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Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

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Food and Chemical Toxicology

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Assessment of the endocrine-disrupting effects of organophosphorus T

pesticide triazophos and its metabolites on endocrine hormones
biosynthesis, transport and receptor binding in silico
Fang-Wei Yanga, Yi-Xuan Lia, Fa-Zheng Rena,b, Jie Luoa,c, Guo-Fang Panga,d,

Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing,
100083, China
Key Laboratory of Functional Dairy, Co-constructed by Ministry of Education and Beijing Government, Beijing Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, China Agricultural
University, Beijing, 100083, China
College of Food Science and Technology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410114, China
Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Beijing, 100176, China


Keywords: Triazophos (TAP) was a widely used organophosphorus insecticide in developing countries. TAP could produce
Triazophos specific metabolites triazophos-oxon (TAPO) and 1-phenyl-3-hydroxy-1,2,4-triazole (PHT) and non-specific
Metabolites metabolites diethylthiophosphate (DETP) and diethylphosphate (DEP). The objective of this study involved
Endocrine disruption computational approaches to discover potential mechanisms of molecular interaction of TAP and its major
metabolites with endocrine hormone-related proteins using molecular docking in silico. We found that TAP,
Molecular docking
TAPO and DEP showed high binding affinity with more proteins and enzymes than PHT and DETP. TAP might
interfere with the endocrine function of the adrenal gland, and TAP might also bind strongly with glucocorticoid
receptors and thyroid hormone receptors. TAPO might disrupt the normal binding of androgen receptor, es-
trogen receptor, progesterone receptor and adrenergic receptor to their natural hormone ligands. DEP might
affect biosynthesis of steroid hormones and thyroid hormones. Meanwhile, DEP might disrupt the binding and
transport of thyroid hormones in the blood and the normal binding of thyroid hormones to their receptors. These
results suggested that TAP and DEP might have endocrine disrupting activities and were potential endocrine
disrupting chemicals. Our results provided further reference for the comprehensive evaluation of toxicity of
organophosphorus chemicals and their metabolites.

1. Introduction represented a risk to human health as well as the ecological system due
to its high chemical and photochemical stability (http://sitem.herts.ac.
1.1. Chemical characteristics, residues and toxicity of triazophos uk/aeru/iupac/Reports/653.htm). According to the classification
standard of World Health Organization (WHO), TAP was a Class Ib toxic
Triazophos/Triazofos/Hostathion/Phentriazophos (O,O-diethyl-O- organophosphorus insecticide (WHO, 2010). The neurotoxicity, hepa-
(1-phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl) phosphorothioate, CAS Registry No. totoxicity, nephrotoxicity, reproductive toxicity and genotoxicity of
24017-47-8, chemical formula C12H16N3O3PS, molar mass TAP attracted considerable public attention over the last decade. It was
313.31 g mol−1, log Kow 3.55, abbreviated as TAP) was an efficient and reported that TAP had fairly high lethal toxicity to aquatic creatures
broad-spectrum organophosphorus pesticide (OP) used as insecticide, and posed a threat to the health of aquatic ecosystems (Wang et al.,
nematicide and acaricide, which was widely used in Asian countries, 2010; Wu et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018a,b,c). Recent research also
such as China, India, Pakistan, to protect various crops like cotton, rice, revealed that TAP induced oxidative stress and histomorphological
wheat, tea, fruits, oil seeds and vegetables (Bhandari et al., 2019; Chen changes in rats (Jain et al., 2011, 2013; Sharma and Sangha, 2014;
et al., 2009; Duan et al., 2016; Fang et al., 2015; Hong et al., 2019; Sharma et al., 2015a, 2015b). Zhang et al. (2011) found that TAP
Kumari and John, 2019). However, the widespread application of TAP chronic dietary intake represented a significant risk to the elderly

Corresponding author. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China
Agricultural University. No. 17 Qinghua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083, China.
E-mail address: gfpang@163.com (G.-F. Pang).

Received 18 June 2019; Received in revised form 31 July 2019; Accepted 12 August 2019
Available online 14 August 2019
0278-6915/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

persons and an acute nutritional intake risk of TAP residues in apple, 1.4. Screening, identification and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting
cabbage, rice and wheat meal reached an unacceptable range in China. chemicals in silico
Therefore, the wide application of TAP raised concerns on the en-
vironmental pollution and the potential risk to human health. Exogenous chemicals, exposed through the environmental and
dietary pathways, had potential endocrine disruption effects that harm
human health and the ecosystem (Giulivo et al., 2016; He et al., 2015;
1.2. Major degradation metabolites of TAP Mimoto et al., 2017; Pande et al., 2019). Endocrine disrupting chemi-
cals (EDCs) caused a variety of diseases, such as reproductive diseases,
After reaching the liver, TAP would produce specific metabolites metabolic diseases and even cancers, by interfering with the endocrine
triazophos-oxon (TAPO), 1-phenyl-3-hydroxy-1,2,4-triazole (PHT), and system (The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2019). If all the potential
non-specific metabolites diethylthiophosphate (DETP) and diethylpho- EDCs in the environment and foods were to be screened via traditional
sphate (DEP) under the action of a series of metabolic detoxification in vitro and in vivo methods, this would constitute an unbearable fi-
enzymes (Bock and Their, 1976; Schwalbe-Fehl and Schmidt, 1986; nancial burden, would conflict with the “3R” principles of animal-use
Wang et al., 2015). Briefly, TAP desulfurized under the action of ethics, and the work would stretch over many years, making it difficult
CYP450 enzymes to produce triazophos-oxon (TAPO). Because the in- to meet the needs of toxicity and ecological risk assessment for EDCs
hibition of acetylcholinesterase by TAPO was stronger, this process was (Burgdorf et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2018). In recent years, with the rapid
actually a “metabolic increased toxification” process, but TAPO was development of computer technology and three-dimensional structure
more conducive to the subsequent hydrolysis of paraoxonase 1, and analysis methods of proteins, molecular docking technology has been
TAPO was degraded into PHT and DEP. TAP could also be directly gradually applied to toxicological evaluation field, and computational
decomposed into PHT and DETP under the action of glutathione and toxicology research was increasing, especially the study of EDCs
glutathione S-transferase, and then DETP could be further desulfurized (Browne et al., 2018; Selvaraj et al., 2018; Sun et al., 2019). Compu-
into DEP. It was worth noting that DETP and DEP were non-specific tational toxicology has been recommended as the screening and pre-
metabolites of many OPs, such as TAP, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, para- dicting method by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
thion, and phorate. More importantly, both DETP and DEP had high Development (OECD) (OECD, 2018), the US Environmental Protection
bioavailability, and the molar mass of human exposure to DETP and Agency (EPA) (Browne et al., 2017), and others. Meanwhile, the Nobel
DEP was higher than that of OPs (Forsberg et al., 2011; Sudakin and Prize in Chemistry 2013 was awarded to Martin Karplus, Michael Le-
Stone, 2011; Timchalk et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2008). In fact, ap- vitt, and Arieh Warshel for developing the multiscale models of com-
proximately 75% of the commonly used OPs could be metabolized and plex chemical systems (Karplus et al., 2013), which demonstrated that
degraded into six dialkyl phosphates (DAPs) in vivo and in the en- in this era of exceptional computational power, in silico analyses could
vironment, namely diethyldithiophosphate (DEDTP), DETP, DEP, di- be as important as those conducted in vitro, and computer molecular
methyldithiophosphate (DMDTP), dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP), and simulation methods have made significant contributions to the devel-
dimethylphosphate (DMP) (Shomar et al., 2014; Ueyama et al., 2015; opment of life sciences and drug researches. Molecular docking pro-
Yusa et al., 2015). The concentrations of DAPs in human urine were vided another reasonable method for the evaluation of EDCs, especially
often used as the biomarkers for the exposure of OPs to assess the for some compounds with missing experimental data, the application of
correlation between OPs exposure and diseases (Bernieri et al., 2019; molecular docking to explore the roles of EDCs and putative targets can
Omoike et al., 2015; Panuwet et al., 2018; Shrestha et al., 2018; Wang supplement limited experimental data and improve the overall toxicity
et al., 2017a,b). Interestingly, some organophosphorus flame retardants assessment of EDCs (Chen et al., 2018; Vuorinen et al., 2015; Yuriev
and plasticizers could also be degraded and metabolized to DEP (Chu et al., 2015). Molecular docking or molecular simulation in silico pro-
and Letcher, 2018; Li et al., 2017; Reemtsma et al., 2011; Sun et al., vided another effective way to evaluate the safety of EDCs more com-
2018). prehensively by elucidating the interaction mechanism between exo-
genous small molecules and biological macromolecules at the
molecular level (Hazarika et al., 2019; Jeong et al., 2019).
1.3. Endocrine disrupting effects of OPs
1.5. Biosynthesis, transport, and receptors binding of endocrine hormones
Many OPs have been reported to impact levels of the hormones
involved in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (Raees et al., Corticosteroid and catecholamine hormones were secreted by the
2012), hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis (Ahmad et al., 2018; adrenal glands, androgens and estrogens were secreted by the gonads,
Akande et al., 2016; Chebab et al., 2017; Mosbah et al., 2016), and and thyroid hormones were secreted by the thyroid gland (La Perle and
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis (Geng et al., 2015; Jallouli Dintzis, 2018; Rosol et al., 2013; Wallig, 2018). It was precise because
et al., 2016; Sharma et al., 2015a). Chlorpyrifos, a widely-studied OP, of the important physiological role of endocrine hormones that they
was found to upset the thyroid and adrenal gland homeostasis both in were usually disturbed by EDCs such as exogenous environmental
human and animal models (Chebab et al., 2017; John and Shaike, chemicals and dietary exposure pollutants, which affected the growth,
2015) and exert an inhibitory effect on sex hormones (Adedara et al., development, reproduction, and survival of humans and animals
2018; Peiris and Dhanushka, 2017). Furthermore, there were studies (Evans, 2017). Biosynthesized cholesterol through the key enzyme 3-
reporting histopathological injury to the thyroid and parathyroid in hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR), which could be
mice induced by diazinon (Ahmad et al., 2018), as well as the inhibition transported into the inner mitochondrial membrane by steroidogenic
effect of malathion in thyroid stimulating hormone-dependent pathway acute regulatory protein (StAR), where it was cleaved by cholesterol
and transcription of thyroglobulin in FRTL-5 cell line (Xiong et al., side-chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1) to pregnenolone, the common
2017). The effects of TAP on thyroid have only been studied in zebra- precursor for other steroid hormones (Shen et al., 2016). The adrenal
fish embryos by measuring the mRNA levels of thyroid hormones (Wu cortex and gonads were the sites of steroid hormone synthesis and
et al., 2018), lacking more comprehensive evidences. All these OPs different steroidogenic enzymes, such as steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/
were metabolized to DAPs in the environment and in vivo; however, it 17,20 lyase (CYP17A1), steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21A2), aldos-
was unclear whether these effects were induced by the parent OPs or terone synthase (CYP11B2), aromatase (CYP19A1), and estradiol 17-
the metabolites, especially the specific and the non-specific metabolites. beta-dehydrogenase 1 (17β-HSD1), which were all regulated by tran-
scription factor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1), were expressed in the
adrenal cortex and gonads (Shen et al., 2016). The enzymes tyrosine

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

Table 1
Information for selected receptors in PDB database.
Names Abbreviation PDB entry Resolution (Å) Residue count Organism

3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase HMGR 1DQ9 2.8 1868 Homo sapiens

Steroidogenic factor 1 SF-1 4QJR 2.4 245 Homo sapiens
Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein StAR 3P0L 3.4 884 Homo sapiens
Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme CYP11A1 3N9Z 2.17 974 Homo sapiens
Aldosterone synthase CYP11B2 4DVQ 2.49 5796 Homo sapiens
Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase CYP17A1 4NKX 2.794 1976 Homo sapiens
Aromatase CYP19A1 3S79 2.75 503 Homo sapiens
Steroid 21-hydroxylase CYP21A2 4Y8W 2.64 1446 Homo sapiens
Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1 17β-HSD1 6CGC 2.1 656 Homo sapiens
Tyrosine hydroxylase TH 2XSN 2.68 1372 Homo sapiens
Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase AAAD 3RCH 2.8 480 Homo sapiens
Dopamine beta-hydroxylase DBH 4ZEL 2.9 1156 Homo sapiens
Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase PNMT 4MQ4 2.2042 578 Homo sapiens
Iodotyrosine deiodinase IYD 4TTB 2.447 530 Homo sapiens
Human serum albumin HSA 2BX8 2.7 1170 Homo sapiens
Corticosteroid binding globulin CBG 2VDY 2.3 746 Homo sapiens
Sex hormone-binding globulin SHBG 1D2S 1.55 170 Homo sapiens
Thyroxine-binding globulin TBG 2CEO 2.8 758 Homo sapiens
Transthyretin TTR 1ICT 3.0 1016 Homo sapiens
Glucocorticoid receptor GR 4MDD 2.4 516 Homo sapiens
Mineralocorticoid receptor MR 2AA2 1.95 275 Homo sapiens
Androgen receptor AR 2AM9 1.64 266 Homo sapiens
Constitutive androstane receptor CAR 1XVP 2.6 1016 Homo sapiens
Estrogen receptor alpha ERα 2IOG 1.6 246 Homo sapiens
Estrogen receptor beta ERβ 1QKM 1.8 255 Homo sapiens
Estrogen related receptor alpha ERRα 3K6P 1.996 248 Homo sapiens
Estrogen related receptor gamma ERRγ 2P7G 2.1 251 Homo sapiens
Progesterone receptor PR 1SQN 1.451 522 Homo sapiens
Thyroid hormone receptor alpha TRα 4LNW 1.9 267 Homo sapiens
Thyroid hormone receptor beta TRβ 3GWS 2.2 259 Homo sapiens
Beta-1 adrenergic receptor β1AR 4BVN 2.1 315 Meleagris gallopavo
Beta-2 adrenergic receptor β2AR 3NY9 2.84 490 Homo sapiens
D2 dopamine receptor D2DR 6CM4 2.87 430 Homo sapiens
D3 dopamine receptor D3DR 3PBL 2.89 962 Homo sapiens
D4 dopamine receptor D4DR 5WIU 1.96 422 Homo sapiens

hydroxylase (TH), aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD), do- family, SHBG and apolipoproteins (Benvenga and Guarneri, 2016). The
pamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH), and phenylethanolamine N-methyl- relationship between hormone molecules and receptor proteins also
transferase (PNMT), which were related to catecholamines biosynthesis played an important role in signal transduction of endocrine systems.
in adrenal medulla (Kvetnansky et al., 2009, 2013). The iodotyrosine Hormone nuclear receptors, such as glucocorticoid receptor (GR), mi-
deiodinase (IYD) salvaged iodide from mono- and diiodotyrosine neralocorticoid receptor (MR), androgen receptor (AR), constitutive
formed during the biosynthesis of the thyroid hormones, and the rescue androstane receptor (CAR), estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), estrogen
and recycling of iodide by the action of IYD (Targovnik et al., 2017; receptor beta (ERβ), estrogen related receptor alpha (ERRα), estrogen
Thomas et al., 2009). related receptor gamma (ERRγ), progesterone receptor (PR), thyroid
Binding proteins in the peripheral circulation were important in hormone receptor alpha (TRα), thyroid hormone receptor beta (TRβ),
regulating the transport, bioavailability, and metabolism of their cog- belonged to a kind of superfamily hormone receptors with similar
nate ligands, such as hormones, fatty acids, vitamins, and drugs structure and function. After binding with ligands, they entered the
(Goldman et al., 2017). The functions of human serum albumin (HSA) nucleus and perform the function of transcription factors to activate the
were the maintenance of colloid osmotic blood pressure, the transport expression of downstream target genes (Gronemeyer et al., 2004;
of hormones, fatty acids, drugs, other compounds and buffering pH, and Ribeiro Filho et al., 2019; Weikum et al., 2018). Adrenergic receptors
its binding also modulate acute and chronic toxicity (Grumetto et al., (α and β subtypes) were the basic targets of endogenous neuro-
2019). The major sex steroid hormones—testosterone, 5α-dihy- transmitters noradrenaline and adrenaline, especially in mediating
drotestosterone, and 17β-estradiol—bound predominantly to sex hor- sympathetic activation to peripheral organs, but also in the central
mone-binding globulin (SHBG) and to HSA and to a lesser extent to nervous system (Pytka et al., 2016). Dopamine belonged to catechola-
corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) (Goldman et al., 2017). CBG was mines alongside noradrenaline and adrenaline. It was not only a pre-
also the primary transporter for glucocorticoids (cortisol and corticos- cursor of the latter, but also exerted its physiological effect (Pytka et al.,
terone) and progestins (progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone), 2016). Dopamine receptors were G protein-coupled ones; they were
and it regulated the partitioning of circulating cortisol into bound and expressed, inter alia, in the central nervous system, with two families
unbound fractions (Bolton et al., 2014; Goldman et al., 2017). Thyr- amongst them were distinguished: D1-like comprising D1 and D5 re-
oxine-binding globulin (TBG), transthyretin (TTR), HSA could bind and ceptors and D2-like consisting of D2, D3, and D4 (Beaulieu and
transport thyroid hormones (Benvenga and Guarneri, 2016), and TBG Gainetdinov, 2011).
had the highest affinity and carries most of thyroxine and triiodothyr- In this study, the potential endocrine disruption effects of TAP and
onine in human serum, TTR and HSA bound only a small proportion of its major metabolites were evaluated using the Discovery Studio 2019
thyroxine and triiodothyronine despite large capacity (Janssen and in silico. Molecular docking in silico using Discovery Studio software has
Janssen, 2017). TBG homologues were α1-antitrypsin, α1-antic- also been reported in the literatures (Cheurfa et al., 2019; da Silva
hymotrypsin, antithrombin III, and CBG, while TBG nonhomologous Hage-Melim et al., 2019; Zengin et al., 2018). This study mainly as-
carriers were α1-acid glycoprotein, which belonged to the lipocalin sessed the disturbance of TAP and its main metabolites on the

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

physiological processes of the adrenal glands, gonads, thyroid gland methods. Among them, the CDOCKER, a CHARMm-based docking en-
related hormones biosynthesis key enzymes/proteins, blood circulation gine (Wu et al., 2003), was a flexible molecular docking procedure,
transport binding proteins, binding receptors and others. The crystal which could be applied to the study of receptor-ligand induced con-
structures of all selected enzymes/proteins have been identified and jugation, interaction modes and related functional mechanisms, im-
their ligand binding domain active sites were known. This study pro- proving the accuracy of the docking results. With CDOCKER, initial
vided more detailed and comprehensive parameters for the toxicity ligand conformations were sampled via high temperature molecular
assessment of TAP or other OPs with similar chemical structures and dynamics and were also allowed to flex during the refinemen. Crucially,
their possible mechanisms of endocrine disruption. CDOCKER also provided a physics-based scoring function, via the
CHARMm energy of the docked complex. CDOCKER has been shown to
2. Materials and methods give highly accurate docked poses (Erickson et al., 2004).
Previously processed receptor proteins were defined as receptor
2.1. Receptors preparation molecules by Define and Edit Binding Site under the Receptor-Ligand
Interactions tool. The location and size of the active sites were de-
The structure files of proteins such as biosynthesis key enzymes/ termined according to the position of the original ligand of the receptor
proteins, transport proteins, and receptors for hormones were derived protein. Using Docking Optimization under the Receptor-Ligand
from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) (http://www.rcsb.org/), and see Interactions tool in Discovery Studio 2019, we opened the docking
Table 1 for details. Then the Protein Clean tool under Manual Pre- process of CDOCKER, set the corresponding parameters in turn, and
paration in the Macromolecules Tool in Discovery Studio 2019 (version added CHARMm force field to the ligand and receptor molecules re-, Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA, Discovery Studio Modeling spectively for molecular docking.
178 Environment, Release 2018, San Diego, CA, USA) was used to
correct the issues of non-standard named amino acids, inconsistent 2.4. Analysis of molecular docking results
conformations, wrong bonds, number of hydrogen bonds, missing side
chains and skeleton atoms in PDB file proteins. After cleaning the The Receptor-Ligand Interactions toolbar under Discovery Studio
protein, the hydrogen bond on the protein was removed by default, so it 2019 was used to view the interactions between ligands and receptor
was necessary to add hydrogen atoms manually and use the added protein complexes, such as hydrogen bonds, Pi-Pi bonds, Pi-Sulfur
Hydrogens option in the Chemistry tool to add polar hydrogen to the bonds, salt bridges, and attraction charge. We could also use the
receptor protein. Each receptor protein itself already contained a small Analyze Ligand Pose process in the Receptor-Ligand Interactions
ligand molecule, which was located at the active sites of the protein, so toolbar of Discovery Studio 2019 to further analyze the poses obtained
the small molecule ligand was deleted. by molecular docking. The docking analysis mainly included: the
number of hydrogen bonds formed by the docked poses and the re-
2.2. Ligands preparation ceptor protein complex, the number of hydrogen bonds formed with
each amino acid residue, the near contact with the entire complex, and
The structure files and characteristic information of TAP and its the near contact with each amino acid residue etc. At the same time,
major metabolites were referenced from the PubChem (https:// used the lowest CDOCKER_INTERACTION_ENERGY to evaluate con-
pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/); see Table 2 for details. Then the ligand formations during docking simulations. The lower the binding energy,
molecules were further optimized using the Minimization in the Small the stronger the interactions between the ligand and receptor protein.
Molecules tool in Discovery Studio 2019.
2.5. Reliability verification of molecular docking
2.3. Molecular docking using CDOCKER
While the ligands such as TAP and its major metabolites were
Discovery Studio 2019 provided several different molecular docking docked into receptor protein molecules, the accuracy and reliability of

Table 2
Structures and features of TAP and its major metabolites.
Compounds Structure Molecular Formula CAS No. PubChem CID

Triazophos (TAP) C12H16N3O3PS 24017-47-8 32184

Triazophos-oxon (TAPO) C12H16N3O4P – –

1-phenyl-3-hydroxy-1,2,4-triazole (PHT) C8H7N3O 4231-68-9 77910

Diethyl thiophosphate (DETP) C4H11O3PS 2465-65-8 655

Diethyl phosphate (DEP) C4H11O4P 598-02-7 654

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

molecular docking need to be investigated. All of the receptor proteins Table 4

selected in this study contained the original ligands. The original li- The lowest interaction energy (kcal/mol) between TAP, TAP's major metabo-
gands were deleted first, and then docked to the original active sites. lites and steroid hormones biosynthesis-related enzymes/proteins.
The root mean squared deviation (RMSD) values of the conformations Receptors TAP TAPO PHT DETP DEP
of the original ligands and TAP and its major metabolites were then
compared. Since the resolution of the crystal structure in the PDB da- HMGR −32.5477 −37.0916 −22.1141 −25.1874 −31.2638
SF-1 −28.8641 −28.9289 −17.8068 −18.2077 −32.8502
tabase was approximately 2 Å, we believed that there was no difference
StAR −34.1590 −37.7853 −23.6999 −23.7911 −23.8388
in the two molecular structures when the RMSD was within 2 Å. If the CYP11A1 −29.3898 −32.2015 −23.0100 −20.9167 −39.8313
RMSD < 2.0 Å, the reliability of the docking method and the rationality CYP11B2 −31.5445 −37.5892 −18.9738 −16.5541 −49.5906
of the docking parameters could be confirmed, and the strong interac- CYP17A1 −36.1763 −35.8308 −21.9371 −22.1311 −23.1907
tion between TAP and its major metabolites and receptor proteins could CYP19A1 −34.5617 −38.8542 −24.3682 −19.9855 −43.6539
CYP21A2 −36.1355 −40.1772 −25.5294 −22.1745 −20.0655
be further demonstrated. The calculation of RMSD was carried out
17β-HSD1 −36.5765 −37.7614 −22.0903 −20.4887 −23.5693
using Biopolymer RMSD Calculation dialog under Discovery Studio
2019 software. Original ligand in the crystal structure of receptor
protein was chosen as a reference molecule from the reference molecule 3.1. Effects of TAP and its major metabolites on key enzymes/proteins of
dropdown list. TAP and its major metabolites in docking complexes of steroid hormones biosynthesis in adrenal cortex and gonads
receptor protein from the list were selected as the tested molecules for
the calculation of RMSD. The RMSD of the original ligand and its cor- We docked TAP and its major metabolites with the following pro-
responding receptor protein was 0.0000 Å. teins: HMGR, SF-1, StAR, CYP11A1, CYP111B2, CYP117A1, CYP19A1,
CYP21A2, and 17β-HSD1. These proteins were transcription factors,
1 2 transport proteins and catalytic enzymes in the biosynthesis of steroid
RMSD = i
N i=1 (1) hormones. StAR and CYP11A1 were considered the key enzymes/pro-
teins in steroid hormone biosynthesis. From Table 4, molecular docking
In Equation (1), δi is the distance between the ith pair of atoms. results showed that DEP and CYP11A1, CYP11B2, and CYP19A1 all had
very low CDOCKER interaction energies of −39.8313, −49.5906, and
−43.6539 kcal/mol, respectively. TAPO and CYP21A2 had very low
3. Results CDOCKER interaction energy of −40.1772 kcal/mol. TAP and its major
metabolites had higher CDOCKER interaction energies with other en-
There were several types of interactions that could be monitored zymes/proteins. Therefore, we mainly analyzed the interaction modes
between a ligand and a protein in Discovery Studio 2019 (Table 3). The of TAP and its major metabolites with CYP11A1, CYP11B2, CYP19A1,
categories of interactions were: Hydrogen Bonds, Electrostatic, Hydro- and CYP21A2, respectively. The results were shown in Table 5 and Figs.
phobic, Miscellaneous and Unfavorable. Meanwhile, the 2D interac- S1, S2, S3, and S4, respectively.
tions of the lowest binding energy poses for TAP, TAP's major meta- These results suggested that DEP, the non-specific metabolite of
bolites with enzymes/proteins also could be observed in Discovery OPs, could strongly interact with the enzymes CYP11A1, CYP11B2 and
Studio 2019. The 2D interactions directly reflected the interactions CYP19A1 related to steroid hormones synthesis, which might affect
between TAP, TAP's major metabolites and enzymes/proteins in gra- steroid hormones (adrenocortical steroid hormones and/or sex hor-
phical way, such as hydrogen bonding, Pi-Pi stacking effect, van der mones) production. TAPO could strongly interact with the enzyme
Waals force, hydrophilic and hydrophobic force, which provided the- CYP21A2 related to adrenocortical steroid hormones synthesis, which
oretical basis for understanding the interaction mechanism between might disturb the production of glucocorticoids and/or miner-
TAP, TAP's major metabolites and enzymes/proteins. In our study, 10 alocorticoids.
poses were generated for TAP and its four derivatives, TAPO, PHT,
DETP and DEP, against the binding pockets of these enzymes/proteins 3.2. Effects of TAP and its major metabolites on key enzymes of
and for each of the ligand. The best pose for each ligand was shown via catecholamines biosynthesis in adrenal medulla
the figures and tables.
We docked TAP and its major metabolites with adrenal medulla
catecholamines biosynthesis enzymes TH, AAAD, DBH, and PNMT, re-
Table 3 spectively. From Table 6, the results of molecular docking showed that
Interaction types between TAP, TAP's major metabolites and the active sites of TAPO, DEP and AAAD had lower CDOCKER interaction energies of
enzymes/proteins in this study.
−38.0241 and −38.9285 kcal/mol, respectively. TAP, TAPO docked
Category Sub-Category Type into PNMT have very low CDOCKER interaction energies of −42.7998
and −47.0563 kcal/mol, respectively. However, TAP and its major
Hydrogen Bonds Classical Conventional Hydrogen Bond
metabolites and other catecholamines biosynthetic enzymes had higher
Non-Classical Carbon Hydrogen Bond
Salt Bridge Salt Bridge CDOCKER interaction energy. Therefore, we mainly discussed the in-
Electrostatic Charge Attractive Charges teraction of TAP and its major metabolites with AAAD and PNMT, re-
Charge Salt Bridge spectively. The results were shown in Table 7, Figs. S5 and S6.
Pi-Charge Pi-Cation
These results indicated that TAP, TAPO, and DEP might disrupt the
Pi-Charge Pi-Anion
Hydrophobic Pi-Hydrophobic Pi-Pi Stacked functions and activities of the enzymes AAAD and PNMT, which were
Pi-Hydrophobic Pi-Pi T-Shaped related to catecholamines biosynthesis in the adrenal medulla, thereby
Pi-Hydrophobic Amide-Pi Stacked blocking its production of adrenaline.
Alkyl Hydrophobic Alkyl
Mixed Pi/Alkyl Hydrophobic Pi-Sigma
Mixed Pi/Alkyl Hydrophobic Pi-Alkyl 3.3. Effects of TAP and its major metabolites on the enzyme iodotyrosine
Miscellaneous Sulfur Pi-Sulfur deiodinase (IYD) of thyroid hormones biosynthesis in thyroid gland
Sulfur Sulfur-X
Lone Pair Pi-Lone Pair
Unfavorable Acceptor Acceptor-Acceptor Clashes Restricted by the crystal structure of enzymes related to thyroid
hormone biosynthesis and metabolism that have been resolved in the

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

Table 5
Interaction sites, main types and distances between residues at the active sites of steroid hormones biosynthesis-related enzymes and TAP, TAP's major metabolites.
Receptors Ligands Interaction sites Main types Distances (Å)

CYP11A1 TAP Gln 356 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Gln 356 (2.48)
TAPO Phe 202, Thr 354, Gln 356 Pi-Pi T shaped, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Phe 202 (5.98)
Lig – Thr 354 (2.76)
Lig – Gln 356 (2.57)
PHT Val 353, Thr 354, Gln 356 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Val 353 (2.41)
Lig – Thr 354 (2.17)
Lig – Gln 356 (2.85)
DETP Arg 81, Ser 352, Thr 354, Gln 356 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Arg 81 (2.90)
Lig – Ser 352 (1.91)
Lig – Thr 354 (2.82)
Lig – Gln 356 (2.43)
DEP Arg 81, Arg 112 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge Lig – Arg 81 (2.49)
Lig – Arg 112 (5.52)
CYP11B2 TAP Trp 116, Phe 130 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Pi Stacked Lig – Trp 116 (4.95)
Lig – Phe 130 (4.00)
TAPO Arg 110, Phe 130 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Sigma, Pi-Pi Stacked Lig – Arg 110 (2.18)
Lig – Phe 130 (2.80)
PHT Trp 116, Phe 130, Phe 487 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Pi Stacked, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Trp 116 (5.21)
Lig – Phe 130 (5.46)
Lig – Phe 487 (2.05)
DETP – – –
DEP Arg 110, Arg 384, Phe 445 Conventional hydrogen bond, Salt bridge, Attractive charge, Pi-Anion Lig – Arg 110 (1.77)
Lig – Arg 384 (1.79)
Lig – Phe 445 (2.55)
CYP19A1 TAP Arg 115 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Arg 115 (2.17)
TAPO Arg 115, Trp 224, Cys 437 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi Stacked, Lig – Arg 115 (2.39)
Lig – Trp 224 (5.40)
Lig – Cys 437 (3.00)
PHT Arg 115, Met 374 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge Lig – Arg 115 (2.66)
Lig – Met 374 (2.00)
DETP – – –
DEP Arg 115, Arg 145, Arg 435, Ala 438 Attractive charge, Salt bridge, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Arg 115 (2.56)
Lig – Arg 145 (2.67)
Lig – Arg 435 (4.94)
Lig – Ala 438 (2.03)
CYP21A2 TAP Trp 202 Pi-Sulfur Lig – Trp 202 (4.46)
TAPO Trp 202 Pi-Pi Stacked Lig – Trp 202 (4.24)
PHT Asp 107, Asp 288 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asp 107 (2.00)
Lig – Asp 288 (2.13)
DETP – – –
DEP Trp 202 Pi-Anion Lig – Trp 202 (4.91)

Table 6 docked into HSA could form very low CDOCKER interaction energies of
The lowest interaction energy (kcal/mol) between TAP, TAP's major metabo- −39.9807, −44.1985 and −40.1406 kcal/mol, respectively. TAPO
lites and catecholamines biosynthesis-related enzymes. formed a very low CDOCKER interaction energy of −40.2857 kcal/mol
Receptors TAP TAPO PHT DETP DEP with SHBG. DEP formed very low CDOCKER interaction energy of
−40.5303 kcal/mol with TBG. Therefore, we mainly listed the inter-
TH −35.2452 −38.8217 −25.9069 −24.6320 −24.9642 action modes of TAP and its major metabolites with HSA, SHBG, and
AAAD −31.6843 −38.0241 −21.5726 −24.0328 −38.9285
TBG, respectively. These results were shown in Table 11 and Figures S8-
DBH −22.0572 −27.4095 −14.3949 −16.2235 −28.5891
PNMT −42.7998 −47.0563 −26.8873 −27.9821 −19.9956 S10 respectively.
Based on these results, we could speculate that TAP, TAPO, and DEP
could affect the binding transport of HSA with adrenocortical hor-
PDB database, we could only dock TAP and its main metabolites with mones, sex hormones, and thyroid hormones through intermolecular
the thyroid hormones biosynthesis enzyme iodotyrosine deiodinase interaction with HSA. Meanwhile, TAPO could disturb the circulation of
(IYD) in the thyroid gland. Table 8 showed that DEP and IYD had very sex hormones by binding with SHBG, and DEP might affect the trans-
low CDOCKER interaction energy of −45.7062 kcal/mol. The docking port of thyroid hormones in the blood by interacting with TBG.
complexes of TAP, TAPO, PHT, DETP, DEP and IYD and the corre-
sponding IYD interacting amino acid residues were shown in Table 9
3.5. Effects of TAP and its major metabolites on hormone receptors
and Fig. S7. These demonstrated the interaction of TAP and its major
metabolites with amino acids of IYD protein, respectively. DEP could
We docked TAP and its major metabolites with hormone receptors,
interact strongly with IYD, indicating that DEP might be a potential
such as GR, MR, AR, CAR, ERα, ERβ, ERRα, ERRγ, PR, TRα, TRβ,
thyroid hormone endocrine disruptor.
tβ1AR, β2AR, D2DR, D3DR, and D4DR, respectively. The molecular
docking results in Table 12 showed that TAP and GR, AR, TRα, and TRβ
3.4. Effects of TAP and its major metabolites on hormone transport proteins could form very low CDOCKER interaction energies of −36.8425,
−37.9152, −40.2179, and −41.7089 kcal/mol, respectively. TAPO
We docked TAP and its major metabolites with hormone transport formed very low CDOCKER interaction energies with more hormone
binding proteins in blood such as HSA, CBG, SHBG, TBG, and TTR, receptors. For example, TAPO formed low interaction energies of
respectively. The results of Table 10 showed that TAP, TAPO, DEP −38.0438, −38.6282, −40.0815, −39.2319, −38.6160, −40.2356,

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

Table 7
Interaction sites, main types and distances between residues at the active sites of catecholamine hormones biosynthesis-related enzymes and TAP, TAP's major
Receptors Ligands Interaction sites Main types Distances (Å)

AAAD TAP Tyr 79, Lys 303, Arg 447 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Cation Lig – Tyr 79 (5.64)
Lig – Lys 303 (1.81)
Lig – Arg 447 (3.17)
TAPO Tyr 79, Lys 303, Arg 447 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Cation Lig – Tyr 79 (5.46)
Lig – Lys 303 (1.71)
Lig – Arg 447 (3.20)
PHT Lys 303 Pi-Cation Lig – Lys 303 (3.09)
DETP Lys 303 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Lys 303 (1.89)
DEP Thr 246, Lys 303 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge Lig – Thr 246 (2.39)
Lig – Lys 303 (2.35)
PNMT TAP Tyr 27, Gly 79, Asp 101, Phe 102, Asn 106 Pi-Pi Stacked, Unfavorable Acceptor-Acceptor, Pi-Anion, Pi-Pi T-shaped, Lig – Tyr 27 (5.80)
Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Gly 79 (2.99)
Lig – Asp 101 (3.54)
Lig – Phe 102 (4.70)
Lig – Asn 106 (2.59)
TAPO Tyr 27, Phe 30, Tyr 35, Asp 101, Phe 102, Cys Pi-Pi Stacked, Pi-Pi T-shaped, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Anion, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Tyr 27 (5.21)
183 Lig – Phe 30 (5.57)
Lig – Tyr 35 (2.70)
Lig – Asp 101 (3.42)
Lig – Phe 102 (4.64)
Lig – Cys 183 (5.30)
PHT Tyr 27, Tyr 35, Ser 80, Thr 83 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi Stacked Lig – Tyr 27 (5.18)
Lig – Tyr 35 (2.33)
Lig – Ser 80 (2.04)
Lig – Thr 83 (2.30)
DETP Tyr 35, Phe 182 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Tyr 35 (2.71)
Lig – Phe 182 (1.95)
DEP Tyr 35 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Tyr 35 (2.81)

Table 8 Table 10
The lowest interaction energy (kcal/mol) between TAP, TAP's major metabo- The lowest interaction energy (kcal/mol) between TAP, TAP's major metabo-
lites and the thyroid hormones biosynthesis-related enzyme IYD. lites and hormone transport proteins.

IYD −21.4739 −31.4681 −15.7375 −16.2651 −45.7062 HSA −39.9807 −44.1985 −25.3253 −23.7186 −40.1406
CBG −30.7416 −33.2241 −22.0712 −19.3301 −18.2183
SHBG −37.1562 −40.2857 −25.6923 −24.2684 −21.2266
TBG −34.1400 −35.8789 −22.3594 −20.5038 −40.5303
−40.5868, −42.7165, −41.6788 kcal/mol with GR, MR, AR, CAR,
TTR −35.2280 −37.1439 −20.6632 −23.8367 −30.1745
ERα, PR, TRα, TRβ, and β1AR, respectively. The interaction energies of
PHT and DETP with these hormone receptors were higher. DEP formed
a lower CDOCKER interaction energy of −37.7211 kcal/mol with TRα. sapiens) and turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) was approximately 54.93%.
Therefore, we mainly described the interaction patterns of TAP and its The sequence alignment results showed that the amino acids that in-
major metabolites with GR, MR, AR, CAR, ERα, PR, TRα, TRβ, and teracted with TAP and its major metabolites, in these two proteins were
β1AR, respectively. These results were shown in Table 13 and Figs. S11, consistent and conservative (Fig. S20).
S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, and S19, respectively. In addition, Overall, TAP might disrupt these three hormone receptors: GR, TRα
the homology of β1AR amino acid sequences between humans (Homo and TRβ. TAPO might interfere with the normal binding of these

Table 9
Interaction sites, main types and distances between residues at the active sites of thyroid hormones biosynthesis-related enzyme IYD and TAP, TAP's major meta-
Receptor Ligands Interaction sites Main types Distances (Å)

IYD TAP Arg 100, Arg 104 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Anion Lig – Arg 100 (2.58)
Lig – Arg 104 (3.24)
TAPO Arg 100, Arg 104 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Arg 100 (1.79)
Lig – Arg 104 (2.59)
PHT Arg 100, Ser 102, Arg 104, Thr 237 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Anion Lig – Arg 100 (2.84)
Lig – Ser 102 (2.65)
Lig – Arg 104 (3.59)
Lig – Thr 237 (1.88)
DETP Arg 104, Lys 182, Tyr 184 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Arg 104 (1.98)
Lig – Lys 182 (2.43)
Lig – Tyr 184 (2.90)
DEP Arg 100, Arg 101, Ser 102, Arg 279 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge, Salt bridge Lig – Arg 100 (1.88)
Lig – Arg 101 (4.46)
Lig – Ser 102 (2.07)
Lig – Arg 279 (2.60)

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

Table 11
Interaction sites, main types and distances between residues at the active sites of hormone transport proteins and TAP, TAP's major metabolites.
Receptors Ligands Interaction sites Main types Distances (Å)

HSA TAP Lys 199, Arg 222 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Lys 199 (2.66)
Lig – Arg 222 (3.00)
TAPO Lys 199 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Lys 199 (2.05)
PHT Arg 257, Ser 287, Ile 290 Attractive charge, Conventional hydrogen bond, Amide-Pi Stacked Lig – Arg 257 (4.58)
Lig – Ser 287 (1.87)
Lig – Ile 290 (4.54)
DETP Arg 257 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Arg 257 (2.12)
DEP Lys 199, Arg 218, Arg 222 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge Lig – Lys 199 (1.85)
Lig – Arg 218 (2.82)
Lig – Arg 222 (2.61)
SHBG TAP Phe 67, Asn 82, Met 139 Pi-Pi Stacked, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Phe 67 (4.89)
Lig – Asn 82 (2.59)
Lig – Met 139 (4.16)
TAPO Phe 67, Asn 82, Met 139 Pi-Pi Stacked, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Phe 67 (4.84)
Lig – Asn 82 (2.17)
Lig – Met 139 (4.29)
PHT Asp 65, Phe 67, Asn 82 Pi-Pi Stacked, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asp 65 (2.15)
Lig – Phe 67 (4.08)
Lig – Asn 82 (2.78)
DETP – – –
DEP Phe 67 Pi-Anion Lig – Phe 67 (4.78)
TBG TAP Tyr 20, Lys 270, Asn 273, Arg 381 Pi-Cation, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Tyr 20 (4.67)
Lig – Lys 270 (3.17)
Lig – Asn 273 (3.04)
Lig – Arg 381 (3.44)
TAPO Arg 381 Pi-Sigma Lig – Arg 381 (2.75)
PHT Gln 238 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Gln 238 (1.98)
DETP Asn 273 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asn 273 (1.99)
DEP Ser 266, Lys 270 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge Lig – Ser 266 (2.55)
Lig – Lys 270 (2.75)

Table 12 4. Discussion
The lowest interaction energy (kcal/mol) between TAP, TAP's major metabo-
lites and hormone receptors. 4.1. Overview of TAP and its major degradation metabolites
Organophosphate pesticides, which were widely used in agriculture,
GR −36.8425 −38.0438 −21.8705 −20.8930 −21.3411 were highly toxic and commonly ingested with suicidal intent in de-
MR −35.5446 −38.6282 −22.7501 −21.5424 −25.8509
veloping countries (Henretig et al., 2019). Similarly, TAP has been
AR −37.9152 −40.0815 −23.0466 −22.0322 −24.1372
CAR −36.3142 −39.2319 −20.4643 −20.8157 −20.8015
widely used globally for more than 40 years (Holden et al., 2001; JMPR,
ERα −34.9721 −38.6160 −24.3489 −21.2301 −22.1135 2002). China's pesticide risk monitoring results also indicated that TAP
ERβ −33.3428 −34.8708 −26.2235 −23.3019 −26.1649 had high risks or risk uncertainty in terms of toxicity, residue, and
ERRα −31.3311 −34.1177 −25.3990 −23.7727 −22.8410 environmental safety. The Ministry of Agriculture of China has banned
ERRγ −25.5320 −27.9839 −27.5525 −24.5199 −26.6702
the use of TAP in vegetables and started re-evaluation study of TAP.
PR −36.6287 −40.2356 −24.5775 −21.9644 −26.5485
TRα −40.2179 −40.5868 −30.3521 −22.5194 −37.7211 However, TAP was still registered in China for pest control in rice,
TRβ −41.7089 −42.7165 −24.8326 −22.2293 −30.8696 cotton, and grassland. And TAP was often detected in agricultural
β1AR −35.2497 −41.6788 −26.0393 −23.9079 −22.3257 products, foods, and environmental soil and water samples (Bhandari
β2AR - 35.5131 −36.7502 −24.5873 −22.1916 −24.1935
et al., 2019; Hong et al., 2019; Kumari and John, 2019). The biological
D2DR −35.6015 −37.3540 −21.2402 −22.1884 −21.1554
D3DR −33.9438 −37.0953 −25.2388 −23.5515 −24.8556
half-life of TAP in the body was short (JMPR, 2002), and TAP was ra-
D4DR −37.7654 −36.5579 −21.6463 −21.5246 −18.5749 pidly metabolized to the specific metabolites TAPO and PHT, and the
non-specific DAP metabolites DETP and DEP under the action of a series
of metabolic detoxification enzymes (Bock and Their, 1976; Schwalbe-
receptors GR, MR, AR, CAR, ERα, PR, TRα, TRβ, and β1AR to their Fehl and Schmidt, 1986; Wang et al., 2015).
respective native ligands. Although the binding of PHT and PR had Approximately 75% of OPs registered in the market were metabo-
higher binding interaction energy, there were many strong chemical lized to the DAP metabolites (Shomar et al., 2014; Ueyama et al., 2015).
bonds between them. Thus, PHT might have adverse effects on the At the same time, OPs were also degraded into DAPs such as DETP and
normal physiological function of PR. DEP might interact with TRα and DEP due to the metabolism of the plants and the environmental factors
should be able to be considered as a potential thyroid hormone dis- and were present in fruits and vegetables (Zhang et al., 2008). A certain
ruptor. concentration of chlorpyrifos pesticide was sprayed on the green string
We also verified the accuracy of the molecular docking results to bean grown in the field, and the residues of DEP could still be detected
ensure the accuracy of the parameters and method selection during the in the samples collected on the 21st day after spraying (Pan et al.,
molecular docking process. The evaluation index was the value of 2012). Interestingly, some organophosphorus flame retardants and
RMSD. The smaller the RMSD was, the closer the docking results of TAP plasticizers could also be degraded and metabolized to DEP (Chu and
and its major metabolites with the target proteins were to the structure Letcher, 2018; Li et al., 2017; Reemtsma et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2018).
of the original ligands and the target proteins. See Table S1 for the The correlation between OPs with diseases established by epidemiolo-
specific results. As shown in Table S1, the CDOCKER molecular docking gical studies mainly based on the contents of their metabolites in-
results of Discovery Studio 2019were credible and acceptable. cluding DEP in the urine (Katsikantami et al., 2019). Epidemiologic

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

Table 13
Interaction sites, main types and distances between residues at the active sites of hormone receptors and TAP, TAP's major metabolites.
Receptors Ligands Interaction sites Main types Distances (Å)

GR TAP Asn 564, Phe 623, Tyr 735, Cys 736 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Asn 564 (2.68)
Lig – Phe 623 (5.01)
Lig – Tyr 735 (5.33)
Lig – Cys 736 (2.08)
TAPO Leu 563, Tyr 735, Cys 736 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Amide-Pi stacked, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Leu 563 (4.73)
Lig – Tyr 735 (5.93)
Lig – Cys 736 (3.62)
PHT Met 560, Asn 564, Phe 623, Met 646 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Met 560 (2.25)
Lig – Asn 564 (2.07)
Lig – Phe 623 (5.23)
Lig – Met 646 (5.19)
DETP Asn 564 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asn 564 (1.93)
DEP – – –
MR TAP Phe 829 Pi-Pi T-shaped bond Lig – Phe 829 (5.01)
TAPO Met 807, Phe 829 Pi-Sulfur, Pi-Pi T-shaped Lig – Met 807 (4.00)
Lig – Phe 829 (5.04)
PHT Asn 770, Cys 942 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Lone pair, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Asn 770 (2.26)
Lig – Cys 942 (4.57)
DETP Asn 770 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asn 770 (1.91)
DEP Arg 817 Attractive charge Lig – Arg 817 (4.75)
AR TAP Leu 704, Phe 764, Met 780 Pi-Sigma, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Leu 704 (2.70)
Lig – Phe 764 (4.59)
Lig – Met 780 (4.94)
TAPO – – –
PHT Asn 705, Phe 764 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi T-shaped Lig – Asn 705 (1.87)
Lig – Phe 764 (5.98)
DETP Asn 705 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asn 705 (2.13)
DEP – – –
CAR TAP Phe 161, His 203, Tyr 326 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Sulfur, Pi-Pi Stacked Lig – Phe 161 (5.03)
Lig – His 203 (4.92)
Lig – Tyr 326 (4.98)
TAPO Phe 161, His 203, Tyr 326 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Pi Stacked Lig – Phe 161 (5.10)
Lig – His 203 (4.70)
Lig – Tyr 326 (4.98)
PHT Phe 161, Thr 225, Phe 243 Pi-Pi T-shaped, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi T-shaped Lig – Phe 161 (4.88)
Lig – Thr 225 (2.04)
Lig – Phe 243 (5.69)
DETP Tyr 224, Thr 225 Pi-Sulfur, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Tyr 224 (5.86)
Lig – Thr 225 (1.90)
DEP Phe 234 Pi-Anion Lig – Phe 234 (3.87)
ERα TAP Met 343, Thr 347, Met 528 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Sulfur, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Met 343 (5.42)
Lig – Thr 347 (2.72)
Lig – Met 528 (4.88)
TAPO Met 528 Pi-Sulfur Lig – Met 528 (5.38)
PHT Arg 394, Phe 404 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge, Pi-Pi T-shaped Lig – Arg 394 (2.22)
Lig – Phe 404 (5.09)
DETP Thr 347, Cys 530 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Thr 347 (2.62)
Lig – Cys 530 (2.45)
DEP – – –
PR TAP Met 756 Sulfur-X Lig – Met 756 (3.26)
TAPO Met 759, Phe 778, Met 909 Pi-Sigma, Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Met 759 (2.80)
Lig – Phe 778 (5.36)
Lig – Met 909 (5.44)
PHT Gln 725, Met 756, Met 759, Arg 766, Phe 778, Met 801 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Sulfur, Attractive charge, Pi-Pi T-shaped Lig – Gln 725 (2.17)
Lig – Met 756 (4.49)
Lig – Met 759 (4.37)
Lig – Arg 766 (2.36)
Lig – Phe 778 (5.38)
Lig – Met 801 (5.40)
DETP Leu 718, Trp 755 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Sulfur Lig – Leu 718 (1.97)
Lig – Trp 755 (5.61)
DEP Gln 725 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Gln 725 (2.44)
TRα TAP Met 256, Met 388 Pi-Sulfur, Sulfur-X Lig – Met 256 (3.03)
Lig – Met 388 (5.72)
TAPO Phe 218 Unfavorable acceptor-acceptor Lig – Phe 218 (2.80)
PHT Arg 228, Ser 277 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge Lig – Arg 228 (1.93)
Lig – Ser 277 (2.33)
DETP – – –
DEP Arg 228, Ser 277 Conventional hydrogen bond, Attractive charge Lig – Arg 228 (2.48)
Lig – Ser 277 (2.16)
(continued on next page)

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

Table 13 (continued)

Receptors Ligands Interaction sites Main types Distances (Å)

TRβ TAP Met 313, Met 442 Pi-Sulfur Lig – Met 313 (5.82)
Lig – Met 442 (4.83)
TAPO Met 313, Met 442 Pi-Sulfur Lig – Met 313 (5.73)
Lig – Met 442 (5.21)
PHT Met 313, Asn 331 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Met 313 (1.85)
Lig – Asn 331 (2.35)
DETP Met 310 Sulfur-X Lig – Met 310 (3.50)
DEP Arg 282, Asn 331 Attractive charge, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Arg 282 (5.14)
Lig – Asn 331 (2.00)
β1AR TAP Trp 117, Phe 201, Phe 306 Pi-Sulfur, Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi T-shaped Lig – Trp 117 (4.74)
Lig – Phe 201 (2.64)
Lig – Phe 306 (5.05)
TAPO Phe 201, Ser 212, Phe 306 Pi-Pi T-shaped bond, Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Phe 201 (4.93)
Lig – Ser 212 (2.30)
Lig – Phe 306 (5.10)
PHT Asp 121, Phe 307, Asn 329 Conventional hydrogen bond, Pi-Pi T-shaped bond Lig – Asp 121 (1.94)
Lig – Phe 307 (5.59)
Lig – Asn 329 (2.30)
DETP Asp 121 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asp 121 (2.05)
DEP Asn 310 Conventional hydrogen bond Lig – Asn 310 (2.97)

studies established the association between OPs and disturbed hormone and Beg, 2017), SHBG (Hazarika et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2016; Sheikh
levels based on urinary DEP measurements, especially the disorder of and Beg, 2019; Sheikh et al., 2016b, 2016c), TBG (Ren et al., 2016), and
serum sex hormone levels and thyroid hormone levels in OPs exposed TTR (Grimm et al., 2013; Hill et al., 2018; Kar et al., 2017; Ren et al.,
population (Bernieri et al., 2019; Omoike et al., 2015; Panuwet et al., 2016; Xin et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2015, 2016a; Zhang et al.,
2018; Shrestha et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2017a,b). 2018a,b,c) in silico, affecting hormone binding and transport, and the
levels of bioavailable free hormones.
4.2. Endocrine disrupting effects of TAP in vivo and in vitro Our results also suggested that DEP, the non-specific metabolite of
organophosphorus pesticides, can strongly interact with the enzymes
TAP exposure can affect the thyroid hormone levels and the ex- CYP11A1, CYP11B2 and CYP19A1 related to steroid hormones synth-
pression of TRα, TRβ, Dio1, Dio2, tsh, ERα, ERβ1, ERβ2 in zebrafish esis, which might affect steroid hormones (adrenocortical steroid hor-
embryos (Wu et al., 2018). In vitro cell experiments showed that TAP mones and/or sex hormones) production. TAPO can strongly interact
had the potentials to disrupt the estrogen receptor (ER), aromatic hy- with the enzyme CYP21A2 related to adrenocortical steroid hormones
drocarbon receptor, constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), pregnane synthesis, which might disturb the production of glucocorticoids and/or
X receptor, and vitamin D receptor signaling pathways (https:// mineralocorticoids. Previous studies have also found that CYP11A1,
pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/32184) (Table S2). CYP11B2, CYP19, and CYP21 were targets of EDCs-induced adreno-
The effects of TAP on reproductive activity were mainly explored in cortical toxicity and endocrine disruption in steroidogenic pathway
female rats (Sharma et al., 2015a) and the effects on the offsprings were (Harvey et al., 2007; Harvey, 2016). DEP can interact strongly with
also studied under pre-conceptional exposure to TAP (Sharma et al., IYD, indicating that DEP might be a potential thyroid hormone endo-
2015b; Bhanot and Sangha, 2018). TAP exposure altered serum content crine disruptor. In addition, our study indicated that TAP, TAPO and
of estrogen and progesterone, elevated the peroxidation and apoptosis DEP might disrupt the functions and activities of the enzymes AAAD
in ovary at the dose of 1/10th, 1/20th, and 1/40th of LD50 (Sharma and PNMT, which were related to catecholamines biosynthesis in
et al., 2015a). In utero and lactational exposure to acceptable daily in- adrenal medulla (Kvetnansky et al., 2009, 2013), thereby disturbing the
take level of TAP influenced testis development and functions in the production of adrenaline in the adrenal medulla. The neonicotinoid
male offsprings, which were characterized by a significant fall in sperm insecticide imidacloprid can facilitate TH transcription and PNMT
count, sperm motility, plasma testosterone levels, and histopathological mRNA expression to enhance catecholamine synthesis in PC12D cells
alterations in testis (Bhanot and Sangha, 2018). However, non-sig- (Kawahata and Yamakuni, 2018). High dietary phosphoric acid in-
nificant changes in reproductive indices such as gestational length and creased plasma phosphate concentration, blood pressure, and pulse
pup viability were observed in the offsprings in female rats under count. This mechanism might involve changes in sympathetic adrena-
preconceptional exposure of 30 days to 1/10th and 1/20th of LD50 of line activity (Mohammad et al., 2018). Phosphoric acid and DEP were
TAP (Sharma et al., 2015b). similar in chemical structure. Therefore, TAP and its major metabolites
might exert endocrine disrupting effects by disturbing the biosynthesis
processes of hormones in the endocrine glands.
4.3. Potential disrupting effects of TAP and its major metabolites on
Based on these results of our research, we speculate that TAP, TAPO,
endocrine hormones biosynthesis and transport
and DEP can affect the binding transport of HSA with adrenocortical
hormones, sex hormones, and thyroid hormones through inter-
EDCs, also known as endocrine disruptors, were chemicals that
molecular interaction with HSA. TAPO can also disturb the circulation
could alter endocrine function by mimicking, blocking, or interfering
of sex hormones by binding with SHBG, and DEP might affect the
with the production, metabolism, or action of hormones in the body
transport of thyroid hormones in the blood by interacting with TBG.
(The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2019). Molecular docking can
Predictably, TAP and its major metabolites might also interact with
reveal the potential of EDCs (phthalate esters) to inhibit the enzymes of
hormone-binding globulins and transport proteins in the blood, thereby
the glucocorticoid biosynthesis pathway (Ahmad et al., 2017), and
affecting the levels of free hormones available in the peripheral circu-
unraveling the molecular targets of bisphenol A and S in the thyroid
lation. Similarly, it can interfere with the negative feedback regulation
gland (Berto-Júnior et al., 2018). EDCs also disturbed hormone-binding
of endocrine hormones.
globulins and transport proteins in the blood, such as the interfering
effects of EDC on HSA (Hill et al., 2018; Peng et al., 2016), CBG (Sheikh

F.-W. Yang, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019) 110759

4.4. Potential disrupting effects of TAP and its major metabolites on the in silico. All three compounds (TAP, TAPO, and DEP) showed high
binding of endocrine hormone receptor proteins binding affinity with more proteins and enzymes than PHT and DETP.
TAP might interfere with the endocrine function of the adrenal glands,
In addition to being regulated by their natural hormone ligands including the biosynthesis of corticosteroids and catecholamines. TAP
binding, nuclear hormone receptors were also affected and regulated by might also bind strongly with GR and TR, affecting the normal phy-
exogenous environmental contaminants (Wang et al., 2017a,b), EDCs siological function of these hormone receptors. TAPO might disrupt the
(Balaguer et al., 2017; Le Maire et al., 2010; Ruiz et al., 2017; Sharma normal binding of AR, ER, PR, and β1AR to their natural hormone li-
et al., 2018; Usman and Ahmad, 2019), foods and their components gands. The binding of PHT and endocrine hormone-related proteins and
(Cozzini and Spyrakis, 2017; Goto, 2019; Zhang et al., 2018c), drugs enzymes had higher binding interaction energies, PHT and PR could
(Cozzini and Spyrakis, 2017), and toxics (Choudhuri et al., 2017), form many strong chemical bonds. Analysis of the molecular docking
among others, and can cause transcription and expression of the results of DETP showed that there was no strong molecular interaction
downstream target genes, leading to a series of physiological and pa- between DETP and all endocrine hormone-related proteins and en-
thological phenotypes. Steroid hormone receptors (GR, MR, AR, CAR, zymes involved in this study, suggesting that DETP was unlikely to be
ERα, ERβ, and PR) and thyroid hormone receptors (TRα and TRβ) also an EDC. DEP might affect biosynthesis of steroid hormones (adreno-
played a series of important roles in maintaining normal growth and cortical steroid hormones and/or sex hormones) and thyroid hormones.
development, reproduction, energy metabolism, inflammation, and At the same time, DEP might disrupt the binding and transport of
immunity in humans and animals (Conroy-Ben et al., 2018; Lu et al., thyroid hormones in the blood and the normal binding of thyroid
2018; Pande et al., 2019; Weikum et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2018b). hormones to their receptors. Together, these suggested that TAP and
EDCs, including pesticides, could interfere with hormone receptors in DEP might have endocrine disrupting activities and were potential
vivo, in vitro and in silico (Chen et al., 2018), such as GR (Khan et al., EDCs.
2017; Prasanth et al., 2010; Sarath Josh et al., 2016; Zhang et al., TAP remains a commonly used organophosphorus pesticide in many
2016c), MR (Khan et al., 2017), AR (Chen et al., 2019; Conroy-Ben developing countries, with high residual and high exposure risks. DEP
et al., 2018; Khan et al., 2017; Sarath Josh et al., 2016), CAR (Verma was a non-specific metabolite of diethyl thiophosphate and diethyl
et al., 2017), ERα (Conroy-Ben et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018b), PR phosphate organophosphorus pesticides, and even some organopho-
(Khan et al., 2017; Sarath Josh et al., 2016; Sheikh et al., 2016a), and sphorus flame retardants and plasticizers could also be metabolized to
TR (Li et al., 2010; Lu et al., 2018; Ren et al., 2015; Xin et al., 2018; DEP. Moreover, DEP not only can be produced by metabolism in the
Zhang et al., 2016b), among others, thus affecting their biological ef- human body, but can be present in agricultural products, foods, and the
fects. Dysfunction of the monoaminergic neurotransmission was im- environment. The human body could be exposed to DEP through var-
plicated in major depressive disorder and other neuropsychiatric con- ious ways such as diet and the environment. Therefore, based on our
ditions (Liu et al., 2018). Therefore, the study of the interaction findings, it was necessary to be more cautious and rigorous in the usage
between EDCs and hormone receptors was an important technique for and residue limit standards of organophosphorus chemicals.
screening EDCs. The molecular docking simulation method, as a com-
putational toxicology research approach based on the interaction be- Conflicts of interest
tween EDCs and receptors, has been increasingly widely applied
(Cavaliere and Cozzini, 2018; Chen et al., 2018; Vuorinen et al., 2015). The authors declare that no conflicts of interest in this article.
By investigating the binding abilities of TAP and its major meta-
bolites to hormone receptors, we found that TAP might disrupt these Declaration of interests
three hormone receptors: GR, TRα and TRβ. TAPO might interfere with
the normal binding of these receptors GR, MR, AR, CAR, ERα, PR, TRα, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
TRβ, and β1AR to their respective native ligands. Although the binding interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
of PHT and PR had higher binding interaction energy, there were many ence the work reported in this paper.
strong chemical bonds between them, so PHT might have adverse ef-
fects on the normal physiological function of PR. DEP might interact Acknowledgements
with TRα and act as a potential thyroid hormone disruptor. Obviously,
TAP and its major metabolites might also affect the transcription and This work was financially supported by the National Key Research
expression of downstream genes by destroying the binding abilities of and Development Program of China (grant number 2017YFC1601803)
hormone receptors to their native hormone ligands, leading to a series and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission project
of adverse biological effects. Further, we could also give an example of (grant number D171100008017003). And authors deeply thank Dr.
validation here. When docking RU486, an antagonist of GR (Chen et al., Zhan-Hui Wang and Dr. Ming-Gang Liu (Beijing Advanced Innovation
2018; Weikum et al., 2017), with GR (Fig. S21), it was found that Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health, College of Veterinary
RU486 could form the Pi-Pi T-shaped, Pi-Sulfur with Phe623 and Medicine, China Agricultural University) for their generous support of
Cys736 of GR, respectively. RU486 also formed Alkyl, Pi-Alkyl bonds the molecular docking tools of Discovery Studio.
with GR at the sites including Leu563 and Tyr735 in GR. These sites
were in common with TAP, indicating that TAP might inhibit the Appendix A. Supplementary data
binding of glucocorticoids with GR.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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