Sesrp Project
Sesrp Project
Sesrp Project
EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA | Somalia | IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing (IPF) | FY 2022 | Seq No: 5 |
Archived on 10-Jun-2024 | ISR00289
Implementing Agencies: Federal Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MoEWR), Ministry of Energy and Minerals,
Somaliland, Ministry of Finance, Federal Republic of Somalia, Ministry of Finance, Somaliland
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
Component 1 –Subtransmission and distribution network reconstruction, reinforcement and operations efficiency in the
major load centers of Mogadishu and Hargeisa:(Cost 75,000,000.00)
Component 3 – Stand-alone solar off-grid access to public institutions (health and education):(Cost 40,000,000.00)
Increase access to lower cost and cleaner electricity, re-establish the electricity supply industry
Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Closing Period
Indicator Name
Value Month/Year Value Date Value Date Value Month/Year
0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 31-Oct-2023 237,000.00 Jul/2027
Comments on The indicator will track the additional electricity supply provided as a result a) technical loss
Increase in electricity supply achieving targets reduction and synchronization under component 1; b) increase in enegy supply from the
(Megawatt hour(MWh)) installed SPV+BESS under Component 2 and c) off-grid solar generation from component 3.
Based on on the preliminary designs completed for Componets 2&3, the systems will have
the capacity to suppy about 65,000MWh (target to be reviewed at the MTR stage)
Generation capacity of 0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 30-May-2024 0.00 30-May-2024 23.00 Jun/2026
energy constructed or Comments on This will include (i) Capacity of SPV systems installed under Componnt 2&3. The preliminary
rehabilitated (Megawatt) achieving targets designs indicate that at least a capacity of 40MW shall be installed.
Renewable energy 0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 30-May-2024 0.00 30-May-2024 23.00 Jun/2026
generation capacity Comments on This will include (i) Capacity of SPV systems installed under Componnt 2&3. The preliminary
(other than achieving targets designs indicate that at least a capacity of 40MW shall be installed.
constructed under the
project (Megawatt)
0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 31-Oct-2023 604,000.00 Jun/2026
Annual GHG avoided (Metric
Comments on The indicator will track the reduction in GHG emissions resulting from improved efficiency of
achieving targets ESPs operations and establishment of renewable generation replacing diesel based one.
0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 30-May-2024 0.00 30-May-2024 30.00 Jun/2026
Comments on The indicator will track the decrease in the participating ESPs tariffs due to project
Decrease in tariffs under the
achieving targets intervention under Component 2. Preliminary feasibility assesments highlight a likely
project (Percentage)
reduction of upto 50% (Target to be reviewed at MTR)
No Jul/2021 No 30-May-2024 No 30-May-2024 Yes Jun/2026
Establishment of the
Comments on The indicator will track the reestablishment of the sector institutions with clear mandates.
Electricity Supply Industry
achieving targets Key milestones will include (a) Adaption of a new ESI Institutional Organization structure
institutions with clear roles
(achived); (ii) Establishment of the Somaliland Energy Regulatory Commission and the FGS
and responsibilities
National Electricity Authority (Achived); (iii) Enactment of FGS Electricity Law/Act (Achieved),
and (iv) Licenses issued for generation, transmission and distribution operations.
Component 1 –Subtransmission and distribution network reconstruction, reinforcement and operations efficiency in the major load centers of Mogadishu
and Hargeisa
Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Closing Period
Indicator Name
Value Month/Year Value Date Value Date Value Month/Year
0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 31-Oct-2023 331.00 Jun/2026
Distribution lines constructed Comments on The indicator will track progress in the length of distribution network rehabilitation and
or rehabilitated achieving targets extension. Designs for the Mogadishu and Hargeisa cities have been completed with the
(Kilometers) following indicative distribution line to be constructed: Mogadishu-166km and Hargeisa-
67.2km. Implementation of this sub-component is behind schedule.
0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 30-May-2024 0.00 30-May-2024 52.00 Jun/2026
Sub-transmission lines Comments on The indicator will track progress in the establishment of the sub-transmission network in the
constructed under the achieving targets country. This will include proposed 132KV lines. The feasibility study has recomended the
project (Kilometers) following lines to be constructed: (i)Mogadishu-55km; Hargeisa-30km.Implementation of
this sub-component is behind schedule.
0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 31-Oct-2023 48.00 Jun/2026
Comments on The indicator will track the progress in the synchronization of existing generators improving
Generators synchronized achieving targets their efficiency in utilization of available installed capacity. A detailed technical assesment is
(Megawatt) planned to be undertaken to assess the compatability of the various generator sets that can
be synchonised.
40.00 Jul/2021 0.00 30-May-2024 0.00 30-May-2024 32.00 Jun/2026
Comments on This indicator will track the reduction in technical losses for ESPs in the program areas
achieving targets resulting from distribution network interconnection and rehabilitation. The network design
Technical loss reduction
analysis has indicated an average total network losses of about 35 percent, that can be
reduced to about 20 percent by implementing the proposed network reinforcements and
prudent revenue managment systems, especialy metering ( Target to be reviewed at the
Number of people 0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 30-May-2024 0.00 30-May-2024 3,150,000.00 Jun/2026
benefitting from improved Comments on This indicator will track the number of people benefitting from improved electricity service
electricity service delivery achieving targets delivery
under component 1
Component 2 –Hybridization and battery storage systems for minigrids
Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Closing Period
Indicator Name
Value Month/Year Value Date Value Date Value Month/Year
0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 30-May-2024 0.00 30-May-2024 18.00 Jun/2026
Generation capacity of
Comments on Feasibility asssesments indicate the potential to install at least 30MW under Components 2.
energy constructed or
achieving targets Preparation and Invitation for Bids for these activities are ongoing and most of the contracts
rehabilitated (Megawatt)
are expected to be awarded by end October, 2024.
Renewable energy 0.00 Jul/2021 0.00 06-Apr-2023 18.00 Jun/2026
generation capacity Comments on Feasibility asssesments indicate the potential to install at least 30MW under Components 2.
(other than achieving targets Preparation and Invitation for Bids for these activities are ongoing and most of the contracts
hydropower) are expected to be awarded by end October, 2024.
constructed under the
project (Megawatt)