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Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.

1 of the draft)

Complementary Inferences on Theoretical Physics and Mathematics


I have been working for a long time about basic laws which direct existence [1], and
for some mathematical problems which are waited for a solution. I can count myself
lucky, that I could make some important inferences during this time, and I published
them in a few papers partially as some propositions. This work aimed to explain
and discuss these inferences all together by relating them one another by some extra
additions, corrections and explanations being physical phenomena are prior. There are
many motivation instruments for exact physical inferences.

1 Introduction mechanism in real physical medium? What an undertaking

can give a triangle about existence to understand it? Actually,
It seems, that existence cannot be separated from each it is able to explain everything.
other because of an absolute entanglement. Even if it had
already happened or is going to happen in future, each influ-
ence which exists within possibility border, already had been 2.1.1 X-Ray Images of the Secret Geometry
existed in imaginary time which is an extremely interesting
time concept. Absolute space which has infinite dimension
and volume, and emergence area which appears over the ab- A x B
solute space, were always together but a special condition in
the imaginary time. This appearance emerges as a dimen-
sional drop and an acceleration decrease from infinite value
by using from the absolute space as a part of it. Each small h
point of the emergence area which is the result of this drop z y
gets different emergence time priority even for any short time
interval of any short time interval as it has to exist as a virtual
part of the absolute space. The emergence in this way ren- D
ders impossible to exist of emergence area or emergence area t
objects constantly without inner or outer space displacement,
and to move in a linear direction. Right this point, infinite C
number of virtual small forces which emerge as a result of the
infinite time differences and make matter move to emerge of
motion, render impossible to apply force linearly and without Fig. 1: Here is that famous right triangle about to be more famous.
dimension; hence the emerging force is an area force as a dis- Actually any type triangle without any emerging right angle in it can
tributed force, and matter is its result as an uncertain matter be used instead; so also the others are going to be more famous soon.
which all measurable values of it change over time.
As matter is virtual part of absolute space, uncertainty
level increases or decreases between absolute absence and ab- There is a presentation of a right triangle on Fig. 1. Just
soluteness. Because of the emerging uncertainty [2], matter is think, that x is lengthened to any x2 value being the right an-
only able to emerge by some periods. This phenomenon ren- gles are the same. Here, B is a point which its coordinate
ders matter illusion, and also renders it pretty process-able as in space is known. C is the place an observer takes place in
there is no alternative. Uncertain matter can only be formed space. If A is, it is a moving body. You have already under-
over absolute space as waves by forcing each second and actu- stood and have seen the secret geometry; but even so, I am
ally even in each small period of time as well. It gains energy going to tell it more detailed.
equal to the work done of this forcing against tendency to sur- Over the inequality and definition of x2 > x, it becomes
render of the absolute space; but as the work done is not done (1) over the inequality of h22 − h2 > z2 − z22 ,
untimely manner, matter does not gain infinite work potential.
These conditions cause that matter has been emerging by in- z2 − z22
finite number of side effects on itself, and you cannot know 1> (1)
h22 − h2
that this is an order or is chaos.
where h2 + z2 = x2 and h22 + z22 = x22 are the equations over
2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion Pythagorean theorem. In the same manner, it becomes (2),
Motion is change in position of an object over time; so
to emerge of a motion certainly; distance, velocity, time and h2 + t2 = h22 + t22 (2)
time-driven inertia namely latency have to emerge all together
without any priority. As it can get a scalar value for its all where h2 + t2 = y2 and h22 + t22 = y2 are the equations over
elements which create it out, also it can be defined as vector Pythagorean theorem. If (2) is edited, it becomes t2 − t22 =
quantity if there is a reference because of emerging directions, h22 − h2 ; thus if t2 − t22 is used instead of h22 − h2 on (1), also it
and magnitude of motion is not independent of magnitude of becomes (3) over t2 − t22 > z2 − z22 inequality.
its elements.
z2 − z22
2.1 The Geometric Rules of Physical Medium 1> (3)
t2 − t22
There exist many exact proofs about the rules of right tri-
angle in abstract math; but what are the actual geometry and Now the actual displacement inequalities have been deter-

[email protected] 1
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

mined. Right this point, assume, that there is no displacement This motion can emerge because of an energy reduction
namely no lengthening. For this condition, it becomes x2 = 0, which causes imbalance in motion which is the source
t2 = 0 and z2 = 0; thus (3) becomes (4), of current total energy of objects.
• No object can be static. They always experience a po-
t2 > z2 (4) tential difference since there is time difference and thus
and (1) becomes (5). different densities over time, and move in the direction
of lower density, more ordered area from disordered
− h2 > z2 (5) area. Also they always move in the directions of the
Hence it can never be z = t; thus it means one by one emergence since to be one of them before
or after of the same two Ft work for the same force and
• Even if area would exist, exactly there is no middle time values as +Ft and −Ft changes displacement even
point place; so a motion is always circular for any force for conservative energy and momentum.
• Over the law of induction, because of the time differ-
• A right angle cannot emerge. It is only close to right ences since any value of matter is different in each time
angle due to the energy which area holds. interval during emergence constantly, the equation of
• It cannot be drawn two line segments which have the
same length from a point in space to other two points. Φ2 − Φ1
ε = N2 − N1
Namely, 3 or more objects cannot take place in space t2 − t1
being the distance between each of them is the same. shows, that it is always ε > 0 where ε ∈ R. It means,
There is a time difference between each point of space that a coil even placed at infinite distance from a mag-
at the same assumed global time. It also means, that netic field has a voltage difference between the two top
each point has different speed for the same time inter- of the wire. If there is a fixed matter in the core, volt-
val. That skew of pyramids may not be mastery mis- age will increase. If there is a fixed magnet in the core,
take. Instead, maybe is required by mastery. then even if also the coil is fixed, the voltage is going
• For z , t, it also becomes x , y, h , z, h , y and to greatly increase; so it means, that even by switching
h , x. Namely, while x is lengthened, y cannot protect two fixed coils have permanent magnet core and have
its actual length. The medium is conservative. This also different resistances will cause magnetic flux change;
means, that length and thus 1 dimension do not exist because electrons’ orbital will slide even a current will
alone; because 2 objects cannot take place at a distance not emerge, that it can emerge by required assembly
relatively to each other. and switching repeat. Maybe we can create a micro
• The shortest distance between 2 objects is not a line generator like producing a CPU that sheets between two
segment. This distance is an arc very close to a line permanent magnets will be connected serially to create
segment. high voltage difference to create electrical current be-
yond sliding orbitals. Free energy and thus self-running
• Parallel two line segment cannot be drawn beyond devices are possible since total energy of the medium
drawing line segment. They are exactly intersected, and is conserved. This is a focus, and you make matter
the intersection point occurs according to area multi- worked by its own total energy. You must use more
tude of conservative area. By this way, no object can material. Namely, the same amount material generate
protect its speed. There is always an opposite space more electricity by classical methods which require an
force to decelerate. By this way, as the same is ac- external energy resource.
ceptable for the existent smallest infinite part as well,
constant speed motion or constant acceleration motion
is not possible. Motion emerges by parts, and is always 2.1.2 Progressive Image
with small acceleration parts has frequency changing
over time, and the result is average as assumed constant For lengthened hypotenuse, over the inequality of (z2 +
speed, and is seen as constant speed. t2 )2 > (z + t)2 where x2 + y2 = (z2 + t2 )2 and x2 + y2 = (z + t)2 ,
• A closed curve is not possible. Only infinite space it becomes (6) for x2 = 0.
closes curve.
• Motion cannot be independent of medium whatever the 0 > (z + t)2 (6)
distance between moving bodies. This means, that It means, that z+t < R. If you assume, that z+t = 0, it becomes
there is an absolute entanglement between area and 0 > 0; thus actually non of them can be 0. It means, that
lengths in area although there is time differences. It even if there are no lengthening and thus motion, there were
shows one-piece behavior. This is only possible with already area and motion. They are deterministic and cannot
emergence one by one. Namely, all mass is a single be 0. z + t is always an imaginary number for the condition of
mass with emergence priority. Each point occurs by (6).
order. In this way, information is conserved forever;
because flexible collision is not possible. There never In accordance with conservative space, over the compo-
occurs a mutual extinction which is because of decrease nents of the right triangle, it becomes x + y + m = n and
in the energy and mass by certain, whole numbers. In- x2 + y2 = m2 where m = z + t; thus becomes τ + t + m√= n and
stead of it, during collisions, energy and mass values τ2 + t2 = m2 where τ and t are time here, and is m = τ2 + t2 .
get smaller to infinite small part as irrational numbers; It seems, that x and y or τ and t cannot take random values,
but it never disappears. that they take certain values according to a rule. If τ+t+m = n
• There is always an emerging centrifugal force for mo- is edited, it becomes (τ + t)2 = (n − m)2 and thus it becomes
tion because of circular displacement. In 3D, this may τ2 + t2 + 2τt = n2 − 2nm + m2 . Since is τ2 + t2 = m2 , finally it
cause an outer space motion because of becomes (7),
2(τt − nm) − n2 = 0 (7)
mv2 sin(α) √
F= where n = τ + t + τ2 + t2 . For this equation of (7), the roots

2 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

become (8) as imaginary time since it cannot be 0 over (6). being the area is the same; so even if this
calculation is going to create a trapezoid
τ = ∓it (8) and a triangle in a wider triangle, both of
As constant speed and so x = vt is not possible, because of them are going to have the same area be-
x = at2 , when real time is emerged, the distance and time ing x is a constant. There is no difference.
emerge in opposite ways over the time on x = at2 , and know, Warning
that image appears as illusion in 3D because of the complex
roots and thus complex plane which is perpendicular to (x, y)
plane. After that, if you want to express the motion as average, • Over (10), it can be said, that x is always irrational. This
you do not have to use imaginary time since is real time after is pretty suitable since there are always potential and
this, just use its multitude on x = vt and it becomes x = −vt. time differences even for any short interval of any short
interval. If also matter could not gain infinite energy
Assume, that x is lengthened by k, and then also t is and area because of the finite work done, it means, finite
lengthened automatically because of changing geometry on matter is virtual part of infinite or infinite information.
Fig. 1. For this condition, as is x , t, also it becomes (9),
All infinite information is certain only.
n2 − n1 n2 − n1 This irrationality cannot happen at the
, (9)
x t same time. Namely an irrational num-
ber cannot be inclusive of works with its
for two consecutive increase in k, where x+kx , t , x2 = x + k
all infinite digits after the comma; but its
and t2 = t + k. Namely, suck an increase is not possible. If x limit may constantly change. Any exis-
changes by a number like k, then t is going to change by dif- tent point at different number after comma
ferent number. It does not happen in the same ratio. Namely, by increasing, decreasing and getting lost
it accelerates in a conservative area. As the exact opposite is numbers over time. Matter appears at this
also possible, constant speed motion is not possible. Namely, times. This creates time and thus motion
while you are assuming x is lengthened by constant speed, again and again, and also you cannot say
since t is going to accelerate, for an assumed small time in- is constant speed since is uncertain. The
terval, also you can assume that I did not want to move x, I below stated sentences and words like infi-
just wanted to move t, and it accelerated. By this accelera- nite frequency, infinite small mass part or
tion amount, you will see that also x is accelerated. Namely, uncertainty etc. must be understood in this
these happen at the same time, by acceleration. One element way. These mean for example saying like
of area cannot be independent of another. namely, if you say has the smallest mass magnitude. Already
x moved at constant speed, this is only assumption and is an otherwise matter could not appear.
average speed to calculate. Warning
According to these information, it can be said
• There is a single work done to create all the area be-
cause of the entanglement and single mass; so each part 2.1.3 The Result
of space has the same speed as average. None of them In accordance with these information, as a result, matter
can go faster than another one. No point could gain in- is deterministic. Also it is uncertain as its any measurable
finite energy because of the time differences, since the value is also uncertain. It has no infinite energy and thus vol-
work done is not infinite, is done over time, is done at a ume. It emerges at a frequency. Right this point, to calculate,
frequency, as the work done is equal to kinetic energy. there emerge some local and global min. and max. points and
• There is always a space tension since points experience threshold values as a reference. Namely, if you make a cal-
potential difference which is because of emerging dif- culation for centrifugal force over circular displacement, you
ferent densities over time. Points want to move towards cannot say ‘Alas! The force became infinite, hide behind a
lower density; so also matter is incompressible. It can- stone!’ since tan(α) became 90 according to a reference. It
not be compressed down to infinite small part. Speed of does not happen such. Angle is always fixed even if is irra-
the work done and frequency of emerging density dif- tional; but the same assumed small motion as a reference and
ference determines this base compressing limit. More threshold value repeats. There is no infinite mass or standing
energy is required to create denser and thus more disor- time in black holes or somewhere else in the universe.
dered area. We can explain it such, that in accordance For example, since kinetic energy is equal to work done,
with conservative area, over the triangle, for a func- a stopper opposite limited work on the infinite brings matter
tion of f (x) = ax, it becomes (10) over (10a) where total energy out at the amount of this opposite enforcement.
x2 = x ∓ k Since matter always experiences potential differences, it al-
ways moves to lower density and thus more ordered place,
x= √ (10) and then it again experiences a denser space. This always re-
2−1 peats itself as long as there is a motion and area. Since to be
Z Z x2 one of them before or after of the same two opposite Ft works
ax dx = ax dx (10a) in space as +Ft and −Ft changes the displacement even mo-
x mentum and energy will be conserved at that time, if matter is
Namely, the increase does not happen randomly. You formed by a circular motion, there must be always a potential
need more speed of the work done to create the area and difference or initial movement for the resultants on Fig. 2 to
so need taller x. This creates a space tension always for emerge of motion if you assume the motion closes a perfect
both compressing and lengthening. There is going to be circle, that actually does not close, that is not important since
always a resistance and a limit for the both. the basic logic is going to be the same.
Any way, according to the above stated information, we
Here, important thing is to change the ge- must leave one of the resultants like on Fig. 2 to emerge of
ometry of the triangle into another shape matter to calculate it. It will be enough for the calculation.

[email protected] 3
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

−F 2.2 Theoretic analysis of functions of time

Velocity is the rate of change of position with respect to a
frame of reference. As it emerges in a direction in the space
α which has another reference, it is defined as vector quantity.
α It can be demonstrated as Eq. (13) in the simple form as an
r expression,
vf = vt t (13)
where vf , vt : R → R , a = vt as changing velocity over
n n
time which means acceleration, where vf = v. It gets place in
destination equation according to time as Eq. (13a)
Fig. 2: The resultants xf = vf t (13a)
where xf = x as distance taken during motion.
Even if there are some minuses according to me,
Being mvr/r = tan(α), for mvr/r =
tan(α) equation it be- I must use Hilbert Space as there is no alternative
comes Eq. (11) for 1 second. yet; so the rule of the below stated vector fields
loge cos α = −mv (11) are determined by Hilbert Space. If you detect
some contradiction with the fiction of the paper,
As required by uncertainty and one by one emergence, do not pay attention.
mass decreases at the same ratio with time [1] for the smaller
slices of time directly proportional; because wave packet or Warning
in the other name assumed existent smallest part of matter Velocity is not independent of distance taken during mo-
repeats itself; but the smallest part may emerge in different tion, of time which passes during motion, of energy which
ratios with time; so for cos−1 (e−mvt ) = α by decreased mass, causes and keeps motion up during course duration, of inertia
360 = vt and hν = mv equations, Eq. (11) turns into Eq. (12)
2πrα 2
which is a result of time as a latency as no motion is able to
as the below, emerge without time, as also they cannot be independent of
πrαm one another and velocity. They have to emerge all together
loge cos α = − (12) without any priority; because they are natural results for each
180 other.
where v is any multitude formation speed as light speed, and it Magnitude of velocity is not independent of magnitude of
can only be solved by solving equation as an irrational value, its elements which emerge all together with them, and mag-
as actually this irrationality is required by uncertainty as well. nitude of velocity vector is called as speed which is indepen-
This angle on Eq. (12) is the angle emerges in the smallest dent of direction as a scalar value. It can be demonstrated as
time as required by uncertainty as a threshold value. For this Eq. (14)
angle, the smallest time in the other name the Planck Time can v f = ||vt ||t (14)
be found out over 2πrα360 = vt and the smallest distance can be
where v f : R → R.

found out over 360 as the Planck Length. As you can see, the
angle changes according to the multitude of Planck constant 2.2.1 Work done interval
but being zero or 90.
Or for example, if you leave a handful of electrons to a nu- Let an object which is doing constant speed movement to
cleus, it only choose some of them, and the electrons only get be accelerated when it had not gotten observational velocity
certain orbitals or actually get some orbitals they exist more. in space before doing constant speed movement. For this con-
They cannot exist there randomly. In the same manner, galaxy dition, during the acceleration work, when the speed reached
spiral arms do not take place accidentally. If you place some was too close to the aimed constant speed, the last part of the
marbles which have the same mass and density in space being distance taken would be as Eq. (15),
the distance between them is the same, you will see, that they
do not come together at a point. Instead of it, according to x p = v0 t + at2 (15)
emerging way which is because of the time differences, they as partial distance taken, of course if you assume that, the
are grouped; but maybe according to emergence way or in the initial velocity does a constant speed movement without ac-
other name spin of the universe, some of them are grouped celeration during this infinite small part. For Eq. (15a),
slower. At the end, again each group create a second group.
This continues until coming together. Namely as a result, like x p − at2
in the double slit experiment, whatever the frequency or type v0 = lim (15a)
of the rays, if light passes through such a slit, the image ap- t→0 t
pears at the screen being some areas are denser even if the as time must be the smallest time, it means that either v0 had
light will touch the other points between the denser lines as already been absolute as a constant speed motion that means
well. was not created and was without acceleration, or it means the
distance taken had already been zero. None of them is pos-
Actually in topological perspective, there is no sible; thus it means that constant speed motion and constant
difference between a torus and a sphere since a acceleration motion are not possible, and an object which is
closed curve is not possible. Actually, it means, doing an assumed constant speed motion in space either ac-
that there is no difference between shapes. This celerates or decelerates even if the amount is too small.
means, relativistic topology must emerge some-
where or you cannot define shape. As it will require to be absolute, constant speed
motion and constant acceleration motion are not
Warning possible. An object which is doing an assumed

4 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

constant speed movement as dependent manner mass formulas, and then they leave. They do not
on time in space, either accelerates or decelerates work for real time as also they cannot be inte-
even if the amount is too small. grated since they do not interpret change in time
Inference: Bad boys or mass of existence not time or mass change in
motion namely in displacement. If you change all
The famous destination equation which is Eq. (16) existent areas by multiplying by 2, you changed
nothing; but if you change only area of 1 thing,
at2 you must proof where did you take it; even so
x(t) = v0 t + (16) for low speeds, as the difference is going to be
a little, we use that classic mechanic formulas as
is pretty wrong. It is derived over Eq. (16a), subterfuge; but this should not disrupt our under-
Z standings. For an object has v constant speed in
x(t) = (v0 + at)dt (16a) space, if you ask the distance taken for a t time
you use d = vt; but if you draw a graph being
t0 = 0 which is the time when you ask and if
andR is wrong; because if v0 is able to be integrated like state that for x = t the distance taken is the area
v0 dt = v0 t as the same as on Eq. (16a), also as the equa- between x axis and f (t) function since for each
tion is at = v, then v can be integrated in theR same manner. small time, a perpendicular line emerges between
Also for a = x/t2 , the equation will turn into (v0 + (x/t))dt , f (t) function and x axis namely t axis and thus the
and thus turns into Eq. (16b). sum of the lines is an area, you are going to be
wrong; because matter is not continuous in each
x(t) = v0 t + xln(t) (16b) small time. For your assumption, you accepted
R the limited area is divided by infinite parts and
These give different results. It is like finding out f (x)x d x , thus times. You calculated the motions which
and already integration does not mean sum always. The main matter did not experience. The graph already
shows you for each time how many distance had
expectation for the sum must be dn. These are not able to
be integrated but specific conditions which have no formulaic the object taken on y = f (t) axis. The classic for-
qualify as they are only valid for some certain values. mulas are counted as integration of many deriva-
tives or the sum of each integration of a deriva-
Matter has emergence priority. Each point tive. Namely nothing changes. Right this point
emerges in order. Each point mass decelerates you can ask like also we divide the limited area
from an infinite value down to an infinite small for integration of for example formulas of chang-
value by converging; but as matter has many ing masses even if also the work is not done at
these small point masses since it emerges along that times, I can say that it is not the same thing;
1 second, actually mass increases over time even because by this way the process becomes conver-
if each point mass decreases. Even if constant gence, and the result is still uncertain.
speed seems not possible, as each point mass in
the other name infinite small part of matter has Warning
a threshold time value, you must count speed as
fixed for this interval as average; so you can state
that constant speed motion is possible after this For the functions of time over f 0 (t0 ) = f (t)− f (t0 )
t−t0 by using
to calculate. derivative at a certain point as required by sum of infinite the
Warning same work parts, velocity will be as Eq. (17),
As constant speed motion is not possible as absolute with- at2 − at02
out to be created, any work that created constant speed motion at = lim (17)
t0 →0 t − t0
is included as well, can only be done in a time interval at a fre-
quency. As there must be infinite frequency, whatever the ac- where f (x) = ax2 . Also it will be as Eq. (18),
tual function is, the smallest f (x) part gains infinite sub parts,
and the repeating thing is this the same magnitude value. As vt − vt0
v = lim (18)
a result of this, functions of time as x(t) = at2 , v(t) = at, t0 →0 t − t0
x(t) = vt and v2 = ax get these simple forms. Even if obser- where f (x) = ax. Acceleration will be Eq. (19),
vational outer space motion is done one by one, by different
time intervals or one-piece without hand taking, there is no at − at0
difference between them; because already the work is done a = lim (19)
t0 →0 t − t0
one by one.
where f (x) = ax. Because of these reasons, if it is required to
The formulas are not created specifically. There integrate Eq. (16a), it will be Eq. (18).
is only 1 math and 1 physics for existence. Even
if a universe is a separate existence, all infinite
information is one-piece since created together in x(t) = (v0 + at)dt = (v0 + x)dt = x0 + x = ∆x (20)
imaginary time at the same time by the same rule dt
even if a part has been visible in real time; be- Eq. (17), Eq. (18) and Eq. (19) are the most basic pillars for
cause only density changes; so when I say infinite like these calculations. As constant acceleration as absolute is
not possible, a t dt = at2 /2 is not possible, and there is one
frequency here, it can be used for any informa-
tion created or not yet. There is a difference with more option as well as Eq. (21).
imaginary time, that in real time, the functions of Z Z
time remain as catalytic. Namely, they are only d
for our understanding of relativistic energy and x(t) = (v0 + at)dt = (v0 + v t)dt = x0 + x = ∆x (21)

[email protected] 5
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

2.2.2 Timeless velocity equations 1 an = 1/tn2 an+1 = 1/tn+1


Handle the motions which have no observational outer

Acceleration magnitude
space initial velocity. If the time over Eq. (13) is placed on 0.8
Eq. (14) for their magnitudes, the timeless velocity equation
becomes Eq. (22). 0.6
v2 = ax (22)
Also it can be presented as Eq. (22a). 0.4

v2 = (a · x) (22a)
Thereupon v2 = 2ax equation is wrong as well.
Handle the motions with initial velocity. Torricelli equa- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
tion v2f = v2i + 2ax gives wrong results because of v2 = 2ax Deceleration time
equation. If vi is the initial velocity, vg is the gained velocity
different than the first velocity, v f is the final velocity; then Fig. 3: Deceleration for a limited interval
the equations must be as v f = vi + vg and vg = ag t equations.
If they are the assembly elements, then for v2f = (vi + ag t)2 , it
becomes Eq. (23). having emergence time priority for each small point of emer-
gence area. It has to emerge by frequency, and there cannot
v f = vi + 2vi ag t + ag t
2 2 2 2
(23) emerge a point which has absolute emptiness namely noth-
If the total distance taken is x f , xi is the distance taken during ingness. Already acceleration is not possible from zero point
namely from nothingness because of previous motion, and al-
the same t time by the initial velocity, xg is the distance taken ready if constant speed and acceleration motion are not possi-
by the gained velocity which is different than the first velocity ble, it means that already motion emerges by parts over time
during the same t time, then the equations must be x f = xi +xg , at infinite frequency which means no constant speed even for
xg = ag t2 and thus t2 = (x f − xi )/ag equations. If this time infinite small work part. Otherwise, it requires to be absolute.
is placed on the place on Eq. (23), then the equation becomes
v2f = v2i + 2vi ag t + ag x f − ag xi . For vi t = xi equation, it will be An uncertain matter can only emerge in a time
interval by a deceleration from infinity, as a part
as 2vi ag t = 2xi ag , and the timeless velocity equation which is of infinity, by repeating the same magnitude as-
with an initial velocity will be as Eq. (23a), sumed infinite small motion. As a result of the
deceleration, there cannot emerge an absolute
v f = vi + ag (xi + x f )
2 2
(23a) emptiness. Matter emerges over this emergence
space. Because of emerging uncertainty by an in-
or will be as Eq. (23b) the below. finite frequency, matter basically does not have
work potential. An absolute must work con-
v f = vi + ag (2xi + xg )
2 2
(23b) stantly even in the smallest time, instead of un-
certain worker.
In the same manner, over v f , it will be as Eq. (24),
v2f = v20 + v2g + 2(x0 · vg ) (24)
where v = a t, x = v t and the other equations are as fol- 2.3 Imaginary time requirement
g g 0 0
lows. 2.3.1 Excessive time
vf · vf = (v0 + ag t) · (v0 + ag t) (24a)
v2f − v20 = 2t(ag · v0 ) + a2g t2 (24b) Handle an equation like Eq. (26).
∞+t−t =∞ (26)
2.2.3 Deceleration It means that an E energy is created over absolute space in t
time as virtual part of space, and it got lost after that in the
As constant acceleration motion is not possible, then for same magnitude t time. It seems that there is no problem; but
two different t values in x(t) = at2 and v(t) = at functions, will actually when the event’s actual emerging function is written
change functions even for the smallest time change [1]. For as Eq. (27)
f (x) = ax2 where a is any acceleration which is fixed or not, X n
over f (xn+1 ) = f (xn ) equation where xn+1 > xn and for the ∞+ tn − tn−1 − t = ∞

same distance taken magnitude between two different times, n=1
the equation becomes Eq. (25). where tn = t, there will emerge two different options accord-
an t 2 ing to the calculation method. The sum’s result is either t − t0
= n+1 (25) where t0 = 0 or t − t0 where t0 is a threshold value. For t0 = 0,
an+1 tn2 it can be said, that it is impossible; because there are infinite
time intervals even for each magnitude time interval; so if the
There is a presentation of the motion as Fig. 3. Hence it result of t −t is not 0, then it means even t has sub times, and
can be said that, an which is one of the previous acceleration the same 1sum0 must be repeated for t1 and 1even for its infinite
magnitudes is always bigger than the next an+1 magnitude; parts; so the equation turns into Eq. (28).
therefore the universe is decelerating from an infinite value
as a virtual part of absolute space, in a time interval and by t − t0 = t (28)

6 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

Hence time is only defined if it is each infinite small frequency again and again.
lim t − t0 = t dn

x = vt = 0 = lim

t0 →0 n x(t) (33)
n→∞ dt
Over Eq. (28), if both of the sides are squared, it becomes
t1 = t20 . If it is put on Eq. (28), the other root becomes t2 = − t20 v = at = 0 = lim n v(t)

n→∞ dt
over 2 − t0 = t. When the both roots are multiplied by each

other to create the main function which has these two roots, it dn
x = at2 = 0 = lim n x(t)

becomes −t0 /4 = t and finally becomes Eq. (30).
2 n→∞ dt

(30) where x(t) = vt, x(t) = at , v(t) = at, and a and v are con-
t0 = 2i t
stants as a number; therefore it means time has some roots.
It can be said that time is always negative for any positive or Otherwise, it would not become like vt = 0, at2 = 0 or at = 0.
negative t0 . If it is put on Eq. (28), it becomes Eq. (31), Even if actual functions of velocity, distance taken and accel-
eration were different, frequency function would be the same
− t02 − 4t0 = 4t (31) as f (t) = 1/t. For this equation, it becomes Eq. (33c),
where dn
1/t = lim

t0 = −2n (31a) n→∞ dtn
f (t) (33c)
t = 2n − n2 (31b)
If it is edited, it becomes Eq. (33d) over Eq. (33e) where n ∈ Z
being n ∈ Z, for t/t0 = −1 instead of 0/0 uncertainty, where and n > 0.
n = 0. t = lim (−1)n+1 n+1 (n + 1)!
If the same is applied for velocity, the distance taken of x0 n→∞
becomes √ 1 (n + 1)!(−1)n+1
x0 = −4 vt (32) = (33e)
√ t tn+2
where v0 = 2i v. It is defined; so it means that whatever al-
ready there was motion as uncertain motion. This requires an Here, (−1)
cannot be taken to the outside like -1 or +1;
imaginary time; because existence can only be either absolute because n always changes. The difference is that it does not
or uncertain. turn it into complex number.
Hence, to be defined of t, it is required that t0 must be 0; Matter emerges from imaginary time by increas-
but when it is done, also t becomes 0. For t = 0, also velocity ing frequency from its information state. Actu-
and distance taken become zero; therefore, t must has another ally, each small wave part decreases from an infi-
root that if Eq. (31) is checked, when it becomes n = 0, then nite value; but as there are numerous wave parts
t0 and t become 0; but also for n = 2, t becomes zero; but which emerge and increase over time until 1 sec-
there is an imaginary time that there is a motion in a time ond, as a result, its frequency or repeat is going
interval. This untimely manner creates a second time beyond to be increased.
to be suddenly of it since it is a root of time; so it can be said
that, even there was no motion in outer space, there was a Warning
repeated motion in imaginary time which is not absolute; but
Here, lim loge n − loge t = 1 when (−1)n+1 is ignored. It

also is not the same with time. Right this point, deterministic n→∞
image in the imaginary time appears, is lengthened by a repeat is interesting, that actually t gives positive and negative values
frequency according to using energy by creating real time. according to being positive or negative of n; but the function
Each previous work is done timeless according to t − t0 = t; converges to the Euler number as irrational value by
because here, it is tn − tn−1 = t0 ; so each consecutive time is n
equal to each other and 0; so also is t0 = t. e = lim n+1√
n→∞ (n + 1)!
Imaginary time is a potential; you know every-
thing is there but there is no motion. Below (−1) on Eq. (33d) means that acceleration direction
stated calculations for imaginary time analysis by would change in time if it was done in a time interval; however
graphs to understand there must be information there is no time interval to emerge of this because of infinite
before it created. Namely numbers are not im- derivatives which are done untimely manner; so it gives its
portant. The basic logic is important and they are absolute characteristic. Even if there is no derivative done in
just representation. a time interval, it acts such that for partial information namely
for finite matter,
√ our universe; so by using√ ratio test for both
Warning t = lim + 2n (2n)! and t = lim − 2n−1 (2n − 1)!, t diverges
+ − −
n→∞ n→∞
in absolute value from the result of t+ for the same derivation
2.3.2 Derivative at infinite number; therefore when an addition is done for the assumed
smallest two consecutive parts, time seems as always nega-
Motion emerges by parts over time at infinite frequency tive, and the equation of velocity turns into Eq. (33f).
which does not bring matter out infinite energy but renders
uncertain as a virtual part. It could be in this way. Otherwise, v = −at (33f)
it requires to be absolute; then the functions of time as equa-
tions of motion emerge as Eq. (33), Eq. (33a) and Eq. (33b). The actual reason of that negativity of the formu-
They give a single result for a single infinite derivation which las like F = −ma is secret element of the for-
is done untimely manner as one-piece by visiting the differ- mula. F = ma or F = −ma is general formula
ent functions they work over them. Here, actual functions of of the motion as presentation that actually it is
time can be any function if it is compatible with the rule of like a closed presentation of a chain. Because of
displacement; because the smallest same part will be used for uncertainty, actually there is no absolute thresh-

[email protected] 7
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

old value. Existent smallest force can move exis- According to Eq. (35a), there is no positive real number inter-
tence biggest mass instantly even if the emerging section point; so A and ∆x never intersect.
acceleration value will too small; so if there is a The ratio between the area and velocity is Eq. (36).
motion, there are minimum 3 elements emerge
in such a formula like F = −m1 a1 + m2 a2 or t2 t3
−F = m1 a1 − m2 a2 because of that reason; be- A/∆v = − (36)
cause nothing can apply force without fulcrum. 2 3
If you blow air, then air will move; but also you For these values, the graph is Fig. 5.
will move the earth instantly. 1 of the 3 elements
is ignored since will get a negligible value; but
actually it is always there and renders formulas 4
in the simplest forms like F = −ma.
Warning 2

2.3.3 Presentation by the relation between the functions
of time
As analysis together to learn the nature of the formation
by a different way, as v(t) = at and x(t) = at2 functions change
by acceleration; to know velocity, distance taken and acceler-
ation change by which ratio, we must follow the area between −4 −2 0 2 4
the two functions; because a is an intersection point on y axis
for both of the functions.
The area for changing time and acceleration values is
Eq. (34). Fig. 5: A/∆v function

∆vt2 ∆vt3 To determine the intersection point of A and ∆v, for A −

A = (ax − ax2 ) d x = − (34)
2 3 ∆v = 0 equation it will be as Eq. (36a).
The ratio between the area and distance taken becomes A − ∆v = 2t3 − 3t2 + 6 (36a)
Eq. (35).
t t2 By using Cardano’s formula for the standard equation of ax3 +
A/∆x = − (35) bx2 + cx + d = 0, when the cubic equation as 2t3 − 3t2 + 6 = 0
2 3
is divided by a = 2 as Eq. (36b),
For these values, the graph becomes Fig. 4. To determine the
t3 − +3=0 (36b)
4 2
and it is substituted t = y − 3a b
, where p = − 3a
2 + a and
2 q = 27a2b
3 − 3a2 + a , the discriminant of the cubic equation
bc d

p 3 2
which is ∆ = 3 + q2 becomes ∆ = 15/8. As it is ∆ > 0,

0 one root is real and two are complex conjugates. The real root
is as Eq. (36c) for tr = α + β,
−2 tr ≈ −1.0786 (36c)
√» » √
where α = 3 − q2 + ∆ and β = 3 − q2 − ∆. The other two
roots of the cubic equation are Eq. (36d) for t2,3 = − α−β
2 ±
−4 −2 0 2 4 √
i 3(α−β)
Time 2 .
t2,3 ≈ +1.2893 ± 1.0578i (36d)
Fig. 4: A/∆x function According to Eq. (36a), there is no positive real number in-
tersection point; so A and ∆v never intersect at the positive
intersection point of A and ∆x, for A − ∆x = 0 equation, it will The ratio between the area and acceleration is Eq. (37).
be as Eq. (35a).
t3 t4
A − ∆x = 2t2 − 3t + 6 (35a) A/∆a = − (37)
2 3
Over the standard quadratic

equation of ax2 + bx + c, for the For these values, the graph is Fig. 6. To determine the inter-
−b± ∆
roots over x1,2 = 2a equation where ∆ = b2 − 4ac, the section point of A and ∆a, for A − ∆a = 0 equation it will be
discriminant is as ∆ = −39 for Eq. (35a). For ∆ < 0, there as Eq. (37a).
are no real roots and the quadratic equation has two complex A − ∆a = 2t4 + 3t3 + 6 (37a)
roots as Eq. (35b).
Over the standard quartic equation of ax4 +bx3 +cx2 +dx+e =
x1,2 ≈ +0.7500 ± 1.5612i (35b) 0 by using the substitution t = 4a
, we get the depressed equa-

8 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

The graph of a(t) becomes Fig. 8.


A/∆a 2 40

0 20

−2 0

−4 −20

−4 −2 0 2 4
−4 −2 0 2 4
Fig. 6: A/∆a function Time

Fig. 8: a(t) function for x : 1 and y : 10 scale
8a2 d+b3 −4abc
tion t4 + pt2 + qt + r = 0 where p = 8ac−3b 8a2 , q = 8a3 ,
2 2
bd−3b4 +256a3 e
r = 16ab c−64a256a 4 . As it is q = 0 for Eq. (37a), The other functions of time turn into the following equa-
t4 + pt2 + qt + r = 0 becomes a bi-quadratic equation as tions according to changing rule in time of acceleration which
t4 + pt2 + r = 0. The q roots of the quartic equation are is Eq. (39). Velocity function turns into Eq. (40).
√ 2
−p− p −4r 6
Eq. (37b) for t1,2 = ± 2 , and are Eq. (37c) for v(t) = (40)
q √ 2 3t − 2t2
−p+ p −4r
t3,4 = ± 2 . The graph of v(t) becomes Fig. 9.
t1,2 ≈ −0.65934 ± 0.866004i (37b)
t3,4 ≈ +1.40935 ± 0.738938i (37c) 40

According to Eq. (37a), there is no positive real number inter-

section point; so A and ∆a never intersect. 20




−4 −2 0 2 4
−20 Time

Fig. 9: v(t) function for x : 1 and y : 10 scale


−4 −2 0 2 4 Distance taken function turns into Eq. (41), and know that
Time it is self-inverse function and x−1 (t) renders possible a closed
Fig. 7: f (t) function for x : 1 and y : 10 scale x(t) = (41)
3 − 2t
As constant speed movement is not possible, motion The graph of x(t) becomes Fig. 10.
emerges by infinite small parts in a time interval. It causes fre- According to x(t) graph, it seems that at the moment of
quency. For (A/∆v)/(A/∆x) equation, it will become Eq. (38) t = 0 second, already there had been motion. Motion had
as frequency since frequency is v/x = 1/t = f . not been emerged from nothingness. To analysis the condi-
tion, we must analysis the roots of the functions. Eq. (40)
3 − 2t and Eq. (41) have the same roots with Eq. (35) and Eq. (36);
f (t) = (38) so they have no real root. Also Eq. (39) has the same roots
3t − 2t2
with Eq. (37); so only a(t) has real root, and it has a single
The graph of f (t) becomes Fig. 7. root as ti ≈ −1.0786. It seems that according to a(t) func-
According to ∆a/∆t = (1/ f )/(A/∆a) equation, ∆a/∆t be- tion, there is an imaginary time ti as the single root for any
comes Eq. (39), and know that it is self-inverse function and function of motion as irrational number t ≈ −1.0786. Also
a−1 (t) renders possible a closed curve. it means that as the time is uncertain, it was not an absolute
energy and motion; therefore it was also created but was with-
6 out time. At this time, acceleration is 1; so velocity becomes
a(t) = 2 3
(39) v(t) ≈ −1.0786. For positive acceleration as vector quantity,
3t − 2t

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

To analysis dimensional density, for Eq. (42),


X A(n)
d(n) = (42)
A(n + 1)

the equation turns into (42a),


d(n) = (42a)
−20 v
where A(n) = rn (t), n > 0, d(n) is density of existence area
−40 of a dimension in the next dimension, and r(t) = vt as time is
restrictive to exist at anywhere at the same time along infinite
−4 −2 0 2 4 space, for a fixed and limited velocity. d(n) by this rule is
Time always divergent; so over Eq. (42b),

Fig. 10: x(t) function for x : 1 and y : 10 scale X A(n)
lim =∞ (42b)
A(n + 1)

it can be said that any previous dimension which is assumed

if velocity is negative, then already there is an imaginary time as it creates out next one exists at infinite density in the next
mentioned as there shall no place. There is no time difference dimension by a limited velocity; but as the relation between
between two motions even as an threshold value. Absolute different dimensions, the equation turns into (43),
0 point seems impossible and means that matter always to-
gether with heat. For this imaginary time, also distance taken ∞
X A(n)
is positive as vector quantity. It means that distance taken and d(n) = (43)
velocity were in reverse directions. Frequency for these val- t=1
A(n + m)
ues will be ν(t) ≈ −0.92712 for ν = 1/t that it seems also time
is vector quantity. where m > 1, and it turns into (43a),
As the infinite never works for any size work, as ζ(m)
any act is together with probability, also it does d(n) = (43a)
not matter for the infinite, that probability is high
or low. The infinite can create the existent highest and is convergent. It means that a sub-dimension exists. As a
or lowest probability at the same difficulty; so do result, for (43b) over (43a) where n = 1 as 1 dimension,
not say, that its probability is very low for some- ζ(m)
thing while you are reading the mind of God. lim =0 (43b)
m→∞ vm
Warning any dimension or actually 1 dimension has no density in abso-
lute space, and so cannot exist in infinite dimensional space.
As it can be seen over Fig. 10, distance taken does not Also lower dimensions’ density decreases for higher dimen-
reach infinite for [ti , 0]; whereas a(t), v(t) and f (t) which are sions that if a next dimension was created out by the previous
the other functions of time increase into infinite value for the one or previous ones, this condition would be in the exact op-
same time interval. This seems as paradox; but it is because posite way. This means that emergence area and its elements
of the creation of infinite. As everything is element of infi- emerge on their own space, that it requires to be determined
nite, since we cannot add anything in or detract from infinite, before. If it cannot create a next dimension out, and also if it
the infinite does not work for any size work; so work done cannot be a part of infinite dimensional space as a formation
is always zero for the infinite. The smallest work and the part of infinite space, it means that, area is absolute. Sub-
biggest work are at the same difficulty; so at t = 0 second dimension cannot form the next one. It was always there, and
point, the infinite creates after the thinking which causes a there is an appearance, and drop from infinity. There is no 0
potential difference without space wave. Creating from noth- dimension, and the other dimension appears as relatively in
ingness requires this. You need infinite energy even for the different dimension by having different density.
smallest mass part; so the infinite uses all the energy it has. By another method, if area is conservative, then for two
As frequency does not become 0 for any work after t = 0 sec- dimensional medium, it becomes Eq. (44),
ond, it means that the motion does not be forgotten. Creation
always only happens at t = 0 second by infinite frequency, by dxdy = 0 (44)
infinite precision and by the simple functions like ∆x = ∆v∆t
and ∆v = ∆a∆t; because this is rendering visible process; but where ds 2= dx + dy, ds = dx + dy and thus dx + dy =
2 2 2 2 2

even in imaginary time, matter was not absolute. This seems (dx + dy) . Here, even if the two components always change,
as paradox but it is not. There is a third option as imaginary sum of them is always conserved for any physical value for
time. example as p = p x + py and p2 = p2x + p2y . It means two
dimensional space is not possible.
For the above stated conditions, it seems that dimension is
2.4 Kinetic energy and momentum equations movement way which does not mean area as it is not abstract,
and is vector quantity. Each dimension has a unique way rel-
2.4.1 Theoretic analysis of area atively to any other dimension. As area, it is sum of dimen-
sional positive and negative movement lengths, and also is
a) Dimensional emergence vector quantity. Displacement vector is only able to emerge in

10 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

different ways as much as dimension numbers which area has

them; therefore area is defined if and only if is A : Rn → Rn Å 1
3m X 1
as vector quantity or if is A : Rn → R as scalar magnitude, mc2 = (47)
where n is dimension number which the vector field A has; 4πc t=t t3
thus A emerges as n dimensional area which means allows
objects to move in different ways on displacement vector line; over (47), for the time intervals which the time interval be-
otherwise objects can only move to the aimed point by wan- tween each consecutive interval is the same, it can be written
as (47a).
dering and by a big latency.
As motion emerges in a time interval, it must always has 1
limited speed. As each dimension has unique way, emergence
X 1 1 1 1 1
s= 3
= Å ã3 + Å ã3 + Å ã3 + ... + Å ã3 (47a)
of a rotation and its quickness are directly depended on di- t=t0
t k 2k 3k ak
mension number. For example, in 2 dimensional space, the c c c c
rotation path is always perpendicular to the course direction
before the rotation even for each thin space part. There can- Here, as a is very big number, it can be ignored; so
not emerge a soft rotation in 2 dimensional space because of Å ã3 Å
limited and at last fixed speed, as a shortcut in a different di-
c 1 1 1 1
rection will not emerge with an angle. To reduce rotational s= 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 + ... + 3 (47b)
k 2 3 4 a
latency and hardness, and thus to reduce emerging centrifugal
force because of emerging distance taken length, there must (47c) can be used instead of (47b).
always exist enough number of dimensions. Higher dimen- Å ã3 Å X ∞
sional objects do faster displacement. Only infinite dimen-
c 1
sional space allows movements to be in any direction of them s= (47c)
k b3
all together untimely manner without any angle, latency and b=1
thus a sensed inertia. ∞ 1
Here, being it is ζ(3) = 3ms
= mc2 , it becomes
For these reasons, because of its existence which means 3
, over 4πc
b=1 b
the area covered, an object has to do a circular motion with an (48).
angle by passing all the limited dimensions which are a result
of time to be formed since any point of space is intersection 4πc3
point of dimensions as a part of space, even when matter is s= (48)
static which means has no observational outer space motion 3
4πc3 ζ(3)c3
at that time. Right this point, it can be said that more speed If this is the equation, then over 3 = k3 , it becomes (49).
means more dimension scanning. Thereupon, density of an …
object in emergence space which is the space emerges over 3ζ(3)
absolute space as a virtual part of it in a time interval by re- (49)

peating the same motion with a frequency during passing the
limited dimensions, cannot exist in absolute space, emergence As t0 is (k/c)3 in s, it becomes (50) the below.
area itself is included as well. It is in a closed and limited area 3ζ(3)
for any selected dimension. t0 = (50)
As it can be seen, nothing lived forever during infinite 3m1 ζ(3)
time period since nothing can be distributed as a density upon Over (46) and thus 4πc = m2 c2 , it becomes (51),
infinite dimensional space, and it says that any act and phe-
m1 1
nomenon are included in existence density; they emerge, act = (51)
and get lost together. To understand this better manner, m2 t 0

where ν = t10 as frequency.
X mc2 ν is the maximum natural frequency which space can hold
4πr3 because of the incompressibility property of matter. To have
a limit of detected gamma frequencies is not accident accord-
3 ing to me as matter has no external supporter energy even if
this operation can be used for r = ct when you assume, that there is no limit theoretically. Matter vibrates as much as this
the mass has just emerged at a point; because gravity is always frequency. Matter always uses its total energy which gained
active in any direction and also no mass has infinite energy to during the creation.
provide attraction from infinity. m1 /ν gets bigger due to the particle number and thus mass
As gravity is always active in all directions in space, for which m1 has; but if the particles are handled separately, each
an object which has just emerged with mc2 energy, the energy one of them is reduced into a threshold mass value. A force is
distributing mass on space over time; so after a time, there
density where as far as r from the object can only change by will only exist information even the mass is still there as
r = ct since the object cannot exist at every point of space distributed extremely as its density in an unit of volume ex-
untimely manner. All works can be done as much as total tremely will decrease. Nothing gets lost.
energy; so for an object which has energy density equal to its
total energy after t time, over mc
for r = ct, Actually, there is no perpendicularity. Perpen-
3 dicularity changes over the physical values of the
ÅX ∞ ã area holds. Namely, you can only get close to
3m 1 perpendicularity; so actually, you can draw extra
mc =
(46) numerous perpendicular lines to 3 lines which are
4πc t=1 t3
perpendicular to each other of 3D plane axis, and
(46) can be written; but according to this equality, the condi- all of them can be perpendicular to each other;
tion must be t ≤; thus being the initial time is t0 , but this happens only over time. Namely, while

[email protected] 11
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

one of them exists, the other one is not there. Ac- does not occur such that. For a formation speed of v, if you
tually it is more suitable to say, that while one of create more denser space, you must change the work’s speed.
them becomes more certain by extremely getting Force cannot be applied to compress space for the same time.
closer to 90, the other one becomes uncertain by Ft/ta ratio always has to change where t = 1 second or an-
extremely getting closer to 0. This extra perpen- other reference time which creates the force, and ta is the
dicular lines emerge due to circular frequency. If application time of Ft. This creates different speeds and so
frequency increases, then you can detect more of creates different space energy as work done is equal to kinetic
them in a time interval. Namely, a space which energy; so if you handle a limited space which has a fixed for-
has more energy and thus has more frequency is mation speed, if a denser area emerges, as the speed is fixed
higher dimensional space, and allows objects to as there is always single work to create all the space and its
move and turn faster. elements, there will always emerge a resistance which means
Warning wish to have more speed to get denser; otherwise this density
wants to get lower density and be more ordered; so matter
b) Absolute observer requirement always wants to be distributed; so while d1 length is length-
ening for a limited energy, space cannot be bended more than
Handle a fixed object in a limited area in space. A fixed enough; so still the angle will change even for the smallest
observer does observation in a limited free space which has change. Just change amount of the angle for the same time
E3 energy, and has E total energy with its all elements. The interval will be different relatively to the other if there is more
observer detected the object at d1 length which has E1 to- tension; but at a point, it must be recovered by a bigger change
tal energy without reference; then assume that, d1 length is relatively to lower stress space.
lengthened to d2 length but the observation angle ∠BAC does
not change. There is a presentation of this event on Fig. 11. There cannot be a zero resistance even for before
the beginning of time. Matter always wants to
be distributed. Denser area is always more dis-
ordered, and more energy is required to create
denser area.
1 Inference: Stress
Hence, even if you increase the energy of the observed ob-
0.5 ject for any magnitude limited formation speed, the observer
cannot be lost; because space and matter have an incompress-
ibility feature. At a point, it requires more energy than total
energy of free space with its all elements. If you increase
A the observed object’s energy together with total energy of the
space by a new formation speed gradually forever being the
ES = E3 ∆E = E observer’s energy is fixed even for changing formation speed,
−1 0 1 you must be decrease density of the observer as fixed area
cannot lift more than enough density. This is the same with
Fig. 11: Change in existence in a limited free space fixed speed space’s compress; so if there is no observer, there
is no matter. Actually it means if there is no matter, there is
no matter; because there is no difference between observation
In this condition, to gain E2 energy of d2 length where energy and matter. Observation energy is also matter, and has
E2 > E1 , this object has to use free space’s energy; therefore E/v2 mass for a formation speed. As matter is a virtual part of
at the end of the lengthening, the energy of free space abso- infinity, as required by infinite frequency, matter has no work
lutely decreases. If it is assumed that the same operation is ability. Infinity must work instead of any worker; so also ob-
done gradually forever, all the energy which the free space servation is done by observation of infinity; hence the right
has must be used for the observed object that the observer’s expression is that if there is no absolute observer, there is no
energy is included as well; hence even if it is assumed that matter.
the observation angle does not change, even for the smallest
change, as the area covered and its density will change, also There would no matter if there was no observer.
Observer is absolute. The observers which are in
the angle has to change; so the equation becomes Eq. (52), a limited uncertain emergence space which has
X limited formation speed, cannot be lost.
lim En = E (52)
n→∞ Inference: Eye of God
where n is element number of free space, and E is total en-
ergy of free space with its all elements; so if you increase the Because of the incompressibility feature, it can be said
energy of the observed object, the observer loses energy; but that even for the smallest existent work, work can only be
actually may the observer get lost completely? done against recovery wish of space; so matter cannot create
If you assume that the space may be able to be bended; but itself as a forcing each small time interval of each small time
to realize this, more energy is required; because if you want interval is required which brings matter out total energy. Al-
to compare this, handle two different independent space that ready, matter is uncertain. It means that it must be repeated as
a part of infinity. Uncertainty increases or decreases between
one of them has A area has 2E total energy and d = 2E/Av2 absolute absence and absoluteness but its loss; so a worker is
density, and the other one has A/2 area has E total energy and required for each small time interval instead of any worker.
d = 2E/Av2 density which is the same density with the other Also as it was said in excessive time section, any motion has
one. As it can be seen for both of them, to create both space, to be deterministic. They are created untimely manner. There
the required energy amount is the same as E = dAv2 /2; hence, is no time difference between two information in imaginary
it can be said that more denser space requires more energy; time. Anything is element of infinity. If there shall emerge a
because even if you assume like one of them has X energy, it work, already it must be a part of infinity. Neither anything

12 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

can be added in nor detracted from infinity. Already this con- as there cannot be an absolute emptiness because of deceler-
dition requires to be deterministic of any act. If everything is ation from infinity, can only be shown as Kgs which means
element of infinity, and also if infinity forces matter as there “Kilogram per second”. For a mass which increases in time,
is no alternative to create it as matter is absolute inert because it becomes Eq. (54) if it calculates potential change,
of a required absolute worker instead of any worker in each
small time interval, then to be absolute requires to have con- mr (tn+1 − tn )
sciousness. Nothing can be random. The infinity’s infinite = md (54)
act is also determined and is included its infinite information.
Emerging things are the results. where (tn+1 − tn )/t = a; so finally it becomes Eq. (55),
Uncertain observers may affect matter. To see, F = −ma (55)
please check ‘A time concept’ section below.
if it calculates influence potential where F is influence poten-
Inference tial even if it is used or not, m is potential and a = ||−a||. It
can be transformed into Eq. (55a), over v = −at.
2.4.2 Momentum Ft = mv (55a)
As area had been always existed, that already the above Here mv is momentum. Momentum means mass relative to
stated time functions as velocity, acceleration and distance time. It is still mass in short. If m moves here, then v is the
taken functions are dependent on this space as well; so as they speed of the moving mass. Otherwise already this speed is the
cannot be separated from time, also they cannot be separated speed of mass or force change.
from inertia or latency which is the result of motion. mr is detected as F force or mass during the latency. This
is inertia. Any work can only be done in a time interval, and
The latency here I used is due to resistance of so worker or the thing which is made it worked does work by
free space which matter emerges over it. For a some periods as active, and does not do work by some periods
fixed magnitude influence potential that this po- as inert. Actual result of this is to be absolute inert of matter
tential does not have to be space-dependent be- since an absolute energy has to do work instead of all another
ing created over the same space since it can be uncertain workers even for each small time period. Matter
God or infinity itself, work can be done at dif- never gains a work potential, and it seems that everything has
ferent speeds according to the resistance of the to be determined before to be created; but still it is calculable
space. If there was no resistance, the existent like it already had an influence potential like infinite although
smallest force would move the existent biggest it is not.
mass at infinite speed; but it does not happen Also latency equality can be shown as Eq. (56)
such. Even if the influence has a potential like
this, the space always delays it. For another ex- x2 x1
Å − ã
ample, light speed is also limited because of this t2 t1
reason; because light moves from disordered area ie = ∆i (56)
to ordered area by acceleration during its move-
ment; but it cannot find more ordered space to go since space cannot be independent of infinite. There is no
faster since disordered points block it. absolute emptiness; so if you assume that 1 dimensional space
part of x started vibration at a frequency by a natural latency
Warning in a time interval as nothing is continuous, emerging inertia
As matter has infinite frequency as a requirement of to ie which is always together with motion even for the smallest
be virtual part of absolute space, inertia emergence and its time turns into ∆i for any time interval during the formation
magnitude can only emerge and increase in time as dependent or even during an observational outer space motion which is
of time in 0 ≤ t < ∞ second interval; then the equation for after the emerging. As the result, mass equation turns into
latency in [0, ∞) interval becomes Eq. (53) Eq. (55) again.
Also over uncertainty, if mb is the assumed basic mass
Lr (tn+1 − tn )
= Ld (53) when uncertainty warns, and md is the mass detected at the
t end of a tr reference time; by the defined elements, emergence
where Lr is reference latency, Ld is detected latency. Even of a mass can be expressed as Eq. (57).
the reference latency has sub-latency because of emerging in- Ztr
finite frequency; so here it must be always (tn+1 − tn )/t, and
it means that which latency interval is used since there can- md = mb dtr (57)
not be a motionless interval. It does not mean there is a time 0
slip. It means that there was a potential which changes over
time whatever the emergence type; but it changed by an in- The same md mass has to get different magnitudes for any
fluence and is detected as different during change in t time. time between [0, tr ] or [tr , 1] and ”Kilogram per second” unit
Emergence motion moves at that time. The equation will al- that can be shorten as (Kgs) unit for 1 second.
ways provide the changing which occurs over time where L
can be mass, distance taken, velocity, force or acceleration as v f = md /mb tr (58)
elements of motion even as relatively to each other or in itself Eq. (58) is the change in mass for a formation velocity of v ,
that if Eq. (53) does not calculate potential change or influ-
ence potential change, Lr and Ld are always two parts of the and it is equal to some variable values according to emergence
same L latency as kind; but if it calculates influence potential values; so it can be said that mass is a varying effect which is
which causes potential change or stays as influence potential, detected within displacement time.
then they are different to categorize. Mass is variable effect which is detected in dis-
As emergence area and its elements have infinite fre- placement time. It is actually magnitude of
quency, mass which is the place that space exists denser there change in influence potential.

[email protected] 13
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

Warning where a = vt and x = vt. Energy means mass relative to

velocity, and is actual momentum. This is energy; because
As displacement of the mass which moves in outer space actually on Ft = mv equation, for one fixed time or velocity
after the emerging increases for the reference time of abso- value, the other one of these two time or velocity can take
lute upper limit of 1 second; so also its mass magnitude must any different value. Right this point, the reference is distance
increase absolutely; because a motion in outer space cannot taken.
be independent of emergence just as emergence cannot be.
As matter is always together a motion and so energy, when it When a mass moves from A point to B point in space, it
moved, then it means formation motion moved; thus mass of means formation motion moved. As mass cannot be indepen-
the moving objects absolutely increases as matter gains mass dent of speed, the equation becomes Eq. (63); because matter
by the same way. can be used as much as its total energy. All works are as
For md (Kgs) mass which had been accelerated after it much as total energy and existence of matter; so last moving
emerged, as reference time of tr is 1 second and m s is an outer total energy at the last condition of matter as a result must be
space motion mass, it turns into Eq. (59). equal to sum of observational outer space kinetic energy and
static total energy.
v = mS t/md tr (59)
m0 c2 + mv2 = mc2 (63)
md (Kgs) mass is perceived as m s (Kgs) mass according to
the acceleration time t by the reason of inertia. There is no For Eq. (63), change in mass becomes Eq. (64).
other mass. During the acceleration work, md (Kgs) can be
assumed as the basic mass. The velocity here is equal to the m0
m= (64)
velocity of the mass which moves in observational outer space v2
if the mass moves. If the mass does not move, this velocity 1− 2
is already the velocity of the change in the mass over time as
a perceived mass. For md = m to be more clear of it, this This mass is the mass which already had been accelerated and
condition can be maintained as Eq. (60), is moving at a constant speed of v.R For acceleration work, if
p0 = m0 c and v = Ft/m0 , then for mdv , it will be Eq. (65).
Ft = mv (60) Å ã
−1 Ft
as m s (Kgs) mass will get its standard mass magnitude if it m = p0 tanh (65)
slows down; thus this mass can be assumed as a force as it is p0
variable, temporary.
As you can see on Eq. (64) or Eq. (65), the limit is c for v =
Actually, as matter emerges over time, for Ft/m0 equation; but actually work can be done by any big
smaller application time interval than absolute multiples of c for Ft/m0 equation and Ft/m0 > c status even
upper time limit which matter gains its maximum if the resulting velocity does not increase so much. We must
mass magnitude value, the mass which the force re-determine the condition. For Eq. (66) the below,
is applied is smaller than general mass magnitude Å ã
as the force is smaller as well; so actual equation −1 (Ft/p0 ) − bFt/p0 c
m = p tanh (66)
for this condition is Ft2 = mtv where t < tu being n+1 n
tu upper limit which means creation time that we
accept it as 1 second. Additionally, there is one it will be Eq. (67) for pn = mn c as
more option that as motion is deterministic, when bFt/p0 c
you wish to use more energy by the same force X
by using the force in a smaller time, there will no m = mn+1 (67)
magnitude difference; thus Ft = mtv becomes
2 n=0
invalid. This requires relative time. Time passes for the work’s whole value as there is no difference for an
different for different motions. Even so, the en- one-piece work without hand taking or a work in pieces since
ergy is still used from total energy of universe. If already the work is done one by one. For Ft/m0 < c status,
this is the situation, then there are infinite times Eq. (65) can be used.
that is more suitable with my theory since there
are uncertainty and time differences. You cannot On Ft = mv equation, the multiplication of Ft does not
say which time is the beginning for a part off all change even if the mass or the velocity on the momentum
mass of the universe. Namely, you cannot catch equation changes by any rule; because they are self-formed
the times smaller then 1 second since frequency according to Ft work if this the equation; so over Ft = mvr =
is so high. Even its mass increases when you m0 v equation, the actual reached velocity vr will be Eq. (68).
moved at that time.
Å ã
Warning vr = v 1 − 2 (68)

2.4.3 Kinetic energy For Eq. (64) and Eq. (68), kinetic energy becomes Eq. (69)
over W = mv2r
As kinetic energy, use x = vt on Ft = mv or use v2 = ax
Å ã
on F = ma. They turn into F x = mv2 and so into Eq. (61). W = m0 v2 1 − 2 (69)
W = mv2
(61) Total energy becomes Eq. (70).
Also over Eq. (62), it becomes Eq. (61) again, m0 c 2
E= (70)
W = ma d x (62) 1− 2

14 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

2 c2 vc2
c2 −v2 c2 −v2
Relative speed and mass


Fig. 13: Relative velocity at a perfect distance


0 0.5 1 1.5 2
straight lines are drawn at the same ratio with the velocities,
S peed v = Ft

m0 ·105 they are intersected at a point perfect manner like on Fig. 13.
Otherwise, a second relative calculation must be done as the
Fig. 12: Mass and speed changing graphic from m = m0 to m = 2m0 objects which are at a far distance cannot be seen or are ob-
served as smaller than the original size, as also the velocity
will be observed as static like stars.
For Fig. 13, over the law of cosines, the velocity relative
As it can be seen over Eq. (70), mass and energy magnitudes to v2 means detected by v1 as an illusion is Eq. (72) over v2R =
are not conserved in focal point even if work done energy is
conserved. Even if the total energy of the universe does not v21 + v22 − 2v1 v2 cosα.
change, total energy and mass of the focal points of the uni- »
verse can change. During this changing, the total density of vR = v21 + v22 − 2v1 v2 cosα (72)
the universe changes; but its total energy is always conserved.
For the velocity relative to v1 , as it will be v2R = v22 + v21 −
Mass and energy magnitudes are not conserved 2v2 v1 cosα, the relative velocity directly will be as Eq. (72)
in focal points of universe. again. The changing thing is relative or absolute destination
Inference on space.
For the above stated equations it becomes Eq. (71) over
E = W + mo c 2 . 2.5.2 Relative size of fixed objects
v2 As the size included observations which are different than
=0 (71) the above stated one, area of an object is observed as smaller
when you moved away from it, and is observed as bigger
It means it is always v = 0 that it is always c. This is the when gotten closer to it. Any object always can only exist
verifying. Light speed is the highest speed, and the lower is between this two conditions. Right this point, we must com-
not possible. Matter uses the same space at the same time. ment according to a size reference. Let us assume that this
reference is the length reference of the 1 dimensional object
2.5 Relative motion relations has |BC| = d length, is as also a standard on Fig. 14. Assume
There are some special phenomena for relative motions that this standard is to be observed of this |BC| as |BC| from
like relative speed and relative size; because an object is al- the rectangular distance of A being |AD| = |BC|. This 1 di-
ways more uncertain at a farther distance than a closer dis- mensional length is enough even for 3D observation; because
tance size relatively to eye. a 2D area will occur, and so the same 1 dimensional calcula-
tion will be done for both vertical and horizontal components.
Right this point, there are 2 different conditions to clarify.
2.5.1 Relative velocity at a perfect distance They are perpendicular observation and angled observation.
Relative velocity of two moving objects is the displace-
ment of the moving one according to the resultant of the two a) Perpendicular observation
moving objects when one of them is assumed as fixed. Rel-
ative velocity magnitude is the same for the both moving ob- This observation is done on origin of the observed object.
ject. The thing which is not the same for each of them is the If the observer is closer than the determined standard like to
direction of the movement; because for example, for one of be on E point on Fig. 14, the equations which were derived
the infinite number relative motion combination of the two the below can calculate the observed size, and it will be like
object, one of them may see itself as slowing down even that FG.
time it is not slowing down. To be positive or negative of First solution:
velocities according to a reference is related with their direc-
tions. As the equation is |AD| = |BC| = |LH|, if we use ∆HLK
When the velocity of the moving object which is assumed triangle which is one of two the same ∆HLK and ∆HLM tri-
as fixed is subtracted in vector from the other moving object angles, over the Pythagoras Theorem, the equation will be as
which is not counted as fixed, it is like distance taken in the Eq. (73).
direction of the resultant according to the angle emerging be-
tween them as the result of the subtracting. The observer in |HK|2 = |HL|2 + |LK|2 (73)
the other name the moving object which is not counted as When |HK|2 over Eq. (73) is used on the law of cosine in the
fixed observes itself at the resulting speed and in that direc- same ∆HLK triangle for ∠LHK = α/2, it will be as Eq. (73a).
tion of the resultant as an illusion. This calculation can only
be done for the objects which are at a perfect distance relative |HL|
to each other. This means that when the lengths of the vector |HK| = (73a)

[email protected] 15
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

|MK|/2, and so over the Pythagoras Theorem in ∆HLK, it

will be Eq. (76c).
|HL|2 + |LK|2 = |HK|2 (76c)
From the similarity between ∆HLK and ∆HDC, the relation
is |HK|/|HC| = |LK|/|DC|, and if it is squared, it will be as
Eq. (76d).
|HK|2 /|HC|2 = |LK|2 /|DC|2 (76d)
If |HC|2 over Eq. (76b) and |HK|2 over Eq. (76c) are used on
Eq. (76d), it will be Eq. (76e),
d2 d2
+ |HD|2
4 = 4 (76e)
d02 d02
+ d2
4 4
and finally it will be as Eq. (76f).
|HD| = (76f)
If |HC|2 over Eq. (76b) is used on Eq. (76a) for |HC| = |HB|,
|DC| = d/2 and Eq. (76f) equations, then the function accord-
Fig. 14: Perpendicular observation of fixed objects ing to observation angle of α becomes Eq. (77).

1 − cosα
If |HL| over Eq. (73a) is used on Eq. (73) again, it will be as d = 2d
1 + cosα
Eq. (74) being |HL| = |AB| = d is the actual size of the object,
|MK| = d0 is the observed size of the object. b) Angled observation
d0 = 2d −1 (74)
cos2 (α/2)

Second solution:
As we know emerging observation angle and standard size
of the observed object, we can use one of the half angle formu-
las. For tangent function, being tan(α/2) = |LK|/|HL|, over
the tangent half angle formula, the equation will be Eq. (75),
tanα = (75)
4d2 − d02
and it can only be solved by solving equation.

Third solution:
Being ∠BHC = α, it will be Eq. (76) over the law of
cosines in ∆MHK for |HM| = |HK| equation.
|MK|2 Fig. 15: Angled observation of fixed objects
cosα = 1 − (76)
Also it will be Eq. (76a) for the same angle over the law of For angled observations, first of all we must find out per-
cosines in ∆BHC for |BH| = |CH| equation. pendicular observation size of the observed object as |EC| on
Fig. 15. To find out it, firstly we must know the distances be-
|BC|2 tween the observer and the axises of the observed object. Be-
cosα = 1 − 2
(76a) ing |CF| = d x is the distance in x axis direction, and |FH| = dy
2|CH| is the distance in y axis direction, |HC| is as Eq. (78).
Over the Pythagoras Theorem in ∆HDC for |HC| = |HB| and »
|BD| = |DC| = |BC|/2 = d/2 equations, it will be Eq. (76b). |HC| = d2x + dy2 (78)
|HD|2 + |DC|2 = |HC|2 (76b) In ∆EHC, over the law of cosines being ∠EHF = α, it will be
Eq. (76b) for |EC| = d0 .
As the size reference which was determined the above is to be
observed of an object at its original size when it is observed |EC| = 2(1 − cosα)(d x + dy ) (78a)
from the distance has the same length with the object, then
the equations must be |HL| = |BC| = d and |ML| = |LK| = If Eq. (76b) is used on Eq. (77), finally angled observation

16 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

size of the observed object will be as Eq. (79). distance, the relative acceleration converges to zero; because
the history of the observed object is stored between you and
(1 − cosα)3 the object according to the distance between you and the ob-
d = 4(d x + dy )
(79) ject, and you can watch its history up to 2x faster whatever
1 + cosα the actual direction and speed of the object are, if you can go
There is a special condition for angled observation that at speed of light towards the object.
the same angle does not mean the same size. An angle can be
the same with a perpendicular observation angle or observing 2.6.1 Placement for transformation
angle of an angled observation. The difference is like the dif-
ference between ∆BRC on Fig. 15 and ∆BEC on Fig. 14. They The below stated formulas are for scalar magni-
have the same angle; but they cannot detect the fixed size ob- tudes. You must redetermine their marks accord-
ject at the same size. Also like this observation which is done ing to direction of moving bodies.
from a distance smaller than the size of the observed object, Warning
E point observes the object as |FG| on Fig. 14. A perpendic-
ular observation reference cannot be determined like |GC| on There are 3 points which are on the same line and are go-
Fig. 15. ing to be used for something for motional transformations on
Fig. 16.
2.5.3 Simultaneous relative size change by velocity
If the objects move, as d x and dy on Eq. (78) will change
in time because of this movement, for the resultant velocity of
the two moving objects, that in x direction, it is vRx , and is vRy
in y direction, Eq. (79) turns into Eq. (80).

(1 − cosα)3
d0 = 4(d x ± vRx t + dy ± vRy t) (80)
1 + cosα
Here ± is for direction of the movement. As change in α
on Eq. (80), for ∠BHC = α and ∠CHF = θ equations, it Fig. 16: 3 points in space on the same line
will be tan(α + θ) = (d + d x )/dy and tan(θ) = d x /dy . For
these equations, over trigonometric sum formula of tangent, it Here we should not intermingle outer space speed of ob-
becomes Eq. (76c), jects and its observational transfer speed. Image transferring
Å ã speed is light speed and can get any value for different uni-
dy d
α = tan −1
(80a) verse being fixed. We accept it as c.
dy2 + d2x + d x d Now think that A and C are fixed. Naturally C observes A
as fixed; but there is a special condition that is valid for any
and for the movement, it becomes Eq. (80b). universe, C observes the old condition of A in changing times
according to the distance between them; because light speed
(dy ± vRy t)d
Å ã
α = tan−1 is limited. Even, if A and the distance between A and C are big
(dy ± vRy t)2 + d( d x ± vRx t)2 + (d x ± vRx t)d enough, for example when A has already been disappeared by
(80b) losing its all energy somehow, C still observes it since there is
We should add the energy transformations relatively to a time difference.
speed to these calculations as well especially for high speeds.
To detect time deviation also you must use a suitable transfor- 2.6.2 Constant speed motion
mation like the below.
Now think that C is moving towards A on the same line
2.6 A time concept being A is fixed or A is moving towards C on the same line
Time is quite interesting phenomenon in physics, and it being C is fixed or they both move towards each other. As
seems is relative; but what does it mean to be relative of time? we always observe image of any object, we can write it as
What does to be fixed of light speed mean? Does to be fixed Eq. (81) and Eq. (82).
of light speed require observation at light speed? What if we Å
c + vC
can observe faster than light speed because of increased frame v0A = vA (81)
number? Is time effective for this imaginary effect or also time c
itself is dependent on another actual causative phenomenon? Å
c + vA
Is it possible to make a wrong conception for time and speed vC =
vC (82)
even if the phenomenon we advocate is actually true? c
Distribution of image at light speed brings some other Here v0A and vC0 are observed speed of A and C. (c + v)/c is a
phenomena out together with itself. Namely, light speed can- multiplier according to initial speeds of moving objects. As
not change even if you take a relative speed like 2c which is we always observe the history of objects by some frames, this
bigger than c. It does not change due to observer, it changes is increase amount of the observed frame number in an unit
due to observer as illusion. It is always fixed; but each frame of time over actual and simultaneous speed of observed ob-
of the transfer can change being the light speed or transfer ject that this speed had gained somehow over Ft = mv work
speed is fixed. Namely while you are getting closer to an ob- or over any function without reference. Here the thing which
ject which is moving in any direction, you detect it faster than increases the relative speed of A is the speed of C since C
its actual speed if you move towards it, and also the observed is going to experience more frame. Also the thing which in-
object gets bigger; but it has an end since the distance be- creases the relative speed of C is the speed of A since A is
tween you and it is limited. Namely when you get the closest going to experience more frame as well.

[email protected] 17
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

As it can be seen over Eq. (81) and Eq. (82), if two bodies move towards each other, you cannot
there are some objects which the sum of their make an addition like vA +vC = v0A = vC0 operation.
speed as vector quantity is different than zero, Time passes different for these if they move, and
then they experience different times relatively. speeds are detected different as relatively. Time
Inference does not change in the same ratio. Such an ad-
dition can only be made if one of them is really
Frame number is partially dependent on and actually is static according to global time.
independent of light speed. Whatever the initial velocities Warning
of objects are, image is distributed at light speed; so if it is
possible to move towards an object faster then light by any To calculate actual independent global position of objects,
multiples of c as nc, you detect the observed object as much first we must fix time which is detected different because of
more faster due to nc. As long as you get faster, you detect observation speed.
the object faster and faster; but as also you cannot move faster x0A (t) = v0A t (83)
than light, you cannot detect objects faster than a limit. Limit
of both frame number and the speed of the object which its xC0 (t) = vC0 t (84)
image is transferred are naturally dependent on light speed by 0
Eq. (83) and Eq. (83) are relative positions. xA is the position
this way. which is estimated by C, and also xC0 is the position which is
Right this point you can ask, that for example while C is estimated by A over the same global t; so to fix them, we must
observing A, the initial speed of C changes the observed ob- fix times first over Eq. (85) and Eq. (86).
ject’s actual outer speed which emerges according to a global
time and gained by Ft = mv, changes by (c + vC )/c; but at xA (t) = x0A (t) + t(vA − v0A ) (85)
that time is not vA is inclusive to show itself at higher speed
by increasing its own initial speed? The answer is exact no; xC (t) = xC0 (t) + t(vC − vC0 ) (86)
because this is an observation and cannot be realized from Now let us use more object to analyze if there are some
two points at the same time. Namely, even if vA increases at special conditions. If the three points on Fig. 16 are handled
that time constantly, the observer detects its acceleration after together, we can write x0 = x − vB t and t0 = t according to the
required time according to its own speed but not more. The global time when A and C are fixed but B moves towards to
observer detects a resulting acceleration whatever happened C; but is the formula or only its values change due to obser-
there. As a result, you cannot include a new ratio by (c + vA )/c vation?
to the observer formula. As A and C are fixed, they observe B at its actual speed.
The universe emerges over time since has limited There is no time deviation, and thus x0 = x − vB t is valid for
energy. It gains its total energy for 1 second. It t0 = t.
means there are time differences for each point If A and B move in the direction of C, and C moves in the
of space. Namely each cubic meter has time dif- opposite direction being all of them at the same speed. For
ference by 1/V where V is volume of the uni- this condition, total observation of B becomes Eq. (87).
verse; so when I said global time, it means when (c − vA )vB (c + vC )vB
that point has E1 and the other has E2 energy. 2vB = + (87)
Namely still each point of space get different time c c
according to this global reference time; but as It means even if the observation changes due to observer, ac-
the amount is too small, we should not include tually there is no real deviation or delay. This happens for
it to these calculations. Time is absolute by these only partial observers which cannot detect all motions at the
rules. The difference between global time of t same time. It signs to a global time. Time is conserved.
and t0 is to be observational time of t0 . Namely all
events occur in 1 second by ignored time differ-
ences due to the global time; but you cannot ob- 2.6.3 Acceleration motion
serve all of them as also you cannot be observed.
This depends due to the distance between obser- If we apply the above stated rules to acceleration motion,
vation elements. it becomes Eq. (88) and Eq. (89) over Eq. (81) and Eq. (81),
Warning c + aC t
Å ã
a0A = aA (88)
Think that n times particle pass from a point at light speed. c
If point starts to move in the direction of particles at v speed, Å
c + aA t
to see how many particles are detected for c + v, the equation aC =
aC (89)
becomes n(c + v)/c. Here n can be speed of the observed c
object, and v can be speed of the observer. Even if the point where t is global time. For these values, to calculate actual in-
has an initial speed, you cannot make a fiction such as if n dependent global position of objects, again firstly we must fix
times particle pass at c + vi , then for c + vi + v2 , there n(c + vi + time which is detected different because of observation speed.
v2 )/(c + vi ) times particle are detected. Image transfer speed
is always fixed as light speed. You always see each frame at x0A (t) = a0A t2 (90)
light speed; but as you have an initial speed, you detect it like
it increased since the energy collected increases in an unite of xC0 (t) = aC0 t2 (91)
time. Namely for initial speed, you must change either n or 0
Eq. (90) and Eq. (91) are relative positions. xA is the position
if you accept n as still fixed, it means the observed object is which is estimated by C, and also xC0 is the position which is
slower. estimated by A over the same global t; so to fix them, we must
You cannot accept one of the moving bodies as fix times first over Eq. (92) and Eq. (93).
static to calculate speed over the other one of
them. This changes everything. Namely, for xA (t) = x0A (t) + t2 (aA − a0A ) (92)

18 2 Theoretical Analysis of Motion

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

xC (t) = xC0 (t) + t2 (aC − aC0 ) (93) gle time which is creation time of any bodies in
Let us analyze the acceleration condition somehow. the universe for 1 second. The relativistic time
emerges because of distance and image transfer
speed. We always observe the history of objects
in changing times due to distance; but actually
this does not mean a time travel or staying as a
young person is possible since is only relativistic
effect. Age, entropy, total energy etc. are depen-
dent on global time.

2.6.4 Energy transformation

Fig. 17: Satellite As stated the above, formation motion in the other name
the motion which emerges to create matter and outer space
Here on Fig. 17 there is a satellite at B point moves on observational motion are accepted together. There is no other
the parallel line to y axis. CB = h is the height, C is a point motion. When mass moves from A to B in space, it means
which its coordinate is known, A is an object which moves on creation motion which is because of its existence moves from
A to B. Matter uses the same space at the same time for any
the y axis. AB = x is the distance between the object and the motion and work. For this condition, assume that kinetic en-
satellite. 2
Now assume that B moves in the direction of +y axis and ergy is dependent of an operator like Nmv that N can be a
A moves in the direction of −y axis. Namely time slows down rational number as also can be an integer. Now total kinetic
for the both relatively and they detect each other as slowing energy which matter has for its existence as Nmc must be
down since they move away from each other, and thus frame equal to the sume of observational kinetic energy Nmv2 and
number is going to decrease for an unite of time. k is depen- static kinetic energy Nm0 c2 in the other name static total en-
dent on the velocities of both A and B; so it becomes Eq. (94) ergy before gaining observational kinetic energy. For this def-
inition, it becomes Eq. (100).
k = (vA + vB )t (94)
The time here must be the same time, and is the time of accel- Nm0 c2 + Nmv2 = Nmc2 (100)
eration if the speed is not fixed. Also it starts after a calibra- Over this the above stated energy transformations occur.
tion for the current values at t0 = 0 moment and k = 0 point. For these energy transformations, the situation becomes
x becomes for this as more interesting; because Eq. (81) and Eq. (82) must turn into
(95) Eq. (101) and Eq. (102) over the energy transformation.
x = (vA + vB )2 t2 + h2
vC c2 − vC3 v2A
Å ãÅ ã
Now the condition has been turned into the condition of a
linear motion over linear x distance; but the change emerges v 0
A = 1 + 1 − vA (101)
c3 c2
over the rule of x as Eq. (95). It means the motion is like
acceleration even for the fixed speeds; so it can written as vA c2 − v3A vC2
Å ãÅ ã
x = at = aA t + aB t and thus over this as x/t = a = aA + aB
2 2 2 2 vC
= 1 + 1 − vC (102)
c3 c2
since is not observation yet, and is due to global time as inde-
pendent. Hence it becomes Eq. (96) over Eq. (88) or Eq. (89), For this final condition when you assume that they move to-
wards each other at the same speed, a graph emerges like the
c + aB t
Å ã
aA =
(a − aB ) (96)
where a − aB = aA or becomes Eq. (97),
c + (a − aA )
Å ã
aA =
(aA ) (97) 1.5
Observed speed

where a − aB = aA over the same Eq. (88) or Eq. (89). If they

are equalized to each other, it becomes Eq. (98), 1

a2B (1 − t) + 2aB c
a= (98)
2c 0.5
and over Eq. (98) it becomes Eq. (99) where a = aA + aB .
a2B (1 − t) 0
aA = (99) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
2c Actual speed
As we know a over Eq. (95) as x/t2 , we can find aB over
Eq. (98) and then aA over Eq. (99). Hence, we can find the de- Fig. 18: Observational speed over actual speed where x = c/108 and
viation or actual positions over Eq. (88), Eq. (89) and Eq. (92), the speeds are the same
Eq. (93).
It seems that time is relative; but actually this is The results are quite interesting; because as long as you
not against to be absolute of time. There is a sin- get faster, you detect the objects slower; because when you

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

get closer light speed during observational motion not cre- force cannot be applied without area. Force is only defined
ation that already creation is at light speed, observational abil- when it is related with application area. Emerging variable
ity decreases; because you create an imaginary history in the values of P = FA equation which relates force and area, in-
environment between objects since you get closer to image crease or decrease between absolute absence and absoluteness
transfer speed. Also a table emerges like the below. but their losses. In the same manner, distributed load is mass
or force effect as well.
Table 1: Observational speed change of objects over relativistic en- Force cannot be applied to the surface which has
ergy transformations no area covered. FA = P equation which is the
relation between force and pressure, is always
vA c/4 c/3 c/2 3c/4
v0A 0.290c 0.384c 0.516c 0.436c

Your appearance time to existence and image transfer time

close to each other since there is a single motion for creation
and other space motions; but it is more interesting, after c/2 in
the table, again observational speed decreases. The following
is the graph of the same rule.
When you assume that they move towards each other be-
ing the observer vC has 1 m/s speed and the other one has
changing speeds, a graph emerges like the below.

Observed speed

Fig. 20: Mass emergence

Handle an imaginary area on horizon like on Fig. 20 on
absolute space, and assume that it expanded. When it ex-
0.5 panded, the pressure of the outer space must increase as in-
ner density will decrease since the density of absolute space
is fixed. At this condition,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 We = (P s − Pe )xe /Ae = me v2e (103)
Actual speed is the work done where P s is the outer space pressure, Pe is the
inner pressure of the expansion, xe is the distance taken, Ae is
Fig. 19: Observational speed over actual speed where x = c/108 and the surface area of the expansion volume, ve is the velocity of
the speed of the observer is fixed the work, and me is the emerging mass as the result of this
action in the volume.
In the same manner it is interesting, after c/2 in the table, When it collapsed, the work done becomes
again observational speed decreases that actually it is not re- Wc = (Pc − P s )xc /Ac = mc v2c (104)
lated with c/2 since also starts decrease before it. It seems,
always we must accept total speed of the objects as c. where P s is the outer space pressure, Pc is the inner pressure
of the collapse, xc is the distance taken, Ae is the surface area
Table 2: Another table for almost static objects of the collapse volume, vc is the velocity of the work, and mc
is the emerging mass as the result of this action in the volume.
vA c/4 c/3 c/2 3c/4 For the both conditions, emerging mass as the result is
dependent of pressure increases for collapse since F from
v0A 0.234c 0.296c 0.375c 0.328 FA = P increases even if the pressure is in reverse direc-
tion, and decreases for expansion because of the same rea-
son. Whatever the direction, if there is an opposite work, the
work done is the work done against this opposite work. As
3 Formation of matter the result, it can be said that if mass will emerge, it should be
created by a collapse. Whatever which one was used to create
3.1 Mass emergence and area force it, as constant speed movement is not possible and as the work
As required by emerging uncertainty which actually is cannot be done timeless, also the work is done one by one at
equivalent of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, there can- a frequency. For this reason, any point of the emerging space
not exist an absolute part of matter. There must always be in- and mass have different priority since they are the result of
finite frequency which renders matter as an illusion, and does the action and are dependent of the work done; so they have
not bring infinite work potential out for matter as kinetic en- different mass magnitudes even the difference can be ignored
ergy is equal to work done. Existence can only exist either because of its small magnitude.
as absolute or uncertain which is part of absolute. As matter Again for the both conditions, as the new emerging area
is uncertain emerges over absolute space, for this condition, has time difference at any point, when a force is applied to

20 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

a mass, the area which the force was applied on the mass somehow. Even if force changes over time, the rule will be
changes, as the emerging area of the force will change as well; the same as each decrease interval will be assumed as fixed;
so a linear motion is not possible since an angle must emerge therefore the equation is always F = ma. If this is the con-
during the work as you cannot determine a middle point. It dition, then it can be said that motion can only emerge if
always slides, and this causes a type of circular motion that ds = dx + dy + dz equation is provided; because there is no
actually causes a motion closes a curve as there is no alterna- external mass. It is like it that mass itself creates itself; so
tive. mc = m x c + my c + mz c equation is always provided. Here, the
As motion, it always emerges in one direction as a resul- three component always change; but sum of them is always
tant; because it can be counted that, on a mass, there are infi- conserved; therefore the equation becomes Eq. (106),
nite number of forces which create motion in different direc- Å ã
tions; so as a resultant, motion only emerges in one direction 1 1 1
since there cannot be an absolute zero resultant because of dx + =− (106)
dy dz 2
emerging infinite time differences and to be latency of mass
by a limited speed. Motion is not independent of mass, as where ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 and ds = dx + dy + dz.
mass cannot be. A mass which has no velocity cannot ex-
ist. As motion emerges in one direction, whatever losing There are five possibilities for motion’s emergence type
and emerging frequency of space, and even whatever in how constantly or partially by some intervals as dx = dy = dz,
many direction the force was applied, as a result of the ac- dx = dy, dx = dz and dy = dz or none of them. dx = dy = dz
tion, the resultant space force or mc momentum for a limited equation is not possible when it is checked over Eq. (106).
and fixed speed since limited universe must have according to For the others, if dx is taken from Eq. (106), and then if it
work done, must be alone by an angle emerging between the is put on its place on mass conservation equation which is
movement direction of the emerging mass and the opposite ds = dx + dy + dz, the equation becomes Eq. (106a).
space force.
Hence, it can be said, that an uncertain matter always does dy · dz
ds = dy + dz − (106a)
a circular motion as there is no alternative. Already, for a 2(dy + dz)
limited universe,speed can be counted as fixed; so for a fixed
speed, different mass magnitudes are only possible by a circu- Here, assume that it is ds2 = dx2 + dy2 which is the projection
lar motion; because different masses means different displace- of the same ds during forming a sphere by ds2 = dy2 + dz2 ,
ments, and so means different speeds. If radius increases, then where dx = dz by the same angle vertically and horizon-
for the same velocity, mass decreases as detected mass in an tally according to a fixed reference; then Eq. (106a) becomes
unit of volume will decrease. The actual reason of the cir- Eq. (106b).
cular motion is to be virtual part of matter; because anything
can neither be added in nor be detracted from infinity, as any- dy2 · dz2
thing is element of infinity. Thereupon, the angle which must dx2 = dy · dz + dz2 − (106b)
4(dy + dz)2
emerge between force and mass which is aimed to create also
emerges one by one. Force cannot be applied from random Over Eq. (106b), it can be said that dx = dy and dx = dz
points. It has to have an order since force and mass are to- are not possible. For dy = dz equation, it becomes dx/dy =
gether in F = −ma equation, and space emerges one by one 33/16; but if it is used on the main function Eq. (106), it seems
in a priority order. Mass can only emerge over space, by us- that even it is not possible as well; therefore there is only one
ing space. Mass turns into space, space turns into mass as a possibility left that none of them emerges even for any inter-
result of the deceleration from infinite, as there cannot be an val of motion, and the components are always different. They
absolute emptiness. never intersect for any combination. Actually it is very com-
Emergence is directly depended on F = −ma patible for the theory; because any point of free space has
equation; so space cannot apply force from ran- emergence priority due to the time differences. As it was said
dom points to form mass. Force is there where while explaining dimensional density, nothing lived forever
mass exists, even if there will emerge an angle. that it can be seen over mass density in the same way with di-
mensional density; so even for after the comma which means
Inference in small amounts, between two different times, there must be
an evaporation or in the other name decrease in vibration. Mo-
tion cannot take infinite distance. The distance converges to a
3.1.1 Resultant force value even if it continues.
If area is conservative then for 2 dimensional medium, it As the relation of the components with ds separately and
becomes Eq. (105), relatively to α, over Eq. (106), it becomes Eq. (107),
dxdy = 0 (105)
2 tan(α)dx
where ds = dx + dy, ds = dx + dy and thus ds = ds2 and
2 2 2 dz = − (107)
2 + tan(α)
ds = 1. Here, even if the two components always change,
sum of them is always conserved for any physical value for where dy = dx tan(α). If Eq. (107) is used on ds = dx+dy+dz
example as p = p x + py and p2 = p2x + p2y . It means 2D motion which is conservation of mass equation, the relation between
is not possible that was proven at the beginning of the article ds and dx becomes Eq. (107a),
over impossibility of perpendicularity. Å ã
2 tan(α)
There are some different possible motion types which ds = dx 1 + tan(α) − (107a)
have different 3D motion resultants. To determine which one 2 + tan(α)
is possible, again conservation of mass and energy must be
used. where dy = dx tan(α). By the same way, the relation between
As it can be seen over the above stated conditions, if a ds and dy becomes Eq. (107b),
mass emerges in 3D, first of all, force and speed always must Å ã
be fixed as the result of finite work done to create universe. 1 2
A fixed force is applied, and then space gets shape in itself ds = dy 1 + − (107b)
tan(α) 2 + tan(α)

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

where dz = − 2+tan(α)
. If dx and dy from Eq. (107a) and to work done. There is only 1 and the same work for the entire
Eq. (107b) are used on ds = dx + dy + dz equation, dz be- universe. If force increases, it will be fixed at last, and then
comes Eq. (107c), frequency will increase. Moving thing is mass always; but as
force and mass are together, you can assume that force moved
1 1 as well.
dz = 1 − − (107c) If the roots are multiplied by each other, the angles be-
M1 M2 come as follows in radiant.
where M1 = 1+tan(α)− 2+tan(α)
2 tan(α)
and M2 = 1+ tan(α)
1 2
− 2+tan(α) . α = 4n + 1 2π3 n2 + 2π2 n tan−1 (2)
Hence even if an assumed point mass spins around a per- Å ã
fect sphere, it turns by different angles vertically and hori- 2 cos(α) sin(α)
β = α + θ = πn − tan−1 (111)
zontally according to a fixed reference. It requires differ- 2 cos(α) + sin(α)
ent speeds or fixed angle by fixed components. As different All right; but here, as the parametric function of the mo-
speeds are not possible as there is only 1 work to create all the tion, for t = α, α has no integer solution but n = 0; so α is able
universe, it means that there are fixed angles and fixed com- to get only both of Eq. (112a) and Eq. (112b) angles in radi-
ponents; so the equation becomes Eq. (108) over Eq. (106a), ant over Eq. (109b) and Eq. (109c), and the angle becomes
2ds2 cos(α) sin(α) Eq. (112) in radiant if they are multiplied by each other.
dz = − (108)
2 cos(α) + sin(α) α = π tan−1 (2) (112)
where dx = ds2 cos(α), dy = ds2 sin(α), ds = dx + dy + dz, π
and so dz = − 2dx+dy
. As the equation is dz = ds2 tan(α + θ), α1 = (112a)
Eq. (108) becomes Eq. (108a).
α2 = 2 tan−1 (2) (112b)
2 cos(α) sin(α)
tan(α + θ) = − (108a) For Eq. (112), θ becomes Eq. (113) in radiant.
2 cos(α) + sin(α)
2 cos(π tan−1 (2)) sin(π tan−1 (2))
Å ã
Hence, the equation of the angles becomes Eq. (108b) over θ = −π tan−1 (2) − tan−1
Eq. (108a) in radiant, 2 cos(π tan−1 (2)) + sin(π tan−1 (2))
2 cos(α) sin(α)
ã For these values, β = α + θ becomes Eq. (114) in radiant.
θ = πn − α − tan−1 (108b)
2 cos(α) + sin(α) Å
2 cos(π tan−1 (2)) sin(π tan−1 (2))
β = − tan −1
where n ∈ Z. By the other solution for − cot(α + θ) = 1 + 2 cos(π tan−1 (2)) + sin(π tan−1 (2))
2 cos(α)
sin(α)which is derived over Eq. (108a), θ becomes Eq. (108c) As parametric equation of motion, it becomes Eq. (115),
in radiant, x(t) = cos(α) cos(β),
y(t) = sin(α) cos(β),
Å ã
− 2 csc(α) − sec(α) (115)
θ = πn − α + cot −1
2 z(t) = sin(β).
where n ∈ Z, cot−1 is the inverse cotangent function. For both = cos(α), ds = sin(α), ds = sin(β), ds
ds = cos(β)
dx dy dz
where ds 2

solutions, the angles are not variable as the angles must be 2 2

and ds = 1 over Eq. (125).
always fixed; so n integer is the same for both of them. Over the defined elements, presentation turns into Fig. 21.
In the same manner, if Eq. (108) is put on ds = dx+dy+dz
equation which is conservation of mass equation, the equation

0 = 1 + K 2 + K − sin(α) − cos(α) (109) 1
where K = − sin(α)+2 cos(α) , ds =
2 cos(α) sin(α)
ds22 + dz2 , dx = ds2 cos(α)
and dy = ds2 sin(α). The roots of Eq. (109) are as follows in
radiant, 0
α = 2πn (109a)
α = 4πn + π

2 −1 1
α = 2πn + 2 tan−1 (2) (109c) 0
0.5 0
where n ∈ Z. These roots cannot be equalized to each other −0.5
as the result shall be undefined.
Hence if there is a circular motion which closes a curve, Fig. 21: Limited presentation of mass emergence by the parametric
that does not mean draws a perfect circle, motion only can function.
emerge by this way as there is no alternative, and a space
wave is always perpendicular to emerging mass as resultant It is a limited presentation, and actually it will be incredi-
mass or velocity always has two perpendicular components bly denser. Its curve length will be millions of unit. I did not
according to a reference axis. It means, that force and ve- use more sample to be more clear of it.
locity are perpendicular to each other; because actually force
never changes. Force is applied to a part of absolute space, Fig. 21 is actually an attractor. It can only valid
and then space gets shape by emerging frequency, according by this shape at the beginning of time since the

22 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

distance taken was all possible ways of universe and then frequency will increase. Moving thing is mass al-
in the smallest time. As you can see over the ways; but as force and mass are together, you can assume that
above stated derivative components, dx, dy, dz force moved.
are the smallest 3D derivative components of an
unknown function whatever the function is; so
as matter basically works over the same princi-
ple, namely if that components were for speed,
distance, force or time by changing functions 1
since the rule would be the same even component
magnitudes change; so according to these com-
ponent magnitude change, the attractor naturally
changes for selected different intervals; but at the 0
end, any motion closes to the rule of attractor.
−1 1
All right; but an angle cannot be uncertain; because un- 1 0
0.5 0
certain angle creates time and thus motion, mass and area be- −0.5 −0.5
yond abstract mathematics as the end of the numbers after the
comma never will come. This already means that there is a
motion. I think according to the emerging frequency, there Fig. 22: Direction change graphic of the force applied, by the para-
is a sliding for each round according to a reference threshold metric curve of [sin t, cos t, sin t, t, 0, 2π]. Magnitude of the force
time. Even if it can be assumed that there did not emerge a applied is the same at any point of the elips; so as force is applied by
motion for this round because of the smallest time, also it can the same intervals at a fixed speed, the changing thing is displace-
be assumed that there is a motion. It cannot be ignored. Dur- ment time around circumference of the elips.
ing this sliding, the assumed fixed angle’s number after the
comma emerges I think; so n will be very close number to 0
even if it is an uncertain number. Frequency will complete the As there is a single work for the entire universe, and as the
gap to 0; but first, we need the same frequency for to make n work is done by the same force and fixed speed, either mass
0. After that we need the same frequency to turn it without must decrease and increase by the parameters as the angle
of the force application changes or displacement time must
disrupting the angle; so wee need f 2 frequency to create mat- change by a space tension; because for a fixed speed, also
ter. For this small angle and so time, matter will be counted acceleration is fixed. Acceleration and speed can be fixed as
as at two different places at the same time or will be counted a result of the movement has repeat but to be absolute.
as it did not moved as there will no time difference between As it was said, if there is a 3D motion, a point mass or
each round.
Also being n = t ∈ Z and the angles are in radiant, force turns around a 2D circle, and at the same time turns
around a sphere for the same speed; because if the resul-
the parametric function can be determined over Eq. (107a), tant of 3D is fixed for a circular motion, then if
Eq. (107b) and Eq. (107c) where ds = 1. There are always the pyou as-
same angles; but even so, t can be put instead of n where t is sume that there is only 2D, then it becomes R = x2 + y2 .
only integer; because even if α is not self inverse function, the If you√add one dimension more, also it must be equal to
inverse function of α can only change the appearance axis; so R = x2 + z2 as one of the axises always appears with the
it does not differ that inverse function is used or not. We can third one, where p R is the resultant of 3D. Already it can
analysis the shape or lengths over the main function as well.
As also it can be seen, difference frequency creates different be seen over F 2 sin2 (α) + F 2 cos2 (α) + F 2 sin2 (u) = F.
If u was a different angle like θ, the equation would be
feature matter; so over t = α = 4t + 1 2π3 t2 + 2π2 t tan−1 (2) ,
sin2 (α) + cos2 (α) + sin2 (θ) = 1, and θ directly becomes α for a
it becomes Eq. (116). solution; and so the angles which emerge during 3D circular
ã motion in x, y plane way or in y, z plane way at the same time
α= −1 (116) where α = nπ and n ∈ Z, are always the same as it was said
4 2π3 t2 + 2π2 t tan−1 (2) before the above; but the problem is it that, it never closes a
Here, upper limit of t must be very big number. curve. Even if it is not such that, it can be counted that a basic
mass particle visits any point of space to create at an incred-
ible frequency without turning back. It seems that there is a
3.1.2 Another way of presentation of mass emergence flow, and emergence area and its bodies move through infinite
Ifpyou assume, that there is only 2D, then it becomes There is no repeat which creates a closed curve.
R= x2 + y2 . If√you add one dimension more, also it must Any matter does a circular-like motion by having
different places over time. As a motionless mass
be equal to R = x + z as one of the axis always appears
2 2
is not able to exist, also it is not able to move in
with the third one, where R is the resultant of 3D. As the re- the same place.
sult, if there is a circular motion or a motion closes a curve,
motion only can emerge by this way as there is no alternative, Inference
and a space wave is always perpendicular to emerging mass
as resultant mass or velocity always has two perpendicular Even so, it may be counted as it closes a curve because of
component according to a reference axis. It means that force preservation of energy which is result of one-piece creation,
and velocity are perpendicular to each other; because actually just for calculations by some transformations.
force never changes. Force is applied to a part of absolute Nobody said, that you can draw a closed curve.
space, and then space gets shape by emerging frequency, ac- This does not mean eternal is limited, that is
cording to work done. There is only 1 and the same work for only an expression of eternal one. You can only
the entire universe. If force increases, it will be fixed at last, increase the number of the side of a polygon.

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Namely, you can only use limits to explain or z

work about eternal. Still, God can forget a move P(−x, −y, z)
easily since he can realize a collision in infinite
precision; but since he always creates according
to a rule and as already everything in a state of P(x, y, x)
cause and effect relationship, he can call it back
by calculating over the main function, by induc-
tion and deduction methods, and thus by creat- θ
ing from nothingness. Extremely interesting and
eternal is able to create infinite things.
There are 3 possible 3D resultant equations as there is α
no alternative forpuncertain motions. One of them becomes
Eq. (117) over F 2 sin2 (α) + F 2 cos2 (α) + F 2 sin2 (α) = F
1 = 2 sin2 (α) + cos2 (α) (117)
There is a single root as following, Fig. 23: The resultants
α = nπ (117a)
where n ∈ Z. v velocity.
The other one becomes Eq. (118),
If there was no time difference between space collisions
1 = sin (α) + cos (α) + tan (α)
2 2 2
(118) or frictions, the resultant force on the mass would be zero,
and mass would go at infinite speed or would not move for
where dz = F tan(α) = F sin α. The roots are as following, any magnitude force which creates speed of the mass, be-
cause of emerging zero resistance of the space. Motion al-
α = nπ (118a) ways emerges in one direction as a resultant; because you can
α = 2nπ + π (118b) assume that there are infinite numbers of forces which cause
motion in different directions; so as a resultant, motion only
where n ∈ Z. emerges in one direction since there cannot be an absolute
Final one becomes Eq. (119). zero resultant because of emerging infinite time differences;
so as a resultant, whatever the opposite space resistance direc-
1 = 2 cos (α) + sin (α)
2 2
(119) tion, motion always emerges by an angle in a direction which
The roots are as following, can be determined according to a reference that can be change
relatively, and it turns into for example Fig. 24.
α = 2πn + π

α = 2πn − π

where n ∈ Z.
Now that, if the roots are equalized to each other, the n
values which render possible to emerge of a motion appear as
either -1 or0; namely n = −1 over nπ = 2nπ + π or 2nπ  +π =
2 2πn − π , and n = 0 over 2nπ + π = 1
2 2πn + π for all
possible defined combination, where n ∈ Z; so the angle is
only able to become as following.
α=± (120)
α = ±π (121)
It means, that actually the 3D resultant is not at the same
area with dx and dy. For an assumed P(x, y, z) point of the Fig. 24: The resultant movement
resultant, it actually appears at P(−x, −y, z) point for +dx and
+dy. This is very interesting. If this is the condition, the equation of the motion emerges
As all emergence work is together and emerges one by as Eq. (122) or Eq. (123) for the same speeds,
one, the emerging mass’s own space has to have the same p
speed with the mass between [0, 1] second interval as an as- (m0 v)2 + (m s v2 ) = mv (122)
sumed and detected constant speed because of limited cre- m0
ation. The speed always must be constant because of the in- m= (123)
finite derivatives which are stated the above since only deter- sin(α)
ministic image’s frequency will change, even it decrease in and it means, an uncertain matter always does a circular mo-
time as each decrease interval is going to be the same again; tion by this equation of a circle, and a space wave is always
so, assume that the smallest point of the space has m s mass perpendicular to emerging mass as resultant mass or veloc-
and v fixed velocity for emerging m mass which has the same ity has two perpendicular x,y resultants always according to

24 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

a reference axis. It means that force and velocity are perpen- where m = 1/v over it. Over Eq. (125), it becomes Eq. (126)
√ to each other; because actually the equation should be when ds = dx + dy + dz is used on Eq. (106) instead of 1.
v2 + v2 = v; but it is insoluble; because for the limited and Å
1 1
fixed speed which has to emerge for uncertain matter as there − 2dx + = dx + dy + dz (126)
is no alternative even if the speed decreases in time as each dy dz
time period will be assumed as fixed and average again, ve-
locity turns into latency and so into mass by friction or by a If it is edited, it becomes Eq. (126a),
small collision; so if a velocity emerges, it always perpendic-
ular to force or emerging mass at the same time. − 2dx · dz − 2dx · dy = dx · dy · dz + dy2 · dz + dy · dz2 (126a)
To find out how the angle changes even for the light which after that becomes Eq. (126b),
moves at light speed, you must use preservation of energy
since all works can be done as much as energy existence and dy(2dx + dx · dz + dy · dz + dz2 ) = −2dx · dz (126b)
subject to the same rule; so over Eq. (64), Eq. (123) turns into after that becomes Eq. (126c),
Eq. (124) for 1 − cv2 = sin(α) where 1 − cv2 = m0 /m.
2 2

1 1 1 dy dz
ã =− − − − (126c)
α = sin−1 1 − 2 (124) dy dz 2 2dx 2dx
c 1
If dz is added to both of the sides, it becomes Eq. (126d),
Here v always takes values in [0, c] interval during 1 second
for the average velocity of c. As it can be seen over Eq. (124), 1 1 dy dz
constant speed is not possible. When you detected a c speed − =− − − (126d)
2dx 2 2dx 2dx
magnitude in the equation, v from the same equation could
not be c that actually it is c since already this does an emer- where dy 1
+ dz1 = − 2dx
over Eq. (106). If it is edited, it becomes
gence motion at the same space; but even before when you Eq. (126e).
determined any c value, it changes that it always changes in ds = dx + dy + dz (126e)
any small time interval of any small time interval; so actually
Eq. (124) does not become unsolvable even for v = c since It means, that verifying is successful, and momentum is al-
single c value always changes as it is irrational. c1 and c2 ways conserved; but if a mass moves on observational outer
emerge as other variations of c and you can use one of them space, even if it is going to do this to protect its formation
instead of v in Eq. (124). As the result, 1 − (v2 /c2 ) could be speed, its mass and total energy are going to increase even if
both (+) and (-) as also could be very close to 1 from (+) and the formation speed is still the same and fixed at that time,
as also it was already proven on the physical medium sec-
(-) directions by 0 < v2 /c2 < 1 and 1 < v2 /c2 < 2; so you tion at the beginning; so the multiplication of mass and speed
can assume, that 1 − (v2 /c2 ) is nearly equal to 0 from both (+) will not be the same for the fixed speed and increased mass;
and (-) direction and the angle becomes near zero from (+) or therefore as total momentum of the universe is always fixed,
(-) direction; but as there is no other motion, being the second the universe is only able to allow to change in mass by space
speed v is nearly zero, the angle becomes nearly 90. These tension. Space can be bended. Already for m = 1/v equa-
two are also options; but different variations of c can only be tion, it can be said that emerging mass is very small; but this
used for formation wave namely each wave packet which cre- mass is for 1 second. If the same work is done for a small
ates particles. The other one is valid for outer space motion threshold time value, mass will increase incredibly. As matter
which is a result of many wave packets as particles. is slowing down from an infinite value as a part of infinity,
If you add one extra dimension more, it stars to draw it can be said that absolutely at the beginning of time, all the
an helix according to the parametric equation of x = rcost, energy for 1 second must be stacked into the smallest time as
y = rsint, z = ct for t ∈ [0, 2π), where r is the radius of the required by conservation of energy; so at that time, frequency
helix and 2πc is a constant giving the vertical separation of is 1/t2 where t is the smallest time as a threshold time value.
the helix’s loops. Drawing helix is an obligation as there is no It requires also a space tension as there is no alternative. At
alternative, since m s is not absolute at the closest distance to the beginning, matter was scanning all the universe by 1/t2
m. The angle always changes. Components which emerge for frequency for a fixed speed. This is the explanation of faster
x, y, z axis are perpendicular again, and total resultant deter- than light expansion. Hence, objects are able to go faster than
mines the way. During the process, space turns into mass, and light if the space drawn is more than magnitude of formation
mass turns into space as waves over the infinite. Already, for a speed even if formation speed is fixed at that time.
limited universe velocity can be counted as fixed, and so for a An assumed mass particle which has mt mass as threshold
fixed speed different mass magnitudes are only possible with value forms m at a frequency; so over m = 1/v, it becomes
a circular motion; because different masses means different mt xv = m where x is distance taken and v is formation speed.
displacements and so different velocities. If radius increases,
then for the same velocity, mass decreases as detected mass in If both of the sides are multiplied by m, it becomes Eq. (127),
an unit of volume is going to decrease.
x = mt v2 (127)
where = m , mt v = E is total energy of mt for 1 second,
mt mv
2 2

3.1.3 Space tension requirement mv = 1 and m2 = 1/v2 . This ratio and equation are always
fixed; but if it is not a perfect circle, only values changes. As
Additionally, over ds as required by conservation of mass; required by conservation of energy, at the beginning of time,
namely, the relation between α and ds becomes Eq. (125) over all the energy which will emerge after the smallest time during
ds = dx + dy + dz when dx, dy and dz from Eq. (107a), 1 second must exist at the smallest time potentially; so square
Eq. (107b) and Eq. (107c) are used on it, of the frequency is only used for the beginning of time, and it
turns into Eq. (128). √
ds = 1 (125) x = v mt v (128)

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If the equation is mv = 1, then it means work done equa- 3.1.4 Existence probability of uncertain bodies
tion turns into Eq. (129),
F= (129)
where F x = mv2 and mv = 1. As it can be seen force is
equal to frequency. It means that, force is application repeat.
If this is the condition, it is interesting and actually is very
compatible for conservation of energy, that even if a particle’s
mass is interpretable as m = mt f where m is particle mass, mt
the basic mass and f is the frequency of the basic mass, this
cannot emerge by this way. The basic mass is not free such
that. For the same assumed basic formation mass particle, the
equation becomes Eq. (130),
Fig. 25: Conservative area with a random closed curve
a=v (130)
where mt v2 = mt ax and x = vt for t = 1 second; but for the There is a random shaped closed curve on Fig. 25. Even
particles which the basic mass particle forms them, it turns if 2D is not possible, we are going to work on 3D over it.
into Eq. (131), Now think that some changing magnitude forces are ap-
mv plied to create mass in this area between two point. Any small
a= (131)
mt point of are has emergence priority; thus they can never inter-
where m is the formed mass by the assumed basic mass par- sect even for increasing points; so if we turn the Fig. 25 into
Fig. 26, it is also acceptable.
ticle, mv2 = mt ax and x = vt for t = 1 second. It means that
the basic mass gains more acceleration while forming parti-
cle. It does not repeat the same motion more in a limited area
by the same acceleration to create a mass by creating more
mass density in an unit of volume for changing radius at fixed
speed. In the exact opposite, the basic mass which actually
is named as photon is formed by a bigger acceleration, and
is seen as particle. For these information, it can be said, that
Planck time is not enough. There must be other smaller times
which are in a big range due to mass scatter. Until it becomes
tc < te for the same mass, where tc is creation time and te is
evaporation time, any time and any magnitude mass can be
created, and they can behave like any particle.
Hence matter is always together with a space tension for Fig. 26: Creating mass
any size motion, and speed can be independent of distance as
it is relative. It means that matter is already in a jumping sta-
tus. For a fixed speed, more distance can be taken by space On Fig. 26, assume that the force is applied from a point
tension by more energy or actually by more repeat as required to the other all point on the circumference being the distance
by mv = 1 and to be frequency of force. This is only possible between the points are the same. For this, as there is emer-
by an absolute space. When absolute space is be deformed, gence priority and thus time difference for each small point
energy and frequency emerge until to be fixed. To produce of area; being n is total point number on the circumference,
more energy, just you need to deform more space by a big- it can be n∆l1 as also can be n2 ∆l2 where ∆l is average length
ger volume; so even if the emerging energy is dependent of of the used to create an area; thus it becomes ∆l1 = n∆l2 over
the force applied application speed, also is depended on how n2 ∆l2 = n∆l1 . It means, if you draw all lines only from one
much space is used in volume. The same energy can be pro- point to the other all point, you need more points on the cir-
duced since work done is equal to kinetic energy by fast force cumference to scan or create and thus to converge the area.
application for a smaller space part or more space using in- If you draw lines from each point to the other all points, then
stead of it by a smaller speed. The distance taken during these you do not need more points on the circumference, and both
two different works can be the same even if the speed is dif- of them are acceptable since there is not going to be intersec-
ferent. tion point of lines as stated the above. In the same manner,
Already as required by m = 1v , if speed increases then the equation also becomes Eq. (132),
mass decreases. This seems as paradox but it is not; because
more speed is only possible in the smaller periods of time nE = A (132)
because of deceleration, and also the density of emerging uni- where E = Fr over average length on limr0 →r (F1 r0 + F2 r0 +
verse will decrease for higher speeds because of bigger cen- ... + Fn r0 ) is total energy and A is total area. Here E and
trifugal force thus volume that it causes smaller mass mag- A does not converge over limn→∞ ; instead of it A is always
nitude for the same radius; so instead of using high speed, fixed; so if you write limn→∞ E = A, it means zero energy
more space from absolute space can be used to create bigger which the area A on the horizon holds. To understand this,
universe. assume that you have a square has r side in accordance with
I have not worked yet about its adaptation; but abstract math. If you draw the closest parallel r lines to this
since is P = 1 where P is momentum, is also can side, you obtain the square and its r2 area; but also if you
be used for probability calculations since sum of draw the lines as perpendicular, you obtain 2r2 area. If you
all probabilities is equal to 1. constantly repeat it, being f is repeat number, it has f r2 area;
Warning but in accordance with the time difference, it cannot exist such

26 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

since there cannot be intersection point; so since there are in- If Eq. (133) and Eq. (134) are equalized to each other, then
finite time differences and thus space allows this, during the we get Eq. (135),
process, the energy which the area holds decreases as it can be
seen over Eq. (132) being the area is the same. This creates a 2F
1 − cos(α) = (135)
density concept such as energy density or mass density which r2
the area holds. Area does not specify energy, distance or mass.
Assume that there are infinite kind of free space in absolute where α = 360/n and nE = A, E = Fr. Here assume that
cos(α) is the sum of all possibilities of possible existence of
space; then area is the part which you closed on horizon as F and r relatively to each other since cos(α) changes over
imaginary to calculate the physical values of the space which α = 360F/πr. Namely all possible F and
is in the borderlines of the area you closed. Space could be R R r values are in this
created in any way by changing physical values as indepen- area for cos(α)
R dr. Also you can use (1 − cos(α)) dr as an
dent on the area you closed. As a result, E is dependent on n option. For cos(α) dr, we have Eq. (136),
inversely proportional being E is E(n). Å ã Å ã
Any curve which is assumed as 360x 360x 360x
√ closed can also be defined 1= Si + ycos (136)
in the kind of a circle for r = A/π radius over A = πr2 . π πy πy
Already any closed curve must be circle at the end if there
is motion. Namely, if you take center of gravity for closed where x = F and y = r. Do not think the functions allow
n = ∞; because it creates infinite probabilities. In the exact
curves as a reference, it becomes |F p+ x r+x − F p− x r−x | > 0 in opposite way, matter is uncertain as convergent. Namely n
absolute value where r+x , r−x and F p is partial force applied has an end. Otherwise matter would not be created since E is
on a line in the area; but it becomes |F p+ x r+x − F p+ x | ≈ 0 going to become 0; so for the calculation π is going to be a
in absolute value where r+x = r−x since the path for any decimal number for required approximation.
force-applied is the same in circle as radius, and F p is par- For this equation, F is not continuous on x axis. It be-
tial force applied on a line in the area. It is approximate 0 comes 0 by some periods. At the point of x = F = 0, y = r
since there is actually time differences and thus actually for becomes 1. It means F does a circular motion and changes
the same time also force magnitude or distance taken cannot dimension that otherwise nothing can be calculated since all
be the same in different direction. As a result, it becomes formulas are going to be 0. Already F = 0 is estimated re-
|F p+ x r+x − F p− x r−x | > |F p+ x r+x − F p+ x | in absolute value. The sult since we cannot know both of them at the same moment
difference in force in closed curves which are not circle also together, as it was proven above over derivative components.
creates motion in accordance with the definition of force since
For the second option, over 1 − cos(α) dr = 2F
it will be (F1 − F2 )/t = vF where t is time of change in force r2 dr, it
and vF is its velocity or will be m1 a1 − m2 a2 = ma; so they becomes Eq. (137),
are stressed and they want to take themselves to lower energy Å ã
state, and at the end, to minimum energy state for its any point 180xy 360x
since denser points has more energy; but as it was said, this π πy
creates motion. y= Å ã (137)
Hence the other variation of ∆l1 = n∆l2 and thus of 1 − cos
Eq. (132) as nA = E is impossible; because matter moves πy
from the denser space to lower density naturally. Forcing it where x = F/r and r = y. Since is y = f (x, y), do not make
to denser space is also moving to lower density since still a simplification for y and accept it as f (x, y) = 1; so it turns
matter emerges at that time by moving to lower density in into Eq. (138).
inner space. Namely, natural characteristic of matter is not
dependent on nA = E since for the fixed A, it is going to be
Å Å ã
limn→∞ E = ∞. It cannot allow emergence of motion. π − 1 + cos
y= Å ã (138)
180xS i
For this equation, both force and distance become zero now
and again it means, there is a circular motion and dimensional
change. Already because of the time differences, there cannot
be a middle point as also was proven at the beginning; so for
any force-applied, a circuler motion emerges.

3.1.5 Expansion of universe

Handle L as distance taken which a gravitational FG force
can pull back an accelerated mass and lower its speed in the
Fig. 27: Polygon transformation being n is even number smallest t time as threshold time value. For FG L = mttv where

v is formation speed and mass is m = t being mt is threshold

Over Fig. 27, it becomes Eq. (133) where α = 360/n and mass value, it becomes Eq. (139).
AB = d.
d2 = 2E 2 − 2E 2 cos(α) (133) FG t 2
√ mt = (Kg) (139)
Also it becomes Eq. (134) over nd = 2π A/n for the circum- v
ference of the circle where πr2 = A. The mass is m = mt ; because all energy that universe has for
4π2 A 1 second must exist for the smallest time in the beginning of
d = 3
(134) time potentially. All the formed energy during this 1 second

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

1.5 universe was able to expand faster than light for 1 second at
the beginning of time by this way. All possible distances were
taken in the smallest time and in the smallest singularity point
as a reference.
1 As it can be seen, the universe has a center and the
thing which seems as expanding is caused by the photons
which create particles, and also by evaporation as the uni-

verse emerges due to centrifugal force as radius will change

by evaporation in the other name decrease or stop in vibra-
0.5 tion because of frictions with space since particles have no
external energy. During the expansion, a potential difference
can emerge along the space which are along the direction of
centrifugal acceleration because of the initial movement, and
0 masses move by photons’ momentum because of emerging
−4 −2 0 2 4
photon friction with space. Matters’ own creation motion
x=F/r which is momentum in the other name causes outer space
movement by friction. Also this is a part of gravity. Spooky
Fig. 28: Representation of change in existence of force and distance. action at a distance of Einstein [3] may also be caused by su-
The graph is not identical. It is only similar. perposition of the universe which is because of 1/t2 Hertz fre-
quency at the beginning of time or after expansion 1/t Hertz
for 1 second. As it does not differ for universe, that is it a
could be stacked into this small time. Over Eq. (139), particle, the universe can touch all of them almost at the same
time from the furthest existent distance by a little time differ-
mt v A space contraction may be seen at some points of space
t= (s) (140)
FG because of the mass scatter as the universe emerges by cen-
trifugal force. These points are denser. If we look at the infor-
The smallest length for this time becomes Eq. (141). mation, it can be said that the waves intertwined together and
they formed the subatomic particles, and then hydrogen or
mt v3 maybe different unknown atoms which we cannot reach them
L= (m) (141) because of the mass scatter by an ignored time difference; thus
diffuse of particles is not so hard in the universe in 1 second.
The mass stated the above as Eq. (139) is the mass which does All of the work is together and is in 1 second. If many masses
not let light off in the smallest threshold time. This mass then cross on the same point at the same time then space must be
has m = FvG (Kgs) mass magnitude as it completes its motion collapsed and then it must be swollen, and gravity will keep
for 1 second for the same radius. The force caused by the them together; thus new types of elements may be done by
centrifugal acceleration emerging due to this mass becomes photon-photon collisions, and they don’t have to be like in
FC for the radius of r = L/C where L is Eq. (141) and C is a our scientific knowledge. Supercomputers will be saver to do
multiplier according to the circumference of the closed curve it.
Additionally, the basic wave which creates particles or
since the smallest distance is this over Cr. The distance taken moves in space freely does not draw a perfect circle or sphere.
is x = a = c2 /r where c is the light speed for 1 second; so let
the distance taken to be aC as centrifugal force acceleration Conservation of momentum and energy equations do not let
and is also radius of the emerging universe without particle. A it. Even so, if you assume, that is a perfect circle that actually
strong vacuum area emerges due to this force. Universe uses will be a little difference, to understand the actual measure-
ments closer manner, we can do some calculations which are
its own heat to work; thus also it loses heat during this work not so perfect.
as well; thus space is always cold. As the light velocity made Namely, the distance taken every second in a particle or
universe stable, it performs only the act of emergence, and the empty space must be r = c/2π for 2πr = ct and t = 1 second.
universe does not expand after the expansion for 1 second. During the work, photon acts like a particle when r = c/2π
As all actions can be performed as much as total energy of radius is counted as free circulation radius, and the photon
universe or used matter, based on the action performed in the has the same values like its formed ones for 1 second in each
direction of centrifugal acceleration, the mass emerging as a work. The area covered must be Eq. (144),
result of this action performed becomes Eq. (142),
A = c2 /4π (m2 ) (144)
mU = (Kgs) (142) based on πr 2
. For e (Js), as it emerges within 1 second,
energy density in this area is Eq. (145),
where v is formation speed. The density of the universe also
becomes Eq. (143), de = 4πe/c2 (Js/m2 ) (145)
FC aC and it is assumed, that e energy provides this equitation for
dU = (Kgs/m3 ) (143) 1 m2 . The energy generated in 1 dimension along 1 meter for
VU v2 √
1 second is de (Js); thus it will be Eq. (146),
where VU volume of the universe; but the universe can only
possess this density when all of the particles of the universe E = 4π/c4 (Js) (146)
evaporated. As matter emerges over absolute space by infinite √
time differences, if it draws extra space during emergence as based on e = de /c (Js) for each distance taken at the speed
emergence and outer space motion are accepted together, it of light of c, each second. This could be the real required
can go faster than formation speed relatively even if the speed Planck constant as closer. This is the total energy of the basic
is still fixed at that time. This is caused by space tension. The creation wave named as photon which has 1 Hertz frequency,

28 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

and it occurs along 1 second in 1 dimension. The mass creates below. p

this energy is Eq. (147) x = c11 /4πG (m) (154)
m ph = 4π/c6 (Kgs) (147) This is the radius of the universe. As the light velocity made
the universe stable for the higher values which are stable, it
based on e/c2 (Kgs), and this is the photon mass which can performs only the act of emergence, and the universe does not
be shorten as m ph . This is the mass which can only be formed expand after the expansion for 1 second. As all actions can be
along 1 second; thus when it collides with an object, the total performed as much as total energy of universe or used matter;
mass effect occurs at the end of 1 second; thus wave can only based on the action performed in the direction of centrifugal
be a string. The force which causes this mass will be f = acceleration, the mass emerging as a result of this action per-
ma = mv for 1 second; thus it must be formed is going to be Eq. (155).

F = 4π/c5 (Kgs) (148) m = c12 /2G2 (Kgs) (155)

It can be said, that rather nonsense physical phenomena in
In the same manner, over perfect circular motion assump- the universe are possible for such a big mass and they can
tion, to calculate the over stated values of the universe by occur at any place each second according to the total number
these, let us assume, that x is the distance which the gravi- of the particles emerging as well. The density of the universe
tational F force can pull back an accelerated mass and lower is going to be Eq. (156)
√ of the mass in a t time. For m Gx/x = mv , it will
2 2 2
the speed p
be v = mG/x. For x = vt, c is the speed of light and d = 9π/Gc9 (Kgs/m3 ) (156)
√ t is the
smallest time allows this work, then it will be c = mG/ct. ; but the universe can only possess the density when all of the
Here if c, t and thus m are constant as required by uncertainty, particles of the universe evaporated. The universe has a center
then also G must be constant. The total mass of the universe and the scatter cannot be homogeneous, and is not going to be
is going to be Eq. (149) for this small escape time of t. because of time differences. Irregularity dominates always.
m = tc3 /G (Kg) (149) In the same manner, over perfect circular motion assump-
tion again, energy of a photon which has 1 Hertz frequency
The frequency of this mass is going to be 1/t for this time. must be Eq. (157) as Max Planck derived it [6].
Formation is not only along 1 second for the beginning of
time. After 1 second, the photon mass must form a black E = hν (Js) (157)
hole for 1 second according to its own rule that photon mass
occurs for 1 second or again a space density must allow pho- Photon performs a single motion to form particle. It closes
ton to move at the light speed. It is a necessity due to mass a curve and thus surface, and frequency of a photon on a par-
and energy conservation. All the energy which the universe ticle surface determines the radius of particle; thus ν being the
possess must exist for 1 Planck time in the beginning of time radius of a free particle which does not consists of other sub-
potentially. All the formed energy during this 1 second could atomic particles, ν being the photon’s frequency of revolution
be stacked into this small time as it was said. The frequency around the particle, m p being the mass of the particle, m ph be-
is 1/t2 at the beginning. After 1 second, it decreases and be- ing the mass of the photon during 1 second, for m ph ν = m p
comes 1/t. and c/2πr = m p /m ph over m ph ν = m p where ν = c/2πr, free
single particle radius must be Eq. (158).
For m ph = 4π/c6 (Kgs) and m ph = t2 c3 /G, the Planck
time is going to be Eq. (150). h
rp = (m) (158)
p 2πm p c
t = 4πG/c9 (s) (150)
This radius can be vary based on the place it exists in space.
The Planck length for this time is going to be Eq. (151). With another formulation, h being the Planck constant, as it
p will be m p c2 = hν, it must be Eq. (159)
L = 4πG/c7 (m) (151)
The constants emerging with the required setting can be m p = hν/c2 (Kgs) (159)
found. The mass stated the above as Eq. (149) is the mass These are hypothetical and indirect calculations for the avail-
which does not let light off in 1 Planck time. This mass then able values as there is no alternative as well. The detected
has m = c3 /G (Kgs) mass magnitude as it completes its mo- force of a particle as the result of its circular displacement
tion for 1 second for the same radius. The force caused by the due to a mass must be Eq. (160) over centrifugal force where
centrifugal acceleration emerging due to this mass is going to L = 2πr since the smallest distance is circumference of a cir-
be Eq. (152) as the below cle, r = 2πmhph c over Eq. (158), m ph is mass of photon at 1 Hz,
p and L is Planck length.
F = πc17 /G3 (Kgs) (152)
m ph c2
being r = L/2π (m) for 1 second. A strong vacuum area FC = (Kgs) (160)
emerges due to this force. Universe uses its own heat to work; r
thus also it loses heat during this work as well; thus space is The relation between mass and radius of particles based on
always cold. The acceleration emerging for this force is going action performed on centrifugal acceleration way which is
to be Eq. (153), the radius of a particle for 1 second must be Eq. (161) over
p F C r p = m p c2 .
a = c /4πG (m/s )
11 2
(153) mp
rp = (m) (161)
where a = c2 /r. The path proceeded for the reference time h
of 1 second based on x = at is going to be Eq. (154) as the If this is the situation, then particles must have bigger radius

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

due to Eq. (161) since is not the same with Eq. (158); how- The rays of moving objects are at a constant speed, only their
ever the gravitation on themselves during expansion and re- energies are vary. They lose mass instead of change in speed.
vacuuming of the space which is already a vacuum in a small If you assume, that particles are perfect sphere, radius of
time interval prevent it. Considering this it can be said, that particles and thus their masses are vary due to intensity of
the free particles which do not consists of sub-atomic particles the interaction during gravitation. A real decrease or increase
with small radius and big mass, emerged earlier at the begin- emerges for masses; however this occurs according to the rel-
ning of time; because the same photon stays at a small radius ativistic energy transformation formula; because even if grav-
due to the stronger inner vacuum, and this can occur when itation is acceleration, it is like a motion with constant speed
the universe was denser. This affects the destiny of magnetic for 1 second when masses do not accelerate or have not been
dipoles. accelerated while mutually standing, and it is always a = v
forever actually for each small period of time in 1 second as
well for t = 1 second based on x = vt as average. Some
3.1.6 Length contraction minor changes in the volume can be observed; however, this
As matter can only exist as a density, if formation volume occurs as length contraction. m0 being the standard mass at
moves that means if mass moves, the existence increases in the infinite distance from a gravitational field; m p being the
an unit of time, and it reduces the deviation for each round of mass in a planet; a p being the gravitational acceleration on
creation motion during outer space motion of mass. Space the planet and a s being the gravity acceleration in space; for
object experiences constant potential difference during for- m p = m0 /(1 − (a2p /c2 )), the radius causes the ellipsoid at a
mation because of the time differences. When wave starts certain height from the ground or in space must be Eq. (163),
to move in one direction, the formed place of the wave goes
to disappearance. At this time, the wave moves to the newly that of course if you assume, that particles are perfect sphere.
formed space. Namely matter does not wait for to be created. h(c2 − a2s )
Instead of it, it moves by drawing more space. It is called rs = (m) (163)
as Lorentz contraction [4] or length contraction. The length 2πm p c(c2 − a2p )
contraction can only occur in one direction because of the re-
sultant direction of movement since this is the nature of all It starts drawing an ellipsoid.
For a static object namely for an object which has no ob- 3.2 Gravity
servational outer space motion and has m0 mass magnitude, Finite matter gains total energy because of the work done
the length contraction becomes Eq. (162). against resistance of the space. This resistance also causes
ã disorder; because matter emerges over time at a frequency.
L = L0 1 − 2 (162) During this process it constantly experiences potential dif-
c ference because of increasing and decreasing densities. As
Eq. (162) for the objects which had been accelerated, and are denser area is more disordered relatively to lower density area,
R at a speed of v. For acceleration work, Eq. (162) turns if there exist a mass, it wants to move into lower density from
into L dv where v = f t/m0 . disorder to order. This causes motion and the actual reason
of gravity is going from disordered area to more ordered area.
If acceleration work is done by c < f t/m0 where c is the Since matter emerges over space as waves being space turns
light speed, the methodR which was derived as Eq. (66) and into particles and particles turn into space over time, space
Eq. (67) are used for L dv . lapses into more ordered area, and thus particles which are
formed over this sliding space also lapse together with the
sliding space.
1 − cv2
2 2 2
2 c
Aside this, since matter has a circular motion, it creates a
c2 −v2 c2 −v2
centrifugal force; so at the same time that sliding, also poten-
tial difference which matter experiences can cause a centrifu-
gal force-dependent motion as a second effect of gravitational
motions. This also can be counted as gravity for both ways.
1 Energy transformations cannot be independent on the
equation stated the above as Eq. (64); so as mass of mov-
ing object increases, if a mass moves, then the upper limit of
0.5 mass focus is as much as all mass of the universe; therefore
during a gravitational attraction, also the upper limit is total
mass of the universe as universe can do work as much as its
0 total energy.
As required by uncertainty, there cannot be an absolute
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
threshold value; so gravity is able to affect from existent the
S peed v = mf t0

·105 furthest distance at formation speed. R If escape velocity is
x 1 m2 G
taken, it becomes Eq. (164) over F x − 0 m(r+x) 2 d x = m1 v .

Fig. 29: Mass, length contraction and speed changing graphic from
m = m0 to m = 2m0 , and L = L0 to L = L0 /2 Fx m2Gx
v= − (164)
m1 r(x + r)
These information contradict with Michelson-Morley ex-
periment [5] in entanglement as the result of the decelera- The result becomes 0 if both of the sides are squared, and
tion from infinity since there cannot be an absolute emptiness m1 v2 is put instead of F x. The reason is conservation of en-
without motion and energy; because speed of light is creation ergy and entanglement which means emerging with time dif-
speed, and it is constant due to limited universe; so it is inde- ferences. When the action is divided constantly forever by the
pendent of ether, free space for the status of this experiment. parts which are equal to each other, the action performed by
This case is the same for any moving matter in any density. gravitation closes to all of the actions performed against grav-

30 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

itation, and this is an evidence for single factor of creation Right this point a question emerges that is length con-
which is gravity. Escape velocity for the land vehicles moving traction effective in formation of atom? As the fixed ob-
on surface can be calculated with the required setting, f being jects in a gravitational field can be assumed as doing constant
gravitational force, based on mv2 /r = f . A constant state of speed movement, they must experience a length contraction;
performing action is required to conserve the velocity; other- so maybe because of the small distances in atom, some tempo-
wise, the accelerated mass first slows down and comes back rary particle densities may emerge and emerging centrifugal
even from the existent furthermost distant. Mass and weight force of sub-atomic particles may cause different behaviours
are the same thing. Matter has no absolute mass potential in- as a result of length contraction since the shape of the particle
dependent of gravity. will change.
To be freed of gravitational field or escaping it is
not possible. 3.2.2 Conservation of momentum
Inference If non-flexible collisions are handled, for two objects
which move towards each other at light speed, (165) can be
The condition changes only when entered into the another written after the collision.
gravitational field which will balance or defeat this situation,
and an action is performed against the first field temporarily; m1 c − m2 c = mc (165)
thus a fixed orbital is not possible. Even if masses, attraction Here, if it becomes m1 > m2 , then the motion is going to be
and thus motion are reciprocal, objects get closer to heavier in + direction; otherwise it is going to be in - direction. For
masses around which they rotate, first move away and after m1 = m2 , no motion can occur.
get closer or move away because of outer gravitational effects. Gravity also moves as waves at light speed like all the
other things, that can cause spiral build of galaxies because of
emerging latency; because when a mass is created, its mass ef-
3.2.1 Gravitational motion which is caused by centrifu- fect due to distance is only able to emerge according to limited
gal force total energy over time. Masses realize this by changing den-
sity of space; therefore even if we do not know which function
As there is no mass without motion, for a constant speed does gravity work over it, by indirect calculations and by us-
which is the result of a limited work done for a limited uni- ing similar functions to the main unknown function that have
verse, certainly mass moves on outer space when it is in a the same basic logic, for analyzing the condition, (166) can
different density space. This motion emerges because of cen- be written.
trifugal force which is the result of a cosmic forcing as a result
of constant speed work and circular motion.
Å ã
3 m1 m2
We know that denser objects move towards gravity in a m = − (166)
4π r13 r23
smaller density; but what is the actual reason of this move-
ment when we think gravity itself on free space. Think that Here, for m1 = m2 , if it becomes r1 > r2 , the motion emerges
there are 2 rest masses which emerge suddenly and have the in - direction; otherwise it emerges in + direction. For r1 = r2 ,
same mass magnitude at different distances relatively to each no motion can emerge. For different mass magnitudes, also
other. When a point mass which creates them by a circular there exist similar points which motion cannot emerge there.
motion emerged, the space which they emerged over it be- If a third object takes place in here, it does not move; therefore
comes denser because of the movement and the other masses; it can be said, that matter is not able to be compressed oneself
because as there is no mass without area force, any mass can forever; because there is going to be always an interval at a
only be counted as a density; so one of them is counted as it distance.
is at the other’s space with changing magnitudes by distance. Emergence of gravitational motion in this way, is related
For a fixed speed, if a fixed magnitude assumed basic mass with space tension. As it was said before, matter is wave
particle as a threshold value passes this space, the velocity it which emerges over space by using space. Also creation mo-
has must decrease and mass it has increase since it has a lim- tion and outer space observational motion are accepted to-
ited energy as required by conservation of energy and so by gether, and use the same space at the same time; so in chang-
conservation of momentum; but as no part of the universe can ing space densities, direction of the force which is applied to
be independent of the work done of the universe, the mass create mass can change, and actually by this way, spin of the
must get a fixed velocity, and for this condition, velocity can- mass which the force is applied to create it, can be counted as
not decrease; so only mass increases. It means that, at that rotated. Mass moves in the movement direction of the wave
point which the point mass exists, the density will increase has bigger mass magnitude by this way.
naturally, and this increase can only be by a particle radius Over these information, it can be said, that matter always
decrease. When the point mass increases by starting emer- wants to move from denser space to lower density space; be-
gence at a frequency in a closed area which is the formed cause at that time, space had been stretched enough, and thus
particle’s volume on the denser space, emerging centrifugal the wave wants to be distributed on lower density space by
force of the mass which the point mass creates it increases; filling it. As it was said before, matter always wants to be
so when the masses emerge at difference distances relatively more ordered. Already the work which is done to create mat-
to each other by the same magnitude, if the density of the ter and brings total energy out for it, is repeated in each small
other mass on the other one becomes maximum, the other period of each small period of time by forcing, and is done
one moves into the denser space way by emerging centrifugal against this resistance as well.
force as this force will increase because of increasing mass The points which cause the biggest displacements are cen-
during the point mass is passing over denser area. ters of gravity of heavenly bodies; because if attraction be-
When the fixed point mass enters a denser area, actually tween two masses is handled, changing density over distance
it is waited for that a repulsion must emerge; but it cannot of one of them on the other one gets the smallest value at the
emerge; because space and wave are not independent of each center of gravity of the other one for the longest r; therefore,
other. Space turns into particle by wave, and particle turns when gotten closer to the point which does not cause motion,
into space in time constantly at a frequency; so for a fixed emerging attraction and thus motion get smaller, gotten closer
speed it is always forced to emerge as denser. to mass repulsion.

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

Gravitational collisions are counted as flexible collisions For the actual function of (167), it can be said, that the
when the time differences are ignored; because the equality repulsion can be effective on inflation of red giants. Maybe
becomes m1 v1 = m2 v2 ; therefore, even if different mass mag- central density causes a repulsion; but if the objects which are
nitudes gain different velocity and acceleration values by the too dense and push each other, are formed by more than 1
same force, they have the same momentum; thus there does particle, each particle can be attracted even if the calculation
not occur motion after a collision. requires repulsion; because there is no absolute bond between
As changing densities cause attraction, also cause a mass particles, and thus total mass density may not behave as one-
repulsion. piece. After a particle flow from one of them to the other
one, an attraction may be detected. This is also dependent of
initial velocities of heavenly bodies in free space. This can be
effective in atom as well.
A side effect can cause repulsion, that if a wave which has
high enough amplitude is able to push objects. If you pull a
tablecloth off from a table fast enough, the goods on the table
almost will not move; because required time for emergence
of frictional force will not be provided. Almost there will no
time interval for the work done by the friction. In the same
manner, high amplitude wave may also be repulsive even dur-
ing its movement in the direction of lower density space. As
to be one of them before or after of the same Ft work as −Ft
and +Ft will cause displacement on space, even if energy and
momentum are still conserved at that time, the wave may af-
fect the behaviour of gravitational motions due to character-
Fig. 30: Repulsion istic constants of free space. Even it is possible for a single
wave which is not in an interaction with other waves, that at
that time space becomes like it got a slit.
Over Figure 30, it is not so hard to see the mass repul- Matter is able to be polarized by these ways. Waves can
sion when it becomes d1 > d2 . When the environment be- boost each other; so if we align atoms side by side, and then
tween the two objects becomes denser, the space lapses into
the both d2 density space; thus the objects which are created if we can rotate their spins by an external effect, then while
over this space also move away from each other on this slid- one side is becoming denser and denser, the other side will be
ing space, together with the space. Third or more object can lower density space; but does photon moves in newly emerg-
affect the conditions. Sometimes attraction and sometimes re- ing or old space direction, since in the both condition, there
pulsion can be detected between objects. will emerge the density difference? Maybe it can moves in the
Again, over the similar functions to the actual function, both directions as well when a condition is provided. Maybe
for the objects which are going to push each other, both mr31 > evenAs it is able to move in the both directions at the same time.
matter moves from denser space to lower density
and r3 > r3 inequalities must be provided at the same space, and as gravitational wave must emerge in all directions,
m2 m1
time; therefore then if photon can move freely in space, then free space is the
m21 r13 main and natural lower density space; so if we can make a
= 3 (167) higher vacuum tube, then light can be distributed on space
m2 r2 faster than light even if the light speed is still the same at that
two objects which provide this (167) values always push each time, by space tension. You will spend an energy to vacuum
other whatever the r distance between them; so it can be said, the tube for only one time; but even so the vacuum will work
that for example two objects which have the same density al- each second; so at the end of the tube, generated heat on a
ways push each other like proton-proton. This is pretty natu- plate will be more than total energy of the light before enter-
ral; because if a gravitational wave is able to be distributed on ing the tube. Vacuum is also effective in electricity flow.
deep space over time, it means the outer space density which
is smaller than the wave density allows this; so sometimes Wave monster
density of the space between two objects can be assumed as
an anomaly since is intersection point of the waves, as higher
density; but emergence priority can affect the condition; be-
cause a while proton has a mass magnitude, another proton at
the other side of the universe can exist in another mass magni-
tude, that actually both of them have the same mass magnitude
for 1 second. In the same manner, different mass magnitudes
for 1 second also are able to push each other because of the
time differences or emergence priority. They do not have to
exist in far places according to each other. Even they can ex-
ist in an atom together that you can count some of them as
Over these information, it can be said, that there is always
a repulsion between objects even if it may smaller than at-
traction; because, as it was said, different masses gain mass
by having different acceleration values of assumed the same
basic creative wave; thus different two masses get closer to
each other in mass magnitude for different times. This condi- Fig. 31: Gravitational waves
tion always repeats itself at a frequency each second; so it can
be said, that there is always an interval at a distance between There are a few parts of some gravitational waves which
objects. are emitted by m1 and m2 masses placed at B and D points

32 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

in Figure 31. The attraction emerges at A1 and A2 points for tial which is actually entire emergence area has it, it cannot
this 2 dimensional wave section; therefore over the equality exist forever. The work, which is done to create matter is only
of ma c · cos(α) − mb c · cos(β) = mc, it becomes (168), done to create free space.
Å ã Hence, as denser space will be stopper for a limited speed,
ma r1 mb r2 for an object which cannot have another high or low speed
m= − j (168)
k1 k2 will experience a friction with space. Even if there was only
r1 r2 1 particle which has no sub particles in space, it would ex-
where cos(α) = , cos(β) = , k1 = A1 B, k2 = A1 D, r1 = perience friction with space as there cannot be an absolute
k1 k2 zero resistance which causes infinite speed for any magnitude
BC, r2 = CD, ma and mb are reduced mass magnitudes at force. This cause energy loss as particles have no external
k1 and k2 distances, j is a constant provides average particle energy that as it was said, the work which is done to create
collision amounts of waves since the smallest space parts can matter is only done to create free space. Matter is like a side
collide by different angles or do not collide that can change effect as temporary like a drop of glue which could not be
due to formation speed of light and can take 1 value, smaller controlled.
or greater values than 1 but 0.
Assume, that 0 dimensional densities
√3 of m1 and m√2 over
3 dimensional
√3 densities are m a = d 1 /k 1 and mb = 3 d2 /k2 3.3.1 Event horizon
where dn is 1 dimensional density over 3 dimensional dn
density for k1 and k2 lengths. For total m in 3D, over 2πhm, The most extreme densities of the universe are black
holes. There is a limit to be a black hole, and after this limit,
(168) turns into (169), if it is not asked black hole’s life time, any size black hole can
emerge for any radius. In a black hole, event horizon’s length
becomes Eq. (170) over Eq. (170a) for the work done which
r12 r22
Å p ã
∆m = r1 d1
(169) is equal to photon’s total energy,
3 3
k12 − − r2 d2 k2
− 2π j
k14 k24
rb2 c2
» » x= (170)
where h = k12 − r12 = k22 − r22 . This is for a single wave. mG − rb c2
There are t10 = ν times waves radiated from one of them, where h is Planck constant, f is frequency of photon, mb is
where λ = ct0 = νc that is always fixed even if gravitational black hole mass, rb is the black hole’s planetary radius.
force changes according to speed in free space of objects even
(h f /c2 )mbG
Z x
for fixed r length and is important for sub-atomic particles as dx = h f (170a)
the lengths are very small relatively to extreme speeds there, 0 (x + rb )2
and t0 from (51). For the distance r between the objects, there
are always rνc times waves; so when the attraction is analyzed, When event horizon length x becomes 0 on Eq. (170a),
a gravitational latency will appear; because mass effect of rνc the result becomes Schwarzschild radius as Eq. (171) over
pieces waves starts to affect each second after r/c second; but Eq. (171a), with zero event horizon length,
this actually interests the first expansion of the universe; so mb G
if the universe is big enough, still there will be some masses rb = (171)
which have not been affected each other. c2
When the waves intersected, a motion emerges in space; where
d x = rb .
but waves get bigger forever by having bigger radius; so in- Z x
mb G
teraction will be still continuing. Right this point, an interest- d =1
2 2 x
ing phenomenon appears, that at the middle distance of two 0 c rb
masses, any waves radiated at the same time from both of the Thereupon it verifies the kinetic energy correction which was
masses are collected; because over k12 − r12 = k22 − r22 , the same explained the above. For motions, because of the creation at
radius waves can only affect from r/2 point during infinite pe- the fixed light speed, it can be said that light speed is the high-
riods of increasing radius, since A1 and A2 will be fixed at the est speed, and the lower is not possible as well. Observational
middle for these. outer space motion and formation motion which is the result
This monster may be effective about half-life period of of repeated emergence are always together. There is only 1
radioactive elements; because actually there is a time differ- movement. Matter uses the same space at the same time for
ence between A1 and A2 ; thus actually there is a gravitational any act. The
torque along with gravitation as the objects are going to turn R v condition does not allow kinetic energy to be
like w = 0 v dmv ; because change amount of a mass at low
around each other; so maybe when accumulated waves reach
enough attraction, as also centrifugal force will increase, neu- speeds can be assumed as zero, and the speed always must be
tron may leave atom. fixed and be the light speed; so these two conditions do not al-
Additionally, how we can draw the wave pattern of free low for integration separately, even if actually they are natural
space even if it would change according to mass scatter for results for each other.
There is one more a kind of black hole, that here, gravita-
changing densities?
tional acceleration of mGr2 is equal to the formation speed of c.
3.3 Vibration stopper and reducer densities in space Over this equation, the black hole’s radius becomes

Matter is able to work as much as its total energy as to- mG
tal energy means existence; so even if emergence space it- r= (172)
self would not lose its energy until the day which the forcing
which is done to create emergence area will be removed, par- Photon loses its energy at the end of 1 second; but this loss
ticles which emerge over this space have to lose energy; be- does not emerge suddenly.
cause actually there is no difference between space and parti- When Eq. (171) is used on Eq. (170), then event horizon
cles. Mass is denser space point, and as it has a second poten- becomes infinite; but if Eq. (172) is used on Eq. (170), then

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

an event horizon occurs, and it becomes Eq. (173). It starts to of light because of the motion which is caused by the work
influence from planetary surface. done to create.
x= √ (173) Natural holding capacity of free space
mG − mc3G Emergence in this way renders impossible to move of bod-
ies linear manner since there is no middle point for any force
Also because of mv /r centrifugal force which is gotten by applied because of uncertainty. Any short interval has shorter
orbital objects light is included as well, escaping is possible interval to infinite small part of matter at the same time, even
even there will be a deformation amount in the escape time; before you measure it. By this way, flexible collision is not
because an uncertainty of the force line condition will emerge possible and thus information is conserved forever since there
as gravity is calculated from center of masses even for plan- is not going to be certain destruction during collisions. The
etary surface of black holes. Repulsion distance which is a amounts get smaller until infinite small amount but it never
result of centrifugal force becomes Eq. (174) over Eq. (174a). disappears. Because of this reason, motion can only emerge in

mG circular ways. Actually we can call it a motion which closes
x≥ 2 − (174) a curve; because it is not a perfect circle. Even actually we
c c should call it a motion which does not close a curve because
where r is Eq. (172) and x is Eq. (170). The equation must of uncertainty. It is only assumed to calculate it. It does not
always be provided at least for v = c equation. close a curve; because it is just a part of infinite information.
All infinite information is one piece and closes a curve since
mv2 mmbG you cannot add in or detract from infinity as anything is el-
≥ (174a) ement of infinity. They already existed. It is deterministic.
r + x (r + x)2
It only appears being in a cause and effect relationship with
This is an absolute mass repulsion even for light like a hy- infinite information.
perbolic perfect mirror. For different x values which are not These also mean, that any mass or energy is only dis-
related with event horizon between [0, x] interval, the repul- tributed mass or energy because of uncertainty; but the prob-
sion can be detected within different times. lem is it, that which stringency, frequency, density does matter
have on free space because of its existence? What is the ref-
erence? Namely, what is the amount of emptiness. As entire
3.3.2 Visible light loss universe emerges at a limited frequency, it is not continuous at
Visible light loses its energy in gravitational field, actu- every point of its free space. Empty space which has no parti-
ally other photons are included as well; so a dim occurs for cle or wave also has a frequency. Before emergence of a wave,
an observational reference distance. If the same energy visi- there must exist free space firstly since particles emerge over
ble lights suddenly emerge near a planet at the same time, the this space as waves; so particles cannot have higher frequency
closer one’s loss amount will be more than the further emerg- than this frequency of free space; because there is going to be
ing one for the same time; so even if we cannot know all the no place to emerge after this limit. You must increase the cre-
moves of the universe to determine a certain visible light event ation frequency and thus light speed or creation speed of the
horizon, if it is assumed that they started from that place, it entire universe and thus of the single work done.
becomes Eq. (175) over Eq. (175a). As any mass or energy can only be counted as distributed
mass or energy because of uncertainty, being f is total fre-
ν1 − ν2 r − (r − ct)3 c4
quency of the universe, V is volume of the universe, natural
t= (175) frequency holding capacity of free space becomes C = f /V
3 f1 m2pG2 for 1 cubic meter. Space cannot hold higher frequency than
It is solved by solving equation. It is a fall from ν1 frequency this in 1 cubic meter naturally whatever the mass scatter is in
to ν2 . this volume. If it exists, then space is going to directly be dis-
Zct tended. This place then becomes more disordered, and then
h(ν1 − ν2 )(r − x) c
2 4
wants to be fixed by distribution on space, on a wider area
dr = t (175a) because of incompressibility property of matter which is be-
hν1 m2pG2
0 cause of limited light speed. Denser space is more disordered;
Over Eq. (175), the visible light event horizon becomes because you need more speed to create denser area since ap-
Eq. (175b). plication time and thus speed of the force applied are going
x = r − ct (175b) to change. Actually more speed is only required after you
compressed all the mass of the universe to the old position,
where c is the light speed, and r is the distance from the center then you need more speed and thus the new universe is going
of the planet that black holes are included as well. to have more energy because of increased speed of the work
done since the work done is equal to kinetic energy. Even so
3.3.3 Disorder Powered Space Wind: Dark Energy you are going to converge to this condition for the densities
in the focal points of the universe by some amounts due to
If we check the final conditions, and if it is required to density since a stress is going to emerge although you did not
make an extended summary, it can be said, that because of compress all the mass of the universe. During this process,
uncertainty, matter could not gain infinite energy since the for creating denser area with a fixed speed, only disorder will
work done for creating matter was not done by infinite en- increase as long as you create more and more denser area. If
ergy, since work done is equal to kinetic energy. It emerges you create a lower density area, it wants to be fixed by an
in a time interval and at a limited frequency according to the opposite low force; but if you create denser area, the oppo-
creation work’s speed. There is only one work to create all site force will be bigger. Also gravity works over this prin-
the universe because of an absolute entanglement, and thus ciple. Each gravitational wave creates a potential difference,
any matter in this universe gains energy due to the speed of and when they intersected, the space moves according to the
the work done. Matter uses the same space during any act; so condition that also a repulsion is possible. As matter emerge
it cannot go faster than light since already it moves at speed over this sliding space, also matter moves. Light speed is a

34 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

gravitational acceleration but an acceleration limit since grav- ent calculation for Planck constant, Planck length and mass of
ity is the single source of motion; because light always falls photon. The results will change in some amounts which are
during its movement in free space even if is not in an exter- not so different. Holding capacity C for 1 cubic meter is equal
nal gravitational field at that time. If you create a potential to the following formula over this calculations,
in space as a wave, it does translational motion in the way √
of lower density more ordered place which is the movement 3c 2πcG
way, and its extinguishedness time is very long. C= (Hertz) (176)
This properties may be effective in red giants. If there is
not going to be enough gravity which holds mass at the ex- where c is the speed of light and G is gravitational constant.
pense of space distension since space can be bended, they It is nearly 5.7 · 1028 Hertz. Being h f = me c2 where me is
cannot prevent inflation. If freely moving alone bodies in mass of an electron, h is Planck constant and f is frequency
medium has low gravitational effects are handled, they are of electron and c is the speed of light; it means, that electron
also extremely affected since they have no external support- has nearly 1.22 · 1020 Hertz frequency. It means, that 1 cu-
ive gravitational force. Even if you think, that there is only bic meter space can hold only nearly 5 · 108 times electrons. It
1 particle in the universe, because of its existence or inner means, that can hold nearly d s = 4.5 · 10−22 kg/m3 mass. Over
space creation motion which is not observational that actually lifting force of liquids equation of Fl = V s · dl · g where Fl is
is the same with observational outer space motion, it is going lifting force, V s is sinking volume and dl is density of the liq-
to move according to spin of the universe; because to be one uid, g is gravitational acceleration that is equal to light speed
of them before or after of the same Ft work as +Ft and −Ft for 1 second since gravity is the main and single reason of
changes displacement. According to initial movement way
of the universe, the particle is going to move by acceleration motion as I proved over Heisenberg’s uncertainty inequality
since it experiences constant potential difference over time on ∆x∆p ≥ h/2 since the inequality interprets change in gravita-
space because of emergence frequency of free space. It al- tional potential energy, it becomes
ways seeks an ordered area but it cannot find. It never stops. mao = V s · 1.35 · 10−13 (177)
Conclusion over mao = V s · d s · c, where Fl = mao , m is mass of an
object such as vehicle in free space far enough from a gravi-
As the result, free space has a frequency holding capacity tational field, a is observational outer space acceleration dif-
for each cubic meter; so initial velocities of moving bodies ferent than the gravitational formation speed since outer space
directly affect own observational outer space constant speed. and inner space motion are accepted and emerge together by
How many cubic meters they draw per second, this is im- using the same space at the same time that when an object
portant. Also their mass and density are important for this moves from A to B it means emergence motion moved, c is
drawing. The resistance they experience changes according the speed of light as gravitational acceleration here for 1 sec-
to these properties. It means, that also different densities of ond over v=at since it is the source of emergence speed as
the same frequency light or different frequency lights have gravity for any wave or particle.
different behavior on space. It is going to be misleading if
you make the same calculation for different upcoming lights These calculations are for macro cosmos to deter-
of different size stars. Even red-shift amount is different for mine a reference; so you cannot say mass scat-
more intense light or lower density light or different frequency ter is not important in 1 cubic meter for micro
lights. cosmos. In the same manner, you must calculate
Spin of the universe is also pretty important; because as each cubic meter of an object separately. Namely,
it can cause a deflection on moving bodies, also can cause a you must use aerodynamics. For example, while
resistance or acceleration. one wing of a satellite is lifting the vehicle, the
Free objects such as galaxies can be shaped ac- other one can leave it. You must calculate it ac-
cording to geometry placed in each cubic meter
cording to the spin of the universe when you as- of the existent outer space object.
sume that they are far enough from a high grav-
itational area. They can be synchronized with Warning
emergence of the space with minimum resis-
tance; so as no object can protect its outer space As a result, for 1 ton object which has 10 cubic meters vol-
observational speed forever, also static object ume, acceleration or deceleration according to spin becomes
which have no other motion than inner formation
motion can accelerate. During constantly emerg- ao = 1.35 · 10−15 m/s2 (178)
ing potential differences, also static objects ac-
celerates and decelerates. This motion is chaotic; Alright; but we did not include initial velocity since it draws
because for example it can accelerate 1 second more volume according to this speed. If you assume, that this
and then 0.2 second decelerates after that 0.1 ac- object moves at 10 km per second, for V s · 10.000, it becomes
celerates and then 2 second decelerates. The re-
sult can be acceleration as also it can be deceler- ao = 1.35 · 10−11 m/s2 (179)
ation. If it is acceleration, it can increase until the
space wind decelerates. After that it can rotate or This may explain the pioneer anomaly, and also seems
move at constant speed. This is also dependent galaxies have lower mass magnitude can turn at higher speeds
of the density of the free objects. than heavier ones, that is actually the same with sail effect
Warning here. Here electron is only a reference. You can use any par-
ticle to determine it. This will not change anything. Also at
As stated the above I had derived some properties of the higher speeds, you must use the energy transformation equa-
universe over light speed and centrifugal force at the begin- tion.
ning of time [1], if you assume that the motion is perfect circle Universe gets its volume due to centrifugal force
that is not actually and there is going to be some differences, as it was stated the above; but according to
such as radius or volume. Additionally I used a little differ- emerging particle amount, the volume changes.

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If particles evaporates in the other name they ex- wave since is not required,
perience decrease in their vibration in accordance …
with entropy, then volume increases. This seems 3m 1
like the universe is expanding but not. Also there · · 2πOD (182)
4πAD3 AD
is time differences along centrifugal way; thus …
also this causes motion and again can be seen like 3 3m
expanding [1]. where is 1 dimensional density of m which the mass
4πAD3 …
Warning 3 3m 1
takes place at A point, · is 0 dimensional density
4πAD3 AD
3.3.4 Dark Matter of the same mass.
Since OC is fixed, we can count it as 1; so it becomes
As we know, outer orbital objects rotate faster than in- Eq. (183) over (AC + 1)2 + OD2 = AD2 .
ner orbital objects in galaxies according to our observations. √
Namely…an orbital object must take place in space according AC = AD2 − OD2 − 1 (183)
to v = ; but it was detected, that v and r are not related Now if you assume that the same magnitude masses take
in this manner. Almost there is no exponential relation like place at a further distance, for this condition, the partial big-
this in galaxy size heavenly bodies. ger waves on Fig. 32 emerge. OC is still fixed. Even if it is
fixed, as you can see, the other lengths exactly increase, and
Attraction magnitude and distance relation the rule is determined over Eq. (183). Over Eq. (183), we
can easily state, that increase amount of AD is always big-
Eq. (169) is for a single wave. I am not calculating gravity ger than both OD and OA; thus if distance between two the
yet. Just analyzing attraction properties. Already at that point, same masses increase gradually, Eq. (181) states, that the at-
there would emerge no attraction for the same magnitude two traction decreases. If AD converges to OD, then the attraction
waves if you ignore time differences that actually there exists increases.
torque; but this is not important. Here over Eq. (180), This condition is not a good news for scientists. It seems,
Ft = ∆mc (180) Newtonian calculation can only work in an interval. Not for
small distances as also is not for distant places. Already gravi-
you can calculate the attraction force of Eq. (169) and its way tational constant is completely experimental, and it can easily
as (+), (-) or 0 being t here is the time which the attraction hide the actual functions which the gravity works over them.
emerges along a distance at light speed due to the constant Namely it remains as faking up. We already must had feel re-
wavelength of gravity I derived, and also this is not important sponsible about verifying it by another method. The motions
now. in any universe are chaotic. They repeat in an interval; but you
need more repeat and more time to draw the big picture; so
gravitational attraction between stars or planets is misleading
since is slow. Maybe you can detect some of the anomalies
if they are too close to each other like deviation of Mercury.
Namely it can be observed like the distance and attraction re-
lation is over 1/r2 . For the better, for example electrons which
have incredible spinning frequency are perfect references for
motion as also the distance is short enough to detect anomaly
relatively to Newtonian formula aside high speed.

Time differences
Everything is not okay. Even became more annoying; be-
cause the velocity of the outer orbital objects of galaxies must
be much more slower according to these information. Namely
if you assume that there is dark matter that there is no dark
matter, the dark matter amount must be bigger than the esti-
If the distance between two objects get bigger, the gravita-
Fig. 32: Another representation of gravitational waves tional torque is going to increase more being more certain and
sensible, detectable since gravity emerges at the two intersec-
Now let us handle the Fig. 32. There are two waves ra- tion points and the points have time differences. Emergence
diated from A and B points. The bigger wave parts are also priority causes a potential difference between these points.
radiated from a further distance than A and B by the same Namely one of them emerges before and thus causes more at-
masses. Here OC length is always fixed since it is the shortest traction than the other one. Between two consecutive emerg-
distance which the attraction emerges along it for the gravita- ing smallest part of space, the time difference can be ignored
tional wavelength when two waves are intersected. but macro space.
For these definitions, if we remove the constants since While you are calculating orbital motion over classic
they are not inclusive in change being mass is also fixed, and method, you assume that whatever the emerging type of the
the other wave’s values, centrifugal force, it must be equal to the attraction force; but
OD it is not true completely. Actually you calculate it over static
F= (181) condition being two objects are standing mutually. Namely if
AD2 you do not include the centrifugal force, the formula is grav-
the attraction in 3D is basically dependent on Eq. (181) over itational attraction in linear way; but according to the above
Eq. (182) which is derived over Eq. (169) without the second stated method, one of the intersection point emerges later.

36 3 Formation of matter
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

If you think one point emerges earlier and state, that F1 The result
torque is applied at this point, being the second torque F2 from
the other point, it becomes F1 > F2 . Also it can be said, that These show us again, that the phenomenon is also chaotic,
energy of the medium namely wave must be conserved. When emerges in an interval in many different kind. These show us,
a space point gets lost since it has an emergence frequency and that nothing can move away from each other after a point.
is not continuous at every point of itself, the energy must be There is a limit for this. They constantly wander around in a
transferred another point. It means, that while a wave is dis- limited area. Just there is a flexible interval.
tributed on space over time, it cannot protect its shape. The Space objects cannot move away from each other
increasing torque is stolen from the other second torque point. until infinity. This also explains why electrons do
Even if again it is distributed on newly emerged space back, not fall into nucleus or fly off; because the phe-
since to be of them before or after of the same two opposite nomenon is not boosting. It is a transformation.
Ft work as +Ft and −Ft causes displacement in a way (+) Rotating effect of force increases; but this is for
or (-) according to which one of them you used firstly even protecting the energy which the system holds.
for the same values, it slides. Also rotation namely spin of Inference
the universe and thus in which way the masses take place af-
fect the condition. By these ways, linear attraction force and 3.4 Conservation of information
thus momentum turns into angular momentum and attraction.
There is no other method and alternative for this as required An emptiness because of the reason of absolute energy
by conservation of energy. This is not a special phenomenon. deficiency is not possible as the reason of deceleration from
The universe works in this way even if some times the result an absolute energy; thus space allows matter to move and thus
is going to be too small to detect. emerge at every point of space. This means that all emerging
As a result, the attraction and distance relation which masses are a single mass. When turned back to the beginning
changes over distance is supplied by the time difference- of time, then it becomes more understandable; because as it
driven increased gravitational torque; but by which ratio? can be seen, there is an emergence by turns, and is a single
work. This condition brings about emergence motion around
matter itself as required by the single universe mass; but also
Calculation of the time differences brings about a perfect entanglement as relativity warned by
the reason of masses in an infinite number. Also it can be
The universe has an emergence frequency as also it has a assumed that, there are infinite numbers of masses instead of
spinning frequency as I derived both. I calculated the oppo- single mass by having the same time difference again.
site force which free space applies to moving heavenly bodies Work can only be done in a time interval by the reason
in changing ratios according to the density of the objects, that of uncertainty; thus a work is always done against a resis-
for example Pioneer anomaly can be calculated over this by tance for any magnitude energy, absolute energy is included
natural holding capacity of free space; but to make a calcu- as well; so heat and heat differences which emerge because
lation for the time difference we must know how many space of the work done in a time interval by latency are always to-
turned into particle. gether with work. Hence it can be said that there is no kind
of energy which cannot turn into mechanical energy as any
We must add the extra slowing for the objects like energy has mass magnitude by E/c2 (Kgs) mass. If this is the
Pioneer since gravitational torque is going to in- condition, then universe must be the heat which is equal to its
crease; so some of total momentum turns into an- total energy, and the heat becomes more certain or uncertain
gular momentum, and so it decelerates in linear according to the works which are done by using from total
energy of the universe.
Warning Emergence velocity must be limited even if the light speed
has the general magnitude is not an emergence speed because
Even if all particles get lost, the total mass, energy and of the limited uncertain universe, and it must be fixed at last;
thus total of the universe cannot be unstable and cannot have
frequency is conserved and thus can be used for such a calcu- an amount of disorder for its total energy and total mass; be-
lation of the opposite force which is applied by free space; but cause nothing is able to be lost from the total energy of the
like this calculation of time difference in galaxies, it is so hard. universe. The things which are unstable are masses at focal
Actually for free space has no particle, the time difference be- points of universe; thus universe can turn into a swimming
tween each cubic meter of the space becomes 1/V being V is pool without any wave because of lose in mass, namely parti-
the volume of the universe; but if a particle emerges, the den- cle loss in the focal points of universe.
sity and thus the volume changes. And the amounts are so big. An absolute action threshold value for any action per-
For example for 1 ton object, you need almost 1030 cubic me- formed in works is not possible because of the one by one
ters free space according to my calculations; so think that 1/V emergence as required by uncertainty since uncertainty is only
is disturbed by this value. You cannot say nothing changes by able to exist by increasing or decreasing between absolute-
thinking observational distances that distance does not spec- ness and absolute absence but its loss. This means, that also
ify time. It does not work in that way. Space-time is flexible. each existent mass particle has infinite number of mass par-
We must determine some suitable ratios. ticles; thus two different masses never intersect at the same
Actually it is good, that by the observation, we can calcu- mass magnitude at the same time. This means, that it is not
late the total matter amount of the universe by calculating the possible a flexible collision in universe, and information is
deviation in speed and thus by calculating the time difference conserved forever as any mutual vector annihilation will not
over this; but even so also we should find a different theoret- occur. Even the existent smallest influence is going to affect
ical method. I do not know yet; but it seems almost at the the existent biggest mass potential instantly, and make it move
amount of the distance between two object like Eq. (184), for any long distance, if it is used.
FG (r1 t1 − r2 t2 ) = mv2 /r (184) Flexible collision is not possible in universe; in
this way, information is conserved forever. There
where FG is Newtonian gravitational attraction, r1 t1 − r2 t2 = cannot be an action which is not in accordance
r0 , and FG r0 is gravitational torque, r0 = EF over Fig. 32. with this.

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Inference Thereupon it will be Eq. (188),

If it was not such that, it would be meaningless to talk Fx = (188)
about conservation of information; because by an absolute
existence, an absolute destruction would emerge. Absolute where v = 2Ft m , F = 2t , and since work done is F x =

threshold values would change the course of events, and there (mv/2t)(2Ft2 /m) = Ftv, for Ft = mv 2 . It is kinetic energy as
would be left only information of strong. At the end, would work done is equal to kinetic energy. Also equation F = ma
be left the information of the strongest. must be F = ma 2 for the same rule. This condition is only pos-
Existence of flexible collisions is only assumed as the sible for a single condition, if work done always has the same
amount is too small. Information gets smaller forever; but it magnitude even for the smaller periods of time. There is no
never gets lost. As to be absolute afterwards is not possible as formulaic qualify.
a result of the requirement of a timeless worker before which
was told about it the above, also it is not possible to be lost 4 Information State of Matter
because of the requirement of to be informed by the infinite, Information is not absolute. If you assume, that God cre-
since anything is already element of infinity. ated all the information as one by one with the time differ-
Information and matter must have the same building ences between infinite information, then God must had been
blocks as the requirement of to be information is having en- created as one by one; because as stated the above, if a work
ergy. All of information must be at the same place because is in a time interval, then an absolute must do the work in-
of the entanglement. Because of the requirement of being de- stead of the finite worker which is dependent of time. As the
celerated from the infinite, matter must exist as spatial waves condition is this, also infinite information cannot be without
beginning which is not created as well; because if the infor-
over the infinite as it is temporary and thus as it cannot have an mation is without beginning, then it must be absolute; but as
absolute part. Recovery of information is possible for any in- stated the above, there can only be one absolute who is cer-
formation type; but during the process, the information which tain and is not uncertain. Here, a third option point exists
is searched for and any information become the same at a which is different than physical facts which form our logic.
point relatively for us but not for the infinite. The third option is not the third option which is different than
As heat is single, also speed is single for matter because identity and contradiction of logic philosophy. The third op-
of uncertainty and entanglement. Matter has been doing the tion means, that infinite information is not without beginning
same motion for the visible outer space motion which is dif- together with and as God, and God does not create informa-
ferent than the creation and the creation motion; so these two tion one by one as there is no time interval which is God has
motions are accepted and emerge together; so it can be said not known some information yet. Otherwise it is what philos-
that outer space and creation motions are accepted and emerge ophy of logic says, that this means, that it is if what it is and if
together, and matter uses the same space during any act. Also what is what known it means no problem. The third option of
during motions, because of the creation at fixed light speed, it philosophy of logic is always impossible. The state of to be
can be said, that light speed is the highest speed, and the lower true and false at the same time is impossible; because it holds
is not possible as well. The condition does not allow kinetic both true and false states, so it depended on the definition of
energy to be like Eq. (185). to be true and false. As true and false, even if they are relative,
they are opposite to each other at last.
Z The infinite can know space until the smallest detail of
w = v dmv (185) space; because information can only be created by the infi-
nite, and information has energy and is spatial. Because of to
be known by infinite precision state, all of the infinite infor-
It is such that; because the change amount of a mass at low mation can be located in the infinite small place; thus all of
speeds can be assumed as zero, and already the speed al- the infinite information does not fluctuate and has no energy.
ways must be fixed, and must become light speed; thus these Matter is not created from nothingness; but also it is not abso-
two conditions do not allow for integration separately, even if lute as well, because as stated above there is no time interval
actually they are natural results for each other. On the mo- which God has not known yet some information. Matter was
mentum equation stated the above, kinetic energy must be created from imaginary time. The condition can be stated as
F x = mv2 for x = vt. It is not different than a simple multipli- The matter which is in imaginary time as infor-
cation. The requirement for mv2 is the same force magnitude mation does not fluctuate as also it does not have
even in the smaller periods of time. Namely, the first and the energy.
m0 v1
assumed infinite small work must be s
= s . The second Inference
work which is the closest to the first one is Fts = (m0 +2ms
0 )v2
According to the imaginary time, time is relative and
as magnitudes of masses increase as much as used reference never past, and never will be. Created ones are always at the
time but the smallest slice of time being the same. If the fi- same place and at the same time; but they are in a state of
nal velocity v f is taken from the equation for the other works,
flow and time gives a reference right this point. The energy
then it will be Eq. (186). that is spent by creatures is mv2 (Js) for a creation speed of v,
∞ and they spend the same amount of energy forever or in the
X 2Ft infinite sum, since everything is the element of infinity; thus
vf = (186) it can be said time travel is not possible as any time is now,
m 0 n(n + 1)
and it is scary. As creating past or future time is a paradox for
As the equation is n=1 n(n+1) = 1, it turns into Eq. (187).
P∞ 1 God, it is not possible even for God as well to take an object
to the old position if it moves.
mv Before creating a thing God can only record it as informa-
Ft = (187) tion, due to the potential difference which could occur from

38 4 Information State of Matter

Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

the infinite, and can create the thing that God wants to create, than a puppet play; because God’s destiny is not being un-
even if there is no time actually as required by preservation informed and knowing the infinite information together with
of information. There must be two different record places be- creatures, and the destiny of creatures is being a part of God,
cause of people’s choices, at the choices God’s different wills even if they could not be infinite and eternal. All the infinite
and already requirement of conservation of information; but information is known untimely manner by God; thus destiny
finally all of them must be in a sky book that is formed as mat- is an absolute reality even if it does not interest creatures as
ter. As information is not without beginning, creating from it is knowing of God. People must act according to the some
nothingness requires this. known, certain rules. They cannot act according to destiny,
Meanwhile information could not be eternal. Create out that they do not know anything about it. Destiny belief is
of nothing first time requires this. Information of God could equivalent of God belief. Furthermore, God is similar to peo-
be seen when asked him in the assumption of everything is ple at the point of longing; because every time is now, and he
known like God; because information could only be created has not been created everything yet, and is not going to be cre-
from God himself and it is needed to be eternal to ask ques- ated all of them one day. People cannot see God completely
tions. Until that time, it seems God does not know, but knows. when they are alive or after death as well. Limited human can
It seems so, because there is no need to remember or no for- see God by parts, and human forgets his old parts. Human
getting issues, due to having timeless and infinite energy. He cannot combine the parts to understand whatever his memory
does not try to sustain the information all the time. He never size. In theory, human can see God by naked eye even in the
works for any multitude big or small work since he will have world; because there is no difference between soul and matter
the same energy like before did work. or life and death. Just they are some energy thus condition
According to category of information, everything is not change.
the same thing; therefore there should be a right and a wrong. It is not possible to detract anything from infinite or bring
In any mixture, the basic polar extinction rule of universe has in; because everything is the element of the infinite. As all
good and bad or right and wrong or true and false division, the infinite information can exist by God, God can only create
and there could be no anomalous action. If there is a created by his own untimely information. During the process, God’s
one, it could be limited because of uncertainty and subject to a names occur. For example, if creature has hunger property
rule, either it is known in an infinite time or not, it has a using then God gets feeder name. As God knows everything un-
manual. Goodness and badness are relative as well. If God timely manner as stated the above, he had been gotten all the
was unreferenced infinitely bad, the rule of the created ones names which can occur untimely manner. Creatures are like
would have to be in terms of God’s morals; because God, the emerged from mold, and creatures can have his all names in-
owner of infinite ferman and discipline could not do the other.
It became only one thing because of infinite information that cluded the biggest known names like creator as well; it can
his infinite acts is included to the information as the emerg- be said for perfect people if you know the rule, and relatively.
ing things are the results. If God was infinitely good, there God did not create any word for only himself. Existence is
would be the same; therefore God is always good; because transfiguration of God. If humans deny them, they deny them-
for example to be not able to lift a big weight would seem as selves and become unbeliever; but human can only create by
bad thing, and you understand that is good also God is good God’s creation. “I’m God” thinking in unity of existence idea
since you need only 1 evidence; but at the point, we can say means, that I closed to God’s morals and have been a limited
but clear mirror for him or it means I’m a part of the eternal
God can create good or bad because of bad creatures. Bad is as an expression. Sky God idea is the same idea and as it is a
in his mind untimely manner; but you created them. Saying perfect God belief, if you do not count the corruption, it can
”God does not create the bad” is claims of divinity since no- only be a prophet doctrine. Sky does not mean God; but it
body has absolute creation power. You cannot say, that these means God in the sky who is in his throne. As there is no
are relative and certain information does not exist; because emptiness which is without energy because of entanglement,
saying certain information does not exist is also a certain in-
formation, that it had already been existed. if all infinity is assumed as sky, then Sky Turk or God Turk
means Turk who closed to God’s morals, melted in God and
And soul is God’s imaginary blow from himself, and a has been clear mirror for God’s names. This is an expression;
form of matter since has energy and thus mass. Actually thus when somebody says sky, then it is not only understood
matter is formed shape of soul. There is no exact differ- as the sky of the universe. This is as saying “I’m Anatolia” of
ence. People sometimes could act against their characters somebody or saying “I’m Turk” if they are from Turkish land
and also change their genesis positive or negative manner; but even if they are from other nations at that time. “I’m going to
God knows everything as he has infinite ferman and disci- Greek” has the same meaning as well.
pline as he knows all the information timeless manner and be- As we cannot wait for mathematical calculations from a
came only one thing, and doing things against his own morals refrigerator, in the same manner we cannot wait from God for
which knows them informationally, is a paradox. Because of another which does not exist. The unit which does this expec-
the imaginary time thus could not be uninformed status, as tation seems as mind. It seems that mind is an evidence for
he knows, that he cannot be he forces himself an imaginary itself as it is a witness for all thinking, thinking is included as
feeling and thinks creatures; but this is a work and creates well as the biggest and holy act. It does distinction between
time, and only possible with creatures. It is other than God good and bad according to the using manual that occurs be-
himself and is virtual part of God. If God wants to see a real cause of uncertainty. During the action, it becomes grumpy
existence, all the creatures lose and God only detects himself. and falls into arrogance when it is in the hands of God like
God knows, that what do creatures do and feel; but he does a cattle animal. Arrogance is a mental disease that we must
not know how is to be a human being certainly. All of them run away from it. Mind occurs during interactions between
are together and creatures exist, even if they are not absolute. God’s names and is the name’s interaction healthy, and actu-
Creatures seem like they cause permanent damage in God’s ally it must be the result of some main names. If it does not
brain if we assume that God has a brain in real time. This work healthy otherwise it becomes arrogance. For example
damage is like an absolute damage which could not be healed when live name is manifested, a rock can feel like a lamb.
with physiotherapy even if it is not an absolute damage and is When some names as scholar and informed are manifested,
easy to remove by taking them back to information state. The a rock can talk to you and can save information on its mem-
owners of mind has free will even if they are limited and de- ory and can make warn for you. Mechanics of mind is logic,
pendent, and the free will is limited as well. Creation is more and logic can develop as it changes. Different types of lives

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have the same logic structure amongst themselves in different All of odd numbers which are not prime numbers are num-
groups. For example, if you give an order like “Let us climb bers which have at least two multipliers whether are primes
the tree” for a fish, it says “Do you think this is sensible?” or not, and multiplication in a way dependent of f (x, y) =
like our usual speeches. Beside it, people know that why they (2x + 1)(2y + 1) function whose variants are within the range
cannot kill people unjustly or sex with their mothers. As logic of [1, ∞). If it is required to organize and demonstrate it in a
progresses over information, it can go backwards over infor- table, the table would be Table 3.
mation in the other name go into ignorance as well. A bas-
ketball player who can basket from midfield and whose skills Table 3: Non-prime odd numbers
increased because of own experience can calculate the score
according to own logic. If the player is master, maybe can
score without looking at the basket. If you want jump of the f(n) 6n+3 10n+5 14n+7 18n+9
player from a balcony over a fence that is lower than the bal- 6n+3 3x3 5x3 7x3 9x3
cony and farther, then even if the player can achieve to jump
over the fence, maybe saves own somewhere; but as made 10n+5 3x5 5x5 7x5 9x5
complex, also may leave on the fence some of own mind.
God can only create his creatures by some potential dif- 14n+7 3x7 5x7 7x7 9x7
ferences which have to be assumed like matter, particle, and 18n+9 3x9 5x9 7x9 9x9
any type of sensed different mass even for souls. Saying ”God
is able to create the creatures without any reason, cause, in-
strument.” is completely relative. He does not create like us.
For example, if you want to teleport to somewhere, you have There are the same rules vertically and horizontally. Each
to pray or you have to make some machines, and also you re- number in the table least has 1 odd whole number divisor; so
alize all the act by God’s creation; but God only thinks when the odd whole numbers which are not included in here, are
he wanted to create something without an instrument which only prime numbers.
is similar to our instruments, reasons; he is not at our situa- If prime numbers were finite, over Eq. (189),
tion, condition even if he uses the same space. This reasons ∞ X ∞ Å
2x + 1
for our understandings, and there is an absolute red line even X
−1 (189)
if he creates by some particles; so at this point, Charles Dar-
x=1 y=1
(2x + 1)(2y + 1)
win who is the owner of the famous evolution theory maybe
did a masterful shot to the target board when even we had not the result of the total operation of Eq. (189a)
been known anything yet about DNA. As actually God creates
by some matter even if his creation is different than our usual ∞
X 2y
ones, he creates them by physical frames with a frequency − (189a)
and the same with computer logic as relativity and uncertainty y=1
2y + 1
warned. This can be the same for looked for or sensed situa-
tion, condition and it can be said even another situation is not would equal to 0 for each y value, where assuming 2x + 1 =
possible. (2x + 1)(2y + 1) and (2x + 1)(2y + 1) are non-prime odd num-
There is no difference between any organs. They are the bers; however this operation never converges, and each result
same in the computer logic; thus Darwin’s methods may be is different; so it can be maintained as
misleading, and the situation may be hyper irrelevant easily as
well. Because of this reasons, we must use super computers Prime numbers are infinitely many numbers to-
to understand the formation with any combination. gether with the odd numbers which can be di-
Each action is always together with a probability. As it vided by another odd number.
does not matter for God, that he creates A or B magnitude Proposition 1
mass since he is not going to work and thus easy to create,
also it is not important, that probability of a phenomenon is A
or B. Whatever the actual value, for any existent small prob- Now that, prime numbers are infinitely many
ability, if it is in a probability border line, God can create it numbers; so number of prime numbers for any
at the same difficulty with the highest probability; so as he range determined, which odd whole number is
always create by probability, if he wants to create human like the prime number has n order number, prime fac-
self creation, it only thinks, and it happens at the end of the tors of any number determined and its multipliers
required time. or number of prime factors, and which odd whole
numbers these multipliers are, can be found out.
5 Mathematics
Argument 2
I published some of them before; but I noticed that there
are some serious logic voids to explain the main subjects; so All positive whole numbers are between (2n+1)2 and (2n+
as I made some corrections and changing for some of them, 2
3) according to Table 3; because if a number is given and
also I added some new information and findings. finding out which column is the last column it exists is waited
for, as columns change by this rule, also it can be said, that
5.1 Prime numbers and P=NP problem Table 3 starts from perfect square belt. This belt is a reference
5.1.1 Multiplicity of prime numbers, and Floor function for elimination; so for b = [1, ∞), perfect square of each a =
2b−1 positive odd whole number is a2 = 1+4b(b−1). To find
out given number is which number’s perfect square for floor
All prime numbers except 2 are odd whole num- value of the square root of the given number, it is required
ber which have no positive divisors other than 1 to create a function which rounds down any fractional part
and itself. to whole value. For any x/y operation based on the simple
Argument 1 division rule of yn + m = x where r = x − yn − m, Eq. (190)

40 5 Mathematics
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can be used. 5.1.4 Prime number has n order number

∞ ÅX
∞ r2
1 − (−1)2 For prime number which has n order number, within any
X ã
bx/yc = (190) range,
2 ∞ m2
n=1 m=0 X y(1 − (−1)2 )
p= (193)
where v is the given number, and r = v − 1 − 4n(n − 1) − m, 2
and also the upper limit can be (x − y) instead of infinite. The
result is a s number, and it provides the maximum number Eq. (193) operation provides p which is the prime number has
of columns which will be studied for the number determined. n order number over Eq. (193a), Å where Eq. (193a) is based
Here, result of 2s + 1 operation is the basic odd number which x−1
= + +
forms the last column. over Eq. (193), and d is d 2x 1− (2a 1) b 2a+1 c
When each 2n + 1 number is used to divide the y
X 1 + (−1)2d
given number v for n = [1, s] interval, where s is m=n−2− (193a)
the result of the perfect square elimination over x=2
Eq. (190), it is enough to check v is prime or not;
so to check a positive odd number is prime or not,
s pieces operation will be enough. 5.1.5 Number of prime factors

Argument 2.1 The odd numbers which are tried until the main number of
the last column will not be enough for the operation of finding
prime factor; because this operation is necessary for finding
If both of the first multipliers of the given number were out one of the prime factors, and the other multiplier can be
in the last column, where s is total column number or order exist after the last column; therefore, to find out number of
number, then the given number only would able to be (2s + prime factor, all exponents of the main numbers which form
1)2 . This condition is only possible, if number determined the columns must be divided by the number determined in a
is a perfect square. If the first two multipliers were in any way it does not exceed the number determined, and checked
column or columns after the last column, then the smallest again.
number which can be emerge would be (2s + 2)2 . This is a  value of v/(2a + 1) must be d =
d operation for full
bigger number than the number determined itself; so at least v− (2a + 1)n b (2a+1) nc over the greatest integer function of
one of the multipliers are only in the column number s or in Eq. (190); so Eq. (194) calculates how many exponents of
the columns before the column number s. 2a + 1 numbers for each a value are aliquot divisors of v for
each number determined.
5.1.2 Primality test for input number t =v− ∞ d
As it is not suitable to check whether an even number is (2a + 1) n=1
prime or not, a mathematical interpretation can be done to
check v positive odd whole number is prime or After that, when v is divided, left is prime factor itself, and
 not. When it when it is subtracted from v again, if the result is equal to 0,
becomes d = 0 for d = v− (2a + 1) b 2a+1 c whole value
then 2a + 1 number is not a multiplier. If the result is bigger
element, 2a + 1 positive odd whole number is aliquot divisor than 0, then it is a prime factor;
of v positive odd whole number; so v is not prime. In other
conditions, it is not prime, and when 2a + 1 divisor is tested s
1 + (−1)2

within a = [1, s] range, v is prime if the status of d ≥ 1 is

f (v) = (195)
conserved; so Eq. (191) a=1
X d
v(1 + (−1)2 ) so, Eq. (195) provides number of prime factor for v which is
f (v) = (191) the positive odd whole number determined. If the result is still
2 0, v is a prime number.
operation provides v number if v number is prime. Otherwise
the result is 0. 5.1.6 A brief proof for P=NP status
These are not evidences to the impossible status of P =
NP; however as all prime numbers are certainly odd number,
5.1.3 Number of prime numbers in a range and are between two consecutive odd numbers which are the
multiples of 3, it can be assumed, that there are only odd mul-
Number of prime numbers between [2, v] interval can be tiplies of 3 by 6x + 3 rule are in set of all odd numbers, and
found out over Eq. (192), the odd numbers between two odd multiples of 3 can be as-
sumed as prime. This increases number of prime numbers,
X 1 + (−1)2d and also reduces possibility of multipliers to be odd whole
2+ (192) number which can be divided, and so reduces number of non-
2 prime factors. After that if it was assumed, that prime num-
Å ã bers are in the place of odd multiplies of 3, and the numbers
x−1 in-between positive odd whole numbers which can be divided,
where v = 2x+1 and d =
2x+1− (2a+1) b 2a+1 c . If it
a=1 then the separation rule of primes would be x−36 , and the num-
becomes d = 0 for an a value, 2x + 1 is not prime. Otherwise, bers in-between would not be important; because there is now
it is assumed that is yet prime. Eq. (192) can be transformed a function providing the separation of primes, and it is now
for number of prime numbers within any range as well. known where are prime factors sought. The result of this

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equation would be checked to understand whether a number Hence, number of prime number becomes Eq. (199) for
is prime or not, when this has happened. If the result is a an input number of v if 2,3,5 and 7 are included as well.
whole number, then the number is prime and if is not, it is
s j s Å s−n+1
not prime. If the number is not a prime, at least b x−3 v k X X
j sk X ã
6 c opera- p=4+ − + − x2 (199)
tions would be done to find out prime factors; thus a status of 2 4x + 2
P = NP seems not possible over prime numbers; so it can be x=1 n=1 x=1
maintained that Here, if it is certainly known that the input number is a prime
State of P=NP is only dream. number, then as the input prime shall directly become the last
prime for number of total prime number, also order number of
Proposition 2 the input prime in prime numbers shall be found out directly
by this way.
Only 1 evidence is enough. I am of the opinion, that this is If the prime number has m order number is required, p
the exact evidence. operation is repeated up to m− p becomes 0; so repeat number
shall directly be equal to order number of m. To realize this,
5.1.7 Appendix an operator like Eq. (200) can be used as also it was used
before for the above stated prime functions.
Number of prime numbers up to input number
∞ u2 
X w 1 − (−1)2
An operator like Eq. (196) where s = v−9 pm = (200)
6 + 1, 9 is the first 2
number and 6 is the amount of increase, shall give s which is
the total column number for the input number of v, when the Here, when u becomes 0, the operator shall give 1; otherwise
result is rounded down for the numbers after the comma if the for any positive or negative integer it always shall give 0; so
result is decimal. It is rounded down; because otherwise the w = v as the input number and u = m − p are used to realize
next column will be included.
this; but as 2,3,5 and 7 were included, the input number must
õ û
be bigger than 7.
s= (196)
Integer floor function 2-3
When column number is determined, after that number of
non-prime numbers is determined up to the last column s or
the total column number of s. After that there will be a fi- For a/b operation where a, b ∈ Z, when the result of a−bn
nal operation which is to determine and subtract mutual ones’ is positive integer for some n positive integers, an equation
number from number of non-prime numbers. must give +1 result in a sum operator. If the result is negative,
As the table’s rule is f (x, y) = (2x+1)(2y+1) where x, y ∈ the same equation must give 0 result in the same sum operator
Z and x, y > 0, for an input number v, number of non-prime to find integer floor value of the division; so in Eq. (201) when
number up to the last column the last column is included as a − bm operation becomes negative, f (z) must become an odd
well is Eq. (197) or Eq. (197a), number, and otherwise must be an even number.

s j
v k 1
X 1 + (−1) f (z)
ba/bc =
− (197) (201)
4x + 2 2 m=1
s j Handle an operation like x(2x + 1). If an order is made
j sk X v k
− + (197a) from small number to larger for all positive and negative x
2 x=1
4x + 2 values where x ∈ Z, the number which has n order number
becomes Eq. (202).
where sx=1 v−2x−1
4x+2 over Eq. (196). n
Now, the mutual ones are subtracted from Eq. (197) or
N= n−1 (202)
Eq. (197a). As each 2a + 1 number for a : [1, s] interval will
give main number of each column which has a order number,
we will subtract from 3 each multipes of the numbers from 5 For this condition, N numbers which have even order number
to s; from 5, each multiples of the numbers from 7 to s etc. in the emerging order are formed by negative x values; so N
For example for 3 which is the main number of the first col- numbers which have odd order number in the emerging order
umn, we must know how many multiples of 3 exist in the frist are formed by positive x values.
column. To find out this we must use Eq. (197) up to s = 1, To find out order number of the last x(2x+1) = Nn number
and let naming this multiple number as x1 . After that the first for the input number of x where n is the order number, we
colum’s separation rule as 6x1 + 3 is equalized to separation need a reference. For example, we must always use either the
rule of 5 as 10x2 + 5, to 7 as 14x2 + 7 and to 9, as 18x2 + 9 etc. previous number as Nn−1 or the next one as Nn+1 ; because if
Hence, the rule turns into Eq. (198), an addition is made by emerging N numbers by Nm + Nn−m+1
s Å s−n+1
being n is the last order number and m > 0, the difference also
X X ã emerges by some consecutive odd numbers but some special
x2 (198) conditions; so we need to know (Nn + N1 ) − (Nn−1 + N2 ); but
n=1 x=1 each N number which has different order number is formed by
where different number; so even x1 = x(2x + 1) will give the last N,
(2n + 1)x1 − x x2 = −x(−2x + 1) does not always give only the previous one
õ û
x2 = (198a) or only the next one for the same x. This condition changes
2x + 2n + 1
due to the mark of x on x1 and x2 ; so the order slides due
v − (2n + 1)
õ û
to mark, and again a problem occurs; so to determine which
x1 = (198b) one is the last one, again we must determine a rule between
4n + 2

42 5 Mathematics
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

positive and nagative numbers that the main aim was already To derive the previous N number by an input x, for +x,
this to do these calculations. a function must give −x result, and for −x the same function
must give −x − 1. Temporarily, let assuming these results are
Floor function over the variations directly provided by f (u).
For Nm + Nn−m+1 addition being n is the last order number
Right this point, if order number of positive and negative and m > 0, as we only use the last N and the previous one,
odd integers are analysed over only either by r+1 N1 = 0 and N2 = 1 are always fixed. As the difference be-
2 which is tween two consecutive N number is always integers by order,
order number formula of positive odd integers or 1−r 2 which is for the fixed N numbers, the addition of the last one as Nn +N1
order number of negative integers that handle r+1 2 is used, it
will be even number when the previous addition as Nn−1 + N2
seems that order number becomes odd number as the same r becomes odd; otherwise the condition is the exact opposite.
odd number’s the other marked twin shall have even number When d = x(2x + 1) + 0− f (u)(2 f (u) + 1) + 1 becomes even
order number; so number, there is no middle point number as single in the new
û emerging set if you assume that Nm + Nn−m+1 is done for each
e= element; but otherwise, there is a single middle point num-
2 ber that the addition is done by itself; so if the difference d is
û an even number, the last N number’s order number becomes
f = n = d + 2. If the difference d is an odd number, the last N
2 number’s order number becomes n = d + 3. To write this in a
single function, it becomes
will be the same number but the mark where −y = 2g − 1
y = 2h − 1 , −y − g = c and y − h = d; so over y − 2 which is 1 − (−1)d
n=d+2+ (205)
the single function of c and d over y = 2h − 1 and −y = 2g − 1, 2
over Eq. (203a), As f (u) function, the function must provide that for neg-
y−1 ative x values −1 is added to −x, otherwise 0 is added to
y + 1 − 2(−1) 2 −x. For this condition, it turns into Eq. (205a) where M is
f (y) = (203) Eq. (203c).
y−1 y−1 − (−1) M − 1
1 − (−1) 2 f (u) = −x + (205a)
f (y) = 2 + (203a) 2
2 2
where x = y in Eq. (203c).
Eq. (203) shall provide this condition alone; but emerg- Hence as order of x(2x + 1) where x ∈ Z, is due to from
ing results by an order is 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3.... To be of it as small to larger number by order, and as it starts by 0 which
1, 2, 3, 4, 5..., if an order is created by doing an addition for is formed by positive integer, if n which is the order num-
each consecutive f (y) and f (y + 2), required addition for the ber in emerging N set by this rule, becomes an even number,
ordered f (y) result is 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4... by order; so by us- it means x is negative; otherwise x is positive; so the floor
ing a function like f (t) = 3+(−1) 2 which gives 2 for each function turns into Eq. (206) over Eq. (201) for the required
even k number, and gives 1 for each k odd number where function on Eq. (201).
k = f (y) + f (y + 2), ∞
X 1 + (−1)n
k+ 2 3+(−1) k ba/bc = (206)
f (k) = (203b) m=1
where x = a − bm
Eq. (203b) shall give the required number which will be added
by order, and the result of f (y) turns into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... as it Integer floor function 4
is required as well; so for each ±y even number, the order
number turns into a positive odd number’s order number by Q∞ 2
∞ xn
f (r) = 2 . The emerging sliding for the same oder function 2
r+1 n=1
X 1 − (−1)
ba/bc = (207)
by using both variation of the same number as positive and 2
negative is removed by this way.
Hence over y · f (k), a function which is equal to y · f (k) where x0 = a − bm and xn = 2xn−1 −1+(−1)

4 . The upper limit

for positive y odd numbers as f (k) + y − 1 is also not equal to for both of the product and the sum can be for example (a−b)2
y · f (k) for the same number’s negative variation; an operation instead of infinity as a reference.
like M is always even if y is negative, and is always odd if y
is positive. Integer floor function 5
y · f (k) + f 2 (k) + y − 1
M= (203c) Any odd number increases only by Eq. (208) for its even
2 multiples,
Hence, one variation of the floor function turns into f1 (x, y) = (4y + 2)x (208)
Eq. (204), and only increases by Eq. (209) for its odd multiples.

X 1 − (−1) M f2 (x, y) = (4y + 2)x − (2y + 1) (209)
ba/bc = (204)
2 It is such; because for an equation like Eq. (210)
where y = 2(a − bm) + 1. The upper limit for the sum can be
2y = 2x2 + 2x − 1 (210)
for example (a − b)2 instead of infinity as a reference.
over (2x+1)+2y = (x+1)(2x+1), as 2x2 +2x is always an even
The other variation of the floor function number, it can be said, that there is no consecutive multiples

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

n1x1 + 2y + 1
ú ü
of the same odd number for the functions in itself as even after
odd or odd after even, as numbers increase by 2. There is no x12 = (220)
2 2y + 1

intersection point between Eq. (208) and Eq. (209).
To find out number of an odd number up to n number, The same is acceptable for Eq. (212),
without decimal by a floor function, the equations become
n2x2 + 2y + 1
ú ü
Eq. (211) and Eq. (212),
x21 = (221)
2 2y + 1
ú ü 
x1 = (211)
2 2y + 1 n2x2 + 4y + 2
 ú ü
x22 = (222)
2 2y + 1

n + 2y + 1
ú ü
x2 = (212) ö ù
2 2y + 1 where n2x2 = n+2y+1

2 ; so for both Eq. (211) and Eq. (212), a
where n is the input number. Here, the main problem is continuous chain rule emerges up to infinite.

dation of The above stated information are valid even for even num-
ö ù Eq. (213) or Eq. (214) if the first operation is 2 or bers. I wanted to show it over odd numbers; because it is im-
2 . portant to see the divisibility condition of 2 in a floor function.
õj k
n 1
û Hence for any kind positive integer numerator and denomina-
x1 = · (213) tor, the main equation turns into Eq. (223) by the presentation
2 2y + 1 of Eq. (223a).
n + 2y + 1
õõ û û
x2 = · (214) j ak j a k õ a + bû
2 2y + 1 = + (223)
b 2b 2b
For real value of 2n , over Eq. (215a), it becomes Eq. (215).
bdc = bec + b f c (223a)
n = 8y + 4 (215)
Over Eq. (223), the first process for the equation becomes
n Eq. (223b) by the presentation of Eq. (223c),
− (2y + 1)
1= 2
j ak Å j a k õ a + bûã Å j a k õ a + bûã
(215a) 1 1 2 2
2y + 1 = + + + (223b)
b 2b 2b 2b 2b
Here Eq. (215a) is decimal approach. As it can be seen over
bdc = be1 c + be2 c + b f1 c + b f2 c
Eq. (215) which is the result of Eq. (215a), there is no integer (223c)
interval for the y numbers which are integer. As n and y take
where a1 = 2 . Here, if the right side of the equation is
certain values, there shall
ö not emerge aöskipping;
ùùso there is multiplied
n 1
no difference between 2 · 2y+1 and 2 · 2y+1 for oper- n by 2, it turns into Eq. (223d).
2 bdc = 2 be1 c + be2 c + 2 b f1 c + b f2 c
ation priority. (223d)
ö In the ù same manner, the equation becomes Eq. (216) for Here, e1 and f1 were dived by 2 in floor ö function; so how we
over Eq. (216a); so the same is acceptable.
can write the right relation between 2 ba/2c and a , this is
2b 2b
n = 6y + 3 (216) the problem; because when this is done, we can also write the
equation in the kind of be2 c and b f2 c; so for an operation like
n + 2y + 1
j uk
− (2y + 1) , the equation is Eq. (224),
1= 2 (216a) t
2y + 1 õ
û j k
2 = (224)
Hence, the equation turns into Eq. (217), t t
if it is u2 = t or  2 > t by whole multiples of t. For the
õ û   u
x1 = (217)
2y + 1 last option as 2 < t alsoö it is ùstill valid; but due to to be odd

or even integer of u, as 2 bu/2c is always even number, when

where n1x1 = n2 . This turned into a single odd number’s
u t
separation by its all multiples even multiples are included as t becomes odd number the equation does not work. Hence,
well; because actual question is how many (2y + 1) odd num- the right interpretation is as Eq. (225),
ber there are between 0 and n, before ùderiving Eq. (211) and 1 − (−1)bu/2c j uk
õ û
n bu/2c
Eq. (212); so it is depended on 2y+1 since the actual equa- 2 + = (225)
tion is Eq. (218). t 2 t
where u2 = u2 − 1−(−1)
û õ
û õ
n + 2y + 1
4 . Right this point, it turns into
= + (218) Eq. (226),
2y + 1 2(2y + 1) 2(2y + 1) bec − k
be1 c = (226)
Hence again it can be used as Eq. (219) and Eq. (220) for 2
the same y number. where k = 1−(−1)
. Hence, also Eq. (223d) includes bec + b f c
ú ü instead of be1 c + b f1 c, and it turns into Eq. (227).
x11 = (219)
2 bdc = bec − k + 2 be2 c + b f c − m + 2 b f2 c
2 2y + 1


44 5 Mathematics
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where m = 2 .It means that the equation is tion is bdc+k+m 2 = be2 c + b f2 c, and it converges to the last e- f
Eq. (228). double by
bdc = bec + b f c = 2 be2 c + b f2 c − k − m d + k1 + m1

+ k 2 + m2
2 + k3 + m3
All right; but this is not enough; because we cannot know 2
upper floor values in emerging infinite chain. We must know + ...
which chain lines include only whole multiples. Being these
are the numbers like e1 = x+ 21 , f1 = y+ 12 and thus f2 = f1 + 21 Hence the floor function becomes Eq. (231) being n is the
process number.
for the worst possibility, the equation becomes Eq. (229),
bdc = be1 + f2 c + be2 + f1 c
j ak
(229) = 2n en + fn −
2n−1 kn + mn

where be1 c + b f2 c = be1 + f2 c, and as the same is acceptable n=1
for be2 c + b f1 c = be2 + f1 c also this is a certain rule which
is always valid. It means that, for the chain operation which By the way, here actually each one of the last e and f values
will emerge by the same method, it is possible to use only one are 1 if the numerator is not smaller than the denominator.
Also actually always second e and f values are taken; but as
double element from both side of e and f for any multitude the other doubles are removed, we can assume that they are
elements. the first ones. Also to find out each kn and mn ,
For the first process of a floor function as bec + b f c, if a
table is made by emerging chain operations, being E is even X n
1 − (−1)wn−1
multiples side and O is odd multiples side, the table turns into kn = (231a)
Table 4 by using middle elements of the emerging chain tri- n=1
angle by the same rule of Eq. (223b) when it is sustained. wn−1 +3
where wn = wn−12 +3 = 2(wn−1 +3)−1+(−1) , and w0 = a2 =
E O 4 .
e f X 1 − (−1)zn−1
mn = (231b)
. f2 e2 . n=1
2(zn−1 +3)−1+(−1)zn−1 +3
. fa ea .  zn−1 +3 
where zn = = and z0 = =
2 4 2
. fb eb . 4 .
. fc ec .
5.2 On the Mersenne and Fermat primes
. fd ed .
5.2.1 Mersenne primes
Table 4: Double middle groups of e and f
Mersenne primes, which are depended on Eq. (232) does
not give always prime result.

The used numbers are only subordinate neighbors of 2 p1 − 1 = p2 (232)

b f2 + e2 c. Here as it can be seen, the condition turns into the If Eq. (232) is turned into Eq. (232a),
exact opposite; because even column started to include odd
multiple formula, and odd column also includes even multi- 2 = p1 p2 + 1
ple formula. O column certainly shall become 0 on a line, and
after that it will be always 0. In the same manner, the other then (p2 + 1) always must be a number like 2 . If this is the n
column shall be 2b on a line, and after that, it will always condition, then for p2 = 2n − 1 where n ≥ 1 positive integers,
include 2b. As we cannot know floor value of the higher ele- the result always must be prime number.
ments of the table, we must know when sum of E + O starts
to repeat on each line by the same values to infinity. At this 2n − 1 is always a positive odd number and is
repeat point, it means there is 1 whole value; so if we can find always prime number, where {n ∈ Z+ | 0 < n}.
out when the middle sum becomes whole multiple of the de-
nominator certainly by the input values as denominator and Argument
numerator, we can use the process number up to this line. To
determine this, we must always dive f by 2 down to 0 for floor Let using a function like f (x) = 10x + 3. If there were
value; so infinite number of intersection points of 2n − 1 with f (x), then
2n − 1 would not always become a prime number. For 2n − 1 =

X f
1 + (−1)2 s+1 10x + 3 equation, it turns into Eq. (233).
n=1+ (230)
2 2n−1 − 2
s=0 x= (233)
fs 5
where f s+1 = 2 fs −1+(−1) and f0 = f . This is the process
number which is required to make f number 0 by diving only For some n > 2 positive integers forever, Eq. (233)
gives x
by 2 for each operation’s floor value. integers forever as 5 or multiples of 5 when 2 had 2 in
At the line which the repeat starts, there is absolutely 1 the first digit as 2 has a constant repeat as 2n−1 can only
whole value for each column of both columns as numerator be formed by 2. If this is the condition, then it explains that
and denominator are equal to each other. Process number is Mersenne prime function doesn’t give always prime results
used to determine whole value right this point. The first equa- for given variable primes.

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5.2.2 Fermat primes 5.3.1 Analysis of first degree function possibility of

prime numbers
2n + 1 is always a positive odd number and is
always prime number, where {n ∈ Z+ | 0 < n}. As we know, the palindromic primes are the prime num-
bers which give the same number when they are written from
Argument left to right or right to left. Infinity of them is still a mystery;
but we can prove that they are also in infinite number.
In the same manner, let using a function like f (x) = 10x + As we know, distribution of odd multiples of 3 in the set
5. For 2 + 1 = 10x + 5 equation, it turns into Eq. (234)
of odd numbers occurs according to f (x) = 6x − 3 function
2n − 2 where x > 0 for each consecutive positive x integer; so if a
x= (234) table is made for the definition, it occurs like the following
5 one.
Eq. (234) has the same result with Eq. (233); so it can be said
that Fermat prime function which is depended on Eq. (234a) 3 A B 9 A B 15 A B 21
does not always give primes where 22 = 2k .
p = 22 + 1 (234a) Table 5: Distribution of odd multiples of 3 for a limited interval.
Here A is the numbers occur after the multiples of 3, and B is the
As the result, as Mersenne and Fermat prime functions don’t numbers occur before the multiples of 3 since there are only 2 odd
give always prime result consecutively; so they may give number between each consecutive odd multiple of 3 in the set of odd
prime results by variable intervals forever.

5.2.3 A common solution

Since each prime number is an element of the set of odd
As any prime number is between two odd positive consec- numbers, they exactly take place between two consecutive
utive multiples of 3, let using f (x) = 6x + 5 function which odd multiples of 3 being before or after the multiples.
is always between two positive odd multiples of 3, where For separation rule of 7 by f (a) = 14a + 7 and of 5 by
{x ∈ Z+ | 0 < x}, and is always the next one relatively to f (b) = 10b + 5 in odd numbers, if intersection points of f (a)
the smaller multiple of two consecutive multiples of 3. For and f (b) constantly appeared as only the previous one or only
2a − 1 = 6x + 5 equation, it turns into Eq. (235). as the next one of odd multiples of 3, then an uncertainty
would emerge about first degree function possibility of prime
2a−1 numbers by certain intervals. For 14a + 7 = 10b + 5 equation,
x= +1 (235) it becomes Eq. (236).
Here, as 2a−1 is only be formed by 2, it is not dividable by 3; 7a + 1
b= (236)
so x on Eq. (235) is always decimal, and 2a−1 can never exist 5
as the next odd number after 3. Also as non-prime numbers Hence, when 7a + 1 becomes 0 or 5 for its first digit, b be-
or prime numbers cannot only exist alone as the previous odd comes an integer and also an intersection point; so for this
number just before 3 or after 3 as the next one consecutively condition, a directly becomes dependent of f (c) = 5c − 3
as we can see on Eq. (237) and Eq. (237a), Mersenne function function. Each c positive integer gives a result an integer to
always may give some prime results forever as well. f (x) = make b an integer, and to create an intersection point between
6x + 7 function is always between two positive odd multiples multiples of 5 and 7. For each c integer value, if the emerging
of 3 for positive x numbers and is always the previous one. intersection point is always the previous or is the next one rel-
For 2b + 1 = 6x + 7, it turns into Eq. (235a), atively to odd multiples of 3, then an uncertainty is going to
emerge about first degree function possibility of prime num-
2b−1 bers by certain intervals; so to analysis this, for the function
x= −1 (235a) f (d) = 6d + 5 which gives the next odd numbers after odd
multiples of 3, over f (b) which is f (b) = 10 7 f (c)+1 + 5, it

b−1 5
and as 2 is only formed by 2, it is not dividable by 3; so x on becomes Eq. (236a) for f (b) = f (d) equation.
Eq. (235a) is always decimal and 2b + 1 can never exist as the
previous odd number before 3. Also as non-prime numbers 35c − 20
or prime numbers cannot only exist alone as the previous odd d= (236a)
number just before 3 or after 3 as the next one consecutively
as we can see on Eq. (237) and Eq. (237a), Fermat function Hence, it can be said, that d is not defined for each c consecu-
always may give some prime results forever as well. tive positive integer; so the intersection point of 5 and 7 in odd
numbers sometimes appears at the place after odd multiples
Even if Fermat and Mersenne prime functions of 3, and sometimes appears before; so as there are only two
certainly do not give prime results always, we odd integer places between two consecutive odd multiples of
cannot know if they give non-prime result. This 3, if it is derived a first degree function which is always only
was proved in Section 5.7. able to appear before or after odd multiples of 3, the numbers
Notice which are placed here cannot be prime number always as also
they cannot be non-prime odd number.
5.3 Palindromic primes
5.3.2 The solution
Are there infinitely many palindromic primes? All the positive odd numbers before odd multiples of 3
Argument were non-prime numbers, then as all positive odd numbers
are between two consecutive odd multiples of 3 and there are

46 5 Mathematics
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two odd numbers between them, all the positive odd numbers becomes Eq. (242) where p = n and e is Euler number.
after odd multiples of 3 would have to be prime number; but Å ã p+1
it is not possible as there is always going to be multiples of 7 1 p
as far as we can see over Eq. (237a), and also because of first p! = (242)
p+1 e
degree impossibility of prime numbers as the below.
Hence, for example by using positive integers for between If Eq. (242) is used on Eq. (241), it becomes Eq. (243)
two consecutive positive odd multiples of 3, f (x) = 6x + 5 Å ãp
function is always between these two positive odd multiples 1 p−1 1
i= 2 + (243)
of 3, where {x ∈ Z+ | 0 < x}, and is always the next one. If we p 1  p−1 p
use the separation rule of 5, then for 6x+5 = 10y−5 equation, 1+
it turns into Eq. (237) .
or becomes Eq. (244) if you assume that e converges to the
y= +1 (237) same value by the same n in both Eq. (238) and limn→∞ 1 +
5 1n
For positive integer u numbers and x = 5u equation, x on n
Eq. (237) is always going to form y as an integer; so there are 1 p
always some positive odd multiples of 5 at the next positions

p(ip − p) p p − 1 = p−1
of positive odd multiples of 3. For the second and last state,
f (x) = 6x+7 gives the previous odd numbers of odd multiples The following is the graph of the function.
of 3. If this is the condition, then by using 6x + 7 = 14x − 7
equation as odd multiples of 7 which is dependent of f (y) = ·104
14y − 7 function, it turns into Eq. (237a). 2.5
y= +1 (237a) 2
For positive integer u numbers and x = 7u equation, x on 1.5
Eq. (237a) is always going to form y as an integer; so there
are always some positive odd multiples of 7 at the previous
positions of positive odd multiples of 3. If this is the condi- 1
tion, then there are infinite numbers of palindromic primes by
the rule of odd multiple of 3 which is 500. . . 007 has variable 0.5
number of zeroes or other symmetric numbers which their
sum is multiple of 3 between 5 and 7, and as prime 7 and 7. 0
Also you can derive your own sexy primes as you can prove
for the numbers have variable number of 0 between 1 and 1. 0 2 4 6 8 10

5.3.3 Palindromic primes with number of digits Fig. 33: Partial Palindromic prime separation

Wilson’s Theorem Now how we can fix the deviation between Eq. (238) and
The theorem of Wilson states, that if p is a prime number, 1 n
limn→∞ 1 + . Is it suitable to use e with enough decimal?
then this prime number divides (p − 1)! + 1 being the result is n
an integer. Even if it is possible, also is there anyway to reduce process
The following formula Eq. (238) is the one I derived number of the function for Eq. (239), especially for m > 8.
Fermat’s Little Theorem
e = lim n+1
√ (238) The theorem of Fermat states, that if p is a prime number,
n→∞ (n + 1)! then this prime number divides n p−1 − 1 being the result is an
Now handle the palindromic primes which can be written integer where n ∈ Z; so for n = 2, Eq. (245) must give integer
as Eq. (239) where the number of digits of the prime p is 10m result for Eq. (239).
being m ∈ Z. 210 − 1
p = 1010 + 1 (239) 1010m + 1
If the result of Eq. (240) operation must be an integer, then Also is there anyway to simplify this method especially for
we can edit it for the solutions. m > 8?
(p − 1)! + 1 5.4 Goldbach Conjecture
p The main question about Goldbach Conjecture is pretty
clear that is each even number sum of two prime numbers?
p!(p − 1)! + p!
Over operation which is equivalent of
p2 (p − 1)! 5.4.1 The solution
Eq. (240), Eq. (240) turns into Eq. (241).
Being p is a prime number, for definition of p4 > p3 ∧
p! + p p4 − p3 = 2n + 2 ∧ n > 2 ∧ n ∈ Z+ ; first number group
p2 which is created by n pieces non-prime consecutive positive
odd whole numbers, the smallest odd whole number it has is
For the greatest enough n value if Eq. (238) is edited, it p3 +2 or p4 −2n and the biggest odd number it has is p3 +2n or

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p4 −2, contains greater numbers than last number group which first b group must always become 2(2n + 1) = 4n + 2. This
contains n − 1 pieces consecutive non-prime odd numbers and number is the first number which starts to be common with
none of the numbers n group contains, for definition of p2 > all the other b even numbers which are formed by different x
p1 ∧ p2 − p1 = 2(n − 1) + 2 is before n group, and the smallest elements for the same n value in the tables; because it is in the
odd number it has is p1 +2 or p2 −2(n−1) and the biggest one it last emerging line. Each even number after this number can be
has is p1 + 2(n − 1) or p2 − 2. Also n − 1 groups which contain formed absolutely as n pieces the number itself is included as
n − 1 pieces non-prime consecutive odd numbers and have well. As 1 piece of selected consecutive n pieces odd numbers
greater numbers than n groups have are possible; but these must be prime number until n + 1 group, minimum 1 piece of
groups can never exist until n groups emerge because of the the even numbers which are in each even number group has
above stated reasons and definitions; because n groups also n pieces of the same even number must be sum of two prime
contain 2 pieces (n−1)1 and (n−1)2 consecutive groups which numbers.
n − 2 pieces elements of them are common with n groups. Here, if also 4n+4 number after 4n+2 number is included,
if all of emerging n pieces of the same 4n + 4 even numbers
The difference between n − 1 and (n − 1)m is not to be of are not the numbers of n + 1 group in a table for the same n
prime number there after last number of first group and before value, as all results of 4n + 4 and 4n + 2 form set of even num-
first number of last group of emerging two groups; therefore bers greater than 8, then it means each even number which is
when two groups emerged as (n−1)1 and (n−1)2 , it means that greater than 8 absolutely must be sum of two prime numbers.
n group already had been emerged spontaneously, and is first The equation between a values that first a namely a1
n group. Being (n − 1)1 is the first and (n − 1)2 is the second which gives even numbers in the first line for a = [1, ∞) over
group, as last element of (n − 1)2 group is always bigger than 2a + 4, and an which accepts the first even as 4n + 2 and gives
all numbers of (n − 1)1 , it means (n − 1)1 had already been the numbers of 2a + 4n is (246)
emerged before n group. Also as n − 1 group must exist at
the place before (n − 1)1 group, then numbers of n group are
always greater than numbers of n − 1 group for the definition a1 = an + 2n − 2 (246)
of n and n − 1 groups. Here all possible n − k groups for Here, result of a1 for an = 1 is also equal to number of
m, k ∈ Z+ definition are unique; but (n − k)m groups which used odd numbers in the first y line to form 4n + 2 number or
have common element with another groups are not unique. is equal to number of used numbers which are different than
Being k = 0, for n − k = n groups, 1 piece of selected n each other in the tables for the same n value, outside of using
pieces consecutive odd numbers from 3 to numbers of n + 1 an to form 2an + 4n namely 4n + 2 number; because it is also
group has to be prime number; so if some tables are made like x + y operation number of forming 4n + 2 even number in
table 6 and table 7 for each n, they will help about the main the first line; therefore a1 number over (246) for an = 2 is
question. required to form 4n + 4, and the equation becomes (247), and
states, that there are 2n times odd numbers on first y line.
Table 6: The table for n=2
N = 2n (247)
x y
3 3 5 7 9 11 13 ...
5.4.2 The result
5 5 7 9 11 13 15 ...
x + y = b As the result for the above stated information, assume that
4n+2 and 4n+4 numbers cannot be sum of two prime numbers
6 8 10 12 14 ... 2a+4 for each n value. Last n pieces of y consecutive odd numbers
10 12 14 16 18 ... 2a+8 which are required to form 4n + 2 and 4n + 4 numbers for
required n value, must be n group numbers; thus it means
only 2n − n = n pieces y consecutive odd numbers can be
Table 7: The table for n=3 used, being 3 is the first usable number on the first y line; but
already this means, that all numbers except 1 are non-prime
consecutive odd numbers for each n value that is impossible.
x y Even if it is assumed, that for the worst possibility, n and n − 1
3 3 5 7 9 11 13 ... groups emerge together by the same numbers as non-unique
5 5 7 9 11 13 15 ... groups, also the information stated above says this assumption
7 7 9 11 13 15 17 ... is impossible. Already if it is impossible even for n group,
x + y = b when it is assumed that there are another groups,
6 8 10 12 14 16 ... 2a+4 n
10 12 14 16 18 20 ... 2a+8 2n −
n (248)
14 16 18 20 22 24 ... 2a+12 n=2

When similar tables for the other n groups are made, and number of used or usable consecutive y odd numbers will de-
when an addition is done by order between selected n pieces crease by (248), and is impossible for n > 1 definition.
of the smallest consecutive x number group elements and el- As and if we do not know prime separation, for the worst
ements of y groups that each group of y contains n pieces of possibility of number of existent primes in 2n pieces usable
consecutive odd numbers, the result will be like in the tables. consecutive odd numbers on the first y line, assume that for
Here, the first group of y is the same with x column. The first n, there are consecutive unique n groups until last 2n number
and the smallest number of the next y group is greater by 2 even if actually they cannot be fitted such that as emerging
than the first and the smallest number of the previous y group. number of the numbers will be bigger than 2n by this way;
The sum of b is always an even number as well. but if it is right, then amount will not be important that you
As the first y group is also x group and as also the biggest can assume that there are (2n)2 pieces n groups if essence of
number of x group is always 2n + 1, the biggest number of the function provides this that it is provided here; because the

48 5 Mathematics
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number of the non-prime numbers will increase greater than 5.6 Collatz Problem
the primes for assumed n pieces unique groups since prime
number is going to be fixed even for increasing non-prime odd The main question about the Collatz Problem is also pretty
numbers; so as unique groups are between two primes, there clear. When a positive whole number is selected, if the num-
must be 2n pieces prime numbers. As this 2n is also equal to ber is an even number then it is divided by 2; otherwise it is
number of the used numbers on the first y line that it is not multiplied by 3, and after that 1 is added to the result. When
important which numbers of 2n pieces numbers are prime or the same operation with required option of the problem due
not prime here, absolutely minimum 1 piece of each n pieces to the condition of to be odd or even number of the result is
repeated for the last results, can each positive integer which is
the same even 4n + 2 numbers and minimum 1 piece of each different than 0 and 1 be reduced into 1?
n pieces the same even 4n + 4 numbers which emerge in each
table separately are absolutely sum of two prime numbers.
Also it means that all even numbers greater than 8 are sum of 5.6.1 The solution
two prime numbers. This is also proof of infinite number of
twin primes. If the input number is an even number, and if it is not an
even number as 2n as well for definition of n ∈ Z+ ∧ n > 0;
being pn is process number, when the input number is divided
by pn times 2 or directly by 2 pn , each positive even number
5.5 Twin primes absolutely turns into a positive odd number as they can be
Select any unique number group which has n pieces of defined as (2x+1)·2n for definition of x, n ∈ Z+ ∧n > 1∧x > 0;
consecutive non-prime odd numbers. This group has to exist thus we should only work over odd numbers.
between 2 prime numbers according to the definition stated
at the beginning between prime numbers and group numbers; 3an + 1
because otherwise there will occur a group like n + 1 group an+1 = (249)
instead of n group that actually infinite number of non-prime
numbers can be consecutive. For example, let us take consec- Over (249), it must become an+1 = {2, 5, 8, 11, ...., 3x − 1}
utive multiples of 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 for n = 5 group. Being where x ∈ Z+ ∧ x > 0 for a limited interval. For the
a is an odd number, any multiples of odd numbers become numbers which make an an odd number, it becomes an+1 =
a(2x + 1) for required x; so over (6x1 + 3) + 2 = 10x2 + 5, it {5, 11, 17, ...., 6x − 1} for a limited interval and the same x def-
becomes x1 = 5x. Over (6x1 + 3) + 4 = 14x3 + 7, it becomes inition. Also it becomes an = {3, 7, 11, 15, ...., 4x − 1} over
x1 = 7x. Over (6x1 + 3) + 6 = 18x4 + 9, it becomes x1 = 9x. an+1 odd numbers for the same conditions.
Over (6x1 + 3) + 8 = 22x5 + 11, it becomes x1 = 11x. Re- The below is a table over an and an+1 numbers by order
sults of 6x1 + 3 which are odd multiples of 3 become 30x + 3, over (249) for a limited interval being E is even and O is odd.
42x + 3, 54x + 3 and 66x + 3 for the stated x1 values. If also
these are made equal to each other, being (11 · 9 · 7 · 5 · x) = m Table 8: an and an+1 numbers
and the first number of the group is multiple of 3, consecu-
tive multiples of the group numbers become by order 6m + 3, an 3 7 11 15 19 23 ...
6m + 5, 6m + 7, 6m + 9 and 6m + 11. For more consecutive an+1 5 11 17 23 29 35 ...
odd multiples, we can increase the number of used numbers
in a group forever. an+2 E O E O E O ...
I selected n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 consecutive odd numbers in
n = 4 group like p1 n1 n2 n3 n4 p2 being p is prime number. Min- On the table of 8, for 12x − 7 numbers from an+1 numbers
imum one of these n numbers has to be multiple of 3; because with the same x definition, it becomes (250).
separation of odd multiples of 3 is according to 6x + 3, and
so there are always 2 consecutive odd numbers between two 3(12x − 7) + 1
consecutive odd multiples of 3. Here, if n2 becomes odd mul- 18x − 10 = (250)
tiple of 3, then p2 must be the next multiple of 3 that this is 2
only possible for n = 5. If n3 becomes odd multiple of 3, then The result of (250) is absolutely even number for each x. For
p1 must be the previous multiple of 3 that this is also possible 12x−1 numbers from an+1 numbers with the same x definition,
for n = 5. As it was said, it is possible to form groups have in- it becomes (251).
finite number of consecutive non-prime odd number, namely
n = 4 must exist anyway.
3(12x − 1) + 1
If n1 becomes odd multiple of 3, then n4 must be the next 18x − 1 = (251)
multiple of 3 and also n5 becomes the next multiple of 3 after 2
n4 as n0 became the previous odd multiple of 3 before n1 over The result of (251) is absolutely odd number for each x. Right
n0 n x p1 n1 n2 n3 n4 p2 ny n5 . this point, the question is this that for (252),
If n4 becomes odd multiple of 3, then n5 becomes the next
multiple, and n0 and n1 become the previous multiples of 3; 3an+1 + 1
thus n1 and n4 are pretty suitable to be odd multiple of 3. an+2 = (252)
Here, infinite number off odd consecutive n number can 2
take place after n5 ; so element number of the next group after when an+2 becomes an even number and divided by 2 pn , does
n = 4 is not important; but ny is always prime or not, this emerging odd numbers as a result always emerge before an+1
is important. Over ny = n5 − 2 = (6x + 3) − 2, it becomes in set of odd numbers due to number order or can it be bigger
ny = 6x + 1. Hence, ny never can be only prime number where number than an+1 ?
x ∈ Z+ ∧ x > 0. It is not prime for required x, and otherwise it As the answer, if the result of the operation of (252)
is prime for emerging odd numbers between two ny and ny+1 becomes even, to realize of to be reduced of the result of
numbers which are a result of consecutive two x and x + 1 3an+1 + 1
values; so when it becomes ny = p3 , it is a twin prime group operation into an odd number which is before an+1 ,
2 · 2 pn
between n4 and n5 ; thus twin primes are in infinite number. the condition of (253) always has to be provided.

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operations give an and an+1 over (249) for the same x number;
3an+1 + 1 so the waited loop occurs or does not occur,
pn (253)
1> 2·2 6x2
an+1 x1 = (257)
If (253) is edited then as (254),
(257) shows this over the equality of 4x1 − 1 = 6x2 − 1. For
Å ã (257), it becomes x1 = 3t and x2 = 2t over t ∈ Z+ ∧ t > 0
1 1 condition; so the problem is reduced into the rule of table 10
1 > pn+1 3 + (254)
2 an+1 below.
the inequality of (254) always provides this for the definition Table 10: The numbers for each t
of pn > 0 ∧ an+1 > 1 ∧ pn, an+1 ∈ Z+ .
As a result, when an+2 is reduced into an odd number, the 2t 2 4 6 8 10 12 ...
odd number is always before an+1 odd, and is smaller than it.
3an+1 + 1 3t 3 6 9 12 15 18 ...
It means that the odd number as a result of am = is
2 · 2 pn
3am + 1 Each number on 4x − 1 and 6x − 1 is also order number of
always smaller than an+1 number. Even if becomes an and an+1 in table 10; thus the number has 3t order number
2 on an or 2t line and the number has 2t order number on an+1
even number, again it can be reduced into a smaller odd num-
ber than both am and an+1 , and it is acceptable for the other or 3t line in table 10 are the same numbers.
As the odd numbers on 3t line in table 10 are an+1 numbers
repeats as well. which give even result in table 8, they are elected; thus table
Right this point, a second question emerges that is there 10 turns into table 11.
a number which always gets bigger and does not become an
odd number on (249) infinite chain. Table 11: The other numbers for each t
As the answer, there is table for the numbers which do
not emerge on table 8. If these numbers are included to the
numbers on table 8 as well, the sum is set off odd numbers. 4t 4 8 12 16 20 24 ...
There will no other odd number which is not included to the 6t 6 12 18 24 130 36 ...

Table 9: The numbers which are not in the previous table In table 11, to occur of the infinite loop, when a 4t number
is selected, also 6t number which is under it and on 6t line in
table 11 must be even number, and also this 6t number must
5 9 13 17 21 25 29 ... 4x+1 take place on 4t line again. This condition has to take place
for one or more than one number to be broken of the Col-
latz’s reducing chain, and then one or more than one number
The numbers which are written thick are also in an+1 line will not be reduced into 1; but this is impossible; because for
in table 8. The other numbers are the numbers which are not
in table 8. 6tn +
If some groups are made for 4x + 1 numbers in table 9, tn+1 = 4 where t > 0 ∧ t, n ∈ Z , for each t whole number,
there will only emerge 3 groups for 12x − 3, 2x + 1 and 12x − 7
numbers for the same x definition. Being an+1 = 12x−3, (255) 6tn,t
always gives even result. tn+1,t = lim (258)
n−→∞ 4

(258) has to be provided for the condition of (259),

3(12x − 3) + 1
18x − 8 = (255)
tn,t , tn+1,t ∈ Z+ (259)
Being an+1 = 12x + 1, (256) always gives even number result where tn,t = 4t, t is the order number of the number which is
as well. waited of starting the loop from it, and n is the repeat number
3(12x + 1) + 1 of (258) for each t. As this condition of (259), it cannot be
18x + 2 = (256) provided for each t. For example, for t1,1 = 4, it becomes
2 6t1,1 = 4t2,1 and so becomes t2,1 = 6. For t2,1 = 6, it becomes
As 12x − 7 numbers, they are already the same numbers with 6t2,1 = 4t3,1 and so becomes t3,1 = 9. For t3,1 = 9, it becomes
an+1 , and at the result of (252) they always give even number 6t3,1 = 4t4,1 and so becomes t4,1 = 27/2. As it can be seen,
being an+1 = 12x − 7. t4,1 < Z+ and so the condition of (259) cannot be provided.
As even numbers, they can always be reduced into a
smaller odd number than the odd number which makes them 5.6.2 The result
even number in the operation of (249) as it was proved; thus if
each one of an = 4x − 1 numbers do not get greater by turning (258) cannot continue forever; because wee need a num-
into an odd number when (249) is repeated for each n number ber which has infinite number of common divisors like 4∞ or
where n ∈ Z+ , it means all positive whole numbers different (2x + 1) · 4∞ imaginary numbers. As it can be seen, only we
than 0 and 1 can be reduced into 1. can increase the repeat number by using a t number like 4m
In table 8, 8x − 5 numbers from an numbers turn into where m > 0 ∧ m ∈ Z+ that if m gets bigger, then the repeat
an+1 number which gives even result over (252); thus the only will increase; but there is no infinite repeat; hence, any whole
chance is to give odd result always of 8x − 1 numbers over number absolutely can be reduced into 1 by changing opera-
(249) infinite chain. To be realized of this, the same num- tion numbers of the Collatz’s rule due to the used number.
bers with an must emerge on an+1 line in table 8. Also always For the repeats of (249), being 2m is order number of the
the numbers which give odd result must emerge on an+1 line selected odd number of an in table 8 where m > 0 ∧ m ∈ Z+ ,
between them. For the same x condition, 4x − 1 and 6x − 1 it gives m + 2 pieces odd number, and then the last one gives

50 5 Mathematics
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even number on (249) for 2m . Table 12 is a demonstration of which starts to give in-between numbers from negative direc-
this. tion of number line to +∞. It always intersects.

Table 12: The other numbers for each t 5.8 A brief solution to the Riemann Hypothesis over the
Lagarias Transformation
m an
Over the paper of Lagarias [8], for a positive integer n, let
1 7−→ 11−→ 17 σ(n) denote the sum of the positive integers that divide n. Let
2 15−→ 23−→ 35−→ 53 Hn denote the nth harmonic number by
3 31−→ 47−→ 71−→ 107−→ 161 n
X 1
Hn =
. n=1
Does the following inequality hold for all n ≥ 1 where
Also we can use an operation like (260), and we can derive σ(n) is the sum of divisors function?
another operation as well. The below is an example.
Hn + ln(Hn )eHn ≥ σ(n)
a=7+ 2m (260)
5.8.1 Definition for the solutions

Here for (260), m + 1 pieces odd numbers or repeats on (249) Theorem: First of all, let’s define an imaginary function
emerges being a = a0 which is first input number on (249). as ρ(n), and know that this function is the sum of the elements
You can write your own operation as well. which are not dividable being the result is an integer in a func-
tion as nHn ; so according to this definition, it becomes as the
5.7 Perfect square of p-1 following.
σ(n) + ρ(n)
Are there infinitely many primes p such that p−1 Hn =
is a perfect square? n
Argument Here actually ρ(n) is only by definition. There is
no function like this and thus the rule of the func-
Here, p − 1 is an even number where {p ∈ Z+ }. If it is tion is not known. It is imaginary as a catalyzer.
turned into e2 + 1 = p where e is an even number. As prime It does its work and leaves the actual functions
numbers are odd numbers, they can only exist between two alone without becoming inclusive when it shows
consecutive odd multiples of 3. As there are only two places us the result. This equation is only for relating
in-between for odd numbers, for the previous position rela- n, Hn and σ(n) together somehow. ρ(n) can be a
negative number that is negative for the values of
tively to multiples of 3, the equation becomes e2 + 1 = 6x + 1, ln(Hn ) > 1 here as we are going to see it over the
and finally turns into Eq. (261). below stated operations. If the result is suitable
e2 by the assumptions, then we can use it.
x= (261)
6 Warning
Right this point, let e to be a number like 6a. For this condi- By using the equation, Hn + ln(Hn )e ≥ σ(n) inequality

tion, x directly shall become 6a2 ; so for Eq. (261a), turns into Eq. (262).

e2 + 1 = 36a2 + 1 (261a) Hn + ln(Hn )eHn ≥ nHn − ρ(n) (262)

it can be said that a second analysis is required that p = 36a +2
If it is edited, it becomes Eq. (263) over Eq. (263a).
1 equation can always be provided or not, where p is prime.
Right this point, if it is assumed that numbers come from −∞ ln(Hn )eHn + ρ(n)
direction to +∞ on number line, then for the previous odd ≥ Hn (263)
numbers relatively to multiples of 3, the destination equation n−1
of previous position of multiples of 3 which is f (x) = 6x + 1 ln(Hn )eHn ≥ nHn − Hn − ρ(n) (263a)
becomes f (r, t) = 6r − (6t − 1) to start before 0 to +∞ for each
r and t positive integers; then for 36a2 + 1 = 6r − (6t − 1) Condition: Right this point, assume that the actual in-
equation, the equation becomes Eq. (261b). equality is not as Eq. (263) but it is Eq. (264).

r = 6a2 + t (261b) eHn

≥ Hn (264)
Hence, for each a positive integer, e + 1 = p can be reduced
2 n
to place each previous position before multiples of 3. As all On Eq. (263), assume that actually the numerator is al-
previous position cannot be non-prime number, forever it be-
comes prime number by some intervals. ways bigger than eHn , and also if the divisor was n − 1, this
would increase the possibility of to be greater than Hn of the
As the result, it can be said that, as first degree place func- division; so for the worst possibility, let’s use this as Eq. (264).
tion is not possible for primes as it was proved the above, also If the following operations are not verified over these above
no exponential function can be written as f (m) = mn ; be- stated definitional assumptions, then we must redetermine the
cause mn never passes a place when intersection points for in- conditions and definitions.
between numbers are determined for any f (r, t) = 6r − (6t − 1)

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Here if the numerator is bigger than eHn , then the Eq. (272) shows us, that for each n, limn→∞ n + 1 ≥ nk in-
equation becomes 1−ln(H n)
> eHn over ln(Hn )eHn + equality is defined; thus the above stated assumptions and
imaginary functions are also suitable. Since Eq. (272) is also
ρ(n) > eHn ; so ρ(n) is negative for ln(Hn ) > 1. equivalent of Eq. (264), also it is equivalent of Eq. (273).
Now, let Eq. (264) be Eq. (265). Hn + ln(Hn )eHn ≥ σ(n) (273)
√n √
Even if it is not so sexy and enlightening about the func-
e ≥ n nHn (265) tions to determine relation with prime separation the solution
Å ãn is solution always if it is right. The solution includes indirect
1 and tricky definitions and operations.
For e = limn−→∞ 1 + , Eq. (265) becomes Eq. (266).
5.9 The Arc Side

Å ã
lim 1 + ≥ n nHn
(266) It is possible to compute trigonometric functions and π
n−→∞ n like calculating a root of an integer. It can reduce process
number of power series.
For this, it can be written as Eq. (267)
Å ã
lim n + 1 ≥ nk (267)

where k = nHn nHn . For n ≥ nk − 1 it becomes 1n ≥ k − 1;
so what ever the direction of the inequality is, even if both
sides were equal to each other, k would not become a number
smaller than 1 since n is always positive. It is always k > 1.
Here assume, that is Eq. (268)

n = nk − 1 + b (268) C
since it is n ≥ nk − 1 over Eq. (267), where b is a number
being b ∈ R+ and thus being b > 0; thus it becomes Eq. (269) Fig. 34: Two points on the circumference
over Eq. (268).
b−1 As the first step, let choosing two points like B and C on
n= (269) ˜0 are
1−k Fig. 34, and know that; ∠BAC, the radius and so BC
known. The angle should not be more than 45◦ . The other
Since it is k > 1, then b must always be smaller number than angles between 45◦ − 90◦ will be found out by using half an-
1 to be positive of the division; thus it becomes 1 > b > 0; so
k cannot take random values since n is positive integer. If it is gle formula of cos(2α) = cos2 (α) − sin2 (α). Otherwise its
k > 1, for the greatest value of k, it becomes limb−→0 k = 2. projection must be drawn for the other side of AB.
For this value, the equality of Eq. (268) becomes n = 2n − 1
and thus becomes n = 1. It means, actually k decreases as
long as n increased; thus it means it is always Eq. (270),

1 = lim m m (270)

where m ∈ Z+ ; thus also means it is Eq. (271), A

1 = lim n nHn


since the inequality is Hn ≥ 1 and thus is nHn ≥ 1.

5.8.2 Conclusion B C0
By the above stated defined elements, in accordance with
Eq. (267), if it is limn→∞ n + 1 ≥ nk, then it becomes Fig. 35: The arc side
limn→∞ k−1 ≥ n. Assume that it is actually k = n − p
where p is real number since k can maximum be 2 but n can Thereupon as the second step, open BC ˆ as BC 0 where the
increase greater. For this, the previous inequality becomes radius is the height as the same as on Fig. 35, and lengthen it
limn→∞ n−p−1 ≥ n and thus becomes limn→∞ p ≥ n −n−1n . Here as 2| BC|. ˆ is known, also |BC 0 | and so |AC 0 |
ˆ Know that, as | BC|
assume that actually for each n, the inequality always turns are known.
2 If a circle is drawn for AC 0 radius, then it will look like
into p = n −n−1
n equality. For this, k = n − p becomes k = n+1
n on Fig. 36, and know that C point is not on EG. The equation
and thus Eq. (267) becomes Eq. (272). becomes Eq. (274),

lim n + 1 ≥ n + 1 |AE|3
n−→∞ (272) |AD| = (274)

52 5 Mathematics
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)


H R C0
Fig. 37: A part of Fig. 36

Fig. 36: The second radius

∆GDE and ∆GS R where |GE| = |GD|2 + |DE|2 .

|S R| |GD|2 + |DE|2
where |AG| = |AE| /|AF| in ∆AEF and |AD| = |AG| /|AE| in
2 2
|GR| = (274g)
∆AGE. |DE|
It will be as Eq. (274a),
For (|DB|−|S R|)/|BE| = |HR|/|EH| equation over the simi-
|AB| · |BC 0 | larity between ∆RPH and ∆HBE, |HG| = |GR|+|HR| equation
|DG| = p (274a) turns into Eq. (274h) for |S R|.
|AB|2 + |BC 0 |2 
|DE| |HG| · |BE| − |EH| · |DB|
where |AD|/|AB| = |DG|/|BC 0 | from the similarity in ∆ABC 0 , |S R| = (274h)
|BE| |GD|2 + |DE|2 − |DE| · |EH|
|AD| = p |AG|2 /|AE| by using Euclid relation in ∆AGE and
|AE| = |AB|2 + |BC 0 |2 equation for |AB| = |AG| and |EG| = If Eq. (274h) is used on Eq. (274f), it will be as Eq. (274i).
|BC 0 |.
For Eq. (274), |DB| = |AB| − |AD| equation turns into

|GD| |HG| · |BE| − |EH| · |DB|
Eq. (274b). |GS | = (274i)
|BE| |GD|2 + |DE|2 − |DE| · |EH|
|DB| = |AB| − (274b)
= |S R|2 + |GS |2 , |ER| =
|AF|2 Being the equations are as |GR|
As the equations are |DB| = |GL|, |GH| = |BH| and |EH| = |EG|−|GR|, |AR| = |AG| + |GR| , |BC | = |EG| over the law
2 2 0

|HC 0 |, for |GL|/|BE| = |GH|/|HE| it will be as |DB|/(|AE| − of cosines for ∠EAR = α, it will be as Eq. (275).
|AF|) = |GH|/(|BC 0 | − |GH|), and when it is edited, it turns
into Eq. (274c). |AE|2 + |AG|2 − |BC 0 |2 + 2|BC 0 | · |GR|
0 cosα = (275)
2|AE| |AG|2 + |GR|2
|BC | · |DB|
|GH| = (274c)
|AE| − |AD|
As ∆EBH and ∆HLG are similar triangles, the relation 5.9.1 Area and length relations
will be |GL|/|BE| = |HG|/|HE|, and it turns into Eq. (274d)
for |GL| = |DB| and |HG| = |BH| equations.
|HG| · |BE| D C
|HE| = (274d) F
Here, Eq. (274d) is also |HC 0 | for |HC 0 | = |HE| equation. E
As the equation is |AE| = |AC 0 |, then it will be |AE| =
|AB|2 + |BC 0 |2 , and finally turns into Eq. (274e).

p A B
|BE| = |AB|2 + |BC 0 |2 − |AB| (274e)
As we know |HG| as Eq. (274c), |DB| as Eq. (274b), and |BE|
as Eq. (274e), then also we can find out Eq. (274d) after this.
If AC radius is intersected with EG by lengthening, and
just a part is taken from Fig. 36, it will be as Fig. 37. As
∆GS R and ∆GDE are similar triangles, it will be Eq. (274f).
Fig. 38: Internal tangent circle
|GS | |S R|
= (274f)
|GD| |DE| If an internal tangent circle is drawn in a square as the
same as on Fig. 38, and if length of the square is changed for-
In ∆GS R, as it will be |GR| = |S R|2 + |GS |2 also it will ever gradually, then all the lengths of the circle in the square
be Eq. (274g) over Eq. (274f) or over the similarity between have to change in the same ratio; because AD is radius of the

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circle and also |FC| is related with the same radius AF; so also of the lengths is the same and fixed as well, where lengths
all emerging lengths of the circle change at the same amount and areas are amongst themselves. If this is the condition,
that; |EF|, |AE|, |DE| and |EB| are√ included as well naturally. then for the circle area A, r radius and square area 4r2 which
For example, as it is |FC| = |AB| 2 − |AB|, emerges for the same radius, it is going to be a constant like
√ W = 4r2 /A. Thereupon, let the circle’s area be a number like
n|AB| 2 − n|AB| |FC2 |
√ = (276) π where r = 1 unit. For this radius, the equation becomes
|AB| 2 − |AB| |FC| 4r2 /A = 4/π over the W constant. Finally for changing r val-
ues, area of a circle becomes Eq. (278).
for lengthened |FC| as |FC2 | = n, it becomes Eq. (276). It is
always constant. A = πr2 (278)
On Fig. 40, there are two circles which were drawn nested
D C manner, and have |AC| = r1 and |AB| = r2 radiuses. At the
H end of the scanning for 1 round, the area scanned by |DE|
G becomes A2 − A1 for |AC| = r1 and |AB| = r2 radiuses. During
the process, the distance taken by E point becomes C2 , and by
F D point becomes C1 . For DE. The distance taken by infinite
points between D and E points on |DE| becomes A2 − A1 as
also it was derived.

A B C F0

Fig. 39: The quarter slice of Fig. 38 A

During these changings, also ratios of the area which are F

between DBˆ and DB chord are always conserved, any area
in ABCD square is included as well; because if some trian-
gles are drawn as dependent of the rule in Fig. 39 gradually G
forever, then there is going to always emerge some triangles
with right angle instead of the circle slice; so for example,
being A(BAD) = A, Fig. 41: The area of the circle in the kind of triangle

2n2 |AB||AD| A2
n2 = = (277) This process can be shown as Fig. 41 for the same radiuses
2|AB||AD| A
even for half of the circle. It becomes |DG0 | = |˜DG| = C2 /2
it becomes Eq. (277) and thus becomes n2 as constant for tri-
angles where A2 is expanded area; therefore the area between and |CF 0
| = | ˆ = C1 /2. The area of the trapezoid becomes
A(DG0 F 0C) = (A2 − A1 )/2. While r1 radius is approaching
ˆ and DB chord, and DB
DB ˆ and |DC|+|CB| also always change to 0, the area of trapezoid approaches to ∆DG0 A, and also the
in the same rate. area is approaching to a single circle’s area with r2 radius. For
the whole circle, it becomes Eq. (278a).
A = lim π(r2 − r1 )2 (278a)
r1 →0
C Hence it becomes πr2 for r2 = r as there is only 1 radius
D after this. For this condition, after this area of the triangle
becomes Cr/2 where C2 = C for the whole circle. Finally
over Cr/2 = πr2 equation, circumference of a circle becomes
B Eq. (278b).
C = 2πr (278b)

5.9.2 Computation of pi

Relation between area and circumference of a circle is

Eq. (279)
Fig. 40: The area scanned C = 2A/r (279)
where A is area and C is circumference.◦ If the area is an in-
Already it can be analyzed by looking at the radius, ∆ABD teger and the angle is an angle like 60 which has a certain
and the other chords, the arcs are included as well. It can be value for cos(60) which can be found out by using an equilat-
said that ratio of two length which are intersected or indepen- eral triangle, then by using Eq. (275), r can easily be found
dent of each other is the same and fixed for changing radius out as the circumference is A/3r and the radius is r, by solv-
or square sides; so also ratio of the areas which are dependent ing equation. By this way, also π can be found out by infinite

54 5 Mathematics
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

number of different integer area values for Eq. (280) 6.1.2 Michelson-Morley Experiment
π = A/r2 (280) In the same manner, an ether or in the other name free
space is required even for Michelson-Morley Experiment [5].
As the radius after all, if the angle, and the arc which is de- This experiment says that if there was a matter in free space,
pended on 2πrα/360 are known on Eq. (275), then π directly it would affect the light; but it is escaped that, actually there is
can be found out for cos(60) and r = 1 as well by solving one work to create all the universe; so any element of the uni-
equation. verse is only depended on the single work’s application speed.
Nothing can change this speed as it is formation speed. Only
energy can change by decreasing mass because of friction
6 Discussing with space as emergence area which particles emerge over it
always wants to be fixed. For this reason, as particles have no
6.1 Wave-particle duality over space external energy, they lose mass but emergence space’s itself.
Universe wants to evaporate any particle over it, and after that
As it can be seen, as the universe or any universe can only wants to be fixed. Formation speed or in the other name light
decelerate from absolute space as a part of it, there cannot speed never changes according to an observer.
be an emptiness without energy. Any mass density can only
emerge over the emergence space which emerges over abso-
lute space as a part of it as wave which is the result of the 6.1.3 Yang-Mills’s mass gap and Ultraviolet catastrophe
time differences as also it is temporary. It is wave; because As the first inference for mass gap [6], as it can be seen
there will not emerge a mass part which cannot be defined as over the resultant force section, matter can only get a fixed
a density. Any mass is only possible as distributed load that a angle to emerge. It means that matter never visits infinite or
reference is required to define it. zero value. Also emergence space provides ∆ > 0 condition
Right this point, also particles are waves, and any particle as there cannot be an emptiness without energy because of
must have the same formation speed as there is only single deceleration from infinite. It means that matter does not visit
work to create all the universe. Particles’ different mass mag- zero energy point even for imaginary time. Deterministic im-
nitudes are because of acceleration of the same basic wave for age appears. Even so, still we must separate the virtual part,
the same speed. m p = mt f can give a particle’s mass where and say that matter can visit zero and infinite value that emer-
mt is the basic mass and f is the basic mass’s frequency; but gence space is included to matter. For the both condition it
actually it is still need more detailed explanation. As it was gets lost, and absolute space which emergence area emerges
stated the above, when absolute space deformed, then energy over it remains before emerging again as it has a repeat fre-
and repeat frequency emerge until to be fixed. It always wants quency.
to be fixed if the force which causes the deformation is not re- As the second inference, as it can be seen, as space is ab-
moved. During this process, different acceleration wave types solute, also emergence space which particles emerge over it
of the same wave emerge. Even if the formation speed is and it emerges over the absolute space is invariant. Only the
fixed, waves which form particles can go faster than this for- things which emerge over emergence space change and actu-
mation speed and so can take more distance for the same time ally get lost. Also it was there before the beginning of time
because of the. bigger acceleration caused by space tension; as imaginary which means is not absolute but also like not
so as frequency is f = xv , for a fixed speed, as the distance created even if it was created. It was created like anything;
taken will be bigger for particles, particle forming one of the because nothing can be absolute afterwards as matter is ab-
same wave will have smaller frequency. This is not the same solute inert. An absolute must work instead of any worker;
thing with m p = mt f even if it can be calculated by this equa- but as everything is element of infinity, also nothing can be
tion. created afterwards. This creates an imaginary time.
Because of the same reasons, as any work is done one by
Over the work done to create a particle as F p x p = m p v , it one in a time interval, also radiation radiates one by one with-

becomes Eq. (281), out visit infinite or zero values. For example if you assume
F p = mt v (281) that a wave forms a particle by spinning around a circle, for a
m v
where x p = a p t2 , t = 1 second and a p = mpt over Eq. (131). calculation method tan(α) never visits zero or infinite value. It
emerges by infinite small motion and these points are always
For the work done to create a single free wave as Ft xt = deferred. Hence, the problem which made Planck busy [7]
mt v , it becomes Eq. (282),
is his solution by a frequency and actually by a mass and so
energy gap.
F t = mt v (282)
6.2 Probability and the strange cat of Schrödinger
where xt = at t2 , t1 second and at = v; therefore the force
which is applied to create a single free wave and the force Because of emerging uncertainty, as it was said, matter
which is applied to create a particle which has bigger mass only can be defined as a density; so it cannot be said that
and energy are the same force. It is impossible if you do not matter is there.
understand it that any force is distrubuted force by P = FA. If a second system emerges different than creation, like
atom which electrons spin around it, if speed of the electrons
increases, then density of the electron around the atom in-
creases; but it will be distributed around atom. It can only be
6.1.1 Higgs Field and Higgs Particle said that x% of the mass there and y% of the mass is there. As
the creation is in a time interval, if emergence motion moves
Right this point, Higgs Field or actually free space itself as around an atom, as formation motion and outer space mo-
entire universe itself is pretty requried as there is no altenative tion are accepted and emerge together, formation will be dis-
to create a particle; but the problem is it that, actually there tributed around atom as well. After that, it is like emergence
cannot be a mass particle to bring mass out. There is infinite around atom in different density. Even so, probability is not
frequecy, and also Higgs needs mass particle. The assumed an obstacle against determinism. It does not mean anything is
basic mass particle should be photon. random.

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As the strange cat, at is dead and also is alive point, infor- trifugal force even if it is not a perfect circle. Already perfect
mation is prepared. Information always exists in both states; circle is not possible because of the time difference, and be-
but as nobody can know an information untimely manner cause of this reason, one day The Sun will rise from the west
aside infinity itself, the work becomes resistance with a heat relatively to our eyes. It is a spin effect like an endless retro
for the infinite creator because of time, and the information is movement. The world’s spin will change, and it is possible
prepared and is created one by one. for any particle as well. Think, that a sphere spinning on +x
and −x axis. While it is spinning think, that also it is spinning
6.3 Singulartiy much more slower on +y and −y axis.
As matter has an incompatibility feature as stated the Every motion has minimum two components on
above, a singularity which renders possible infinite magni- space with or without reference. Linear motion is
tudes cannot emerge. Already, as denser area will be more not possible. The actual reason is gravity which
vibration stopper than non-intensive area, a singularity must is dependent of the time differences on space.
be lost before it has not emerged yet. Possible emerging smallest potential difference
suddenly causes gravity and thus motion. Grav-
6.4 Time travel itational torque and the other properties of grav-
According to the imaginary time, time is relative and ity become active at that time. As you can see
never past, and never will pass. Created ones are always at over the above stated gravitational calculations in
the same place and at the same time; but they are in a state of Gravity section, also gravity has two components
flow and time gives a reference right at this point. The energy which has different attraction or repulsion force
that is spent by creatures is mv (Js) for a creation speed of v,
2 even at the same time.
and they spend the same amount of energy forever or in the Warning
infinite sum, since everything is the element of infinity; thus This is a result of the time difference and a single motion.
it can be said that time travel is not possbile. Anytime is now. The motion is like the motion of Mercury around The Sun.
Additionally, gravity is like general motions; because it An motion can only emerge by this way. Even if an obser-
causes acceleration. Even if the masses which are under grav- vational linear movement relatively to eye is handled, it must
itational force effect do not move, acceleration increases their has minimum two different components. If there were no star
mass. For example, If gravity is high for a fixed object in this
field, it is like constant acceleration motion in free space; so in our system, you cannot understand this spinning; because
let us assume for the moving objects, time passes faster or you will see that it is spinning around itself, and will see that
slower somehow. As gravity is like constant speed movement because of the nature of all motions, as a resultant, it only
and brings momentum and thus weight out to masses, some- spins in one axis as you have no reference.
how also let us assume that gravitational areas affect the way As the universe has been emerging by a circular motion
of time flow in some directions as next or back. In the mix, like this and is also not absolute, the wave which forms a par-
in any condition, as time is the displacement duration which ticle or moves in free space free manner absolutely must move
occurs together with energy, without doubt it must affect the due to rotation way of the universe. Even if the rotation was
energy of matter. If time decreases, energy decreases. If this not constant in a single direction, changing direction of the
is the condition, then for back time travel, matter gets zero en- force applied of the space as particles emerge over this space
ergy as time was slowed down and finally became zero; thus by the force applied of the space, would cause a displacement
matter loses its total energy for the next move. Also zero en- which emerges in a single direction due to the initial move-
ergy is not possible because of imaginary time since every- ment’s direction; because to be one of them before or after of
thing is element of infinity. Crossing or jumping from zero the same two Ft work as +Ft and −Ft change displacement;
point is not possible in next time travel move. so space stuff always deviate, and also light cannot come here
Also again for these conditions which are moving objects after a distance. There can easily emerge some bright points
or big gravitational fields, if it is chosen one of the options of which a darkness connect them to each other in universe when
we looked at the universe from the outside. Light comes by
time passes faster or slower for back or next time travels, we different angles after a distance and it can be easily detected.
need a gravity which must decrease and a gravitational field Spatial frictions also will be effective in red shift even if there
which we must stay away and take place at infinite distance is no other mass in space; because light lose energy thus mass
from it. As faster free space moving objects and the fixed ob- and frequency as speed cannot decrease.
jects which are in strong gravitational fields are assumed as
the same because of nature of gravity, in any mix, we need in- 6.6 Different feature particles
creasing gravity; but also at the same time we need decreasing
gravitational force. This is a paradox. All of these things sign Matter evaporates. There is only one work to create the
to a now; thus neither back nor next time travels are not possi- universe that is only for free space. Only free space is invari-
ble. If you want time travel, then space must be lost and then ant. As particles have no external energy, they evaporate, and
there will be no next even if it is past or future. As creating is more in denser area. As speed cannot decrease, instead of it
past or future time is a paradox for infinity, it is not possible mass and total energy of particles decreases; but total energy
even for infinity as well to take an object to its old position if of the universe is conserved. Only density of the universe
it moves. Space and time are not independent of each other; changes. Also as any work is in a time interval, when a mass
so time travel is not possible. moved in one direction, its mass effect does not become 0,
and always decreases forever; so during a circular motion, it
If you handle a relative time travel, it can be said that it reaches itself at an amount, and it causes evaporation in the
is possible. If you handle two different thust engines which other name decrease in vibration again. It cannot be healed.
have different thrust force, time passes faster for the faster You increased entropy. It is irreversible. This feature of mat-
one relatively. ter can be healer or dangerous for health; because different
gravitational forces cause different mass particles even for the
6.5 Pioneer anomaly same type of elements. For example D2 O is also water; but it
As matter is uncertain which emerges by a frequency, cer- is toxic. Namely, this will change total energy and so attrac-
tainly because of the repeat, there will always emerge a cen- tion properties. Even small changes may cause for example

56 6 Discussing
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delay in radioactivity by compounding, or may have differ- Length contraction occurs based on the mean motion during
ent affect. The same element does not have the same features that time. Vibrations are accepted as relative motion; thus the
if they were in a different gravitational force because of fric- transformation is done by the relative transformation of en-
tions. It can be realized as artificial in particle accelerators; ergy equation which stated the above for hight speeds.
because if mass increases, evaporation increases, and when it
stopped outer space motion, it can be detected. There are too I mean with increasing frequency visible light
much possibility that can not be counted to create different frequency which increases together with temper-
energy the same particle. ature increase. I do not mean increase in creation
frequency. Actually, temperature-based increase
causes vibration on creation movement. Namely,
6.7 Black-body radiation current order of matter is disrupted; so as creation
The matter emerging at the light velocity performs each frequency is the same, also it affects another par-
action at the light velocity as it responds to each effect at the ticle more since amplitude of each turn is going
light velocity as well. For example, when a fire occurs, the to increase because of the disruption in order.
increasing vibration together with the temperature can affect Warning
another particle by friction which is caused by the particle’s
creation frequency in the gamma frequency; thus as it can be 6.8 Coulomb barrier
variable, matter can perform black body radiation at visible
light frequencies even for the smallest period of time and turn There is a representation of magnitude change over dis-
into lower frequencies quickly at the same velocity according tance in gravitational waves which are emitted from A point
to the particle’s place of existence and to its type. on Fig. 42. Here, E2 area is more ordered and thus attrac-
Because of this, pressure causes heat for any matter, and tion is detected from C to B. An object which is getting closer
if you can enter the resonance with a particle which is radi- to A point by gravitation. E1 area is disordered and thus re-
ating at the same frequency at the reverse direction by mag- pulsion is detected. Force (F) and distance (x) are dependent
netic field, you can cool it according to changing vibrations of the graph. The sin functions are only representation. The
in time as well. We do not need to heat materials if we have magnitudes can be different than actual event.
enough pressure, and we can use the heat for constant energy
resource. Some strong bonds and crystal structures can cause
abnormal heat at small amounts as well.
Black body radiation must be the natural vibration of mat-
ter and renders atom as a fire ball because of the surface pho-
ton in the other name wave, and is induced by its emergence
motion which changes with temperature; because matter al-
ways together with the heat which is included to total energy;
thus also matter cannot reach absolute zero; because velocity
and thus energy become zero.
Transparency may be dependent of the natural vibration
as well together with electrons and atomic structure. External
energy depended color which is caused by the sun or house
lights etc., internal energy color which is caused by external
heat and called as black body radiation and lasers which emits
light because of change in orbital energy are completely dif-
ferent things even if there is an intersection. During the black
body radiation, since matter can only use the energy which
radiates from its total energy, E being the radiation energy
throughout the radiation, its frequency being ν, and for E/c2 ,
matter experiences
Fig. 42: Near gravitational waves
m = hν/c2 (Kgs) (283)
of decrease in mass thus experiences increase in its radius and As you can see, for −E1 and +E2 , total gravitational force
volume. Considering this information, it can be maintained as inequality becomes Eq. (284) where AB = x and BC = x since
gravitational force is related with square of distance.
Black body radiation is natural vibration. It 1 1
causes decrease in mass and energy at the same Rx > R 2x (284)
proportion with the radiation energy throughout 0 f (x) f (x)
the radiation.
Inference This means the inequality is always Eq. (285) for their abso-
lute value.
At that time the matter can be polarized, and an electron flow E1 > E2 (285)
by the other expression an electron jump which is the same Right this point, let us compare that two different waves
with lightning least between two atoms must emerge in a cor- which have different amplitude on the figure. Higher mass
rect electronic assembly. Also black body radiation can be magnitudes cause higher amplitude wave since any gravita-
a factor for photoelectric effect. If the extra radiation from tional wave has the same wavelength and speed; so due to
outside is focused on a particle as a laser beam like in laser this, the attraction properties change. For the lower amplitude
fusion systems, since matter can perform action to the extent wave, from C to B, required energy is El2 and also from B
of its total energy and since vibrations will be deemed mo- to C, is El1 . For the higher amplitude wave, they are Eh2 and
tion, it turns the matter into photon by vibrating in the emer- Eh1 . For this values it becomes El1 > El2 and Eh1 > Eh2 ; so
gence frequency according to the relativistic energy transfer. also it becomes Eq. (286).

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You should try different variations of materials for nucle-

Eh1 > El1 (286) osynthesis. If you accelerate a particle, its mass increases and
Eq. (286) states, that if mass increases, then the distance be- thus also its life time decreases because of the merging evap-
tween two masses which are placed closer increases. When oration in the other name vibration decrease because of the
you exceeded the barrier by an external enforcement, after emerging denser space since particles have no external sup-
that the barrier push the mass in the way of −x not +x even porter energy; so by this way when you stop the acceleration,
if the mass wants to be go out when you think the gravita- the accelerated particle is going to get different and lower
tional wave is radiated in 3D, in all directions. Namely it is mass magnitude. It means it has different attraction proper-
imprisoned. ties as also it is going to be a good nucleosynthesis material
which has low mass magnitude.
When you pass the barrier over, you are impris- Also you should try to get the perfect timing. For this, for
oned; because the last impulsive barrier wave example, you can send a bigger mass after sending a lower
starts to impulse in the opposite way when it mass almost without a time difference.
emerged. Also after this wave, there is an ex- Because of the repulsion rules, the mass scatter
tremely low density space which causes attrac- of the nucleus is not homogeneous. From center
tion that is bigger than the impulsive barrier to surface, the distance between each consecutive
wave; but you cannot progress more; because af- mass group has bigger distance like the distances
ter this attractive wave also again more powerful of the orbitals of electrons around atom. Electron
impulsive wave exists. Namely you are impris- orbitals also have different distances because of
oned between two impulsive wave in a attractive this reason. Even the universe is like this even if
area. it may not seen like an atom.
Warning Warning

6.8.1 Nucleosynthesis 6.8.2 Expansion of stars

Coulomb Barrier states, that the smartest way of nu- »
cleosynthesis is using light masses to combine; because as Over r = mG
c which is the black hole radius does not let
you can see, heavier mass causes more powerful repulsion. light off and gravitational acceleration is equal to magnitude
Namely, if you combine a nucleus has two particles, the of light speed for 1 second there, assume that m magnitude
emerging mass has lower repulsion than 3 particle nucleus; mass takes place in the heart of stars for a radius. You can
so you must create bigger nucleus by order, by sending light easily see, that there is certainly black holes or in the other
mass particles. It is not the best way colliding two elements to name black masses in the hearth of stars. Namely, observed
create a heavy element if you do not know how the elements brightness is not actual brightness. Light cannot travel to the
are made. Displacement is important and is effective half- surface; so also actual temperature decreases for the surface
period of radioactive elements. You can detect different ver- since light can be counted as temperature as it is the source
sion of radioactive elements. This is dependent of how they of heat energy. If vibration decreases, then it is going to be
are made, and where, in which gravitational area since grav- colder. It does not have to be a black mass or black hole.
ity causes evaporation. Even all these are also effective during If the values get closer to a black hole with the above stated
producing composite materials. Timing, placement, heat and radius, the same effects are detected more certain.
shock change everything. For example, temperature is very Because of this reason, when you counted denser mate-
important; because mass decreases as long as matter radiates; rial is produced by fusion, actually it causes density decrease
so also repulsion and thus fusion energy and force decrease. of environment which it takes place in it for the same radius
If you send too fast, it might not be suitable as also the slow since it needs more space. Even the production is denser, it
one will not. Cooling time, heating time are also important; cannot take place in the same volume; so for the same radius,
because the gravitational wave has very short wavelength as it actually mass density decreases; thus the black hole radius
decreases; so as stars start to expand as long as they pro-
was proven the above. It is nearly 1027 Hertz. Even to be one duce denser material by fusion over time slowly, also they
of them before or after of two the same opposite work as +Ft get brighter since the central mass let more light come out.
and −Ft which are applied to the same mass after the same t Namely, the increasing brightness is appearance of current,
time creates displacement and changes displacement way; so hided light and temperature even while star is cooling and
think, that the particles of a nucleus moving back and forth dying. After a point, you star cannot compress as also can-
for each wavelength when they are imprisoned namely when not heat more, and the fusion reaction stops. As compression
the movement in the ordered way is smaller. Even if one day force decreases over time, also temperature decrease as a sec-
a fission is going to emerge, synthesis method and the condi- ond effect even if you need both of them as increasing for fu-
tion of the environment can affect the time as also can affect sion of heavier elements. Namely, for example Carbon needs
the formed production.
more temperature and enforcement than Hydrogen.
This phenomena also can explain the soil forma-
tion of planets. The same effects can be detected Nuclear reaction may not be realized by order.
in atomic bonds and crystal structure. For exam- For example, if you create a potential difference
ple metal fatigue cannot be repaired. You must has enough energy to ionize the air between the
melt and compress again. It is also possible for sheets in a closed environment, there will be a
latency respectively to the calculation; because
any type composite production. the scatter is not perfect. Like lightnings, almost
Warning randomly there will emerge a potential difference
over different atoms placed at different points; so
Length contraction and centrifugal force are also effective some of the energy will turn into kinetic energy
since gravitational attraction can be counted as constant speed instead of ionizing another atom. This will con-
movement. If length contraction occurs that it occurs if parti- tinue by increasing as long as ionized atom num-
cles are too close, then centrifugal force affect more. ber decreases. In the similar manner, even if there

58 6 Discussing
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will emerge Hydrogen fusion more, for example 6.9 The laws of thermodynamics
also Carbon can be created together from Hydro-
gen. In accordance with classic mechanics, only the third law
is false. Efficiency can get values greater than 1 since it is
Warning possible to make matter worked by using its own energy. This
Namely, same density particles push each other as it was is like turning a switch on of a factory. In this factory, there
said at the gravity section when you ignore time differences is a system assembled and also there is an energy potential
between masses since is a very very low amount for star sys- currently on the line. You just turn the switch on. As matter,
tem size. You can assume, any point emerges at the same the potential on the energy transmitting line can be counted
time for such a size. They push since they have the same am- as total energy of matter. If you make the required assembly,
plitude wave. A potential difference cannot emerge. Even also you can produce free energy by only switching.
for different density particles, after a point, again a repulsion
force is detected if they get closer enough; because each effect 6.9.1 Thermal equilibrium
is in a time interval; so if you push an object and then sud-
denly attract it, the displacement changes according to time In accordance with quantum mechanics, there is no ther-
difference between the two opposite works. When the differ- mal equilibrium. The equilibrium occurs approximately be-
ent amplitude waves are intersected, both spaces moves in the cause of the time differences. Any point of the space has time
lower density area; but then also denser and repulsive density difference namely has emergence priority; so any point has
emerge during transition at a point since space and object ex- different mass, time and energy as also has different tempera-
perience potential difference over time. Since new emerged ture.
waves have bigger amplitude and energy as they have not
been distributed on space yet, the force which causes slid- 6.9.2 Conservation of information
ing into lower density is going to be smaller then the repul-
sivity which emerges immediately after this sliding before a In accordance with quantum mechanics, information can
new sliding has not emerged yet, is closer the emitter object. neither be created nor destroyed; but for both, there are some
For these different density objects, also you must need exter- special condition like imaginary time and to be able to create
nal enforcement for fusion like in fusion of the same density in infinite precision. Nobody was able to get a right to choose
objects. As amplitude is directly related with mass, also the aside God or infinity itself. The information is it that anything
same density particles which have more mass magnitude have is created by God; yes but when? If you say that created after-
higher amplitude; thus also repulsion is bigger. wards, it means there is a time interval which God or infinity
Already denser area is more disordered; thus it does not know information, then where did the information
come from. You cannot detract from or add in infinity since
wants to be ordered more by distribution on lower anything is element of infinity. There must be an imaginary
density space. As higher amplitude and thus and thus timeless creation of information. After that real time
higher disordered masses creates high repulsion and thus the body of the information appears in 3D. As de-
force, also they create higher ordered and thus struction, it is easily possible for God, that it is taken back to
much more lower density space; so also repul- the imaginary time by a collision with infinite precision since
sion is detected greatly increased since increased anything element of infinity and thus since colliding masses
repulsion wants to be more ordered faster by go- get closer to the same mass magnitude or has infinite density
ing into much more lower density ordered space which stops the vibration. No fluctuation, no wave, no time
as a second effect aside repulsion force itself. difference, no mass and no time; but you know everything
Warning is there. They are only imaginary have no effect. Already
any point of infinity or God itself knows any created thing. It
Also it seems, that there are some places around stars means, God uses all infinite energy he holds from the existent
which is hotter than the surface because of boosting of gravi- smallest work to the biggest work since any point is driven,
tational torque which is a result of total mass. This torque has and any work is at the same difficulty. He does not work for
the energy which can reach light to light speed again. This any work since anything is his own element. Even while he
may create a second spatial thermal radiation which has no was not creating, there would be no total energy change of
spectral character like elements, and caused because of stress. infinity.
It is impossible to be absolute of matter; be-
6.8.3 Faster displacement of galaxies cause it can only be created by potential differ-
ences which are sources of motion and thus en-
If you apply the rule of the barrier to galaxies, it can be ergy, mass, time, distance and velocity of matter.
said, that after a time, denser mass density becomes lower As it was proven at the beginning of the article
density than lower mass density since they have more repul- in the Progressive Image section 2.1.2, if there
sion. It means, that they rotate slowly since opposite space is a limited energy, then it means emerging mat-
force over Eq. (177) is going to be bigger even if denser space ter can only be compressed or expanded between
object are affected less than lower density objects. You can- limits. Even if faster than light travel is possible
not keep all mass in a required volume even if the denser mass at light speed by warp drives, you cannot warp
density has bigger potential to rotate faster. It never appears. space for further places by the same amount of
Also if there is a big mass density, this mass can easily material even if you has enough energy theoret-
distribute own stuff to farther places because of emerging cen- ically. This also means, that there is no infinite
trifugal force; so the mass scatter density which emerges after variation of one thing as also there is no infinite
the distribution is going to be lower relatively to lower mass universe currently exist. By this rule, there exist
density. It also means, that big mass densities rotate slowly infinite different things. Already, matter gains its
since opposite space force over Eq. (177) is going to be big- total energy by enforcement of the work done of
ger even if denser space object are affected less than lower the matter against the space wants to fixed again.
density objects. this cannot be randomly. Enforcement cannot be

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randomly as also cannot be emerge during there Here as you can see, dx, dy, dz are the smallest 3D deriva-
exist infinite variations currently. You cannot cre- tive components of an unknown function whatever the func-
ate infinity by performing a sum operation. If you tion is; so as matter basically works over the same principle,
say that anything exist at the same time, it is only namely if that components were for speed, distance, force or
possible when no real time is created. time by changing functions since the rule is going to be the
Warning same, for example if you knew t as the same for any com-
ponent during measuring distance over x = vt, then v would
be different. If you knew v, then t would be different. As
also there is time differences, a motion is only able to emerge
6.9.3 Entropy over arcs since there is no middle point for any force applied;
so additionally if you know t, v becomes uncertain because
In accordance with quantum mechanics, as matter of emerging irrationality; so in the exact opposite way of the
emerges by enforcement which causes total energy, that oth- wave function, even if you measure any physical value at dif-
erwise there would no matter, it is always together with heat ferent times even for different phenomenon, there is going to
and temperature; so as temperature approaches absolute zero, be no intersection point. You may get closer but equation.
the entropy of a system approaches a constant minimum, and As a result, 3D position or for example 3D mass cannot be
at absolute zero, there is only imaginary time without motion detected certainly if you know for example time. Even you
and thus heat. cannot detect the other component if you know one of them.
Matter has entropy which is equal to its own total energy Namely, the uncertainty is not limited by momentum and des-
firstly; because it has frequency and the frequency emerges tination. It is also valid for example between mass and desti-
according to recovery wish of space. Namely it exists because nation or time and distance. As a result for like-this relations,
of the claim not to exist. Secondly, it has an on-space entropy you must relate them by both inequality and uncertainty like
as a side effect. Heisenberg [2] did. Also you can write your own with coor-
If we check it again, emergence of matter is like it, that dinate system.
mass itself creates itself because of conservation of energy;
so mc = m x c + my c + mz c equation is always provided. Here, This is like the rule of circle. If you take the circumference
even if the three components always change, sum of them is as integer, then you make the radius uncertain as irrational. If
always conserved; therefore the equation becomes Eq. (287), you take the radius as integer, then the circumference becomes
Å ã uncertain because of the relation between area and length of
1 1 1
dx + =− (287) the circle.
dy dz 2
Hence entropy also increases as long as there is motion.
where ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 and ds = dx + dy + dz. If you assume that there are infinite universes then the to-
There are five possibilities for motion’s emergence type tal energy of the universe which is done to create it against
constantly or partially by some intervals as dx = dy = dz, space resistance must be provided by another universe or en-
dx = dy, dx = dz and dy = dz or none of them. dx = dy = dz ergy source. It means between two energy, there is an energy
equation is not possible when it is checked over Eq. (287). transfer. While our universe is emerging, the source loses en-
For the others, if dx is taken from Eq. (287), and then if it ergy, and when our universe lost, the energy stored again by
is put on its place on mass conservation equation which is the source; but as you can see this is not different then the en-
ds = dx + dy + dz, the equation becomes Eq. (287a). ergy transfer in our universe during creation or after creation.
Namely, if there is a transfer, there is going to be vibration
dy · dz
ds = dy + dz − (287a) decrease and 2extra energy need. It means, the source is con-
2(dy + dz) sumed by mc each second. It means our universe consuming
many universes, as the other universes consume many other
Here, assume that it is ds2 = dx2 + dy2 which is the projection that also source universes need energy from other one, then
of the same ds during forming a sphere by ds2 = dy2 + dz2 , where is the extra energy is provided from. Already our uni-
where dx = dz by the same angle vertically and horizon- verse also must be source of another one.
tally according to a fixed reference; then Eq. (287a) becomes
Eq. (287b). If you think there are limited universes that the number
can be like 1010 , as infinity can never work since any-
2 2
dy · dz thing is element of it namely there is no energy change in infi-
dx2 = dy · dz + dz2 − (287b)
4(dy + dz)2 nite energy, these universes would spend mc2 even in infinite
sum. Namely energy spent by these universes for 1 second is
Over Eq. (287b), it can be said that dx = dy and dx = dz equal to infinite period of their life time spending. As a result
are not possible. For dy = dz equation, it becomes dx/dy = there cannot exist infinite universes at the same time with infi-
33/16; but if it is used on the main function Eq. (106), it seems nite transfer. Infinite transfer amount means emergence from
that even it is not possible as well; therefore there is only one nothingness constantly each second since requires infinite en-
possibility left that none of them emerges even for any inter- ergy decrease to 0 and then increase from 0. This is non-sense.
val of motion, and the components are always different. They Already it cannot be over time. It happens untimely manner
never intersect for any combination. Any point of free space and first time creation is not possible.
has emergence priority due to the time differences that I al-
ready proved this by another method over geometry at the be- Already as you can see, there is no constant speed due
ginning of the paper. Even for after the comma which means to the components. It also means there is acceleration or de-
in small amounts, between two different times, there must be celeration. Acceleration is only possible from zero point that
an evaporation or in the other name vibration decrease, and it is not possible; but deceleration is possible from infinite, ab-
is recovered since there will be friction or collision by differ- solute energy, and emerging things are its virtual parts with
ent magnitudes as non-flexible; so repeat and thus frequency frequency. There is an imaginary time point that I proved it
are required to keep matter standing. A work is constantly mathematically at the beginning of the paper. There are imag-
done even in each small time. Matter is sum of many frames. inary time, motion and energy which are not real.

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6.10 Enuma Elish Tablets: The Babylonian Epic of Cre- 6.11 Is Nibiru Vega Star?
ation As visible √light loss again, as I said [1], the black hole
Because of the deceleration from an infinite value by forc- radius of r = mG/c where the gravitational acceleration is
ing each second, there can never be an emptiness in the other equal to the magnitude of the light speed for 1 second since
name absolute energy absence as matter is created over God gravity is like constant speed movement, any frequency pho-
or infinite space;so as far as we can see in holy books ton loses its energy at the end of 1 second in this field. Al-
ready as it was said, Schwarzschild radius black hole stops its
“The spirit of God was hovering over the waters, own vibration because of the superposition of each particle it
and God said that let there be light, and there was has. Vibration of the particles in Schwarzschild radius black
light. God saw that the light was good, and He hole firstly increases extremely, that causes vibration stop at
separated the light from the darkness.” the end of 1 second as caused a denser space which does not
allow particle creator wave to form particle over√ space. In
Genesis: The Beginning the same manner black holes which have r = mG/c radius,
have smaller mass and bigger volume than Schwarzschild ra-
and dius black hole will also evaporate; but it will be slower than
“He is he who created for you all things that are Schwarzschild radius black hole.
on the earth, after that as he established the throne For these information, it may be said, that maybe Vega
on the sky he constructed it as seven skies.” Star lost its black hole force by slowly opening itself because
of the frictional evaporation.
Koran 2:29 As a result, If a mass gets denser, it always becomes
darker, and finally becomes a black hole if the density in-
and creases enough.
“He sits enthroned the above the circle of the “ ...Until when he reached the setting place of the
earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He
stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and sun, he found it setting in a pool of murky water...
spreads them out like a tent to live in.” ...Until he reached the rising place of the sun,
he found it rising on a people for whom we had
Isaiah 40:22 made no shelter against it...”
and Koran 18:83-99
“God reigns over the nations; God is seated on verses about Dhu’l Qarnain may be evidences for this, and
his holy throne.” also Gog and Magog who are told in the whole verses may be
aliens. Here, the shelter can be atmosphere of a planet.
Psalm 47:8 Our sun and its system are going to Vega as we know it
on Solar Apex which is the path of our sun system; so maybe
and “setting place of the sun” is Vega in this verse. Also Nibiru
“Did not the unbelievers see that when the sky has a meaning like “mass got the center”; so maybe they gave
and the earth were close, we uncoupled them, and this name for these reasons as it has some different but per-
created all living things from water.” fect meanings which render its different properties. Also al-
ready Nibiru is known as transition planet because of its name.
Koran 21:30 Maybe this name was used as transformation transition from
black hole to a visible star. Also as Vega star was North Star
verses talk about water in the other name space or sky or before, it may tell its relative transition besides our sun system
heaven; but the creation from water of living things should orbital.
aim drinking water.
Also, as it was said in this article or in the other one [1], “ Nibiru, which is said to have occupied the pas-
the universe emerges as a result of centrifugal force. During sageways of heaven and earth, because every-
expansion, the waves inter-wined and formed the particles. one above and below asks Nibiru if they cannot
find the passage. Nibiru is Marduk’s star which
“ When the heavens above did not exist; and earth the gods in heaven caused to be visible. Nibiru
beneath had not come into being; there was Apsû, stands as a post at the turning point. The others
the first in order, their begetter; and demiurge say of Nibiru the post: “The one who crosses the
Tia-mat, who gave birth to them all; they had middle of the sea (Tiamat) without calm, may his
mingled their waters together.” name be Nibiru, for he takes up the center of it.”
The path of the stars of the sky should be kept
Tablet 1 of Enuma Elish: 1-5 unchanged.”
part also can be assumed as an evidence for this. The Myth of a Sumerian 12th Planet
Some strong information maybe have been damaged in
time; but I think, there were many prophets as actually these may be an evidence; because as you can see, there is a sen-
information are heavenly information as a prophet doctrine, tence, that is “the gods in heaven caused to be visible.” It may
that you can see them in Quran, Bible or Torah, as also I stated be an appearance from black hole. Also the passage may be
them at the above and in the article I published [1]. worm holes which also we look for them. It is very sensible
if a bright star suddenly occurs; because you think that there
“There never was a people, without a warner hav- is door. Also there is a verse in Quran like
ing lived among them.” “ I swear to the sky and Tariq. What informed
Koran 35:24 you about Tariq? It is the star of piercing dark-
verse may be an evidence for it. Koran 86:1-3

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and so also it may also be an evidence for Vega Star. Already if the magnetic flux change number is the same, it becomes
Tariq means “pound” and “suppressed”. Eq. (290) as the distance taken of x must decrease to produce
Actually, they are not only reasons which create doubt on the same E energy for the same magnitude force.
me. Namely,
lim x = 0 (290)
• You do not need such a small radius like Schwarzschild
radius. Even many √ times bigger radius can create a It also requires to be 0 of the work done. The distance taken
black hole by r = mG/c. for each change must decrease at the amount of the enlarged
• Vega has very high spin even for such a diameter. magnets for the same force to produce the same amount of
Namely, if you compress it to a lower volume, it is go- electricity; thus the work done decreases even if the gener-
ing to spin faster as required by conservation of angular ated energy is the same or increases. Finally even electricity
momentum. Maybe was spinning before like this. can be generated without external energy, that means zero ex-
• There is no space stuff around it. Maybe It ate or dis- ternal work done if it is used big enough magnets. In a high
tributed them. magnetic field, self-inflicted electron flow which means elec-
tricity can be detected beyond the same order of spins because
• Everything is together with a probability. You can count of electrons’ movement which occurs at different distances
something as anomaly since is not usual; but maybe around their atom. Even if the high violence magnetic field
there may be some unknown effects which stop nuclear is fixed without change over time, the movement of the elec-
reaction even if also is going to start again due to for- tron which does not jump another atom in this magnetic field
eign matter, spin, volume, heat and density change. around its atom can be counted as magnetic flux change. This
work is done matter’s own energy as matter is always together
7 Adaptations with a motion. This is like the condition of a gearwheel spin-
7.1 Energy generating ning at a fixed speed. If you give a handle to the system, the
gear will hit the handle forever and will work, and the gear’s
As it was said the above, it does not differ for matter, that energy is in God’s hands. We can force matter by some in-
it is created or it does work. Matter always does work even if citements to work in the name of us by using some amounts
it does work relatively to us in outer space observational area of its own mv2 (Js) energy for a formation speed of v.
by interacting another space elements by using its own en- Also d2 can be lengthened to catch the same effect if mag-
ergy without external energy source as a head worker or when netic flux increases; because when d2 is lengthened the force
made it worked by man-made forcing with external energy magnitude will increase and the distance taken will decrease
being the matter is sub-worker which means connected to a automatically.
system. To be more valuable of a vehicle or device does not But here do not make a calculation like in classic mechan-
mean for matter it is valuable. Matter is doing the same work ics. For example, if you accelerate a magnet on a rail by +Ft
for any material and work even if it is static or is moving. At work, by required assembly with A, N, l coil values and the
that time, it is only emerging. other wire values, assume that at the entrance of the coils dur-
Matter is a part of infinite. You can neither detract any- ing its motion, two poles of the coil are connected to each
thing from, nor add anything to infinite, since everything an other and so the induced current’s magnetic field stopped the
element of the infinite; so matter is created by forcing each magnet by the same Ft as −Ft. Here, the work done by you
second as an absolute must do the work instead of the cre- to accelerate the magnet is F x but the work done by the coil
ated one, and is created by a repeated motion. This means is F x + E where E is stored energy for example in a capaci-
that matter is absolute inert. This means mv2 (Js) energy po- tor; so you made magnetic field worked. Even if you do not
tential for a formation velocity of v. As formation will be in use magnetic field of a magnet, it does not mean it does not
changing values during 1 second, energy must be shown as work at that time. Also while you are using it, it does not
(Js) which means ”Joule per second”, and also mass must be mean it worked; so for example by a lever like this shape `
shown as (Kgs) which means ”Kilograms per second”. These that the intersection point of perpendicular two lines is cen-
things mean that we can use matter’s own energy each second ter of gravity and is fixed from there to rotate of the system,
by using matter itself without spending it and external energy assume that there is a magnet placed as S N at the top of the
resources. As it always does a formation motion, still it will vertical line, and there is the same magnet bottom of the same
be doing a formation motion. line as well. While you are making the lever moved towards
the bottom from the end of the horizontal line, the emerging
ε=− (288) opposite magnetic field from top will push the magnet and
∂t your force applied back but the other one which was placed at
Eq. (288) is Faraday’s law of induction, and it states that the bottom will help you as the pushing will be in the direc-
changing magnetic field produces an electromotive force tion of your force applied when you use it as a electromagnet
(em f ) in Voltage unite by creating a potential difference and like a coil gun as the ratio of magnetic field and current as
an electric field. B/I is independent of current. You can catch the same effect
Handle a simple machine system which provides force in a rotating field by two the same rotors; but one of them
efficiency and generate electricity by a lever by Ld1 = Fd2 will be rotating in the opposite direction that it can be pro-
where L is load, d1 the distance of the load from the center of vided some simple gears, that actually even by a single rotor,
gravity, d2 is the distance of the force applied from the center it is possible as well. This can be realized even by a single
of gravity. For the load which requires E energy to be lifted, magnet as well; because the calculation is not like done in the
the equation becomes Eq. (289), classic mechanics. Otherwise you make mistake and it will be
hard to understand. Changing size of magnet and its magnetic
Fx = E (289) field, distance, coil and wire options for the same amount of
conductor will change everything.
where x is the distance taken while applying the fixed magni-
tude force. If the used magnetic flux is increased by making Already if matter is able to be polarized, it can be
magnets bigger gradually forever for the fixed force efficiency said, that actually matter has a potential to keep
distance of d2 which is the other hand of the system, even up with. Namely, there are some upper and lower

62 7 Adaptations
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boundaries before formation changes by getting change amount by changing properties of the coil and the
flexible. For example if you handle a point mass same weight wire if you risk heat for more. Actually this can
has m magnitude being two masses have the mass be used for thermoelectric generators to create heat difference.
spinning around it at the same radius like 3r, the Already because of the time differences, between each
sum of emerging force for a time and point is point of space that means emergence priority,
F = 2m2G/9r2 . After that if you change the ra-
Φ2 − Φ1
dius like 2r and 4r for each of them by sliding ε = N2 − N1
them by r in a way, you made them polarized. t2 − t1
For these new values, the sum of the forces is shows, that it is always ε > 0 where ε ∈ R. It means that a
F2 = 5m2G/16r2 . Namely the second condition coil even placed at infinite distance from a magnetic field has
has bigger energy. It means the mass decreases a voltage difference between the two top of the wire. If there
or it steals from medium, from total energy of is a fixed matter in the core, voltage will increase. If there is a
the universe or both of them. It protect itself. If fixed magnet in the core, then even if also the coil is fixed, the
it is able to be polarized, also it is able to jump voltage will greatly increase; so it means that even by switch-
to another atom constantly. It can protect its own ing two fixed coils have permanent magnet core and have dif-
energy until a limit. ferent resistances will cause magnetic flux change; because
Warning electrons’ orbital will slide even a current will not emerge,
that it can emerge by required assembly and switching repeat.
To be more clean of it, I think that I should explain it more Maybe we can create a micro generator like producing a CPU
detailed. that sheets between two permanent magnets will be connected
serially to create high voltage difference to create current be-
yond sliding orbitals.
During generating free electricity, if you ask to matter like
“What are you doing?”, it says that “I am only emerging and
doing a creation motion.”; but at that time it is generating
electricity relatively to you; so do not drain away the power
of universe. Just use it.
The initial and the final energy values of mat-
ter can be different than the mean action; be-
cause each action is within a period of time as
required by uncertainty, and matter performs an
emergence action and goes through change in
constantly changing environments and events; so
a period of time is required for matter to place it-
self accurately in space. As these impacts emerge
due to matter’s own action, the state of matter can
be turned into the state of performing action with
Fig. 43: Generator lower energy, and continuation is possible. We
can use matter’s own motion of creation by us-
Here, C1 and C2 are coils that are connected to each other ing an incomparably energy, and we can force to
by a material, and M1 and M2 are fixed permanent magnets make it worked for us.
on the walls. E1 is energy source like a battery that voltage Warning
and current are always fixed. As E2 , it is a power storage unit.
The coils are able to move right and left on a rail on x axis. 7.2 Thrust source
When both of the switches are closed at the same time, natu-
rally first coil becomes an electromagnet and moves towards 7.2.1 Centrifugal force
left namely the first magnet due to the direction of the current.
During this time, the second coil is also moving in the same As producing thrust, as energy is not independent of force,
direction since both of the coils are connected to each other; it can turn into force. To realize this, Eq. (291) or if a blade
but the second magnet will be inducing electricity on the sec- is used instead of a marble placed at the top of a wire, nearly
ond coil. Now, repeat the same action from the standard po- F/2 centrifugal force is perfect closed system thrust engine
sition by changing the first magnet’s size and magnetic field potential as independent of mass of air or water without op-
forever gradually after switching off near the wall while mov- posite torque, and it can store huge amount of energy by a
ing the coils to the old and standard position. What happens small energy amount when it is required by some transmis-
there being the coil sizes and the current, the voltage from sion, that the work done is only done against frictions at that
the energy source are fixed. The attraction between M1 and time.
C1 will naturally increase for the condition because of the en- mv2 sin(α)
larged permanent magnet of M1 ; so M2 will be able to induce F= (291)
more electricity on C1 since change in magnetic flux relatively r
to time will increase. Here, the work done by E1 will always More thrust than jet fighters can be produced in the same
fixed since energy is fixed for C1 . The work done by M1 will volume without fuel and other external energy resources even
increase, and if you use bigger C2 , also you can generate more by the electricity generating methods. Just use as double spin-
electricity because of the attraction emerges between enlarged ning in opposite directions by the same structure and propeller
M1 and C1 . position if you do not want to use a butt propeller like in heli-
Also it is possible without magnets; because the ratio of copters since a second rotation is going to emerge because of
magnetic field and current as B/I is independent of current; conservation of momentum.
so many different size magnetic fields can be created by a In classical propeller systems, you must hold on air to pro-
current or induction can be realized for fixed magnetic flux duce thrust by propeller blades; so the mass for the energy of

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31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

the work done is directly must be the vehicle which is aimed A

to move; but by the above stated method, you can only calcu-
late the mass of a propeller. It can produce thrust as much as
tensile strength of the used materials for the propeller and the
Also if it is connected around a rotating wheel, you can C
produce torque for any machine. Also it can be stated, that if
you use a system like on Fig. 44, you can deal with heat and
friction for higher speeds.

Fig. 45: An object which is about to go at light speed

This also can be used to collide huge blocks to produce

new type of elements by fusion reaction.

7.2.2 Imbalance
To be one of them before or after of two the same opposite
Fig. 44: The spherical balls
Ft work as +Ft and −Ft changes displacement. It becomes
Eq. (292),
Here think, that there are some spherical balls spinning Ft2 − Ft2
to reduce the surface area which causes friction, between two −x= + (292)
bigger spherical balls. There are the propeller blades on these −m m
smaller ones. Think that you created a 3D object by rotating where xa is the distance taken during acceleration, xd is the
two side of a triangle around a circle towards the page plane. distance taken during deceleration, and x = xa + xd .
This shape also includes that appendages which causes thrust. In the same manner, if a particle is accelerated between
Namely you do not know any other instrument to paste if you two plates and then is decelerated between another two plates
place that small balls into the blades and then paste that two have more distance between the plates but the voltage is the
bigger balls. If you turn the propeller, as long as that two same with the accelerating plates in an electric field, emerging
big balls are not uncoupled, the formation is not disassembled resutant force as thrust becomes Eq. (293),
during producing thrust. You do not need a whole sphere for
the bigger ones; so you can cut them like on the figure; so td − ta
FR = mv (293)
you can place more the same system consecutively. By this td ta
way, the emerging heat is going to be distrubuted on many
small balls especially for high speed and high thrust needs in where td is the deceleration time and ta is the acceleration
a small volume. You can turn the blades by giving a handle time. It does not have to be a particle acceleration. It is valid
which is spinning together with the blades from a fixed point for any type of imbalance.
on the spinning axis from the left side of the triangle without
touching anywhere. 7.2.3 Warp drive
Also you can use magnets. Due to aimed thrust, you can
use attracting or repulsion between two magnets. By this way If you place two sheets on space that the distance between
them is x relatively to your observation, and if you can collect
the propeller can turn freely like classic ones without a friction
in the emergence way of the thrust. the space between them around them, then you can see that an
object which passes from between of them, passes faster and
LSE offer then again slows down and goes at the speed before it enters
the area.
I have an offer for light speed experiment. Actually this engine also can be counted as an imbal-
Think, that the distance between A and B point is c/π ance engine, and it is possible to move objects at any speed.
where c is light speed; thus if AB line spins each second 1 Namely it also can be used for slow space travels at usual
round, both A and B points go at speed of light; but for exam- speeds like classic ones. It is very good that it can be pro-
ple C and D point cannot go at that speed since they have not duced being there is no moving part. Even a solenoid coil can
got the same linear speed; so for example if we want to detect realize this. If you place a permanent magnet at the center of
how objects are seen at light speed or how length contraction a solenoid coil which is used as electromagnet, it can produce
and the other properties emerge, we can see what we want thrust without particle need by changing orbital radius of the
since we can protect our thrust source against physical condi- permanent magnet. Namely it holds on electrons without cre-
tion negativeness near light speed; because we use the engines ating current. Think that you placed two different size mag-
from for example C and D points to spin the line. There is go- nets on a model car for attraction or repulsion. On this car also
ing to be different behaviour along the AB line. During this, both magnets are on two smaller model cars have wheels, and
emerging centrifugal force is going to be just π/2 times mass then let them go. You will see that the main model car which
of the line. carries both smaller car is going to move in a way. It cannot

64 7 Adaptations
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be static. This also can be realized by electromagnets in an air detected at the light speed by far places. Because
vehicle. of these reasons, I said in the Dark Energy sec-
Also if you create a right assembly by electromagnetic tion, that also space causes an acceleration even
fields, for example you can move each parts of the jumping if it actually exactly is going to decelerate. We
ship by order at high frequency for faster than travels theoret- should calculate both acceleration and deceler-
ically, the electromagnets themselves are included as well. ation amounts of them together. Additionally,
you must assume that the volume of the object
7.3 Interstellar communication methods has the same magnitude with that squares; be-
7.3.1 Entropy and universal energy preservation cause otherwise a second environment is going
to occur with special properties. You must use
The focal points of the universe which means particles, the volume of the new object. This can easily
have been evaporating ; but this evaporation cannot change cause special ports between matters for exam-
the total mass and energy of the universe. Particles emerge ple between two magnetic pole. Some lines be-
over the space without having an external energy. As a zero tween them can let faster than light transportation
resistance is required to be able to go at infinite speed, also while another one forbids. Also they can change
particles cannot go at this speed; so particles lose energy and over time. Namely, the same point will not let
mass by evaporation as they have no external supporter en- it more. We can develop communication ports
ergy. As particles emerge over a space which wants to be by this way. Even spherical particles may stretch
fixed as matter is created by a forcing each second, and as no without losing its gravitational and pressure bal-
work can be done untimely manner, a disorder period occurs ance in a time interval since the act will be for
and excludes particles in the other name space waves from the protecting the current physical condition. It may
space which particles emerge over it. This is the same event take shape due to space. It is not an anomaly as
with it, that if you stretch a curtain by hand which was al- also the same will be anomaly and will damage
ready stretched, you feel a resistance. Like in this event, as the particle when occurs out of required limits.
particles have no other external energy, they lose their ener- It means, an electron may behave as a beam in
gies by some periods, even if external frictional and gravita- a time interval during its transportation. We can
tional losses which are a second effect on each other are not make a cheap experiment by a huge solenoid coil.
included as well. Evaporation means decrease in vibration. The center will be extremely lower density, and
Particles which are on a denser space tend to stop faster man- an electron can exist from the other side when it
ner. Total energy and mass of the universe are fixed during has just enter over light speed.
this evaporation, and only its radius and density can change. Warning
This feature of the universe can be used for communica-
tion. We can easily calculate the evaporation amount each
second if we can achieve the identical simulation of the uni- 7.3.2 Space collecting by small scale imitation of the
verse . This cannot be known theoretically as any formation starting condition of matter
will cause different density and so will cause different evap-
oration amounts. When we create a human made anomaly, As it was said the above, matter uses the same space for
we can compare the results, and can use these difference for any work; so the distance taken at the beginning of time was
instant communication. scanning of all the universe. This condition can be imitable.
For example, if an electron creator wave scans more space for
If each effect is exactly at the light velocity, there the same speed and if causes more mass density in an unit of
is going to be always some extra property which volume, it can go faster than light even the light speed is fixed
causes faster than light transportation because of at that time but it is not formed by other sub-atomic particles;
the way things work. Assume, that a rectangu- because as sub particles can behave differently for changing
lar space has 10 times squares which each of frequencies, also they can exclude extra drawn mass; so you
them holds 10 Hz. Total rectangle emerges in should use the particles which are not formed by other sub-
1 second; so the time difference between each atomic particles, and you need a good vibration resource, that
square is 1/10 second. When an object at 10 it was explained the below. During this transfer, naturally
Hz emergence frequency and has the same vol- there will be a deformation amount.
ume with each square which is placed at one of
them moves at the speed of 10 squares per sec- Moving objects also draw more space; but this
ond, this space can hold this object. If you want is only for protecting its total energy which is
to move it by the same emergence frequency at charged by an external worker. If you want
the speed of 20 squares per second, the space to create an extra space to move of it faster
naturally block you since there will no place to than light at light speed, you must create ‘over-
go yet since the movement path has not been charged’ particles. In this way, also particles can-
emerged. If you use 1 Hz emergence frequency not go faster than light without external effect. If
matter which has the same volume with each you find one of them one day as goes at higher
square namely each point of one square feeds its speed than the light speed, it is worth the search.
frequency thus existence, you can move it at the It means, there is an anomaly, that is possible.
speed of 100 squares per second. If you think Warning
this for huge mass clusters in the universe, they
may have a one-piece behaviour since actually al- As there is no absolute threshold value to be in accordance
ready no mass can be counted as a single mass with uncertainty, relative extreme energies are able to realize
separately. Namely, some effects maybe already this oneself without vibration sources; because by this way,
move at beyond speed of light as also we can use forces emerge for each small periods of time will be taken
it as communication material. As we cannot de- over threshold value. For example, Magnetars may realize
tect faster than light things, we can only find it this. Maybe some of high energy particles are counted as still
by simulations, by indirect calculations. Namely, in the Magnetar which sent them even if they got place for
the effect of the man-made anomaly is not always example around the Earth at that time.

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Creating artificial sub-atomic, overcharged most appropriate function or changing functions which are for
communication particles remaining bits.

Formation of particles was during expansion of the uni- Table 13: The current data bits to be cut
verse by an ignored time differences between different par-
ticles. During expansion of the universe, as there were dif-
ferent density spaces, also for the fixed light speed and the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
basic mass particle, there were different size particles even
the same basic formation particle always wanted to create the A 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
same particle, and they have different internal vacuum forces
because of the emerging centrifugal force since different den-
sity spaces were emerging during the expansion because of This record would be according to f (x) = 3x − 2 function
change in the density of the universe. This does not mean that for Table 13 data, and for example it is recorded as A124. This
we need the same event with the same physical magnitudes to means that there are 4 pieces of 0 which the distance between
create a new particle. Many different frequencies to create dif- each one of them is 2. As this code is going to get bigger by
ferent particles were emerging and decaying at the singularity increasing number of bits, the same will be done for the code
of the beginning of time. These frequencies are like bicycle itself again and again. It should be made as the smallest as
rim frequency that you suppose it turned back. It is possible possible by using new hardware or software characters, or by
to create new type of particles and atoms by using free space. using uppercase and lowercase letters together with a required
We must pass many photon particles by an ignored time dif- combination.
ference from the same point of the space, actually by using
ionizer photons to gain the smallest time difference. We must 7.3.3 Lowering mass for short distance communication
create a big density. As each action is in a time interval, this
event will start render a particle slowly or suddenly according As required by uncertainty, each work can only be done
to used particle number and energy. This is like digging water in a time interval. Also as it was said the above, being t p is
by stones. There will be a collapse and then suddenly will be the Planck time, the universe is spinning at 1/t p frequency for
an expansion. Photon will start to move around a circle by 1 second and it forms free space, after that it forms particles
vacuuming the space. New type of elements do not have to be over the free space. It means that if particles are forced to be
similar with the current ones. As they can have smaller num- formed when the universe is not there, mass magnitude is go-
ber of subatomic particles, also even they can be formed as ing to decrease at the same amount. If emerging frequency of
one particle nucleus and orbital particle, which do not consist particles is taken to empty space by an empty space frequency,
of other subatomic particles. They can be heavier than the cur- it means any mass can be transferred at near light speed or at
rent ones millions of time, if the wave spins around required high speeds.
radius; but its life time will be short as the frequency and thus
the friction frequency will be bigger. As we can build new 7.4 The Cryptobit
planets have the same gravity with the planet earth, also we
can create some particles which collect more space and can In accordance with the uncertainty, any measurable phys-
go faster than the light naturally. These ones can be used for ical value of matter increases or decreases between absolute-
communication as artificial subatomic communication parti- ness and absolute absence but its loss. No physical value can
cles. take certain value. They can only be expressed as some ap-
Vibration source As a result of this condition, for example, if you want to
measure process number of a CPU, you can only get some dif-
When a particle passes through an electric field, during ferent numbers at least for the numbers after the comma each
time of measurement. When ever you want to measure more
passing duration, the particle decreases the electric field’s en- sensitive, new different numbers emerge after the fixed num-
ergy for other works; so if you assume that there is a fixed bers after the comma. Except this, you can never get a certain
material in the magnetic field, the magnetic field would in- number. Additionally for example, if you make a division, for
duce electricity during this passing on this material which is in the same operation the processor always performs the opera-
the electric field as magnetic flux is going to change because tion in different times. Yes it performs by some packets like
of the energy sucking of the particle. As this method is pretty 32 or 64 and always gives to you the same number that actu-
good vibration instrument to vibrate magnetic field by some ally this also is not exact, it does not perform at the same time
particles in the magnetic field, also is a pretty good computer for each repeat. If you set the interval to find out this and if
processor potential. We can align electrodes which are made you ask to it over a program, sometimes you can get some re-
of semiconductor or dielectric materials around a circle, and sults like 33 or 65 by unpredictable changing frequencies like
each one of them vibrates at visible light frequency. We can
use noble gas nucleus or ion, or can use air particles directly 1 of 50 or 20 for 1 second.
Actually this physical principle and condition can be used
from a magnetic plasma by rotating them in this circular area. as a perfect unpredictable cyberspace security element; be-
It is possible to produce a coin size processor runs at 1020−25 cause it creates a way to select incalculable and unpredictable
Hertz. As this frequency is not because of a single particle, codes like the below.
it is not going to be ionizer. To block constant acceleration
of particles, we should only accelerate them by some periods.
To use more particles or slow particles some time only effect 7.4.1 Selecting randomly
the process number, and some usual fluctuation are not so im- Let us use rounding the decimal numbers into closest one.
portant. Even its energy will not be as much as a toy laser. For example, if the number is like x,xxxx6 it is rounded into
To be smaller of data which is sent, will directly make en- x,xxxxx and this condition is called as 1. If the number is like
ergy and work done to send data smaller; so these processors x,xxxx4 then it is rounded into x,xxxx and the condition is
must be used to process data before sending data. For ex- called as 0. If the number is like x,xxxx5 try again. These 0
ample, we can record a data group like in the Table 13 by the and 1 are not bits.

66 7 Adaptations
Physics and Mathematics The Complement 31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft)

Also there is another way from many other ways that I Public Class Form1
used this second one. For example while a timer performs Private Sub Timer1_Tick ( sender As Object , e As
countdown, ask the time of counting until a number. If you EventArgs ) Handles Timer1 .Tick
TextBox1 .Text = Val( TextBox1 .Text) - 1
repeat again and again the countdown, many times you get TextBox4 .Text = Val( TextBox4 .Text) - 1
TextBox7 .Text = Val( TextBox7 .Text) - 1
the same number but some times you get different number TextBox10 .Text = Val( TextBox10 .Text) - 1
which is closest number to the actual number. The following TextBox13 .Text = Val( TextBox13 .Text) - 1
TextBox16 .Text = Val( TextBox16 .Text) - 1
VB codes are for this. If TextBox1 .Text = Val( TextBox2 .Text) Then
Timer1 . Enabled = False
Just use 3 text boxes, 2 timers and 1 button, and Timer2 . Enabled = False
then copy the code below. It counts from 1000 Timer3 . Enabled = False
Timer4 . Enabled = False
down to 998 by the interval of 1. Textbox3.Text Timer5 . Enabled = False
is set as 3 by the interval of 10. You can change Timer6 . Enabled = False
Timer7 . Enabled = False
them; but over these values, Textbox3.Text be- End If
comes 1 many times but sometimes becomes 2 if End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click ( sender As Object , e As
you repeat the same operation by the same but- EventArgs ) Handles Button1 . Click
ton. You can use any frequency for the repeats TextBox3 .Text = 3
TextBox1 .Text = 1000
over the same button. Especially use long inter- TextBox2 .Text = 997
TextBox6 .Text = 3
val clicks to be sure. You can also generate auto- TextBox4 .Text = 1000
repeat program. You can download the following TextBox5 .Text = 997
TextBox9 .Text = 3
program called Single Counter.exe from the fol- TextBox7 .Text = 1000
lowing address: S ingleCounter TextBox8 .Text = 997
TextBox12 .Text = 3
Note TextBox10 .Text = 1000
TextBox11 .Text = 997
TextBox15 .Text = 3
TextBox13 .Text = 1000
TextBox14 .Text = 997
TextBox18 .Text = 3
Public Class Form1 TextBox16 .Text = 1000
Private Sub Timer1_Tick ( sender As Object , e As TextBox17 .Text = 997
EventArgs ) Handles Timer1 .Tick Timer1 . Interval = 1
TextBox1 .Text = Val( TextBox1 .Text) - 1 Timer2 . Interval = 10
If TextBox1 .Text = Val( TextBox2 .Text) Then Timer3 . Interval = 10
Timer1 . Enabled = False Timer4 . Interval = 10
Timer2 . Enabled = False Timer5 . Interval = 10
End If Timer6 . Interval = 10
End Sub Timer7 . Interval = 10
Private Sub Button1_Click ( sender As Object , e As Timer1 . Start ()
EventArgs ) Handles Button1 . Click Timer2 . Start ()
TextBox1 .Text = 1000 Timer3 . Start ()
TextBox2 .Text = 998 Timer4 . Start ()
TextBox3 .Text = 3 Timer5 . Start ()
Timer1 . Interval = 1 Timer6 . Start ()
Timer2 . Interval = 10 Timer7 . Start ()
Timer1 .Start () End Sub
Timer2 .Start () Private Sub Timer2_Tick ( sender As Object , e As
End Sub EventArgs ) Handles Timer2 .Tick
Private Sub Timer2_Tick ( sender As Object , e As TextBox3 .Text = Val( TextBox3 .Text) - 1
EventArgs ) Handles Timer2 .Tick End Sub
TextBox3 .Text = Val( TextBox3 .Text) - 1 Private Sub Timer3_Tick ( sender As Object , e As
End Sub EventArgs ) Handles Timer3 .Tick
End Class TextBox6 .Text = Val( TextBox6 .Text) - 1
End Sub
Private Sub Timer4_Tick ( sender As Object , e As
If you do not want to repeat more and thus not to wait, EventArgs ) Handles Timer4 .Tick
repeat the same event more at the same time like following TextBox9 .Text = Val( TextBox9 .Text) - 1
End Sub
program. If you increase the number of the counters, proba- Private Sub Timer5_Tick ( sender As Object , e As
EventArgs ) Handles Timer5 .Tick
bility is going to increase. TextBox12 .Text = Val( TextBox12 .Text) - 1
End Sub
This simple program shows us, that randomly Private Sub Timer6_Tick ( sender As Object , e As
changes the countdown time of each group. EventArgs ) Handles Timer6 .Tick
TextBox15 .Text = Val( TextBox15 .Text) - 1
Sometimes one or more of them and some times End Sub
the other ones become 1. You cannot guess. Just Private Sub Timer7_Tick ( sender As Object , e As
EventArgs ) Handles Timer7 .Tick
use 18 text boxes, 7 timers and 1 button, and TextBox18 .Text = Val( TextBox18 .Text) - 1
then copy the code below. It counts from 1000 End Sub
End Class
down to 997 by the interval of 1 over Timer1.
Textbox3.Text is set as 3 by the interval of 10.
You can change them; but over these values,
Textbox3.Text and the other textboxes has num- 7.4.2 Encoding
bers 6,9,12,15 and 18 become 0 many times but
sometimes become 1 if you repeat the same oper- Let us use the second method. Now assume, that English
ation by the same button. Also they do not get the Alphabet is used for the key. 13 of the letters are going to be
same numbers together at the same time. You can selected for using instead of 1 and the other 13 of them are
use any frequency for the repeats over the same going to be used for 0 that these are 0 and 1 of the bits. First
button. Especially use long interval clicks to be of all for example let us choose the letters for 1. For this I
sure. You can also generate auto-repeat program. wrote a simple program over MS Visual Studio Community
If you do not want to wait and want certain re- as the above. You can write your own timer by using own
sults, you can increase the number of textboxes language and own software or hardware architecture or you
by the same rule. You can download the follow- can use another language. These would be very sensitive and
ing program called Large Counter.exe from the thus you can get better results. This is just for example.
following address: LargeCounter Now assume that there are 26 pieces of the timers for each
Note letter. Click on the button or repeat the action by an auto-
mated program until at least 1 of them becomes 1 over the

[email protected] 67
31 October 2018 (v.9.1 of the draft) Physics and Mathematics

Large Timer. If more than 1 of them become 1, then you are communication instruments, you should build a new hardware
going to repeat only for the different group until only 1 of architecture, and then the hardware will be doing the selection
them becomes 1. Finally you selected 1 letter for encoding over unknown new hardware characters or frequencies. Even
bit 1. Repeat the same for the other 25 letters until there exist so, it can block most of the disturbing attacks by some sim-
only 16 pieces. After that the rest namely the existent other ple programs. For example a simple windows emulator can
16 letters are going to be used for encoding bit 0. block this. All windows is going to work over a simple en-
coding program first. Even computers are going to answer
Offline Calibration to a key-logger software or email by meaningless characters.
Namely actually they can steal from us but cannot know what
While determining the key for bit 1 and bit 0 over the let- that information mean. It can be any information.
ters, two computers which are aimed to be connected to each
other for communication, the first key is recorded for both of Acknowledgements
them at the same time, and then they become online. Even the
system architects which are built the machine cannot know I shall not demand patent right. Anybody who wants to
the key. Now assume that each communication parts are per- use the above stated things can use freely without asking.
formed by some certain bit lengths. Namely two computer Thanks to sharelatex.com for the text editor and to online
always send 10 KB data parts even if the data is shorter then widgets of Wolfram Alpha for mathematical calculations.
this. After each 10 KB packet, the key changes. The changer References
computer sends the new key; but this new key is also deter-
mined for the last time over the previous key. This previous 1. Kavak M. On the Uncertainty Principle. American Journal of Physics
key was already random namely even the system architects and Applications, 2016, v. 4 (4), 90–123.
do not know. The second computer receives the new key and 2. Heisenberg W. Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen
open it according to the previous key. This repeats itself con- Kinematik und Mechanik. Zeitschrift für Physik, 1927, v. 43 (3), 172–
tinual manner in this way. Namely nobody knows what the 3. Podolsky B, Einstein A, Rosen N,. Can Quantum-Mechanical Descrip-
two computers do. We made them confidants. Even attacks tion of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?. Physical Review,
can disrupt communication and packets but also they cannot 1935, v. 47 (10), 777–780.
steal from us even if we cannot perform communication. No- 4. Lorentz H. De relatieve beweging van de aarde en den aether. Zit-
body is going to know what the key is going to be next time tingsverlag Akad, 1892, p. 74
approximately. It is not the solution recording only the cali- 5. Michelson A, Morley E. On the Relative Motion of the Earth and the
bration. You must save any act always. If you are a thief or a Luminiferous Ether. American Journal of Science, 1887, v. 34 (203),
wicked engineer, then if you lost only one 10 KB packet for 333–345.
the life time of the communication during recording from the 6. Planck M. On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spec-
trum. Annalen der Physik , 1901, v. 4 (10), p. 553.
beginning, you cannot do anything.
7. Yang C, Mills L. Conservation of isotopic spin and isotopic gauge in-
variance. Physical Review, 1954, v. 96, 191–195.
Remote Calibration
8. Jeffrey C. Lagarias, 2002, An Elementary Problem Equivalent to the
This may be dangerous if you think that any signal is Riemann Hypothesis, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 109,
recorded by a third unknown computer. For the worst possi- No. 6, pp. 534-543
bility, think that a user is recording any act and making a sim-
ulation of the communication by some algorithms over any
possibility even by using new hardware architecture to catch
the copy of the computers and the software. Namely making
them sensible.
Actually the solution is making the data packets smaller
and thus making the key change at a high frequency at last
only during remote calibration.

7.4.3 Conclusion
As it can bee seen, Any information and the information
searched for become the same after a point relatively to us.
If you have only one bit for encoding like 1 or 0, it can get
any letter. Namely there are 26 possibilities for 1 or 0. If you
have a bit group like 10, 11, 01 or 00 each one of them can
get the same letters. You cannot decide which one of them
is the main aim if you do not know the random key. The
condition is the same for any length bit group. Do not forget
that a second selection is done between each 16 letters for 1
and 0. Namely for each 1 in a bit group, 1 of 16 letters will be
selected randomly. Namely according to a hacker, 1 or 0 can
get any letter. The stolen information can mean anything.
The key is also determined randomly. The builder system
architect people also cannot know what is going to be the key.
An approximately guess is also not going to be possible. It can
suddenly be the worst and unpredictable possibility. Namely
does not give benefit to kidnap and threaten the engineers for
the key.
To work of this build in the best manner, actually a new
hardware support is required. Especially for some specific

68 7 Adaptations

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