Research Proposal Template - Eapp

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Title Keyword 1

Unida Christian Colleges | March 2025

Manuscript Title
First Name MI Surname , First Name MI Surname , First Name MI Surname , and
1 1 1

First Name MI Surname 1

1 Senior High School Department, Unida Christian Colleges


An abstract is a brief comprehensive summary of the research paper not containing more than
250 words. It should briefly state the research background, purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
Preferably, an abstract should only be a single paragraph. The title is written in the first letter of the
word and will be capitalized, with font size 14 and bold. The 8.5" x 11" is the paper size with a margin
of 1.5" on the left side, 0.5” on the right side, and 1” on the top and bottom sides. All bodies of every
section must be font size 11, single-spaced, indented, and justified. The name and surname of the
author(s) and the affiliation they work for are included after the title. The research manuscript shall not
exceed 10,000 words, excluding the Acknowledgments and Reference section. Author/s must follow
the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.

Keywords: Provide 3-5 lowercase keywords or phrases. except for proper nouns, separated by semicolons
(arranged alphabetically)


1.1. Background of the Study (11 pt. Times New Roman)

This section introduces the topic or background studied and literature reviews using academic journal
articles, which review past research on the topic presented. Kindly note that this section does not intend to
summarize the gathered literature but to provide an active, comprehensible, critical discussion of related past
research. Ensure all the articles presented will use APA 7th edition in-text citation (narrative and parenthetical
citation). As much as possible, do not directly quote the statements indicated by other authors in your paper.
Practice paraphrasing the author's idea by putting it in your own words, as reflected in the results of the study of
Dela Cruz.

After the literature review (8-10 scholarly articles. Preferably 3-5 paragraphs), including the research gap,
rationale or purpose of the study, scope and delimitations, significance, and variables used in the present study.
Objectives of the study and hypothesis (this will be part of your paper if your study will be experimental) are
also part of this section. Ultimately, readers must know what is expected to happen and the reasons for the

Kindly follow the following: (1) The introduction must include the rationale and the main objectives with a
proper discussion of the variables and the significance of the study. This also includes the arguments and
citations of related literature and studies. Provide crisp and easy-to-read content. (2) The article should be
readable by an average user. (3) Do not write complex sentences or multiple sentences to express the same
content. The quality of the article is directly proportional to the English used and how it handles the transition.
(4) Use simple expressions, properly convey the content within short sentences and focus on making the reader
understand the concept quickly. (5) Curtail to the minimum number of words, the entire article may be
completed within 3,500 - 7,000 words. (6) Use high-quality references using refereed journals that match the
content quality, use the references' details, and properly cite them. (7) Define abbreviations and acronyms the
Title Keyword 2

first time they are used in the text, even after they have already been defined in the abstract. (8) Use the APA
citation (7th edition) for in-text and reference citations. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also
present in the reference list. (9) Articles used for the introduction should not be less than 5.

Literature Review is not merely a collection of previous studies but a factual report of "what has been
done," "what is currently done," and "what else can be done" regarding the topic of interest.
Advanced student research does not literally "copy-paste" but rather (1) evaluate information sources. This
means the student-researcher reads the article and synthesizes the content. He/she decides whether the
information will be considered or discarded. (2) Clarify understanding of the topic by systematically explaining
its rationale. (3) Evaluate and relate the results of previous research and identify the similarity and gaps.
Moreover, (4) provides a clear framework for the succeeding research activities.

It is highly encouraged that student researchers use high-quality references in the form of original articles,
books, conference reports, and official web sources. There is no particular number of sources; however, a
minimum of 10 peer-reviewed original articles will be used to ensure quality.
For a better selection of the Literature Review, student researchers may try to consider the following

1. What are the review's objectives?

2. What sources were searched to identify primary studies? Were there any restrictions? What were the
inclusion/exclusion criteria, and how were they applied?
3. What criteria were used to assess the quality of primary studies, and how were they applied?
4. How were the data extracted from the primary studies?
5. How was the data synthesized? How were differences between studies investigated? How was the data
combined? Was it reasonable to combine the studies? Do the conclusions flow from the evidence?

Kindly note that this section does not intend to summarize the gathered literature but to provide
an active, comprehensible, critical discussion of related past research.

1.2 Statement of the problem

(Ex. This study examines the EFL learners’ speaking anxiety in this Covid-19 pandemic era when
blended learning is implemented. To direct this study, the research questions proposed are; (1) Question one (2)
Question two (3) Question three

1.3 Thesis statement

State here your assumptions regarding the study/problem that you have chosen. (Ex. This study was
built based on the assumptions made by the researchers. 1.) Assumption one. 2.) Assumption two. 3.)
Assumption three.

1.4 Significance of the study.

State here the main beneficiaries of the study and explain how they will benefit from your study.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study.

Include here what are the inclusions (scope) and the exclusions (limitations) of the study.

1.6 Theoretical Framework

Include here the theory that matches your study. The author of the theory must also be included. Define
the theory presented and explain how it matches your study. This must appear in your conceptual framework.

1.7 Synthesis
The last part of the introduction should be the synthesis to summarize the content of the introduction,
including the relevance of the literature and theory to the chosen study. You can also discuss how you can apply

Title Keyword 3

the literature review to your study. There should be no citations here since the synthesis must be written with
your own words.

1.8 Definition of Terms (Optional)

Define the technical terms you will use in your study. The definition must come from the researchers.
If you do not have technical terms in your research, you may delete this part.

2. METHODOLOGY (12 pt)

2.1. Design (11 pt. Times New Roman)

Describe the type of study (Qualitative Research Paper) and thoroughly discuss the specific type of
design (For example, phenomenology, descriptive research design, narrative, etc.). The definition must be
referenced. Discuss how your chosen design is applicable and appropriate to your study.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Include here the graphical Provide an introductory paragraph that explains your conceptual
framework and its importance to your study. Include details regarding how your study relates to a
theory or concept in your own words. The framework will let the researcher create an idea of
exploring the research problem based on theories related to your study. It is also required to include a
graphical display to show the relationship between the constructs you will study.

2.3 Instrument
Describe here what main instrument (For example, an Interview) and what type will be
utilized (For example, a semi-structured interview guide. If done with the questions, researchers
should ask for an expert opinion whose job is related to the topic under investigation and will validate
the questionnaire. If there are technicalities such as grammar concerns, look for an English critic.
Researchers can either manually validate the coding process or use the application HyperResearch to
analyze verbatim and transcription.

2.4 Key Informant

Discuss the number of target informants and how and from where informants were selected
(according to criteria validation). Explain the eligibility criteria according to the needed classification
or possible experiences. When reporting the number of informants, present the number as digits if the
numerical value is greater than or equal 10. If the number of informants exceeds 10, type the
numerical value as a word. Provide any other defining characteristics, but do not list details of
individual informants. A clear description of the informants enables the reader to understand for
whom the results may be generalized. The maximum number of informants for this can be five.
Lastly, discuss the role of the researcher and the research’s expected outcome.

2.5 Procedure
The procedure may include pre-entry and entry considerations (data gathering technique), exit
strategy, and ethical considerations. Describe the procedure in chronological order. Provide enough
detail to enable the reader to understand the collection of data. Additionally, researchers should also
include explaining the organization of data, detecting themes and patterns, and testing of emergent

2.6 Data Analysis

This section will explain the specific qualitative data analysis used in analyzing the collected
data to provide your readers with a roadmap. It should describe the order and type of analyses
Title Keyword 4

conducted, and for complex designs, explain how to interpret the information they provide (For
example, explain the analysis phase).

2.7 Ethical Considerations

Discuss here the ethical considerations of your research. The researcher should note that the anonymity and
protection of data by the subject is under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and that they were given informed
consent before the conduction of data gathering. Aside from this, the researcher will also make sure that the
paper is free from plagiarism, falsification, and others.


All the reference entries should be double-spaced. It should be alphabetically arranged. After
the first line of every reference, the following line is indented by 5-7 spaces (hanging indent). There
are several ways to cite an author in a reference list, so the researcher must follow the APA 7th edition
citation format. Use the following steps for a shortcut: In Google Docs, click the Tools Tab, then click
Citations. Choose the APA (7th ed.), then click ‘Add citation source.’ Choose a source type, then fill
in the following information. After filling in the information, click ‘Insert Reference.


Research Department. (2024, June 13).

Research 1 Journal Template. UCC
Research Department.


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