Dipole, 2-Elements, Other

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Dipole, 2-Elements, other

AFA40 Phased Array Antenna AFA series is phase array antenna designed to obtain the highest obtainable gain and F/B ratio based on 2-elements Yagi type of antenna. These high gain antennas manufactured under high tolerance specifications to meet the customers seeking thebest. All the models in this series offer practical weight and turning radius through the use of reduced size elements. Vertical Antenna CV48 is reduced type vertical antenna for 80, 75, 40 meter band. A loading capacitor hat makes it possible to efficiently by shortening the element on 7MHz. Only the unique structure of the trap in order to raise the Q by placing independently coil and capacitor of the 3.8MHz trap makes is possible to radiate RF energy most effectively. Optional remote controlled AD385 band adaptor enables to extend operation to 3.5MHz at the flip of switch. Rotatable Dipole Antenna CD78 is a reduced scale rotatable dipole antenna for 3.5/3.8MHz. The element length of antenna approximately 45% reduced to the full size, so that delivering a radiation efficiency is come out out within -2dB of its full-sized counterpart. The remotely controlled BS81 (BS81 for CD78L) 2-band and preselectable 4-channel network built-in including balun transformer standard offers the operation selectable either 3.8MHz or 3.5MHz at the fingertip.

Model Frequency (MHz)

AFA75-1(-2) 3.8 2 7 (6.8 8) 20 4(4/8) 9.0 23.8 50 13.0 60 77 2.0 u ) ( 67.0(70.0) RC5A-x(RC5B-x)

AFA40 7 2 7.5 20 3 5.1 13.8 35 7.5 48 ` 1.0 20.5 RC5A-x 61

AFA40F 7 2 7 ` 9 20 4 5.3 21.0 40 10.8 48 61 2 49.0 RC5A-x

AFA30 10 2 7.5 20 2 4.0 9.5 30 5.5 48 ` 0.4 14.0 RC5-x 61

CY783 3.5/3.8 3 3.5/7 9 3.8/8 ` 10 3.5/16 3.8/20 3 16.4 29.2 60 17.0 60 3.6 160.0 RC10S 77 `

CY703F 3.5/3.8 3 3.5/6.5` 3.8/8.5 3.5/6 3.8/22 2/4 19.5 43.6 80 23.8 114 480.0 RC10S | ` 9 11

No. of Element
Forward Gain (dBi) F / B Ratio (dB) Power Capability (PEP/kW) Boom Length (m) Element Length (m) Element Diameter (mm) Rotational Radius (m) Mast Diameter (mm) Wind Surface Area ( ) Weight (kg) Recommended Rotator

Model Frequency (MHz)

CV48 3.8/7 | 2 12.1 50 | 48 61 0.3 11.0 |

CD78(-5) 3.5 / 3.8 | -1.5 | 2 (5) | 17.0 40 8.5 48 ` 0.7 12.0 RC5-x 61

CD78L(-5) 3.5/3.8 -0.5 3 24.0 50 12.0 48 1.0 22.0 RC5A-x 61 ` | | |

CD78Jr 3.5/3.53/3.56/3.75/3.8 -2.0 1.2 11.9 35 6.0 48 0.4 Element 6.0 Coupler 1.0 RC5-x 61 ` ` | | | | | |

No. of Element
Forward Gain (dBi) F / B Ratio (dB) Power Capability (PEP/kW) Boom Length (m) Element Length (m) Element Diameter (mm) Rotational Radius (m) Mast Diameter (mm) Wind Surface Area ( u) Weight (kg) Recommended Rotator

All the models include balun standard, and connector attached is type -M-. Wind survival rating of all the modes is above 35m/s. Option: AD385 (3.5MHz Adapter for CV48)



The CY782 is a 2 elements, reduced type Yagi beam antenna for both 3.5MHz, 3.8MHz bands. Approximate communication range is more than 1000km, and the maximumgainparticularly enabletoderiveisexpectedattherangeofmorethan5000kmofcommunication distance. The antennawill thereforebe abletomeettherequirementsfortheseDXerswhoseekforhighergainofantennaasitpresents better performance in comparison with a generally available reduced type of dipole antennas. Eachelement o f CY782 isapproximately 67% (3.8MHz) reduced length, and the element spacing which can determine the gain of the antenna, is designed relatively narrow spaced considering compactness and obtaining higher F/B radio. The band narrowness of this antenna owing to this reducing the element length canhoweverberetrievedbymeansofrelayswitchingfor selecting anoptimum lengthenedresonant elementforboththe radiator and reflector, which consequently enable the width of the band length to be wide along the operational frequencies. Such a rotator having a large torque a n d t o w e r having sufficient strength is required for rotating and installing this antenna as the size and weight oftheCY782islargeandheavyrespectively. Inordertogiveasufficientperformance,antennaheightat30mabovetheground at leastisrequiredmeanwhile40mtheantennaheight isrequiredforderivinghigherperformance asaninstallationheightoftheantenna. Frequency Poralization 3.5 C.8MHz 3 Horizontal 4-Channel,3.52-3.56-3.75-3.80MHz RelayControl.PowerSupply 12VDC 6.5~8.5dBi/500kmAbove 20dBAtBestPointinEachBand 50Ohms LessThan1.5/AttheBestPointinEachBand CY782-1,2/4kW (InputConnector-M-) CY782-2,4/8kW (InputConnector-N-) 26m 9.2m 13.8m 60~77mm 40m/s 2 m (Approx.250kgf at40m/s) 80kg

ForwardGain F/BRatio Impedance VSWR PowerCapabilityAve./PEP.

ElementLength (Longest) BoomLength Rotational Radius MastDiameter WindSurvival Rate WindSurface Area (WindLoad) Weight Notes:

1. RecommendedHeight:35m Above 2. RecommendedRotatorCDRC10SorEquivalent. Break Torque: 400kgmAbove

1.4 VSWR,GAINCHARACTERISTIC The Fig. 1Aand1Bshowseachperformancecharacteristic ofCY782. The band width forwhichenables to deriveacertainforwardgain is designed to be wide in this antenna incomparison with an obtainable VSWR and F/B ratio for both bands. The maximum point of forwardgainandF/BratioissetlightlylowersideofthepointfromthebestVSWRpoint. ItisrequiredtoadjustthebestVSWRpoint tohigherpointifitispreferablethatahighesttheforwardgainandF/Bratioisexpected. Inthereducescaledantenna,itiswisethatallowableVSWRisconsiderto besetslightlyhigherpointasreducescaledantennatendsto be narrow band width. Practically, the VSWR value at less than 2.0:1 is insignificant value and no affect in lowering the total performance. It however mightbeidealtousethisantennawithanATU (matchingunitfortransmitter).



The CY783 is a 3 elements, reduced type Yagi beam antenna for both 3.5MHz, 3.8MHz bands. Approximate communication range is more than 1000km, and the maximumgainparticularly enabletoderiveisexpectedattherangeofmorethan5000kmofcommunication distance. Theantenna will therefore beabletomeettherequirementsfortheseDXerswhoseekforhigher gain ofantenna as it present a better performance incomparison with those generallyavailable type of 2 elements reducedtype of Yagi antennas. Each element of CY783 is approximately 75% (3.8MHz) reduced length of full-sized length of the same antenna, and the element spacing which determined the gain is designed relatively narrow spaced considering compactness and obtaininghighF/Bradio. The band narrowness of this antenna owing to this reducing the element length can however be retrieved by means of relay controlmethod by switching and selecting the optimum pre-tuned lengthened of element of both the radiator and reflector, which consequently enable the width of the band lengthbring to be exceptionally wide overtheentireoperational frequency. Such a rotator having large torque and tower having sufficient durability is required for rotating and installing this antenna since CY783 is a large a n d h e a v y antenna in couple with high performance. In ordertogiveasufficientperformance,antenna heightat 30mabove the groundat least is requiredmeanwhile 40mthe antennaheight isrequiredforderivinghigherperformance asaninstallationheightoftheantenna. Frequency Poralization 3.5 C 3.8MHz Horizontal 3-Channel,3.52-3.56-3.80MHz RelayControl.PowerSupply 12VDC MoreThan8~10dBi/500kmAbove,MaximRadiationAngle25 /40m 7~9dBi 20dB 16dB 28dB 25dB 50Ohms LessThan1.3/AttheBestPoint CY783-1,2/4kW (InputConnector-M-) CY783-2,5/10kW (InputConnector-N-) 3 29.2m Notes: 16.4m 1.RecommendedHeight:35mAbove 17m 2.RecommendedRotatorCDRC10S 60~77mm orEquivalent. 40m/s BreakTorque:400kgmAbove 3.5m (Approx.450kgf 40m/s) 160kg

Gain F/BRatio F/SRatio

3.8MHz 3.5MHz 3.8MHz 3.5MHz 3.8MHz 3.5MHz

Impedance VSWR PowerCapabilityAve./PEP. Number ofElement ElementLength (Longest) BoomLength Rotatinal Radius MastDiameter WindSurvival Rate WindSurface Area(WindLoad ) Weight

1.4 VSWR AND GAINCHARACTERISTIC The Fig.1Aand1Bshowseachperformancecharacteristic ofCY783. On3.5MHz,theband covers bydividingthe bandinto2-channel sincethereflectoristheonewhichmainlymakesitinactiveforthisband,andbandwidthforwhichenablestoderivehighergainand F/B ratio, is tendtobenarrow. On 3.8MHz,working asastandardtypeof3elementsYagi,itoffersgoodforwardgainandF/B ratio with efficientlycovering3.75~3.81MHz. Since the bandwidth of these bands are relatively as long as 80 meter, it might therefore be lowerin the performance characteristic of because the impedance of eachelement will be variediftheantennaheightislessthan35mabovetheground. Although the response offorwardgainisbroad,theVSWRvariationisparticularlyobvious.

HF V-Dipole
High Radiation Efficiency, Horizontal Polarization Easy Construction, Compact, Insensitive to Ambient Condition

Model Frequency (MHz) Power Capability (PEP/kW) Element Length (m) Rotational Radius (m) Mast Diameter (mm) Weight (kg)

730V-1 (730V-1A) 7/14/21/28 (HF 50) 1/2/2/2 11.6 4.1/90 42 61 5.5

730V-2 (730V-2A) 7/21/28 { (HF 50) 0.6/2/2 8.6 3.0/90 ` 42 61 4.5

830V-1 (830V-1A) 10/18/24 (HF 50) 3/3/3 10 4.9/90 42 5.0 61 ` {

All the models include balun that connector attached is type -M-. Power capability on 5 0 M H z is 1 kW input. 5 0 M H z kit, 786C is optionally available (for upgrade for 730V-x, 830V-x)

Model 730V-x series is a compact V-type 4(3)-band dipole antenna with a figure 8-directivity pattern and is horizontally polarized. The shortest possible elements are used while still providing high radiation efficiency and broad band VSWR characteristics. The use of the V shape reduces the area needed for mounting the antenna and is insensitive to changes in height above the ground and surrounding metallic objects. These features allow the antenna to be installed at almost any site. The antenna is operable at a height of 2 - 3m or six or more feet above the ground. Due to the horizontal polarization and figure 8 pattern, the 730V-x is superior to the usual compact ground plane antenna, especially in respect to gain and TVI. A high quality balun is included as a standard component of this high performing antenna. Model 730V-xA is the model that 50MHz is added to the standard type of 730V-x. In the meanwhile model 830V-1 (830V-1A) is a V-dipole antenna for WARC band operation of the frequency 10/18/24/50MHz) respectively.

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