Municipal Corporation of Delhi: School Leaving Certificate
Municipal Corporation of Delhi: School Leaving Certificate
Certified that VISWAKARMA Son/Daughter of Sh. KAMOD KUMAR & Smt. LT. REENA DEVI attened this school up to the 21-
Mar-2024 and has paid all sums due to the school, and was allowed on the above date to withdraw his/her name. He/She
was studying in the class V section A.
He/She was examined in 2023-2024 by the school and was declared Pass.
The following particulars are certified to be correct according to the registers of this school and certificated from previous
school attended during the school year :-
Possible Actual
Last attended Leave taken
Date of Date of Attendances Attendances Proposed
School Name academic during the
Admission Withdrawal during the during the School
session session
session session
MCD Primary School
Timar Pur-
(Boys), Wazirabad 27-Apr-
29-Mar-2024 2023-2024 208 117 91 SBV-
Water Works, Delhi- 2023