Loop Weierstrass Representation: Abstract
Loop Weierstrass Representation: Abstract
Loop Weierstrass Representation: Abstract
Abstract. We introduce the Loop Weierstrass Representation for minimal surfaces in Euclidean space
and constant mean curvature 1 surfaces in hyperbolic space by applying integral system methods to the
Weierstrass and Bryant representations. We unify associated families, dual surfaces and Goursat transfor-
mations under the same holomorphic data, we introduce a simple factor dressing for minimal surfaces, and
arXiv:2411.04626v1 [math.DG] 7 Nov 2024
Minimal surfaces in Euclidean 3-space and constant mean curvature 1 (CMC 1) surfaces in hyperbolic
3-space can be produced from holomorphic data by the Weierstrass and Bryant representations, respec-
tively [2, 17]. In this article, we introduce the Loop Weierstrass Representation (LWR), a single framework
that allows for the construction of both types of surfaces. It recovers the Weierstrass and Bryant repre-
sentations as special cases of a wider class of holomorphic representations that arise by introducing a loop
parameter (originating from associated families) and a gauge freedom in the holomorphic data. Consequently,
all questions posed for the Weierstrass and the Bryant representations – such as closing, end behavior, sym-
metries, total curvature – can be covered in the single framework of the LWR. This unification leads to some
structural insights, technical advantages and new aspects that we expose in the present paper:
‚ The LWR produces various families of related surfaces from the same holomorphic data. It covers
the classical associated family and extends it to a 4-real-parameter family (figure 2). It also covers
the Goursat transformations [9] as well as the dual CMC 1 surfaces introduced by Umehara and
Yamada [15]. In the LWR, all these transformations arise after solving one single ODE, whether the
target space is Euclidean or hyperbolic.
‚ The LWR provides a suitable framework for simple factor dressing, an integrable system transfor-
mation that produces new surfaces from old ones. It adds planar or horospherical ends to a given
surface while preserving its periods (figures 1, 3, 4 and 5).
‚ In the LWR, catenoids and surfaces with similar ends can be constructed from potentials that are
locally gauge equivalent to potentials with simple poles. This brings the theory of Fuchsian systems
into the construction of minimal and CMC 1 surfaces, a strategy that has been fruitful for the DPW
representation [6].
‚ An LWR potential for a surface with symmetries can be pushed down by a covering map to a
potential on a simpler surface. For example, n-noids with Platonic symmetries can be constructed
with an LWR potential on a three-punctured CP 1 , and the Schwarz P -surface on a four-punctured
CP 1 .
Figure 1. Simple factor dressing of the doubly-wrapped catenoid as in example 8.9 with
pp, qq “ p1, 1q and pu, ℓq “ p 12 , 1q.
terms of an sl2 C-valued holomorphic one-form η of rank 1 that encodes the first and second fundamental
forms. Considering two different integration procedures for η yields two different holomorphic null-curves.
One represents a minimal immersion in E3 and is obtained by solving the ODE dψ “ η for ψ in sl2 C, the
other one gives a CMC 1 immersion in H3 and is obtained by solving the ODE dΨ “ Ψη for Ψ in SL2 C.
Furthermore, any frame of the form Φλ1 Φ´1 λ0 is a holomorphic null-curve and therefore produces a CMC 1
surface. We call this representation of CMC 1 immersions the “Loop Weierstrass Representation” (LWR)
and Φλ the “LWR frame”. The LWR possesses a gauge freedom since gauging the LWR frame by Φλ ÞÑ Φλ h
leaves the null-curve unchanged.
Null-curves ψ for minimal surfaces in Euclidean space can be obtained from the LWR frame Φλ by taking
a logarithmic derivative
9 ´1 q|λ“λ ,
ψ :“ pΦΦ 0
where the partial derivative with respect to λ is denoted by the dot. This is reminicent of the transition
from the Lie group SL2 C to the Lie algebra sl2 C. As an interpretation for this formula, minimal surfaces in
Euclidean space can be seen as a blow-up limit of CMC 1 surfaces in hyperbolic space (Proposition 4.7).
1 The Loop Weierstrass Representation 3
2 Gauge freedom and standard forms of LWR potentials 6
3 Local description in the LWR 9
4 Related surfaces 12
5 Symmetries and closing 15
6 Intrinsic surfaces of revolution 18
7 n-noids 23
8 Simple factor dressing 27
2.1 Spinors
Definition 2.3. Let A P sl2 C be a nilpotent matrix. A vector x “ pu, vq P C2 is a spinor for A if
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
´uv u2 u
(2.1) A“ “ p´v uq “: xxK .
´v 2 uv v
A spinor for A is uniquely determined up to a sign. We extend the definition and say that x : D Ñ C2 is a
spinor for an LWR potential ξ if xxK “ A where ξ “ pAλ ` Bqdz on some simply connected domain D Ă Σ.
Remark 2.4. The notation xK has been chosen because for all x “ pu, vq P C2 ,
ˆ ˙
K u
x x “ p´v uq “ 0.
We give some properties of xK that can be directly computed:
2 2
Lemma 2.5. For all x :“ pu, vq P C2 , writing ∥x∥2 :“ |u| ` |v| ,
@ K D
(2.2) xx , pxxK q˚ “ ∥x∥2 ,
Moreover, dΦ “ Φξ, so
Φ0 dpΦ´1 ´1 ´1
0 q “ ´dΦ0 Φ0 “ ´Φ0 BΦ0 dz.
ξ ¨ Φ´1 K
0 “ λyy dz
and (2.9) follows from y “ pu, vq and the definitions of g and q. □
Remark 2.9. Let ξ1 be the potential given by (2.9).
1. The functions g and q in ξ1 do not depend on the choice of sign for the spinor x, and the definition
of q in proposition 2.8 agrees with its definition in proposition 2.6.
2. Since Φ0 is only defined locally on Σ, so is the potential ξ1 .
3. Since Φ0 is uniquely determined by ξ up to conjugation by SL2 C, so is the function g. However,
proposition 2.6 shows that the function q is uniquely determined by ξ.
4. As we will see in section 3, the potential ξ1 is directly related to the Weierstrass representation: if
λ0 “ 0, then g is the Gauss map of f E and the hyperbolic Gauss map of f H . Moreover, if λ1 “ 1,
then qdz 2 is the Hopf differential of f E and f H .
2.3 Schwarz potential
Definition 2.10. Let g : C Ñ C be a meromorphic function. The map
ˆ 2 ˙2 ˆ 2 ˙1
g g
Srgs “ 1
2g 2g 1
is the Schwarzian derivative of g. It is invariant under Möbius transformations of g. It acts as a second
order operator under pre-composition: for any meromorphic ϕ : C Ñ C,
(2.11) Srg ˝ ϕs “ pSrgs ˝ ϕqpϕ1 q2 ` Srϕs.
The following lemma justifies our normalization for the Schwarzian derivative and is merely a computation.
Lemma 2.11. Let u, v be two holomorphic solutions of the equation
y 2 “ Sy
where S is a meromorphic function. If u{v is not constant, then S “ Sru{vs.
Theorem 2.12. Let ξ “ pAλ ` Bqdz be a non-degenerate LWR potential in the coordinate z. Then there
exists an LWR gauge k, unique up to a sign, such that
ˆ ˙
0 1
ξ¨k “ dz
λq ` s 0
for some functions q and s.
Moreover, if pu, vq :“ Φx where x is a spinor for A and Φ is an LWR frame for ξ at λ “ 0, then
q “ uvz ´ vuz and s “ Sru{vs|λ“0 .
Proof. We first show existence. Gauge ξ with k1 :“ Φ´1
0 so that ξ1 :“ ξ ¨ k1 is a Weierstrass potential as in
proposition 2.8. With g :“ pu{vq|λ“0 , compute the successive LWR gauge transformations:
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
1 g 0 g1
k2 :“ , ξ2 :“ ξ1 ¨ k2 “ dz,
0 1 λq{g 1 0
ˆ? 1 ˙ ˆ ˙
g 0 h 1 g2
k3 :“ 1 , ξ3 :“ ξ 2 ¨ k3 “ dz, h :“ 1 ,
0 ? 1 λq ´h 2g
ˆ ˙g ˆ ˙
1 0 0 1
k4 :“ , ξ4 :“ ξ3 ¨ k4 “ dz, s :“ Srgs.
´h 1 λq ` s 0
Therefore, with k :“ k1 k2 k3 k4 , the gauged potential ξ ¨ k has the expected form.
We now show uniqueness. Let r1 and r2 be two LWR gauges such that
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
0 1 0 1
η1 :“ ξ ¨ r1 “ dz and η2 :“ ξ ¨ r2 “ dz.
λq1 ` s1 0 λq2 ` s2 0
Then η2 “ η1 ¨ r with r :“ r1´1 r2 . This implies that
(2.12) dr “ rη2 ´ η1 r.
With ˆ ˙
a b
r :“ ,
c d
(2.12) is equivalent to
ˆ 1 ˙ ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
a b1 bq2 0 ´c a´d
“λ ` .
c1 d1 dq2 ´ aq1 bq1 ds2 ´ as1 c
But η1 and η2 are gauge-equivalent, so by proposition 2.6, q1 “ q2 “ q. Equating the λ1 -coefficients and
recalling that q is not constantly vanishing because ξ is non-degenerate, b “ 0 and a “ d. We deduce that
c “ 0 and that r “ ˘I because det r “ 1. Therefore, r1 “ ˘r2 and s1 “ s2 . □
Corollary 2.13. Let ξ be an LWR potential. Let Φ be a frame for ξ, let x be a spinor for ξ and let y :“ Φx.
With y “ pu, vq, the function Sru{vs only depends on the orbit of ξ under LWR gauging and satisfies for all
λ P C,
(2.13) Sru{vs “ λq ` s
where q and s are as in theorem 2.12.
Proof. We first show that Sru{vs does not depend on the initial condition for Φ. Let Φ̃ :“ CΦ where
C P SL2 C is holomorphic in λ P C and let ỹ :“ Φ̃x. Then ỹ “ Cy. With ỹ “ pũ, ṽq, ũ{ṽ and u{v differ by a
λ-dependent Möbius transformation. Therefore, their respective Schwarzian derivative are the same.
We now show that Sru{vs is invariant under LWR gauging. Let g be an LWR gauge and let Φ̃ :“ Φg and
ξ˜ :“ ξ ¨ g. Then, by (2.6), x ˜ Let ỹ :“ Φ̃x̃. Then ỹ “ Φx “ y, so Sru{vs is invariant
r :“ g ´1 x is a spinor for ξ.
under LWR gauging.
We now prove (2.13) by assuming, without loss of generality, that ξ is given in its Schwarz form, as in
theorem 2.12. Let y “ Φx where x is a spinor for ξ and Φ is an LWR frame associated with ξ. Considering
the form of ξ, we have x “ i qp0, 1q. Writing
ˆ ˙
a c
Φ“ ,
b d
we get
y “ i qpc, dq
u c
“ .
v d
Now differentiate the equation dΦ “ Φξ componentwise in z to get
c2 “ a1 “ pλq ` sqc
d2 “ b1 “ pλq ` sqd.
Remark 2.14. Theorem 3.1 and corollary 3.6 will give a geometric interpretation of q and s in terms of the
the induced immersion’s Hopf differential and its Gauss map’s Schwarzian derivative.
Remark 3.2. By proposition 2.6 and (2.8), one can get the Hopf differential of f given in (3.2) without
computing Φ:
Qdz 2 “ pλ1 ´ λ0 q detpx, Bx ` xz qdz 2 .
Remark 3.3. For fixed pλ0 , λ1 q the immersions f E and f H induced by Φ are not necessarily isometric, but
they have the same Hopf differential.
3.2 Gauss map
Let f H : Σ Ñ H3 be a CMC 1 conformal immersion and let N be the normal of f . For each z P Σ, the
Riemannian exponential map at f pzq in the direction of N pzq defines a geodesic γ : R Ñ H3 . In Minkowski
space R1,4 , this geodesic is the intersection between the hyperboloid H3 and the linear plane spanned by
f pzq and N pzq. As t tends to infinity, the asymptotic direction of γptq can be identified with the null line
through f pzq ` N pzq. This null-line has a unit-length representative in the tangent space at I:
2pf ` N q
(3.11) vN :“ ´ I P TI H3 .
trpf ` N q
We identify S2 Ă TI H3 with the Riemann sphere via the stereographic projection St : S2 Ñ C Y t8u defined
(3.12) St´1 pu{vq :“ I ´ 2∥ν∥´2 νν ˚ , ν :“ pu, vq.
Definition 3.4. The hyperbolic Gauss map of a CMC 1 immersion is the map G “ St ˝ vN . The Gauss
map of a minimal immersion f E is simply G “ StpN q where N is the unit normal of f E .
Theorem 3.5. Let Φ be an LWR frame with potential ξ, let x be a spinor for ξ and let y :“ Φx. Let f E
and f H be the immersions induced by Φ at the evaluation points pλ0 , λ1 q. The Gauss map of f E and the
hyperbolic Gauss map of f H are both given by
G “ , pu, vq :“ yλ0 .
Proof. In E3 , the formula is directly given by (3.6).
In H3 , use the definition of f in (1.12) and recall (3.9) to get
f ` N “ Ψ˚ pI ` nqΨ.
Note that for all x P C2 ,
y˚ “ I ´ ∥x∥´2 xx˚ .
Therefore, with (3.10):
I ` n “ 2∥y1 ∥´2 yz ˚
1 y1 .
Noting that
Ψ˚ yz ˚ z˚
1 y1 Ψ “ y0 y0 , y0 :“ yλ0 ,
we get
f ` N “ 2∥y1 ∥´2 yz ˚
0 y0 .
y˚ q “ 1 for all x P C2 ,
Noting that trpxx
2pf ` N q
vN “ ´I
trpf ` N q
“ 2yz0y ´ I
Definition 4.5. The dual associated family of a conformal, CMC 1 immersion f into H3 is the family
pfˆλ qλPC˚ defined by
fˆλ :“ pf 7 qλ
where p¨q7 denotes the dual and p¨qλ denotes the complex associated family.
Corollary 4.6. The dual associated family of f H is obtained by fixing λ0 and moving λ1 .
Proof. Apply successively theorem 4.4, theorem 4.2 and theorem 4.4. □
The following proposition shows that a minimal immersion can be obtained as the blow-up limit in the
dual associated family of a CMC 1 immersion.
Proposition 4.7 (Blow-up limit of CMC 1 surfaces). Let γ : p´ϵ, ϵq Ñ C such that γp0q “ λ0 and γ 1 p0q “
λ1 ´ λ0 ‰ 0. Let Φ be an LWR frame and let Ψt :“ Φγptq Φ´1 H ˚
γp0q . Define ft :“ Ψt Ψt . Then
d ` H˘
f “ f E,
dt t |t“0
where f E is the minimal immersion induced by the LWR frame at the evaluation points pλ0 , λ1 q.
iπ 3iπ
(a) λ1 “ 1 (b) λ1 “ e 4 (c) λ1 “ i (d) λ1 “ e 4 (e) λ1 “ ´1
Figure 2. Five members in the dual associated family of a catenoid (definition 4.5).
The evaluation point λ0 “ 0 is fixed while λ1 moves around the origin. All these immersions
have the same hyperbolic Gauss map.
Proof. Compute
d ` ˘
Φ “ γ 1 p0qΦ9 γp0q “ pλ1 ´ λ0 qΦ9 λ0 .
dt γptq |t“0
pΨt q|t“0 “ pλ1 ´ λ0 qΦ9 λ0 Φ´1
λ0 “ ψ
where ψ is the holomorphic null curve induced by the LWR frame Φ at the evaluation points pλ0 , λ1 q.
d H d d
pf q “ pΨt q˚|t“0 ` pΨt q|t“0 “ ψ ˚ ` ψ “ f E
dt t |t“0 dt dt
because Ψ0 “ I. □
Ψ̂ “ Rλ1 ΨRλ´1
Therefore, if Rλ0 P SU2 , then the induced immersion in E3 reads
(4.1) fˆE “ Rλ0 f E Rλ´1
(4.2) T “ c ` c˚ , 9 ´1 qλ .
c “ pλ1 ´ λ0 qpRR 0
τ holom. τ anti-holom.
J orient. preserving RΦg pRΦgq´λ
J orient. reversing pRΦgq´λ pRΦgqλ
Table 1. τ ˚ Φ, when τ ˚ f “ J ˝ f .
5.1 Symmetries in H3
Theorem 5.2. Assume that f H is not flat. The following statements are equivalent.
(1) There exist a biholomorphism τ of Σ and an orientation-preserving isometry J of H3 such that
τ ˚f H “ J ˝ f H.
(2) There exist an LWR gauge g and a holomorphic dressing R such that Rλ1 P SU2 and
τ ˚ Φ “ RΦg.
Proof. Assume that p1q holds. Then τ ˚ f H is a rigid motion of f H , so by theorem 4.12, there exists a
holomorphic dressing R
r such that R
rλ P SU2 and
τ ˚ f H “ LWRpΣ, ξ, RΦ,
r λ0 , λ1 q.
On the other hand,
τ ˚ f H “ LWRpΣ, τ ˚ ξ, τ ˚ Φ, λ0 , λ1 q.
By corollary 4.13, there exists an LWR gauge g and a holomorphic dressing R
p such that R
pλ P SU2 and
τ ˚Φ “ R
Conclude with R :“ R
Conversely, assume that p2q holds. Then the LWR potential associated with τ ˚ Φ is ξ ¨ g. Therefore,
τ ˚ f H “ LWRpΣ, τ ˚ ξ, τ ˚ Φ, λ0 , λ1 q
“ LWRpΣ, ξ ¨ g, RΦg, λ0 , λ1 q
“ LWRpΣ, ξ, RΦ, λ0 , λ1 q,
and by theorem 4.12, there exists an orientation-preserving isometry J of H3 such that τ ˚ f H “ J ˝ f H . □
A similar statement holds with an anti-holomorphic τ :
Theorem 5.3. Assume that f H is a not flat and obtained via the LWR at pλ0 , λ1 q P R2 . The following
statements are equivalent.
(1) There exists an anti-holomorphic diffeomorphism τ of Σ and an orientation-reversing isometry J of
H3 such that
τ ˚f H “ J ˝ f H.
(2) There exist an LWR gauge g and a holomorphic dressing R such that Rλ1 P SU2 and
τ ˚ Φλ “ Rλ Φλ g.
Proof. Assume that p1q holds. Then there exists an orientation-preserving isometry L such that
τ ˚f H “ L ˝ f H.
By theorem 4.12, there exists a holomorphic dressing R
r such that R
rλ P SU2 and
τ ˚ f H “ LWRpΣ, ξ, RΦ,
r λ0 , λ1 q.
τ ˚ Φλ “ R
Conclude with R :“ RpR.
The converse is proved with the same arguments as in the proof of theorem 5.2. □
5.2 Symmetries in E3
Each of theorems 5.4 to 5.7 correspond to an entry of Table 1.
Theorem 5.4. Assume that f E is not flat. The following statements are equivalent.
(1) There exist a biholomorphism τ of Σ and an orientation-preserving isometry J of E3 such that
τ ˚f E “ J ˝ f E.
(2) There exist an LWR gauge g and a holomorphic dressing R such that Rλ0 P SU2 and
τ ˚ Φ “ RΦg.
Proof. Follow step by step the proof of theorem 5.2 to prove this theorem. □
E 2
Theorem 5.5. Assume that f is not flat and obtained via the LWR at pλ0 , λ1 q P R . The following
statements are equivalent.
(1) There exist an anti-holomorphic diffeomorphism τ of Σ and an orientation-reversing isometry J of
E3 such that
τ ˚f E “ J ˝ f E.
(2) There exist an LWR gauge g and a holomorphic dressing R such that Rλ0 P SU2 and
τ ˚ Φλ “ Rλ Φλ g.
Proof. Follow step by step the proof of theorem 5.3 to prove this theorem. □
We get two more types of symmetries in the Euclidean case.
Theorem 5.6. Assume that f E is not flat and obtained via the LWR with λ0 “ 0. The following statements
are equivalent.
(1) There exist a biholomorphism τ of Σ and an orientation-reversing isometry J of E3 such that
τ ˚f E “ J ˝ f E.
(2) There exist an LWR gauge g and a holomorphic dressing R such that R0 P SU2 and
τ ˚ Φ´λ “ Rλ Φλ g.
Proof. Again, the ideas are the same as in theorem 5.3, noting that the isometry X ÞÑ ´X in E3 is orientation
reversing, and that with Φ
p λ “ Φ´λ and λ0 “ 0, the induced null curve reads
p9 λ Φ
ψp “ pλ1 ´ λ0 qΦ p ´1
0 λ0
Theorem 6.3. The LWR data (6.8) induces an intrinsic surface of revolution with metric and Hopf differ-
ential as in (6.2)–(6.3). Moreover, any non-flat, minimal or CMC 1 intrinsic surface of revolution can be
obtained this way, up to an isometry and a coordinate change.
Proof. At λ “ 0, the potential ξ is constantly vanishing, so the frame Φ is constantly the identity. Therefore,
the metric of the induced immersion f can be computed with theorem 3.1 and agrees with (6.2). We deduce
that f is an intrinsic surface of revolution. Theorem 3.1 also gives the Hopf differential as in (6.3) and the
surface is not flat.
Conversely, let f : CĂ˚ Ñ X3 be a minimal or CMC 1, non-flat, intrinsic surface of revolution. By propo-
sition 6.2, there exist a, b ą 0, α ă β and ν P R such that the metric and Hopf differential of f are given by
Equations (6.2)–(6.3). By the first part of the proof together with Bonnet’s Theorem, up to a rigid motion,
f “ LWRpΣ, ξ, Φ, λ0 , λ1 q with λ1 ´ λ0 “ eiν . □
6.3 Enneper surfaces
Definition 6.4. A minimal or CMC 1 immersion is an Enneper surface if it is a non-flat, intrinsic surface
of revolution that descends from the universal cover of C˚ to a conformal immersion on C.
Let r ą 0 and n P Ně0 . Consider the following LWR data on C:
p0, 1q in E3 ,
ˆ ˙
0 rz n
(6.9) ξ“ dz, Φp0q “ I, pλ0 , λ1 q “
λ 0 p1, 0q in H3 .
Theorem 6.5. The LWR data (6.9) induces an Enneper surface. Moreover, any Enneper surface can be
obtained this way, up to an isometry and coordinate change.
Proof. We first show that the LWR data (6.9) yields an Enneper surface. Let f “ LWRpC, ξ, Φ, λ0 , λ1 q. One
can compute explicitly:
ˆ n`1 ˙
1 rzn`1
(6.10) Φ0 pzq “ .
0 1
By theorem 3.1, the metric of f is
˜ ¸2
2 r2 |z| 2
(6.11) ds “ 1` |dz| .
pn ` 1q2
The metric is rotationally invariant, so f is an Enneper surface. Note that the Hopf differential of f is
(6.12) Qdz 2 “ pλ1 ´ λ0 qrz n dz 2 .
We now show that any Enneper surface f : C Ñ X3 can be obtained this way. By definition, the metric
of f is radial and f is not flat. By theorem 6.3, f can be obtained with the LWR data (6.8). The metric of
f is given by
´ ¯2
2α 2β 2
ds2 “ a2 |z| ` b2 |z| |dz| .
But f is conformal at z “ 0, so αβ “ 0 and α ` β ě 0. Because α ă β, we have α “ 0 and β ą 0. The Hopf
differential is
Qdz 2 “ eiν abβz β´1 dz 2 .
The immersion f is well-defined on C, so there exists n P Ně0 such that β ´ 1 “ n. Therefore, the metric
and Hopf differential of f are
´ ¯2
2n`2 2
ds2 “ a2 ` b2 |z| |dz| ,
Corollary 6.6. Any Enneper surface admits an extrinsic rotational symmetry of order n ` 2.
Proof. Let f be an Enneper surface. By theorem 6.5, f is given by the LWR data (6.9). Let θ :“ 2π{pn ` 2q,
τ pzq :“ eiθ z and compute ˆ ´iθ{2 ˙
˚ e 0
τ ξ “ ξ ¨ g, g “ ,
0 eiθ{2
so that
(6.13) τ ˚ Φ “ RΦg
where R is holomorphic in λ and independent of z. Evaluating (6.13) at z “ 0 and recalling that Φp0q “ I
gives R “ g ´1 . Therefore, R P SU2 is independent of λ. By theorems 5.2 and 5.4, τ induces a symmetry of
f and a direct computation shows that this symmetry is a rotation of angle θ in both ambient spaces. □
6.4 Catenoids
In this section, we review catenoids in the framework of the LWR. We exhibit a family of Fuchsian
potentials that induce catenoids and show that any catenoid can be obtained this way.
Ă˚ Ñ X3 is a catenoid if it is a non-flat
Definition 6.7. A minimal or CMC 1 conformal immersion f : C
extrinsic surface of revolution: for all t P R,
τt˚ f “ Rptq ˝ f
where τt is a lift of z ÞÑ eit z and R : R Ñ IsopX3 q is a 1-parameter group of rotations.
Remark 6.8. We do not assume that all catenoids are closed on C˚ . However, noting that the group R is
Ă˚ . With t0 :“ mintt ą 0 | τ ˚ f “ f u, we define the
compact, any catenoid closes on some angular sector in C t
wrapping number of f as r :“ 2π{t0 .
Proposition 6.9. Let Φ be an LWR frame inducing a catenoid at the evaluation points pλ0 , λ1 q “ p0, 1q.
Up to an LWR gauge, the LWR potential of Φ reads
ˆ ˙
0 1
(6.14) ξ “ Kz ´1 dz, K “
qλ ` p 0
where q P R˚ and p ą 0. Moreover, the Hopf differential of the catenoid is qz ´2 dz 2 and its wrapping number
is 2 p.
Ă˚ Ñ X3 be the catenoid induced by Φ. By assumption, f is not flat, so there exists a Schwarz
Proof. Let f : C
potential inducing f locally (by theorem 2.12), and up to a gauge,
ˆ ˙
0 1
ξ“ dz.
Qλ ` S 0
By corollary 2.13, Qdz 2 is the Hopf differential of f and S is the Schwarzian derivative of its Gauss map.
Let t P R and τ pzq “ eit z. Then ˆ ˙
˚ 0 1 it
τ ξ“ e dz.
τ ˚ Qλ ` τ ˚ S 0
We put this potential into its Schwarz form with a diagonal LWR gauge g P SU2 :
ˆ ˙
0 1
τ ˚ ξ ¨ g “ 2it ˚ dz.
e pτ Qλ ` τ ˚ Sq 0
But f is a catenoid, so τ induces a rotation of the surface. By theorems 5.2 and 5.4, there exists an LWR
gauge g̃ such that τ ˚ ξ “ ξ ¨ g̃. Therefore, ξ and τ ˚ ξ ¨ g are Schwarz potentials that lie in the same gauge
class. By uniqueness of the Schwarz potential (theorem 2.12), this implies that ξ “ τ ˚ ξ ¨ g, i.e.
(6.15) τ ˚ Q “ e´2it Q, τ ˚ S “ e´2it S.
But Q is holomorphic and not identically zero, so by (6.15) Q never vanishes. Therefore there exists q P C˚
such that Q “ qz ´2 . For the same reason, there exists s P C such that S “ sz ´2 . The Schwarz potential
reads ˆ ˙
0 1
ξ“ dz
z ´2 pqλ ` sq 0
and ξ extends meromorphically to C˚ . With p :“ s ` 1{4,
ˆ ? ˙ ˆ ˙
z 0 0 1 dz
(6.16) ξ¨ 1 ?1
“ .
´ 2? z z qλ ` p 0 z
Up to a gauge, we can therefore assume that ξ “ Kz ´1 dz where
ˆ ˙
0 1
λq ` p 0
with q P C˚ and p P C.
We now show that q P R˚ and p ą 0. The frame Φ satisfies Φ´1 dΦ “ Kz ´1 dz, so there exists C “ pCλ qλPC
independent of z such that Φ “ Cz K . Therefore, τ ˚ Φ “ RΦ with
R “ C exppitKqC ´1 .
Recall that for all t, τ induces a rotation of f X with a fixed axis.
In H3 , by theorem 5.2, R1 P SU2 for all t. But this implies that exppitK1 q is unitarizable for all
` t, which
in turn implies that det K1 ď 0. Assume by contradiction that det K1 “ 0. Then exppitK1 q “ 10 it1 and
this matrix is not unitarizable
by SL2 C-conjugation for all t. Therefore det K1 ă 0, i.e. p ` q P Rą0 . The
? ?
eigenvalues of R0 are e˘it p , so by corollary 4.13, p P R˚ and t0 “ 22π ? , i.e. the wrapping number is 2 p
and p P Rą0 . Finally, q P R˚ because p ` q P R and q ‰ 0 because a catenoid is not flat.
In? E3 , p ą 0 for the same reason as in H3 : theorem 5.4 implies that det K0 ă 0. The eigenvalues of R0 are
e ˘it p
, so by corollary 4.13, p P R˚ and t0 “ 22π ? . Using det K0 ă 0, we note that K is holomorphically
diagonalizable in a neighborhood of λ “ 0 and write R “ U DU ´1 where U is independent of t, U0 P SU2 ,
and ˆ itµ ˙
e 0
D“ , µ2 “ qλ ` p.
0 e´itµ
Because U is independent of t, by proposition 4.14, R induces a 1-parameter group of rotations if and only if
D induces a 1-parameter group of rotations. Consider ϕpDq and ρpDq given by proposition 4.14. The linear
part of ϕ is a rotation whose axis consists of the diagonal elements of E3 . Therefore, ϕpDq is a rotation if
and only if the affine part ρpDq ` ρpDq˚ is off-diagonal. By an explicit computation,
ˆ ˙
itq 1 0
ρpDq “ ? ,
2 p 0 ´1
so q is real and q P R˚ . □
Theorem 6.10. Let q P R˚ and let p ą 0. Consider the LWR data pC˚ , ξ, Φ, 0, 1q with ξ as in (6.14) and
in E3 ,
ˆ ˙
1 1 µ ,
Φp1q :“ ? µ :“ ?
2 ´µ 1 p ` q in H3
and assume that p ` q ą 0 in the case of H3 . Then the induced immersion is a catenoid with Hopf differential
qz ´2 dz 2 , wrapping number 2 p and metric
q 2 ´ ´1 2µ ´2µ
´2 2
(6.17) ds2 “ µ |z| ` µ |z| |z| |dz| .
Moreover, any catenoid can be obtained this way, up to a rigid motion and a coordinate change.
Proof. In both cases, the LWR frame reads
Φ “ Cz K , C :“ Φp1q.
For all t P R, let τt pzq “ e z. Then τt˚ Φ “ RΦ with
R “ C exppitKqC ´1 .
In E3 , the matrix C is a diagonalizer of K at λ0 “ 0, and thus a diagonalizer of exppitK0 q. Therefore
R0 : R Ñ SU2 is a 1-parameter group. By theorem 5.4, τt induces a 1-parameter group of symmetries Jt
on the immersion f . Moreover, this 1-parameter group is closed, with period t0 “ π{ p. Therefore J is a
1-parameter group of rotations with a common axis, and the induced immersion is a catenoid of wrapping
number 2 p.
Similarly, in H3 , the matrix C is a diagonalizer of K at λ1 “ 1, and thus a diagonalizer of exppitK1 q.
Therefore R1 : R Ñ SU2 is a 1-parameter group. By theorem 5.2, τt induces a 1-parameter group of symme-
tries Jt on the immersion f . Moreover, this group is closed with period π{ p, so it is a 1-parameter group
of rotations with common axis. Therefore, the induced immersion is a catenoid of wrapping number 2 p.
The metric is given by theorem 3.1, computing explicitly the spinors at λ “ 0 in E and λ “ 1 in H3 :
? i q
(6.18) x “ p0, i qz ´1{2 q, y “ ? pµ´1{2 z ´1{2`µ , µ1{2 z ´1{2´µ q. □
We now show that any catenoid can be obtained this way. Let f : C Ă˚ Ñ X3 be a catenoid. By theorem 1.7,
f can be obtained locally via LWR at the evaluation points pλ0 , λ1 q “ p0, 1q. By proposition 6.9, up to a
gauge, ξ is as in (6.14). Note that the proof of proposition 6.9 implies that p ` q ą 0 if X3 “ H3 . By
proposition 6.9 again, the Hopf differential of f is qz ´2 dz 2 and its wrapping number is 2 p. Let f˜ be the
catenoid given by the data of theorem 6.10 with the same q and p. Let Φ “ Cz K and Φ̃ “ C̃z K be the
frames for f and f˜ respectively. Up to a rigid motion, assume that f and f˜ share the same axis of symmetry.
Then, at λk (k “ 0 in E3 , k “ 1 in H3 ),
ˆ ˙
µ 0
pCKC ´1 qλk “ pC̃K C̃ ´1 qλk “ .
0 ´µ
We deduce that there exists ρ P C˚ such that
ˆ ˙
ρ 0
Cλk “ C̃λk .
0 ρ´1
One can then compute the spinor of Φ at λk :
ˆ ˙
ρ 0
yλk “ ỹ .
0 ρ´1 λk
By (6.18), the metrics ds2 and ds
r agree up to a coordinate change. Moreover, the two catenoids have the
´2 2
same Hopf differential qz dz . By Bonnet’s Theorem, they agree up to a rigid motion.
7 n-noids
In this section, we give a standard form for LWR potentials that induce n-noids. We then show how to
construct generic trinoids by solving a period problem that amounts to the unitarization of a monodromy
Definition 7.1. A genus zero n-noid is a conformal, minimal or CMC 1 immersion of the n-punctured
sphere obtained from an LWR potential ξ which is
(1) of Fuchsian type: around each puncture pk , there exists an LWR gauge gk such that ξ ¨ gk has a
simple pole at pk , and a
(2) of catenoid type: the residue at pk of ξ ¨ gk has eigenvalues ˘ qk λ ` 1{4. The parameter qk P C˚ is
the weight of the puncture pk .
Our definition of a pole of catenoid type is justified by the following lemma.
Lemma 7.2. Let ξ “ Kz ´1 dz be an LWR potential on C˚ where the residue K is independent of z and
det K “ ´pqλ ` pq
for some q P C˚ and p P C. Then there exists an LWR gauge g such that
ˆ ˙
0 1 dz
ξ¨g “ .
qλ ` p 0 z
Proof. Write K “ Aλ ` B and let x :“ pu, vq be a spinor for A (x does not depend on z). Up to conjugation
by ˆ ˙
0 i
g0 “ ,
i 0
one can assume that v ‰ 0. Recall that q ‰ 0 and compute:
ˆ ´1 ˙ ˆ? ˙
v u p ´q dz
g1 :“ , ξ1 :“ ξ ¨ g1 “ ? ,
0 v ´λ ´ p z
ˆ? ˙ ˆ? ˙
´q 0 p 1 dz
g2 :“ ?1
, ξ2 :“ ξ1 ¨ g2 “ ? ,
0 ´q qλ ´ p z
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
1 0 0 1 dz
g3 :“ ? , ξ3 :“ ξ2 ¨ g3 “ .
´ p 1 qλ ` p 0 z
7.3 Trinoids
References for the classification of trinoids in E3 are [11], [14] and in H3 , [16],[1]. Here, we outline the
strategy to obtain closed trinoids by finding a unitarizer of a monodromy representation on the 3-punctured
Corollary 7.7. Any trinoid can be obtained from the LWR with the data
ˆ ˙
0 1
Σ “ CP 1 zt0, 1, 8u, ξ “ dz, pλ0 , λ1 q “ p0, 1q
Qλ ` S 0
q0 ` pq1 ´ q0 ´ q2 qz ` q2 z 2 4 pu1´ u0 q2
(7.2) Q“ , S“ ,
z 2 pz ´ 1q2 pz ´ u0 q2 pz ´ u1 q2
q0 , q1 , q2 P C and u1 ‰ u2 P C are the zeroes of Q.
Proof. The function Q is as in (7.2) because of theorem 7.3. The total order of the quadratic differential
Sdz 2 is ´4, and by theorem 7.3, S is rational on CP 1 with double poles at the zeroes of Q and no other poles.
Therefore, Q admits two distinct zeroes u1 , u2 P C, each of order 1. By theorem 7.3 again, the quadratic
residue of Sdz 2 at uk is 43 , hence the form of S in (7.2). □
Proposition 7.8. Let Φ be an LWR frame with LWR potential ξ as in corollary 7.7 and let pM0 , M1 , M2 q
be the monodromy of Φ around some loop enclosing p0, 1, 8q with index 1.
(1) The eigenvalues of Mk at λ1 “ 1 are e˘2πiνk where
1 a
(7.3) νk “ ´ qk ` 1{4.
(2) The eigenvalues of M9 k at λ0 “ 0 are ˘ν9 k where
(7.4) ν9 k “ 2πiqk .
Proof. First note that these eigenvalues do not depend upon the choice of an initial condition for Φ, nor do
they depend on the chosen loop. Around each singularity, there exists a gauge g such that the potential ξ ¨ g
is a Fuchsian potential whose residue K has eigenvalues ˘µ where
µ2 “ λqk ` .
Noting that the gauge g itself has monodromy ´I, we deduce that the monodromy of Φ has the same eigen-
values as ´ expp2πiKq. This proves (7.3). To compute the eigenvalues of M9 k , note that K is diagonalizable
in a neighborhood of λ0 “ 0. Therefore, with
ˆ 2πiµ ˙
e k
0 1
Nk :“ ´2πiµk , µ2k “ λqk ` ,
0 e 4
there exists C “ Cλ holomorphic for λ in a neighborhood of λ0 “ 0 such that
Mk “ CNk C ´1 .
Using that Mk “ ´I at λ0 “ 0, we get
and that the eigenvalues of M9 k and the eigenvalues of N9 k are the same at λ0 “ 0. This implies (7.4). □
Definition 7.9. An irreducible trinoid is a trinoid induced by an LWR frame Φ whose monodromy
matrices M0 , M1 , M2 satisfy the following condition:
‚ for minimal trinoids in E3 : tM9 0 , M9 1 , M9 2 uλ0 is irreducible,
‚ for CMC 1 trinoids in H3 : tM0 , M1 , M2 uλ1 is irreducible.
Proof. We start with Euclidean space E3 . Let T be the set of irreducible minimal trinoids (modulo rigid
motions) and let Q be the set of triples pq0 , q1 , q2 q P R3 whose absolute values satisfy the Euclidean triangle
inequalities. Let W : T Ñ Q be the map that associates to a trinoid its weights. We show that W is a
The map W is well-defined: by corollary 7.7, the weights of a given trinoid are determined by its Hopf
differential, which is invariant under rigid motions. Moreover, we need to show that WpTq Ă Q: let
f “ LWRpΣ, ξ, Φ, λ0 , λ1 q be a trinoid given by corollary 7.7 and let M0 , M1 , M2 be the monodromies of Φ
around the poles 0, 1 and 8 respectively. By definition 7.9 and by theorem 5.10, tM9 0 , M9 1 , M9 2 uλ0 is irreducible
and unitary. By proposition 7.8, the eigenvalues of pM9 k qλ0 are ˘2πiqk . By theorem 7.6, pq0 , q1 , q2 q P Q. Note
that the Hopf differential Qdz 2 given by corollary 7.7 has two distinct zeroes if and only if δpq1 , q2 , q3 q ‰ 0
δpq0 , q1 , q2 q :“ q02 ` q12 ` q22 ´ 2q0 q1 ´ 2q0 q2 ´ 2q1 q2 ,
but Q ∩ δ ´1 t0u “ ∅.
The map W is surjective: let q “ pq0 , q1 , q2 q P Q. Let pΣ, ξ, Φ, λ0 , λ1 q be LWR data as in corollary 7.7.
Since q P Q, proposition 7.8 and theorem 7.6 ensure that tM9 0 , M9 1 , M9 2 uλ0 is irreducible and unitarizable. Let
C be a unitarizer. Then the LWR frame CΦ induces an irreducible trinoid.
The map W is injective: let f1 and f2 be two irreducible trinoids with the same weights. By corollary 7.7,
f1 and f2 can be obtained via the LWR from the same potential and the same evaluation points. Therefore,
the corresponding LWR frames Φ1 and Φ2 only differ by an initial condition: there exists C “ pCλ qλPC
such that Φ2 “ CΦ1 . With M and N the monodromies of Φ1 and Φ2 respectively, this implies that
tM9 0 , M9 1 , M9 2 uλ0 and tN9 0 , N9 1 , N9 2 uλ0 are conjugated by Cλ0 (see theorem 5.10). We deduce that Cλ0 P SU2 .
By theorem 4.12, f1 “ f2 up to a rigid motion.
The case of H3 is treated similarly. Let T be the set of irreducible CMC 1 trinoids (modulo rigid motions).
The relevant eigenvalues are now given by (7.3) in place of (7.4). Let V be the set of triples pν0 , ν1 , ν2 q P R3
whose absolute values satisfy the spherical triangle inequalities, let ∆ :“ δ ´1 pt0uq and let
and let Q :“ ρpVqz∆. One can show, with the same arguments as in Euclidean space, that the map
W : T Ñ Q which associates its weights to a trinoid is a bijection. □
Figure 3. Simple factor dressing of the catenoid in E3 , as in example 8.8 with pp, qq “ p 14 , 1q
and pu, ℓq “ p2, 2q.
Definition 8.4. The map Φ ÞÑ g#Φ of (8.2) is the simple factor dressing of Φ by g. It descends, via
the LWR, to a map on the induced immersions, also called simple factor dressing.
Corollary 8.5. Simple factor dressing preserves the Hopf differential.
Proof. Let Qdz 2 and Q̃dz 2 be the Hopf differentials induced by Φ and Φ̃ :“ g#Φ “ gΦh´1 respectively.
The LWR potential of Φ̃ is ξ˜ :“ ξ ¨ h´1 . By theorem 8.3, h is a simple factor, so h “ S∆S ´1 . Therefore,
ξ˜ “ ξ ¨ pS∆´1 S ´1 q, and we have
ξˆ :“ ξ˜ ¨ S “ pξ ¨ Sq ¨ ∆´1 .
Let Φ̂ :“ Φ̃S be an LWR frame for ξ˜ and let Q̂dz 2 be the Hopf differential induced by Φ̂. On the one hand,
S is an LWR gauge, so Q̂ “ Q̃. On the other hand, assuming without loss of generality that ξ ¨ S is in its
Schwarz form (theorem 2.12), with Qdz 2 “ pλ1 ´ λ0 qqdz 2 ,
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
ˆ 0 1 pλ ´ αq´1 0 0 λ´α
ξ“ ¨ dz “ qλ`s dz.
qλ ` s 0 0 1 λ´α 0
But ξˆ is an LWR potential, so qα ` s “ 0. Therefore,
ˆ ˙
ˆ 0 λ´α
ξ“ dz.
q 0
By remark 3.2, Q̂ “ Q. □
Theorem 8.6. Let Φ be a non-flat LWR frame with monodromy M . Let g “ SFpα, l, mq. If l is an eigenline
of Mα , then the monodromy M̂ of g#Φ is
M̂ “ gM g ´1 .
Proof. Let ξ be the potential of Φ and let w be the associated spinor. Assume that ξ is defined on Σ and
let Σ̃ be its universal cover. Let h “ SFpα, x, yq with x “ Φ´1
α ℓ and y “ span w so that the dressed frame
reads Φ̂ “ gΦh as in theorem 8.3. Note that h has no monodromy around the extras singularities defined
by (8.6). Let τ be a deck transformation of Σ̃ Ñ Σ and let M be the corresponding monodromy matrix for
Φ. The potential ξ is well-defined on Σ, so τ ˚ y “ y. Moreover,
τ ˚ x “ τ ˚ Φ´1 ´1 ´1 ´1
α ℓ “ Φ α Mα ℓ “ Φ α l “ x
? α
By proposition 4.14, R̂ induces a rotation of the same angle. Therefore, a rotation of angle 2π{p2u pq in
the domain induces a rotation of angle 2π{u in space.
One can compute explicitly the location of the singularities of h by solving for z with the notations of
1 pµ0 ` µα qz 2µα ´ pµ0 ´ µα q ℓ1
α ℓ“y ðñ Φα w P ℓ ðñ ´ ¨ 2µ
“ .
µ0 pµ0 ´ µα qz α ´ pµ0 ` µα q ℓ2
Considering z 2µα as the unknown of the equation, it has exactly one solution. Therefore, the dressed surface
admits one extra end on each fundamental domain of its rotational symmetry. Note that the change
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ ˆ 1{2 ˙
ℓ1 ωℓ1 ω 0
ÞÑ , Φ ÞÑ Φ pω P S1 q,
ℓ2 ℓ2 0 ω ´1{2
induces a rotation of the surface, and justifies our normalization ℓ P RP1 . This parameter will determine the
location z1 of the extra singularity in each fundamental domain. By (3.1), this singularity is an end because
det h ÝÑ 0 ùñ ∥h´1 ∥ ÝÑ 8 ùñ ds2 ÝÑ 8
zÑz1 zÑz1 zÑz1
and the end is planar because the Hopf differential holomorphically extends to z1 by corollary 8.5.
The proof in H3 follows the same arguments with
u ą 0, u ‰ 1, u ‰ ? , ℓ P RP1
so that α R t0, 1u. Let ĝ :“ det g1 g1´1 g. Use proposition 4.15 to show that the surface admits a discrete
rotational symmetry. □
Figure 4. Simple factor dressing of the catenoid in H3 viewed in the Poincaré ball model,
as in example 8.8 with pp, qq “ p 14 , ´0.1q and pu, ℓq “ p2, 2q.
Example 8.8. Dressing of a singly-wrapped catenoid (figures 3–4). The original catenoid is given by
p“ and q P p´1{4, 8qzt0u,
and the parameters for dressing are
u P Zě2 and ℓ P RP1 .
Then the dressed immersion fˆ has a discrete rotational symmetry of order u both in the domain and in
space. In particular, it closes on C˚ ztzk uk“1,¨¨¨ ,u where the zk are the solutions of
up2ℓ2 ´ ℓ1 q ´ p2ℓ2 ` ℓ1 q
zku “ , ℓ :“ spanpℓ1 , ℓ2 q.
upℓ1 ´ 2ℓ2 q ´ p2ℓ2 ` ℓ1 q
Example 8.9. Dressing of a doubly-wrapped catenoid (figures 1–5). The original catenoid is given by
p“1 and q P p´1, 8qzt0u,
and the parameters for dressing are
u“ and ℓ P RP1 .
The fundamental piece is C˚ ztz1 u where
3ℓ1 ´ ℓ2
z1 “ , ℓ :“ spanpℓ1 , ℓ2 q
3ℓ2 ` ℓ1
and the dressed immersion fˆ closes on C˚ ztz1 u. This construction is inspired by [3].
Remark 8.10. By computing explicitly the Gauss maps of the examples above, and with Corollary 1 of
[10], one can show that the dressed catenoids are Darboux transformations of the standard catenoid.
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