Link L5 U2 Unit TestB

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Vocabulary 4 Napisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi lub

odpowiedzi na podane pytania. Użyj wyrazów
1 Połącz części zdań. w nawiasach.
Example: A footballer f Example: What do you do? (what)
1 A pilot a helps animals. I’m a pilot.
2 A singer b flies a plane. 1 What do they do?
3 A shop assistant c helps people to buy . (restaurant)
4 An actor things.
2 ? (why)
5 A farmer d is on TV.
Because Sara likes helping people in her job.
e is in a band.
3 Does he like his job?
f plays football.
. (hates)
4 What time do they start work?
2 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami miejsc pracy z ramki.
(seven o’clock)
fire station office police station 5 ? (where)
stadium surgery theatre
They work in an airport.
Example: Where do firefighters work? 5
In the fire station.
5 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
1 Where do people work on computers?
In the . during often once sometimes usually when
2 Where do doctors work? In the . Example: We sometimes do homework at the weekend.
3 Where do footballers play? In the . 1 We ride horses at the weekend.
4 Where do people watch plays? At the . 2 How do you see your cousins?
5 Where do they wear a uniform and ask people 3 the week I do ballet class.
questions? In the .
4 does Mike work?
5 We work in the studio a week.
Grammar 5
3 Uzupełnij dialogi wyrazami z ramki. Reading
do do does doesn’t don’t like 6 Przeczytaj opis pracy. Oznacz literą T (true) zdania
loves ’re starts where work works prawdziwe, a literą F (false) zdania fałszywe.

Example: A: What time does your aunt start? Blog Search
B: She starts at nine o’clock.
1 A: Does Eva on a farm? Shopper
B: No, she . She works in an office. I’m Max and I’m a shopper. I go to the
shops and buy things for people. They
2 A: What do they ? send me a message and then I go to the
B: They waiters. shops. I work every Saturday and I get up
3 A: Why does she her job? at seven o’clock in the morning and go to
B: Because she helping people. the shops in town. Sometimes there are a
lot of people and I wait and wait and wait! I often go to lots
4 A: you like your job? of different shops and the shop assistants are friendly. Then,
B: No, I . I hate it. I take the things to the people’s homes. I usually finish at six
o’clock and I go home to eat and sleep! I usually can’t stand
5 A: does Tom work?
shopping, but the money is good so I’m happy!
B: He at the hospital.
5 Example: Max is a shop assistant. F
1 Max goes to the shops for different people.
2 Max goes to the shops at seven o’clock.
3 Max likes the shop assistants.
4 Max goes home at six o’clock.
5 Max always loves shopping.

Link dla Klasy V Unit 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

7  Wysłuchaj nagrania, w którym ktoś opowiada o swojej
pracy. Uzupełnij zdania. 10 Połącz części zdań.
Example: The speaker’s name is Marta. 1 Does she a a week.
1 She is a . 2 You go to the b at six o’clock.
2 She works in the city in a . office once c work at the fire
3 She works during the week. 3 Andy gets up station?

4 It is busy at lunchtime and dinnertime. 4 They work during d work in the evening.

5 She wears a . 5 We don’t e the weekends.

5 5

Speaking 11 Przeczytaj definicje i napisz właściwe wyrazy.

8 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. 1 Actors do plays here.

Dad: Good / Best luck for your first day! You’ll be great! 2 They work in a surgery and a hospital.

Vicky: Thanks, Dad! I love cooking, so I think I can do it. 3 They fly to different countries.

Dad: Of course you can! We’re keeping our 1fingers / legs 4 Footballers play here.
crossed for you! 5 Hairdressers work here.
Vicky: Thanks! Steve’s a great chef. I can learn a lot. 5
Dad: Yes, you can. See you later. Your mum and brother Total with Extra 55
also wish you all the 2good / best of luck!
Steve: Vicky, great job! You deserve a pat on the
back / head!
Vicky: Thanks!
Steve: You’re a great help!
Vicky: I really like cooking.
Steve: I can see. The people that come to the restaurant
love your food. Keep 4on / up the good work and
you can be a good chef.
Vicky: It’s an interesting job.
Steve: It is. Congratulations 5on / in your first day and see
you tomorrow!

9 Napisz ogłoszenie o pracy. Użyj 25–40 wyrazów. Napisz:
• gdzie i kiedy ma być wykonywana ta praca,
• co trzeba robić,
• jakie ubranie trzeba nosić,
• jakie zalety ma ta praca.

Total Marks 45

Link dla Klasy V Unit 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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