Differential Geometry

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Unit – IV - Differential Geometry Geodesics

A geodesic on a surface may be defined as a curve of shortest distance between two
points on that surface. (or)

If two points A and B on a surface S be joined by curves lying on S then the curve
which possesses a stationary length (rather than strictly shortest distance) for small
variations is called geodesic.

Note: Curve on a surface having shortest length is called geodesics.

Differential Equations of Geodesics

The differential equations to the geodesics on the surface are and where

and .

Lem: If is a continuous function for and if for all

admissible functions as defined above then .

1. The necessary and sufficient condition for a curve on a surface to be geodesic is

2. The expression for U and V are not independent and they satisfy the relation

Theo: The necessary and sufficient condition that on the general surface the curve be
a geodesic is when for all values of .

Coro: If the parametric curves be orthogonal then the necessary and sufficient condition for
the curve to be a geodesic is when for all values of .

Theo: The necessary and sufficient condition that on the general surface the curve be
a geodesic is when for all values of .

Coro: If the parametric curves be orthogonal then the necessary and sufficient condition for
the curve to be a geodesic is when for all values of .

1. If parametric curves on a surface are orthogonal the curve (constant) will be
geodesic provided E is a function of only and the curves (constant) will be
geodesic if G is a function of only.

2. For a helicoids of non zero pitch the sections by the planes containing the axes are
geodesic if and only if these sections are straight lines.

3. The curve of family are geodesic on a surface with metric


4. The curves are geodesic on a surface with metric


Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 32
Unit – IV - Differential Geometry Geodesics

Canonical Geodesic Equation

The canonical equation of geodesics are &

1. Canonical equations of geodesics are ;

2. For non-parametric curves each of the two are equivalent so that each is a sufficient
condition for a geodesic.

3. For parametric curves to be geodesic the condition is

automatically satisfied by the help of identity and hence the condition
reduces to . Also

4. For parametric curves to be geodesic the condition is

automatically satisfied by the help of identity and hence the condition
reduces to . Also
Geodesic on a surface of revolution

Geodesic on a surface of revolution is

1. Every meridian is a geodesic on the surface of revolution
2. On a surface of revolution a parallel is a geodesic if and only if its radius is
Coro: The geodesic on a right circular cylinder are helices
Coro: If a geodesic on a surface of revolution cuts the meridian at a constant angle, then the
surface is right cylinder
PG – TRB – Questions
1. The condition for a curve on a surface is a geodesic if, [2001]
a) b) c) d) none of these
2. The geodesics on right circular cylinders are [2001]
a) right circular cones b) itself c) circles d) helix
3. Curves of stationary length are called [2002-03]
a) asymptotic lines b) Geodesics c) isometric lines d) Helices
4. A curve on a surface is a geodesic if and only if [2003-04]
a) b) U c) d)
5. The geodesics on a right circular cylinder are [2004-05]
a) circles b) helices c)Parabolas d) ellipses
6. The canonical equation of geodesics are [2006-07]
a) and b) and
c) and d) and
7. The necessary and sufficient condition for a curve to be a geodesic on a surface is [2006-07]
a) b) c) d)
8. On the general surface a necessary and sufficient condition for the curve to be a
geodesic is that [2011-12]
a) b)
c) d)

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 33
Unit – IV - Differential Geometry Geodesics

Normal Property of Geodesics

At every point of a geodesic the principal normal is a normal to the surface. (or)
At every point of a geodesic the rectifying plane touches the surface.
Note: The principal normal is perpendicular to the rectifying plane.
Differential equation of geodesics via normal property
and with as parameter.

Also, and

Where (i,j,k=1,2)

The co-efficient are called Christoffel symbols of first kind.

Also, and

where ;

The co-efficient are called Christoffel symbols of second kind.

1. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a curve on a sphere to be a geodesic is
that the curve is a great circle

2. Every helix on a cylinder is geodesic and conversely geodesic on any cylinder are

3. If a geodesic is either a plane curve of line of curvature it is both (or) the necessary
and sufficient condition that a geodesic be a plane curve is that it is line of curvature.

4. The necessary and sufficient condition that a curve on a developable surface be a

geodesic is that the surface be the rectifying developable of the curve.

5. Every space curve is a geodesic on its rectifying developable

6. Any curve is a geodesic on the surface generated by its bi-normal and an asymptotic
line on the surface generated by its principal normal.

7. A curve for which is constant is a geodesic on cylinder and a curve for which
is constant is a geodesic on a cone.
PG – TRB – Questions
1. A geodesic on a sphere is [2004-05]
a) a circles b) any curve on the sphere c)a great circle d) ellipses
2. At every point of a geodesic its principal normal is [2011-12]
a) normal to the surface b) tangential to the surface
c) normal to the complement of the surface d) undefined
3. The Christoffel symbols of first kind are given by [2011-12]
a) b) c) d)
4. A geodesic on a sphere is [2015]
a) a circle b) any curve on the sphere c) a great circle D) ellipse

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 34
Unit – IV - Differential Geometry Geodesics

Geodesic curvature

The vector with components is called the geodesic curvature

vector at P and is tangential to the surface at P.

Formula for Geodesic of curvature

Geodesic of curvature

Coro: Geodesic curvature of the parametric curve then

Coro: Geodesic curvature of the parametric curve then


1. A curve on a surface is a geodesic if and only if its geodesic curvature vector is zero.
2. The geodesic curvature vector of any curve is orthogonal to the curve.
3. A curve on a plane is a geodesic if and only if it is straight line.
4. Straight lines on a surface are the only asymptote lines which are Geodesic.
5. If a curve on a surface has any two of the following three properties then it has also
the third.
i) It is a geodesic
ii) It is an asymptotic line
iii) It is a straight line
6. The components of the geodesic curvature vector with as parameter are

7. If is the geodesic curvature vector, then

Liouville’s formula for

This is an expression for involving the angle which the curve under
consideration makes with parametric curve . Regarding as a function of
along the curve,
The Liouville’s formula is

Where ;

Torsion of a Geodesic

Torsion of a Geodesic is

Coro: The torsion of a geodesic vanishes in the principal direction

Coro: The torsion of an asymptotic line is equal to the torsion of its geodesic tangent.

Geodesic Tangent

The geodesic which touches a curve at point is called the geodesic tangent of at .

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 35
Unit – IV - Differential Geometry Geodesics


1. Torsion of a Geodesic vanishes at an umblic of E, F, G, L, M, N, is

Ie, ; ;

2. Geodesic torsion in terms of principal curvature and the inclination of geodesic to

the principal direction is

3. Two geodesics at right angles have their torsions equal in magnitude but
opposite in sign

4. Of all geodesics through a given point those which bisect the angles between the
lines of curvature have the greatest torsion.
Gauss Bonnet Theorem

For any curve which encloses a simply connected region R the excess of the curve is
equal to the total curvature of R.

Gaussian Curvature

A function K of is called Gaussian curvature of the surface

Total Curvature

The expression is called the total curvature for every region R.


1. The Gaussian Curvature at a point on a sphere is

2. The total curvature for the whole sphere is

PG – TRB – Questions

1. The geodesic curvature of the parametric curve is given by [2011-12]

a) b)

c) d)

2. On a right circular cone of semi-vertical angle every point can be joined to itself by
a geodesic arc if [2015]
a) b) c) D)

Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 36

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