Module ESC 320: Eksamen
Module ESC 320: Eksamen
Module ESC 320: Eksamen
Ingenieurswese Engineering
Student se besonderhede:
Student’s details:
Test information:
1. Die eksamenregulasies van die Universiteit van Pretoria geld.
The examination regulations of the University of Pretoria apply.
2. Hierdie vraestel mag slegs in Afrikaans of Engels beantwoord word.
This question paper may only be answered in Afrikaans or English.
3. Antwoord al die vrae. / Answer all the questions.
4. Antwoord Afdeling A (Vraag 1) op die optiese merkblad, en B, C en D in die spasies wat vir die doel verskaf is /
Answer Section A (Question 1) on the optical mark sheet, and B, C and D in the spaces provided in the paper.
Lecturers: 2
Groephoof: Ek bevestig dat die vraestel die uitkomstes toets soos gespesifiseer in die studiehandleiding
Group head: I confirm that the question paper evaluates the outcomes as specified in the study guide.
1. Die afstand tussen naasliggende ewekansige simbole in die 16-QAM seinkonstellasie in Fig. 1-1 hieronder is
2A [Volt]. Bereken die gemiddelde simboolenergie, Es,ave, van die seinkonstellasie in terme van die energie per
bis, Eb=A2Tb [J].
The distance between adjacent equiprobable symbols of the 16-QAM signal constellation in Fig. 1-1 below, is
2A [Volt]. Calculate the average energy, Es,ave, of the signal constellation, in terms of the energy per bit,
Eb=A2Tb [J[. (2)
A. Eave=10 Eb [J] B. Eave=20 Eb [J] C. Eave=25 Eb [J] D. Eave=40 Eb [J] E. Eave=30 Eb [J]
2. ‘n PKM sein word gevorm deur ‘n analoë sein m(t) met bandwydte B [Hz] teen die kritiese Nyquist-tempo fmons
te monster, te kwantiseer na L=2n diskrete seinvlakke en daarna laasgenoemde na n-bis binêre woorde te
enkodeer. Die minimum transmissiebandwydte BT van hierdie PKM-sein is gelyk aan:
A PCM signal is formed by sampling an analog signal m(t) with bandwidth B [Hz] at the critical Nyquist rate,
fsamp, quantising it to L=2n discrete levels and then encoding the signal levels into n bit binary words. The
minimum transmission bandwidth BT of this PCM signal equals: (2)
A. BT = 2nB [Hz];
B. BT = n/(2B) [Hz]
C. BT = nB [Hz]
D. BT = fmons=fsamp [Hz]
E. BT = 2B [Hz]
3. Met die aanname dat die wdf van die kwantiseringsruis uniform versprei is in die bereik (-S, S), met S die
stapgrootte, kan die kwantiseringsruisdrywing Nq= eq van ‘n Delta-modulator met klokfrekwensie fs, [Hz] wat
‘n analoëe sein m(t) met maksimum frekwensie fm [Hz] enkodeer, beskryf word deur:
With the assumption that the pdf of the quantisation noise is uniformly distributed in the range (-S, S), with S the
step size, the expression for the quantisation noise power Nq= eq of a Delta modulator with clock frequency fs
[Hz], that encodes an analog signal m(t) with maximum frequency fm [Hz], can be described by: (2)
A. ( )
2 2
( ) 3
( ) 2
N q = S 3 . B ; B. N q = S 3 B f ; C. N q = S 2 s B ; D. N q = S 3 . f s
( )
E. Nie een van bostaande nie / Not one of the above.
4. ‘n Stasionêre (in die wye sin) Stogastiese Proses (SP) X(t): (Kies die beste antwoord)
A Wide Sense Stationary Stochastic Process (SP) X(t): (Choose the best answer) (1)
A. se statistiese gemiddelde is nul en die outokorrelasie RX(t1,t2) is slegs ‘n funksie van die tydverskil, τ = t1-t2;
has a statistical mean equal to zero and an auto-correlation function RX(t1,t2) that is only a function of the time
difference τ = t1-t2;
B. se eerste en tweede orde statistieke is nie funksies van tyd t nie;
has first and second order statistics that are not functions of time t;
C. se momente tot die nde-orde is nie funksies van tyd t nie;
has moments up to the nth order that are not functions of time t.
D. se statistiese gemiddelde is nie ‘n funksie van tyd nie en die outokorrelasie RX(t1,t2) is slegs ‘n funksie van die
tydverskil, τ = t1-t2;
has a statistical average that is not a function of time and an auto-correlation function RX(t1,t2) that is only a
function of the time difference τ = t1-t2;.
E. Nie een van bogenoemde opsies nie / Not one of the above options.
5. Kies die kovariansie stippelplot (A, B, C, D of E) wat ooreenstem met twee willekeurige verandelikes x en y wat
statisties negatief gekorreleerd is.
Choose the covariance scatter plot (A, B, C ,D or E) that corresponds with two random variables x and y which
are statistically negatively correlated. (2)
Fig. 1-2 Outokorrelasie/kovariansie stippelplotte van wvs x and y (E verteenwoordig nie een van A,B,C,D).
Autocorrelation/covariance scatter plots of rvs x and y (E represents not one of A,B,C,D)
6. Die onderstaande sekwensie verteenwoordig die ontvangde seinmonsters van ‘n Duobinêre (PW1:
1+D) drievlaksein sonder voorenkodering. Bepaal die gestuurde polêre (NRZ) binêre data-
(informasie-) sein, am 0(-1,1), gegee dat die eerste databis a0= “1" was voor Duobinêre kodering.
The sequence below represents the received samples of a Duobinary (PR1: 1+D) three-level signal
without pre-coding. Determine the transmitted polar (NRZ) binary data (information) signal, am 0(-
1,1), given that the first data bit was a0= “1" before Duobinary encoding. (2)
a0 2 0 0 2 0 -2 -2 0 0 0 2 2 0 -2 0
A. am = a0 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1;
B. am = a0 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1;
C. am = a0 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1;
D. am = a0 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1;
E. Nie een van bogenoemde nie / Not one of the above.
7. Identifiseer die lynkodetipe waarvan die vergladde impulsweergawe (a) en spektrum (b) as volg daar uitsien:
Identify the line code with smoothed impulse response (a) and spectrum (b) shown below: (2)
Fig 1-3 Onbekende lynkode impulsweergawe en spektrum / Unknown line code impulse response and spectrum
Eb -4
8. Wat is die vereiste Ν 0 vir 8PSK om ‘n bisfoutwaarskynlikheid van 10 op te lewer?
Eb -4
What is the required Ν 0 for 8PSK to yield a bit error probability (BEP) of 10 ? (2)
A. 8.5 dB B. 11.5 dB C. 9.5 dB D. 14 dB E. Nie een van voorafgaande / Not one of the fore-going.
9. Die onderstaande figuur stel ‘n ? tipe filter / stelsel voor? x(t) = a1(t)cos(ωct)+a2(t)sin(ωct)
The figure below represents a ? type of filter / system? x(t) = a1(t)cos(ωct)+a2(t)sin(ωct) (2)
Fig. 1-4 Onbekende filter / stelsel tipe / Unknown filter / system type
11. Fig 1-5 hieronder toon die blokdiagram van ‘n koherente haaksfasige korrelasie-tipe ? sender / ontvanger
Fig. 1-5 below depicts the block diagram of a coherent correlation type ? transmitter / receiver: (2)
12. Die figure hieronder toon onderskeidelik die DDS van die (a, b, c) draergemoduleerde syfermodulasiestelsels
(kies die korrekte kombinasie)
The figures below show the PSD of the (a, b, c) carrier modulated digital modulation systems, respectively
(choose the correct combination): (2)
13. Welke van die onderstaande DDSe bevat geen spektraallyne nie?
Which of the following PSDs exhibit no spectral lines? (2)
A. b) c) e)
B. a) b) c)
C. c) d) e)
D. b) c) d)
E. c) d) e)
14. Watter van die lynkodes in vraag 1-13 Fig. 1-7 hierbo bevat nie gs in hul DDS nie?
Which of the line codes in question 1-13 Fig. 1-7 do not have dc in their PSDs? (2)
A. a) B. b) C. c) D. d) E. e)
15. Die simboolfoutwaarskynlikhede van 16-PAM, 16-QAM en 16-PSK word hieronder gedefinieer en grafies in Fig.
1-8 aangetoon. Vergelyk die benaderde Eb/N-verbetering in dB wat met 16-PSK en 16-QAM relatief tot 16-PAM
verkry word by ‘n simboolwaarskynlikheid van Pe=10-6.
The symbol error probabilities of 16-PAM, 16-QAM and 16-PSK are defined below and graphically depicted in
Fig. 1-8. Compare the approximate Eb/N improvement in dB achieved by 16-PSK and 16-QAM relative to 16-
PAM at a symbol error probability of Pe=10-6. (2)
15 Q
Pe,16− PAM = 8
8 Eb
51 N( ) ;
Pe,16− QAM = 3Q
( ) ;
4 Eb
5 N
Pe,16− PSK = 2Q
( )
5 Eb
16 N
VRAAG 1 (VERVOLG) / QUESTION 1 (CONTINUED) Volpunte / Full Marks: [15]
WAAR (A) of VALS (E) / TRUE (A) or FALSE (E)
Die stellings van Vrae 16 tot 30 hieronder is of WAAR of ONWAAR - Dui WAAR met
simbool A aan en ONWAAR (of VALS) met simbool E teenoor die ooreenstemmende
vraagnommer (16 tot 30) op bladsy 1 van u optiese merkblad.
The statements made in Questions 16 to 30 below are either TRUE or FALSE - Indicate TRUE
by marking symbol A and FALSE by marking symbol E of each corresponding question (16 to
30) on page 1 of your optical mark sheet.
16. Die gemiddelde bisfoutwaarskynlikheid van ‘n willekeurige polêre (dws ±A volt seinvlakke) binêre datasein met
p(0)=p(1)= ½ word gegee deur (met Pe|i die voorwaardelike waarskynlikheid van ‘n bisfout gegee i=0 of 1,
The average bit error probability (BEP) of a random polar (i.e., ±A volt signal levels) binary data signal with
p(0)=p(1)= ½ is given by (with Pe|i the conditional probability of bit error given i=0 or 1, respectively): (1)
Pb = P∈ = ∑P
∈|i p(i ) = P∈|i Vgl / Eq (1)
17. Die bandwydte van ‘n M-PAM datasein is log2M keer groter as die van die binêre datasein waaruit dit herlei is:
The bandwidth of an M-PAM data signal is log2M times larger than the binary signal from which it is derived.
18. Die uiterste en mees effektiewe bronenkoderingstegniek behels Huffman enkodering van die simbole van ‘n
uitgebreide bron (dws die vorming van kombinasies van twee, drie of meer simbole van die oorspronklike
The ultimate and most efficient source coding method comprises Huffman coding of the symbols of an extended
source (i.e., combinations of two, three or more symbols of the original information source). (1)
19. Met MFSK is dit moontlik om ‘n Gray-afbeelding van bisse na simbole te verkry.
With MFSK it is possible to obtain a Gray mapping of bits onto symbols. (1)
21. Die spektrum van die sein in 2 van Fig. 1-9 hieronder word getoon in 3 van Fig. 1-9.
The spectrum of the signal in 2 of Fig. 1-9 below is depicted in 3 of Fig. 1-9. (1)
22. Die onderstaande figuur toon die skematiese diagram van ‘n praktiese binêre datadetektor en hergenerator.
The figure below depicts the schematic diagram of a practical binary data detector and regenerator. (1)
23. Die foutwaarskynlikheid van z-MFSK streef na die Shannon-limiet (-1.6 dB) namate M ÷ 4.
The error probability of z-MFSK converges to the Shannon bound (-1.6 dB) as M ÷ 4. (1)
24. `n Aangepaste Filter (AF) is ‘n filter vir die optimale deteksie van ‘n gegewe pulsgolfvorm p(t) in die
teenwoordigheid van ruis, n(t) oor die simbool-interval 0#t#T, sodanig dat die impulsweergawe hAF(t) so
gemanupuleer word dat die uitgang van die AF in werklikheid die kruiskorrelasie van die ontvangde sein
r(t)=p(t)+n(t) met `n lokale replika van die gestuurde sein p(t) vorm.
The Matched Filter (MF) is a filter designed for the optimal detection of a pulse p(t) in the presence of noise
n(t) over the interval 0#t#T, such that its impulse response hAF(t) is manipulated in such a way that the output
of the filter in fact forms the cross-correlation of the received signal r(t)=p(t)+n(t) with a local replica of the
transmitted symbol p(t). (1)
25. Die optimum beslissingsreël in Fig. 1-11 hieronder, gegee dat simbool s1 gestuur is, is die maksimum
korrelasie beslissingsreël, C(r,sm)= r , sm = maks as m=1, met r=sm+n die ontvangde seinvektor.
The optimum decision rule in Fig. 1-11 below, given that symbol s1 has been transmitted, is the maximum
correlation decision rule, C(r,sm)= r , sm = max, if m=1, with r=sm+n the received signal vector. (1)
26. Die ruiskomponente nk, k=1,2, ... ,N, in die geval van SWGR in `n N-dimensionele seinruimte, is
ongekorreleerde Gauss willekeurige veranderlikes, en omdat die ruiskomponente Gauss-versprei is, is hulle
per definisie ook statisties onafhanklik. Laasgenoemde identiteit geld spesifiek vir Gauss-verspreide
willekeurige veranderlikes.
The noise components, nk, k=1,2, ... ,N, in the case of AWGN in an N-dimensional signal space are
uncorrelated Gaussian random variables, and hence also statistically independent. This identity specifically
applies to Gaussian distributed random variables. (1)
27. Nyquist se eerste kriterium vir intersimbool-oorvleueling (ISO)-vrye datatransmissie (Nyq I) is dat die
impulsweergawe van die aangepaste filter hAF(t) halfamplitudekruisings op gereëlde simboolintervallle T moet
Nyquist’s first criterion for inter-symbol-interference (ISI) free data transmission states that the impulse
response of the matched filter hAF(t) should have half amplitude crossings at regularly spaced symbol intervals
T. (1)
28. Die maksimum informasietempo van ‘n willekeurige binêre NRZ datasein met vierkantige simbole en ‘n
bistempo van fb bisse/s is:
The maximum information rate of a random binary NRZ data signal with rectangular pulses and a bit speed
of fb bits/s is: (1)
fb Vgl / Eq (2)
2 [bits / s]
29. Translasie of rotasie van ‘n seinkonstellasie (of alternatiewelik, die koordinaatstelsel) in ‘n seinruimte waarin
die SWGR sferies-simmetries is, het geen invloed op die voorwaardelike foutwaarskynlikheids-berekening van
individele simbole nie.
Translation or rotation of the signal set (or alternatively, the coordinate system) in a signal space where the
AWGN has spherical symmetry, do not affect the conditional error probability calculation of individual
symbols. (1)
30. Die term Sa(f) van die DrywingsDigtheidSpektrum (DDS) Sx(f) ( hieronder gedefinieer) van die stogastiese
dataproses (SP) X(t), verteenwoordig die spektrale vorming agv die elementêre pulsvorm gT(t) ] GT(f).
The term Sa(f) of the Power Spectral Density (PSD) Sx(f) (defined below) of the stochastic data process X(t)
represents the spectral shaping as a result of the elementary pulse shape gT(t) ] GT(f). (1)
1 2
Sx ( f ) = T Sa ( f ) GT ( f ) Vgl / eq (3)
Volpunte /
Full Marks
2.1 'n Stogastiese Proses (SP) word beskryf deur 2.1 A Stochastic Process (SP) is described by sample
monsterfunksies van die vorm: functions of the form:
met θ 'n willekeurige faseterm met wdf: with θ a random phase term with pdf:
as / if θ ≤π / 2
p(θ ) = π Vgl / Eq (5)
0 andersins / elsewhere
2.1.1 Stel vas, met die nodige argumente, motivering 2.1.1 Establish, with the necessary arguments,
en berekenings, of die SP beskryf deur Vgl's (4) motivation and calculations, if the SP described by
en (5) stasionêr in die wye sin (WSS) is. Onder- equations (4) and (5) are stationary in the wide
soek beide eerste en tweede orde statistieke van sense (WSS). Consider both first and second order
n(t, θ). statistics of n(t, θ). (7)
2.1.2 Vind `n uitdrukking vir en plot die drywings- 2.1.2 Find an expression and plot the power spectral
digtheidsprektrum (DDS) van die SP in vgl’s (4) density (PSD) of the SP defined in Eq’s (4) and
en (5) hierbo en bepaal hieruit ‘n uitdrukking vir (5) above, and determine from this an
die gemiddelde drywing, Pn, in n(t, θ). Bereken expression for the average power, Pn, in n(t, θ).
A in vgl (4) as Pn = 1[W]. Calculate A in eq (4) if Pn = 1[W]. (3)
2.2 Die S/R-verhouding by die ontvanger van ‘n 2.2 The S/N ratio at the receiver of a digital MPSK
MPSK syfermodulasiestelsel kan geskryf word as: modulation system can be expressed as:
σ s2
S/R=S/N = 2 vgl / eq (6) (See eq (6)).
waar die sein en ruisvariansies , σ s2 en σ n2 na die where the signal and noise variances σ s2 and
aangepaste filter (AF) in die ontvanger gemeet
σ n2 can be measured at the output of the matched
kan word deur die gemiddelde van die kwadraat
van die tydseinmonsters (in die afwesigheid van filter (MF) in the receiver by averaging the
ruis, n(t)) te meet, en soortgelyk van die square of the time signal samples (in the absence
ruismonsters (in die afwesigheid van die sein). of noise n(t)), and similarly the noise samples (in
Daar word veronderstel dat beide die sein en die the absence of the signal, s(t)). It is assumed that
ruis gs-vry is. both the signal and the noise are dc-free.
2.2.1 2.2.1
Toon aan hoe die S/R in vgl (6) na E b /N 0 Show how the S/N ratio in eq (6) can be written in
omgeskakel kan word as die modulasiestelsel terms of Eb/N0 if the modulation system is MPSK
MPSK is met M=2k. Neem aan dat die minimum with M=2k. Assume that the minimum two-sided
tweesydige seinbandwydte van die MPSK sein signal bandwidth of the MPSK signal equals
W=2B is met B die Nyquist bandwydte van die W=2B, with B the Nyquist bandwidth of the
MPSK simboolsekwensies, fs=fb/k Die tweesydige MPSK symbol sequences, fs=fb/k. The two-sided
ruis-DDS is No/2 [W/Hz]. noise PSD is No/2 [W/Hz]. (5)
2.3 ‘n Informasiebron, S, stel M=3 statisties- 2.3 An information source, S, emits M=3 statistically
onafhanklike simbole teen ‘n tempo van fs=50 independent symbols at a symbol rate of fs=50
simbole/sek uit die alfabet {S}={A,B,C} vry. Die symbols/sec from an alphabet {S}={A,B,C}. The
waarskynlikhede van die afsonderlike probabilities of the individual source symbols, as
bronsimbole, sowel as twee tipiese binêre kodes well as two typical codes for the source, are
vir die bron, word in die onderstaande tabel tabulated in the table below.
2.3.1 Bereken die entropie, H(S), van die bron, S. (2) 2.3.1 Calculate the entropy H(S), of the source, S.(2)
2.3.2 Bepaal die doeltreffendheid van die binêre kodes 2.3.2 Determine the efficiency of the binary codes,
KODE1 en KODE2 in Tabel 2-1. Wat word die CODE1 and CODE2 in Table 2-1. What are
kodes genoem? (3) these codes called? (3)
2.3.3 Ontwikkel ‘n binêre Huffman-kode (KODE3) vir 2.3.3 Develop a binary Huffman code (CODE3) for
die bron S en toon aan dat dit meer effektief is as the sourse S and show that it is more efficient
die gegewe twee kodes in Tabel 2-1. (5) than the two given codes in Table 2-1. (5)
3.1 Toon aan dat die kruiskorrelasiekoëffisiënt 3.1 Show that the cross-correlation coefficient
tussen die twee seine s1(t) en s2(t), gedefinieer in between the two signals s1(t) and s2(t), defined in
vgl (7), is soos getoon in vgl (8). (5) eq (7), is as shown in eq (8). (5)
s1 (t ) = cos ω 1t
( )
; 0≤t ≤T vgl / eq (7)
s2 (t ) = cos(ω 2 t )
s1 • s2
ρ 12 =
s1 s2
= Sinc (ω 2 − ω1 )T = Sinc[ ∆ω T ] ] vgl / eq (8)
3.2 Skets ρ12 volledig as ‘n funksie van h=∆f.T, 3.2 Give a complete plot of ρ12 as a function of
waar ∆f=f2 - f1 Hz. (2) h=∆f.T, where ∆f=f2 - f1 Hz. (2)
0 2π∆f.T
-0.2 0 1 2 3 4 ∆f.T
3.3 ‘n Algemene uitdrukking vir die foutwaarskyn- 3.3 A general expression for the error probability,
likheid, Pb, van 'n binêre koherente syfer- Pb, of a binary coherent digital communication
modulasiestelsel met ewekansige, gekorreleerde system with equiprobable, correlated symbols,
simbole, s1(t) en s2(t) word gegee in Vgl (9). s1(t) and s2(t) is given in Eq (9). Using this
Vind/herlei met behulp van hierdie algemene general expression, find/derive expressions for
uitdrukking, uitdrukkings vir die korrelasie- the correlation coefficient, ρ12=ρxxx 1 and
koëffisiënt, ρ12=ρxxx 1 en uitdrukkings vir die expressions of the bit error probabilities Pxxx
bisfoutwaarskynlikhede Pxxx van: (6) of: (6)
E (1 − ρ )
Pb = Pxxx = Q 12 Vgl / Eq (9)
N o
3.3.1 Ortogonale FSK (FSKz) (2) 3.3.1 Orthogonal FSK (FSKz) (2)
PFSK,⊥ =
PFSK ,opt =
Waar / where xxx = FSKz, FSKopt of / or PSK
ESC320_Exam_28_10_2013.wpd LPL / 11 / 2013 23 / 36
Stogastiese Kommunikasiestelsels / Stochastic Communication Systems
3.4 Bereken ook in elke geval hierbo die vereiste Eb/No 3.4 Also calculate in each case the required Eb/No
om 'n bisfoutwaarskynlikheid van Pb = 10-5 te lewer to ensure a bit error probability of Pb = 10-5
(verwys aangehegte Q-foutfunksie-tabelle). Vul die (refer to attached Q-function tables). Enter
resultate in Tabel 3-1 hieronder in. (1+1+1=3) results into Table 3-1 below. (1+1+1=3)
3.4.1 FSK,z (1)
3.5 3.5
3.5.1 Vergelyk (tabuleer - sien Tabel 3-1 hieronder) 3.5.1 Compare (tabulate - see Table 3-1 below) the
die stelsels in 3.3.1 tot 3.3.3 op 'n seinkonstel- systems in 3.3.1 to 3.3.3 using a signal
lasiediagram (skets volledig) (3) constellation diagram (Give complete sketch with
details). (3)
3.5.2 Bereken in elke geval die minimum afstand , dxxx 3.5.2 Calculate the minimum distance, dxxx , between
tussen naasliggende simbole, in terme van die adjacent symbols in terms of the symbol energy,
simboolenergie, Eb, te bereken. Bereken ook in Eb, in each case. Also calculate the dB-ratio
elke geval die dB-verhouding van dxxx/dPSK en dxxx/dPSK in each case and tabulate in Table 3-1.
tabuleer in Tabel 3-1. Veronderstel 'n gemid- Assume a average power limitation and
ZAWGN (0, σ2=No/2).
delde drywingsbeperking en NSWGR (0,
σ2=No/2). (2+2+2=6)
Bereken dxxx en die dB-verhouding van dxxx/dPSK // Calculate dxxx and the dB-ratio dxxx/dPSK in each case:
3.1 (5)
3.2 (2)
Tabuleer / Tabulate:
Questions: 3.3 (3) 3.3 (3) 3.4 (3) 3.5.2 (3) 3.5.2 (6)
Modulasie- Kruiskor Bisfoutwrsk Eb/N0 (Pb=10-5) op seinkonstellasie 20 log dxxx/dPSK PUNT
skema (1 punt elk) (1 punte elk) (1 punt elk) MARK
Modulation Cross Corr Bit error prob (1 punt elk) on signal constellation (2 punte elk)
scheme (1 mark each) (1 marks each) (1 mark each) (1 mark each) (2 marks each) [18]
ρxxx dxxx [dB]
FSKz (6)
FSKopm (6)
PSK (6)
Tabel / Table 3-1 Vergelyking van binêre modulasiestelsels / Comparison of binary modulation
4.1 Vind ‘n lengte L=15 maksimaallengte sekwensie van ±A 4.1 Find a length L=15 maximal length sequence of
Volt NRZ data, s(t) deur van die skuifregistermetode met ±A Volt NRZ data, s(t) by using the shift register
terugvoer gebruik te maak en skets op die grafiek method with feedback and plot on the figure
hieronder. Vind self die korrekte terugvoerpunte deur below. Find the correct feedback points by using
van die skuifregistertabel in die bylaag gebruik te maak. the shift register table in the appendix. Initial
Begintoestand: 1010. (2) condition: 1010.
0 1 2 15
4.2 Toon die gemodifiseerde Duobinêre data (met 4.2 Show the modified Duobinary (with precoding) of
voorenkodering) van die data in Fig. 4-1. the data in Fig. 4-1. (3)
0 1 2 15
Fig. 4-2 Gemodifiseerde Duobinêr met voorenkodering / Modified Duobinary with pre-coding
4.3 Herlei die simboolsekwensies, s1(t) en s2(t) wat dmv die 4.3 Derive and plot the symbol sequences s1(t) and s2(t)
proses van S/P-omsetting uit die NRZ datasekwensie in that are obtained through the S/P-conversion from
Fig 4-1 verkry word en plot op die grafieke hieronder. the NRZ data in Fig. 4-1, and plot on the graphs
LW: Ignoreer die natuurlike Tb-afset tussen s1(t) en s2(t) below. NB: Ignore the natural Tb offset between s1(t)
wat normaalweg agv die S/P omsettingsproses and s2(t) which results from the S/P conversion
ontstaan. Let ook op die skaalverandering na Ts=2Tb) process. Also note the change in scale:
in Fig. 4-3 a) en b). (4) Fig. 4-3 a) and b). (4)
0 1 2 7
0 1 2 7
Fig. 4-3 S/P-omsetting van dieseriale insetdata s(t) / S/P conversion of the serial input data s(t)
4.4 Skets die amplitude-frekwensieweergawe, |HI(f)| 4.4 Plot the amplitude-frequency response, |HI(f)|,
[V/Hz] en fase, θI(f) [rad]) van `n ideale bandlaatkanaal [V/Hz] and phase θI(f) [rad]) of an ideal band pass
met bandwydte f2 - f1 = W [Hz]. channel with bandwidth f2 - f1 = W [Hz].
(4) (4)
0 f1 f2 f [Hz]
f2 f [Hz]
4.5 `n Spraakband-telefoonkanaal het `n ideale bandlaat 4.5 A voice-band telephone line channel has an ideal
frekwensieweergawe-karakteristiek oor die bereik bandpass frequency response characteristic spanning
f1=300Hz tot f2=4300Hz. `n M=4-PSK (haaksfasige the frequency range f1= 300Hz to f2= 4300Hz. A
PSK of QPSK) modem (sender en ontvanger) moet M=4-PSK (QPSK) modem (transmitter and receiver)
ontwerp word wat in staat sal wees om data teen die must be designed capable of rendering the highest
hoogste moontlike tempo R [bisse/sek] deur hierdie possible data rate, R [bits/s] through this ideal
ideale telefoonkanaal met bandwydte W Hz in Fig 4-4 telephone channel with bandwidth W [Hz] (see Fig. 4-
te kan stuur. Veronderstel dat die spektrale vorming 4). Assume that the spectral shaping of the modem
van die modemuitsetsein met afrolfaktor α=1 verhewe output signal is achieved through α=1 roll-off raised
cosinus-vierkantswortel Nyquist laaglaatfilters in die cosine square-root Nyquist baseband low pass filters
basisband voor haaksfasige modulasie bewerkstellig prior to quadrature modulation in the transmitter, and
word, en soortgelyk na haaksfasige demodulasie in die similarly after quadrature demodulation in the
ontvanger. (7) receiver. (7)
4.5.1 Bereken maksimum moontlike datatempo R [bits/s] 4.5.1 Calculate the maximum possible data rate R [bits/s],
asook die dubbelsyband bandwydte van 2B Hz van die as well as the two-sided QPSK bandwidth 2B Hz. (4)
QPSK-sein.? (4)
4.5.2 Skets (sover moontlik op skaal) die 4.5.2 Sketch (preferably on scale) the modem output
modemuitsetspektrum relatief tot die ideale kanaal- spectrum relative to the ideal channel frequency
frekwensieweergawe in Fig 4-4 in 4.4 hierbo. response in Fig. 4-4 in 4.4 above. Calculate the
Bereken die optimale waarde/posisie vir die optimal value/position of the carrier frequency fc Hz
draerfrekwensie fc Hz om optimale dubbel-syband that will enable optimum double sideband
transmissie toe te laat en dui dit ook op Fig. 4-4 transmission through this channel. Also plot this on
hierbo aan. (3) Fig. 4-4 above (3)
4.6 Konstrueer die bisfoutwaartskynlikheids-(BFW) 4.6 Construct the bit error probability (BEP) graph for
grafiek vir M=8-PSK op die grafiek hieronder (sien M=8-PSK on the graph below (also see Fig A-2
ook Fig. A-2 Bylaag A), gegee dat ‘n Gray Appendix A), given that a Gray mapping of bits onto
afbeelding van bisse op simbole gebruik is. Vind symbols have been used. Find, using the graph, the
mbv die grafiek die BFW, Pb, indien die BEP Pb, if the symbol energy to noise power spectral
simboolenergie tot ruisdrywingsdigtheids-verhouding density Es /N equals 16 dB. Verify your answer
Es /N= 16 dB bedra. Verifieer hierdie antwoord numerically using the appropriate equation in
numeries deur van die gepaste vergelyking in Bylaag Appendix A. (5)
A gebruik te maak (5)