after consecration) is
called "Piyadasi", (once)
came to this place for a
pleasure tour while still
a (ruling) prince, living
together with his
unwedded consort.
— Commemorative
Inscription of the visit
of Ashoka, Saru Maru.
Translated by
Bellary District, Karnataka.
Minor rock edicts #1 and #2[25]
15.54717°N 76.83270°E (
Nittur Nittur
and Gavimath
15.33729°N 76.16213°E ( Gavimath
Image (http
Mirzapur District, Uttar Pradesh. 0453807895
Minor rock edict #1 only 9495310/al
25.02000°N 83.02000°E ( bum/62205
Ahraura 9105579271
or_Rock_Edicts¶ms=25.02_N_83.02_E 7841/62205
_) 9105800430
Some Ashoka inscript ions in Greek or Aramaic, or t he inscript ions of t he Barabar Caves, are difficult t o
cat egorize, and are somet imes included in t he "Minor Rock Edict s".
This is somet imes also t he case wit h t he Kandahar Bilingual Rock Inscript ion (t he designat ion of
"Minor Rock Edict No.4" was proposed), alt hough it s nat ure is quit e different from ot her edict s and it
is t he oldest of Ashoka's inscript ions (10t h year of his reign).[43]
The inscript ions in Aramaic, especially t he Aramaic Inscript ion of Laghman and t he Aramaic
Inscript ion of Taxila are also oft en cat alogued among t he minor rock edict s, alt hough t heir charact er
of edict is not very clear, and if t he first was inscribed on rock, t he second was inscribed on an
oct agonal marble pillar.
The inscript ions of t he Barabar Caves are purely dedicat ory, wit hout moral cont ent .
Inscript ions oft en included in t he "Minor Rock Edict s"
Name Locat ion Map Overview Rock
Aramaic Valley of Laghman, Afghanistan
Inscription Short moral injunction accompanied by information for
of Laghman the journey to Palmyra.
of Ashoka
Barabar Caves, Bihar Barabar
(caves of
Further reading
Valeri P. Yailenko Les maximes delphiques d'Aï Khanoum et la formation de la doctrine du dharma
d'Asoka (ht t ps:// 0755-7256_ 1990_ num_ 16_ 1_ 1467) . Dialogues
d'hist oire ancienne vol.16 n°1, 1990, pp. 239–256.
2. India: An Archaeological Hist ory: Palaeolit hic Beginnings t o Early ... by Dilip K. Chakrabart y p. 395
(ht t ps:// DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT395)
3. Inscript ions Of Asoka, E.Hult zsch, 1925 (ht t ps:// ream/Inscript ionsOfAsoka.NewE
dit ionByE.Hult zsch/Hult zschCorpusAsoka)
4. Valeri P. Yailenko Les maximes delphiques d'Aï Khanoum et la formation de la doctrine du
dharma d'Asoka (ht t ps:// 0755-7256_ 1990_ num_ 16_ 1_ 1467)
Dialogues d'hist oire ancienne vol.16 n°1, 1990, p.243
7. John Irwin& "The True Chronology of Aśokan Pillars" (ht t ps:// /1367
03111/Chronology-of-Asokan-Pillars) , in:Artibus Asiae, Vol. 44, No. 4 (1983), p. 247-265
9. Ashoka: The Search for India's Lost Emperor by Charles Allen p. 83 (ht t ps://
ooks?id=K4vHjbUt f_ 4C&pg=PT83)
11. "At Bairat , a t hird Minor Rock Edict of Asoka was also found besides t he version of Minor Rock
Edict I ... "in DC Sircar's Inscript ions of Asoka p.32 (ht t ps:// omD
wAAQBAJ&pg=PT32) "
14. Inscriptions of Asoka. New Edition by E. Hultzsch (ht t ps:// ream/Inscript ionsOfAso
ka.NewEdit ionByE.Hult zsch/Hult zschCorpusAsokaSearchable#page/n353/mode/2up) (in
Sanskrit ). 1925. pp. 174–175.
16. John Irwin, "The t rue chronology of Ashokan pillars", p.147 (ht t ps:// /
17. A Sourcebook of Indian Civilizat ion published by Niharranjan Ray, Brajadulal Chat t opadhyaya
p.592 (ht t ps://
18. The t erm Upasaka (Buddhist layman) is used in most inscript ions.Inscriptions of Asoka. New
Edition by E. Hultzsch (ht t ps:// ream/Inscript ionsOfAsoka.NewEdit ionByE.Hult zsc
h/Hult zschCorpusAsokaSearchable#page/n343/mode/2up) (in Sanskrit ). 1925. p. 167 Not e
19. Maski inscript ion Inscriptions of Asoka. New Edition by E. Hultzsch (ht t ps:// ream/I
nscript ionsOfAsoka.NewEdit ionByE.Hult zsch/Hult zschCorpusAsokaSearchable#page/n353/mo
de/2up) (in Sanskrit ). 1925. p. 174.
20. Rupnat h inscript ion Inscriptions of Asoka. New Edition by E. Hultzsch (ht t ps:// rea
m/Inscript ionsOfAsoka.NewEdit ionByE.Hult zsch/Hult zschCorpusAsokaSearchable#page/n34
3/mode/2up) (in Sanskrit ). 1925. p. 167.
21. The t erm Upāsaka (Buddhist layman) is used in most inscript ions.Inscriptions of Asoka. New
Edition by E. Hultzsch (ht t ps:// ream/Inscript ionsOfAsoka.NewEdit ionByE.Hult zsc
h/Hult zschCorpusAsokaSearchable#page/n343/mode/2up) (in Sanskrit ). 1925. p. 167 Not e
22. "Hist ory of Museum Asiat ic Societ y" (ht t p://www.asiat icsociet ykolkat ory) .
23. Beckwit h, Christ opher I. (2017). Greek Buddha: Pyrrho's Encounter with Early Buddhism in
Central Asia (ht t ps:// . Princet on
Universit y Press. p. 245. ISBN 978-0-691-17632-1.
24. Singh, Upinder (2017). Political Violence in Ancient India (ht t ps://
6A4DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA501) . Harvard Universit y Press. p. 501. ISBN 9780674975279.
25. India: An Archaeological Hist ory: Palaeolit hic Beginnings t o Early Hist oric Foundat ions ... by Dilip
K. Chakrabart y p.395 (ht t ps:// DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT395)
26. Hirakawa, Akira (1993). A History of Indian Buddhism: From Śākyamuni to Early Mahāyāna (ht t p
s:// . Mot ilal Banarsidass. p. 96.
ISBN 9788120809550.
28. Beckwit h, Christ opher I. (2017). Greek Buddha: Pyrrho's Encounter with Early Buddhism in
Central Asia (ht t ps:// . Princet on
Universit y Press. pp. 239–240, not e 47. ISBN 978-0-691-17632-1.
32. Allen, Charles (2012). Ashoka: The Search for India's Lost Emperor (ht t ps://
oks?id=K4vHjbUt f_ 4C&pg=PT154) . Lit t le, Brown Book Group. pp. 154–155.
ISBN 9781408703885.
33. The Geopolit ical Orbit s of Ancient India: The Geographical Frames of t he ... by Dilip K
Chakrabart y p.32 (ht t ps://
35. Inscriptions of Asoka. New Edition by E. Hultzsch (ht t ps:// ream/Inscript ionsOfAso
ka.NewEdit ionByE.Hult zsch/Hult zschCorpusAsokaSearchable#page/n345) (in Sanskrit ). 1925.
pp. 169–171.
36. Lahiri, Nayanjot (2015). Ashoka in Ancient India (ht t ps:// XCgAA
QBAJ&pg=PA37) . Harvard Universit y Press. p. 37. ISBN 9780674057777.
37. Archaeological Survey Of India Four Reports Made During The Years 1862 - 63 - 64 - 65 Volume Ii
(ht t ps:// ails/in.ernet .dli.2015.83271) . 1871. pp. 242 (ht t ps:// ail
s/in.ernet .dli.2015.83271/page/n293) –248.
38. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (ht t ps:// ream/journalofasiat ic9102asia#pa
ge/616) . Calcut t a : Print ed at t he Bapt ist Mission Press [et c.] 1840. p. 616.
39. “Lit t le Vehicle t o Great Vehicle”: Ancient Rajast han int o Buddhist Cult ure, Prof. Vibha
Upadhyaya, Depart ment of Hist ory & Indian Cult ure, Universit y of Rajast han, Jaipur, India p.97 (ht
t p:// h/index.php/jiabu/art icle/viewFile/758/637)
40. Sast ri, Kallidaikurichi Aiyah Nilakant a (1988). Age of the Nandas and Mauryas (ht t ps:// YC&pg=PA208) . Mot ilal Banarsidass. p. 208.
ISBN 9788120804661.
42. Falk, Harry. The Minor Rock Edict of Asoka at Ratanpurwa (ht t ps://
5) .
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