Ingenuity of Scratch Programming On Reflective Thi

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

Ingenuity of scratch programming on reflective thinking

towards problem solving and computational thinking

Semirhan Gökçe1 · Arzu Aydoğan Yenmez1

Received: 28 May 2022 / Accepted: 28 September 2022 / Published online: 4 November 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

Individuals learn to develop problem solving strategies and make connections be-
tween their mathematical ideas while programming, so they have the opportunity to
improve their thinking skills. Scratch provides an environment to experience prob-
lem scenarios and encourages them to act out imagination while having fun. The
purpose of the study is to investigate the development of reflective thinking skills
towards problem solving and computational thinking of elementary school students
based on their Scratch instruction. The study used a sequential exploratory design
as a mixed method approach with 524 students and 8 mathematics teachers. The
results of the study revealed that Scratch significantly strengthened students’ reflec-
tive thinking skills for problem solving and computational thinking. Based on the
results, the reflective thinking towards problem solving and computational thinking
did not vary by gender. In addition, Scratch instruction led to positive reflections in
the mathematical learning environment.

Keywords Computational thinking · Problem solving · Reflective thinking ·

Scratch · Thinking skills

1 Introduction

Industry 4.0, brought about by the rapid technological change of recent years, shows
that innovations such as mobile devices and Internet technologies have begun to
profoundly affect our daily lives. The educational system of industrial society has
evolved over the past two centuries, and attempts to develop an educational system

Semirhan Gökçe
[email protected]

Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University,
Niğde, Turkey

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5494 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

with 21st-century skills have intensified. Science, technology, engineering and math-
ematics (STEM) involves interdisciplinary, concrete, application-oriented practices
aimed at solving problems arising from the events of everyday life (coding in various
dimensions in different disciplines, robotics and design activities for smart devices).
The changes brought about by Industry 4.0 often lead to debates the skills people
can have in the 21st century. At this time, more studies have been done on 21st cen-
tury skills as people develop a better understanding of the rapidly changing world.
Computational thinking and coding were among these skills that individuals should
have, according to studies published by International Education Technology Society
(ISTE) in 2007 and 2016.
The individuals learn to make connections between ideas and design learning strat-
egies and projects related to problem solving while coding, which will enhance their
mathematical and analytical thinking skills (such as variable and conditional expres-
sions). Along with computational thinking, communication, relationship skills, and
collaboration are all skills that can be taught. Coding can embody abstract concepts,
combined with skills such as creativity, teamwork and problem solving. These can
also make coding an effective tool for gaining computational thinking skills. These
skills are not only needed by computer programmers, but also by people from all
fields, professions, and occupations (Resnick, 2013; Wei et al., 2021; Wing, 2006).
Mathematics education has undergone significant changes so that the teaching
styles have been reorganized in accordance with learning objectives (Chevallard &
Bosch, 2020; Olkun & Toluk-Uçar, 2006). It is not enough for a student to have
knowledge; it is also important for them to be able to develop cause-and-effect rela-
tionships (Brewer, 2007; Kuo, Barnes & Jordan, 2019; Lind 1998), as well as be
creative and adaptable to new ideas (Rowe, 2007). Instead of teaching mathematical
knowledge, the aim is to educate individuals who can apply what they have learned
(Demirel & Yağcı, 2012; Witrock, 1978), who can solve problems (Clements &
Gullo, 1984; Kenedi et al., 2019; Korkmaz et al., 2015), who can communicate well,
and who have a positive attitude towards mathematics (Davadas & Lay, 2020; Tutak,
2008). At this point, mathematics teaching can be supported with technological mate-
rials that have an active role in concretizing the abstract concepts (Celen, 2020; Geli-
bolu, 2009; Kaput, 1999; Kieran, 1992; Taşlıbeyaz, 2010). Mathematical software
enables modeling (Aksakal et al., 2015) and understanding of the problem solving
process (Clements & Gullo, 1984; Korkmaz et al., 2015), through the concretization
of numerical, algebraic and graphical representations (Azuma, 1997; Zengin, 2019).
Programming instruction can help students acquire basic skills, such as problem
solving, by developing their metacognitive skills (Mangaroska et al., 2022; Zucker-
man et al., 2009). Students who experience mathematics with coding develop prob-
lem solving skills, visual perspectives and algorithmic thinking skills (Sun et al.,
2021; Taylor et al., 2010; Wing, 2006; Domínguez et al., 2013) describe algorithm
as a plan that specifies what the computer should do at each step to get to the desired
result. Algorithms are used in programming design and consist of many steps. There-
fore, the first thing before creating a program is to work on its algorithm. Studies
show that students who receive programming instruction have higher thinking, cre-
ativity and problem solving skills compared to students who do not receive instruc-
tion (Clements & Gullo, 1984; Liu et al., 2021). For example, students who learn

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517 5495

Fig. 1 A screenshot of Scratch interface

mathematics with software can look at problems from different perspectives, which
leads to more innovative learning (Korkmaz et al., 2015). As a result, coding is con-
sidered important not only for programmers, but for all students. In the process of
teaching mathematics with coding, the problem is first analyzed, then algorithms are
developed, next the algorithm is evaluated, and if it works correctly, the algorithm is
coded (Fesakis & Serafeim, 2009). These steps help students learn more efficiently
in a collaborative environment through the use of visual applications (Garner, 2003;
Hsu et al., 2018).
Some initiatives are emerging in society to enable new generations to write or
design, create and invent on a larger scale. For example, visual block-based pro-
gramming platforms such as Alice, Kodu Game Lab, and Scratch provide
environments where children can develop their own programs, games and anima-
tions without having to learn the complex code structures of traditional programming
languages (Resnick et al., 2009; Weng et al., 2022). Scratch is one such coding envi-
ronment that could be used in the mathematics classroom to help students visualize
their ideas while having fun (Gonzalez, 2012; Rodríguez-Martínez et al., 2020). A
screenshot of Scratch can be seen in Fig. 1.
Scratch is also mentioned as an environment for an “educational game” in the
classroom (Alakoç, 2003). Games are the primary activities that engage children and
teach while entertaining them (Kalogiannakis et al., 2018; Wells et al., 2008). An
educational game helps children solve problems in daily life so that new tasks are
introduced and as children continue to solve these problems, they become problem
solvers. Therefore, a game is an effective learning process for children and a motivat-
ing factor for teaching. Using games to present the topic arouses their interest in the
lesson and makes it easier for them to understand it. We can gain target behaviors by
converting educational games into computer-based lessons (Kukul, 2013).

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5496 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

Fig. 2 Sections of theoretical framework

As the types of games for boys and girls differ, the considerations of games on
the education/teaching process attract attention. Researchers have also addressed the
issue of gender parity in computer use since the dawn of the personal computer. It
is stated that if males and females participate differently in computer learning set-
tings, this could lead to inequalities in cognitive skills and access to the labor market
(Ferracane, 2020; Linn,1985). In Linn’s study, it was found that once girls and boys
participate in the class, they achieve equivalent levels of proficiency in programming,
but that girls are less likely to enroll. According to some other studies, the female
students are significantly less confident in their programming abilities than male stu-
dents (Alvarado, Lee & Gillespie, 2014; Carter & Jenkins, 1999).
Based on these findings, the purpose of the study is to investigate the development
of reflective thinking skills towards problem solving and computational thinking of
elementary school students based on Scratch instruction. The main motivation of this
study is to contribute to the literature in this context by conducting a study that deals
with the above-mentioned variables together. The research problems of the study are
as follows:
RQ1: Does Scratch instruction provide a significant difference on reflective think-
ing towards problem solving and computational thinking scores?
RQ2: Is there a gender difference on reflective thinking skills towards problem
solving and computational thinking skills of elementary school students?
RQ3: What are the opinions of the students taking Scratch instruction about the
mathematical learning process?
RQ4: What are the opinions of mathematics teachers about the changes in the
mathematical learning process of students who take Scratch instruction?

1.1 Theoretical Framework

This section provides information regarding the key concepts and the relations among
them. Since the purpose of the study is to investigate the development of reflective
thinking skills towards problem solving and computational thinking of elementary
school students based on Scratch instruction, the order of the concepts from general
to specific is given in the Fig. 2below.

1.1.1 Teaching programing to children

Programming makes our lives easier, so it is no surprise that teaching programming

is one of the trend topics in schools. Basic versions of college-level programming

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517 5497

courses are also offered in elementary schools and even kindergartens. The prediction
that programming education will be one of the skills of the 21st century, along with
the introduction of visual programming languages, has sparked a worldwide inter-
est and trend in programming education. Computer Science For All (CSForALL)
is a movement in the United States that aims to increase computer science skills for
all students, from kindergarten to high school (Margolis & Goode, 2016). Primary
school students benefit from programming exposure in terms of cognitive develop-
ment (Atmatzidou & Demetriadis, 2016; Lewis, 2010) and their perceptions toward
programming (Kalelioğlu & Gülbahar, 2014a; Lewis, 2010). Studies conducted in
recent years have shown that children who learn programming improve their ability
to produce solutions to the problems they encounter. It is claimed that children, who
can find their mistakes more easily thanks to their coding skills, have increased their
ability to evaluate results (Arfé et al., 2020; Coravu, Marian, & Ganea, 2015; Çiftci
& Bildiren 2020; Erol & Çırak, 2022; Resnick & Silverman, 2005).

1.1.2 Gender differences in programming

Human lives are intertwined with computer science (CS) and information technology
(IT). The technological revolution has benefited both men and women. However,
females have a smaller percentage of education and limited options in career choice
in several parts of the world (Mayer-Smith et al., 2000). Cultural perceptions, sociali-
sation of gender roles, lack of female participation in computer science, and the way
computers are taught and practised in schools are all factors that contribute to gender
inequality (Shashaani & Khalili, 2001). Females have a lower interest in computer
science and technical disciplines. There are studies that show that changing the envi-
ronment can help females perform better (Shashaani & Khalili, 2001). On the other
hand, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] (2011)
found that female students outperformed male students in their studies measuring
digital literacy among 15-year-old students in 19 countries. Similarly, female stu-
dents had significantly higher scores than male students in programming and digital
literacy evaluation studies conducted by National Assessment of Educational Prog-
ress (NAEP) at the 8th grade level in the United States (Altinok et al., 2018).
The problem solving and programming unit consists of coding and programming
titles as content, and male students are more enthusiastic and interested in computing
and programming (Du et al., 2016; Lockheed, 1985). However, some studies show
that female students have become more interested in programming and coding (Col-
ley & Comber, 2003; Fraillon et al., 2014). According to Hsu (2014), students’ level
of understanding of programming frameworks did not differ by gender in Scratch
programming at the primary school level but female students learned algorithmic
concepts better. Durak & Guyer (2019) used Scratch to evaluate the effectiveness of
programming education in special education at the primary school level, and discov-
ered a substantial difference in Scratch skills in favor of female students at the end of
15 weeks of programming instruction. In the observations, female students in both
experimental and control groups were found to be more active and eager participants
in the lessons. Male students, on the other hand, were observed to spend their time
on extracurricular topics and constantly playing computer games with each other

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5498 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

(Quaiser-Pohl et al., 2006) rather than on their assigned tasks. This also supports the
quantitative data, as female students asked their teachers more questions about their
daily routines as well as the projects they worked on during recess and extracurricular
activities. In addition, it was observed that female students in all groups had more
positive attitudes towards programming than male students. In a study conducted by
Akşit (2018) with middle school science students, it was found that Scratch and activ-
ities aimed at improving computational thinking skills ended up with a significant
difference in students’ attitudes toward programming in favor of female students.

1.1.3 Scratch programming

Scratch is a free programming language developed by Massachusetts Institute of

Technology (MIT) Media Lab in 2007 to create interactive stories, games, and ani-
mations. Since then, Scratch has been translated into more than 50 languages and
used in more than 150 countries. Thanks to this feature, projects can be created and
shared by users in this environment (Scratch About, 2021). Scratch was defined as a
visual, block-based programming language that facilitates media editing for novice
programmers (Maloney et al., 2008). It has an interface that allows users to write
programs by placing code blocks using the drag-and-drop system without having to
write the codes themselves (AbdulSamad & Romli, 2022; Sivilotti & Laugel, 2008).
Many users learn Scratch by dragging and dropping blocks of code, by trial and error,
or by discovering and investigating coding in existing projects. Scratch’s program-
ming environment provides with ease of access, vitality and discoverability with a
single-window user interface, ease of control through visual output of code, cod-
ing without error messages, concreteness of data, and minimization of code blocks
(Maloney et al., 2010). Scratch provides a more memorable, meaningful and social
environment than other programming environments.
Users from all age groups have practiced Scratch, but those aged 8 to 16 are the
most involved group (Scratch Stats, 2021) that corresponds from primary school to
high school. Scratch can be used in the projects of different disciplines such as math-
ematics, science and foreign language education (Scratch About, 2021). Students can
learn more easily by using the app to visualize problems in their minds. Instructors
concluded that Scratch makes programming classes more enjoyable and inspiring,
easier to understand, allows for creativity, and facilitate interdisciplinary learning
after Scratch training was offered as part of the computer literacy course (Flana-
gan, 2015). In addition, according to a study conducted on primary school students
by Kobsiripat (2015), Scratch has a positive impact on creative thinking skills. In
the study, which examined 32 articles about Scratch, the prominent topics related
to Scratch were creative thinking, logical thinking, problem solving, algorithm and
programming instruction, simulation development, game programming, comparison
with other languages, use in other courses, students’ opinions about programming
and introduction of Scratch (Çatlak et al., 2015). Moreover, this study found that
Scratch provides an efficient environment for teaching programming, it makes pro-
gramming exciting and fun, and that starting with Scratch increases interest and moti-
vation in the classroom.

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1.1.4 Reflective and computational thinking skills

The two types of thinking skills are basic and higher-order thinking skills. Lewis &
Smith (1993) characterized higher-order thinking skills as a way of thinking in which
a person expands knowledge by retrieving and storing information in memory to
achieve a goal, and reorganizing it as needed. The researchers emphasized that higher
order thinking involves creative thinking, problem solving, critical thinking, and
decision making. In this context, the concept of reflective thinking, which includes
critical thinking and creative thinking and problem solving skills, appeared two cen-
turies ago. Wilhelm von Humboldt was the first to use the term “reflective learning,”
and emphasized the importance of not only what to learn but also how to learn (Fich-
tner, 2005). John Dewey’s approach of learning by doing in turn laid the foundation
for reflection. Dewey (1933) argued that the most important need of society was to
teach students how to represent what they had learned in school and described reflec-
tive thinking as an active and deliberate process involving the stringing together of
coherent ideas through reasoning and including knowledge and values.
Reflective thinking, according to Üstünoğlu (2006), is defined as being open to
one’s own and others’ ideas, reflecting one’s thoughts easily, behaving honestly,
and anticipating the future. Cengiz (2014), on the other hand, understands reflective
thinking as interacting with peers and teachers to create new perspectives and make
self-evaluation in order to achieve learning goals, maintain motivation, provide deep
understanding, use appropriate learning strategies, and improve the learning process
and performance. “Reflective thinking is crucial because it guides the student toward
learning goals, makes him think about the technique he uses, helps him build the
ability to take responsibility and solve difficulties, and also guides him to gain self-
evaluation skills,” (p.13) according to Ünver (2011). In mathematics class, it is cru-
cial to use problem solving skills, drawing diagrams, and understanding the problem.
In addition, students who have cognitive skills such as reflective thinking are usually
one step ahead of the class and actively participate in class.
Individuals should think differently, look at problems from different angles, and
adjust their problem-solving strategies as the new world order changes what is
expected of them. For this reason, all members of society should develop problem-
solving and reflective thinking strategies in all extraordinary situations they encoun-
ter in their daily lives (Antonio, 2020; Göksün & Kurt, 2017). In this regard, one of
the most important skills that individuals should have, especially in recent years, is
critical thinking for problem solving (Shanta & Wells, 2020; Sholihah & Lastariwati,
2020). This condition can be attributed to the advantages of reflective thinking in
the problem solving process. Since reflective thinking arises with the perception of
a problem (Shermis, 1992), it can be said that reflection can be best observed in the
problem solving process. Moreover, according to Kızılkaya & Aşkar (2009), reflec-
tive thinking can be best found in the problem solving process and consists predomi-
nantly of reflective habits such as questioning (looking for answers to problems),
reasoning (looking for cause-and-effect relationships), and evaluating (taking a step
back and thinking about how problems are actually solved).
Programming is similar to the problem solving process, in that it often uses similar
steps. Programming can also improve the efficiency of solving problem and the abil-

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5500 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

ity to analyze, because it is necessary to divide the problem into subsets and to create
a basic solution that can be generalized (Saeli et al., 2011). Consequently, developing
problem-solving skills in a variety of domains through programming is also a prior-
ity, and the evidence for the role of programming in developing problem-solving
skills is encouraging (Dasso et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2019; Papert, 1993). Through
programming, the concepts of certain disciplines can be more easily interpreted and
put into practice. For example, in mathematics, concepts such as variables and func-
tions can be better understood through programming. Therefore, this ongoing process
leads students to manage their programming processes, question their decisions and
actions and explore alternative solutions to develop the quality of their programs
(Havenga et al., 2013).
According to ISTE (2015), computational thinking is a problem solving approach
that enhances the combination of technology and thinking. According to Wing
(2008), computational thinking is a form of analytical thinking. Many people associ-
ate computational thinking with problem solving, but the term has been broadened to
include basic computer science concepts such as abstraction, separation (analysis),
pattern generation, visualization, problem solving, and algorithmic thinking (Curzon,
2015; Furber, 2012) defines computational thinking as the process of recognizing
various aspects of information processing in the world around us, the use of computer
science tools and techniques to understand and reason about natural and artificial
systems and processes. Bråting and Kilhamn (2021) focused on how the implementa-
tion of Lightbot and Scratch programming in school mathematics interacts with alge-
braic and computational thinking. They focused on three examples of programming
activities for school mathematics and compared semiotic representations of program-
ming languages with algebraic notation. According to Wing (2006), computational
thinking is an area of thinking skills that includes problem solving, system design
and understanding human behavior based on computer science concepts. Wing also
asserts that this is a skill that everyone should have, not just those who work in the
field of computer science. According to ISTE (2016), computational thinking is a key
concept that people will need today and tomorrow, and it is described as a problem
solving approach that empowers technology and thinking based on it. Wing (2014)
considers computational thinking as a basic skill like mathematics, reading and writ-
ing skills, and states that individuals should have and develop their computational
thinking skills.
Computational thinking plays an active role not only in computer engineers but
also in improving the ability of all individuals to solve the problems they encounter in
their daily lives. The traces of computational thinking, which is counted to be among
the 21st century skills and should be among the future skills of the workforce, date
back to the study of Seymour Papert. According to Papert (1980), the individuals
first have to find a solution to the given problem in programming. Then, they have
to find a way to communicate with the computer about that solution. According to
Wing (2006), computational thinking should be one of the basic skills that should be
acquired in curricula. Wing’s study led to a renewed interest in increasing computa-
tional thinking at the K-12 level. Computational thinking is defined as the process
of thinking to formulate and solve problems using computers. It is fair to say that,
computational thinking has moved up the agenda since that date. For example, in the

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517 5501

Fig. 3 Procedure of the study

Standards for Students report although the sub-headings of computational thinking,

such as critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, creativity and innova-
tion, are listed separately, computational thinking is not included as a concept (ISTE,
2007). However, in 2011, the ISTE produced the report “Operational Definition of
Computational Thinking” (ISTE, 2011). In order to define the link between program-
ming education and computational thinking, the idea that programming education is
not synonymous has been emphasized by many researchers and scholars working in
this field, and that programming education contributes to individuals’ computational
thinking skills (Allsop, 2015; Angeli et al., 2016; Kalelioğlu & Gülbahar, 2014b;
ScratchEd Team, 2011; Settle & Perkovic, 2010; Wing, 2006).

2 Method

The sequential exploratory design as a mixed method approach is used in this study
and this pattern is realized in two stages. The procedure of this study is indicated in
Fig. 3.
Based on the research questions, the collection and analysis of quantitative data
came first, followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data. The importance
of qualitative results in explaining quantitative results was emphasized, and quantita-
tive results are predominant in this design (Creswell & Clark, 2018).

2.1 Participants

The participants in this study were 524 elementary school students from grades 5
and 6 (245 girls and 279 boys) and 8 mathematics teachers who supervised their
mathematics instruction. The age of the students ranged from 10 to 12 years old.
The school, which was randomly selected from a list of schools, has been located in
the center of a city in Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. The students had no prior
knowledge or experience with programming and only learned about Scratch during
this study.

2.2 Scratch instruction

Scratch instruction were offered as part of the “Information Technologies and Soft-
ware” course given in the elementary school program in grades 5 and 6. The content of
the second semester of this course covers algorithms and block-based programming
(i.e. Scratch). The grade 5 and 6 curricula both include similar learning outcomes for
programming. For each grade level, the same information and communication tech-

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5502 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

Fig. 4 The cyclical structure of


nologies (ICT) teacher taught the course content and the math teachers observed the
lessons so that they could focus on the students’ work during class. Before Scratch
instruction, the math teachers were informed about the content so that the they could
understand the process and analyze its impact on their math instruction. This teacher
training was conducted by an expert programmer before the students started their
Scratch instruction. This 8-week training explained that Scratch is a graphical pro-
gramming language that can be used to create animations, design computer games,
or tell interactive stories by using code block structures and combining various media
tools such as images, sound, and music, and explained the basic functions of the pro-
gram. During this time, the teachers made preliminary studies for the activities that
the students would aim for in the course.
The students’ Scratch lessons continued for one semester, i.e., a total of 1360 min,
including two lessons per week (40 min per lesson) for 17 weeks. In order to deter-
mine what kind of cyclical process should be engaged in Scratch instruction, we
examined the related theoretical and empirical literature, elementary mathematics
curriculum and information technologies and software curriculum as well. The cycli-
cal structure of programming formed in this context is shown in Fig. 4.
Given the functionality of this cyclical structure, the content covered in Scratch
instruction is listed as follows: determining the steps of the problem-solving process,
proposing different solutions to a problem, listing the necessary variables, constants,
and operations to solve the problem, developing an algorithm to solve the problem,
creating a flowchart of the algorithm, testing the solution and debugging an algo-
rithm, recognizing the interface and functions of the block-based programming tool,
creating the appropriate algorithm to achieve the goals presented in the block-based
programming environment, developing an algorithm using a linear logic structure,
and creating decision structures and loops (MoNE, 2018a).
The content of this course contains many similarities with the Turkish national
mathematics curriculum (MoNE, 2018b). It corresponds to (1) mathematical literacy
and basic competencies in science/technology and (2) digital literacy, which are con-
sidered within the basic competencies of mathematics curriculum. It also includes
routine and non-routine problem-solving processes.
Scratch software features were introduced through activities that captured students’
interest. Accordingly, games such as moving the snake, crossing the river, reaching
the goal without being caught by moving obstacles, collecting milk boxes, creating a
competition and hunting meteors, etc., were used to increase students’ motivation to
learn while developing thinking skills by creating a challenging problem situation. In

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517 5503

Fig. 5 An example code block used in Scratch instruction: Snake game

Fig. 6 An example code block used in Scratch instruction: Crossing the river

designing the games, the basic features such as variables, mathematical operations,
conditional expressions and loops, were used along with the functions such as loca-
tion, image and sound properties, sensor usage and messaging. Figure 5 shows the
code blocks of the snake game.
The goal of the snake game is to control the snake using the arrow keys on the
keyboard to reach all the targets. However, when the snake reaches the goals in this
game, its movement speed increases and this situation makes it difficult to control
the snake. With this activity, students could practice of using code structures such as
variables, conditional expressions, loops, sensors, cloning, and message broadcast-
ing. Another activity is related to crossing the river and Fig. 6 shows a screenshot.

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5504 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

Fig. 7 An example code block used in Scratch instruction: Catching milk boxes

In the game “River Crossing”, the goal is for a character designed as a function of
the keyboard keys to cross the river over the objects moving horizontally and verti-
cally to reach the apple on the opposite shore. In creating the code structure of the
game, it is necessary to display the message on the screen, start the game according
to the given answer, change the position with the keyboard, check if the character
touches the apple and log the time during this process. Students used coding features
such as variable operations, conditional expressions, loops, and sensors to accom-
plish this goal.
In another activity that students used in the course, the cat character was made to
catch milk boxes moving in the air parallel to the ground in a given time, which is
shown in Fig. 7.
The character must do this without touching the clouds from different heights. In
designing this game, students used basic programming operations such as defining
variables, assigning values to variables, control structures, loops and sending mes-
sages, hiding and displaying objects depending on certain conditions.
The activities at the beginning of the instruction are more demonstration-oriented
and involve a step-by-step approach (see the snake game in Fig. 5), while the other
activities create learning environments in which students can express themselves in
different perspectives (see the river crossing game and milk box game in Figs. 6
and 7, respectively). Each process is similar to mathematical problem solving. Rou-
tine problem solving involves the use of known or prescribed procedures to solve
problems (Polya, 1973), such as step-by-step procedures, while non-routine problem
solving encourages the use of different strategies and the exploration of relationships
between variables (Elia et al., 2009), such as supporting different perspectives.
Students were asked to design a game in which a sprite is to achieve a goal, taking
into account the code structures learned in the course. As an example, the develop-
ment of catching the milk boxes game (see Fig. 7) is explained in Fig. 8 according to
the cyclical structure of its’ development.

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Fig. 8 The cyclical structure of the development of an example game

This game was created primarily based on a real event. Accordingly, students
designed a scenario by relating the cat sprite in Scratch to the milk boxes. They used
cloud imagery as obstacles and time as a constraint. Students also checked the com-
patibility of the designed game with real life.
In the mathematical world, students determined the necessary mathematical struc-
tures. Accordingly, they used translation in moving the sprites in the game, simple
algebraic expressions in setting the time constraint, and random function in irregular
formation of the obstacles. Students also verified that the mathematical structures in
the game outputs were correct for each condition.
In the programming world, students first created a flowchart that considered all
phases of the game, and they decided which code blocks to use. Students reviewed
the outputs of the codes and made the necessary changes if they did not match the
desired structure.

2.3 Data collection tools

The “Reflective Thinking Scale towards Problem Solving” and the “Computational
Thinking Levels Scale” were applied to the students participating in the study. In
addition, the written opinion forms were used to clarify the quantitative results of
the scales.

2.3.1 Reflective thinking scale towards problem solving

The “reflective thinking scale towards problem solving” developed by Kızılkaya &
Aşkar (2009) has 14 items in the form of 5-Likert type items. This scale was used as
a pre-test and a post-test to measure the change in students’ reflective thinking skills
toward problem solving. Two sample items are given as follows: (1) I ask questions
to myself in order to understand why I could not solve a problem and (2) I wonder if I
could find a better solution after solving the problem. If the mean of the scale is closer
to 5, it means that the participant’s reflective thinking to solve the problem is high.

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5506 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

Table 1 Statistics for normality Scale Type Skewness Kurtosis

Reflective thinking Pre- 0.280 − 0.354
Post- 0.446 − 0.733
Computational thinking Pre- − 0.279 − 0.359
Post- − 0.401 − 0.303

Otherwise, if the mean of the scale is closer to 1, it means that the participant’s reflec-
tive thinking for problem solving is low. As a result of the analysis, the Cronbach’s
alpha coefficient of the scale was calculated as 0.919.

2.3.2 Computational thinking levels scale

In this study, the 22-item “computational thinking levels scale” developed by Kork-
maz et al., (2015) was used to describe the students’ ability level in computational
thinking as a pretest and posttest. Two sample items are given as follows: (1) I make
use of a systematic method while comparing the options at my hand and while reach-
ing a decision and (2) I think that I learn better the instructions made with the help
of mathematical symbols and concepts. The scale is of the 5-Likert type. When the
mean of the scale approaches to 5, it is interpreted that the participant has high com-
putational thinking ability and when the mean approaches to 1, it is interpreted that
the participant has low computational thinking ability. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
of this scale was found to be 0.855.

2.3.3 Written opinion forms

Students were given a written opinion form to complete in order to assess the impact
of Scratch instruction on their mathematical learning. The forms had items that asked
to what extent Scratch affected their concentration, participation, enjoyment, learn-
ing, and motivation in mathematics class. In these items, the options are: too much,
much, enough, less and too less. There were also open-ended items in the forms to
assess the different ways of thinking that are influenced by Scratch lessons. Similar
questions were asked of teachers about how students evaluate their learning. For
example, teachers were asked to what extent Scratch affects their students’ concentra-
tion in mathematics class.

2.4 Data analysis

Repeated measures ANOVA is used to compare the means of reflective and compu-
tational thinking scales based on repeated observations for quantitative data analysis.
One of the underlying assumptions of repeated measures ANOVA is normality, which
stands for that each level of the independent variable needs to be approximately nor-
mally distributed. The skewness and kurtosis values are shown in Table 1.
Since skewness and kurtosis values up to the absolute value of 1 are considered
as indicators of normality (Huck, 2012), the distribution of values is approximately
normal. Another assumption is sphericity, which stands for equality of homogeneity

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517 5507

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of Scale Type Gender Mean SD

reflective thinking scale scores
Reflective thinking Pre-test Female 2.179 0.628
Male 2.293 0.665
Total 2.240 0.650
Post-test Female 2.676 0.756
Male 2.738 0.732
Total 2.709 0.743
Computational thinking Pre-test Female 3.829 0.694
Male 3.733 0.685
Total 3.778 0.691
Post-test Female 4.117 0.600
Male 4.028 0.581
Total 4.070 0.591

of variances (Howell, 2002). The Levene’s test showed that the variances of the vari-
ables were not significantly different with measurement repetition.
Content research was used to examine the opinions of teachers and students. The
stages of developing a structure for content analysis, processing the data according to
the thematic framework, identifying and interpreting the results were all considered
when evaluating the content in the study. The code and the list of themes emerged
after the data were coded separately by two researchers. The data were analyzed in
accordance with the code and theme list after the final form of the code and theme list
was collected. Students’ opinions were collected under different codes, and the forms
that emerged from the integration of these codes were determined as themes by the
researchers. The consistency of the codes used independently by the researchers was
determined by marking “agree” or “disagree”. The cases in which the researchers
used the same code for the students’ statements were marked as an agreement, and
the cases where they used different codes were marked as a disagreement. The inter-
rater reliability was calculated using the formula [Agreement / (Agreement + Dis-
agreement) x 100] (Miles & Huberman, 1994) as 89%.

3 Results

The findings obtained for the research problems addressed in the study are presented
under two headings as quantitative and qualitative results.

3.1 Quantitative results

The descriptive statistics of reflective thinking and computational thinking scores in

relation to gender are given in Table 2.
Without considering gender interaction, the change in reflective thinking and com-
putational thinking abilities was examined. The results showed that there was a sig-
nificant difference in reflective thinking scores for the pre-test (M = 2.240, SD = 0.650)
and post-test (M = 2.709, SD = 0.743); t(523) = 32.163, p = .000. For the level of com-
putational thinking, there was a significant difference between the pre-test (M = 3.788,
SD = 0.691) and post-test (M = 4.070, SD = 0.591) scores; t(523) = 44.081, p = .000.

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5508 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

Fig. 9 The gender difference in reflective and computational thinking scores

The repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to compare the effect of Scratch
programming instruction on female and male students’ reflective and computational
thinking. Box’s M test was used for the assumption of equality variance-covariance
matrices (Weinfurt, 2000). For the reflective thinking data, the Box’s M value of
5.332 was interpreted as non-significant (p < .05) in conjunction with a p-value of
0.150. Similarly, a non-significant result was obtained for computational thinking
scores, so the Box’s M value of 1.713 was found in conjunction with a p value of
0.636. The gender difference in reflective and computational thinking scores is inter-
preted in Fig. 9.
The results showed that there was no significant effect of Scratch programming
instruction on the reflective thinking skills of the female and male students, Wilks’
Lambda = 0.994, F(1, 522) = 3.156, p = .076. This result indicates that the reflective
thinking scale scores of the female and male students were not significantly differ
depending on Scratch programming instruction.
Similar results were obtained for the computational thinking scale scores of the
female and male students. It was found that there was no significant effect of Scratch
programming instruction on computational thinking levels of female and male stu-
dents, Wilks’ Lambda = 0.999, F(1, 522) = 0.266, p = .607. These results state that the
computational thinking scale scores of female and male students do not significantly
differ depending on Scratch programming instruction.

3.2 Qualitative results

In this study, the effects of Scratch instruction on mathematical learning were

reported through the written opinion forms presented to the students. Students were
asked to what extent Scratch affected their concentration, participation, enjoyment
and motivation in mathematics class. 87% of students reported that Scratch increased
their concentration. The same opinion was supported by the opinions of 6 teachers
among 8 teachers. About 74% of students stated that it increased their prompting to
participate in class, 69% of them increased their enjoyment in class and 89% of them
increased their motivation to attend class. At the same time, 4% of the students have
a negative opinion about Scratch instruction. It was found that the majority of these

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517 5509

opinions included negative thoughts about technology usage. When examining the
question of how you think Scratch affects your different ways of thinking, the codes
that exceed 50% in student opinions are as follows: “improves my problem solving”
(68%), “improves my analytical thinking” (62%) and “improves my critical think-
ing” (57%). The teachers’ opinions paralleled those of the students. The themes that
emerged from the teachers’ opinions were critical thinking, holistic thinking, analyti-
cal thinking, problem solving, and computational thinking. The student codes had
an initial “S” followed by their classroom and an ID number. For example, S5A14
identified the 14th student in classroom 5 A. Teacher codes began with an initial “T”
followed by an ID number from 1 to 8 (e.g., T4). The examples of student and teacher
opinions are listed below.
“Since I learned how to code, I realize that I can think differently. I can look at
problems from a different perspective.” S6B17.
“I liked coding. It is exciting. I think I can bring different criticisms to situations
by then.” S5F12.
“I think that different thinking styles of the students developed in this process.
They have learned to look at problems in more detail, and their analytical thinking
has also improved.” T4.
In general, the opinions of both teachers and students represented that Scratch
instruction positively impacted the mathematical learning.

4 Discussion

Programming education has become increasingly important in today’s world, as the

value of programming has increased. Programming classes that were once taught
only in colleges and high schools are now taught in primary and elementary schools,
and even preschoolers are being taught. In the teaching process, it is not enough for
the student to have knowledge but individuals who can establish cause-effect rela-
tionships (Lind, 1998; Brewer, 2007), who are creative, and who can easily adapt to
innovations (Rowe, 2007) are targeted. Similarly, in mathematics education, it is not
enough to have mathematics knowledge only; it is aimed at educating individuals
who can apply the knowledge they have learned (Demirel & Yağcı, 2012; Witrock,
1978), have problem solving skills (Clements & Gullo, 1984; Korkmaz et al., 2015),
who are successful in communication and have positive attitudes toward mathemat-
ics (Hwa, 2018; Tutak, 2008). Technological materials have an active role in concret-
izing the abstract concepts of mathematics (Gelibolu, 2009; Kaput, 1999; Kieran,
1992; Taşlıbeyaz, 2010; Verbruggen et al., 2021). Mathematical softwares enable
modeling (Aksakal et al., 2015) and understanding the problem solving process (Cle-
ments & Gullo, 1984; Korkmaz et al., 2015), by concretizing multiple representa-
tions such as numerical, algebraic, graphical (Azuma, 1997). It helps and supports
the ways for thinking in different solutions. It is depicted that students who receive
programming instruction effectively acquire higher order thinking skills such as
mathematical thinking, systematic thinking and creative thinking beyond coopera-
tive learning in the classroom.

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5510 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517

With the change of what is expected of individuals in the new world, the produc-
tion and transformation of knowledge is taking place faster and this situation makes
it necessary for individuals to think differently, look at problems from different per-
spectives and change their problem solving strategies. For this reason, students and
all members of society should develop problem solving and reflective thinking strate-
gies in all extraordinary situations they encounter in their daily lives (Antonio, 2020;
Göksün & Kurt, 2017).
In this sense, one of the most important skills a person should have, especially in
recent years, is the ability to use reflective thinking to solve problems (Aras et al.,
2022; Syamsuddin, 2020). Computational thinking, on the other hand, according to
ISTE (2015), is a problem-solving strategy that strengthens the integration of tech-
nology and thinking. According to Wing (2008), computational thinking is a type
of analytical thinking. Computational thinking according to Curzon (2015) is the
process of individuals solving problems. Problem solving, reflective thinking, and
computational thinking skills are examples of talents that can be fostered through the
coding process. While coding improves an individual’s mathematical skills, the indi-
vidual also learns to design learning strategies and projects related to problem solv-
ing and to make connections between mathematical ideas during the coding process.
This, in turn, can enable the development of skills deemed important for individual
development in mathematics education. Based on the findings in the literature, the
development of reflective thinking for problem solving and computational thinking
skills of elementary students who received Scratch instruction, as well as changes
in the mathematics learning environment, were examined with student and teacher
For problem solving, there was a significant difference between students’ pretest
and posttest reflective thinking scores. This finding can be interpreted to mean that
Scratch instruction is effective in increasing students’ reflective thinking skills in
relation to problem solving. There are similar findings in the problem solving litera-
ture (Dasso et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2019; Papert, 1993). This result is also consistent
with the nature of programming. Programming can also improve the ability to find a
solution to a problem and the ability to analyze, as it is necessary to break the prob-
lem down into sub-sets and create a generalisable basic solution (Saeli et al., 2011).
Writing program code is similar to the general problem solving process in that it often
uses similar steps.
When the computational thinking results were analyzed, it was found that stu-
dents’ pre-test and post-test scores differed significantly, suggesting that Scratch
instruction is effective in improving students’ computational thinking skills. This is
also consistent with the findings of many researchers that programming instruction
improves computational thinking skill (Allsop, 2015; Angeli et al., 2016; Kalelioğlu
& Gülbahar, 2014b; ScratchEd Team, 2011; Settle & Perkovic, 2010; Wing, 2006).
The results showed that scores for reflective thinking towards problem solving and
computational thinking did not vary by gender. Some studies of gender in the litera-
ture show that female students have begun to engage more actively in programming
and coding (Colley & Comber, 2003; Fraillon et al., 2014), and it is noted that there
is a significant difference in favor of female students, especially in application scores
(Durak & Guyer, 2019), with female students learning algorithmic concepts better

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Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517 5511

(Hsu, 2014). In our study, there was no gender difference in scores for reflective
thinking for problem solving and computational thinking. Both genders are enthusi-
astic about Scratch practices, and successful implementation may serve as a predictor
of this outcome.
When opinions were evaluated in general, it was found that teachers and students
believed that Scratch instruction positively influenced mathematics learning. Similar
results have been obtained in some studies on technology and computer use in math-
ematics education (Corbalan et al., 2010; Kutluca & Bırgın, 2007; Yıldırım, 2011). In
the study of Yıldız et al., (2012), it was found that technology-based problem solving
increases interest and makes students feel active, with similar results. Scratch enables
making mathematics concrete instead of abstract (Ersoy, 2003), adding visuality to
the lesson (Genç-Çelik & Şengül, 2005), and creating an educational work environ-
ment that students enjoy (Hill, 2015) and creating a sense of purpose for the subject
(Tatar et al., 2013) are expressed in both students’ opinions and related literature.
Students took a more active role in the activities and used Scratch in a more meaning-
ful way as a result of this process, as they generated the codes themselves and set up
the required algorithms.

5 Conclusion

In short, Scratch developed reflective thinking skills for problem solving and com-
putational thinking skills of elementary school students. In addition, Scratch created
positive reflections in the mathematics learning environment. Based on this study,
the effects of teaching can be investigated by designing applications for teaching
mathematics with Scratch. In-service training could be conducted for mathematics
teachers and they could be asked to develop instructional activities using Scratch
during these trainings. Scratch use has been found to have a positive effect, but it
is not known how long these effects of Scratch last in the long run. Therefore, the
durability of the effect on these thinking skills can be investigated in future studies.
Scratch applications can be offered as an elective in the curriculum to enable pro-
spective mathematics teachers studying in faculties of education to use this software
more accurately and effectively. The close connection between the content of Scratch
instruction and the problem-solving process in the mathematics classroom in this
study can be considered in the context of the mathematics standards (e.g., Common
Core State Standards for Mathematics) during their revision processes.

6 Limitation

Limitations of the study include the lack of a control/comparison group and mea-
surement of ability level. There was also no direct measurement of mathematics or
programming skills. Considering the limitations of this study, a more comprehensive
study may be conducted in future studies.

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5512 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:5493–5517


Conflict interests The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this manuscript. All data generated or analyzed during this study are
included in this published article.

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