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Altered Carbon RPG Osaka

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A Scenario for Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game
Inspired by the Netflix Original series
based upon the novel by Richard K. Morgan

Written by:
Gini “Aki” Benson and Alex Huilman
Noxweiler Berf
Project Manager:
Alex Huilman
For Julie and Wade, the Hivemind, and the Akilytes, my biggest cheerleaders.

Renegade Game Studios San Diego, California Hunters Entertainment Burbank, California

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Altered Carbon is the registered trademark of Skydance Productions, LLC. Used under license.
© 2022 Skydance Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
© 2022 Hunters Entertainment LLC, All Rights Reserved. © 2022 Renegade Game Studios, All Rights Reserved.

A LT E R E D C A R B O N : T H E R
S E| 2
Content Warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ch. 3: Player Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Pronunciation Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 New Archetype: Stack Jumper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Culture Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 New Archetype: SPA

(Suicide Prevention Act) Survivor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Ch. 1: Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Timeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 New Trait Tree: Cultural Guardian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Welcome to Osaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Trait Tree: Tandem Fighters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Places to Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 New Trait Tree: Youkai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Tenmon 天門: Heaven’s Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Ch. 4: Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Weapons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Dotonbori 道頓堀: New Venice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Kaiyoutei 海洋底: Sea Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chemicals, Drugs, and Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Yuurei-machi 幽霊町: Ghost City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sleeve Upgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Ch. 2: Organizations, Groups & NPCs. . . . . 18
Groups and Factions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Ch. 5: A Mysterious Patron. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Umikai: 2385 (Present Day). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Sennin 千人. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Part 1: Navigating Dims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Yakuza やくざ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Part 2: The Mysterious Patron (Optional). . . . . . . . . . 50
Seppuku Tigers 切腹タイガース. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Part 3: Breaching Tenmon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Osaka-shi no Keisatsu 大阪市の警察. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Part 4: Tenmangu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Kaiyoutei Deve 海洋底デベ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Part 5: Escaping Tenmon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Osaka Taimuzu 大阪タイムズ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Part 6: The Drop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Kurozakura 黒桜. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Unaffiliated Groups and Citizens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | T able of C ontents 3
Ch. 6: City on Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Ch. 7: Year of the Tiger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Osaka, Tenmon: 2385 (Present Day). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Yuurei-machi: 2385 (Present Day). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Part 1: Rumor Has It. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Part 1: An Invitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Part 2A: Media Circus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 The Summoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Part 2B: Trip to the Slammer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Part 2: Prove Your Worth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Part 2C: The Chivalrous Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Part 3A: Making Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Part 3A: Plucky Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Part 3B: A Shady Character. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Part 3B: Mole on the Other Side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Part 4: Into the Belly of the Beast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Part 4: Secret Tunnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Part 5: Occupy Osaka-jou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Part 5: Caverns & Contraband. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Ch. 8: Other Tales From Osaka . . . . . . . . . 100

Part 6A: The Big Scoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Osaka, Dotonbori: 2385 (Present Day). . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Part 6B: All Locked Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Osaka-jou: 2385 (Present Day). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Part 6C: Everyone for Themselves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Fail State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | T able of C ontents 4
The following content contains mentions of suicide

and detailed descriptions of natural disasters. Your

mental and emotional health are paramount to

the enjoyment of this material, so feel free to pick

and choose whatever elements of the lore suit the

needs of you and your group, and remember that

communication is tantamount to a good game.

Japanese is a phonetic language, and each syllable

is spoken without stress. As opposed to the English

vowel sounds “a (ey)” “e (ee)” “i (eye)” “o (oh)” “u

(you),” Japanese vowel sounds are “a (ah)” “e (ey)”

“i (ee)” “o (oh)” “u (oo).” Thus, Kaiyoutei would be

pronounced “ka-ee-yo-tay” with no stressed syllables.

The western pronunciation of Yakuza is “ya-KOO-za”

with an exaggerated and elongated “ku” sound, but

properly pronounced it is simply “ya-koo-za,” three

short syllables.

Full Disclosure: This supplement was written by

someone who is not Japanese, but spent half of their

life living in the country both as a child and as an

adult. Japanese culture, like all cultures, is rich and

expansive. Like all cultures, it is an amalgamation of

good and bad. What is covered in this supplement

barely scratches the surface of the many facets of

Japan. You are encouraged to do your own research

in order to avoid Orientalism, generalizations, and

stereotypes in your portrayal of the characters who

will inhabit this space.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | T able of C ontents 5

„ 2186, Suicide Prevention Act (SPA): Decimated

TIMELINE population prevented from furthering the crisis.
„ 2030, the Pending Flood: Waters begin to rise, Violators face harsh punishment.
record high temperatures result in millions of
„ 2187, Osaka becomes globally recognized
deaths globally.
power: With its contributions to technological
„ 2040–2050, The Great Migration: First mass advancements and innovations, Osaka takes its
dying-off of the older generation leaves Japan place among other major cities in the world.
with an astounding population crisis and facing
„ 2187–2200, Makegirai JAPAN: Efforts to
global financial ruin.
rebuild Japan are expansive and extensive.
„ 2055, Asia Cooperation Initiative: Asia Many Japanese, temporarily displaced to other
Cooperation Initiative (ACI) enacted to cultivate countries, make their return.
peaceful cooperation in SE Asia.
„ 2200–2250, Osaka Rising: Osaka is an epicenter
„ 2085, SEA Unity Act: ACI deemed successful. of Japanese commerce, politics, and culture.
Leads to peace talks and treaties for China,
„ 2250–2385, The Hardship: Civil unrest becomes
Korea, Japan, and several other SE Asian
more common as historical sites are collected by
the rich and economic disparity widens.
„ 2085–2185, Isseiki no Heiwa: Successful peace
„ 2380, SPA Ends: The Suicide Prevention Act is
negotiations result in a hundred year era of
struck down by the Protectorate.
peace and cooperation in Asia. Cortical Stacks
are introduced. „ 2385 (present day), Osaka by Night: The upper
class rule the city, Dotonbori is a refuge for small
„ 2175, Adulthood Backup Edict (ABE): Edict
time crime lords, a dilapidated and abandoned
issued to standardize usage of Cortical
theme park at the outskirts of the city houses a
Stack tech.
„ 2185, Oojishin, Heritage Preservation Act (HPA):
The “Big One” finally hits Japan, devastating loss
of life and significant damage done to coastlines.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 6
W E LCO M E TO OSA KA The most affected areas were islands. Garbage

To understand what will be, you must first understand choked shorelines and the rising heat index was

what has gone before. Japan is and was a country killing the beaches. Tourism in those areas greatly

rich in tradition and heritage, both of which they suffered due from the lack of care. Community efforts

have fought tirelessly to preserve. Much of what you to clean the beaches often ended in frustration as

may know about Japan as a culture is still relevant, more garbage floated in. Humanity, in its last ditch

but has, as things are wont to do, evolved. This is the effort to survive, enacted desperate measures to

future, after all, and in one of the most technologically rise out of the ashes left in the wake of centuries of

advanced societies on the planet, even the worst has destructive living.

not managed to subdue them.

While many of its coastal cities have fallen to ruin due To add insult to injury, a slow die-off was already
to a myriad of natural disasters, one shining jewel still occurring in Japan, and rising temperatures had
stands. Tucked into a southern bay, Osaka, in some only helped to speed a graying population on its
places not erroneously referred to as “New Venice,” way. Projections from decades ago predicted that a
stands as a testament to the iron will of the Japanese. catastrophic drop in population was impending, and

It has not been without cost. the little that was done to counteract the crisis had

come far too late to stop it.

Gen Xers and Millennials struggled to pick up the
In 2030, the waters, as predicted, began to rise. Earth
slack in an environment that was openly hostile
had had enough, and time was running out. Scientists
to mothers continuing their careers after having
had been predicting it for decades, only to be
children, allowing fathers to spend more time with
largely ignored by politicians and lobbyists. Those in
their families, and a refusal to provide affordable
power wanted their pound of flesh, and ecologically
and more accessible childcare. Birthing rates had
bankrupting the planet did not seem to matter to
dropped considerably, and the older generations were
them. They were rich, and certain of their survival.
living to such lengths that the national pension was
As coastlines began to disappear, and the hemorrhaging in its efforts to care for them all. The
temperatures rose to untenable levels, many started sudden, but inevitable, plummet in population was
to wonder if hubris had finally caught up to the sure to devastate Japan.
human race. Despite the everyday person doing

their best, individual efforts to curb the coming tide

were not enough. Riots broke out globally on nearly

a daily basis as people flooded their government

buildings, demanding help.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 7
(ACI): 2055 For a century Japan knew not only unprecedented

Already at great risk of being swallowed before the peace with its Asian neighbors, but a surge in

population crisis could be resolved, Japan was one technological, economical, and sociological advances.

of the first to lead the charge towards drastic action. In this time, the Imperial family was phased out

Heavily strict laws immediately went into effect; of ceremonial power as the global government

corporations contributing to climate change and began to take shape.

pollution were heavily fined. Whalers and dolphin

The introduction of Cortical Stacks and Sleeve
capturers risked losing their life at the end of a noose
technology were at first viewed in Japan with deep
if caught. Volunteers showed up in droves to clean up
suspicion. While prideful of their own technological
waste and cull the nearby oceans of detritus and filth.
contributions throughout the century, the fear

Japan was not alone in its efforts. No one could of Sleeving becoming the next big “boom” of

have foreseen their first allies in the effort being the Japanese culture was strong. For some time the

recently unified New Korean Democratic Republic practice occurred in Japan largely without oversight.

and China. Having never known true maritime peace, Young parents attempted to back up their infants,

the three nations joined forces and purged their some obsessively backed themselves up daily,

shared waters of the litter that had long choked it. still others experimented with the technology in

Asia, having done their part, shared in the joy of their almost inhumane ways.

accomplishments and contributions.

SEA UNITY ACT: 2085 2175
In spite of their best efforts to save the planet, for Upon realizing that things had gotten out of hand,

a senior citizen heavy population, it was too little, the global government began to make moves to

too late. With a depleted workforce, the country bring Japan to heel. Regulations were put into place

was forced to make peace with an idea it had long as quickly as they could be, with tight restrictions

debated against: allowing for more immigration and on who could be backed up and when being

international integration to help bolster and stabilize clearly outlined.

their population and economy. This injection of

All people at the age of twenty, in conjunction with
foreign blood gave birth to a Japan many could only
their Coming of Age ceremony, were required to be
have hoped for, but might never have imagined.
backed up at a government building and continue to

The SEA Unity Act was the initial greenlight for such do so every year subsequent to that within a week of

integration, with many overtures made to ensure their date of birth. No one under the age of twenty

reparations for past atrocities contributing to what was permitted to do so without special dispensation.

would hopefully be a lasting peace in South East Asia.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 8
The Oojishin hit in 2185, ripping through the Japanese With so many displaced from Japan, there was a

Alps like a zipper through felt, rending the nation scramble to preserve and protect as many historical

nearly in half and burying hundreds of kilometers sites as could be salvaged. Efforts went into making

of the country beneath molten rivers of lava and sure custodians were put in place to maintain those

ash. Coastal prefectures were rocked from their sites. Some of them were returned to the families that

foundations and many were dumped into the sea. had been their owners and caretakers for centuries,

Tokyo Bay was nearly under water, though centuries and some were given to those with the means to keep

of preparation kept it relatively safe; Yokohama, them up to very strict guidelines.

however, was lost to the depths; and all of the coastal

These guidelines came to be formally known as the
islands were wiped from the map. Hokkaido, Shikoku,
Heritage Preservation Act, and they laid out the
and Kyushu managed to survive the worst. Osaka,
standards by which pieces of Japanese heritage were
a much farther distance from the eastern mountain
to be maintained. It wasn’t only historical landmarks
range, remained mostly intact, though not unscathed.
that were to be kept up to snuff. From kimono
The bay area now resembled Venice, its many rivers
to tea ceremonies, to martial arts, ikebana, and
welling up to flood a large portion of the city.
calligraphy, only those sanctioned and licensed by the

Japanese fortitude and stoicism kicked in with a government could be instructors of those disciplines.

vengeance. They’d been on the brink before, and they Such guardians quickly became revered, and their

could recover again. Cortical Stacks and domestic legacies were jealously protected by those in power.

needle casting saved a generation nearly lost, but few

could be resleeved as they anticipated. There was

a strong sense of loss as many of Japan’s Sleeving

facilities failed. Many backups had to be shunted

to neighboring countries, and many more of them

were lost or completely corrupted. Real death, for

perhaps the first time in Japanese society, became

a real threat. Furthermore, those whose backups

survived would have to come to terms with waking

up far from home.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 9
SUICIDE PREVENTION ACT (SPA): advancement of the human race. Osaka had sustained

2186 a fair amount of damage from the quake and also

While measures were taken to preserve the culture of found itself as the epicenter for the highest spate

Japan, not as much attention was being paid to the of SPA offenders. Many in the city felt that Osaka

quality of life for the people who were left. Survivors was not equipped to handle the strain of a world’s

faced horrific conditions. Most were homeless, and expectations, and believed that they did not deserve

with the destruction of a lot of the cities, many were to shoulder the burden of producing advances at

jobless, too. Nearly the entire public system, still such a high rate.

largely ground based, though updated to meet higher

It did not dissuade those with the power to make
technological standards, had been decimated by the
such decisions, however, and Osakans celebrated their
quake and the ensuing aftershocks. A large portion of
ascension as only the Japanese could: with poise,
people were trapped in their homes, or trapped in a
dignity, and grit.
circumstance that felt helpless.


A sharp upswing in real death suicides took the
Over the course of the next thirteen years, what
local government aback. Facing an already frightful
was left of a tattered Japan engaged in a Herculean
situation, the further loss of life was untenable. In
effort to rebuild their country, with a large emphasis
a swift act of desperation, the Suicide Prevention
placed on the full restoration of Osaka so far as
Act was ratified and put into motion. All those
nature allowed. This span of time was referred to as
whose Cortical Stacks could be recovered were re-
Makegirai JAPAN, or, The Japan That Hates To Lose.
Sleeved, put on trial for murder, and given multiple

life sentences to be carried out in the form of It was during this time that Umikai and Tenmon were
indentured servitude. developed. In what was considered by many to be

a triumphant display of technical and architectural

OSAKA GAINS GLOBAL engineering, the city established a series of vast
RECOGNITION: 2187 and intricate underwater housing complexes. A
With the loss of Yokohama and the destruction of
large portion of them lived in the bowels of a pre-
a large portion of Tokyo’s bay area, it soon became
established, but largely abandoned underground
apparent that Osaka was likely to evolve into Japan’s
shopping area and the metro system. Some of
biggest port of commerce due to its swift actions in
Kaiyoutei was established directly in the foundations
establishing trade and curbing major financial loss for
of Dotonbori, by converting flooded basement levels
the country through solid technological advances.
of the skyscrapers located there and extending them

Though it was hotly contested, Osaka eventually out into the bay area of the city.

gained recognition as a significant contributor to the

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 10
Tenmon saw a large portion of Osaka’s original Jealously protected from would-be “looters,” the

skyline made obsolete, as it expanded upon the Sennin considered it their sacred duty to watch

“floating city” idea and created designs that marked over it. A site that was once free for all to visit soon

the buildings as irrevocably Japanese. Tenmon was became a pay-for-admission attraction for the very

strategically placed around one of the few precious rich. Any temple that fell within the sacred Tenmon

sites that had been spared the flooding, Osaka-jou circle was likewise treated, elevating the families

(Osaka castle), and seemed to surround the site like tasked with their preservation to dizzying heights in

an imperious floating wall. the social strata of the city.

Another mark of triumph saw the return of many of

THE HARDSHIP: 2250–2385
Japan’s displaced dead, now re-Sleeved in bodies
Though lauded for their swift and impeccable work,
from all over the globe. Osaka experienced an
and global prosperity, it soon became apparent
unpredicted influx in population as those without
that Osaka was not ready for the sheer volume of
family or responsibility found themselves drawn to
people in the city.
the brave new vision of the city. While some SPA
There were far from enough jobs. More and more
offenders made an effort to escape being returned
people were turning to organized crime, black
to the country that did not yet consider their time
market operations, and other illicit forms of doing
served, very few succeeded.
business. There was an unforeseen lack of space and

OSAKA RISING: 2200–2250 no apparent efforts were being made to remedy

For the next fifty years Osaka worked to reestablish it. Though legitimate businesses still seemed to be

itself as a global force in politics, economy, and the main source of income and jobs, the economic

technology. Resources were allocated first by disparity between the haves and the have-nots

the global government and then distributed became more and more visible to the outside world.

by the local one.

The Sennin did all they could to downplay the obvious

Despite best efforts, not every aspect of the Heritage corruption being fomented within the city limits,

Preservation Act could be honored, due to the severe but were met with marginal success as Dotonbori

and extensive damage sustained during Oojshin, devolved into a den for this organized crime. In many

but Osaka-jou was held up as a monument of what ways, Osaka returned to a feudalistic structure, with

the Japanese were capable of doing when given the a rich elite calling the shots, willfully ignorant law

opportunity to show their quality. enforcement, and the poor engaging in whatever

activities kept them fed, clothed, and warm.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 11
In this time a rumored gang of revolutionaries was TENMON 天門:
beginning to form, inspired by movements and
H E AV E N ’ S G A T E
uprisings elsewhere. Some could even call it a splinter
This large floating complex is an achievement of
group. Its exact date of birth was largely unknown,
architecture and technology. Established after the
and with good reason. The Seppuku Tigers were a
Oojishin of 2185, during a concentrated effort to
strange amalgamation of people from nearly every
restore Osaka, Heaven’s Gate became the home for
social tier in the city, though that was not common
many of the country’s Sennin.
knowledge. Their demonstrations of resistance started

small, but their biggest victory was yet to be had… Tenmon is located north and northeast of Dotonbori

and forms a series of tight concentric circles. The

SPA STRUCK DOWN: 2380 further you live within Tenmon the richer and older
With the looming prospect of Osaka imploding from you’re likely to be. In the center stands the perfectly
the powder keg it was building for itself, the global preserved and pristine Osaka-jou, which now acts as a
government made moves to strike down what was country club of sorts for Osaka’s most wealthy.
now considered by anyone who wasn’t directly

benefiting from it as archaic, barbaric, and cruel. OSAKA CASTLE

The Sennin, local politicians, and law enforcement Osaka-jou is one of the longest standing structures in

knew better than to grumble about it too loudly as Osaka. Built in 1583 A.D. by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the

the Suicide Prevention Act was rescinded and its castle played a significant part in the unification of

victims freed from their indictments. They would be Japan as a nation in the sixteenth century.

left to live, or not, as they chose. A sprawling and beautiful estate, Osaka-jou was

largely spared the fate of many parts of Osaka

P L AC E S TO K N OW during Oojishin, though some parts did collapse and
„ Tenmon: Also known as “Heaven’s Gate,” this experience some flooding. The restoration of the
floating cityscape houses the elite and Sennin. castle was considered, by many, to be a top priority.
„ Dotonbori: The ground level of Osaka, mostly The government poured millions of yen into the
flooded now, and the central hub for crime rings
project, and even launched a search for a descendant
and illicit activities.
of Toyotomi willing to step into the shoes of
„ Kaiyoutei: Where a large portion of the non-elite
stewardship for the castle. This task ultimately proved
population dwells in Osaka. This area consists
to be futile, since it was largely known that the last of
of underwater complexes attached to the
foundations of the city. Toyotomi’s direct issue died either by ritual suicide or

„ Yuurei-machi: An abandoned no-man’s land execution, despite rumors and theories of his survival

located on a partially submerged peninsula persisting throughout history.

southwest of Dotonbori.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 12
The property therefore fell to the government and mingle with the riffraff down in Dotonbori turn their

is now maintained through a joint effort by the attention here instead.

Sennin, who contribute to its upkeep by way of

From clubs, drug dens, discrete meeting locations,
purchasing memberships for access to the building.
flesh bars, and everything in between, here the Sennin
Without membership, one cannot enter Osaka-jou
aren’t so different from any other human. The biggest
or the grounds, which are heavily guarded. Security
differences are the quality of the establishments
is intense, mostly due to the fact that the Sennin
and clientele, and they’re just a lot less likely to be
have gone to great lengths to preserve Osaka-jou’s
caught or held accountable inside the safety of
historical integrity and have not erected physical
their Tenmon bubble.
structures to keep outsiders from getting in. Insteady

they employ invisible forcefield like grids to maintain LADY NAKAYUME’S PURSE
an accurate aesthetic for the building. A club located in Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street, run

by the infamous Lady Nakayume. She is a supremely

sophisticated AI that is rumored to be the avatar of
Osaka Tenmangu is one of Japan’s most treasured
an actual living person, though none have been able
shrines and hosts one of Japan’s most well-known
to prove that that is true. Clever, alluring, and well
shopping districts. It is also the home of the famous
connected for an AI, she runs a tight ship.
Tenjin Matsuri, a summer festival that honors the deity
Lady Nakayume’s Purse serves as both a bar
of scholarship, Sugawara Michizane.
lounge and high-end boudoir, attracting some of
The shrine is now upkept by a lesser known family
Tenmon’s most affluent Sennin. It is likely that she
of artists, the Matsumura Family. Though they are
has connections with the Yakuza, as many clubs
technically considered to be cultural guardians,
throughout Japanese history tend to, but there are
they tend to keep to themselves and only emerge
some that suspect that Lady Nakayume has managed
to maintain the shrine and arrange for the Sennin to
to remain fairly autonomous, which is a pretty
continue to enjoy the Tenjin Matsuri, which is now
spectacular feat.
considered to be a very exclusive, private event.
Nestled in a fairly innocuous part of the long
The shopping street, once a jewel of tourism, is now
shopping street, by day Lady Nakayume’s Purse
somewhat different. Though still a destination for
almost disappears, thanks to some technological
shopping and site-seeing, it also hosts a stretch of
finesse that displays a false storefront, which always
shops that cater to more… deviant proclivities. By
has a “closed” sign up. Trying to find it by day can
day it is a pristine, high class shopping location,
prove to be a challenge to anyone without the
and by night it opens up for more depraved and
technological capabilities to see past such defenses.
adventurous activities. Sennin that do not wish to

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 13
THE STRIP was deemed unsafe to swim in. Now the water is

The Strip is a short stretch of shops that service a swimmable only in special suits, which many of the

few very specific needs. Sennin go here to shop their inhabitants of Dotonbori do not have. Navigating the

tech upgrades and peruse the latest developments canals of Dotonbori is fraught with danger.

in cloning and Sleeve options. This upper class tech

market boasts the very cutting edge of what is
Shochikuza is the longest standing theatre in
available to people with money to burn. This area
Dotonbori, having survived the second World War.
is also choked with old time restaurants and bars,
Up until Oojishin, the theatre continued to do classic
meticulously preserved and providing a strong sense
kabuki showings and stand as a center for culture and
of historical integrity to a location otherwise known
pride within the city of Osaka.
for its wealth of gadgets.

After the devastation and flooding of Dotonbori

Located at the most northern end of the street,
Canal, Shochikuza fell into disrepair. Being outside
The Strip is abuzz with AIs and synths hawking
of the protective ring of Tenmon, assigning a
wares on behalf of wealthy, well-known merchants
cultural guardian to preserve it was not considered
from around the world. The only humans allowed in
a high priority, though there were many Sennin that
the area must be from Tenmon or part of a Sennin
protested this and felt that such a cultural jewel
escort. Sennin can send staff to The Strip to pick up
should not go so neglected.
or purchase items for them, but they must have the

correct paperwork on them at all times or risk being The theatre was mysteriously restored and reopened
ejected from Tenmon. in the years following the earthquake. Though never

confirmed, it was a poorly kept secret that a united

D OTO N BO R I 道 頓 堀 : effort by local black market merchants and the

NEW VENICE yakuza had a hand in the theatre’s restoration. Kabuki

Once well renowned as the premiere tourist is still viewed there now, but there is also the added

destinations of Japan, Dotonbori still lights up layer of having a public place to perform private

the night sky in a colorful neon display. Mostly business deals.

navigated by boats, rafts, and dinghies, New Venice The theatre now acts, in large part, as a place to
is now mostly a hub for various types of commerce, make connections, ask for favors, and secure allies,
rather than tourism. especially during day time hours, when Canal Row is

Denizens of Dotonbori live in riverboats and floating quieter, all under the cover of taking in a little culture.

barges, and often sell their wares from those very Shochikuza also happens to be one of the few places

same places, if not from raised platforms located outside of Tenmon in which Sennin of a certain ilk are

along the shore line. Due to the water’s proximity not too bothered to be seen.

to a large amount of electricity, for a long time it

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 14
The infamous canal of Dotonbori, marked by the In order to access Dotonbori from Kaiyoutei, one must

famous Glico Running Man, is the center of commerce come up through The Boat House. The Boat House

for anyone outside of Tenmon. Loud, bright, is located just west of the Glico Running Man sign, in

dingy, and crowded with boats, barges, and raised an old subway station with access to the street. Much

platforms, Dotonbori Canal’s seething market services like old time car parks, boats are parked atop each

nearly every type of need. A vast majority of the other on large conveyor belts that loop up into the

buildings, flooded out in their lower floors, have been building above. Boats of all types can be rented or

converted into every manner of shop, restaurant, or bought and stored in The Boat House as well.

purveyor of goods.
A secondary location of The Boat House is located at

Technically, in the eyes of the Protectorate, Canal Row the barrier between Tenmon and Dotonbori. Though

is not a place to conduct legitimate business, but as not many Sennin cross into the southern area of

it services a large portion of Osaka’s population and Osaka to do business, they will often send servants

keeps the people fairly sedated, they are happy to or escorts there for various reasons. On occasion, a

turn a blind eye to most of the activities that take Sennin will cross into Dotonbori to visit Shochikuza.

place there. Where The Strip is considered the most

upstanding location in Osaka to do trade, Canal Row

Dims is a series of floating barges located towards
is essentially the lowest.
the western mouth of Dotonbori and the central
The only way to safely navigate the passages of
location for eateries in the area. The expansive spread
Dotonbori is by boat, as most of the area in what
of lashed together stretches of wood is a ten-minute
was formerly southern downtown Osaka is now
walk across from any entry point and houses most of
underwater. Perhaps the starkest reminder of
what remains of Osaka’s “foodie” culture.
the environmental devastation that went before,
Crammed together in a traditional zigzag alleyway
and how much difference mere location made
style, tiny izakaya, karaoke bars, noodle shops,
when Oojishin hit, is the large barrier to the
dumplings, takoyaki, grilled or fried meat and
north of Dotonbori, where it sits just outside the
vegetable skewers, and much more inundate
protective ring of Tenmon.
the space in a hot, steaming, rickety bustle that
Canal Row is most obviously the biggest source
can smelled, and heard, kilometers away. Dims is
of black market goods in Osaka, and the Yakuza
considered one of the few safe havens of the city,
have control over a large majority of the trade that
where doing business is considered to be somewhat
happens there. Merchants not directly associated with
of a faux pas. That does not mean it does not occur,
them still have to pay some kind of dues to them in
but getting caught can mean being turned out of
order to maintain a healthy business and livelihood.
most of the tiny restaurants immediately.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 15
Dims is a perfect gathering place for like-minded The department is located in the upper floors of

individuals to group together and talk just about Kaiyoutei, with ground access to Dotonbori. Access

anything but business. Politics, religion, scholarly to the Tenmon branch is only available via the canals

discourse, food, culture, and just about every other and requires special authorization. Historically, only

topic of conversation is welcome at Dims, and well detectives are given Tenmon access, though the

lubricated by copious amounts of alcohol. So while occasional beat cop is granted permission to go to

Dims is not a good place to do business, it is, instead, Tenmon if the extenuating circumstances call for it.

an excellent place to gather information and tips.

In design, the offices are functional. Though

technologically superior to most areas of Kaiyoutei,

K A I YO U T E I 海 洋 底 : the stark, utilitarian layout of the department is the
S E A F LO O R biggest degree of separation from the Protectorate
Once all the water that flooded Osaka had been that runs the OPD. Lacking the usual opulence, the
pumped out of the bowels of the city, the space OPD often does not bother itself with flashy displays
cleared was converted into living spaces and then of power, which, given the level of corruption in the
expanded into the ocean. Most of the middle class department, is probably for the best.
was sent here to take up residence. Though utilitarian

and sparse, the complexes constructed were KAIYOUTEI C IVIC HALL

state-of-the-art. The largest civic hall in the city, Kaiyoutei Civic Hall

is where nearly all Adulthood Backup fulfillments are

The Osaka Police Department, Osaka Central Medical
done. Boasting the most comprehensive DHF storage
Ward, Kaiyoutei Civic Hall, the Osaka Times, as well as
system and library on the planet, Kaiyoutei services
several other legitimate businesses, are housed in the
the population of Osaka outside of Tenmon and
upper floors of Kaiyoutei. Many who live in Kaiyoutei
maintains meticulous records of who is up to date
can go their whole lives without going groundside.
on their backups. Working in conjunction with the
They are born, are backed up, and die without having
OPD, they enforce strict measures to ensure that the
ever seen the sun. In the vast underground of Osaka,
population of the city remains safe from Real Death.
all their needs have been met. Only those who find

themself dissatisfied with the status quo make their Though they have wide reach in their oversight, they

way topside, into the world above. have long ignored signs that there are people not

adhering to the law, writing off such evidence as

OSAKA POLICE DEPARTMENT speculation and rumor. Despite having what some
The Osaka Police Department is the Protectorate believe to be nearly limitless resources, their power is
sanctioned peace keeping force in the city. Though moderated by the Protectorate, which generally does
a smaller branch of the department exists in Tenmon not concern itself with errant citizens.
as part of the Protectorate’s headquarters, its main
Located essentially across the hall from the OPD, the
branch is located in Kaiyoutei for ease of deployment
two facilities make up what is considered by most
to the bulk of Osaka’s citizens.
locals to be Kaiyoutei’s municipal block.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 16
OSAKA TIMES Beyond the barrier, however, is a completely different

The Osaka Times, also located within Kaiyoutei’s landscape. Buildings are not in the same state of

municipal block, is the city’s longest running disrepair or neglect as is displayed. Technology is

Protectorate approved source of news and obviously masking the true nature of what is taking

information. Reporting on local, national, place in Yuurei-machi. Is it a seditious plot against

international, and intergalactic news alike, the Times the government? A new secret gathering place for

purports itself to be a fair, impartial purveyor of the the Sennin? Is it an internment camp of some kind?

news. Though required, to a certain degree, to remain Whatever happens there happens in the shadows, and

pro-Protectorate in its reporting, there is some leeway the only way to truly know what occurs there, is to

given to certain high-profile reporters. go there yourself.

With twenty-four hour broadcasts seven days a

week, the Osaka Times is never closed, and hosts
The Shell is the hollowed out, flooded remains of
a staff of synths, AI, and humans. The state of the
the Osaka Aquarium. It is suspected that a few of
art, cutting edge office houses several broadcasting
the large tanks housed in what was once the largest
suites, as well as a small hub for Needle Casting for
aquarium in the world are still intact, but there is
investigative journalism purposes. It also employs a
no staff deployed to restore or maintain the facility.
private security service.
The Protectorate abandoned the west side of the

city shortly after Oojishin due to the incredible

YUUREI-MACHI 幽霊町: devastation to that area’s infrastructure and the
GHOST CITY enormity of the cost to repair it.
A secret lies to the southwest of the city, on a flooded
In the present day, The Shell is the main sheltering
out peninsula housing the tangled, abandoned ruins
place of the Seppuku Tigers. The Tigers use the
of a long forgotten theme park. Largely ignored as
building as their communal living space while also
a relic of the past, unknown activities take place
maintaining the two or three tanks that survived
unseen. Rumors circle hot and fast about what is
the earthquake. Many technological aspects of the
happening in the veritable ghost town, but nothing
aquarium remain as they were when the earthquake
can be confirmed. A barrier has been put up to keep
hit, though slow upgrades have been put in place
people out. From the city all that can be seen are the
to make the building a viable shelter for the group.
twisted metal skeletons of what used to be there.
The barrier put up by the Protectorate projects

the aquarium as a twisted chunk of steel beams

and concrete rubble to dissuade people from

crossing into the area.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 17
Even further west, beyond The Shell and almost

completely submerged beneath the waves of Osaka

Bay, are The Proving Grounds. In this area, the Tigers

assemble and train. The Proving Grounds also acts as

a storage facility for a lot of the Tigers’ resources.

Not much has been done to restore what was once

an expansive property. Rafts and barges make up

the majority of the stable ground in the area. Most of

the buildings are in shambles, but a few of the more

modern of the facilities were able to withstand the

violence of the earthquake and provide food and

additional communal spaces for the Tigers and their

families, such as a small school, a medical facility, a

handful of restaurants, and a gymnasium. These areas

are fairly rudimentary and makeshift, but they are

sufficient for the needs of the Tigers.

Due to the ruinous nature of Oojishin, The Proving

Grounds is an incredibly dangerous area. Shards

and hulking masses of twisted steel and concrete

jut out from the water in such a way to suggest that

this area may have once been meant to provide the

city of Osaka a means of fun and entertainment. The

Protectorate does not speak much of what used to be

west of the main sprawl of the city, and the common

conjecture is that the loss of that area to Oojishin

was something of a major blow to not just Osaka, but

Japan as a whole.

Now it functions mostly as a location for the Tigers

to run ops simulations and train their squadron of

followers to be combatants and mercenaries. The

difficult terrain provides the perfect space to develop

the necessary skills to adapt to a multitude of

different environments and situations.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction 18
C H . 2 : O R G A N I Z AT I O N S , G R O U P S & N P C S

G R O U P S A N D FA C T I O N S getting a new Sleeve quickly became determined by

„ Sennin: Known elsewhere as “Meths,” these elite who could afford to do so. While many were content

rule the city and have an iron grip on some of with living one or two lives, those with the means to
Osaka’s most historical treasures. live longer leapt at the chance almost obsessively.

„ Yakuza: The yakuza do as they have always done,

Some people became Sennin not by choice, but by
play both sides of the field in whatever way most
benefits them. way of the Suicide Prevention Act. At the expense

of the government, thousands were indicted and

„ Seppuku Tigers: Made up mostly of SPA victims
and revolutionaries driven to stand up to the convicted of murder and forced to live out several

Sennin and the mercurial yakuza. lifetimes as indentured servants to other Sennin.

„ Osaka Police Department : Charged with When SPA was struck down, all of them were ejected
keeping the order, the OPD is caught in a deep from Heaven’s Gate without reparations. Though not
web of corruption and greed. Sennin in name, fortune, or culture, their longevity has
„ Kaiyoutei Deve: An organization of engineers set them apart from the rest beyond Tenmon.
and scientists that maintain the city’s DHF
infrastructure and develop all of the city’s tech.
YA K U Z A やくざ
„ Osaka Times: Osaka’s news outlet.
The Chivalrous Way
„ Kurozakura: The theatre troupe that maintains
The yakuza have been a long standing monolith in
Shochikuza in Dotonbori.
Japanese culture. Though pervasive and prevalent

SENNIN 千人 in many legitimate businesses in Japan, even bubble

Meths tea, their acts of charity throughout history have been

recorded but largely ignored. They have been a ruling

Where elsewhere they are called “Meths,” in Japan
mainstay in the underworld of the global economy for
they are called Sennin, or immortals. The Sennin
hundreds of years.
mostly consist of and refer to Osaka’s wealthiest and

most connected individuals, many of whom have Though not inaccurately viewed as gangsters

lived upwards of four to five lifetimes. Some may have participating in a variety of illicit and immoral

very well lived more, re-Sleeving themselves as it activities, the yakuza also consider themselves

suits their mood. a protectorate of the people’s interest against a

government that ultimately will not look out for them.

Sennin are revered almost as gods to large swaths
Nevermind that it may very well be the Yakuza paying
of the Japanese population, but the evolution of the
off police officers to look the other way sometimes.
country’s upper class has experienced growing pains

since the introduction of Cortical Stacks and Sleeve While there were once four large syndicates, The

technology. Since, by law, everyone was required to Great Migration and Oojishin did not discriminate in

back themselves up, what constituted the privilege of their destructiveness. Most of the syndicates in Osaka

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 19
were absorbed into one large family, reforming under Even so, the Seppuku Tigers have persisted in their

one banner in order to preserve their way of life. efforts to grow their numbers, forge alliances with

Some would say this made them an even more potent like-minded individuals from all walks of life, and

force, now that the “in-fighting” between warring make strides towards putting their plan into motion.

clans had been put to an end. It is not inaccurate to claim they are a splinter group
tied to the Quellcrist Falconer uprising, as they
They do remain duplicitous, greasing palms and
believe in one life and real death.
plumbing the depths of legitimate businesses for the

money needed to fund their criminal schemes. They

are still the best at what they do, moving weapons,

drugs, and staging coups when and where possible, K E I S AT S U 大 阪 市 の 警 察
and their reach is long. Osaka Police Department

Police in the future continue to be as complicated as

SEPPUKU TIGERS police in our present. Easy to buy and power hungry,

切 腹 タイガ ース a large number of the OPD is corrupt and nearly

Honor In Death everyone lives in the pocket of someone.

A gang that, over decades, has fought for the right to Because of this, it is not uncommon for partners to

die as one chooses and against bought immortality. be individually working for the interests of opposing

Their ultimate goal is to pull the Sennin from their organizations. Discretion has become something of

floating city and even the playing field a little. an art within the department. Loose lips can literally

sink ships in the water-logged city of Osaka.

Originally formed in 2186 by friends and family in

protest of the Suicide Prevention Act, the group Distrust of the police force is rampant amongst those

quickly escalated into a nationwide movement who aren’t aligned with any of the major players.

with hundreds of cells in towns and cities all over Those who have no reason to leave their varying

the country. They centralized their leadership in places of residence often won’t, to avoid being

Osaka and cells from all over still often go there as a questioned by them. The Osaka Police Department

form of pilgrimage. isn’t known to be a brutal or physically violent faction;

their corruption is allowed to persist because it suits

As the years have passed, the organization has
the needs of the city and everyday operations still
become more and more structured, with a hierarchy
continue within the confines of the law.
not unlike the Yakuza. The biggest difference is:

where the Yakuza are considered an ingrained part of They are, however, militant and precise in their

Japanese culture, the Tigers are by and large viewed methods of extracting information and confessions.

by others as a gang with terrorist leanings. This image Their methods are the stuff of rumors and gossip,

has not been helped by an aggressive move by the and only serve to further foment the general public’s

Sennin, the police force, and the Yakuza to spread distrust of them.

propaganda to that effect.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 20
K A I YO U T E I D E V E A recent and dangerous technological development

海 洋 底 デベ
may very well be the product of Kayoutei Deve

ingenuity, and if it is, it could potentially spell

Underground Developers
out upheaval in Osaka, which goes directly
Kaiyoutei Deve (pronounced deh-bey) are a remote
against the code.
network of developers tasked with the upkeep

and maintenance of Japan’s, and more specifically

Osaka’s, DHF infrastructure. The actual size of the

organization is unknown, even to the Protectorate.

大 阪 タイム ズ
Osaka’s News Outlet
Membership in Kaiyoutei Deve is more or less

something one keeps to themselves. Because of the Osaka’s premiere news source, the Osaka Times is one

nature of their work, Kaiyoutei Deve developers are of the Protectorate’s many arms of society. Through

considered a protected segment of Osaka culture. the Osaka Times, the Protectorate and provisional

Open declaration of one’s membership in Kaiyoutei government of Japan is able to spread information to

Deve is discouraged. the population of Osaka.

While Kaiyoutei Deve is an Osaka sanctioned entity While mostly operating as a propaganda machine, a

working within the government to maintain its few of the reporters for the Osaka Times are given

systems, its membership also works independently more free reign than others to pursue hard-hitting

of the government and the Protectorate. While stories. Some stories might get squashed if they

this is not necessarily sanctioned, it is an accepted are too incendiary, but there is some freedom of

practice, so long as it does not completely press within reason.

disrupt the status quo.

It is possible to contract a member or members of
Shochizuka Theatrical Group
Kaiyoutei Deve to develop tech and prices are often
Kurozakura is the theatrical society that claims
flexible and negotiable based on skill and experience.
ownership of Shochizuka. Its head, Daniel Sada, runs
Rumors speculate that the reason the yakuza are
both the kabuki hall and the theatre troupe. The
so flush with resources is because there is cross
members of Kurozakura are all acclaimed artists of
membership between its ranks and the membership
impeccable skill, and studied in the varying Japanese
of Kaiyoutei, though that has not been proven due to
theatrical practices, but there is more happening
the insulated and clandestine nature of both entities..
in Shochizuka than meets the eye. Daniel Sada and
Osaka Tenmangu also seems to experience a wealth
his troupe of performers help facilitate connections
of highly advanced technical goods due to the
across all strata of Osakan society.
collaborative skills of Kaiyoutei Deve.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 21


„ The Matsumura Family: Keepers of Osaka Dai’s oldest son and right hand man, in charge of the
Tenmangu, this proud family preserves and daily upkeep of the shrine and most common point
maintains the shrine. Though not Cultural
of contact for the shrine. He appears to be in his
Guardians, their family has cared for and lived on
the property for the past two centuries. fifties. Rintarou, as a general rule, is the person with

whom most will meet when making official inquiries

„ Lady Nakayume: AI and proprietress of a
nightclub and high-end boudoir (or host/hostess about the property.

club) in Tenmangu’s shopping district. Endlessly

devious and resourceful and possibly the avatar S A S H A M AT S U M U R A
of an actual person.
„ Juri Uedo: Restaurant owner in Dims. They are
Rintarou’s wife and matriarch of the family;
quick-witted, jovial, and welcoming of people
from just about every walk of life. Just don’t appearance is late forties/early fifties. She holds tea

expect to get away with talking business in their ceremonies and gives music lessons for traditional
establishment. Japanese instruments. Soft spoken and kind, she

is famously well-known for being the epitome of a

Japanese nadeshiko.
Led by Dai Matsumura, the Matsumura family is

an Honorary family with ties to the Sennin by way

of their stewardship of Osaka Tenmangu. A small,
unassuming family consisting of only eight members,

all visibly over the age of twenty but obviously much Dai’s second born child; appearance is late forties/

older than that, the Matsumura’s, for the most part, early fifties. They help Rintarou with Tenmangu’s daily

do not engage much with society at large. operations and are in charge if Rintarou ever needs to

leave the property. They lead classes in ikebana and

DA I M AT S U M U R A also do guided tours of the property.

The family patriarch. Dai is an elderly man who (he/him)
appears to be somewhere in his late eighties or
Kasumi’s partner appears to be in his fifties. He
early nineties. A quiet and studious man, it is rare to
oversees the shrine’s accounts and balances the
catch a glimpse of him, even at the shrine, which he
books. His job is largely clerical and considered
tends to lovingly and patiently. His position is largely
by most of the rest of the family to be boring,
ceremonial at this point.
but Everett is a jovial, friendly man with an

abundance of energy.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 22
R E I J I “ R A G E ” WATA N A B E
Rintarou and Sasha’s oldest child; appearance is late (he/him) Seppuku Tigers
twenties. She is in charge of cleaning the grounds
Reiji Watanabe is a former victim of the Suicide
and maintaining the entrance of the shrine. Her
Prevention Act. Convicted of murder and sentenced
personality is calm and charming, and she is one of
to several lifetimes of servitude to the elite, when SPA
the more visible members of the family as she can
was struck down and all convicts released from their
often be seen with a broom out on the cobblestones.
sentences, Reiji was faced with a choice. He could die,

as he had tried to do many Sleeves and years ago,

K A M I R A “ C A M I L A” M AT S U M U R A
or he could wreak his vengeance on the people who
prolonged his life against his will.
Rintarou and Sasha’s youngest child; appearance is
Reiji is a bit of a wild card. While technically a
mid-twenties. She is the greeter in charge of selling
member of the Quellcrist Falconer splinter group,
admissions tickets to the shrine. Bright eyed and
the Seppuku Tigers, he tends to operate alone, and
energetic in disposition, she is wildly popular with
with his own agenda. His ultimate goal is to end
the visiting Sennin, who often liken her beauty to
the lives of the Sennin and dispense as much Real
that of her mother.
Death as possible. Most of his efforts are hampered

PAT M AT S U M U R A by lack of access to Tenmon, where he spent most

(they/them) of his servitude.

Kasumi and Everett’s only child appears to be in their Reiji’s Sleeve model is not particularly extraordinary

early twenties. Pat was adopted during the rebuilding in order to make sure he could not overpower the

of Osaka, before Tenmon was firmly established and people for which he worked, but since joining the

closed off from the rabble of Dotonbori and Kaiyoutei. Tigers, he has done a fair amount of training and has

Their origins are something of a mystery in Tenmon, become a competent enough fighter. His real interests

and Pat tends to stay out of sight. Not much is known lie in espionage, sabotage, and infiltration.

about their responsibilities at the shrine.

Reiji’s nickname, Rage, is very well earned. A

hardened, angry man, Reiji is fueled by an intense

drive for vengeance. While not devoid of compassion,

little interests him that is not directly tied to the take

down of Tenmon, and upending the status quo. The

destruction of the elite and the return to a more just

society is a personal mission of his. He’s prone to

going off-mission to fulfill his own agenda.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 23
As an ally, Reiji is trustworthy but unreliable. If very persuasive. She is charming, poised, soft-spoken,
presented with an opportunity to further his own intelligent, and is rarely roused to anger. She enjoys
agenda, he will immediately seize upon it, unless intrigue, but is very discerning about when to play
one is able to convince him to do otherwise. That is things close to the chest, and when to let little tidbits
not an impossible task, just a difficult one. He can be of information through.
swayed by good, logical arguments and will ultimately
The black market she runs almost exclusively moves
help people whose agendas appear to align with
illicit substances, stolen tech, and Sleeves. There is
his own. If, at any point, he feels he cannot further
no one in Tenmon who does not know that this is
his own interests, the possibilities of him bailing
occurring, but Sachi strategically greases enough
rise exponentially.
palms both in Tenmon and in the police department
As an enemy, Reiji is not a particular threat. Though to keep any potential trouble off her doorstep. Her
he is resourceful to a certain degree, he relies a lot on sophisticated nature helps to downplay her utter
the resources of others to get the things he wants. ruthlessness. She has no qualms making money off
He will often avoid direct physical conflict most of of other people’s suffering. To her, this is simply “the
the time, though he is armed at all times and has way of things.” She tries, at all times, to make sure the
some competence with firearms. More likely than not, scales at the very least, appear balanced.
the only thing a low level enemy might have to be
As an ally, Sachi is incredibly reliable. She aligns
concerned about with Reiji is the potential for plans
herself with causes that she finds interesting and
to get mucked up or sabotaged. Outside of Tenmon,
will be loyal to them until it no longer serves her
he has the ability to be, at the very least, a nuisance.
to be, though she will often do everything in her

SAC H I F U S E power to make sure things continue to serve her.

(she/her) Yakuza Oyabun She dislikes wishy-washy behavior, so she endeavors

not to indulge in it. Her underlings are fiercely

Sachi Fuse is the oyabun for the Osaka branch of
loyal to her, and those that cross her reap the
the yakuza. She inherited the title fairly recently,
consequences swiftly. If she is on your side, you are
as her father was real-deathed under mysterious
almost guaranteed to achieve some level of success
circumstances. She is, for all intents and purposes,
in your mission.
the Cultural Guardian for the yakuza in Osaka, and

therefore a Sennin. Though she resides in Tenmon As an enemy, Sachi will more than likely simply ignore
and enjoys the privileges of long life and wealth, she you, unless you’ve done something to specifically
tends to keep a low profile and will often do her best target her, her business, or her family. She disposes
to appear neutral. of enemies with a mere wave of her hand, so if any

of her underlings are after you, prepare to be looking

Sachi has a wealth of resources available to her, and
over your shoulder always.
can be very generous with the right incentive. She’s

a shrewd, young business woman, very beautiful and

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 24
DONTE SAKAI trust has been earned, he will happily bring you

(he/him) Seppuku Tigers into the circle.

Donte Sakai is the de facto leader of the Seppuku As an enemy, Donte is not likely to personally seek

Tigers. Though the mission statement of the group, any sort of retribution. His comrades might, though,

as a whole, revolves around the idea that life is sacred and he will not necessarily stop them. He considers

and that having one is important, Donte, before himself a good judge of character, and is not likely

joining the uprising, had several Sleeves before the to align himself with anyone he thinks will ultimately

one he currently has. betray him or the Tigers.

Donte’s Sleeve is a large, black man, thick through K U R E A “ C L A I R E ” E VA N S T O N

the shoulders. He is capable and strong, and sports a (she/her) The Loli
prosthetic limb. His left leg was amputated below the
Kurea is the cultural guardian of Lolita fashion and as
knee after a sabotage mission went wrong. Given that
such has been granted Sennin (Meth) level status in
many people have all sorts of augments, prosthetics,
Osaka society. She is among one of the oldest Sennin
and tech hooked into their bodies, this is not really
in Tenmon, but only inhabits cloned sleeves of her
seen as out of the norm. Donte’s prosthetic, unlike
younger self in order to maintain optimum cuteness.
most, does not offer any specific additional perks, it is
She is cunning and petulant.
merely meant for function.
Kurea was tapped for potential cultural guardianship
All that said, getting into a tussle with Donte is not
while still a teenager. The daughter of a Japanese
recommended. Donte has a deep well of combat
homemaker and British businessman, Kurea’s haafu
capability, though he prefers to talk things out and
looks and charm made her a prime candidate for the
delegate tasks. He is warm-hearted and welcoming,
Lolita tradition. Once she reached the age of twenty,
and has an overwhelmingly positive attitude for
she was granted the title of Cultural Guardian and
someone who lives on the outskirts of society. He is
was moved into Tenmon and separated from the
quick to elevate the young and determined within the
rest of her family.
group. Though he would love to see an end to the
During this time of adjustment to ascendancy, Kurea
splintered levels of privilege within society, his highest
worked on developing her evolved persona. It was
hope is to see people embrace living a fulfilled life,
rumored, for some time, that she was dispensing
and being able to die when they choose to die.
orders to “eliminate the competition.” To this day no
As an ally, you cannot ask for a more stalwart and
one can prove that any such occurrence took place,
reliable person. He does not believe in betrayal,
but any Lolita fashion directive not immediately tied
two-timing, or secret agendas. He puts his cards
to her influence did experience a steep decline due
on the table readily and actively pursues open
to the marked lack of representation outside of her.
communication with his allies. He can play things
As guardian, she had unilateral control over what was
close to the chest until he trusts you, but once that
preserved and perpetuated.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 25
Accessibility to cloning means that Kurea has been As an enemy, Kurea’s influence stretches far enough

able to maintain a young appearance, despite her age. that crossing her can close doors for the party. Not

Once a clone ages past a certain point, she disposes only does she have some of the police under her

of it and downloads into a new sleeve. For a brief thrall, she organizes a large majority of the social

period of time, there was a breach in her security, events in Tenmon, and has inordinate power amongst

and a few of her old sleeves ended up on the black the Sennin as well. In Dotonbori, she is worshiped

market. Some people claimed that they saw her, in almost as a god because of her social presence and

plain clothes and without makeup, wandering the spokesmanship. Most revere her for her guardianship

canals of Dotonbori. Urban legends in Dotonbori and see her as a bastion of Japanese culture.

of a demon called “Grinning Claire,” who drags you

into alleys and kills you if you tell her she is not cute
A S U K A & A Z U S A M O R I TA

enough, persist. (they/them) & (she/her) The Manzai

Asuka and Azusa are high-ranking members of the

Kurea rarely leaves her cloud top home in Tenmon,
yakuza. They are twins imbued with cat-like reflexes
but often attends needlecast meetings with other
and trained in many different styles of hand-to-hand
high-tier Sennin. Her image is often displayed in
combat, combat tactics, and have proficiency with
the digital neon lights of Dotonbori, as she is often
a wide range of weaponry. Azusa tends to favor
tapped to do advertisements for a variety of wares.
knives and melee fighting, while Asuka is formidable
She is charming, vicious, calculating, and disarming.
from long range.
She’ll lie through her teeth without so much as a bat

of her long, augmented lashes, and convince you that The two of them have an uncanny ability to fight in
vipers are nothing but sweet, harmless garden snakes. tandem, and some people have wondered if Asuka

and Azusa are not simply the same person, double

As an ally, she is easily swayed by large sums of
sleeved. This has been proven as untrue on several
money, which makes her incredibly unreliable. She
occasions, though the two detest separation. While
also happily throws around large sums of money to
re-sleeving into other gendered sleeves is not an
get what she wants, and has several police officers
uncommon practice, especially if one is hoping to
in her pocket. She will flip on the party for the right
move in secret, Asuka does it as a matter of course.
price and should never be trusted. Even the most
Azusa, on the other hand, seldom, if ever, resleeves
compelling of arguments will not sway her if she’s not
in anything but a female form. If one of them dies in
interested or personally involved. She has no fear of
combat, the other will usually join them in death, so
death and believes that Real Death is not possible for
that they can be resleeved together.
someone as important as she is.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 26
Despite their oyabun’s standing in society, The Naoya’s general history is a bit clouded by privilege,

Manzai do not generally have access to clones, but money, and mystery. Most believe that he was part

they have access to plenty of sleeves by way of the of the government’s Diet as DHF became more

yakuza’s black market. common tech. Prolonged life and the adjustment

of laws to accommodate that launched a large

As allies, The Manzai are fiercely loyal. They are
number of politicians to Sennin status at an alarming
smooth talkers with excellent negotiating abilities
rate. This created a bit of a bottleneck for aspiring
and carry themselves with the authority necessary to
politicians, and the ensuing wave of intrigue and
speak for their oyabun. They wield intimidation like
backstabbing left a lot of dead bodies in its wake.
a finely sharpened dagger and crossing them almost
Few walked out of the situation with clean hands,
certainly means a quick and silent death somewhere
but it was notoriously difficult to determine who
out of sight. Even if they are on your side, they are
was guilty of what.
sly and unsettling. Only certain people in certain

circles can implicitly trust them, otherwise, it is not All most people know is that Naoya has been around

necessarily a bad idea to expect a double cross. for a long time, and leads the workings of Osaka

from a lofty distance. Whatever his dealings were

As enemies, The Manzai carry out orders swiftly and
when he was younger, he is not much interested in
effectively. They are deadly and a serious threat to
dirtying his hands now.
anyone without comparable skills. The easiest way to

take them down is to divide them, but they are not Notably, Naoya was one of the people who developed

easily distracted. If you know The Manzai are involved and ratified the Suicide Prevention Act, as well as

with anything having to do with your demise, it is several other important laws and edicts. He was

wise to suspect that anyone you’re talking to could not happy with the rescinding of the Act. Though

be them. They aren’t deployed by their oyabun very his displeasure was not made widely known, what

often, so it is impossible to know how they will appear was well known was that he personally had several

if you see them, and most that see them do not live people in his house working as help who were SPA

long enough to tell other people what they look like convicts serving out their sentences. When those

until it is too late. servants were allowed to leave his home, Naoya

upped his security.

As an ally, Naoya is reserved and calculating. He
(he/him) Sennin Politician
is brilliant, well-read, and resourceful. Being on his
Naoya Rogers is a figurehead of Osaka and a leading
good side allows for a wealth of access, though he is
politician. He holds enormous sway over most of
not above reaching out a palm for it to be greased.
the workings of the city. Since even before the
Though money is no concern for him, he is aware that
establishment of Osaka as a world power, Naoya
money still talks. While he is not prone to frivolous
has been in place and is one of Osaka’s most
spending or flagrant flaunting of his wealth, he knows
prolific Sennin.
when to spend, and how much to invest in a project.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 27
As an enemy, Naoya is unlikely to become directly As an enemy, Tamiko knows how to make life

involved in any sort of conflict. If you are a true miserable. The same wealth of knowledge and

nuisance, he might hire a hitman to come after you. If resources is easy to turn against someone who has

you are a slight annoyance, he is more likely to ignore drawn her ire. Her way of dismantling an annoyance

you. Naoya is patently arrogant and does not bother is systematic and swift, and can leave the offending

himself with the tediousness of having “enemies.” party without much recourse, given she knows the

offending party.
(she/her) Chief of Police, OPD L E E YO O N
(he/him) Detective, OPD
Tamiko Sanchez has been running the Osaka Police

Department for nearly a century. Described by Lee Yoon is far from the only detective in Osaka with

most of her associates as “tough as shit,” her no major connections, but his particular circumstances

nonsense approach to law enforcement works as a make him an interesting focus. Hailing originally from

general deterrent for the most heinous of criminal South Korea, Lee is a transplant in Osaka. He has lived

activity. Though her position, at this point, is mostly in Japan for some time.

as a figurehead working under the direction of the

Lee is most commonly known for his connection to
Protectorate, she knows how to make a good show of
Kurea Evanston, who calls upon him for favors often.
the occasional crackdown.
He takes her money and will usually perform the

Tamiko, as an agent of the Protectorate, has the favors she asks of him, and so, by all appearances, it

option of enjoying life as a Sennin, but resides in would seem he is a dirty cop. However, Lee detests

Kaiyoutei. She is able to travel freely between the the Sennin and is actually acting as a secret mole

lower circle of Osaka and Tenmon, which would make for the Seppuku Tigers, information gathering

her an incredible resource. Her years of experience and collecting alliances. He usually comes up

and her extensive knowledge of the city and its with clever workarounds to appear to be fulfilling

hierarchy make her one of the most well connected Kurea’s requests.

people in Osaka.
As far as Lee Yoon knows, the OPD remain unaware

As an ally, Tamiko can be an excellent source of of his movements and actions, so he continues to act

protection. Her extensive knowledge of and access as informant and spy, while also currying favor with as

to the city makes her invaluable, if you can buy her many of the elite Sennin as possible. Kurea is about as

loyalty. Like many of the cops in the OPD, she is not high as he has managed to climb so far, though well

above accepting a bribe, though her position makes placed help could probably allow him to climb higher.

her an incredibly expensive pawn.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 28
As an ally, Lee Yoon is relentless, hard-working, They are incredibly skilled with a wide variety of tech,

resourceful, and intuitive. He is incredibly discrete but their main speciality lies in high-jacking people’s

and is skilled with ensuring the safety of his allies. stacks and temporarily casting themself into other

His work as a detective makes him a convenient people’s Sleeves. The time they spend in their home is

source for information, and his naturally stoic devoted to refining this practice with the technology

nature helps shield his movements from both the available to them and eventually helping like-minded

Sennin and the OPD. people achieve the same level of breakthrough.

Indeed, they belong to a global underground

As an enemy, Lee is crafty and difficult to read. He
organization of people working towards the very
plays nice and is amiable. On the surface, there is
goal of breaking the needle casting monopoly and
no way of knowing that he is an enemy. His natural
allowing people of any means to travel as they like.
stoicism and skills of deception, infiltration, and

espionage make him the perfect double agent. Unless As an ally, Ibuki’s technological skills are without

the party is aligned with the interests of the Sennin, rival. They not only intrinsically understand the tech

he is unlikely to become an enemy to them, though he behind needle casting, they have perfected methods

may be wary with what he imparts to them until they of safeguarding and storing DHF, and, before they

prove themselves trustworthy and useful. became a shut-in, possibly contributed, on some

level, to a few of the most lucrative breakthroughs

in augment technology. Few know Ibuki’s origins,
(they/them) Hikikomori (Shut-In)
or how they came to be so knowledgeable, though
Ibuki Toyama is a twenty-something shut in who lives plenty of rumors abound. It is best not to speculate,
in Kayoutei. They are a prodigy and a tech savant who as it can cause Ibuki to become even more reclusive
has spent a large majority of their teens working with and unresponsive.
defunct and out of date equipment, converting their
As an enemy, Ibuki is lethal. Their ability to manipulate
apartment into a rudimentary but powerful personal
tech makes them incredibly dangerous, and crossing
needle casting station.
them is likely to result in displacement from one’s
As a hikikomori, Ibuki spends little to no time in Sleeve at best, and possible real death at worst.
the outside world, and only leaves their home if Though, for the most part, they are fairly passive,
absolutely necessary. Up until the completion of their their interests align with upending the status quo and
tech, the main purpose for leaving their apartment returning power to the people, so they are unlikely to
was to collect and salvage pieces of equipment jive well with elitists or people with large swaths of
from abandoned areas of Kaiyoutei and, on privilege, like the police.
occasion, Dotonbori.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 29
M E L I SSA WO N G particularly tends to hone in on beloved fixtures in

(she/her) Reporter Osaka’s hierarchy, such as the Cultural Guardians.

Melissa Wong is an ambitious Taiwanese transplant As an ally, Melissa is not only an incredibly astute

working for the Osaka Times. She worked her way informant, she is incredibly useful for her investigative

up the chain as a beat reporter for several decades, skills. She can procure information other people

scraping and kowtowing to shill the Protectorate might find challenging to obtain. She does not care

rhetoric required to climb the ladder. Affable but much for being paid monetarily, and is much more

sharp, Melissa has built a reputation for being interested in trading information. Having credible intel

cutthroat and disarming. Her compelling nature to share with her is likely to endear her to a group

makes her an intensely difficult person to dodge. quickly, though once the well runs dry, it is easy for

her to lose interest in assisting.

Her real passion lies in investigative journalism;

following stories and reporting on them as honestly As an enemy, Melissa is formidable but subtle. She

as possible. Her status and standing in the Osaka never wants to fully cut off a potential source for

Times means she is given more leeway than many information and is definitely the type to keep her

of the people that work there, though she is often friends close, but her enemies closer. She knows how

warned about pushing too many buttons. Melissa to, instead, cut off avenues of discovery for anyone

who has rubbed her the wrong way.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 30
L A DY N A K AY U M E As an enemy, Lady Nakayume is likely to take no

(she/her) Nightclub Proprietress and Bawd notice of you. She does not concern herself overmuch

with politics or intrigue and often only becomes

Lady Nakayume is an AI that runs Lady Nakayume’s
involved where there is something in it for her. On the
Purse, a bar lounge and high end boudoir. A well-
whole she never forgets that she is an AI and that her
known and respected purveyor of flesh, she prides
power and status are a privilege that can disappear
herself on the quality of her clientele, about whom
easily. People that are threatening or impolite are
she is very particular. Lady Nakayume’s Purse is not
unlikely to find a friend in Lady Nakayume.
easy to find, and neither, exactly, is Lady Nakayume.

It is thought that she is the avatar of a real person,

though no one has ever been able to make a valid
(they/them) Restaurant Proprietor
claim to having met her in the flesh.
Juri is a large, robust restaurateur in a masculine
Despite being an AI, Lady Nakayume has achieved
presenting Sleeve. They have one of the most
astronomical status in Osaka Tenmangu as a direct
popular eating establishments in Dims and their jovial
result of the quality of her establishment. She
disposition makes them one of the more personable
employs some pretty formidable body guards as
folk on the large, floating half mile of eateries. Juri is
well, so people are disinclined to speak too loudly
rumored to have once been a famous Sumo wrestler,
about her being non-human. Many of her clientele
ousted after coming out as trans, but most have
practically worship her and swear by the people
no real notion of Juri’s origin story, or how long
under her employ. Though she has no specific
they’ve inhabited Dims.
leanings or affiliations, her ultimate allegiance is to her
Their restaurant, Menkui, is a hole-in-the-wall shack
establishment, and anything that puts her livelihood
that serves a variety of foods that derive from
in direct danger is unlikely to go over well with her.
different types of noodles, and a beverage menu
As an ally, Lady Nakayume is the perfect host, pristine
themed around them as well. Men boasts some of the
and accommodating. She is a wealthy source of
best noodle dishes in Osaka. With only one other staff
information, and her pull in Tenmangu makes her a
member, Juri runs the establishment almost single-
formidable partner. She can point friends in the right
handedly and makes a point of getting to know all
direction if they are going astray or on the wrong
their customers.
track, and she can provide resources to people
Juri has one rule in their restaurant: leave your
looking to move discreetly. Her boudoir boasts many
business outside. This does not usually fully
secret and private rooms, which she is not above
discourage people from talking business in their
using to hide contraband if necessary.
establishment, but as long as you are not caught

disobeying that rule, there is plenty you can

still get away with. Juri is otherwise incredibly

accommodating and easy going.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 31
(he/him) Shochizuka Proprietor (he/him) Seppuku Tigers Member

Daniel Sada is the long-time proprietor of Shochizuka Kunta Koike is a young, zealous leader within the

and head of the Kurozakura Theatrical Troupe. He was ranks of the Seppuku Tigers and one of the growing

at the forefront of the theatre’s restoration efforts many within the group to have never been uploaded

when the building was flooded and then abandoned into a new Sleeve, or, for that matter, submitted to

to ruin by the Sennin. Given his contributions, the the mandate for DHF backup. A child of Yuurei-

Sennin and, subsequently, the Protectorate, have left machi, all “Augments” to his body have been achieved

the property in his care. Though not a Sennin in name through regular surgery, and he bears the scars of his

or location, his honorary status is understood and transition with pride.

affords him some privileges.

As a true believer of Quellcrist Falconer’s message,

He is, by the very nature of his position, incredibly Kunta helps to indoctrinate incoming members of the

accommodating and wishes to help people make Seppuku Tigers. Though in a position of leadership,

connections. Amiable, but subtle, Daniel is inscrutable he answers to Donte Sakai, and looks up to Donte as

in his neutrality. He is adept in maintaining a sense something of a mentor. He has not yet been allowed

of calm, but brooks no bad behavior within the walls beyond the borders of Yuurei-machi in order to begin

of the theatre. As long as everyone remains cordial, the work of converting others to the cause, but he is

polite, and dignified, there is much that can be eager to do so. He jumps, hastily, at any opportunity

accomplished at Shochizuka. to see the world outside the illusion force-fields

that shield the rest of Osaka from view of the

Seppuku Tigers’ home.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganizations , G roups & N P C s 32
C H . 3 : P L AY E R C H A R A C T E R S


„ Default Sleeve: Synthetic, Mid Range
You have perfected the art of Needle Casting into „ Wealth Lv. 1
other (possibly occupied) Sleeves, while preserving „ Custom Equipment: Upgrade any combination of
your own. You can choose to remain in the other starting gear and/or sleeve with a combined pool
Sleeves you cast into, or return to your own. This of QQQ
process is incredibly dangerous and bears heavy risk,
as your DHF, or the DHF of the stack you jump into, „ Traits: Technology is a common trait tree.

could be damaged. Combat is an anomaly. All other Trait Trees are

A subclass of the Technician archetype, this highly
„ Narrative Upgrades: A Stack Jumper gets back
skilled technical specialist has honed their craft to when they apply a “Narrative Upgrade” to
specifically engage with manipulating the transfer of their non-weapon gear and they roll an Ace

DHF information from stack to stack. A Stack Jumper when they introduce it or when they use an

has the DNA of an Engineer and a Dipper, with a

IP . This refunded Q can occur once per piece
of equipment. (See the Altered Carbon Core
much more honed focus on particular aspects of Rulebook.)
both. They have likely also dabbled a little in criminal Instead of picking one of the other Technician
activities in order to access some of their resources. starting packages from the Core Rulebook,
the player can choose the Stack Jumper
Stack Jumpers buck the conventional norms of how
starting package.
DHF is handled and manipulated and attempt to push
„ Stack Jumper: 2x Credits Lv.1; Deck, Portable
how far the technology can go.
( QQQ ); Tool Kit — Data Engineer {+2},
„ Pros: Adept with several forms of DHF Programs/Drivers ( QQ )
manipulation as well as a proficiency with Needle „ Traits: Programming — Basic Programing,
Casting technology, with a broad understanding Engineering — Repair, Augments — Bionics
of various Sleeve types.
See the Core Rulebook for the Technician Resource
„ Cons: Dependent upon others for their
Catalog and Starting Technician Skill Levels.
physical protection.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : P layer C haracters 33
„ Default Sleeve: Synthetic, Mid Range
„ Wealth Lv. 1
A victim of trauma, SPA Survivors have been forced „ Gain EP1d8
to live out multiple lives against their will. In a society
„ Tech: Choose one sleeve augment or upgrade
where Real Death is nearly impossible due to the
that is QQ or less for free.
standardization of DHF backup in Osaka, SPA victims
have only recently been cleared of their convictions by „ Organized Crime: Choose one criminal
order of the Protectorate. organization as a Network.

„ Traits: “Crime” is a Common Trait Tree. “Law and

A subclass of the Criminal archetype, a SPA Survivor
Government” is an Anomaly. All other Trait Trees
has a strong connection with the underground. are Uncommon.
They have witnessed and participated in the seedy
„ Instead of picking one of the other Criminal
underside of the Sennin society. starting packages from the Altered Carbon
Core Rulebook, the player can choose the SPA
„ Pros: Memories of times spent among Sennin,
Survivor starting package.
having once had access to their spaces, albeit
as a servant and underling, mean access to „ SPA Survivor: 2x Credits Lv. 1, “One-Handed
unconventional contacts and a deep well of Melee Weapon” ( QQ ),
knowledge over a broad range.
„ Traits: Evasion — Concealment, Saferoom;
„ Cons: Dependent on people of higher social Urban — Streetwise
standing for resources and on stronger people
for protection.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : P layer C haracters 34
Sennin in all but name, Cultural Guardians fall into Proto-Sennin
two categories: Proto-Sennin, who are official CULTURAL GUARDIAN
Cultural Guardians and carry a larger amount of
power and influence, and Honorary, in that their Appointment
position suggests they should be Cultural Guardians, TIER 2
Contact Cultivator
or that they actively aspire to be, but have not yet
achieved that status. Influence

Players choosing the Honorary tree cannot access CULTURAL GUARDIAN
the Proto-Sennin tree until they have attained the
level of Appointment. Asset
PROTO-SE NNIN Reliable Asset
You have been appointed by the Japanese CULTURAL GUARDIAN
government to be the guardian of a specific historical
Japanese practice or form of art. You are Wealth Lv.2 Ascension

and generate Credits Lv.2 a month for free. CULTURAL GUARDIAN

Add {Diplomacy +2} and {Bureaucracy +2}.
This character has become adept at assessing which

opportunities will offer the best path for success.

T I E R 3 : A S S E T A P P R O P R I AT I O N
On a successful {Diplomacy, Bureaucracy} check,
This character can spend Credits Lv.4 to appropriate
the character gains insight into the best course of
any asset to which they might possibly have
action in whatever social situation they’re in and the
access. If the character is using {Diplomacy, Digital
difficulty of any following social check decreases.
Networking, Bureaucracy} to obtain this asset, they

gain an advantage in gaining further assets from TIER 5: ASCENSION

the same source.
As an expert in their field and a person of immense

wealth and influence, all trait trees now become

Common for the proto-Sennin.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : P layer C haracters 35
This character has officially been appointed as
a Guardian of their property or practice and
This character has obtained or been gifted with a
immediately gains the Influence trait from the Proto-
piece of property or historically protected practice.
Sennin branch of the Cultural Guardian trait tree.
This property or practice does not have an official

Cultural Guardian. They are Wealth Lv.2 and generate

Credits Lv.2 a month for free to maintain their

property or practice. TA N D E M F I G H T E R S
Tandem Fighters also fall into two categories. Bio-
T I E R 2 : C A R E TA K E R linked tandem fighters are almost always related by
This character has gained status due to the care they blood and have likely had some crossover in their
have put into their property or practice. They have Sleeve integration that teases the border of Double-
Lv.2 of assets available to improve or upgrade aspects Sleeving. Pack tandem fighters are non-related
of their property or practice. people who have worked to coordinate their fighting

practices through long and arduous training.

This character has spent time cultivating a list of
contacts within their strata in society. These contacts
act as connections that can help aid the character Bio-Linked

in solving a problem, or cutting through red tape. TIER 1

Shared Routine
Should this character call upon a contact, if they meet
the challenge rating of the roll, they will always find Imprint

the right contact with the right connection. TIER 2

Shared Techniques
This character is well known for their consistency.
Between being able to reliably source materials TANDEM FIGHTERS
Shared Skills
and goods, and having dependable contacts, they TIER 3
have built a reputation of reliability themself. The Enhanced Abilities
right people are starting to notice this character, TANDEM FIGHTERS
Shared Tactics
and they are likely to find help for their party in
unexpected places. Unbreakable Trust
Pack Mentality
Shared Mind


O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : P layer C haracters 36
It is possible for a player or group of players to use TIER 5: SHARED MIND
both trait trees simultaneously. The Pack trait tree This trait can only be taken once the bio-linked pair
lends itself better to a full party, while the Bio-linked has died and been spun up together five times and
trait tree lends itself better to a pair. increased their Empathy score by five. The Shared

Mind means that the two of them can easily pass

as the other, even in completely different Sleeves,
by way of knowing each other so well, that there is
During the process of being spun up into new Sleeves, almost no distinction between them.
the two DHFs experienced a crossing of paths. Their

Empathy is increased by one. They are imprinted on PACK

each other and can always find each other regardless TIER 1: SHARED ROUTINE
of distance. If one is killed, the other suffers until
These characters have an ordered routine. A
their Bio-linked partner is spun up into a new Sleeve.
commitment to this routine allows for the team to
Each time they are spun up together, this imprint is
share {Endurance, Toughness} stats making use of
deepened and they gain another point in Empathy.
the best value among them.

T I E R 2 : F O R M AT I O N S
These two players’ bodies work in sync. The die value
These characters have shared techniques. Perfecting
of {Melee Combat} is decreased by one step unless it
these techniques makes the team desirable to people
is d8 or lower and their Strength is increased by one.
who might want to hire them. They are more likely

TIER 3: ENHANCED ABILITIES to gain connections and resources due to their

reliability. Gain IP1.

Two sets of eyes are better than one, and these

two characters’ Perception score is increased by

one and one die value in their Perception Attribute
These characters have the ability to learn from each
pool can also be decreased by one granted it is not
other. Whenever one of them unlocks a Trait from a
lower than a d8.
different Tree, they have the ability to share it with the

TIER 4: UNBREAKABLE TRUST other members of their pack.

Any actions taken to drive the two characters apart or

T I E R 4 : S H A R E D TA C T I C S
turn them against each other gets a penalty of {-2}.
These characters have the ability to effectively plan

and execute plans with a high degree of accuracy.

On a successful {Investigation, Read Person} check,

they can discern the weak point in the defense of a

building, or an opposing force’s combat strategy.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : P layer C haracters 37
These characters share an instinctive knowledge
of each other’s sensibilities and moods, and can Kitsune
anticipate each other’s moves in the field. They TIER 1
Trickster’s Wit
fiercely protect and defend their own and there
is an increased difficulty of {-3} in turning them Social Graces

against each other. TIER 2

Cat’s Grace


Inspired Intuition

Youkai are legendary monsters from Japanese Cunning
mythology and lore. Both the Kitsune and the Kappa YOUKAI
are trickster spirits, and their ideologies have been Cunning
adopted by some as a reclamation of Japanese Bait & Switch
expression. Youkai have learned how to manipulate YOUKAI
Silken Tongue
their form and presentation to be the perfect social
and underworld weapons. Shadow Walker
Though both trees lend expertise in trickery, Pheromonal

the Kitsune focuses on social manipulation and
intellectual prowess, while the Kappa focuses on theft,

stealth, and dexterous movement.


KITSUNE Your intuition allows you to determine important

personality traits and insights. When approaching a

T I E R 1 : S O C I A L G R AC E S
new or unfamiliar social setting, you are either able
You have an uncanny ability to ingratiate yourself to
to pinpoint the exact right people in the room to
just about anyone you meet using {Read Person} to
talk to, or figure out the exact right thing to say to
learn the appropriate Virtues and Flaws to appeal
someone. Gain IP1.
to. You can always recall the proper etiquette for

the social situation at hand and your presence in the TIER 3: REMARKABLE CUNNING
room assists your associates in socializing as well
You can extract yourself and your associates from
granting {Empathy +1} to your party.
delicate and difficult situations. You’re skilled in

subterfuge and fast enough on your feet that it

is a challenge for others to discern your motives

and intentions resulting in {Read Person -2} when

trying to assess you.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : P layer C haracters 38
A single word from you can open many doors. With The player is adept in setting up traps to follow

quick thinking and a well earned sense of confidence, through on extorting powerful people or resources

you can talk just about anyone into anything. Gain IP1. that would not usually be accessible to the player. The

victims of these traps often expect the player to be

someone else, and a successful {Expression} protects
the ruse from discovery.
Your Sleeve is more than the vessel for your DHF. You

have a free Augment or Neurachem depending on the T I E R 5 : S H A D O W WA L K E R

Sleeve you are in. The player has mastered their Grace and on any

successful {Survival, Stealth} is able to completely

KAPPA mask their presence from detection.


This player’s fast talking gives them the ability to

circumvent difficult circumstances and stay out

of trouble. With a successful {Diplomacy}, they

masterfully sidestep scrutiny.

T I E R 2 : C AT ’ S G R A C E
A force of agility, the Kappa moves with speed,

subtlety and grace granting {Stealth +1}.


The player can use their wit against others in order to

trap them in compromising and unfortunate positions.

The player can uncover details about others more

powerful or more resourceful than them in an effort to

extort those resources by spending IP1.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : P layer C haracters 39

„ Leaping Bolt: ( QQ ) The electrical discharge

WEAPONS can strike an additional target if they are within
TRIC SABER five feet of the first target for +d6. Triggered
effects activate only on a critical hit.
Tric Sabers are a single-edged bladed weapon
not unlike a katana or other Japanese swords. The „ Juiced: ( QQ ) The electrical discharge is
blade is broader, as well as electrically charged, and strong enough to prolong the Triggered Effects
concentrated bursts of electricity can be expelled of the Tric Saber to two rounds.
from the blade, making it possible to make non-melee
attacks up to short range.
{Melee Combat: Blades (-1)} +0x
„ Capacity: 1 (the weapon is Powered) This technology is highly illegal, along with being
experimental. Ownership of a PNC often implies a
„ Damage: 1d6+ SB (4+ SB avg.) [Slashing,
high level of technical prowess, or the presence of a
benefactor wealthy enough and powerful enough to
„ Avg. Tech Points: QQQ secure such a controversial piece of tech. Properly
licensed and installed personal Needle Casting stations
„ Cost: Price Lv.1+1 per Q beyond the first QQ
are commonplace enough among the Sennin, but

SPECIAL outside of Tenmon, all Needle Casting stations are

under the control of the Protectorate.
„ Electrical

„ Directed Energy Weapon (see the Altered GENERAL PORTABLE NEEDLE

Carbon Core Rulebook). CASTER SPECIAL RULES
„ Experimental: The PNC is a piece of
experimental technology, and checks must
„ Incapacitated: ( + ) Attacks against a single always be rolled with a Luck Die in the pool.
target get Incapacitated and cannot attack or
„ ONI Interface: This has ONI network access
move for one round
that can be disabled if the user chooses, but it
„ Hit: ( + ) Target takes Damage, Accuracy 2. becomes limited to local DHFs. Powered 1

„ Free Strike: ( + ) Gain Additional Attack +d4 if „ Skill Checks: The PNC can be used for any
the attack is a regular melee blade attack against skill check called out by the Upgrades. {Digital
the same target (see the Altered Carbon Core Networking} is simply the default.
„ {Digital Networking} +2x

UPGRADES „ Capacity: tbd

„ See Blade Upgrades in the Altered Carbon Core „ Tech Points: QQQQQ
„ Cost: Price Lv.3 (+1 per QQQ beyond the first

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : T ech 40
SPECIAL psycho-hallucinogen that give the user a feeling of
immense strength, while also warping their perception
„ Fragile: This piece of experimental tech is
of reality. Blood Gummies are a Controlled Substance:
extremely fragile and needs constant upkeep. A
Medicine (3) (see the Altered Carbon Core Rulebook).
failed roll on the Luck Die means the tech must
be repaired by spending a tech point before it „ Tech Points: 0
can be used again.
„ Cost: Price Lv.2 +1 per Q
„ Powered: While inert until used, effects that
target or otherwise affect Powered gear will be SPECIAL
able to target this device. „ Addiction

„ Durable: Grant {Strength +1} Skill Checks for an

„ Hitchhike: ( Q ) The character can inhabit the
Stack for a brief moment, seeing through the „ Hangover: After the character metabolizes
eyes of whatever Sleeve that Stack inhabits. the drug by means of the Under the Influence
They cannot control the Sleeve, but can collect rule, the character must make a {Endurance,
knowledge and information based on what the Discipline -1} for the next 10 hours.
Sleeve senses in that moment. „ Volatile: Characters get {Composure -2} to resist
„ Jump: ( QQ ) The character can inhabit the any kind of intense stimuli for an hour.
stack for several minutes, allowing them time „ Under the Influence: The character counts as
to take control of the Sleeve. This effect is being Under the Influence for both Durable and
temporary, lasting only minutes, unless the Volatile rules.
device is upgraded.

„ Possess: ( ) The character can spend

extended periods of time in other people’s „ Chi-Gumi Gold 血グミゴールド: ( QQ )
Sleeves, however, if one spends too much time Grant {Strength +2} Skill Checks for an hour.
inhabiting a Stack that is not their own, they risk Characters get {Composure -3} to resist any
becoming trapped. kind of intense stimuli for an hour. Hangover
{Endurance, Discipline -2} and Under the

CHEMICALS, DRUGS, Influence also apply.

„ Chi-Gumi Platinum 血グミプラチナム: (

) Grant {Strength +3} Skill Checks for an hour.
B LO O D G U M M I E S (C H I - G U M I ) Characters get {Composure -5} to resist any
Blood Gummies are a highly sought after illicit kind of intense stimuli for an hour. Hangover
substance that can be found in just about every strata {Endurance, Discipline -4} and Under the
of Osaka society. The gummies (see “Pill” under Influence also apply.
Chemicals, Drugs, and Medicine in the Altered Carbon
Core Rulebook) are a powerful amphetamine and

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : T ech 41
The character’s skeletal frame and skin have undergone
intensive augmentation to withstand knockdown
Kaiju are an amalgamation of Sleeve/Freak effects and brute force attacks. This augmentation
Augments, making them stronger, more agile, and often manifests in the form of boar-like swarthiness

highly adaptable. They are trained fighters and have and toughness, along with any other markers of the
inoshishi (Japanese boar) the character wishes to take
appropriated layers of augmentation with each Sleeve
on (tusks, bristles, cloven hooves, etc.).
upgrade. Fighting styles can vary based on which
„ Add +15 to Strength and Willpower
Augments a Kaiju takes on, but they revel in being
„ Armor: Protection +2. Can be Layered with
unique in appearance. Augmentation of the body
bonuses provided by Apparel.
is a near religious experience for them, and every
„ {“Empathy”-2}, does not combine with penalty
Augment that sets them further apart from “typical”
for Bestial Dermis (Poisonous Secretions) or
society is celebrated. Appendage (Choking Grasp, Nimble Feet,
Fluttering Wings).
The following augments all fall under the categories

of Bestial Upgrade, Bestial Dermis, or Bestial „ {Intimidation +2}

Appendage and can be used in combination with „ Freak Augment

each other or with other Sleeve Augments offered

in the Altered Carbon Core Rulebook. A Kaiju

character can take on no more than three Sleeve

and/or Freak Augments.



Sturdy Frame 1 4d6 Lv. 2 none
Choking Grasp 2 3d6 Lv. 1 none
Nimble Feet 1 1d6 Lv. 1 none
Fluttering Wings 2 3d6 Lv. 2 Synth Sleeve Only
Searing Breath 4 6d6 Lv. 5 Synth Sleeve Only
Skinship 3 5d6 Lv. 4 none
Venomous Glands 2 4d6 Lv. 3 none
Poisonous Secretions 2 4d6 Lv. 3 Synth Sleeve Only

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : T ech 42
The character’s human arms have been replaced with The character’s Sleeve has been augmented to
multiple cephalopod arms, granting them the ability accommodate membranous butterfly or moth-like
to more effectively grab and grapple objects. The (or bird-like, if preferred) wings. Silent and quick
cephalopod being used as a reference will vary by the movement make a kaiju primed for stealth and covert
tastes of the character, but the Japanese take pride operations. The wings being used as a reference will
in the animals native to their country, and many draw vary from player to player, but the more showy types
their inspiration from the hotaru-ika (firefly squid) that will glean inspiration from the oomurasaki (great
visit their shores annually. purple emperor) butterfly.

„ Add +20 to Strength „ Add +15 to Perception

„ A character’s Unarmed attacks will not suffer „ {Stealth +2}

penalties for being Unarmed
„ {“Empathy” -2}, does not combine with penalty
„ Unarmed attacks get Deadly 1 for Bestial Upgrade (Sturdy Frame, Venomous
Glands) or Dermis (Poisonous Secretions).
„ {“Empathy” -2}, does not combine with penalty
for Bestial Upgrade (Sturdy Frame, Venomous „ Freak Augment
Glands) or Dermis (Poisonous Secretions).
„ Freak Augment
The character has embraced the full meaning of
kaiju, drawing inspiration from Japan’s most iconic
The character’s legs have undergone intensive representations of the mythical beasts that captured
augmentation in order to achieve high speeds. Many the imaginations of humanity long past. The triumphs
species of animals native to Japan can act as the of technology are fully realized within their sleeves,
inspiration for this augmentation, but the animal nature infusing their breath with deadly energy, making them
of the augment is not subtle and significantly alters the formidable foes.
appearance of the character’s legs.
„ Add +30 to Strength and Willpower
„ Add +15 to Strength and Perception
„ {Directed Energy Weapons +5}
„ {Endurance +2}
„ {“Empathy” -3}
„ {“Empathy” -2}, does not combine with penalty
„ Freak Augment
for Bestial Upgrade (Sturdy Frame, Venomous
Glands) or Dermis (Poisonous Secretions).
„ Freak Augment
„ Please reference the “Directed Energy Weapon”
stat block in the Altered Carbon Core Rulebook
for usage of Searing Breath.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : T ech 43
The character has been augmented to take on more The character’s skin has been augmented to possess
insect-like qualities, granting them the ability to the ability to expel poisonous secretions. Their skin
use silent communication and transfer thoughts or takes on an amphibious nature and the character may
commands to others by way of the antennae that have find that they enjoy splitting their time between dry
been grafted into their Sleeve. Acting as essentially a land and the water. While there are many inspirations
telepathic link, Skinship acts as a non-verbal carrier for poisonous amphibians, some might reference the
wave untraceable by ONI technology. nihon-imori (Japanese fire newt) for their appearance.

„ Add +15 to Empathy and Willpower „ Add +15 to Strength

„ A character’s Empathy will not suffer penalties „ Armor: Protection +2. Can be Layered with
from a Skinship upgrade to their Sleeve. bonuses provided by Apparel.

„ {Read Person, Diplomacy +2} „ A character’s Unarmed attacks will not suffer
penalties for being Unarmed
„ Freak Augment
„ Unarmed attacks get Deadly 1

VENOMOUS GLANDS „ {“Empathy”-2}, does not combine with penalty

The character’s Sleeve has been augmented to for Bestial Upgrade (Sturdy Frame, Venomous
accommodate venom sacs, making their bite perilously Glands) or Appendage (Choking Grasp, Nimble
fatal. Whether the character wishes to draw inspiration Feet, Fluttering Wings).
from the infamous habu or the lesser known mamushi,
„ Freak Augment
there is no mistaking the snake-like qualities of those
who adopt this augment.

„ Add +15 to Strength

„ A character’s Unarmed attacks will not suffer

penalties for being Unarmed

„ Unarmed bite attacks get Deadly 1

„ {“Empathy” -2}, does not combine with penalty

for Bestial Upgrade (Sturdy Frame, Venomous
Glands) or Dermis (Poisonous Secretions).

„ Freak Augment

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : T ech 44
C H . 5 : A M Y S T E R I O U S P AT R O N

UMIKAI: they eat when they’re hungry, sleep when they’re

tired, shower when they remember to. They receive

2 3 8 5 ( P R E S E N T D AY )
messages, sometimes, from their cohorts topside,
checking in on them with queries about their work.
console, blowing a chunk of hair out of their eye line.
Ibuki has been cryptic with the Tigers. They’re not
Their lithe, slender frame hunches over, illuminated
sure who can be trusted, if anyone. Any day now they
by several displays, both digital and analog. On their
suspect they’ll look up and there will be shadows
floor, they are possibly the only person with actual
in their doorway, ready to take them away and
physical components to their computer set up, but it
disappear them forever.
is unlikely anyone knows they own them, or that these

types of parts even exist anymore. Ibuki tries not to dwell on the future too much. If

they can pull this off without killing themself, the

Ibuki has scraped for every component, selectively
possibilities are endless.
leaving their tiny abode in the bulkiest clothing they

own, hat pulled low over their eyes. Their hair always After all, Ibuki thinks, the ability to inhabit another

helps to conceal their face when they’re forced to body, control it, and then return to myself unscathed,

leave their home, but they’ve had everything they that will be a testament of true power.

need for a while now, and Ibuki is looking forward to

They take a long drink of water and a deep breath,
never seeing topside through their own eyes again.
their fingers hovering, suspended in space and

They reach back and lightly touch their neck, shaking, over the enter key. The air around them

checking the array that is haphazardly built from is layered in digital displays showing hundreds of

scrap parts and aligned with the Stack located algorithms, constantly shifting and changing before

just at the base of their skull. Unlicensed personal Ibuki’s eyes. They shut them against the green and

needle casting stations like this are not only highly gold glowing lights, and flick their finger, depressing

illegal, they’re exceedingly dangerous, but Ibuki has the key with a swift motion of their wrist.

been gradually building up their familiarity with the

For a long moment, Ibuki waits. They almost
tech embedded in their body. They’re not yet sure
check their displays to scrutinize the code in
of the scope of their ability, but they are eager to
disappointment, and then a hot searing light bursts
test their theories.
behind their eyes. They’ve been told needle casting

“One life to live,” they whisper, as they slowly is akin to the feeling of going to sleep, peaceful,

and deliberately enter a few lines of code into and quiet. This does not feel like that. The back of

the command window. their neck lurches and their head snaps back against

the array as they let out a silent cry. Helpless, and

Hacking the DHF system has taken weeks, possibly
incapacitated, they seize in their reclined chair, the
months. Ibuki isn’t sure. They rarely check the time,
bright, white light behind their eyes transitioning to a

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 45
fast moving stream of color. Ibuki tries to call out for „ Setting: Dims, Dotonbori (New Venice),

help, but no sound issues from their mouth. Shochizuka, Tenmon, Tenmangu Shopping
District, Lady Nakayume’s Purse
In a flash, they see the cityscape of Osaka; the
„ Objective: The Players will need to gather a
floating towers of Tenmon, the rippling canals of number of high profile contacts, as well as very
Dotonbori. They hear the calls of someone behind specific paperwork in order to infiltrate Tenmon

them, an aggravated yell, “Move!” They look down and secure a piece of hard to find technology
for a mysterious patron, who has hired them
to see unfamiliar hands. A laugh bubbles up in their
for the task, from Tenmangu’s highly exclusive
throat, a croaking, broken sound from someone who shopping district. There are several avenues
probably smokes way too much and possibly hasn’t through which this can be achieved, either by

laughed in a long time. way of the yakuza or through contacts that

can be cultivated at Shochikuza. Disguise,
Just as Ibuki is about to reach for the oar to move the cunning, and subterfuge are all tantamount to
small boat out of the way, the searing light returns. success. Once in the shopping district, further
deals and connections can be sought, as it is an
Their stomach drops as they are wrenched away from
uncommon opportunity to be able access that
the body they’re inhabiting. They return to themself, area for anyone who is not Sennin.
jaw aching from gritted teeth, and their neck seems to
„ Possible NPCs: Ibuki Toyama, Sachi Fuse, Asuka
be locked up from their seizing. Gasping, Ibuki leans
& Azusa Morita, Juri Uedo, Lady Nakayume,
over in their chair, reaching for a small dustbin into Daniel Sada
which they immediately retch up the water they had

only just consumed. They gaze up at their displays,

their eyes bleary, which tells them they were gone for

less than a minute, and exhausted, they slouch back

into their chair.

The world goes black.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 46
PA R T 1 : This does not seem to deter anyone currently in Dims.

The crowded streets ring with people crying out their

wares. One shop turns scalding hot balls of dough
„ The characters start in Menkui, a noodle
filled with chunks of octopus on one side of the street.
establishment that is part of the floating
restaurant city of Dims. They are redirected upon Further down, a wood charcoal grill is loaded down
arrival to the raft docks to meet with The Manzai, with skewers of marinated chicken parts.
a notorious pair of Yakuza henchmen.
Just ahead, however, is your destination. Menkui is
„ After leaving Dims, the group, along with The
one of Dims best noodle shops. Nearly everything on
Manzai, is pursued and must make it to their next
point of contact without being caught. the menu boasts some form of noodle, or is made

„ They must settle on a course of action that can with the same ingredients as noodles. The owner,

help them breach Tenmon and proceed to the Juri Uedo is a large figure, rotund, tall, and cheery.
next stage of their mission. Their cheeks are round and red and their eyes have a

bright, merry sparkle. All their facial features are a bit

small and too close together, giving them an almost
Dims is a series of barges lashed together, forming a
cherubic appearance. Their large hands are actively
maze-like, tightly packed, floating portion of the city
working a ball of dough to the proper consistency and
that is roughly a mile wide. The air is thick with the
they greet the party with a loud, low voice as they
smell of charcoal smoke mixed with the acrid smell
enter the restaurant.
of water that is polluted beyond repair. The smoke

billowing from the many open kitchens nearly chokes The characters do not need to know each other prior

the air and blots out the sky above. The “streets” to meeting at Dims. They have all been called here

are made of near rotting planks of weathered wood, by the same person, as far as they know, and have

which gape in places, showing their wear and tear and been made aware of each other by this contact. The

revealing the water below. characters have been instructed to make a connection

at a restaurant called Menkui.

Crammed together like sardines in a can are dozens

upon dozens of small restaurants. In nearly every „ Menkui, like all of Dims, has a strict “no
business” policy. The characters will have to be
case, they stand about three stories tall, constructed
surreptitious in order to avoid getting kicked out
of the same roughly hewn fabricated wood that
of the restaurant while making their connection.
makes up the hover barges. Some areas appear to
„ Once inside the restaurant, the characters are
be sagging a bit under the weight of the structures welcome to order food and drink while they look
built atop them; signs of the slowly failing hover tech for and/or wait to make contact.
that somehow keeps this entire floating menagerie
This is an opportunity for the characters to introduce
of smells and tastes aloft. When packed with people,
themselves to each other.
the barges sag even more, nearly making contact with

the river below.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 47
„ The Obedient… After receiving what they believe Thank you for taking the time to meet with us, but we
might have been an erroneous invite, the Osaka should not talk here. If you would join us at the raft
Police Department has assigned an undercover
docks, we can have our discussion there. Also, the
agent to this mission, in order to discern for what
purpose this piece of tech is being used. katsu curry udon here is quite good; you should try it.

„ The Cunning… Are on board with finding this —The Manzai

piece of tech, hoping to use what they find
as leverage to secure a better deal with other The characters may want to make a check to
interested parties. determine who The Manzai are.

„ The Clever… Tempted by the mysterious patron

„ Any Character: {History 5}: of The Manzai. Asuka
with the lucrative nature of this new tech and the
(they/them) and Azusa (she/her) Morita are
ways it can bring everyone closer to the power
notorious and deadly Yakuza henchmen.
they believe they should have.
If they pass:
The characters are approached by someone that
The characters will sense that Yakuza involvement
appears to be in a wait staff uniform. They place
means that the piece of tech for which they are
a piece of paper beneath one of the Cunning
searching is likely to not only be cutting edge, but has
player’s drinks.
the potential to be a boon to the black market trade.

The Yakuza have the manpower needed to pursue

this line of investigation themselves, but this group

was assembled instead, which means it must also be

incredibly dangerous.

Such a high profile get for the criminal organization

could shift the balance of power in the city.

Characters can follow up by attempting any

of the following:

„ {Intimidation, Investigation -1} to interrogate

any Cunning NPC. A successful check will reveal
that everyone here is simply there to eat and
enjoy the noodles. They will view the party
with discomfort and suspicion. A failed check
will likely get them ejected from the store for
harassing the other customers.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 48
//  While on the barge, Asuka and Azusa begin

If any Obedient Character tries to use {Intimidation, downloading the party on what the Yakuza has

Investigation} on any Cunning NPC, they will be at a been told by this mysterious patron. They have been

disadvantage. The OPD is deeply corrupt and most offered a lot of money to help retrieve the piece of

of its members are being paid under the table to look tech in question and have been asked to escort the

the other way. Most Cunning NPCs will ignore threats group and keep them safe on this mission.

or prying questions from them, as they see any

instrument of the law as being impotent.
„ 1-10: No change

Whether or not the characters decide to eat is up to „ 11-15: The group’s movements have caught
them. If they do order food, they have the chance to someone’s attention. The additional scrutiny
will incur a penalty of {Perception -2} for the
get to know Juri Uedo (they/them), the proprietor. If
duration of this part.
they choose to leave without eating, they might get
„ 16-20: There is another raft following the
a sideways glance as they exit, but they will not be
characters, they will have to make a {Detection
hindered from leaving.
-2} in order to notice this.

„ 21-25: The characters are cut off from their

current course. They know there are other rafts
The characters have been summoned by the Manzai on the water that are in pursuit of them and they
to the raft docks on Dims to meet with them. must take evasive action in order to shake them.

There are many rafts lashed to Dims at the docks, „ 26+: One of the rafts in pursuit appears out of
the misty fog. The characters are not prepared
and there is also plenty of activity as people
for the attack as the raft side swipes them and
come and go from the floating restaurant city. quickly retreats back into the mist. They must all
Without too much difficulty, the group spots a make {Composure -2} in order to remain on the
pair of fairly inconspicuous people towards the far raft and not be dumped into the dangerously
polluted water.
end of the docks.
Asuka and Azusa are very guarded and do not talk
The characters are greeted by the Manzai and are
much. Asuka is tall and severe looking, with sharp,
asked to board a large, barge looking raft.
androgynous features. Azusa is more petite, but no

NOTE // None of the barges, rafts, or boats in less severe. They both give off the vibe of “deadly
Osaka actually touch the water. They are all low- beauty” in their dark tactical gear. They are obviously
grade hovercrafts. skilled fighters. Azusa carries a long, single-edged

Once they have boarded the raft, The Manzai take blade strapped to her back (see Tric Saber), while

them some distance from Dims. As they depart, Asuka has a sniper rifle strapped to theirs.

they mention that even they are bound by the

rules of Dims, but it was important to gather the

group on neutral ground before relocating and

dispensing information.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 49
The Manzai reveal, as the raft continues to move over but they’ll only successfully be able to convince one

Dotonbori River, that the piece of tech being sought to join them while the other stays outside.

will likely be found within the walls of Tenmon. There

Entrance into the kabuki hall is uncomplicated. Ticket
is a shopping district, Tenmangu, that carries all the
fares are cheap and easily affordable by most Osakan
most up-to-date technology on the market and the
citizens. There is a coat and weapons check at the
Yakuza have a resource there that may be able to help
door. Patrons are not allowed to enter the building
the Characters retrieve it.
armed. The party can try to enter with concealed

Accessing Tenmon if you are not a Sennin or a weapons if they make a successful {Stealth 2}.

member of the Protectorate is extremely difficult, A failure on this check will result in confiscation

if not downright impossible for most living below of their weapons and a ban on them entering the

the line, so the party will need to attain passes in establishment in the future. If either of the Manzai

order to move through security and into Tenmon. accompany the party, they will willingly give over

Asuka and Azusa believe the party can acquire these their weapons at the check and encourage the rest of

passes at Shochizuka, the kabuki hall in Dotonbori the party to do so as well. In general, there is an air

and one of the few historical sites not within the of following the etiquette of the space. Shochizuka is

protected ring of Tenmon. well known for being a neutral business ground and

an actual performance space, so it is exceedingly rare

The party has the option, at this time, to do more
for a fire fight to break out.
reconnaissance through the ONI network for further

information/clues about their mission and their A successful {History} will allow characters to

mysterious patron (see Part 2: The Mysterious learn more about the history of the building

Patron (Optional)). (see Kurozakura 黒桜), as well as its current

proprietor, Daniel Sada.

NOTE // By and large this portion of the session
is meant to cater to the more social among the
group. Reconnaissance and information gathering
opportunities are also available within the setting
of Shochizuka. If combat breaks out inside the
theatre, that should be reflected in the group’s
reputation moving forward.

Once the party reaches Shochizuka, the Manzai

inform them that they will remain with the raft

while they inquire inside with the proprietor of the

establishment. They make sure the party has the

appropriate number of credits needed to purchase

these passes. The party can try to convince the

Manzai to go inside with them with a {Diplomacy -2},

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 50
//  The party has several options by which they can try

Please feel free to do some of your own research to convince Camila to help them access Tenmon. If

on the historic Shochizuka Kabuki Theatre to color treated well and with deference and respect, she

your description. The space is one of the oldest can become a valuable asset to the party, and has

buildings in Osaka. the influence to get passes for all of them. If the

party tries to kidnap or coerce her, they can still

There is a performance happening when the party successfully gain passes for the gate into Tenmon, but
enters the building. The party has an opportunity to this will one-hundred percent spawn trouble later.
watch the performance and survey the audience for
NOTE // If the storyteller is playing the three modules
a connection that might have access to passes for
as a continuous campaign, either path of action can
Tenmon, or a lead on someone who might have them
influence later modules.
with {Detection, Diplomacy -2}.
Once the passes are acquired, the party can decide
This is a great opportunity to drop in a character
how to proceed next. They can reconnect with
with whom one of your party may have a connection.
the other half of the Manzai outside and continue
People from all over Osaka attend performances
to Tenmon’s gates right away or they can begin
at Shochizuka, so if any of them have Sennin
investigating the Mysterious Patron.
connections, or connections in Tenmon, good or bad,

this is a great place to introduce that character. If the

PA R T 2 : T H E
relationship is adversarial, the party could try to draw

the person out of the theatre and relieve them of their

pass into the gated city center. If the relationship is (OPTIONAL)
cordial, they can try to convince them to bring them „ The characters start at any point that they
decide to engage with this optional objective.
in as invited guests.
This can be inserted into any part of the Scenario
Should neither such connection exist, the party will with a little forethought.

eventually find their way into the company of Kamira „ The characters begin an investigation into the
“Camila” Matsumura, a member of the Matsumura Mysterious Patron that has brought them all
together in the first place, pursuing any and all
family, stewards of Osaka’s oldest shrine, which
leads at their disposal.
resides within the walls of Tenmon. She is bright-eyed
„ They must settle on a course of action once
and beautiful, and has an effervescent and charming
they have identified the Patron, and if they will
personality. She is obviously there on her day off. She
still carry out the mission presented to them or
comes from a well respected family in Tenmon, and confront their employer.
her family are considered Honorary Sennin (see the

Cultural Guardian trait tree).

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 51
Though this person selected the group specifically ONI NETWORK TRACE
to seek out and find the part they need, they have The most immediately obvious approach characters
been largely hands off and have not provided any might take would be to use the ONI network in an
additional resources to help the party gain access attempt to trace the contact that was initially made
to Tenmon, nor tips on who to approach for the with any of the members of the party. This will not
piece of tech. In the event that the party is much prove to be a simple endeavor, as the contact is well
more interested in sussing out the Mysterious aware of this potential and has taken measures to
Patron, this portion of the scenario outlines how safeguard their communications with the party.
to run the pursuit.
A successful {Digital Networking -3} will allow
The party will need to successfully engage in at least characters to mine data from the network that can
two of the following investigation methods, or ones be used in order to trace the original transmission.
they come up with that you find compelling enough This will require a further {Data Analysis -1} due to
to reward for a bit of work. This will allow them the sheer volume of information to be reviewed, or
to make a final {Read Person -4} to put together alternatively the characters could take the data to a
who exactly the Mysterious Patron actually is. Each Dipper contact who can perform the operation for the
additional investigation that is completed successfully cost of time and credits.
will reduce the Difficulty of the check by 1 (so 3
Successfully analyzing the data will indicate that the
investigations results in a -3, 4 investigations results in
transmission originated from deep within Kaiyoutei,
a -2, etc) to a minimum of {Read Person -1}.
which narrows down the potential people it could

be however slightly. They will need to assess further

//  leads to pinpoint the identity of the Patron. There
Encourage the players to come up with their own is a loosely regulated conglomerate of technicians
approaches to this investigation process based on the and developers that go by the name of Kaiyoutei
information that they have available to them about Deve 海洋底デベ who are well known for serving as
the whole situation. Depending on when this happens the maintenance crew for most of Osaka’s integrated
in the Scenario will influence what ideas seem most technological systems, as well as contributing
viable to them. You should also be prepared to reward large amounts of technical development to the
creative thinking on the part of your players in this Protectorate. The party could make assumptions
side mission by letting good ideas have an influence that perhaps the Patron is somehow involved with
on the investigation. Kayoutei Deve, either as a member or a saboteur.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 52
One of the strongest leads comes from Azusa and Successfully locating the Patron will not reveal the

Asuka by way of their boss, Sachi Fuse. The twins Patron’s identity, so feel free to make their avatar look

have been interfacing with her while the rest of the however you like. Please keep in mind that the Patron

party was working out passes for Tenmon. Her lead is a non-binary character (see Ibuki Toyama).

points to accessing a virtual reality cafe in order to

Additionally, you are encouraged to add in your
seek out the Patron, who is rumored to frequent such
own rumors and flavor through this VR investigation
spaces. There is no sign that they visit these cafes in
sequence since many operators have heard
person, leading to speculation that the Mysterious
something about all of this and have their own wild
Patron has figured out how to access the virtual
theories. Have some fun with it.
reality network remotely.

The party can make a {Digital Networking} check to „ + The Patron is responsible for releasing the
specs for the PNC (Portable Needle Caster) and
trace communications between the Mysterious Patron
now desires to tear down the Protectorate’s
and the Yakuza Oyabun, Sachi Fuse. regulated Needle Casting stations in order to
make needle casting more equitable.
„ A successful check will reveal that there has been
no correspondence between them directly, but „ ++ Though the Protectorate has attempted to
Sachi Fuse has been doing work of her own to squash this file, it has proven difficult, as every
discover the Patron’s identity. time the file is thought to have been eradicated,
it resurfaces.
„ A failed check will reveal nothing of note.
„ +++ The piece of tech the Patron is looking
Should the party decide to access a VR Cafe, there
for will help them build a machine that will
are several that are readily available in the area disrupt the wider Casting network and drive
and getting into one and setting up is all easy to up demand for Portable Needle Casters, the

accomplish. Actually tracking the Patron down within designs for which have spread through the ONI
network as an open source file from an unknown
the network will take some advanced detective work
contributor (now revealed to be this Patron)
with {Investigation -2}. Thankfully, the VR world from Kaiyoutei Deve.
is abuzz with the rumors of this Patron’s request
The Patron eventually approaches and asks the party
that this piece of tech be found at any cost. There
to assist them in bringing the Protectorate’s iron rule
are several theories about who the Patron’s VR
to an end by retrieving the piece of tech, which they
avatar might be and where they might be found in
believe to be held somewhere in Tenmangu. They
the virtual space.
reveal that there is a sentient AI in The Strip who is

well connected and informed that likely knows where

the tech is, and who has it.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 53
Players may make {Read Person -3} checks to Once she meets with the party, she reveals that

determine the Patron’s sincerity. A successful check she believes the Patron to be a shut-in who has

reveals that while the Patron is obviously hiding many been body hopping in order to avoid being seen in

things and is incredibly protective of their identity (as their real sleeve. She has had a few of her people

all Kayoutei Developers are), they appear to be telling keeping an eye out for people behaving strangely,

the truth about their objective and motives. A failure as well following anyone suspected of having been

will lead them to believe that the Patron is being body-snatched. One of her underlings got lucky and

truthful and open, but will leave the characters feeling managed to trail a woman to an apartment with the

suspicious of their ultimate endgame in some way. initials “I.T.” embedded into the metal plaque in the

door. After some research into the initials through

The Patron will disengage from the VR space if one of
various sources, she suspects their Patron goes by the
two things happens:
name of Ibuki Toyama.
„ The party agrees to help.
„ The players attempt to get more information.
The Patron will say that they might possibly If the characters are able to establish the identity of
reveal their identity if the party helps them. the Mysterious Patron as being Ibuki Toyama, or if

their investigation turns up fruitless in their attempts

Once the Patron has left, the party is free to leave
to sniff out the identity of the Patron, they will need
the VR space and pick up wherever it is they left
to decide how they want to proceed. Some of the
off in the module.
more immediate options are detailed here, but

A MEETING WITH ROYALTY the characters may take any course of action they

The party has the potential to have Asuka and deem appropriate.

Azusa connect them with their boss, the oyabun

„ The characters may decide that they are still
of the yakuza in Osaka, Sachi Fuse in order to try more than willing to continue on with the
to determine the identity of the Patron. They may mission at hand. Either they don’t care about the

make a {Diplomacy -2} check to convince her uncovered identity, they might be pleased to be
working with Ibuki Toyama, or they may have
to meet with them.
had their investigation come up short but have

„ On a successful check, Sachi Fuse is willing to not been deterred by the information they have

take a meeting with the party to discuss the learned in the process. Continue on with the

Patron and share some of her own suppositions other Parts of the Scenario as normal.

on their possible identity. „ The party might choose to confront Ibuki Toyama

„ On a failed check, Sachi Fuse is unwilling to meet directly and aggressively. See the details on

with them in person, but is willing to hand over Ibuki Toyama for further information should the

some key pieces of information. Namely that she characters elect to engage in combat with them.

is certain the Patron has been body hopping in

order to avoid being seen in their true sleeve,
which denotes a mastery of the PNC device and
a bead on where she believes the original file

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 54
„ Characters could try and extort Ibuki Toyama PA R T 3 :
with their greater understanding of the scheme
at hand. This would branch off from the intended BREACHING TENMON
scenario and could facilitate a whole new story „ The party must approach and bypass the gates
of your own creation. of Tenmon. Their method for doing so will be
influenced directly by how they came by their
„ Ibuki Toyama could be turned over to the
passes to get into the walled enclave of the city.
Protectorate, and the tech itself could be used as
evidence in this case if the characters wanted to „ They must navigate the inner circle of the city
continue forward with more of the scenario still without raising the suspicions of the Protectorate
as undercover vigilantes for the authority. Guards

„ Particularly enterprising groups might want

to take the tech and their knowledge and go G AMEMASTER NOTE
into business for themselves. This will certainly
This section of the module features a variety of high
earn the ire of Ibuki Toyama and most likely
the Protectorate. difficulty checks designed to potentially trigger

combat. If you have been running this as a continuous

This optional objective has the most potential to
campaign and have chosen not to run this module
deviate off from the main scenario at hand based
first, it is possible for actions in previous modules to
on player decisions. This is perfectly fine, as using
influence outcomes here, and vice versa.
this scenario as a springboard for your own amazing

scenario is a perfectly acceptable approach.

CAMPAIGN PROGRESS TABLE The party, with passes in hand, must approach

„ 1-15: Ibuki Toyama is aware that the characters the main gate of Tenmon. There is only one way
have tried to or successfully have tracked down in or out of the walled inner sanctum. The wall is a
their identity as they have been keeping an eye
series of highly advanced and deadly force-fields.
on the group’s activities. Any actions to subvert
them will be at {Acuity -2} going forward. One can clearly see Tenmon from the outside and

would never know it is walled at all but for the clear

„ 16-25: The characters will find that they have
been sold out to the Protectorate with falsified signage delineating the boundaries of the wall. The
evidence showing them to be responsible for actual doors are visible, and they tower higher than a
everything Ibuki Toyama has been up to. hovercraft could possibly fly. Only Sennin with actual
„ 26+: Ibuki Toyama will send an assassin after aircraft could potentially fly over it, but no one knows
the group as a means to tie up loose ends either just how far up the force-fields go, so no one dares
when the job is done or immediately based on
to attempt it. There are rumors in Dotonbori that it
character choices.
forms a perfect bubble around Tenmon.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 55
Once they have reached the gate, the party must Any hover-rafts must be abandoned once you are

make a {Composure} check to get past the guards within thirty feet of the gate as the waters begin

and gain entry. With legitimate passes, this part to recede. The gate that leads to Tenmon is at the

is fairly simple and is made at a +2. If the passes juncture of where the waters end and the city begins

were coerced, they might have already been stolen to be walkable again. On the Dotonbori side of the

depending on how quickly after they were taken the gate, water just barely laps against the force-field in

party got to the gates of Tenmon which results in a some places, kicking up a steaming sizzle, but the

-4. A character may attempt to hack the ONI network area closer to the gate is clear of the water. Patches

to cover up the stolen statuses of the passes with a of dead, over-watered grass line the path that leads

{Data Engineering -3}. to Tenmon’s gates.

„ + The guards are suspicious of the characters,

If the characters have a fight forced upon them by the
they have a Protectorate Guard per character
follow the group while inside. This will allow for guards inside read the following:
entry, however the characters will need to either
Your attempts to evade the guards is not only
confront the guards directly or evade them with
{Stealth -3}. Failure will force a conflict inside. unsuccessful, it has roused their suspicion of you all

to the point that they actively attempt to detain you.

„ ++ The characters are able to enter without
suspicion. They draw their weapons, and move in to attempt to

restrain you. With stern authority they order you to

„ - The guards will attempt to apprehend the
characters at the gate. This will force a conflict surrender and get down on the ground.
at the gate with a Protectorate Guard per
Just beyond the gate is an open plaza full of trees
character +1.
that are possibly the remnants of an old park that
READY, FIGHT! is still being maintained as such. The footpaths are
If the characters have a fight forced upon them by the obviously regularly refurbished, and there is lush
guards at the gate read the following: green grass, bushes, and manicured gardens as well.

The guards look over your passes, and give you a Further still are the lights of Osaka-jou, well out of

look up and down before looking around to the other range of the gate.

guards working at the gate. In a matter of moments

If the characters initiate a fight with the guards
they set upon you with weapons drawn, forcefully
read the following:
demanding you cooperate with your detainment. They

form something of a semicircle firing line between You move quickly to confront the Protectorate Guards

you and the gates, and slowly begin to close ranks and manage to catch them by surprise. If you are fast

on your position. and efficient you might be able to keep this brief and

avoid any collateral damage.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 56
If the characters saw that the fight was coming, or PA R T 4 : T E N M A N G U
if they initiated the conflict, they do not need to „ Once the party has safely evaded the
resolve any ^ to take cover or draw any weapons Protectorate, they must make their way to
they want. They can also deploy in an Adjacent Zone Tenmangu.

based on the Encounter environment if they wish. „ The party must find information about who in
If the characters initiated the fight, provide them Tenmangu might have information about such a
high profile piece of tech (if they have done the
environmental details based on if it is at the gate or
optional portion of the module, they will know to
inside according to the other encounter details. seek a powerful AI).

The area both inside and out is filled with bystanders, „ The party must travel to Lady Nakayume’s Purse
who look on with mixed reactions while trying to in The Strip and meet with Lady Nakayume to
retrieve the piece of tech.
maintain a bit of a distance. This could easily lead to a

body count if the characters are not extremely careful TREADING NEW PATHS
in how they approach subduing the guards. Any failed The party, having managed to evade the Protectorate
{Directed Energy Weapons, Firearms} of -- or Guard, make their way to the northeastern most part
more will result in hitting a bystander. of Osaka, where the historical Tenmangu is located.

If breaching the gates resulted in combat, this would

Use the “Bay City Police Officer” stat block from the
raise the difficulty of any further checks to navigate
Altered Carbon Core Rulebook for the Protectorate
and socialize within the boundaries of Tenmon by -2.
Guards in this Encounter.
The party has a few options.
„ The party can try to acquire disguises. They
„ 1-15: No change may attempt to use money and/or Connections
„ 16-20: Deploy one additional Protectorate Guard. to attain such assets. The disguises will allow
{Stealth +1}.
„ 21+: Deploy a Nemesis opponent. If one has not
been established you can upgrade one opponent „ The party can try to hack the ONI network to
into a Nemesis that can be used in subsequent resolve the APB that is out on them. They will
encounters if they survive this encounter. need to make a {Digital Networking -4} to
successfully erase the APB from the system. This
Upon defeating the guards, the characters will need
penalty replaces the -2 imposed on other checks.
to act quickly otherwise more guards will soon

be called in to attempt to apprehend them. The

characters will now have an APB out on them in this
If the party previously made a connection with
area of Osaka moving forward (see Part 4: Tenmangu
Camila Matsumura, they can attempt to seek shelter
for additional details).
at the Tenmangu Shrine to buy some time while they

attempt any of the above.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 57
Tenmangu consists of the oldest structure in G AMEMASTER NOTE
Osaka, Tenmangu Shrine, whose caretakers are the If the party is on good terms with the Matsumura’s
Matsumura family, and The Strip, which is a shopping from their previous interactions at Shochizuka, they
area by day, and party destination by night. may be able to call upon them again for assistance,

provided they have no other Connections upon

Though it shares strong similarities with Dotonbori
which they can call.
aesthetically, the big difference here is that no one

needs to get anywhere by hovercraft, as Tenmangu

The party may make an {Diplomacy} to find Lady
and a large majority of Tenmon managed to avoid
Nakayume’s establishment, or ask a local to show
flooding. Like it was in the past, most people navigate
them the way. If your team decides to make its way
the tight streets by walking. Indeed, if the party
into Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street during daytime
makes a {Detection} check they will discover that
hours, an {Investigation -3} check will be required to
there do not seem to be any hovercraft in the vicinity
find the establishment even if they have the help of a
of Tenmangu, or within the general area. There
local, as it is well disguised. Lady Nakayume’s Purse
also does not appear to be a high population of
is very popular and well known, but can be incredibly
Protectorate Guards here.
difficult to locate by day. This is because the location
The party can ask around about AI in the area and will is hidden behind a false holographic front that
get the same answer from most of the people. There conceals it from view. Most of the shops and clubs
is only one AI in Tenmangu worth knowing, and her on The Strip similarly completely transform between
name is Lady Nakayume. “legitimate” retail businesses by day and lush neon

debauchery by night with the help of this technology.

Entry into her establishment is by invite only. The
Should the party choose to approach the Purse at
party must figure out a way to either garner an
night, it will be much easier to find.
invitation or get themselves on the invite list.

„ Any of the members of the party may attempt LADY NAKAYUME’S PURSE
to use their Connections to snag an invite. If the Once the party has gained access to the boudoir, they
Connection is not a particularly strong one, they
find themselves within a well appointed lobby, full of
can make a {Diplomacy} check to convince that
connection to assist them. deep red and black velvet, recalling a bygone era and

giving the sense of an Old West saloon. Gleaming,

„ A Technician can attempt to hack the ONI
network using a {Data Engineering -3} check to polished wood adorns nearly every surface, and any
add their names to the invite list. floor space not covered in thick, ornate carpets is

„ Gaining entry without an invitation will require covered in dark gray marble floors. It is an immediate
a {Diplomacy -3} check with Lady Nakayume’s departure from the outside world, which is all glaring
security, both of which look to be large freak
lights and sharp, acrid air from the polluted water.
This space has a wide stairway that spirals up one wall

to a second floor that stretches back out of view.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 58
The party can probably safely assume that is where G AMEMASTER NOTE
Lady’s Nakayume’s employees entertain clientele. On Please handle this section with care. Lady Nakayume’s
the first floor is a short hall from the lobby leading Purse is a brothel. Every employee is a sex worker,
into what appears to be a bar and lounge, where and it is possible for the players to engage with them
the marble flooring switches to wood paneling in that capacity provided the safety tools discussed
that matches all of the other wood in the space. prior to the start of this module allow for it. You can
People of all genders, colors, shapes, and sizes are adjust this section according to the needs of the
dressed in fine, but provocative clothing that seems table, but it is important that the portrayal of sex
to match the old-timey theme. It does not veer workers is approached with respect. Lady Nakayume
completely into costume, but the influences of the is renowned for running an establishment where her
theme are apparent in the lines of the garments people are treated well, and poor behavior from the
they all wear. The clientele seems to be similarly clients is not tolerated.
dressed, to match the vibe of the space. The party

will immediately stand out, provided they have not Lady Nakayume is readily available to the party for

done any previous intel on the type of establishment a chat, as she always feels compelled to greet any

Lady Nakayume runs. new face and establish the rules of the boudoir. She

is nearly indistinguishable in manner from a typical

Lady Nakayume is not the type of proprietress
human but for a few details. She wears a long black
that hides in the back. She is already out, speaking
leather and suede skirt that hides her feet and makes
with guests and laughing. The lounge is bustling
it impossible to discern whether she is walking or
with activity. Everyone is drinking and enjoying
floating. Her eyes also appear slightly off. The party
themselves. There is light entertainment in the form
can make {Detection} checks to notice such details.
of an atmospheric musician in one of the corners.

They are not singing, simply providing ambience. That „ If the party asks for a private audience with
Lady Nakayume, she will ask for 4x Credits in
might be the only aspect of the setting that does
accordance with the boudoir’s typical fees for
not lean fully into the theme. Instead of the loud, such services. The party may try a {Diplomacy
boisterous music one might expect, it is low chamber -3} check to negotiate having this fee waived
music that does not pierce over the din of people given the nature of the conversation.

talking and flirting. „ If the party attempts to have the discussion

about the piece of tech in public, Lady
The party will be offered a place to sit, and several of Nakayume will firmly, but quietly, command
the employees will come over to take care of them them to be silent and ask them to wait until
and any needs they might have. later in the evening when there are fewer
customers around.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 59
If the party chooses the latter, they will have a few G AMEMASTER NOTE
hours to enjoy the Purse’s many amenities. There are It is up to the party, based on the checks they have
drinks, games like pool, poker, darts, and of course, made so far, to determine how much or how little
the private rooms upstairs in which they can employ to tell Lady Nakayume, and how much to trust
any of the companions in the establishment. her. Based on the write-up of Lady Nakayume,

please consider how she will respond to whatever

information the party gives her, especially if they are
Lady Nakayume draws the party into a back office,
cagey and/or vague. It is possible for them to fail
the door for which is a secret panel in of the
their objective.
beautiful wood paneled walls. The party will step

in to find an environment with which they are more The party must make a {Diplomacy -4} check to
familiar; slightly closer to the chromatic neon vibe of convince Lady Nakayume to assist them in retrieving
the outside world. this piece of technology.

Any member of the party may make a {Read Person „ A successful check will reveal that Lady
-1} or {Detection -2} check as they enter her office. Nakayume herself is in possession of this piece
of tech, and has been holding it on behalf of a
„ A successful {Read Person} check will reveal client. The tech is incredibly fragile and has been
that while Lady Nakayume seemed relaxed in held in Lady Nakayume’s establishment to avoid
the boudoir, she is decidedly more tense in her being damaged.
office, and her movements are a bit more stilted.
„ A failed check will see Lady Nakayume saying
„ A successful {Detection} check will reveal that she knows where such tech can be found, but
she reached for the closures of her skirt when only for a very steep price (the price should be
they first entered the office but then let them go set at a level that will require the characters to
and moved very quickly to sit. go into Debt if they fulfill it). She can negotiate

If they choose to ask after these results, they will a handoff if the price can be met. The characters
may attempt to contact their Patron to assist
need to make a {Diplomacy -2} check to convince
with this heavy cost, or rely on other Contacts
Lady Nakayume to be forthcoming. they have made.

„ A successful check will compel Lady Nakayume

On a successful roll, the party can then make a {Read
to reveal that beneath her skirt, her legs cut off
Person -1} check.
at the knee. She is able to maneuver using hover
technology that responds to her AI program
„ A successful check will reveal that whoever Lady
commands, but it explains why it is that she
Nakayume is holding the tech for is very likely
appears to float.
not the Mysterious Patron.
„ A failure will see Lady Nakayume impatiently
„ A failed check will lead the party to believe that
push the conversation forward towards the
nothing is amiss about this information.
piece of tech.

The party must convince Lady Nakayume to help

them locate the piece of tech the Mysterious

Patron is seeking.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 60
Once the party has successfully convinced Lady CAMPAIGN PROGRESS TABLE
Nakayume to help them, they can either leave „ 1-15: No change
the boudoir with the piece of tech in hand, or
„ 16-20: Deploy one additional Thug.
with an appointment for a paid handoff in the
„ 21+: Deploy a Nemesis opponent. If one has not
early morning hours. been established you can upgrade one opponent
into a Nemesis that can be used in subsequent
HANDOFF AT DAWN (OPTIONAL) encounters if they survive this encounter.
If your party ends up having to set up a paid handoff

in the early morning hours, they will need to make PA R T 5 :

contact with the Patron in order to procure the ESCAPING TENMON
credits needed to purchase the piece of tech, or „ The party must safely navigate their way out
endure a heavy Debt themselves. They can also of Tenmon without arousing suspicion from
the Protectorate or being caught with their
choose to take the piece of tech by force via combat.
The meeting spot is not too far from the gates
of Tenmon but far enough to keep from arousing
If the party engaged in combat and took the piece
suspicion, which will allow for a quick exit once the
of tech by force, they must make a swift escape from
piece of tech is retrieved.
Tenmon. This escape will be further complicated
If the characters elect to try and take the tech by
if they previously engaged in combat with the
force they will be facing off against a small group
Protectorate guard. Provided they have disguises
of personal security that Lady Nakayume has sent
and/or have eliminated the APB that is out on them,
to the handoff on her behalf. This consists of the
they can strategize ways to safely exit the inner
following opponents:
circle of the city.

„ 1 Hitman leader (see “Adversaries” in chapter 7

of the Altered Carbon Core Rulebook)
„ 1 Kaiju Freak enforcer (where?)
Encourage the party to think of creative and
„ 1d4 Thugs (see “Adversaries” in chapter 7 of potentially non-violent ways to safely exit Tenmon,
the Altered Carbon Core Rulebook)
such as staggering their exits, being smuggled out by
Upon defeating the personal security force the a connection, or creating a diversion.
characters may acquire the case in which the tech
You are also encouraged to add descriptive touches
was transported off the bodies.
to the narrative of this section, treating it as

something of a cat and mouse chase out of the area

as opposed to a simple series of checks.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 61
Any direct contact with the Protectorate guards PA R T 6 : T H E D R O P
by members of the party will require a {Diplomacy „ The party must continue to evade detection by
-2} check, provided there has been no conflict up the Protectorate/OPD and safely navigate their
until this point. way back to Dims.

„ They must pass off the tech to their Patron

Otherwise, everyone is required to make a {Stealth
-3} check to successfully make it past the guards

with the contraband intact. If more than half of the THE DIM SUN
party fails, they will immediately draw suspicion from The party will make its way to the docks of the Dims.

a Protectorate guard or security patrol as previously They receive a message from Asuka and Azusa asking

detailed and be detained and subjected to a search them if they have managed to safely retrieve the

unless they can make a successful {Athletics -2} tech, saying they are on their way to meet them and

or {Endurance -3} check to get to their hover- retrieve it, and asking where they are.

raft and get away.

The previous conversation with the Patron should

The party must then safely evade any guards that immediately raise a red flag for the party, as the

may be in pursuit while attempting to establish a Patron did not specify that it would be the Manzai

meeting place and point of contact to safely hand off meeting them, just “someone.”

the tech. They must make a {Navigation -2} check to

The party may make a {Read Person -2} to determine
evade any pursuing guards without conflict, and pass
the legitimacy of this claim.
a {Digital Networking} check to make contact with
„ A successful check will reveal that Asuka and
the Patron for a meeting point.
Azusa are not being truthful. As it was the Patron
If the party fails their {Navigation} check, they will that set up their previous meeting and told the
party who would be meeting them, the claim
have to make additional {Stealth -3} checks for every
that the piece of tech needs to be turned over to
step following to evade being caught by the guards.
them will ring false.

Upon making contact with the Patron, the party is „ A failed check will allay any suspicions that the
directed to head back to Dims, where someone will Manzai are lying. The party is free to tell the
twins where they are headed in order to meet.
meet them to retrieve the piece of tech.

Once the party has arrived at Dims, they will wait at

//  the docks for their handoff connection.

The Patron should be purposely vague about who will If the Manzai have convinced the party that it is them,
be meeting the party at the docks of Dims, as that will they can hand the tech off to them and consider their
be important in the next part. If the party asks who it job done. The module ends there.
is they should be looking for, the Patron will mention

that it will not be anyone they have met before.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 62
If the party handed the tech over to the Manzai and

you intend to continue to play through the scenarios,

this mistake can directly influence aspects of

the next scenario.

If the Manzai fail to convince the party that they

are the Patron connection, the party will wait at

the docks for about half an hour. A surly looking,

but unassuming masculine presenting sleeve will

approach them, saying that the Patron wishes them

well. The party may make a {Read Person} check to

confirm the person’s sincerity.

„ A successful check reveals that the person

appears completely sincere and was indeed
sent by the Patron, and is able to give explicit
examples of what the tech is meant to be used
for. The party will get the impression that this
person is not just a stranger, but very possibly
Ibuki Toyama, themself, though not in their actual

„ A failed check will not necessarily arouse

suspicion, but will leave the party feeling
trepidation about handing the piece of tech
over. A further {Diplomacy} or {Investigation}
check can be made to ascertain how much this
connection knows about the Patron and the
piece of tech if further convincing is needed.

The party can attempt to ask their connection further

questions, but the surly figure will be in a hurry to

leave, and become increasingly paranoid the longer

they are detained. Once the party has handed the

piece of tech over, they will try to make a swift exit.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : A M ysterious P atron 63

OSAKA, TENMON: 2385 Taking another long sip of her drink, she needlessly

spins, sighing with content at the swishy sound of

( P R E S E N T D AY )
black lace petticoats as they brush across her knees.
Kurea Evanston absentmindedly twists a fat curl
In some circles, none that she would be caught dead
around her index finger, the other boredly scrolling
running in, she is known as The Loli, and she’s one of
through the daily newsfeed. She lifts a straw to her
the last few custodians of the art still alive in Japan.
lips and takes a long sip from a tall cup before she
Well over two hundred years old, she is also one of
sets it down and presses her hand over her skirts.
the most prolific Sennin in the city of Osaka.
Sucking her teeth, Kurea’s eyes narrow on a headline
And haven’t I earned a plush lifestyle, she pouts,
she might have otherwise missed, if not for the fact
placing her empty glass on a countertop for someone
that she is specifically looking for it.
else to clean up later, what at all does Melissa Wong
“The Sun Sets On Osaka,” a damning title with even know about the lives I’ve lived? I’m a part of Japanese
more eviscerating content fills Kurea’s vision and she heritage and pride!
stands with a huff, her thick platform shoes thudding
“Mistress Claire, you have a visitor,” her PA system
against the floor as she begins to pace.
alerts her and Kurea signals for the door to be
Melissa Wong is a menace, she thinks, seething open to let her visitor in. Her eyes light up as a tall,
against the words as she reads them. strapping young man steps in.

“The Sennin have continued to set themselves up as “Mr. Lee,” she purrs, immediately draping herself over
gods amongst men, and most notorious among them the man as he crosses the threshold into her space.
is Kurea Evanston, or, as she insists upon being called,
“Evanston-sama,” he grunts in return, prying her
Mistress Claire. While the city falls further into ruin,
arms off of him.
those with the means of stopping it turn their backs

and wastefully flit from Sleeve to Sleeve…” Lee Yoon stands an imposing 185 centimeters,

every one of them lethal. Tight, corded muscle

Kurea wants to assure herself that no one is reading
tells the story of a man who can fuck someone up
this tripe, but Ms. Wong has been experiencing an
six ways from Sunday, and the shoulder harness
almost meteorical rise on the global stage over
carrying a standard police issue weapon educates
the last few years, and lambasting Kurea is her
them on the seventh.
favorite pastime.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me
If I ever meet her, I’ll see her head on a spike,
‘Claire’,” Kurea chides him, waving her hand to signal
Kurea muses, and exits out of the feed in an effort
that refreshment be brought to Lee.
to calm herself.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 64
He tries to dismiss the signal, but by now he should KAIYOUTEI APARTMENTS
know better. Kurea Evanston’s home only answers to
Kaiyoutei is the residential epicenter of Osaka.
one person, Kurea Evanston. Soon he’s encumbered
A vast subterranean structure comprising the
with a drink he does not want, with a person he’s
remnants of the old subway system and underground
paid to tolerate.
shopping centers, Kaiyoutei is where the average
“I’ve been told you want to see me,” he says, hoping citizen of Osaka lives.
to end this interaction as quickly as possible.
While it has none of the stunning architecture or
Kurea bats her lashes at him and titters, “Yes… I have spectacle of the neighboring Tenmon, which looms
a task for you.” high above the city, Kaiyoutei is still a technological

marvel and the largest subterranean city in the world.

„ Setting: Kaiyoutei, Dotonbori (New Venice),
Bitters Navigating its sprawling corridors and levels takes life-

long experience, and still, there are passageways that

„ Objective: The Yakuza have started making big
plays, moving a larger amount of contraband one can go a lifetime without ever seeing.
than usual. What they are transporting is a
It is here where the Osaka Police Department
mystery, and several sources are paying large
sums of money to be in the know. Rumors headquarters, the Osaka Times, and the Kaiyoutei
persist that the Yakuza have managed to get Civic Branch are located, all within a short walking
in on the ground floor of advanced and lethal
distance of each other at the core of the underground
weaponry. Whoever comes into possession of
portion of the city. It is also rumored that the DHF
that weaponry would have an arsenal capable of
tipping the scales of power, either more firmly for the entire adult populace of Kaiyoutei is stored
in the direction of the Sennin in Tenmon, or somewhere in the area.
dangerously in the hands of the people, which
the Protectorate cannot risk. The arms race is The residential district surrounds these three central
only beginning... locations, spreading out in wide concentric levels

„ Possible NPCs: Tamiko Sanchez, Lee Yoon, several floors up towards the surface and several
Melissa Wong, Sachi Fuse, Asuka & Azusa Morita, dozen levels down, consisting of thousands of
Jose Manaysay-Igarashi
living quarters.

PA R T 1 : R U M O R H A S I T This is where the party’s hideout rests, in one of the

„ The party meet at their hideout to discuss many non-descript apartments in the residential

rumors that blueprints for valuable and district of Kaiyoutei. While this particular section of
dangerous new weaponry has found its way into the residential district is not known to be the best
the hands of the Yakuza, but has been reported
area in Kaiyoutei in which to live, its cheaper module
stolen in transit.
homes serve the party’s purposes just fine.
„ The party gathers intel about the contraband and
gathers allies to help retrieve the missing data.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 65
The characters in the party are probably all familiar {Digital Networking -1} or {Cultures, History -2} can

with each other, and have potentially worked with determine base level understanding.

each other in the past. They have a hideout where

„ A successful {Digital Networking} check
they meet, one of the many apartments in a less establishes that the blueprints contained within
reputable area of the Kaiyoutei residential district. this data are for new, cutting edge weaponry
that is meant to be easy to mass produce.
Kaiyoutei homes vary inside according to the Chatter on the ONI Network indicates that
number of people who live in them. Larger units the Yakuza somehow botched the transfer of
exist for families, while smaller units exist for those information, and are attempting to retrieve it.
Other rumors claim that this is false, and that
living alone. The party can decide whether or not
fabrication of the weapons has already started in
they actually reside in this hideout, or if it is a earnest.
secondary location where they meet in order to
„ A failed {Digital Networking} check means that
conduct business. the party has not been able to source much
information about the blueprints from the ONI
Each member of the party—either because they
were alerted by the same informant, or because they
„ A successful {Cultures, History} check reveals
heard it through the rumor mill—has become at least
that it appears that the Yakuza may be in league
vaguely aware of the data for this new weaponry with the Seppuku Tigers, a Quellcrist Falconer
going missing. One of the party members reached out splinter group. The Seppuku Tigers are interested

to the others to bring them all together to discuss the in tearing down the current status quo and
unseating the Sennin in Tenmon as well as the
situation, and determine whether or not they want
to get involved.
„ A failed {Cultures, History} check leaves the
„ The Obedient… Know about the missing party with a vague understanding of the tenuous
blueprints by way of their work with either the alliances between some of the more unsavory
OPD, the Osaka Times, or the Kaiyoutei Civic factions in Osaka, but not a lot of clarity on the
Hall. They feel a strong obligation to find and current status of those alliances.
retrieve the data in order to ensure the status
quo is maintained. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
Armed with basic information about the situation, the
„ The Cunning… See this as an opportunity to
make a significant impact on the current balance party must then decide how they want to go about
of Osaka’s structure, as well as a chance to make getting a better sense of the situation, and determine
a name for themselves in the underground.
whether the blueprints are actually missing, or if there
„ The Clever… Want to retrieve the tech in order is currently a storage room full of weapons that could
to seize power and potentially make a significant
potentially tip the scales of power.
amount of money.

As the party discusses the situation, they have the There are a few paths the party can take, based on

opportunity to start doing some checks to establish their composition, connections, or convictions, to get

what they know from the rumors they have heard. to the heart of the issue and ensure they are the ones

to find the blueprints, or the weapons.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 66
„ The party can seek out more information with There appear to be at least fifty people stationed in
the Osaka Times, which has not yet released these pods just beyond the reception desk.
an official story about the supposedly lost
blueprints, or the weapons. Proceed to Part 2A The pods themselves offer little privacy for the
of the scenario. reporters inside them, working at holographic displays

„ The party can head to the Osaka Police to break and shape their stories. In some of the pods,
Department in order to convince them to allow the journalists are standing, in others, they are sitting.
the party to investigate the rumors and confirm
There are a few pods in which the person inside is
their validity. Proceed to Part 2B of the scenario.
actively sleeping. No one seems bothered by this.
„ The party can seek an audience with some
Yakuza connections to get more information In the center of these pods is a large, circular
about the data transfer and the possible desk, above which several more large screens are
fabrication of the weaponry. Proceed to Part 2C
suspended from the ceiling, also arranged in a circle,
of the scenario.
that display the wider Protectorate stories.

PA R T 2 A : M E D I A C I R C U S Sitting beneath these giant screens is a robust,

„ The party decides that the best course of action, older looking gentleman with a bushy mustache and
either due to affiliation with or connections and
eyebrows. He looks imposing, and his booming voice
influence with, is to head for the Osaka Times
can be heard over just about everything. However, the
and see if they can either dig up some dirt or get
themselves assigned to cover the story. moment a journalist approaches him, his demeanor

„ There will be opportunity to find small bits of immediately becomes jovial and warm (without the

information in relation to the blueprints/weapons volume of his voice diminishing). The receptionist
and what is going on, though this will be minimal. identifies him as the Editor-In-Chief, Keio Rostakov.

„ Characters will have an opportunity to notice

Once the characters arrive at the Osaka Times they
potential suspicious activity from one of the staff
at Osaka Times (though this is a red herring). will find themselves in an active newsroom that

is bustling with life. If any of them happen to be

„ They will end up coming into contact with
Melissa Wong who contacts them via ONI to employed with the news organization they will be
arrange a meeting. able to go see the Chief Editor, Keio Rostokov, about

getting assigned to the story officially based on

the information the group has so far (if the group is
The Osaka Times is awash with the light of huge
mixed composition those who work for the Osaka
screens that seem to be mounted on just about every
Times could indicate that the other characters are
surface of the space. There is almost no lighting aside
sources). Alternatively, they might be here attempting
from that except at the circular rows of modular pods
to flex their clout and influence as a means to dig up
that house a bustling newsroom full of reporters.
any dirt that the newsroom might already have on the

situation since it would make one hell of a story.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 67
„ If a member of the party works for the Osaka side eyeing them before making a ONI call as they
Times they can attempt {Diplomacy} to have begin to leave hurriedly. They will be unable to catch
themselves officially cleared to run with the story
this staff member.
by Keio Rostokov. This will provide them with the
following information:
 Melissa Wong is actively working this story
already, but she hasn’t checked back in awhile This person is contacting Melissa Wong to inform her
so you’re being assigned because Keio is now there are people here (or another staffer) digging
a little worried something might have gone
into the story she is already working. It is meant as
wrong though he is apprehensive to put you in
more of a red herring for the characters, or to make
harm’s way.
 It is bigger than just the Yakuza and might them nervous about things they may have done in
involve some kind of criminal conspiracy. other scenarios having repercussions for them in this

„ If a member of the party has connections at the moment. Let that paranoia wash over them.

Osaka Times they may attempt {Diplomacy -1}

to get their connection to leak some details on
the active story. This will provide them with the
Once the characters leave the Osaka Times building,
following information:
either after finishing their business or in pursuit
 The story is currently being worked by Melissa
Wong, who must be working the field as she of the staffer who made the ONI call, they will be
hasn’t been in the newsroom for a few days. contacted via ONI by Melissa Wong. The message is
 Heard a conversation between Melissa and a simple and direct:
contact last she was in that sounded like the
weapons were not being manufactured yet. On your way out of the Osaka Times, [Character Most

Active In Getting Information This Part] receives

„ If a member of the party attempts to leverage
their status for gossip they will need to expend an ONI message from none other than Melissa

an IP to do so. This will provide them with the Wong. The video message begins to play, Melissa’s
following information: face appearing in your vision. She has strong Asian
 One of the ace reporters here at the Osaka features; a wide, round face, high cheekbones, dark
Times, Melissa Wong, is working the story
long hair that is gently curled, and deep brown eyes.
currently. They haven’t been around for a few
She wears a simple fitted button up blouse in a deep
 It is possible that there is an interstellar con- plum and a black leather harness over that. Her
spiracy at play that all of this is involved with, expression is alert, but not severe as her eyes focus
and could be that someone is making a move
on [Character]. She asks you to meet her if they truly
on the Protectorate in a possibly big way.
want information at a place you’re unfamiliar with, a
Regardless of their approach, while the characters location in the bowels of Kaiyoutei for which she has
are working their angle all members of the party left you coordinates.
may attempt {Detection -3} where success will

allow them to notice another member of the staff

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 68
At this point the party needs to decide if they want to STRAIGHT TO JAIL
trust Melissa, which is the most likely as it will be their
The Osaka Police Department, like the Civic Hall
most concrete lead so far, or if they want to attempt
and the Osaka Times, resides in the upper levels
to pursue things on their own.
of Kaiyoutei. It boasts direct access to Dotonbori,
„ If the group decides to meet with Melissa, for ease of deployment, and is one of the most
continue with Part 3A of the scenario. technologically advanced structures within the vast

„ If the group decides to go it on their own, they underground complex that houses the majority of the
will be branching off the path of the main story population of Osaka.
and you will need to help them fill in some
blanks before they are able to resume again As you enter the Osaka Police Department, the first

from Part 4 of the scenario. thing that will strike you is how clean and brightly lit it

 Consider having some connections the char- is in comparison to everywhere else in Kaiyoutei. The
acters have established have some means of air filtration within the station appears to be operating
pointing the characters to the tunnels.
at peak efficiency, giving the air a dry, arid feel. The
 With some effort, they should also be able
space is almost antiseptic in its presentation. Glossy
to uncover all of the same information that
black paneling covers nearly every surface, framed
Melissa could give to them by investigating
on their own, see Part 3A for suggestions on with blue lighting strips that reflect off the gleaming
what characters could try to look into. surfaces. The ceiling of the department vaults up into

a dome, making it possible to speak on one side of

PA R T 2 B : T R I P TO the room and be heard fairly clearly on the other.
THE SLAMMER There is a large front desk that stretches in a
„ The party decides that the best course of action,
semicircle nearly the entire length of the entrance.
either due to affiliation with or connections and
Behind that front desk are a series of additional desks
influence with, is to head for the Osaka Police
Department and see if they can be deputized for the detectives. The police department is fairly
to take on the case and investigate further into empty, with only a few officers and detectives milling
the rumors.
about. Further back, you see what appears to be a hall
„ There will be opportunities to find small bits that likely leads back to the police chief’s office to the
of information in relation to the blueprints/
left, and to the right of the front desk is a sequestered
weapons, though this will be minimal.
area for booking.
„ The party will have an opportunity to notice a
suspicious-looking individual leaving the OPD At the desk sits a young, biracial woman in a standard
after hearing their conversation (though this is issue OPD uniform. She is absorbed in her work as
also a red herring).
you approach, but looks up when you come within a
„ If they are able to convince the OPD to put them few feet of the desk.
on this case, they will be assigned a detective
who has done some work with the Yakuza and
has Sennin connections. They also receive a ping
through the ONI Network from Melissa Wong
claiming to have information and desire to help.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 69
The party approaches the front desk with hopes „ If a member of the party attempts to leverage

to speak with the chief of police, Tamiko Sanchez, their status for gossip they will need to expend
an IP to do so. This will provide them with the
regarding rumors circulating about the blueprints/
following information:
weaponry. They have reason to believe that they
 The chief of police is currently dissatisfied by
are best poised to bring this case to a swift and
the performance of her cops. They have been
conclusive close, before it becomes a source of issued an ultimatum by the Protectorate to find
further problems. the blueprints and any fabricated weapons to
be turned over to them immediately, or she is
„ If a member of the party works for Osaka Police facing losing her job.
Department, they may make a {Bureaucracy}  Furthermore, there is a possible mole in the
check to convince Tamiko Sanchez to assign department, but no one is sure who it is.
them the case and receive the following
Regardless of their approach, the party may make
a {Detection -3} check, where the success will
 Tamiko has assigned a couple of her beat cops
to gather more information, but all of them allow them to notice a suspicious looking character
have run into dead ends, making it difficult to leaving the OPD only moments before they also
pin down just how far the Yakuza’s involvement exit the office.
in this scheme goes, or where they could be
hiding any potential weaponry.
 She has one person on her payroll who may be G AMEMASTER NOTE
able to assist them, a young detective named
This suspicious person is heading out to inform
Lee Yoon. She will assign him to their group to
help them. Melissa Wong that there are others pursuing leads

on the story she has been actively working, and

„ If a member of the party has a connection with
so they are a bit of a red herring for the party to
the Osaka Police Department, they may make a
{Bureaucracy -1} check to get that connection sow some doubt and anxiety about consequences
to divulge information about the case and for actions from previous scenarios. Let them stew
receive the following information:
in that paranoia.
 None of the beat cops Tamiko Sanchez has as-
signed to this case have turned up any leads.
 She has reason to suspect that a detective
by the name of Lee Yoon knows more about
what is happening than he is letting on and
may be a useful resource for the party. He is
not in the office at the moment.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 70
ON THE CASE „ If the party decides to bypass Melissa and use
Lee Yoon as their sole source of information, you
Once the party leaves, either because they have
can move ahead to Part 3B of the scenario.
concluded their business or because they are
„ If the group decides to go it on their own, they
pursuing the suspicious character, they receive a call
will be branching off the path of the main story
over their ONI from Melissa Wong.
and you will need to help them fill in some
blanks before they are able to resume again from
On your way out of the Osaka Police Department,
Part 4 of the scenario. Consider having some
[Character Most Active In Getting Information This
connections the characters have established
Part] receives an ONI message from none other than have some means of pointing the characters to
Melissa Wong. The video message begins to play, the tunnels. With some effort, they should also
be able to uncover all of the same information
Melissa’s face appearing in your vision. She has strong
that Melissa could give to them by investigating
Asian features; a wide, round face, high cheekbones,
on their own.
dark long hair that is gently curled, and deep brown

eyes. She wears a simple fitted button up blouse in a PA R T 2 C : T H E

deep plum and a black leather harness over that. Her
expression is alert, but not severe as her eyes focus
„ The party decides that the best course of action,
on [Character]. She asks you to meet her if they truly either due to affiliation with or connections and
want information at a place you’re unfamiliar with, a influence with, is to connect with members of

location in the bowels of Kaiyoutei for which she has the Yakuza and see if they can be pulled into the
loop on the situation.
left you coordinates.
„ There will be opportunities to find small bits
At this point the party needs to decide if they want of information in relation to the blueprints/
to trust Melissa, if they wish to track down the weapons, though this will be minimal.

detective Lee Yoon who is believed to have additional „ The party will have an opportunity to notice a
knowledge about the case, or if they want to just suspicious looking individual lurking about who
leaves after hearing their conversation.
crack forward on their own.
„ The party will be intercepted after their
„ If the group decides to meet with Melissa, conversation with their connections in the
continue with Part 3A of the scenario. Yakuza by Lee Yoon, who wishes to assist them
in the party in their endeavor.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 71
GOING TOPSIDE The party knows that the best way to meet and

connect with members of the Yakuza is to leave

Making their way up and out of Kaiyoutei into the
Kaiyoutei and head up into Dotonbori to a specific
neon noisiness of Dotonbori, the party is immediately
bar called Bitters, located not too far from Dims.
aware of the smell that saturates the air. Long ago
Sitting within the bar are a small group of seedy
polluted past the point of being safe, the stench of
looking characters.
the swollen river that never receded after Oojishin

is ever present.
The glaring change in light quality causes you all to
If the party is on good terms with Asuka and
blink in confusion for a moment before your vision
Azuka Morita, then you can use them as the Yakuza
clears enough for you to get your bearings. The Glico
connection. If they are not on good terms with them,
Man raises his arms in a pose of victory not too far
then this is an opportunity to introduce a Yakuza
in the distance, but the windows of the building he
character of your own creation that could potentially
adorns are dark, likely never to be illuminated again.
become a recurring character should you choose to
Just up ahead is The Boat House, where you can run the other scenarios.
rent a hover-raft to help you navigate the flooded

streets of Dotonbori. „ If a member of the party works for the Yakuza,

they may make a {Discipline} check to convince
All along the streets there are hover-rafts with their Yakuza connection to divulge some
hawkers selling their wares, most of which are pieces information:

of various technology, clothing, and other sundries.  They learn that the blueprints did arrive intact,
The hawkers are all attempting varying levels of and the rumors that the data was lost, stolen,
or corrupted were spread on purpose. The
theatrics to pull your attention to them.
Yakuza are hoping to fabricate and sell the
You know your Yakuza connections often congregate weapons at a premium to the highest bidder.

at a small bar in a slightly seedier area of the flooded „ If a member of the party has a connection with
portion of the city, not too far from, but not a part the Yakuza, they may make a {Discipline -1}

of Dims. It is not a place one goes unless they have check to glean the following information:

business to conduct with a very specific crowd.  The rumors that the blueprints were lost in
transit may be exaggerated. The Yakuza are
The bar, Bitters, is a small, dingy bar that may once unwilling to share much more than that but
have been a high end cocktail bar prior to the the party may make a further {Read Person
-1} check to determine just how much their
earthquake. The wallpaper is in disrepair and peeling.
connection is hiding.
The bar is thick with cigarette smoke and a grungy

looking man tends the bar, a rag slung haphazardly

over his shoulder. He barely acknowledges you

when you walk in.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 72
„ If a member of the party attempts to leverage As they are checking their hover-raft back in at The
their status for gossip they will need to expend Boat House, the party receives a message on their
an IP to do so. This will provide them with the
ONI from Lee Yoon.
following information:

 The Yakuza are taking steps to ensure that As you check in your hover-raft, [Character Most
they are in control of the blueprints and any Active In Getting Information This Part] receives
weapons fabrication that takes place.
an ONI message from someone by the name of Lee
 They do not take kindly to people flexing
Yoon. The video message begins to play, Lee’s face
their status in order to coerce information out
of them. appearing in your vision. He has sharp Asian features;

a narrow, angular face, high cheekbones, jet black

If the characters elect to spend IP, this will irritate the
hair, and deep brown eyes that are deeply set. His
situation and cause the group of Yakuza to become
expression is haggard and worn, as if he has not been
hostile. If the party does not choose to immediately
sleeping recently. He addresses [Character] and asks
leave Bitters, combat will ensue. This consists of the
you to meet him if they truly want information at a
following opponents:
place you’re unfamiliar with, a location in the bowels
„ 2 Tandem Bio-linked Fighters (if Asuka and of Kaiyoutei for which he has left you coordinates.
Azusa are present, use Nemesis rules from the
Core Rulebook) At this point the party needs to decide if they want

„ 1 Hitman leader (see “Adversaries” in chapter 7 to trust Lee who is promising to have additional
of the Altered Carbon Core Rulebook, if Asuka knowledge about the blueprints, or if they want to
and Azusa are not present)
just crack forward on their own.
„ 1d4 Thugs (see “Adversaries” in chapter 7 of the
Altered Carbon Core Rulebook) „ If the group decides to meet with Lee Yoon,
continue with Part 3B of the scenario.
LOOSE ENDS „ If the group decides to go it on their own,
Regardless of whether the party flees the Yakuza or they will be branching off the path of the main
defeats them, they must quickly make their way out story and you will need to help them fill in
some blanks before they are able to resume
of Bitters and back in the direction of Kaiyoutei. As
again from Part 4 of the scenario. Consider
they leave, they may make a {Detection -3} check to
having some connections the characters have
notice a figure following them on hover-raft. established have some means of pointing the
characters to the tunnels. With some effort, they
„ If they succeed they may make a {Navigation
should also be able to uncover all of the same
-1} check to evade their tail before returning to
information that Melissa could give to them by
investigating on their own.
„ If they fail, they can just continue on to The
Boat House.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 73
PA R T 3 A : P L U C KY situation, characters will need to use {Diplomacy

-1} in order to put Melissa at ease. They can do this

by agreeing to either cooperate with her in regards
„ Either through contact at the Osaka Times or
to exchanging information on the story or to share
the Osaka Police Department, the characters
decide to meet with the reporter Melissa a byline credit with her in publication. It does not
Long somewhere unfamiliar within the bowels matter if the characters are genuine or lying, the
of Kaiyoutei.
check remains the same. If they fail, any member of
„ Melissa will be willing to cooperate with the the group may spend to convince Melissa that
characters, either professionally or with the
they are worth working with.
assurance that the police will share some of their
privileged information in the investigation for her Once Melissa has been convinced that she is
working with reputable individuals, she will be most
„ Melissa will be able to point the characters in the cooperative and willing to exchange the information
direction of a guide to the tunnels if they do not
she has already obtained. This will provide the
have alternative means of doing so.
characters with the following details:
„ Melissa reveals that the Yakuza’s plan goes
What appears to be a long corridor of uninhabited much further than obtaining weapons, though it
does involve them. The plans for these weapons
living quarters stretches out before you as you
are being transported in via interstellar Needle
descend deeper into the bowels of Kaiyoutei. It
casting and involve Yakuza factions from other
does not seem as though many people live this far Protectorate worlds. (Source: Basic Details
down, and the spaces exist simply to account for a for GM)

potentially growing population.

„ As far as Melissa knows, the weapons

The lighting is dim, barely illuminating the frames themselves have not yet been manufactured.
(Source: Basic Details for GM)
of the doors as you walk the hall towards the

coordinates. As you reach the pin provided to you „ The Yakuza have formed a tenuous alliance with
the Quellcrist Falconer movement and intend to
by Melissa, the corridor seems to come to a sudden
supply the Seppuku Tigers with these weapons,
dead end. The hall is eerily quiet, until a door opens
but their disappearance is threatening that
to one side, out of which steps Melissa Wong, clad alliance. (Source: Basic Details for GM)
in the same purple blouse and leather harness,
„ Melissa believes that Sachi Fuse, the oya-bun
which flow into a pair of smart leather leggings and
of the Yakuza chapter in Osaka is working with
high leather boots. the Sennin to sabotage this alliance and that
the Yakuza themselves are responsible for
Upon the arrival of the party Melissa Wong seems the contraband going missing. (Source: Basic
eager to get to the point. There are two potential Details for GM)

ways that this interaction might play out based on

„ She also believes that the plans for the weapons
if the characters are presently more aligned with have not yet been handed over to the Sennin and
the Osaka Times or with the OPD. Regardless of the there is still time to retrieve them. (Source: Basic
Details for GM)

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 74
GUIDE IN THE DARK He will be able to act as a guide for the characters

After divulging the details to the characters Melissa through the tunnels if they need the assistance.

will advise them that she called them here because

this spot has access to a tunnel system that she

believes is connected to all of this. She will also inform What appears to be a long corridor of uninhabited
the party that she has a contact who can probably living quarters stretches out before you as you
serve as a guide, since these tunnels are believed to descend deeper into the bowels of Kaiyoutei. It
be use for trafficking all sorts of illicit goods through does not seem as though many people live this far
the area, with many paths being deemed “dead ends” down, and the spaces exist simply to account for a
or “inaccessible” when in reality they are a part of this potentially growing population.
network in at least some cases.
The lighting is dim, barely illuminating the frames
If the players wish to use one of their own of the doors as you walk the hall towards the
connections to acquire a guide through the tunnels coordinates. As you reach the pin provided to you
they may do so. Should the characters have taken by Melissa, the corridor seems to come to a sudden
part in the Mysterious Patron scenario then the dead end. The hall is eerily quiet, until a door opens
Patron (Ibuki Toyama) may be a reasonable choice to one side, out of which steps Lee Yoon, who is tall,
for this. Alternatively the characters can take Melissa lithe, and very fit. His dress is casual and unassuming,
up on her offer of providing a guide which will have though he sports a shoulder harness for a weapon.
the characters connected with Lee Yoon.
Upon the arrival of the party Lee Yoon is already
Once the characters have secured their guide of present, waiting seemingly impatiently. Depending
choice, they may proceed to Part 4 of the scenario. on the affiliation of the characters, the ending of this

encounter may play out very differently, but the early

PA R T 3 B : M O L E O N portions of it will be largely the same.

Either through contact via the Yakuza or the Osaka G AMEMASTER NOTE
Police Department, the characters decide to meet Since Lee Yoon is actually a mole, he is much more
with Lee Yoon somewhere unfamiliar within the seemingly willing to cooperate with the characters
bowels of Kaiyoutei. regardless of what side of the coin they are coming

Lee Yoon will be willing to cooperate with the from. He will, however, be looking to set up any

characters, seemingly from a professional standpoint, characters who are actually aligned with Yakuza

regardless of their method of being connected. though this will not become clear until Part 4.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 75
Without much beating around the proverbial bush, SEEKING PASSAGE
Lee Yoon will be forthcoming with what he knows Once information has been shared, Lee Yoon will
about the situation. Characters may attempt to {Read offer to guide the characters through the tunnels in
Person -3} where success will tip the characters off order to progress forward. If the characters don’t
that he is being truthful while still withholding some trust this idea they can try to secure their own guide
kind of information. If they fail, they will not have for the tunnels. This could come in the form of one
any such suspicion and get the impression that he of their connections should any of them have a
is being entirely forthcoming. Lee Yoon will be able viable chance of being able to facilitate or connect
to provide the following information about what is the party with someone who can. If they have
actually going on: completed the Mysterious Patron scenario they could

also reach out to the Patron if they have a positive

„ The weapons themselves have not yet been
manufactured. relationship with them.

„ The Yakuza intend to supply these weapons, but Once the party has made their choice, Lee Yoon will
it is unknown who the potential clients are.
do one of two possible things:
„ The plans are still in the open and have not been
„ If the characters have no association with Yakuza
properly secured, which likely compromises the
he will either prepare to take them into the
whole operation.
tunnels or leave to return to his other business.

„ If the characters have an association with

Yakuza he will inform the OPD and the
Protectorate of the party’s movements. If
he is their guide he will establish a tracking
connection with the OPD and Protectorate, and
if not he will simply inform them of what he
knows and where he anticipates the party being
as they progress.

Lee Yoon informing on the party will result in a

notice going out over the ONI at a dramatically

appropriate time, with warnings to look out for the

party and detain them if they are seen. It appears to

have been blasted out via the media networks to all

citizens of Osaka.

The guide that the party is using will at this time take

them down into the tunnels.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 76
PA R T 4 : S E C R E T T U N N E L traps. The party may make checks for every single

segment before proceeding to the next section.

„ The party will find that the dead end they have
reached is not what it appears. A holographic
„ A success will reveal no immediate danger for
projection conceals a further stretch of an
at least the first six segments of the pipe tunnel,
enormous sectioned pipe tunnel.
which is true.
„ The party must move through each section of
„ A failure will reveal no immediate danger.
pipe without setting off traps along the way.
They will have to make skill checks to see traps, Things will dramatically change once they reach the
avoid them, or escape each section of the tunnel seventh segment of the pipe tunnel for the remaining
before being caught in a section of pipe.
segments. Note, there are a random number of total

HAWK EYES segment based on the following:

Your guide leads you forward to what appears to be „ The remaining 2 + 1d4 segments from this
point forward will be trapped.
a dead end, though you soon realize this is a false

holographic front concealing what appears to be a Segment 1 Checks {Detection,

long stretch of ten feet wide and ten feet tall pipe. Investigation, Search -1}

The corridor is dimly lit and stretches up and to the „ A success will reveal a laser trip wire about five
right, curving out of sight. The tunnel appears to be feet into the section at about knee height.

broken up into thirty feet in length segments, each  The party can perform an {Athletics} check to
identical looking to the one before it. crawl under or hop over the laser trip wire. A
success allows them to clear the wire, while a
The walls of this tunnel look to be some type of
failure will trigger the trap.
porous steel, rough to the touch and dark gray in
„ A failure will not reveal any traps or immediate
color. There is no apparent end to the tunnel and
danger. Please see below for results of springing
it soon becomes apparent that you are ascending the trap.
as you pass through one segment, then two, then
Segment 2 Checks {Detection,
three, until you have passed through half a dozen
Investigation, Search -1}
of these segments.
„ A success will reveal a series of depression plates
The designated guide leads them in the direction unevenly placed along the floor.

of the dead end, which will immediately give way

 The party can perform an {Endurance -1}
to a ten foot high, ten foot wide tunnel broken into check to avoid the pressure plates. A success
segments of thirty feet in length. allows them to clear the plates, while a failure
will trigger the trap.
The party can assess the segments with {Detection,
„ See Segment Failure Conditions.
Investigation, Search} check to locate any potential

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 77
Segment 3 Checks {Detection, „ A failure will result in the party not having heard
Investigation, Search -2} that the waters flooding Osaka are dangerous.

„ A success will reveal laser trip wires of disparate  If water makes contact with any of the char-

heights and lengths from each other. acters’ skin, roll 1d4 [Poison] each round they
spend in the water. Being wet will also in-
 The party can perform an {Athletics -1} check
crease the difficulty to get onto a dry surface
to crawl under or hop over the laser trip wires.
or not slip to {Athletics, Endurance -2}. If
A success allows them to clear the wires, while
characters spend more than a single turn in
a failure will trigger the trap.
the water, apply the “Squalor” effect to the
„ See Segment Failure Conditions. character.

Furthermore, the thick steel segmenting the pipe is

//  revealed to have a round steel closure descending

The above are examples for possible obstacles and from the top to seal the segment, threatening to

traps the party can come up against as they move cut the party off from progressing. The characters

through the random trapped segments. Feel free may make {Athletics, Endurance -1} checks to

to flavor any additional obstacles the party might safely clear the door.

encounter as they continue the challenge.

„ So long as more than half the party succeeds, all
of the characters are able to safely move out of
The objective is for the segments to get progressively
that section of the passageway.
harder to both notice and circumvent. A hypothetical

Segment 4 should have a -2 on the spotting and „ If more than half of the party fails, the door
successfully closes, cutting off their progress
a -2 on the avoidance, a Segment 5 would be -3
and trapping them in a quickly flooding
spotting with a -2 avoidance, a Segment 6 would
segment of the tunnel.
be -3 spotting and -3 avoidance, and so on in an
„ The party can perform an {Detection,
escalating manner.
Investigation, Search -1} to try to find some way
to open the door.
RISKY BUSINESS  A success reveals a hidden panel next to the
Should the party, at any point, trigger any of the segment closure, inside of which is a keypad.

traps in this encounter, a panel in the wall opens from Any party member with the required skill can
attempt a {Data Engineering -2} check to hack
above and begins to pour water down on the party
the keypad and get the door to open.
in a huge deluge. The party may make a {Geography,  A failure will require {Athletics, Endurance -1}
History -1} check. to continue avoiding the water flooding the
tunnel for every additional attempt to open the
„ A success will allow for an opportunity to remind door. Remember characters who are already
the party that the water flooding the tunnel is wet have this increased Difficulty already. Ad-
known to be heavily polluted and dangerous ditionally, each subsequent attempt increases
to the touch. Avoiding contact with the water the difficulty of the avoidance by a further -1 as
as they try to escape will require an {Athletics, the characters begin to have less viable ways
Endurance -1}. to keep away from the water flooding in.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 78
„ Once the party has cleared the door they can „ Once the party succeeds in neutralizing the
also attempt to close it behind them to keep the Yakuza, they must then determine how to
flooding from entering the next chamber. They handle the blueprints and contraband and safely
may make another {Data Engineering -1} check navigate their way out of the abandoned subway
to accomplish this. station.

 A success allows them to close the door

behind them before any serious flooding
happens in the subsequent chamber. The tunnel gives way to an enormous and dimly lit
 A failure means the door does not close and cavern. It quickly becomes apparent to everyone
the party must either choose to move on to
that it is the remnants of an old subway station, now
the next chamber quickly without closing
it, increasing Difficulties to both notice and flooded out to at least the platform, which stretches

avoid traps in this next segment by a further out from the mouth of the tunnel. To the right, the
-1, and have just a single round to safely make platform wall has been crudely dug out and walled up.
it through before resuming checks to avoid
A door hangs roughly from the makeshift wall, and in
the flooding waters (and the next door will
begin to seal at this time requiring checks the small, crooked window in the door, a light shines.

to get passed), or spend additional rounds

The water laps quietly at the platform. Further down,
attempting to close the door while avoiding
the rising waters. a few large hover-rafts can be seen tied to posts that

have been wedged into cracks, likely caused by the

This will continue until either the party gets
earthquake. Unlike the tunnel before, and the corridor
hopelessly trapped and are unable to progress, in
before that, the air in here seems to move, indicating
which case they must try to make their way back out
that there must be an entrance to this cavern
of the pipe tunnel or be drowned. See Fail State for
elsewhere, a way for the hover-rafts to get in and out.
conclusion to this scenario in this way.
You are immediately faced with two Yakuza standing
Once the characters have made their way through the
guard at the door. They look at you as though they
piping system they will arrive at a large cavern, one
have been expecting you, and one of them knocks at
step closer to their objective.
the door in the wall and scowls menacingly at you.

Only a few moments later, the door opens, and a

P A R T 5 : C AV E R N S & beautiful, petite woman with soft, round features and
CONTRABAND long hair tied up in an intricate knot atop her head

„ The party will find themselves in a large steps out from the door. She is dressed simply, mostly
abandoned subway station that is now acting as in black leather, but her presence is immediately
an underground dock and warehouse.
commanding, and everyone stands up a little
„ Provided the party has not completely bypassed straighter at the sight of her.
every trapped chamber, they immediately
encounter Sachi Fuse and several of her thugs. She levels her gaze at all of you, and places her hands
They must attempt to retrieve the blueprints and behind her back. She waits for you to speak.
any manufactured weapons from the oyabun.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 79
The party will immediately encounter two Yakuza too far from Dotonbori, but in an area that is not

guarding the door of a makeshift warehouse. highly trafficked.

Provided they were not able to bypass every trap, or

if Lee Yoon is acting as their guide, the number of

The characters might elect to engage with the
Yakuza will be increased by 2 + 1d4. The assembled
Yakuza, either due to completely failed negotiations
guards alert Sachi Fuse to the presence of the party
or for whatever other reason the party might have to
and she joins them on the platform, giving the party
engage. In this case a combat encounter will ensue in
an opportunity to begin with discussing terms
the cavern. This will include:
if they so choose.

Additionally, if Lee Yoon is acting as the guide of „ Sachi Fuse

the party then Sachi Fuse will also commend him  She will flee early in the combat or if she takes
any damage.
on his excellent work on behalf of the Yakuza. This

will directly expose Lee Yoon to having been playing „ Jose Manaysay-Igarashi

multiple sides in this and will mean the characters,  Will flee alongside Sachi at the appropriate

should they come out of this, will need to decide what time, and will attempt to keep Sachi from
taking harm.
they want to do with this information.
„ 2 Yakuza Guards
The characters may make a {Diplomacy -5} check to
 Use the Hitman Adversary Template (see “Ad-
convince Sachi Fuse to hand over the blueprints and
versaries” in chapter 7 of the Core Rulebook)
any contraband that has already been manufactured.
„ Additional Guards (if applicable)
„ In the unlikely event of a success, Sachi is willing
 Use the Thug Adversary Template (see “Ad-
to part with the blue prints, but not with the
versaries” in chapter 7 of the Core Rulebook)
weapons that have already been made. The party
must decide if these terms are acceptable. If
they are, the party can take the blueprints and G AMEMASTER NOTE
attempt to leave the subway station.
It is critical to ensure that both Sachi Fuse and Jose
„ In the event of a failure, Sachi informs the party Manaysay-Igarashi both escape from any potential
that they are too late. The technology they seek
combat encounter. It is recommended to have
to secure for the Seppuku Tigers has already
been handed over to the Sennin. The party may them flee at the start of Round 2 in Combat if they

attempt {Read Person -2} to realize that she have not yet been damaged, otherwise have them
is lying. immediately flee to a hover-raft the moment either

of them is harmed.
If the party chooses to leave with the blueprints,

Sachi offers them one of her hover-rafts to use

In the wake of the battle the party will be able to
to leave. The party must make a {Navigation} to
secure the blueprints, and will have to decide what
safely make their way out of the cavern and back to
they want to do with them. They will have also made
the surface. They will find themselves expelled not
a deadly enemy in Sachi Fuse for their insolence.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 80
PA R T 6 A : If Lee Yoon was exposed as a mole, the party has

a chance to turn him in. During the journey back to

the police station, he will reveal to the party that
„ If the party kept the blueprints and contraband,
he has been working with the Seppuku Tigers as a
they must decide what they want to do
with them. mole, keeping tabs on the Sennin, police activity,

„ If the party was working on behalf of the and Yakuza movements in order to keep the Tigers

Osaka Times they may make their way back to informed. The characters may make a {Read Person}
the Osaka Times to help Melissa Wong craft check to determine if he is being truthful.
her story.
„ A success reveals that Lee Yoon appears to be
A CHOICE TO MAKE completely sincere, and helped them in order
If the party is in possession of the blueprints and to get the information he needed to warn the
Seppuku Tigers of the Yakuza’s double-dealing
contraband, they must determine what they wish to
and treachery.
do with these items.
„ On a failure, the party doubts his sincerity and
„ They can reach out to connections for advice must decide whether to let Lee Yoon go or turn
using IP . him in to the Protectorate authorities.

„ They can attempt to destroy them {Data

Engineering -1}.

„ They can attempt to manufacture more of them You make your way back to the Osaka Times, where
{Data Analysis -1}. Melissa Wong is waiting for you. She makes a beeline

„ They can try to sell them to the Sennin, or the for you when you enter the offices, quickly leading
Seppuku Tigers {Bureaucracy -2}. This will net you to her work pod, where several holographic
the characters 3 Credits each.
displays show the pieces of her story. She turns and
„ If Lee Yoon was exposed and survived, the party looks at you all expectantly.
can choose to turn him over to the Osaka Police
Department or allow him to remain free. If the party trusts Melissa enough to divulge the

details of the story they can help her to craft an

//  expose unveiling the secret backdoor deals being

Encourage the party to explore their options with made between the Sennin and the Yakuza at the

regards to this decision. There are several ways to expense of the everyday citizens of Osaka. The

go about resolving the issue of the blueprints and session can end here, with the party having exposed

weapons. The players can get creative, or they can the alliance between the Yakuza and the Sennin.

keep things simple.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 81
PA R T 6 B : If Lee Yoon was exposed as a mole, the party has

a chance to turn him in. During the journey back to

the police station, he will reveal to the party that
„ If the party kept the blueprints and contraband,
he has been working with the Seppuku Tigers as a
they must decide what they want to do with
them. mole, keeping tabs on the Sennin, police activity,

„ If the party was working on behalf of the Osaka and Yakuza movements in order to keep the Tigers

Police Department they may make their way informed. The characters may make a {Read Person}
back to the OPD to help Lee Yoon build their check to determine if he is being truthful.
„ A success reveals that Lee Yoon appears to be
A CHOICE TO MAKE completely sincere, and helped them in order
If the party is in possession of the blueprints and to get the information he needed to warn the
Seppuku Tigers of the Yakuza’s double-dealing
contraband, they must determine what they wish
and treachery.
to do with these items. As associates of the OPD,
„ On a failure, the party doubts his sincerity and
it is the first and most obvious choice to turn the
must decide whether to let Lee Yoon go or turn
blueprints and weapons over to them, but they have
him in to the Protectorate authorities.
additional options as well.

„ They can reach out to connections for advice

using IP .
„ They can attempt to destroy them {Data
Engineering -1}.

„ They can attempt to manufacture more of them

{Data Analysis -1}.

„ They can try to sell them to the Sennin, or the

Seppuku Tigers {Bureaucracy -2}. This will net
the characters 3 Credits each.

Encourage the party to explore their options with

regards to this decision. There are several ways to

go about resolving the issue of the blueprints and

weapons. The players can get creative, or they can

keep things simple.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 82
If the party is in possession of the blueprints and
You make your way back to the Osaka Police
contraband, they must determine what they wish to
Department, where Tamiko Sanchez is waiting for
do with these items.
you. She makes a beeline for you when you enter the

offices, quickly leading you to her back where she has „ They can reach out to connections for advice
all of the intel currently gathered. She turns and looks using IP .
at you all expectantly. „ They can attempt to destroy them {Data
Engineering -1}.
The party can help fill in the missing pieces of Tamiko
„ They can attempt to manufacture more of them
Sanchez, giving her all the evidence she needs to
{Data Analysis -1}.
start making moves against the Yakuza. The party can
„ They can try to sell them to the Sennin, or the
make a {Read Person} check to determine whether Seppuku Tigers {Bureaucracy -2}. This will net
Tamiko intends to act on their evidence. the characters 3 Credits each.

„ On a success, the party gets the impression that „ If Lee Yoon was exposed and survived, the party
Tamiko Sanchez is glad to have the information, can choose to turn him over to the Osaka Police
but has lost her sense of urgency as she is Department or allow him to remain free.
filled in on the happenings in the underwater
subway port, revealing that she may not be
entirely on the level. The characters can try to G AMEMASTER NOTE
convince her to do the right thing, but she seems Encourage the party to explore their options with
unconvinced. regards to this decision. There are several ways to
„ On a failure, the party feels fairly certain Tamiko go about resolving the issue of the blueprints and
will act on the information she has been given.
weapons. The players can get creative, or they can
Once the party has wrapped up their business at the keep things simple.
station, the scenario ends.
If Lee Yoon was exposed as a mole, the party has

PA R T 6 C : E V E R YO N E a chance to turn him in. During the journey back to

the police station, he will reveal to the party that

he has been working with the Seppuku Tigers as a
„ If the party kept the blueprints and contraband,
mole, keeping tabs on the Sennin, police activity,
they must decide what they want to do
with them. and Yakuza movements in order to keep the Tigers

informed. The characters may make a {Read Person}

„ If the party was working on behalf of the
Osaka Police Department they may make their check to determine if he is being truthful.
way back to the OPD to help Lee Yoon build
their case.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 83
„ A success reveals that Lee Yoon appears to be „ Armed with what information they have, they
completely sincere, and helped them in order can inform their various allies of the state of
to get the information he needed to warn the things.
Seppuku Tigers of the Yakuza’s double-dealing
and treachery. CLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR
Unable to make their way through the tunnel to its
„ On a failure, the party doubts his sincerity and
must decide whether to let Lee Yoon go or turn final destination, the party is forced to turn back and
him in to the Protectorate authorities. make their way into Kaiyoutei.

Once the party has chosen how they wish to deal with Regardless of their affiliates, the party can reach
these loose ends, the scenario can end. out to their various connections and inform them

that there is definitely something important being

FA I L S TAT E hidden at the end of the tunnel and it may be worth
„ The party makes their way back in the direction attempting to go back at some point, after which
of Kaiyoutei, having failed to reach the end of the
point the scenario ends.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : C ity on F ire 84

YUUREI-MACHI: 2385 A throat clears behind him and Donte shifts his eyes

to look at who could be behind him in the mirror.

( P R E S E N T D AY )
Donte Sakai adjusts the strap around his leg before Kunta Koike is a rough, short, skinny, mean looking

pulling on his pants. The ache in his phantom limb young man. Head shaved bald and covered in scars,

is more intense today, the gloomy weather causing the kid cracks a nearly ruined smile at Donte. He may

joints that no longer exist to throb. He grimaces as be small, but he’s a veritable dynamo in a fight, and

the cloth of the sock at the end of his thigh makes the number of cracked, missing, or replaced teeth in

contact with the padding of the prosthesis, but as the his mouth are a testament to his love for scraps.

two points meet, lights pop on along the mechanical

“What’s up,” Donte says, as he finishes his routine
limb and the pain begins to ease.
and turns to Kunta.

Donte stands and stretches, letting out a hearty yawn.

“Rage is on the move,” Kunta growls, his smile
Rubbing a hand over his face, he moves over to the
somehow grows more wicked, “He made
window of his quarters. Outside, rain falls, miserably,
contact with The Manzai today. Looks like he’s
the gray, orange sky muddy and joyless. Dozens of
starting to get closer.”
darkened shapes mill through dilapidated buildings
Donte frowns and leans back against the sink, large
and twisted steel. Located to the southwest of the
arms crossing over his chest. He shifts his weight to
city, Yuurei-machi is, as far as anyone who might
his right leg, looking to relieve the pressure on his left.
care knows, abandoned. Soggy and hazardous, full
He knows Reiji had a meeting set up today, but he
of buildings teeming with old, obsolete tech, few
had not anticipated that his “contacts” would be two
dare to tread where once stood a monolith of fun
of the most dangerous Yakuza members in the city.
and relaxation.

“Has he reported in, yet,” Donte asks, his gaze firmly

This is where Donte has made his home. He pushes
pinned to the floor just in front of Kunta’s feet.
back from his window and heads down a long

corridor to the small, makeshift washroom that he Kunta gives a short, mirthless laugh in reply.
shares with several other denizens, a large sponge
Donte shakes his head, “I could swear we’ve fucking
in hand. The mirror is cracked and stained, but
talked about this with him a dozen fucking times.”
as he moves the sponge over his thick, graying,

wiry curls, he is reminded again of how different “Did you really fool yourself into thinking Reiji would

he is from so many of the people with which he ever actually listen to anything we say,” Kunta replies,

commonly associates. Dark skin, a thick, squashed motioning with his head towards the hall, “He’s got his

nose, broad shoulders, impossibly tall, even in these own agenda. He always has.”

times, he stands out.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 85
Donte follows Kunta down the hall and outside, “There is honor in death. Life is precious. The body is

the two of them donning ponchos before they go, sacred. The mind is infinite. The soul is unfathomable.

and the shorter man leads him towards the Mess Our lives. Our bodies. Our minds. Our souls. Our

Hall, a crumbling street full of a dozen abandoned choice. There is honor in death.”

restaurants. Most of them remain abandoned,

Kunta leads the prayer as he always does, with a
or repurposed, but a few of them function as
ferocious conviction. Like all of the Tigers, he leads
intended in a limited fashion. Communal eating is a
by example. Donte understands why he has been one
cornerstone of the Tigers’ way, and missing meal time
of their leaders for as long as he has, despite his age.
is frowned upon. Food scarcity means that every sit
True believers are easy to follow. Donte still feels the
down is precious, and must be observed with the
swell of pride watching the young man lead morning
proper deference.
prayers, knowing that Kunta considers his scars to be

Rubble lines the sides of Mess Hall, piled up in uneven badges of honor.

mounds that break up the steady rows of buildings

Because unless they come from the outside, no one
and false storefronts. Donte could walk this property
in Yuurei-machi gets backed up. They live and die
in the pitch black and not falter, but Osaka is never
once. Donte is one of the handful of outsiders who
completely dark. The city lights saturate the sky and
has gone through the process, has lived through the
can make even the dead of night look like dawn.
brainwash, and has experienced another life.

Donte follows Kunta until they reach the main dining

He is aware of what they’re fighting against.
space. It’s filling up fast, as the few hundreds of

denizens of Yuurei-machi pour in for breakfast. They „ Setting: Yuurei-machi, Umikai, Tenmon

come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and presentations. „ Objective: The Players are either part of, or
conscripted by, a faction known as the Seppuku
Donte nods to each person with whom he makes
Tigers. They have been tasked with a mission:
eye contact. They are all family, they are all known,
to disable the fortress-like gates of Tenmon and
they are all Tigers. allow for a strategic strike to take place against
Osaka’s most sacred landmark, Osaka Castle. The
As everyone shuffles into their seats, Kunta moves
objective is not to destroy the castle (and the
up towards the front of the space, moving up to the Players should be given plenty of hints to that
short podium. The room falls silent, and everyone effect), but rather to infiltrate and take the castle,

stands. Kunta, as he always does, removes his shirt, in order to wrest control of it from the Sennin.

displaying his scars for all to see. Several others „ Possible NPCs: Reiji Watanabe*, Dante Sakai,
Kunta Koike, Sachi Fuse, Jose Manasay-Igarashi
throughout the room remove varying pieces of

clothing and tech and do so as well.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 86
PA R T 1 : A N I N V I TAT I O N breaking up crowds and conducting raids at more

regular intervals.
„ The party receives an invitation from the
Seppuku Tigers to come to their base in Yuurei-
If not for the incessant rain, it would be apt to
Machi to learn more about a potential job.
describe the city as a tinderbox. A single match could
„ The party must discretely navigate their way
send all of Osaka up into flames.
to Yuurei-machi and push past the holographic
boundary that shields the old wreckage Even all of you find yourself at looser ends than usual.
from view.
Those of you with jobs to do are finding the work you
„ The party must make their way through Yuurei- do to be less fulfilling, and those of you without have
machi to the coordinates provided by the struggled to make ends meet. It is only when things
Seppuku Tigers.
seem at their most desperate that you one day receive

a message via your ONI.

“You are invited to join us to discuss a unique
Osaka is a city of neon splendor, boasting fine food,
opportunity that will test the true strength of the
fine wares, a beautiful floating city for its Sennin,
Protectorate and the people of Osaka. Please meet us
and well manicured historical sites both within and
at these coordinates at 1800 hours tomorrow.”
without the protective circle of Tenmon. Having barely

survived the floods triggered by Oojishin, Osaka has

built itself back better and stronger than before and
„ 0–15: No Change
prides itself on being one of the many success stories

of the Protectorate. „ 41–80: The additional scrutiny will incur a penalty

of {Acuity -2} for the duration of the part.
But the sun has not shone in Osaka for many days,
„ 26+: There will be drones following the
and the jewel has lost its luster. Rain sloughs down characters, they will have to make a
from the sky, full of fat, dark clouds, blanketing {Detection -2} in order to notice this.

everything in a sheet of gray. The ONI waves are

At this point the party can decide whether they were
awash in news of conspiracy, but that is typical these
all together when this message was received or all
days. The oppressive feeling of unrest seems to
separate. It is best if the party has connections with
saturate even the quieter moments. The rain mixed
each other and has worked together in the past. They
with the thick humidity of the oncoming summer sits
may come together at their hideout in Kaiyoutei or
atop the city like a wet, heavy blanket.
at Dims in Dotonbori to discuss the message they
Jobs have been difficult to find, lulls at work are received and begin the work of uncovering who could
common, even the hawkers in Dotonbori and Dims have sent the message. The party does not need to
are increasingly irritable. Protectorate guards have perform a check on the coordinates to know that the
stepped up their patrols at the gates of Tenmon, location is somewhere in Yuurei-machi. The party
and the OPD have increased their activity as well, may make a {Culture, History} check to learn more

about Yuurei-machi.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 87
„ On a success, the party is informed that rumors „ The Seppuku Tigers have long acted as
have persisted for some time that Yuurei-machi watchdogs monitoring the activities of the
is haunted, hence its name, but there are many Sennin, the Protectorate, the Police Department,
who suspect that it is not ghosts who live there, and the Yakuza. Though they do occasionally
but a group called the Seppuku Tigers. Provided work the Yakuza, that relationship is tenuous.
that this is the first scenario the party has played
„ Lately the Seppuku Tigers have been showing
they may make a further {Culture, History}
up in conversations more often in these circles.
check to determine who they are.
Mysterious activity in Yuurei-machi has stirred
 On a success, the party learns that the up even more rumors about the location being
Seppuku Tigers are thought to be a splinter cell haunted.
of the Quellcrist Falconer movement.
„ The people of Kaiyoutei are being targeted by
 On a failure, the group has never heard of the
the Powers That Be due to the paranoia stirred
Seppuku Tigers before and will have to po-
up by the increased activity in Yuurei-machi.
tentially call upon a connection to learn more
about them. With this information, the party should at least be

„ On a failure, the party is not entirely sure where motivated to go to Yuurei-machi to learn more and
the coordinates lead. They are only aware possibly receive some clarity.
that none of them have ever been to those
coordinates. SMOKE IN MIRRORS
If the party has a hideout in Kaiyoutei, they must

make their way up to Dotonbori and into The Boat

„ The Obedient… Have trepidations about this
invitation and will not immediately be eager to House to rent a hover-raft (unless someone in the

go without more information. However, they party has one as a resource). If they met at Dims, it
will not leave the others without guidance and can be assumed that they already have a hover-raft to
protection and will follow where the rest of the
navigate the waters of Dotonobori to make their way
party leads.
down the river to the western most part of Osaka,
„ The Cunning… Are curious to learn more about
which is still mostly too flooded to be habitable. The
this place and its secrets, knowing anything they
learn can become valuable information. party must make a {Navigation} check to reach the

known outskirts of the city.

„ The Clever… Have been looking for an in with
the Seppuku Tigers for some time and see this
„ On a success, the party is able to deftly navigate
as an opportunity to potentially become part of
the waters without drawing too much attention
something bigger.
to themselves.

The party may take steps to get more information „ On a failure, it takes the party a little longer
via their various contacts about Yuurei-machi to find their way, delaying their arrival to the
outskirts of the city. When they do finally arrive
and the Seppuku Tigers. If any of them have any
at their destination, they will be cutting it very
connections to the Seppuku Tigers, that too may
close to the agreed upon meeting time.
reveal some answers about how and why they have

received this invitation. Spending any IP grants them

this information:

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 88
You reach the outskirts just as the rain is beginning to AN APPOINTMENT TO KEEP
dissipate and the clouds brighten from a dark gray to Regardless of failure or success, the party knows that
the dingy orange to which you are more accustomed. the only way to find the answers they are looking for
As you look ahead, there does not appear to be is to move forward.
anyone beyond the defined borders of Osaka, just a
As you move past the border between Osaka as it is
darkened dome shape, a cluster of crammed together
now and Osaka as it once was in your hover-raft, the
buildings and a large, twisted metal structure that
entire view is transformed. Gone is the empty and
has been warped out of shape. Despite everything, it
desolate vista. The darkened dome in the distance is
is easy to understand why this place is called a ghost
now awash with light, and you can see small children
town, and why so many believe it to be haunted.
playing with each other outside. Adults chat with each

The party will notice that the coordinates lie other as they prepare the evening meal.

beyond the border marked with small blinking

Beyond that, in the direction of the rendezvous
lights and signage, but all signs point to the area
coordinates, the crowded cluster of buildings are
being completely abandoned. The party may make
also dimly lit. There are clearly marked footpaths,
an {Investigation, Search} check to determine
which appear to be the preferred mode of travel. A
the path forward.
few hover-rafts line the footpath not too far from the

„ On a success they realize that what they are border, tied off to stakes.
seeing is simply a false holographic front. If they
take steps to test the border for any sort of The party may also tie off their hover-raft and

alarms or possible traps, they find none. continue on foot. Yuurei-machi does not appear to be

„ On a failure, they realize that something is not accessible via hover-raft and it is likely best to walk.
right, but are having some difficulty confirming If the party does not wish to draw any attention to
exactly what it is. If they take steps to test the themselves from the locals, they can make a {Stealth
border for any sort of alarms or possible traps,
-1} check to avoid being seen.
they find none.

„ On a success, the party is able to safely navigate

in the direction of the coordinates without
attracting any attention.

„ On a failure, they do draw a few eyes from

the direction of the dome, but no one there
appears all that surprised to see them, and does
not make any moves to intercept or otherwise
interfere with them.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 89
„ 1-15: No change.
„ The party arrives at an amusement park outside „ 16-20: The characters previous actions have
of an old aquarium, the park area now dubbed made the Seppuku Tigers more wary of them
The Proving Grounds. Once inside they hear the increasing starting Difficulties for all tests
doors seal shut behind them. by {-1}.

„ They are presented with an objective from „ 26+: The characters have built up a reputation
an unknown individual through the intercom that doesn’t sit well with the Seppuku Tigers
system. causing an increase in Difficulty for the tests
to {-2}.
„ The party must get from the entrance of the park
to the top level in order to obtain a key which Once the party has been locked into the park and
will allow them to escape. been given their objectives by the voice on the
„ Getting through the park will require the intercom the challenge has begun. From the entrance
characters to perform a series of challenges that
area there are three directions the characters could
usually have some combat related approach
take to begin this process, each one leading to a
while not being direct combat.
different attraction. It is unlikely that these attractions
„ The final challenge is an actual combat
truly still exist, but it is the only information
encounter with a Freak Augmented individual
using Kaiju augmentations. the characters have to go on right now. These

options are as follows:

„ Straight ahead, Brick Land
Your masked host guides you away from the
„ To the left, Space Fantasy
rendezvous point and towards a series of large

structures. A ferris wheel looms up ahead, as well as „ To the right, Go Karts

the twisted remains of what must have once been a

rollercoaster. You see what was once nice cobblestone // GAMEMASTER NOTE

paths branching in a few directions. These paths are While it is of course encouraged that the characters

covered by some partial flooding, and above them remain together for this series of challenges and work

are the makeshift footpaths that brought you up to together to move forward, it is possible that they

the aquarium. You make your way towards them and split up. In this case the number of options presented

note as you draw closer that there are three different will not be enough to accommodate in many cases

directions you may go. and you will need to come up with additional

challenges and exhibits that the characters encounter

in this process.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 90
The characters will be required to engage in a total Patterns and routines must be understood in order to

of two (2) attractions in order to make it to the final operate without drawing the eyes of those who would

encounter with the actual combat. Gamemasters may, stand in your way. Discretion is the best part of valor,

of course, create their own challenges and attractions and will see you to the other side.

to use here in order to keep players on their toes on

The characters will need to make a series of checks
repeat plays or if they have read the scenario. Think of
that should be fleshed out with narrative to keep the
the area as a small theme park type of location that
tensions high as they work through the course. Have
could feature any number of possible attractions used
the characters make one of the following checks:
for different types of tests.
„ {Data Analysis}
„ {Composure, Discipline -1}
Brick Land is aptly named as the old attraction,
„ {Read Person -2}
whatever it was exactly, is composed of an
This will represent the characters attempting to
assortment of large multi-colored bricks of different
get a read on the patrol patterns of the AI in the
sizes. It appears that additional “bricks” have been
course. If the characters pass their assessment
created by moving in large rocks and covering them
check they will make a subsequent {Stealth} with no
in colored paint. Another immediately obvious feature
added Difficulty. Each: that a character gets on the
is that many of the bricks, both added and original
assessment will translate into a -1 Difficulty on the
remnants, appear to have scorch marks on them in
subsequent {Stealth}.
various places without any real consistent pattern

immediately noticeable. The patrol patterns of the AI get progressively

more difficult to interpret the further through the

Characters can try {Detection} to notice that
attraction the characters get. They will need to do
there are a series of mounted turrets located in
3 rounds of paired checks to make it through the
various spots around the attraction area, and
course. Each subsequent assessment check will be
with at least ++ they will also notice a series of
made with a progressive -1 Difficulty. As an example,
projections seemingly patrolling through the maze of
the second assessment would be {Data Analysis -1}
assorted colors.
and the final would be {Data Analysis -2} (with the
This is about aptitude and stealth as characters same cumulative penalty being added to the other
work through a colored course and must avoid options available).
detection by AI defenses. A message is scrawled
Should the characters be spotted by the AI, this will
onto the first brick wall entering the attraction that
trigger turrets in the area to open fire on the location
reads as follows:
of any spotted character. These blasts will simply stun

characters immobilizing them for a time, and allow

the nano swarm projections to drag the character out

of the course having failed the test. The characters

can continue on with the others in subsequent tests.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 91
SPACE FANTASY ATTRACTION the characters must use {Directed Energy Weapons,

Some kind of past interpretation of what the future Firearms -1}. Each subsequent grouping will have

might be like focused around some kind of space age a cumulatively higher difficulty to hit, with the last

fantasy that was once popular, this attraction features grouping requiring {Directed Energy Weapons,

a ride where the characters will load on to what Firearms -3}. The objective is for the characters to

appears to be a bullet train of some kind: the cars successfully hit at least half of the targets over the

designed to look like some kind of spacecraft unlike course of the ride.

anything that has ever been in actual production.

Characters will only have a single shot at the assorted

Once the characters have loaded up into one of groups, so it is imperative that they work together to

the cars the doors immediately close behind them. accomplish the objective. This ride tests high stress

What sounds like a prerecorded message plays on perception and weapon proficiency as the characters

the intercom of the train as it starts to lurch forward are required to hit targets from a high speed

and pick up speed. vehicle as a unit.

Blast off into the future with the …*static*... But be

careful, as we must travel through enemy space…
Go Karts are a fairly common attraction at many
*static*... Defend the ship at all costs!
amusement parks, though they don’t often have

While much of the recorded message seems to have such a dystopian vibe to them as the one before

been damaged in some way, the pertinent information the characters. The karts have been retrofitted with

is still presented in that the characters will need to a number of modifications that appear to provide

“defend the ship” from AI projections that are setup armor as well as implements for trying to damage

throughout the attraction tunnels. the other karts. The ride itself seems to have been

themed around some kind of an ecosystem where

Characters who take a moment to {Detection,
mushrooms and turtles seem to be a common theme.
Search} will be able to locate some “blasters” housed
A sign seems to indicate how to proceed.
in a case in the car they are in. These are essentially

nothing more than laser tag style weapons that can Each race is three laps. One rider per kart with harness

interact with the AI threats. It is also clear this was not properly secured. Be mindful of bumping other racers.

a part of the original ride and has been since added

Once the characters have entered the track and
to the car. If characters do not find these “blasters”
situated themselves into some of the karts present,
they will be able to use their own weapons, though
projectors around the track kick on and suddenly
this will cause needless damage to the course and be
the other karts have racers sitting in them as well: AI
looked upon unfavorably by their hosts.
racers have joined in.

There are a total of 12 targets that the characters

Suddenly a klaxon rings out signaling the start of the
will pass by batched into three (3) groups of four
race and the AI competition immediately takes off. At
(4) targets. At the first grouping the car has not
this point the race has begun, and the AI will work to
achieved top speed and in order to hit the AI targets
try and prevent the characters from winning. To get

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 92
started, have all the characters make {Pilot -1}, and do established you will do another set of maneuvers. This

the same for the three AI competitors as well. Using will be followed by the final lap with another round

the + and: generated by this check will determine of {Pilot} and maneuvers. Finally, you will establish

the starting positions of the racers as they begin their final placements with one last {Pilot} at the end

first lap of the course. of all the laps.

Once the race has started, the characters can work The characters will need to have at least two (2)

together to try and overcome the collection of AI who placements in the top three at the end of the race for

are working against them. Any character may target the challenge to be a true success.

or coordinate with any other racer that is directly

This test is designed to test the piloting
alongside them or directly in front of them. The
skills of the crew.
potential maneuvers that can be made are as follows:


„ Nudge: From behind, you ram into the back
end of your target with a {Composure} where A rusted out ferris wheel is the tallest and most eye-
success will add a Difficulty of -1 to their next
catching structure in all of Yuurei-machi. The digital
clock display has long since become dysfunctional.
„ Draft: From behind, you move into the slipstream
Several of the boxes hang precariously from their
created by their kart with {Navigation -1} where
success will reduce Difficulty by +1 to the next suspension, threatening to crash to the ground below
{Pilot}. if not for the rust that keeps them firmly fixed in place.

„ Shunt: From a position of being alongside, you

A slight breeze in the air sets off a deep whistling
smack into the side of a target with {Discipline}
groan as it moves through the spokes of the wheel,
where success will add a Difficulty of -1 to their
next {Pilot}. for the first time lending some credence to the rumors

that this place might be haunted.

This is the final test that the characters need to
There are many different types of racing maneuvers
perform. The old ferris wheel no longer properly
that the characters could try in this sequence, and this
functions, standing as a monolith of the past. The
list is far from exhaustive. You are welcome to provide
characters will need to attempt to scale their way
additional options if the added complexity would be
up the wheel in order to get the key that they were
something enjoyed by your table.
advised of at the start of the challenges. This would

be a challenge in and of itself, however, there are

After the maneuvers have been completed for the lap
also portable projectors installed in many of the cars
you may begin the subsequent lap, applying Difficulty
which generate nanoswarm AI who will attempt to
to the {Pilot} as required based on the results of the
toss the characters from the wheel as they scale.
maneuvers. After the first lap, the + and: generated
The characters will need to get through three (3)
will determine how many spaces a particular rider
phases of the climb to reach the top however
moves forward or back in the pack as a result of
they try to do so.
the ongoing race. Then once the new positions are

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 93
Characters can approach this from different ways. No checks will be required to get back down as it is

They can attempt to scale to the top by way of the assumed the characters will not need to try and be

cars, or by using the large metal spokes that fashion fast about it any longer.

the giant wheel. The cars present the easiest climb

Once the characters reach the top they will acquire
with an {Athletics -1}, however the characters will
the key which will let them exit the Proving Grounds.
have to contend with AI that will try to dislodge them

and cause them organic damage in the ensuing fall.

PA R T 3 A : M A K I N G
The other option is more difficult, but avoids the AI
resulting in {Athletics -3}.
„ The party, having completed their challenges,
If the characters encounter AI in their climb they has the opportunity to meet their hosts.
will need to use {Endurance -2} in order to avoid „ They are asked to escort one of the rising leaders
being tossed from the wheel to the ground below. of the Seppuku Tigers into Tenmon to infiltrate
If they are on the first phase of the climb this will and then successfully occupy Osaka-jou.

result in them taking 1d20 [Bludgeoning] as they

fall to the ground below. If they are on the second
You are led from the proving grounds to the nearby
or third phase of the climb then the fall will result in
domed structure, which upon entry, reveals itself
immediate organic damage to their sleeve.
not only to be some sort of converted living space

but an old aquarium. Most of the giant tanks now

serve as large communal quarters, divided into
If a character experiences organic damage in this
makeshift cubicles for added privacy. The space
sequent, the Tigers will arrange to have them
looks surprisingly functional, as well as clean
resleeved after the challenges are completed at
and comfortable.
no cost to the character. The sleeve, for all intents
Evidence of the earthquake that surely shattered
and purposes from a gameplay perspective, will be
the glass of the tanks and released all their former
identical to their current sleeve. The character may
occupants has been swept away to the extent of
come up with a new appearance for their character
these people’s resources. While cracks are evident
at this time, however.
in the floors and walls, and the building is likely not

Characters who elect to take the harder climb completely structurally sound, it is apparent that the

can attempt to assist the characters making an people of Yuurei-machi have put a significant amount

easier climb. This can be done by shooting out the of effort into making this place a home.

projectors that produce the nanoswarms for the AI to

Even more unexpectedly, there are even more people
interact with the characters. This will of course upset
than one might have anticipated inside this rumored
the Seppuku Tigers, however, as it goes against the
“ghost town.” Several dozen people of varying ages,
intended purpose of the test. Only a single character
including children, bustle about. The energy is lively
must make it to the top to complete this challenge.
and warm, not at all like the oppressive feeling

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 94
hanging over Osaka beyond the border. People even make a {Culture, History -1} check to determine how

greet you with smiles as you walk through. much they know about him.

While nearly all of the tanks are no longer intact in „ On a success the party learns that Donte Sakai
their original form, there do appear to be one or two was once a resident of Kaiyoutei. He was known
for a while as somewhat of a nuisance to the
tanks that were not damaged. To your surprise, not
OPD for regularly interfering with their attempts
only are the tanks in good condition, but there is still to harass Kaiyoutei residences. After a time, less
wildlife swimming about in the water. At first glance, and less was heard about him until he fell off the
it is difficult to tell what manner of sea creatures radar completely.

populate these large tanks, but it is apparent that the „ On a failure, the party has never heard of Donte

population of the aquarium are caring for them. Sakai before today.

Donte Sakai greets the party and congratulates

You follow your guide through the corridors of the
them on completing the challenges presented to
aquarium to the back of the building, and head
them, as these skills will be necessary to escort a
through a door that gives way to a hall of doors,
representative of the Seppuku Tigers into Tenmon,
which likely served as administrative offices back
where they intend to breach and occupy Osaka-jou.
when the aquarium served its original function.

Faded name plaques mark the doors, denoting who At this point, the party might have questions about
once occupied those rooms and their position within the Seppuku Tigers. They may make {Diplomacy}
the aquarium. You walk until you reach the final checks to learn more about the Seppuku Tigers and
door, marked Manager. their general vision and mission.

The party is free as they move into the aquarium to „ On a success, the party learns that the Seppuku

make various checks to learn more about the space. Tigers have actually been around for a while.
Yuurei-machi was established as a safe haven
The aquarium is large and bustling with far more
for those escaping Protectorate rule in order
people than the party would likely have expected. to live and die on their own terms. Many of the
people who live here are refugees from Osaka
and the surrounding areas who do not agree
// GAMEMASTER NOTE with the way things are run and the Seppuku
The party may want to pause and interact with the Tigers protect them. Their hope is to ultimately
people inside prior to making it into the offices. bring the Protectorate down, but they first
need the Protectorate to relax its vice-like grip
Encourage them to explore a bit, as they are not
on the populace and grant the people more
on any kind of pressing timer now that they have autonomy to choose their own destinies. The
successfully completed their challenges. This is an standardization and enforcement of DHF backup
opportunity to further fill the world with color. in Osaka has simply prolonged a miserable
existence for far too many people, with only
the Sennin truly benefitting from being able to
Once they have reached the office, they will meet
live forever.
with Donte Sakai, who introduces himself as one of

the leaders of the Seppuku Tigers. The players may

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 95
„ On a failure, Donte assures the party that the The mission is simple: get Kunta into Tenmon and get
cause for which he is recruiting them is just, and him to Osaka-jou. Once they have secured the castle
that they will learn more about the mission as
and occupied it, they must then help Kunta contact
they go. The party may make a {Read Person}
check to determine his sincerity. Naoya Rogers, an infamous Sennin who has been

On a success, they can discern that Donte’s around since DHF and Sleeves were first introduced

words are indeed sincere and he appears to to Japan, in order to make demands.
truly believe in the party’s abilities to help the
The party has the opportunity to ask Donte and Kunta
Tigers and complete the mission.
questions about what it is the Seppuku Tigers want,
On a failure, Donte seems sincere but it is
hard for the party to know for sure what his or how they intend to help the people of Osaka. If any
motives are. of the party has affiliations with organizations like the

Yakuza or Osaka Police Department, this mission may

The door opens again and the party is
stir up some conflict for them, but Donte will assure
joined by a young man.
them that if any of them find themselves in trouble,

MVP he is willing to provide them shelter until the heat dies

down once the mission is complete.

He stands at about 162 cm (5'4"). His hair is buzzed

close to the skull, and his dark brown eyes are keenly Donte hints that the Tigers have been stocking up

focused on all of them. His frame is slight, but strong, on “supplies” to help them breach the gates and

threaded with muscle that is sinewy and hints at a hold the castle. Without needing to make a {Read

skill with hand-to-hand combat. His face features a Person} check, the party is able to infer that the

deep scar, cutting over the bridge of his nose, which Seppuku Tigers may be in possession of weapons

is jarring on the face of someone who looks so young. and/or explosives of some type at their disposal for

He gives Donte a respectful bow before crossing the party’s use. It is up to them whether or not they

his arms over his chest, regarding the party with an would like to use them.

expression of skepticism. The party can begin to make its way out of The

The young man is introduced to Kunta Koike, who Proving Grounds, with Kunta Koike in tow, to begin

Donte reveals was born in Yuurei-machi and has never the mission. They may make a {Detection -4} check

left its borders. Donte considers him the best possible to determine if they are being followed.

representative of who the Seppuku Tigers are, and „ On a success the party realizes that someone is
has tasked him with this as his first big mission. The following them. If they choose to confront their

party is asked to help get him into Tenmon and ferry tail, incorporate Part 3B. If not, continue on to
Part 4.
him to Osaka-jou.
„ On a failure, the party is entirely unaware that
they are being followed.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 96
PA R T 3 B : A S H A DY As he approaches you, it is clear he is trying not to

draw too much attention to himself as he looks over

his shoulder to make sure he has not been followed.
„ After making it through the challenges, the party
His long, moppish hair hangs in front of his eyes,
is thanked for their time and dismissed from
The Proving Grounds. On their way out, they are which are set deep into his face. His shoulders slump
intercepted by a mysterious figure. under a heavy leather jacket, and his books scrape

„ The party meets Reiji “Rage” Watanabe, along the footpath as he shuffles towards you. Tall and
who fills them in on the reason why they were lanky, he does not immediately appear threatening,
summoned and asks them to help him complete
but he is moving towards you with intent.
the mission for which they were originally
Once Rage reaches the party, he will immediately

YOU ARE DISMISSED try to dissuade them from trying to engage him

If the party, despite their best efforts, does not quite in combat if they react to him as if he is a threat.

manage to complete all of the challenges to the The party may make a {Read Person} check to

satisfaction of their hosts, they are thanked for their determine his sincerity.

time and told they are welcome to go. The party „ On a success, Rage seems entirely sincere, and
may make {Diplomacy -2} checks to convince their appears to only want to talk.

mysterious hosts to give them another opportunity „ On a failure, Rage seems sincere but the group
to complete any part of the challenge with which doubts whether or not he will remain that way.

they struggled. Rage informs the party that he wishes to employ

„ On a success, the party is able to convince their them in the mission for which they were originally

hosts to try a challenge again. Please move back summoned, despite not performing to the Seppuku
to Part 2: Prove Your Worth in this scenario. Tigers’ expectations. He considers the mission to be
„ On a failure, they are not given another of utmost importance.
opportunity and must make their way out.


As the party makes their way out of The Proving While Reiji is being entirely forthcoming about the

Grounds, they may make a {Detection} check. nature of the mission, he must appear to not telling

the party everything.

„ On a success, the party notices that they are
being followed.
The party learns that the Seppuku Tigers have
„ On a failure, the party makes it all the way to
actually been around for a while. Yuurei-machi was
their hover-raft before being approached.
established as a safe haven for those escaping
The party is intercepted by Reiji “Rage” Watanabe as
Protectorate rule in order to live and die on their own
they make their way out of The Proving Grounds to
terms. Many of the people who live here are refugees
their hover-raft.
from Osaka and the surrounding areas who do not

agree with the way things are run and the Seppuku

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 97
Tigers protect them. Their hope is to ultimately The mission is simple: get Rage into Tenmon and get

bring the Protectorate down, but they first need the him to Osaka-jou. Once they have secured the castle

Protectorate to relax its vice-like grip on the populace and occupied it, they must then help Rage contact

and grant the people more autonomy to choose their Naoya Rogers, an infamous Sennin who has been

own destinies. The standardization and enforcement around since DHF and Sleeves were first introduced

of DHF backup in Osaka has simply prolonged a to Japan, in order to make demands.

miserable existence for far too many people, with

The party has the opportunity to ask him what he
only the Sennin truly benefitting from being able
wants, or how these actions help the people of Osaka.
to live forever.
Rage has lived a life of suffering because of the

The party may make a {Read Person -2} check if overbearing requirements the people of Osaka live

they catch on to Rage holding back something as he under. Most places outside of the city experience a

explains what the mission is. lot more freedom. He believes speaking with Naoya

will get the ball rolling on some changes in Osaka and

„ On a success the party may make a {Diplomacy
-2} check to convince Rage to tell them more allow the people more freedom.

about why he wants them to help with this

mission even though they failed. P A R T 4 : I N T O T H E B E L LY
 On a success, they can learn that Rage was
previously a victim of the SPA and has a per-
sonal score to settle. The party may make a „ The party must determine the best path into

{Culture, History} to see what details they can Tenmon.

recall about SPA. „ The party must make their way past the guards

◆ On a success, they remember that a few and into Tenmon and move quickly towards the

hundred years ago when Japan was facing a castle.

population crisis, they criminalized suicide to

discourage people from attempting to Real
Death themselves and further deplete the Once the party makes its way out of Yuurei-machi,
population. with their charge(s) in tow, they have some time to
◆ On a failure, the party is welcome to ask figure out how they want to get into Tenmon.
Rage to explain what SPA was.
The party may make a {Culture, History} check
 On a failure, Rage tells them he does not want
to talk about himself, and would rather focus to determine how much they know about what it

on the mission at hand. requires to get into Tenmon, provided this is the first

scenario they are playing.

„ On a failure, they realize they must have been
mistaken about him holding back.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 98
„ On a success, the party knows that everyone, Tenmon towers above Dotonbori ensconced in a
regardless of their status, must have a pass in protective forcefield, accessible only through a single
order to traverse through the gates of Tenmon,
gate. On this side of the gate, the flooding gently
and only Sennin are allowed access to Osaka-
jou. Getting these passes is not a particularly gives way to dry ground, though in some portions, it

easy task without connections of some kind for still laps up against the forcefield barrier. You hear a
most who live outside of Tenmon. This poses soft sizzling sound as it hits the electrical field.
a problem with regards to Kunta, who is not
in the system as he is unregistered with the Reports of increased Protectorate activity at the gate
Protectorate, having been born and raised in have not been exaggerated, as several uniformed
guards stand at both sides of the gate.
„ On a failure, the party is unsure of how to
get into the city, and may need to call upon a What is not exaggerated is the sheer scale and beauty

connection to determine the best path into the of Tenmon. Towering structures reach up into the
walled portion of the city. murky orange sky, dotted with lights. On the other

side of the gate, you can see a manicured park filled

// GAMEMASTER NOTE with tall trees and small gardens. Not too far from the

If Rage is there, entering Tenmon poses a problem gates you can see a hill rising up, atop which sits your

for him, as he is restricted from ever reentering goal, Osaka-jou.

that portion of the city. If the party was previously

The disparity between Tenmon and Dotonbori and
able to get more information about his history
Kaiyoutei has never been more apparent as it is now
and motivations, then they will be aware of
that you are closer to the gate.
this complication.
If the party chooses the first option, they must first

make a {Navigation, Stealth -4} check to make

their way to the gates of Tenmon without being
From here, the party knows they have a number of
intercepted or seen.
options to get them into Tenmon.

„ On a success, the party is able to plant the

„ If they took the explosives and weapons offered
explosives at the gate while the guards are
by the Seppuku Tigers, they could attempt to
distracted. They must then make a {Data
use those to blast their way through to get into
Engineering -1} check to properly set off the
„ They can spend IP to have a connection
provide them with passes.  On a success, the explosives go off. The party
must then make an {Athletics -2} check to
„ They can attempt to get the passes through less
make their way through the gates as the
legitimate means, either by going someplace like
guards are in disarray.
Shochikuza or asking the Yakuza for help.
◆ On a success, the party is able to evade the
guards and make their way into Tenmon.
◆ On a failure, the guards set upon them.

 On a failure, the guards set upon them.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 99
„ On a failure, the guards set upon them. „ 16-20: The characters draw additional scrutiny,
all checks in Part 5 will be increased by -1.
Should the party end up in conflict with the guards
„ 21+: The guards recognize the characters
this will immediately initiate combat. The characters
and attempt to detail them regardless of the
will be faced with the following:
passes they may possess. If the characters
have previously breached Tenmon in a previous
„ Guard Captain (treat as CTAC Special Forces,
scenario and have generated a Nemesis they
Core Rulebook pg. 291)
should be included in this encounter. Otherwise
„ 2d4 Standard Guards (treat as Bay City Police this plays out as the combat encounter detailed
Officer, Core Rulebook pg. 290) in this section with the number of guards
reduced to 1d4 and the Captain replaced by
If the party decides to use the second method,
the Nemesis.
they may continue on towards Tenmon to

attempt to get through the gates once they have PA R T 5 : O C C U P Y

secured their passes.
If the party decides to use the final option, you may „ The party must move swiftly in the direction of

use portions of previous scenarios (such as Welcome the castle in order to secure it and fulfill their
to the “Opera” or Going Topside) as a template for
„ The party must successfully locate Naoya Rogers
those interactions.
and get him to come to the castle.
The party will need to take steps to help hide
or modify Kunta and/or Rage’s identity to help

get them through the gates. They may make a As you quickly make your way past the guards and

{Data Engineering -2} check to create a fake through the park at the foot of the hill leading up to

identity for them. the castle, you notice that some sort of party appears

to be going on, despite the torrential rains that fell

„ On a success, the party is able to construct a
convincing fake identity for Kunta and/or Rage. earlier today. Osaka-jou is awash with light. You can

hear music emanating from above and the sounds of

„ On a failure, the party is able to construct a fake
identity for Kunta and/or Rage, but future checks people conversing. You cannot tell if they are aware of
are made at an additional -2 difficulty. what has happened below.

Once they have their passes in hand, they can make A stone path winds up the hill, which is composed

their way towards Tenmon to pass through the gates. of large giant granite blocks in a rough pyramid like

structure. As you move higher up, the lights grow

CAMPAIGN PROGRESS TABLE brighter, and the music louder. Floodlights bathe the
„ 1-15: No Change. courtyard, which is decorated for the festivities, but

the party appears to be happening inside.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 100
The party may make a {Stealth -2} check to move CAMPAIGN PROGRESS TABLE
through the courtyard and up to the entrance of the „ 1-10: They manage to keep an altercation from
castle, which has a kiosk for people to check their breaking out with the party goers inside until
Naoya arrives. He listens to their demands but
weapons and belongings and is manned with two
has called for protectorate intervention. The
Protectorate Guards.
party must make their way out of Tenmon
without being caught..
„ On a success, the party is able to make their
way up to the kiosk without notifying the guards „ 11-20: Fighting breaks out before Naoya can
and are able to take a surprise round before arrive, causing the party to have to make a
engaging in brief combat to get into the castle. swift exit from Tenmon. The party must flee to
Yuurei-machi as they are now wanted by the
„ On a failure, they are spotted by the guards, who
call for backup and engage them in combat.
„ 21-25: Rage (either because he is with the party
If the characters are confronted by the guards then or has been following them this whole time) kills
a combat encounter will be initiated. This will be a Naoya on sight when he arrives at the castle,

simple combat encounter that should not be very causing the party to have to quickly make their
demands known and escape Tenmon.
difficult for the characters.
„ 26+: Naoya never arrives at the castle, which is
„ 1d6 Standard Guard (use Bay City Police Officer instead surrounded by Protectorate guards. The
template, Core Rulebook pg. 290). party must find a way to avoid being captured
and taken into custody.
As the party moves into the castle, they find many of Once the results of your roll have been resolved,

Tenmon’s most important people inside Osaka-jou, the scenario ends.

including (but not limited to) Yakuza Oyabun Sachi

Fuse, her bodyguard Jose Manaysay-Igarashi, and

Kurea “Claire” Evanston. Naoya Rogers has not yet

arrived but is said to be en route, as this is a party he

set up and he appears to be fashionably late.

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : Y ear of the T iger 101
C H . 8 : O T H E R TA L E S F R O M O S A K A
THESE TALES MAY ACT AS FURTHER contacts and colleagues have assured him that if he

inspiration for the modules above, or as a launchpad can pull this off, he will be one step closer to bringing

for modules of your own. They feature NPCs included down the people who did this to him.

in this supplement and have been added as a

This is Reiji’s fourth life. He can’t say he was entirely
resource to help further color the environment of
happy with his first one, which is what got him into
Osaka during the time of Altered Carbon.
this mess in the first place, but that had been his

choice to make. He plans to make it stick this time,

OSA KA , D OTO N BO R I : and hopefully take a few of them out with him.
2 3 8 5 ( P R E S E N T D AY )
Like shadows they arrive, slipping up behind him.
Reiji Watanabe wipes the rain from his face and ducks
Their grins are always off-putting, but that is often to
beneath an awning. The rainy season this year is
their benefit. Asuka and Azusa Morita, The Manzai,
more violent than in years past. The water is falling in
urchins turned high level lackeys, have lived to see
sheets, plopping sloppily into the murky waters that
Osaka’s fortunes rise and fall. Their steady smiles belie
run where there were once streets. Reiji sees a dead
a brilliant capacity for precision-level cruelty. Every
rodent float past him, claws reaching helplessly up to
time Reiji sees them, it gives him the chills.
a black-orange, starless sky.
“Rage-san,” Asuka purrs, their hand stretching out to
A sign, he can’t help but think, as his gaze turns
receive a shake from Reiji.
upwards and he observes the hawkers on their

platforms flogging their wares. The Glico Man He takes the hand, wincing slightly at the nickname

raises his arms in empty, meaningless triumph just he’s garnered since joining the movement against

beyond them. A seemingly pointless existence the elites. Though not inaccurate, it feels reductive.

if not for the lack of choice, those without have His rage is his business, and how he enacts it

nothing but this, endless toil selling things no one has little to do with anyone else. The Manzai are

really wants or needs. probably oblivious to such complex matters, as

they are of much of anything else. Indeed, they

Reiji is mostly unbothered by the day-to-day
are very much wrapped up in each other, in an
rigmarole of Dotonbori. His sights are set higher,
almost grotesque way.
loftier, towards the floating cityscape beyond the

ground level of what was once one of the most Asuka steps forward, crowding Reiji’s space

trafficked tourist locations in the city. It is Tenmon a little, getting close to his ear to speak in

that he wants access to, and that comes at great cost. low tones with him.

He can only hope that his connection will be on time. “I hope you know the risk our being here carries,”
It has taken months to arrange everything, and his they whisper, still firmly gripping Reiji’s hand.

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Asuka is nearly as tall as him, and definitely as “Let’s just get this over with,” he growls, motioning

strong. Sleek features and cheekbones that could with his head to an alleyway just off the building they

cut glass, they are an imposing figure, despite their are in front of.

long, lithe form. Their twin, Azusa, smaller, but

The three of them cross the platform and down into
taunt as a whip and just as fast, also steps forward,
the small dinghy he came in and he rows them up
her smile unwavering and her eyes flash beneath
the flooded alleyway and away from potential prying
the neon lights.
eyes. There are ears everywhere, and information

“My sibling is correct. You’ve chosen a dangerous never comes cheap…

place to meet. There is no place to hide here,” she

says, running a slender hand over the length of her

high, tight ponytail.

“Dangerous for you, maybe,” Reiji growls, pulling

his hand out of Asuka’s grip and stepping further

back beneath the awning, “Not all of us dress

as conspicuously as you two do. You could try

toning it down, or you could just admit that you

like being seen.”

If it’s possible for their grins to deepen, they do, and it

leaves Reiji feeling even more unsettled. Azusa fiddles

with a ring on her right hand, slipping it on and

off her finger. Reiji focuses on it; he recognizes the

symbol, the sigil of their organization, infamous for

its duplicity… and connections. No, these two are not

ones for being inconspicuous. He realizes now that

their lack of care is putting him in danger, not them.

Fuck, he thinks, his hand twitching as he casts his

mind to the piece tucked in the back of his pants. He

doubts he’ll need it, as long as they go unnoticed, but

he’s not in the mood for a running chase or a firefight

in Dotonbori today.

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OSAKA-JOU: 2385 a Japanese person who’s heavily mixed with generic

European genes. He’s immaculately dressed in a

( P R E S E N T D AY )
dove gray hakama, as traditional garb is required for
Sachi Fuse stares up at the trees, full to bursting
visiting the castle. He looks out over Osaka, his back
with blossoms, the night lights illuminating them
turned on Sachi’s approach.
and blocking out the dark orange sky. Her fingers

twist together between the broad brims of her “I should have known you’d be here tonight,” he says

silken sleeves and she gently turns away. Her as Sachi slides gracefully up next to him.

geta clack against the wooden planks as she

She signals that Jose keep his distance, and the wall
steps over the raised threshold into the narrow
of a man drifts over to the other side of the small
antechamber of the castle.
top floor of the castle. Her smile is soft, but her eyes

Not far behind her is her bodyguard. He’s a thick, and ears are sharp. Naoya is not visibly threatening,

mountainous bruiser with mean Muay Thai skills but no one who has ever crossed him has lived

named Jose Manaysay-Igarashi. A mouthful to be to tell the tale.

sure, but he’s competent and no one messes with him.

“I know how happy it would make you if I could be
Sachi would be lying if she said she doesn’t feel safer
kept out,” she replies, her words honeyed and sweetly
with him around.
spoken, “But money talks.”

The castle is full today, some kind of party seems

She watches the expression on Naoya’s face sour.
to be underway, but that doesn’t deter Sachi from
Nothing gives her quite as much joy as throwing the
entering. She’s a member here, and she comes and
circumstances of their position in his face. It’s gauche
goes as she pleases. She scans the room quickly, still
in Sennin culture to talk about how much power they
not sure what she’s hoping to see, and then carefully
have. On the surface, everything is meant to appear
ascends the stairs to the next floor.Osaka-jou is one of
balanced and fair, but no one is truly under any
the very few buildings with functional stairs in Osaka.
illusion that things really are that way.
For a brief time, some Sennin were putting stairs in
Sachi is rich and long lived through the luck of the
their condos as decoration; they weren’t remotely
draw. Her father, and her father’s father, and on
functional and led nowhere if you tried to climb them.
and on into generations past have been oyabun of
Though the lift in the castle is still in working order,
her family “business.” Many attempts through the
Sachi feels a certain thrill at climbing the stairs in her
centuries have been made to uproot the yakuza, but
kimono, as her ancestors might have done hundreds
after Oojishin they have become a protected part of
of years ago. She ascends until she reaches the top
the Heritage Preservation Act, and she is the named
floor, and as she suspects, he is there.
custodian of her piece of that pie. There are plenty
Naoya Rogers is not an imposing man despite his
who vehemently opposed their inclusion.
station. He stands at a fairly average height, has

non-descript sandy brown hair, and the features of

O S A K A S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : O ther T ales F rom O saka 104
Her business, unlike others in Tenmon, allows her to Naoya scrutinizes her expression, and her words.

have her fingers in many pots, and she is one of the Sachi knows that he is not a fool. He certainly hasn’t

few who is not afraid to leave the circle of Heaven’s worked his way up the ladder of politics and wealth in

Gate to conduct it. Her level of comfort with the this city and lived through centuries of treachery and

“rabble” sets most people, including Naoya, on edge. intrigue by being stupid. His eyes narrow before he

No one likes how much latitude her father gives her, begins to laugh. Sachi’s smile nearly falters.

and she thrills in leveraging that latitude against the

“You’re not stupid enough to threaten me, and
other Sennin as often as possible.
definitely not here,” he chuckles, “You think I care

“Yes, yes, it talks,” Naoya forces through a painted what some nobody SPA maggot is asking about me?

on smile, “But you’re not here simply to tease me. Let them ask. Tell them whatever you like.”

What do you want?”

Sachi titters along sweetly, turning her face away to

Sachi gently smooths a hand over her carefully look out over the manicured lawn of the castle. A

coiffed hair, “I sent The Manzai to Dotonbori today.” full view of Dotonbori is blocked by the wall of tall,

floating buildings. A small stone forms in the pit of her

Naoya visibly shudders, a universal reaction to
stomach at Naoya’s flippant response to her missive.
mention of the twins. Sachi empathizes with

him. They may be two of her most effective This fool is likely to die a fool’s death,

agents, but their dynamic makes them slightly she thinks, wanly.

unpredictable sometimes.
“Of course,” she finally answers, “But if you ever do

“I thought it would interest you to know why,” she want to know what is being said about you behind

continues, feeling her shoulders attempt to tense your back, you know where I am.”

as she starts weaving her web.“What do you want,”

She signals to Jose and begins to walk back to the
Naoya says again, this time turning to look her full in
stairs. As she is descending, she thinks she hears
the face. Sachi senses she is working with a short fuse
Naoya say something.
and she swallows neatly.
“What was that,” she calls up.
Her smile widens into a congenial bow, “Mr. Rogers,
There is no response and sucking up her curiosity,
I’m here only to warn you. One of your...former
Sachi continues down the stairs.
members of staff appears to be up to something. He’s

been poking around for information. I sent Asuka and

Azusa into Dotonbori to...inform him.”

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