Received: 2 January 2022 / Accepted: 16 June 2022 / Published online: 27 June 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
Coding games are widely used to teach computational thinking (CT). Studies have
broadly investigated the role of coding games in supporting CT learning in formal
classroom contexts, but there has been limited exploration of their use in informal
home-based settings. This study investigated the factors that motivated students to
use a coding game called Coding Galaxy in a home-based setting. It explored the
connections between the students’ perceptions of and usage of the tool. An 11-day
intervention was conducted at a primary school in Hong Kong with 104 partici-
pants. The students’ perceptions of the game were collected via questionnaires and
information on their use of the tool was extracted from log files. Results indicated
that coding motivation and feeling of enjoyment were predictors of the actual use
of the game, with coding motivation the dominant factor. Focus group interviews
were also conducted to further explore the students’ motivation to play the game.
Through comparisons of active and inactive users, the qualitative findings supported
the quantitative results, indicating that students who were more intrinsically moti-
vated tended to be more active in using the game. The implications of the study for
researchers and practitioners in CT education are discussed.
* Shuhan Zhang
[email protected]
Gary K. W. Wong
[email protected]
Peter C. F. Chan
[email protected]
Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
NetDragon, Hong Kong, China
194 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
1 Introduction
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2 Background
Coding for children can be traced back to the theory of constructionism (Papert,
1980), which describes how students learn by constructing things. Papert (1980)
stressed the importance of engaging children in creating their own projects and
reflecting on their own thinking during the learning process. Since the term “com-
putational thinking” was re-introduced by Wing (2006), numerous initiatives have
been taken to develop child-friendly coding tools (Bers, 2018) that can provide a
playground for students to practice CT and coding skills (Lockwood & Mooney,
2018). These tools are associated with open task environments, in which students
can create programming projects with no task constraints, or goal-oriented envi-
ronments, in which concrete tasks are assigned to guide user progression (Manske
et al., 2019). Digital coding games are the main representative of goal-oriented tools
and offer an interactive coding environment with explicit goals and instant feedback
embedded (Giannakoulas & Xinogalos, 2018). This presents low barriers to entry
for novice students, who can progress in their coding practice with clear objectives
and helpful scaffolding (Giannakoulas & Xinogalos, 2018).
Digital games for coding are generally designed with a puzzle interface, such as
Koadable (Pila et al., 2019) and Program Your Robot (Kazimoglu et al., 2012), with
players completing missions by devising coding solutions based on provided com-
mands. Some games target novice coding learners with block-based solutions, such
as Run Marco (Giannakoulas & Xinogalos, 2018) and TurtleTalk (Jung et al., 2019),
and others target more experienced learners with text-based solutions, such as Code
Combat (Yücel & Rızvanoğlu, 2019) and PascAl Shopper (Bachu & Bernard, 2011).
There have been numerous attempts to adopt coding games in CT education (e.g.,
Theodoropoulos et al., 2017; Zhi et al., 2018; Pila et al., 2019), and positive results
have been widely reported. The effectiveness of these tools in supporting student
learning has been reported in terms of CT skills (e.g., Kusnendar & Prabawa, 2019),
coding comprehension (e.g., Bachu & Bernard, 2011), computer science concepts
(Werneburg et al., 2018), and reasoning ability (Rose, 2016). In addition, several
studies have shown that these tools can improve learning attitudes, such as atti-
tudes towards computer science (Zhao & Shute, 2019) and towards coding (Yücel
& Rızvanoğlu, 2019). Nonetheless, some challenges remain. Yücel and Rızvanoğlu
(2019), for example, noted that students’ lack of interest in coding may damage their
196 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
attitude towards coding games, and Kazimoglu et al. (2012) reported negative feed-
back on a coding game from students, observing that the improper design of the
game rules (e.g., awards) had negatively influenced their interest in the coding game.
In summary, coding games are a popular tool for learning CT and have been widely
studied in the literature, with both benefits and challenges reported.
Despite these recent advances, there are three directions in which research on
coding games could be further developed. First, studies have focused on formal
classroom learning, in the presence of teachers, as the educational setting (e.g.,
Theodoropoulos et al., 2017; Pila et al., 2019). There has been little research in the
context of distance learning, despite the stress placed on student-centered learning
in coding education (Luo et al., 2020) due to the importance of learning by explor-
ing in this field (Meerbaum-Salant et al., 2011). Furthermore, the development of
remote education has been accelerated by disruptions to normal face-to-face teach-
ing during the COVID-19 pandemic (Daniel, 2020). It is therefore well worth study-
ing how students interact with coding games as learning tools in a home-based
learning context.
Second, although studies have provided rich insights into the effects of coding
games on learning (e.g., Theodoropoulos et al., 2017; Pila et al., 2019), explorations
of what motivates students to use these learning tools are scarce. Given the barriers
that have been identified to students’ productive use of coding games, such as their
lack of interest in coding (Yücel & Rızvanoğlu, 2019) and lack of satisfaction with
game design (Kazimoglu et al., 2012), it is worth exploring how students perceive
these tools to guide educational practitioners on further improvement of the tools.
More work is therefore needed to investigate the factors that drive students to use
coding games.
Third, studies that have explored students’ intention to play educational games
have focused on the design of these tools (e.g., Cheng et al., 2013; Giannakoulas &
Xinogalos, 2018), with less attention paid to subject content. This is understandable,
given that content factors are often considered outcomes of using the tools rather
than motivators. However, with students now exposed to many available educational
tools, it is vital to explore what drives them to choose a particular tool in the first
place before they have an idea of its design. In the context of coding games, there
may be factors beyond game design that affect students’ motivation (e.g., percep-
tions of the subject content) that have yet to be explored.
A wide range of factors behind the intention to use digital tools have been explored,
with the technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, 1993) often serving as the
theoretical underpinning (e.g., Hsu & Lu, 2004, Cheng et al., 2013; Giannakoulas
& Xinogalos, 2018). The TAM was developed to explain users’ intention to use a
technical tool by identifying the effects of external factors on internal beliefs, atti-
tudes, and intentions (Davis, 1993). Two factors have been put forward as playing a
major role in users’ intention to use a tool (Min et al., 2019; Nikou & Economides,
2017): perceived usefulness, reflecting the degree to which an individual perceives
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 197
the tool as likely to improve their performance, and perceived ease of use, reflecting
the degree to which an individual perceives the tool to be simple and convenient to
use (Davis, 1993). The TAM has been widely used in the game coding context, in
which the effects of both of these variables have been observed (e.g., Çakır et al.,
2021; Giannakos, 2013).
Apart from the features of digital games as technology systems, studies have
identified specifically game-related features as factors influencing user acceptance,
among which feeling of enjoyment (e.g., Ha et al., 2007; Ibrahim et al., 2011) and
feeling of competence (e.g., Kim & Shute, 2015; Ryan et al., 2006) have been most
widely reported. Feeling of enjoyment reflects the degree to which users perceive a
game as enjoyable (Ha et al., 2007) and has been identified as a potentially impor-
tant factor explaining user intentions in game-based learning environments (Gian-
nakos, 2013). Meanwhile, as users can improve their self-esteem through successful
task resolution (Giannakos, 2013), the feeling of competence they gain from solving
in-game problems may also exert a major influence on their intention to use a game
(Kim & Shute, 2015).
Nonetheless, as mentioned above, studies have reported that negative attitudes
towards coding games may relate specifically to the subject content (e.g., students
might have no interest in coding or hold the stereotypical view that coding is dif-
ficult) (Yücel & Rızvanoğlu, 2019). This observation led us to assume that atti-
tudes towards game content could be a factor in students’ interest in coding games,
and thus to include an examination of motivation, which has been identified as a
major aspect of learning attitudes. It has been argued that motivation plays a criti-
cal role in student learning, as the driving force that empowers students to perform
well and overcome challenges (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012), and empirical studies have
supported a close link between motivation and academic achievement (Majer, 2009;
Steinmayr & Spinath, 2009). Therefore, we included factors related to students’ atti-
tudes towards coding to examine whether coding motivation affected their intention
to use a coding game.
To address the identified gaps in the literature, this study investigated the factors that
influenced students’ intention to use a coding game in an informal home-based set-
ting, covering factors from the TAM (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use),
specifically game-related features (feeling of enjoyment, feeling of competence), and
perceptions of game content (coding motivation). The research model is presented
in Fig. 1. The study addressed the following research questions.
198 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
3 Method
3.1 Participants
Students from a primary school in Hong Kong were invited to participate. This
cohort was selected based on their participation in a three-year longitudinal study
led by the second author on developing CT in a school-based curriculum. This
helped to mitigate the challenges that might normally be faced by students using an
unfamiliar coding tool in a home-based context. This group of students was judged
to have had sufficient exposure to the basics of CT problems to have attained the pre-
requisite skills for the coding game. As a public institution with a student body that
was generally middle-class or below, the school was representative of local primary
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 199
schools in Hong Kong. The students were informed of the objectives of the study in
advance, and 104 Grade 6 students (aged 11–12) agreed to participate.
3.2 Apparatus
The coding game adopted in this study was Coding Galaxy (CG, see Fig. 2), which
has been successfully used to teach CT in Hong Kong primary schools (Zhang et al.,
2021). The game is designed for young beginners before they move on to the code-
making tools that are commonly used in CT or coding education. CG has mobile
and Web versions, providing great flexibility for learners in terms of device type,
time of play, and location of play. CG has multiple language settings (English, Span-
ish, Chinese, etc.) and simple controls (dragging commands into an answer panel) to
suit young learners worldwide.
CG is a game coding platform with 200 missions requiring the use of five basic
CT constructs: sequences, loops, debugging, conditionals, and functions. The mis-
sion preface is presented in Fig. 3. CG provides an arrow-based coding environment
with a storyline requiring the user to help a character (an astronaut) to reach their
destination while collecting as many crystals as possible (if any) on the way (see
Fig. 2). To complete the task, the player needs to identify a viable route from the
initial state to the destination and build it using the provided coding commands in
the arrow-based coding language. To solve the puzzle, the following CT skills are
needed: (1) decomposition—dividing the terrain into segments; (2) abstraction—
identifying which segments are useful for developing the route and disregarding
those that are irrelevant; (3) pattern recognition—identifying patterns in the struc-
tures of different segments; (4) use of algorithms—formulating a program with a set
of ordered steps that can be carried out by the device; and (5) debugging—detecting
and fixing errors when the program does not work as expected.
200 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
3.3 Measures
3.3.1 Pre‑intervention questionnaire
Before the intervention (see Sect. 3.4 for more information), information on
coding motivation (CM) was collected to gauge the students’ attitudes towards
coding. According to Ryan and Deci (2000), the two major types of motivation
are intrinsic motivation, which guides an individual to do something “because it
is inherently interesting or enjoyable,” and extrinsic motivation, which leads an
individual to complete a task “because it leads to a separable outcome” (p. 55).
As intrinsic motivation best reflects the inherent tendency to want to complete a
task (Ryan & Deci, 2000), we focused on measuring the students’ intrinsic moti-
vation to code. The measure was adapted from the programming motivation scale
used by Jiang and Wong (2017), which yielded proper psychometric qualities in
the Chinese context. The adapted scale comprised nine items (e.g., “Learning
coding is fun”) rated on a 5-point Likert scale (see Appendix A).
3.3.2 Post‑intervention questionnaire
After the intervention, the factors related to the students’ perceptions of the game
were assessed. Two variables from the TAM—perceived ease of use (PEU) and per-
ceived usefulness (PU)—were measured on a 5-point Likert scale with items
adapted from Davis et al. (1989); for example, “Learning how to play the game was
easy for me” (PEU) and “The game improved my understanding of sequence” (PU).
Two game-specific factors—feeling of enjoyment (FE) and feeling of competence
(FC)—were assessed on a 5-point Likert scale with items adapted from Kim and
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 201
Shute (2015), such as “Playing the game was fun” (FE) and “I felt competent in
playing the game” (FC). The full questionnaire is provided in Appendix B.
3.3.3 Gameplay data
Gameplay data were extracted from the players’ game records. Data on the actions
and statistics of each player (e.g., in-game performance, total time spent on a mis-
sion, number of trials for a mission) were logged by the game. In this study, we used
an indicator related to the actual use of the game, mission completion, which refers
to the percentage of the assigned missions that the students completed during the
intervention period (the number of completed missions as a percentage of the num-
ber of assigned missions). The data for this indicator were extracted from the log
files of each player.
3.4 Procedure
The intervention was implemented in June 2019 and lasted for 11 days. A proce-
dural diagram is displayed in Fig. 4. On the first day, the pre-intervention question-
naire was administered to collect CM scores, and the students were provided with
some basic instructions for playing the game. Over the following 10 days, the stu-
dents were given full access to the game chapters on sequence, loops, debugging,
202 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
4 Results
To examine the psychometric properties of the selected measures, validity and reli-
ability tests were performed based on the criteria proposed by Fornell and Larcker
(1981). First, to identify construct validity, the factor loading for each item regarding
its corresponding latent factor was checked, based on which the average variance
extracted (AVE) and composite reliability were calculated. Second, reliability evi-
dence was reported via Cronbach’s alpha to indicate the internal consistency of each
construct. Third, analyses of discriminant validity were carried out to check that the
constructs were independent of each other.
The results for construct validity and reliability are displayed in Table 1. The
Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability values were in the range of 0.72–0.92
and 0.84–0.93 respectively, all above the cutoff point of 0.7 (Nunnally, 1994), indi-
cating the adequate reliability of each construct. The AVE values were between 0.49
and 0.76, with only one construct (coding motivation) slightly below the threshold
of 0.5 (Segers, 1997). Given that this value was close to the threshold and the con-
struct showed satisfactory parameters for other properties, the original scale was
retained. Further, discriminant validity was checked to ensure that the measured con-
structs were independent of each other. Based on the criterion suggested by Fornell
and Larcker (1981), the correlation coefficients between constructs should not be
greater than the square root of the AVE for each construct. The results are reported
in Table 2, in which the square root of the AVE for each of the corresponding con-
structs is highlighted in bold. All of the bivariate correlations were positive and sig-
nificant in the range of 0.346–0.698, with no coefficients exceeding the square root
of the AVE for the corresponding construct, indicating that the latent factors were
independent of each other. Thus, the measures showed good psychometric qualities.
Finally, the assumption of homogeneity of variance was tested to identify the influ-
ence of the attributes of the research instruments. An independent samples t-test was
performed for each construct with gender as the grouping variable, and the results
indicated that equality of variance was met for all constructs.
4.2 Descriptive statistics
The descriptive statistics are displayed in Table 3. Items rated on the Likert scale
were converted into a numerical scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree), with a midpoint of 3. For each respondent, the mean score for the
included items was calculated to represent the score for each construct. For each
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 203
204 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
construct, the mean score was above the midpoint, ranging from 3 to 4. Regard-
ing gameplay data, mission completion was reported as a percentage, with the
results showing that the participants completed an average of 53.2% of the assigned
4.3 Regression analyses
4.3.1 Statistical methods
Regression analyses were conducted to identify the relationships between the pro-
posed factors and the students’ intention to use the coding game (RQ1 and RQ2).
Factors related to perceptions of the game design (PEU, PU, FE, FC) and percep-
tions of the subject content (CM) were entered as independent variables, and the
factor extracted from the gameplay data (mission completion) was selected as the
dependent variable.
Regression models were selected with caution based on the characteristics of
the dependent variable, with three steps followed. First, the distribution of mission
completion was checked and found to be left-skewed. Next, the data were therefore
log-transformed, which is a common way to transform skewed data to conform to
normality (Feng et al., 2014). Third, the distribution of the log-transformed data
was checked visually, indicating a normal distribution (see Fig. 5). Thereby, a linear
regression model was selected and the log-transformed value of mission completion
was used as the dependent variable, referred to as log-transformed mission comple-
tion (LMC). All of the statistical analyses were performed in IBM SPSS Statistics
Prior to conducting the linear regression analysis, the relevant assumptions were
tested. First, a sample size of 104 was considered adequate given the five inde-
pendent variables in the analysis (Tabachnick et al., 2007). Second, a check for
normality was conducted for the dependent variable using the Shapiro–Wilk
normality test, which confirmed a normal distribution (p = 0.258). Third, a vis-
ual check of the scatter plots for individual constructs was conducted, and the
results revealed that the criterion for linearity was met. Fourth, the assumption of
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 205
multicollinearity was examined, and it was shown that the tolerance values for the
independent variables were between 0.425 and 0.761 and the variance inflation
factor (VIF) ranged from 1.32 to 2.36, all indicating acceptable values (Menard,
2001). A collinearity diagnosis was then performed (see Table 4). According to
the statistical output, the condition index was suitable for each dimension, and
none of the dimensions had more than one value above 0.9 for the proportion
of variance, indicating no collinearity problem (Hair et al., 2010). Fifth, a resid-
ual plot was examined (see Fig. 6), which displayed a fairly random dispersion
around the residual = 0 line over the range of the predicted value of the dependent
206 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
variable, suggesting that the data were homoscedastic and a linear model was
After ensuring that the assumptions required for multiple regression analysis
were satisfied, a hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was conducted. The
analysis was performed in three stages based on the order of inclusion of the inde-
pendent variables. First, the factors stemmed from the TAM (PEU and PU) were
entered. Second, the factors related to the game (FE and FC) were entered. Finally,
the variable associated with the subject content (CM) was entered. The variables
were entered in this order because the original hypotheses were developed from the
TAM, based on which we added additional variables related to the reported factors
specific to digital games, after which we extended the model with a factor related to
the motivation to learn the subject content.
The regression results are displayed in Table 5. At Stage 1, PEU and PU did not
contribute significantly to the model, F(2, 90) = 1.041, p = 0.357. Adding FE and FC
at Stage 2 explained an additional 4.8% of the variance in LMC, but the change in
R2 was non-significant, F(2, 88) = 2.271, p = 0.109. At this stage, FE was the most
important predictor of LMC, explaining 4.7% of the variance. Finally, at Stage 3,
the addition of CM to the regression model explained an additional 8.2% of the vari-
ance, and the change in R2 was significant, F(1, 87) = 8.455, p < 0.01. Figure 7 pre-
sents a summary of the final model. With all five independent variables included
in the model, only FE (β = 0.319, p < 0.05) and CM (β = 0.329, p < 0.01) were sig-
nificant predictors of LMC. The most important predictor of LMC was CM, which
uniquely explained 8.2% of the variance.
To more deeply investigate the students’ intention to use the game (RQ3), percep-
tions of the game and the game-play experience were collected from active users
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 207
and inactive users. The first author and the third author coded the results using an
inductive approach and the results were compared to examine inter-rater reliabil-
ity. The rate of agreement was desirable (91.6%) and discrepancies were resolved
through discussion until a consensus was reached. Table 6 displays a summary of
the themes that emerged with example quotes, categorized based on the interview
questions (see Sect. 3.3.3).
The results indicate that the game was attractive to the students for its well-
designed interface and simple instructions. The students were motivated to play
208 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
Table 6 Main themes and example quotes extracted from focus group interviews of two profiles of stu-
dents (AU = active users; IU = inactive users)
Themes Example quotes
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 209
the game for several reasons, including the exciting gameplay experience, extrin-
sic influence from the school, and intrinsic curiosity about their personal potential
in the game. They also emphasized their desire to win the game and receive high
scores. Nonetheless, some shortcomings of the game were discussed. It was noted
that playing the game for a long time might lead to boredom because of the uniform
playing mode across missions. In addition, some chapters might be overly challeng-
ing for young students, which might damage their confidence in proceeding with
later missions. Regarding reasons for not using the game at home, a heavy work-
load from other subjects was proposed by both user groups, and a lack of interest in
coding was reported by the inactive users. As for attempts to get the highest score,
some students performed multiple trials before giving up, while other (mainly inac-
tive) users tried fewer times, seeking to finish the task more quickly. Nevertheless,
perceived improvements from playing the game were frequently reported, covering
coding knowledge, problem-solving skills, and self-efficacy.
To summarize, differences were detected between the active and inactive user
groups. The active users appreciated the game for its interface and task content,
whereas the inactive students tended to concentrate more on the gameplay experi-
ence, noting its ease of use and the feeling of accomplishment it gave them. The
active users also tended to play the game for interest and curiosity, whereas their
inactive counterparts played the game for extrinsic reasons (e.g., as an assignment).
Regarding the motivation to get the highest scores, the active students made more
attempts to obtain the highest scores before quitting, whereas the inactive players
appeared to have rushed to finish the tasks. Overall, however, the students from both
groups perceived cognitive and attitudinal improvements from playing the game.
5 Discussion
210 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
attitudes towards the game when they were told it was related to coding, which was
echoed in our findings regarding the influence of attitudes towards coding on the
intention to use coding games. Although digital games are considered a playground
for learning practices, acceptance of these tools may vary across individuals, and
passion for the subject appears to be an important individual-level variable. Thus,
for educational practitioners seeking to adopt coding games to support CT learning
activities, students’ interest in coding as such should be promoted to ensure a high
acceptance rate and fruitful usage of the tool.
Regarding the responses from the focus group interviews, comparisons were
made between active users and inactive users, and the results chimed with our quan-
titative findings. A good game design (e.g., ease of use and a good award mecha-
nism) enhanced interest in the game among the inactive users. In comparison, the
importance of a positive in-game experience (e.g., enjoying the challenge and find-
ing the game interesting) was stressed by the active users, indicating that their inter-
est may have been aroused by intrinsic motivation (e.g., interest in coding). This
implies that active and inactive users may have different sources of motivation, and
it is a reasonable conjecture that intrinsic motivation drove the students to be more
active in using the game. This result, synchronized with our quantitative findings,
stresses the importance of promoting students’ intrinsic motivation to code.
Another major predictor was game enjoyment, which resonates with relevant
studies of digital educational games (e.g., Ibrahim et al., 2011; Camilleri & Camill-
eri, 2019). Approaches to improving game enjoyment have been widely discussed,
such as designing storylines appropriate to the target group (Yeni & Cagiltay, 2017)
and allowing for offline access (Ha et al., 2007). Some specific suggestions for cod-
ing games were proposed by the participants in our focus groups, the most common
of which was to add collaborative challenges. This aligns with the emerging trend
of distributed pair programming as a distanced collaborative mode for solving CT
and programming problems (Xu & Correia, 2021). Studies have reported that col-
laborative programming can lead to greater engagement among students (e.g., Wu
et al., 2019), which fits the goal of increasing players’ enjoyment of coding games.
A multiplayer collaborative mode is therefore suggested to developers for the future
design of coding games.
The results of the present study show that ease of use and usefulness did not pre-
dict the use of the game, which contradicts the findings of a host of TAM studies
of digital games (e.g., Hsu & Lu, 2004; Ha et al., 2007; Cheng et al., 2013). A pos-
sible explanation for this inconsistency is the difference in data collection method
adopted by this study. Whereas previous related studies have collected user inten-
tions through self-reported data, with players recalling the frequency with which
they have used a tool (e.g., Hsu & Lu, 2004; Ibrahim et al., 2011), we collected the
data directly from players’ log files. Users who enjoy using a tool probably remem-
ber their experience of it more clearly, increasing the likelihood of a correlation
between the evaluative factors and user intentions. Given the different context for
collecting data in the present study, the difference in results is unsurprising.
This study has rich implications for a range of stakeholders. For researchers, the
study enhances theoretical understanding of the factors that can increase the use of
digital coding games. Although the TAM stresses the importance of perceived ease
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 211
of use and perceived usefulness as determinants of using a tool, this study of a cod-
ing game demonstrates that coding motivation and feeling of enjoyment are essential
in predicting user intention in this context. These two variables explained much of
the variance in the use of the coding game. Moreover, our findings can benefit edu-
cational practitioners by illustrating that students’ motivation to learn coding can be
a key factor in engaging them to use coding tools. Coding games are widely applied
in K–12 education for their playful and interactive features. Also, they allow flex-
ibility for instructors regarding educational settings, being applicable for both class-
room teaching and distance learning. Most importantly, the self-directed nature of
these tools allow for their use when responding to emergencies (e.g., COVID-19)
that hinder physical instruction. Studying the factors that influence student accept-
ance of coding games can provide practical guidelines for CT education practition-
ers seeking to implement these tools across learning contexts. Especially, although
games might be enjoyable tools for teaching and learning, their actual use by stu-
dents may depend not only on their format but also on the learning content. If stu-
dents are interested in the content a game intends to deliver, their actual use of the
tool is likely to be high. Therefore, increasing students’ interest in coding may be the
key to addressing the issue of a lack of motivation to use coding applications. If this
prerequisite is met, appropriate coding games will probably be more welcomed by
young learners.
This study explored the factors that influenced students’ intention to use a coding
game. Through statistical analyses of hierarchical multiple linear regression, two
factors commonly tested in TAM studies (PU, PEU) were adopted to frame the data
collection, with the model extended with variables related to digital games (FE, FC)
and factors linked to the subject content (CM). Focus group interviews were carried
out to explore user intentions and comparisons were made between active and inac-
tive users. The results were in line with the findings of the regression analyses. CM
and FE predicted actual use, with CM being the dominant factor. The implication
for researchers is that variables regarding interest in coding may explain much of the
variance in the usage of coding games. For practitioners in CT education, collabo-
rative programming can be embedded into coding applications to improve student
engagement. In addition, although various coding tools are designed with motivat-
ing features, it is vital to promote students’ interest in coding per se.
There are several limitations of this study, which we intend to minimize in future
studies. First, the diversity of the participants was limited in terms of age and coding
experience, which may limit the generalizability of the results. In future research,
we intend to recruit participants from diverse demographic backgrounds (e.g., age
brackets, game experience) to allow for the exploration of moderating effects. Sec-
ond, the duration of the intervention was relatively short. It is likely that the less
active students had limited spare time during the 10-day period, given that the game
has more than 200 missions. Future research should eliminate the effect of time
pressure on user behavior and provide sufficient time for students to explore the tool.
212 Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216
Third, although the feeling of enjoyment was identified as influencing actual use,
it was surveyed after the activity, making it difficult to determine whether it was a
cause or an outcome. This may be unavoidable, as perceptions of tool features can-
not be collected before users try a tool. Caution is therefore suggested when inter-
preting results related to the tool features.
A. Pre‑intervention questionnaire
Items 1 2 3 4 5
Coding motivation
1. Learning coding is fun.
2. I think I have the ability to do coding well.
3. I would like to continue learning coding activities because it is useful.
4. When I participate in coding activities, I think about how much I enjoy them.
5. I think coding is fun.
6. I think coding is important.
7. I believe that participating in coding is beneficial to me.
8. I like coding very much.
9. I think learning coding activities can solve daily life problems.
B. Post‑intervention questionnaire
Items 1 2 3 4 5
Education and Information Technologies (2023) 28:193–216 213
Items 1 2 3 4 5
1. I enjoyed playing the coding game very much.
2. Playing the coding game was fun.
3. I would play the coding game in my spare time.
4. I would have played the coding game for longer if I could.
5. I would recommend the coding game to my friends.
1. I felt competent in playing the coding game.
2. I felt very capable when playing the coding game.
3. My ability to play the coding game was well matched to the game’s challenges.
Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Netdragon for the full support
in enabling the access to Coding Galaxy for data collection and in providing log data for running the
Funding This project was funded by the General Research Fund of the Research Grants Council of Hong
Kong (Project No. 18615216).
Data availability statement The research data associated with this paper can be accessed on request from
the corresponding author.
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