Class - 8: Chapter - 6: Adventure in The Sky
Class - 8: Chapter - 6: Adventure in The Sky
Vocabulary -
Recreational - An activity done for enjoyment.
Deploying - Bringing or setting into action.
Diverse - Showing a great deal of variety.
Exhilarating - Making one feel happy.
Unique - Being the only one of its kind.
1. What is skydiving?
Ans - At the World FreeFall Convention, divers can jump from diverse
aircraft such as hot-air balloons, helicopters, and even a Boeing 727.
Ans -The fall rate is the speed at which a skydiver descends and is
determined by the suit worn and the diver's body position during the fall.
4. Mention the main differences between the pilot chute and the main
Ans -The pilot chute is a small parachute that pulls the main chute out of
its bag, while the main chute is larger and slows the skydiver's descent
to the ground.
Long answer-