TopologyAnalysisAndOptimizationOfpressbrake Ijeisr

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A Review on Topology Analysis and Optimization of Hydraulic Press Brake

Article · November 2014

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Priyam Anilkumar Parikh

Nirma University


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International Journal Of Engineering Innovation And Scientific Research.Vol.1 (1)-P.P-6-13 ISSN: 2395-6372

Topology Analysis And Optimization Of

Frame For 20 MT Hydraulic Press Brake
SalehaShaikh[1],MarnishModi[2],Hardik Bhatt[3], Priyam Parikh[4]
Affiliation: M.E Scholar at SAL College of Engineering [1]&[2].

Asst. Prof. in SAL College of Engineering [3] &[4].

[email protected] 1, [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected]

Abstract: Press brake machine always work under impact load condition due to experience continuous stresses. The
performance of a hydraulic press depends largely upon the behavior of its structure during operation. To analysis
and optimization of structural component frame is needed to increase performance of the machine as well as to
reduce the cost of it. Determination of the different topology analysis and optimization through the various methods
lie FEA, in a hydraulic press brake has been reported in literature. Present work is based on the finite element
analysis and topology optimization of frame of 20 MT hydraulic press brake. The concept of the project is to select
the best suitable frame within four sections- C section, I section, box section and H section which is more rigid and
has maximum rigidity. The methodology use for the project is CAD model in creo parametric 2.0 software, analysis
and optimization in ANSYS WORKBENCH 15.0 software. The main objective of frame analysis is to determine
internal forces, stresses and deformations of frame. Further efforts have been made to optimize the obtained results
by using software. It optimizes the frame thickness which there by reduces the material required to manufacture it
given the stress of the frame remaining under permissible limit. By topology optimization weight and cost can be

Keywords: Hydraulic Press brake, Structure of frame, cad Model, FEA analysis, Topology Optimization.

1. INTRODUCTION: it works, it bears almost all of the workloads, so its

strength and stiffness play a deciding role in the
Bending Operation is typically carried out on a entire PRESS security and the quality of products.
machine called a press brake, which can be operated For that reason, requirement to understand the stress
manually or automatically. By means of applying and strain distribution of the frame and assure
application of force a major type of brakes are used: sufficient strength and stiffness [8]. Today, all the
mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and servo-electric. leading edge manufacturing enterprises are focusing
Hydraulic operated press brakes are accessible to develop better optimized reduced weight and cost
considering from the birth of press brakes. Hydraulic effective products that meet the purposive design
presses are operated by means of two adjusted functionality and reliability.
hydraulic cylinders on the C-frames move the upper
beam. A conventional press brake has a C type frame H. N. Chauhan and M. P. Bambhaniashows that,
with a dynamic ram, which hold punch and die. By Press machine is continually working in impact load
fixing the work piece between a corresponding punch situation. For the reason that, frame of press machine
and die it is forming a predetermined bend. A brake repetitively experience continuous tensile stress, for
can be described by such parameters as the force or this stress recurrently failure problem occurred in the
tonnage and the working length [15]. The frame is one machine[1].
of the important parts of the PRESS machine. When
International Journal Of Engineering Innovation And Scientific Research.Vol.1 (1)-P.P-6-13 ISSN: 2395-6372

Work carried out by Muni Prabharan and V. So a motto behind it that to select the best suitable
Amarnathdisplays that, Shape optimization is an frame section which has a maximum rigidity and
auspicious tool to discover peak solutions to stiffness and can be withstand with applied force
engineering products. The benefits are numerous, during working operation. So for that we have used
containing: load path visualization, weight savings, Ansys 15.0 to find out the generated stress and total
systems design space, ballistic protection and deformation acting on all sections. And from that
improved fatigue resistance. It is inferred that result we are going to choose better result and after
topology optimization results in a better and applying topology optimization method by Ansys
innovative product design [4]. Workbench software we reducing the thickness of
selected frame to reduce material for cost saving.
Rajdipsinh G. Vaghela et.alconducted a study on
design and analyze the C-frame of the pneumatic III SOURCE OF PROJECT:
power press. Design parameters are evaluated by
analytical as well as software simulation using Ansys The souce of project is from the company IPAN
software. It optimizes the stress value and provides INDUSTRIES Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad. The dimensions
an improved thickness of the frame, which by this and specification of a 20 MT Hydraulic Press brake
means reducing the material required manufacturing are obtained from this company.
it given the stress on the frame continuing below
Table 1 : Technical Specification
permissible limits [5].
Model number IPPBR 215
Pedro G. a study on structural
analysis and optimization of hydraulic press brakes. Tonnage 20
Their objective was to recognize the source of Table working 1500 mm
deflection parallelism errors and minimize them length
through a structural optimization methodology.On Bending Min 1.6×1500 and
behalf of that they have formulated 3 structural capacity Max. 2×1250
optimization problems like shape optimization, Total width 150 mm
dimensional optimization, and initial deflection Clear pass 1050 mm
optimization. Shape optimization, dimensional Ram stroke 1000 mm
optimization has been executed to achieve even Open height 250 mm
bending angles for every single bending length[10]. Throat depth 100 mm
Speed approach, 35-9-35 mm/sec
pressing and
In the PRESS brake, frame is a very important part. It return
weighs about 50% - 60% of the whole weight, and Overall 1700×1050×1900
it’s bearing almost all of the workloads when the dimensions
PRESS brake works, so its strength and stiffness play Approx 1500 kg
a deciding role in the entire PRESS machine security weight/(kg)
and the quality of products. Therefore, it is needed to
understand the stress and strain distribution of the
frame that ensure sufficient strength and stiffness, by IV SPECIFICATION OF FRAME MATERIAL:
The material used by the IPAN industry is structural
that performance can be increased. The objective of
steel SA285 grade c for the frame [11]. The material of
the project is, to select the best suitable frame section
the beam is perfectly homogeneous and isotropic. It
within four sections. These four sections are C type,
obeys Hook’s law. And E is same in tension and
box type, I type and H type. The selected 20 MT
compression [2].
hydraulic press brake has C-shaped frame. I section
and box section frames are also available in the  Press capacity: 20 MT
market.  Tensile strength: 460Mpa.

International Journal Of Engineering Innovation And Scientific Research.Vol.1 (1)-P.P-6-13 ISSN: 2395-6372

 Density: 7850 kg/mm3 (b) Checking for deflection:

 Young’s modulus: 2×105 N/mm2 Deflection along the axis of application of force at
 Poison’s ratio: 0.3 both end of cylinders.
 Factors of safety: 4.0 So deflection at load A,
 Stress concentration: 1.25 R= Radius of gyration
In order to determine δ, it is considered that the
V. CALCULATION FOR STRESS AND neutral axis bends under the load P to consider R.
𝑀 𝜎 𝐸
The taken formulas are as follows [5]. 𝐼
= =
The frame is subjected to direct tensile stresses and 𝐸×𝐼
bending stresses.
𝑃 = 175.82 × 103 mm.
σtensile = N/ mm2 Now we know that,
𝑀𝑏 𝐻(𝐿+𝑎)
σbending = 𝑌N/ mm2 δ=
σtotal = σ tensile + σ bending N/ mm2 where, H= height of web=150 mm
𝑃 𝑀𝑏
= + 𝑌 N/ mm2 a = location of cylinder from outer dimension
𝑃 of frame = 350 mm
Mb = × 𝑥
2 L= Length of frame = 1500 mm
𝑏𝑑 3
By taking this data we got δ = 1.5 mm
Where, Now at extreme condition deflection is,
𝛿 𝑚𝑎𝑥 (2𝐿+𝑎)
σ = Permissible stress in N/mm2 =
𝛿 (𝐿+𝑎)
P = Applied load/ force in N.
So, 𝛿𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2.45 mm.
A = Area of the plate section in mm2
The dimension for I section taken from the Indian
Mb = Bending moment in
standard IS 808: 1989 are below. Standard dimension
x = Perpendicular Distance in mm
of I section is 75*150*5 [14]. By combining C-section
y = Distance from the neutral surface to the extreme
dimension we got box section dimensions.
fiber in mm
I = Moment of inertia in mm4 The Technical specification of H-section is taken
P = 20 tonnes from JISG 3192: 2008.Standard dimension of H
(a) Checking for stress: section is 150*150*7*10. All dimensions are in mm
Since the plates are identical, the force acting on each [16]
plate is 196200 N as shown in below.
Applied load P = 20000 × 9.81 N VI ANALYSIS OF ALL SECTIONS OF FRAME:
= 196200 N
Now, as per the dimensions of C- frame plate we There are six basic steps for doing the simulation in
have calculated generated stress on frame. press machine to predict the defects by applying
Breadth b = 64 mm impact load.
Depth d = 160 mm
Step 1- create CAD model of press frame structure.
Area = b × d
Step 2- Import the CAD model in simulation
= 10240 mm
σtensile = 19.2 N/mm2
Step 3- Pre processing
Mb= 19620000
Step 4- Apply boundary conditions
I = 218453333 mm4
Step 5- Post processing
σbending = 71.8 N/mm2
Step 6 – Result and analysis
σtotal = 91 N/mm2
After creating the CAD model, import the CAD file
Max. allowable stress σ = 115 N/mm2
in simulation software in .IGES or .STEP format.
So, from above results σ total or permissible stress is
91 N/mm2.
International Journal Of Engineering Innovation And Scientific Research.Vol.1 (1)-P.P-6-13 ISSN: 2395-6372

Fig. 1 Applying Boundary Condition and forces Fig. 2 (b) Total deformation in C-section

As shown in figure 1 constrains are applied on the Max total deformation is 2.127 mm on x-axis.
frame in which we have fixed the support as a
boundary condition and applied forces. We have first
select the force at one end and force 2 at another end.
Then we have done the process to find out total
deformation and max. stress generation frame. Then
we have done the modal analysis to find out natural
frequency results of them. C-section frame results are
shown in below. By automatic meshing method in

Fig. 3 Equivalent stresses in C section

Fig.2 (a) Meshing in C-section

Fig. 4 Modal analysis of C-section

after completed the analysis process for all sections

we have made resultant table 2 for it which is as
below. From the below results it is indicated that the
maximum total deformation and generated stresses
are less comparatively in H-section than C- section.
Vibrational frequency is 4.2901 which is only 1 Hz
higher than the I section. Also, it is less compared to

International Journal Of Engineering Innovation And Scientific Research.Vol.1 (1)-P.P-6-13 ISSN: 2395-6372

C-section. As compared to other benefits we can Workbench user profile. Again, analysis is done by
neglect less valued. So from above results we can say defining the material, properties, load and load steps
the H section is more rigid and stiff than others. in different collectors. The analysis is run and the
There by H-section is most suitable frame to increase result files are stored in the specified directory in
the performance of the machine for 20 MT hydraulic .wbpj format. Now for optimization the basic
press brake. procedure is followed and the solver solves it to get
the topology optimization files .wbpj format. It shows
Table 2: Analysis Results the result of the desired objective before and after

Analysis result C-Section Box-section I-section H-section

Max Total Deformation

X-axis 2.127 1.6378 0.0089036 0.0023367
Y-axis 0.27882 0.27977 1.4935 0.90169
Z-axis 0.8744 0.55805 0.37054 0.20628
Equivalent von-misses stress 379.04 546.92 370.32 224.43
Modal analysis result 70.18 81.576 3.3627 4.2901
VII OPTIMIZATION: optimization.
Structural optimization has been characterized into
two types: Topology optimization and Geometry Mesh generation & boundary condition
optimization. Topology optimization deals with The H-frame is meshed by using the Brick +
determining the load distribution path in the design Tetrahedralelements. The elements generated are
space for particular loading conditions bound by solid 3D elements.
behavioral constraints and in some cases geometric
constraints. For geometry optimization, one needs to
predefine the topology structure. Thus, the outcome
of geometry optimization is extremely dependent on
the preliminary topology. Geometry optimization
deals with optimizing the shape and size of the layout
found from topology optimization. Finite element-
based optimization adopts that a discretized FE
model exists; whereas, the classical structural
optimization methodologies directly work on the
differential equations governing equilibrium. FE-
based optimization is embodied in a computer
program for the optimization of mechanical
structures. The program usually contains an analysis
module and an optimization module. The analysis
Fig. 5 Enlarge view of meshing
module is used to evaluate the structural responses
Then we have applied same boundary condition as
(e.g., deflections and stresses) [5].
above figure 1. And then completed post processing
Topology optimization: method. Then used solver to solve the result.
After the analysis, the H-frame is imported in
ANSYS R 15.0 for its topology optimization. The file Result element stresses:
is modified into .STEP format and loaded into the After applying boundary condition, the file is
imported to the solver. Now To reduce the weight of
International Journal Of Engineering Innovation And Scientific Research.Vol.1 (1)-P.P-6-13 ISSN: 2395-6372

H frame we must reduce the density of it so we have

taken the parameter thickness for topology
optimization. Here actual thickness of H frame is 10
mm so we have considered some iteration to reduce
it. And from those results we want to define the
results of max. vonmises stresses and deflections.
Finally the post process is done.
Fig. 8 iteration 4 von-mises stress

Fig. 6 Total Deformation in H-section Fig. 9 iteration 4 deflection

Comparison of Optimization results:
Max Total deformation of H section is 0.90169 mm We have considered different types of iterations for
on Y- axis. reducing the density of the frame. For reducing
thickness or density of that results we have made a
Equivalent Stresses:.
resultant table which shows all the values of stresses
and deflections acting on the frame. Also, we have
achieved the % of Cost for all sections and added %
of reduction of cost.

Itera Thic Defle Str Wei Co Redu

tions kness ction ess ght st ction
(mm) (mm) (M (Kg % %
pa) )
6 7 1.044 272 152. 83. 16.3
3 .45 12 7
Fig. 7 Equivalent stresses in H-section 5 7.5 1.014 268 157. 86. 13.6
2 .14 11 4
A total equivalent stress generated by using of von- 4 8 0.986 262 162. 89. 10.8
mises stress theory is 224.43 MPa. 88 .06 07 2
Then to reduce thickness we have took iterations and 3 8.5 0.962 256 167. 91. 8.1
in that iteration 4 at 8 mm is nearly suitable with our 39 .33 01 9
result so we have taken it as an optimized result. 2 9 0.940 250 171. 94. 5.4
28 .64 93 6
1 9.5 0.921 239 176. 97. 2.7
06 .96 84 3
0 10 0.901 224 181 10 0.0
69 .43 0.0

International Journal Of Engineering Innovation And Scientific Research.Vol.1 (1)-P.P-6-13 ISSN: 2395-6372

Table 3 Comparison of different iterations result 20% (8 mm) without compromising the
From the above table 3 iteration 0 shows the actual functionality..
result of H frame which has a thickness of 10 mm.  Also from the optimal result for deflection
And at iteration 4 generated stress 262.06 Mpa and and stress we know the thickness reduce
deflection is 0.98688 mm so obtained near about 11% from 10 mm to 8 mm, the deflection
reduction in cost but if we have further reduced the observed is 0.98 mm and stress is 262.06
thickness from 8 mm to 7.5 mm or 7 mm then the Mpa so obtained near about 11% reduction
stress and deflection value is drastically increase in cost but if we are further reduced the
compared to cost reduction. thickness from 8 mm to 7.5 mm or 7 mm
As shown from the above table 3 we can say total then the stress and deflection value is
weight of H section is 181 Kg before optimization. drastically increase compared to cost
And its cost is 38915 Rs. If we compare it with reduction. So that here we are taking 8 mm
iteration 4 at 8 mm thickness, weight of H frame is optimize thickness for final design.
reduced by 162.07 kg which cost is 34845.05 Rs after
optimization. Future Scope:
 Topography optimization can be done,
Comparison of Analytical Result and Simulation which can give more strength to the frame.
Result of deflection and stresses:  Other types of optimization methods can
also apply for optimization of the frame.
C-section Analytical Ansys Result  The same procedure can also be adopted for
Result optimization of other types of presses.
Deflection 2.45 2.1
(mm) IX Acknowledgement:
Stress (Mpa) 91 379.04 The authors would like to thank guide, H.O.D and
teaching staff of mechanical engineering department
Table 6.5 Comparison of Analytical result and for providing their valuable guidance and
simulation result for C- frame. overwhelming support to carry out this work.

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