3-D Laser Doppler Anemometry Measurements...
3-D Laser Doppler Anemometry Measurements...
3-D Laser Doppler Anemometry Measurements...
Nomenclature Introduction
A Pipe cross-sectional area Orifice meters are used extensively in the metering of
D Orifice pipe (tube) diameter natural gas and it is estimated that the 1% uncertainty
d Orifice diameter in measurement may account for tens of millions of
r Radial distance from the pipe centreline dollars in mischarges annually. To provide a better
R Pipe radius, £)/2 understanding of the flow behaviour near orifices and
Re Reynolds number, pUm=D/l~ to contribute to a database for verification of computa-
puivj Reynolds stresstensor, Tip for compressible flow
rms Root mean square of a fluctuating quantity, tional fluid dynamics (CFD) models, a 3-D laser Dop-
[(V')211/2 pler anemometer was used to .measure the instantan-
u Local mean axial velocity eous velocity fields of the axisymmetric flow in a
u' rms of the axial velocity fluctuations standard 50.8 mm (2.0 inch) ID orifice meter. The
u~ Time average of axial-axial velocity fluctuations presentation of the means, variances and covariances
(normal Reynolds stress) of the orthogonal velocity components provide a uni-
u-~ Time average of axial-radial velocity fluctuations que set of data that yield insight into the fluid me-
(shear Reynolds stress) chanics associated with orifice meters. The reported
uw Time average of axial-azimuthal velocity turbulence kinetic energies (TKE) will be useful to
fluctuations (shear Reynolds stress)
numerical modellers seeking to develop effective tur-
U Maximum centreline axial velocity (vena contracta)
Um Average uniform pipe velocity bulence closure techniques. As a clearer understand-
u Local mean radial velocity ing of the flow field evolves because of measurements
v-~ Time average of radial-radial velocity fluctuations such as these, a better perception of the appropriate-
(normal Reynolds stress) ness of the pressure measurements and their relation-
u' rms of the radial velocity fluctuations ship to the flow field can be formed. 1,2,3
v--~ Time average of radial-azimuthal velocity
fluctuations (shear Reynolds stress)
ww Time average of azimuthal-azimuthal velocity
fluctuations (normal Reynolds stress) Literature review
w' rms of the azimuthal velocity fluctuations Much of the previous work on orifice meters has
(azimuthal turbulence intensity)
x Downstream distance from the downstream surface concentrated on discharge coefficients and the rela-
of the orifice plate tionship of wall pressures to flow rates 4. Other studies
/3 Orifice plate beta ratio, d/D have investigated parameters such as plate dimen-
p Density sions 5, deflection and eccentricity 6 and pipe anoma-
# Absolute viscosity lies 7. Mittal & Sharma 8 and Patel & Sheikholeslami 9
have focused upon the improvement of numerical
The authorsare in the MechanicalEngineeringDepartment,Texas models, whereas the studies of Miller & Cullen 1° and
A&M University,CollegeStation,TX77843-3123,USA Hall et a111 have concentrated on the equations
describing metering performance. The use of numer- Through both flow visualization and velocity measure-
ical modelling techniques in conjunction with experi- ments, they were able to identify the upstream prim-
mental studies to provide verification data and insight ary, the downstream primary and the downstream
into the flow fields provide significant promise for secondary recirculation zones. As expected, the three
understanding the operation and design of orifice normal stresses achieved local maxima along the shear
meters. Mittal & Sharma 8 modelled flow through thick layer, as did the kinetic energy and u-v shear stress.
orifice plates and predicted upstream and downstream The effect of radial acceleration through the orifice is
recirculation zones. Patel and Sheikholeslami 9 stud- manifest in the 'overshoot' that they described (the
ied thin orifice plates and predicted large radial velo- maximum axial velocity occurs away from the pipe
cities and primary recirculation zones both upstream centreline). They reported the length of reattachment
and downstream, but apparently neither numerical as a function of Reynolds number, and the values
study predicted the downstream secondary recircula- appear consistent with other work on orifices and
tion. This conflicts with intuition and experimental sudden expansions. They also performed CFD simula-
evidence from studies of flow through sudden expan- tion of the flow field and compared the numerical
sions 12 1~. Mukerjee et al. ~7 evaluated the status of predictions with their experimental data and pro-
CFD modelling of orifice meters in 1984 and con- nounced excellent agreement. There were, however,
cluded that existing turbulence models were unable to some discrepancies. For instance, the computer model
provide adequate and cost-effective predictions of the predicted a longer reattachment length than was ob-
flow field. They delineated a methodology for redres- served for the experimental measurements.
sing the existing situation, much of which has been The complexity of the flow field and its depend-
incorporated into this and other more recent studies. A ence upon both upstream and downstream flow con-
major concern of theirs was the development of a ditioning was demonstrated by Shen et a l ~.~ in their
database of turbulence quantities appropriate for the study of flow near multiple orifice plates. They used a
refinement of the turbulence closure models. 2-D LDV to measure the axial and radial velocity
Very little velocity data is available for verification components, which then permitted calculation of the
of the CFD models. Dyban & Epik ~ used a single-fila- two turbulence intensities and u-v shear stress. The
ment hot-wire anemometer to measure velocity pro- upstream plate significantly affected all quantities for
files for a Reynolds number of 30000 and orifice the downstream orifice and vice versa, though to a
diameter to pipe diameter ratios (/3 ratio) of 0.25 and lesser degree.
0.67. At an axial position 0.8D downstream of the For either orifice meters or sudden expansions
orifice plate, the velocity fluctuations were 4 - 5 % in there is very little data that includes values for the
the core, increased to 27% in the shear layer, and velocity variances and covariances ( ~ , w~, w w , ~ ,
further increased to 44% in the recirculation zone. vw) 23. Studies on sudden expansions have demons-
They found that the recirculation zone was shorter for trated secondary recirculation zones 12-~5. There are
the larger /3 ratio and that the turbulence level de- similarities between the flow through an orifice and
creased with increasing Reynolds number. the flow through a sudden expansion: both demons-
For a Reynolds number of 100000, Teyssandier & trate regions of recirculation and points where the
Wilson ~9 observed a discrepancy between the location primary flow reattaches to the wall, but there are also
of the minimum cross-sectional area of flow (vena differences. Notable among the differences is the exist-
contracta) and the point of minimum wall pressure. ence of the vena contracta for flow passing through an
They measured the location of the vena contracta as a orifice, which is presumably caused by the inward
point less than one step height downstream of the flow upstream of the obstruction. A definite need
orifice, while the minimum wall pressure occurred at exists for comprehensive velocity field data for orifice
approximately three step heights downstream. They meters.
pointed out that they were measuring with only one
sensor,which made analysis difficult near the orifice
where the radial velocity is the same order of mag-
nitude as the axial. Experimental procedure
For Reynolds numbers in the range from 21 000 To ensure that the flow entering the orifice meter
to 160000 and /3 ratios of ~, ~, and ~, Teyssandier would be fully developed and devoid of swirl, it was
and Husain 2° demonstrated that the plate influenced constructed to substantially exceed the standards given
wall pressure up to 0.62D upstream of the plate. The in the American Gas Association standard (ANSI/API
pressure on the upstream surface of the plate started to 253024, 1985). The length of approach was twice that
decrease at about 50% of the step height and con- specified and the flow straighteners and orifice plate
tinued to decrease to the bore. Wall pressure measure- conformed with respect to concentricity, flatness, bev-
ments indicated that the minimum occurred 3.3 step el angle, etc. The orifice plate was 3.175 mm thick
heights downstream of the plate. and made from stainless steel. The hole was
For a Reynolds number of 22000, Durst & 25.40 mm in diameter, which yielded a/3 ratio of 0.50
Wang 21 used a 1-D LDA to measure the velocity field when used with the 50.8 mm ID cast acrylic pipe. The
within an orifice meter with /3 = 0.5. The working orifice had a 45 ° bevel, which was 1.59 mm thick.
fluid was a mixture of diesel oils, the pipe had a The pipe had a flat surface milled along the length of
50 mm ID and the meter test section was 1 m long. one side, which left an opening 7.62 mm wide where
The diesel mixture was such that the index of refrac- windows were mounted (Figure 1). The windows were
tion matched that of the transparent pipe, which was optical quality quartz treated with an anti-reflective
done to facilitate measurements with the LDA. coating to ensure minimal distortion and maximum
Flow Meas. Instrum. Vol 2 April 1991 11 7
small primary recirculation zone upstream of the ori- tracta. A better indication of the upstream recirculation
fice plate. All these observations are confirmed by the zone and the downstream recirculation zone can be
velocity measurements. seen in Figure 3b.
Far upstream the flow is basically fully developed
turbulent pipe flow; the velocity profile at x/R = -4.1
Vector plot
has negligible radial or azimuthal velocity components
The radial and axial velocities at each of the 656 and the centreline axial velocity is 14.5 ms -~
measurement locations were combined to produce the (47.6 fps) compared to the maximum of 81.9 ms ~. It
vector plot shown in Figure 3a. Each arrow represents is not until x / R = - 1 . 1 3 that the flow first becomes
4096 coincident velocity realizations and is non-di- affected by the presence of the orifice plate; here the
mensionalized by 8 1 . 9 m s ~ (269feets -~ (fps)), the flow begins to turn inward, resulting in a slight in-
maximum axial velocity that occurs in the vena con- crease of axial velocity near the centreline. A small
-I.0 m
-4.0 -
- I .0
1 l l l J l l J J ~ l * * * * o-
lji!i i
r,, 7 • ")' ~",~
'I~ le y,, • Iv~
1.0 ¸
J llJl ' . . . . . . .
l I
1 I .0~
J I I 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 1 1 ,-i-]
J ]till"' . . . . . 0.6
JJJJiilll~' ..... b
ijjjjit~, .....
6.0 /JIJllll~* .....
orifice, although in the region beyond the edge, radial I oF~----¢ X/R
dependence is nearly the same as further downstream. .4.---+ 0 -4.1
In other words the flow through the orifice plate still
exhibits a radial component, which contributes to the
development of the vena contracta.
\ El
'~ 0.125
+ 0.25
x O. 5 0
Mean axial velocities 0.6 0 1.0
,s 20
The radial profiles of mean axial velocity presented in t> 40
Figure6 corroborate the observations made with re-
spect to the profiles of the mean radial velocities. At X~ 0. 4
x/R = -4.1 the profile is that of a turbulent pipe flow
with u/U = ( 1 - r/R) k. As the flow approaches the
orifice plate, the centreline velocity begins to increase 0.2
and by x / R = - 0 . 2 5 the mean axial velocity has a
maximum value of 0.5U on the centreline and a value
of 0.33U at r/R= 0.45. At this location v = - 0 . 2 4 U ,
which demonstrates the significant influence the ori-
fice has on the contraction of the fluid, since u and v
are comparable in magnitude. -0.2t I I I I I I I I I
The 'cusp' at r/R-~ 0.35, x/R = 0.25, is interest- -0. I O. I 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
ing: it indicates a region where the velocity at the r/R
centreline is less than the velocity at the edge of the
jet issuing from the orifice. It is still apparent, but Figure6 Radial profiles of the axial velocity at a
much less pronounced, at x/R = 0.50. Recall also that number of axial positions both upstream and down-
there was an inflection in the profile of radial velocity stream of the orifice plate. The 'cusp' on the profile at
for the x/R = 0.25 cross-section, hence the 'cusp' and x/R = 0.25 indicates higher velocities away from the
the beginning of the inflection correspond. For centre/ine. (Re = 54 700)
r/R >_ 0.5 (the edge of the orifice) the axial velocities
are very small, though not necessarily precisely zero. u/U
Teyssandier & Wilson v~ had previously observed such
a 'cusp'. A final observation is that the axial velocity is
essentially flat from the centreline to r/R~ 0.25 at
x/R = 1 .O, the location of the vena contracta. o.2 I_ \ •
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14
Contour plots
Contour plots, or isograms, of the mean axial and
radial velocities, the velocity variances, the u5 covar-
lance, the ~-g correlation coefficient, and turbulence v/d
kinetic energy are presented. The azimuthal velocity,
and the ~5 and v w covariances and correlation coeffi- ~:0"75 F
cients were all measured and found to be negligible to,soF
and are not presented.
0'205F i , i i L# ~ , I I I I I
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14
Contour plots of mean velocities
The u/U contour plot in Figure 7 indicates the ac- Figure 7 Contour plots of the mean axial and radial
celeration of the flow through the orifice plate by the velocities. In both notice the acceleration as the flow
close spacing between the 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 con- passes through the orifice. ([3 = 0.5; Re = 54 700)
tours. Closer spacing of the contours indicates more
rapid acceleration or deceleration of the flow. The
gradual increase in spacing downstream demonstrates
the v/U plot. The most significant is the separation
the relatively slower deceleration after the vena con-
from the throat of the orifice plate, which coincides
tracta (the location of maximum velocity). The very
with the u/U separation; however here the O level
close spacing of the negative upstream radial velocity
contour crosses the centreline and presumably reatt-
contours indicates the rapid radial inflow as the fluid
aches at the symmetric position on the unseen section
approaches and passes through the orifice, thereby
of the orifice plate. The positive values of v/U down-
driving the acceleration through the meter. The in-
stream indicate a spreading of the orifice jet.
tersection of O level contours with the orifice plate or
wall indicate regions of separation or reattachment. Velocity variances and covariances
The u/U plot indicates two such situations: one near
the corner where the orifice plate and pipe wall The turbulent characteristics of flow through the ori-
intersect, and the other separating from the edge of the fice meter as reflected in the velocity variances and
throat of the orifice and reattaching at x/R-~ 5.0. covariances are important for understanding the tur-
There are likewise two separation regions indicated on bulent flow field and establishing a database for
Flow Meas. Instrum. Vol 2 April 1991 121
comparison with numerical models of such flow fields. accelerates through the orifice. This suppresses the
It is this data that has been most significantly lacking. turbulence production by stretching eddies in the
In Figure 8 all three variance terms are presented direction of the acceleration, which may cause the
in separate contour plots. The contour of 1 0 0 ~ / U U , eddies to break up, but will none the less reduce the
the u/U velocity variance, shows characteristics simi- amplitude of the eddie-induced velocity fluctuations.
lar to those for most shear flows, exhibiting a max- The contours for the azimuthal velocity variance
imum in the middle of the shear layer along r/R-~ 0.4 are very similar in shape and magnitude to those just
and reaching a minimum near the wall far down- discussed for the radial velocity variance. The flow is
stream. The variance, and hence the fluctuations, of not isotropic since the variances of axial velocity in
u/U are minimal during the acceleration of the fluid the shear layer are not the same as those for either the
through the orifice; it is only after the vena contracta radial or azimuthal velocity variances, in fact the axial
at x/R = 1.0 that I O 0 ~ / U U begins to increase along velocity variance is twice the magnitude of the other
the centreline, the region where the shear layer and variances. As Tennekes & Lumley 29 point out, this is
the deceleration of the flow past the vena contracta typical of shear flows. For large Reynolds numbers the
furnish the high velocity gradients and momentum energy budget for the turbulent flow fluctuations may
exchange necessary for turbulence production. The be written in the Cartesian coordinate system as
close spacing of the ~ contours immediately down-
stream of the plate along the extension of r/R ~-0.4 0 = -ulu~ ~x2 ~x2 + - e
demonstrates the high level of axial turbulence pro-
duction at the lip of the orifice, whereas the wider Analysis of this budget indicates that only the equation
spacing of the same contour lines beyond x/R = 5.0 for the axial direction has any production, - ~ d S U / ~ r ;
indicate the slow dissipation of axial turbulence. The production for the other components being zero. As
maximum value corresponds to a turbulence intensity the flow is observed further downstream, 8 U / ~ r app-
(based upon U) of 20%, similar to the magnitude roaches zero, the production ceases and the turbul-
observed for sudden expansions. ence levels also decrease. Past x / R = 10 the turbul-
The radial velocity variance, u~, obtains a max- ence becomes isotropic.
imum dimensionless value of approximately 3.3 Neither the uw nor the uw is of particular in-
( ~ 5 = 2 1 8 m E s 2) at x / R = 1 . 5 and r / R = 0 . 4 4 and terest, because they are both essentially 0 throughout
corresponds to a turbulence intensity of u'/U = 17%. the flow field, which means that the respresentative
In the region - 0 . 8 -< x/R-< 1.0, the turbulence inten- fluctuations are uncorrelated. As shown in Figure9,
sity is less than 5%, which may be attributed to the ~5 term is nonzero, indicating a correlation be-
suppression of turbulence production by the strong tween u and u. The exchange of fluctuating momen-
acceleration through the orifice. As the flow appro- tum is between the axial and radial components. The
aches the orifice there is a redirection and accelera- maximum value occurs just downstream of the vena
tion as fluid from the wall moves radially inward and contracta in the shear layer, where the velocity va-
riances were also a maximum. Investigation of the
covariance terms indicates that the ~-5 term is 25
I 0 0 b~'/UU times the others. It is the exchange of fluctuating
~.ooI ll~r---~.~ ___.i-.z_~--Z-~..~-....<. ~q,
\ momentum that is causing the spreading of the jet and
the ultimate return to an isotropic flow past x/R = 10.
Figure 10 shows the contours of the -U-6 correlation
0 / I I I " "- I , I I I I
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14
0.75p o. o ~ ~e,~
I00 ~ ' / U U
II ~ , ~ o ~ ~ .
^ __Io.2~-."~--'o II ~ ' ~ J - - - - ~ ' " - ~
.~Z a ~ _ I I - - - ~ o
0/ ~ I I I I ~IO I ~ N " I I
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 I ib' i:~ I 14
04 -2 0 - -2 4 6 8 10
" 12
!i 14 Figure9 Contour plot of u~ covariance. ([3 --- 0.5;
x/R Re = 54 700)
correlation coefficient
I 00 w'-~/UU
,.oo .o
0.75p " o.,~"---"--"-"~0.2
0.25~- o
0 / i i i • ) 1~ ~ I
Figure 8 Contour plots of the three velocity variance Figure 10 Contour plot of the J# correlation coeffici-
terms. Notice that the o and w variances are similar in ent. Note the rapid change from - 0 . 6 to +0.4 in the
magnitude, but the u variance is a factor of two throat of the orifice. The structure follows the develop-
greater. (;6 = 0.5; Re = 54 700) ment of the shear layer. ([3 = 0.5; Re = 54 700)
122 R. E. DeOtte et al - Axisymmetric flow field near an orifice plate
coefficient, Cu,, = ~ 5 / ( - f f ~ x S ~ ) ~/2. There is a fairly energy balance presented by Tennekes & Lumley 28,
strong negative correlation upstream as the flow accel- which indicates that the axial component in a shear
erates to pass through the orifice. The correlation flow receives all of the turbulence energy production
increases rapidly at the throat of the orifice and the is substantiated since the axial velocity variance is
highest value of slightly over 0.5 occurs on the twice the magnitude of that for the radial or azimuthal
centreline at x/R ~. 0.4. The correlation coefficient is a components.
measure of the structure of the flow, i.e. a large
magnitude of the correlation coefficient indicates that
eddies are generated in a predictable fashion and are
generally oriented in the same direction. Close to the Acknowledgements
throat of the orifice approximately 50% of the turbul-
ence is due to predictable phenomena and the rest is The authors wish gratefully to acknowledge the sup-
due to random fluctuations. The eddies break up as port of this research effort by the Gas Research
they move downstream and interact with the shear Institute. Furthermore, Dr Max Klein, the contract
layer and the flow becomes progressively less struc- monitor, has made many insightful and helpful sugges-
tured until beyond x / R = 10 the turbulence is iso- tions that are appreciated.
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