Dventure Ports: Fig. 11.1: Paragliding
Dventure Ports: Fig. 11.1: Paragliding
Dventure Ports: Fig. 11.1: Paragliding
Adventure sports are extraordinary activities performed by
individuals who are in search of excitement, extra enthusiasm
and have the desire to explore nature. These sports are
invented out of adventurous interest of individuals who want
to explore nature out of curiosity. During the exploration,
different types of adventure sports were discovered, such as,
rafting, surfing, mountaineering, trekking, etc. Participation
in such sports also helps to fulfil the purpose of satisfying
robust human behaviour. These sports are classified as—
1. Adventure water sports
2. Adventure land sports
3. Adventure air sports
Further, the adventure sports in all three categories
are also divided separately for water (rafting, surfing, etc.),
land (mountaineering, trekking, etc.) and air (paragliding,
jumping, etc.). The camping has already been discussed in
the Class IX book. Here, in this chapter, paragliding and
surfing are explained for understanding as these are most
exciting and classical adventure sports.
Paragliding is the recreational and competitive adventure
sport for flying paragliders. Paragliding is engine less or
motor free sport and practised by the adventurous people.
This type of sports need courage and need to be decisive.
Classification of Paragliding
Paragliding is classified as—
1. Light-weight gliding
2. Free flying glider
3. Foot-launched glider: Foot launched glider is like an
aircraft with no rigid primary structure.
Sitting Position
The paraglider (pilot) sits in a harness, suspended below a
fabric wing comprising a large number of interconnected
baffled cells. Wing shape is maintained by the suspension
lines. Despite not using an engine, paragliders, flight can last
many hours and cover hundreds of kilometers. Though, the
norms for flight of one to two hours that covers around some
tens of kilometers are considered valid for gliding purposes.
By skillful exploitation of sources on lift, the pilot may gain
height, often climbing to altitudes of a few thousand meters.
Speed of Paragliders
The speed range of paragliders is typically 20–75 kilometres
per hour (12–47 mph).
Instruments used in paragliding are—
1. Variometer: The main purpose of a variometer is to
help a pilot find and stay in the ‘core’ of a thermal
to maximise height gain and, conversely, to indicate
when a pilot is in sinking air and needs to find rising
air. A variometer also indicates the climb rate or sink-
rate with short audio signals (beeps, which increase
in pitch and tempo during ascent, and a droning
sound, which gets deeper as the rate of descent
increases) or a visual display. It also shows altitude
— either above takeoff, above sea level or flight level at
higher altitudes.
2. Radio: Radio communications are used in training
to communicate with other pilots, or to report where
and when they intend to land. These radios normally
operate on a range of frequencies in different
locations. In rare cases, pilots use radios to talk
to airport control towers or air traffic controllers.
Many pilots carry a cell phone so they can call for
pickup if they land away from their intended point of
3. GPS (Global Positioning System): GPS is a necessary
accessory while flying in competitions. The recorded
Flying Techniques
There are different ways of flying as with all the aircrafts,
launching and landing are done into wind. Paragliders, like
hang gliders do not ‘jump’ at any time. There is one assisted
launch technique used in flatland areas and two launching
techniques used on the higher ground.
1. Forward launch: In low winds, the wing is inflated with
a forward launch, where the pilot runs forward with
the wing behind so that the air pressure generated by
the forward movement inflates the wing.
2. Reverse launch: In higher winds, a reverse launch is
used, with the pilot facing the wing to bring it up into
a flying position, then turning around under the wing
and running to complete the launch. Reverse launches
have a number of advantages over the forward launch.
Landing a paraglider, as with all unpowered aircrafts which
cannot abort a landing, involves some specific techniques
and traffic patterns. Paragliding pilots most commonly lose
their height by flying a figure of 8 in over landing zone until
the correct height is achieved, then line up into the wind and
give the glider full speed. Once the correct height (about a
meter above ground) is achieved the pilot will ‘stall’ (pause)
the glider in order to land.
Types of Competitions
1. Cross-country flying is the classical form of paragliding
competitions with championships in club, regional,
national and international levels.
The term surfing refers to the act of riding a wave, regardless
of whether the wave is ridden with a board or without a board,
and regardless of the stance used. Surfing is an event to be
inducted in the Olympic Games from the year 2020. Surfing
is a surface water sport in which the wave rider, referred to as
a surfer, rides on the forward or deep face of a moving wave,
which carries the surfer towards the shore. Waves suitable
for surfing are primarily found in the ocean, but waves can
also be found in lakes or rivers in the form of standing wave
or tidal bore. However, surfers can also utilise artificial waves
such as those from boat and the waves created in artificial
wave pools.
Governing Body
The highest governing body for surfing sport is known as
International Surfing Association. It is played all over the
world. In 1975, professional contests started. That year,
Margo Oberg became the first female professional surfer.
Types of Surfing
Types of Surfboard
A long board (10 feet) causes more friction with the water,
and is slower than a smaller lighter board (6 feet). Longer
boards are good for beginners, who need help in balancing.
Smaller boards are good for more experienced surfers who
want to have more control and manoeuverability.
The seabed can pose danger for surfers. If a surfer falls
while riding a wave, the wave tosses and tumbles the surfer
around, often in a downwards direction. At reef breaks and
beach breaks, surfers have been seriously injured and even
killed because of a violent collision with the sea bed, the
water above which can sometimes be very shallow, especially
at beach breaks or reef breaks during low tide.
Rip currents
Rip currents are water channels that flow away from the
shore. Under the wrong circumstances, these currents can
endanger both experienced and inexperienced surfers. Since
a rip current appears to be an area of flat water, tired or
inexperienced swimmers or surfers may enter one and be
carried out beyond the breaking waves. Although many rip
currents are much smaller, the largest rip currents have a
width of forty or fifty feet. However, by paddling parallel to
the shore, a surfer can easily exit a rip current.
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