One of the great things about being an Independent Herbalife Nutrition Associate is that you can choose for yourself how
to pursue the Herbalife Nutrition opportunity. Before you make any expenditures, please ask yourself questions such as
Should I take on debt to pursue the Herbalife Nutrition opportunity?
Because there are no minimum purchases required and no start-up costs, you do not need to borrow money or take out
loans for your Herbalife Nutrition business. We strongly discourage taking on debt in connection with your Herbalife
Nutrition business. Please see Rule 1.1.2 Debt Discouraged for more information.
Business Tools
Should I buy services, products, software or systems that might help me run my Herbalife Nutrition business?
“Business Tools” are third party services or products that may help you promote, grow, and/or manage your direct sales
business. They can be geared toward getting Customers, recruiting other Associates, communicating with Customers or
Associates, or financial management, among other things.
Whatever the purpose, Business Tools are not required to start, progress or succeed as an Associate or to receive training
and support from your Sponsor and upline. No one should tell you that Business Tools are required or pressure you to
buy them. Retailing Herbalife Nutrition products to Customers is the core of a successful Herbalife Nutrition business, and
Business Tools might distract you from this focus.
Herbalife Nutrition offers comprehensive business management tools for free or at a nominal cost. Our tools are designed
to meet your needs and help you run a successful and compliant Herbalife Nutrition business.
We strongly advise that you only buy Business Tools if you decide, after a reasonable amount of time as an Associate,
that their cost is justified by their expected benefit to your business, in light of your actual earnings from Herbalife Nutrition.
Please also keep in mind that if you buy Business Tools, you will be responsible for how you use them and for their
compliance with Herbalife Nutrition’s Rules of Conduct and the law. In addition, because they are not produced or endorsed
by Herbalife Nutrition, we take no responsibility for them.
However, if you have a dispute over Business Tools you have purchased with a seller who is an Associate, please contact
Herbalife Nutrition’s Associate Services at 080-40311444 and we will attempt to assist.
Please see Rules of Conduct 1.1.1 Restrictions on Purchase Requirements, 1.1.2 Debt Discouraged, 3.3 Business Tools
and 5.1.1 Training for more information.
Product Inventories
Should I buy a large product inventory?
Through in.MyHerbalife.com, Associates can have products shipped directly to their Customers, and GoHerbalife.com
allows Customers to order products themselves. This means that you don’t need to hold a large product inventory to meet
your Customers’ needs.
However, if you choose to keep a limited product inventory to sell to Customers or serve in your Nutrition Club, please
make sure you only purchase what you know you can resell within a reasonable amount of time. See Rules of Conduct
1.1.1 Restrictions on Purchase Requirements and 1.1.5 Proper Purchasing for more information.
Most Associates find that a home-based business provides the convenience, ease and flexibility they want from the
Herbalife Nutrition opportunity. Having a business location outside of your home is a serious financial commitment. If you
take your time to gain experience and learn from others, you will be in a better position to make the decision that is right
for you.
This is why Herbalife Nutrition requires all Associates to undergo a 90-day waiting period, complete the Company’s
Mandatory Nutrition Club Operator’s Registration process and any training required at that time before leasing or opening
a Nutrition Club in a non-residential location.
Please see Rules of Conduct 8.4.1 Registration Process for more information.