General Physics

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1ST QUARTER REVIEWER Length - the straight-line distance between two points

GENERAL PHYSICS 1 along an object

- 1 m is defined as the distance travelled by light in a
LESSON 1: UNITS, PHYSICAL QUANTITIES, vacuum in 1/299,792,458 second.
MEASUREMENT, ERRORS AND - Based on the definition that the speed of light is
UNCERTANITIES exactly 299,792,458 m/s.

PHYSICS - An experimental science and it is largely a Time - change, or the interval over which change
science of measurement. occurs
- 1 second is defined as 9,192,631,770 cycles of the
PHYSICIST - observe the phenomena of nature and microwave radiation due to the transition between the
try to find and invent patterns and principles that relate two lowest energy states of the Cesium atom.
these phenomena. - This is measured from an atomic clock using this
Measurement - It is the comparison of the specified
physical quantity. with the known standard quality of Mass - the measure of the amount of matter in a body.
the equivalent nature – 1 kg is defined to be the mass of a cylinder of
platinum-iridium alloy at the International Bureau of
PHYSICAL QUANTITIES Weights and Measures (Sèvres, France).
Standards and Units
The 7 Units of SI System
PHYSICAL QUANTITY - Any number that is used to Quantity Unit Symbol
1. Length meter m
describe a physical phenomenon quantitatively. 2. Mass kilogram kg
- describing a way to calculate the quantities from 3. Time seconds s
other quantities that we can measure. 4. Tempearure kelvin K
5. Electric Charge ampere A
6. Luminous Intensity candela Cd
TWO TYPES OF QUANTITIES 7. Amount of mole Mol
1. Fundamental Quantities substance
2. Derived Quantities
SI prefixes, symbols and their values
Fundamental quantities - basic quantity PREFIX SYMBOL VALUE PREFIX SYMBOL VALLUE
- quantity: Yotta- Y 1024 Yocto- y 10-24
Zeta- Z 1021 Zepto- z 10-21
 Length Exa- E 1018 Atto- a 10-18
 Mass Peta- P 1015 Femto- f 10-15
 Time Tera- T 1012 Pico- p 10-11
Giga- G 109 Nano- n 10-9
 Temperature Mega- M 106 Micro- μ 10-6
 electric charge Kilo- K 103 Milli- m 10-3
 luminous intensity Hecto- H 102 Centi- c 10-2
 amount of substance Deka- Da 101 Deci- d 10-1

Derived quantities - combination of fundamental quantities. FACTORS FOR UNIT CONVERSION

- quantity: 1. Mass
 Acceleration  1 kg = 1000 g = 0.001 metric ton = 2.20462 lbm =
 Density 35.27392 oz
 Work  1 lbm = 16 oz = 5x10-4 ton = 453.593 g =
 Energy 0.453593 k

Derived Units- the combination of base units 2. Length

 1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 10 6 microns (µm) =
Metric System- since 1960 the system of units used by 1010 angstrom (Å)
scientists and engineers = 39.37 in. = 3.2808 ft = 1.0936 yd = 0.0006214
- “International System” or SI units (abbreviation for its mile
French term, Système International).  1 km = 1000 m
 1 ft = 12 in. = 1/3 yd = 0.3048 m = 30.48 cm
Standard Units:
a. Length 3. Volume
b. Time  1 m3 = 1000 L = 106 cm3 = 106 mL
c. Mass = 35.3145 ft3 = 220.83 imperial gallons
264.17 gal
= 1056.68 qt - Zeroes are not significant if they are used only to
 1 ft3 = 1728 in.3 = 7.4805 gal = 0.028317 m3 = indicate the position of the decimal point.
= 28.317 L
Rules for Significant Figures
4. Force
 1 N = 1 kg∙m/s2 = 105 dynes = 105g∙cm/s2 = 1. Nonzero digits are always significant
0.22481 lbf 38.57 mL (4) 288 g (3)
 1 lbf = 32.174 lbm∙ft/s2 = 4.4482 N = 4.4482x105
dynes 2. Zeroes are sometimes significant, and sometimes
they are not.
5. Pressure
 1 atm = 1.01325x105 N/m2 (Pa) = 101.325 kPa = a. Zeroes at the beginning of a number (used
1.01325 bar just to position the decimal point) are never
= 1.01325x106dynes/cm2 significant.
= 760 mm Hg at 0℃ (torr) = 10.333 m H2O at 0.052 g (2) or 5.2X10-2 g 0.00364 m (3) or 3.64x10-3m
= 14.696 lbf/in.2 b. Zeroes between nonzero digits are always
(psi) = 33.9 ftH2O at 4℃ significant.
= 29.921 in. Hg at 0℃ 2007 g (4) 6.08 km (3)

6. Energy d. Zeroes at the end of a number that contains a

 1 J = 1 N∙m = 107 ergs = 107dyne∙cm decimal point are always significant.
= 2.778x10-7kW∙h = 0.23901 cal 8.0 cm (3) or 38.0x101 cm 440.0 m (4) or 4.400x102 m
= 0.7376 ft∙lbf = 9.486x10-4 Btu
d. Zeroes at the end of a number that does not
7. Power contain a decimal point may or may not be
 1 W = 1 J/s = 0.23901 cal/s = 0.7376 ft∙lbf/s = significant.
9.486x10-4 Btu/s 24,300 km (3, 4, 5)
= 1.341x10-3hp
3. Exact numbers can be considered as having an
8. Time unlimited number of significant figures. This applies
 1 s = 0.016666666 minute (min) to defined quantities.
= 2.777777778 x 10-4 hour (h)
1 yard = 3 ft 1 in. = 2.54 cm (we do not apply sig.
Length- one of the fundamental physical quantities.
- Using a meter stick or a foot rule is the simplest way 3. In addition and subtraction, the last digit retained
to measure length. in the sum or difference is determined by the
position of the first doubtful digit.
Two common units of length
1. Centimetre a. Add 37.24 and 10.3 mL
2. inch 37.24mL+10.3mL= 47.54 mL ≈ 47.5 mL
b. Subtract 21.2342 mL g from 27.87 mL
Least count - the smallest value that can be read from 27.87mL - 21. 2342 mL= 6.6358mL ≈ 6.636 mL
any measuring device 5. In multiplication and division, an answer contains
no more significant figures than the least number of
PERCENTAGE ERROR- the difference between significant figures used in the operation.
estimated value and the actual value in comparison to A = l x w = (12.34 cm)(1.23 cm) = 15.2 cm2
the actual value Scientific notation - also referred to as standard form
- %error=(experimental − theoretical)/theoretical x or standard index form
100% - is a way of expressing numbers in decimal form.
- was developed in order to easily represent numbers
SIGNIFICANT FIGURES AND SCIENTIFIC that are either very large or very small.
NOTATION - (any number between 1 and 10) x 10n
How to convert a Real or Raw number into a
Significant figures (sig. figs) are those digits in a Scientific Notation?
number or measurement that are not being used and
considered as place-values.
1. Move the decimal place until you get a number  an incorrectly adjusted measuring instrument
between one and ten (standard). (such as stopwatch that runs too fast and so give
greater time)
2. Count how many places you moved the decimal  use of an instrument that has a zero error. That is,
point. The number of places would be the exponent of it does not read zero for zero measurements (such
the ‘10’ in the scientific notation. If the decimal point as an ammeter used to measure current) the
is moved to the right, then the power of ten would be needle may point to 0.1, even when not connected
negative, and positive if it moved to the left.
in a circuit.
The following examples are measurements of mass in
milligram (mg) that are expressed in scientific notation. Other examples of systematic error are the following:
1. 45 000 = 4.5 x 104 (1) a meter ruler with worn ends,
2. 0.000 075 = 7.5 x 10-5 (2) a dial instrument with a needle that is not properly
3. 0.000 251 = 2.51 x 10-4 zeroed, and
4. 100 000 = 1 x 105 (3) human reaction time that is always either too late
or too early.
Common sources of systematic errors
ACCURACY- refers to how closely a measured value  faulty calibration of measuring instruments
agrees with the correct value.
 poorly maintained instruments
- exact value
 faulty reading of instruments by the user
PRECISION - refers to how closely individual
measurements agree with one another. PARALLAX ERROR -results from the user reading an
instrument at an angle resulting in a reading which is
The following figures show the difference between consistently high or consistently low.
accuracy and precision.
errors of observation which measurement is just as
likely to be larger or smaller than the true or accepted
- occurs when the same quantity is measured several
times and is estimated to the nearest division on a
Figure 1. High Accuracy measuring instrument and or measuring instrument
Figure 2. High Precision not being particularly sensitive.
Figure 3. Low accuracy and precision
Common sources of random errors
LESSON 3: EXPERIMENTAL ERRORS AND  problems estimating a quantity that lies between
UNCERTAINTY the graduations (the lines) on an instrument
 the inability to read an instrument because the
EXPERIMENTAL ERRORS reading fluctuates during the measurement
- are inherent in the measurement process and cannot
be eliminated simply by repeating the experiment no LESSON 4: ESTIMATING ERRORS USING VARIANCE
matter how carefully
Errors - uncertainty in measurements
ERROR ANALYSIS - the study of uncertainty in physical - It is usually appended in a quantity with ± sign
Variance (σ2 ) - the average of the squared difference
TWO TYPES OF EXPERIMENTAL ERRORS: of the measurements ( x ) from the mean x̄.
1. systematic errors
2. random errors
∑ (x − x̄ )

SYSTEMATIC ERRORS - errors caused due to the error
where : σ = variance
in the instrument, and usually can be corrected by
N = is the number of measurements
simple calculation of improved experiment technique.
x = given measurements
These effects result from:
x̄ = mean
standard deviation - square root of the variance LESSON 6: ADDITION OF VECTOR
- close to zero indicates that the data points are close
to the mean Given: F = 50 newtons, 300 from the horizontal
- High standard deviation indicates that the Scale: 1cm: 10 newton
measurements are spread out over a wide range of



1. Vectors 2. Scalars

SCALAR QUANTITIES - quantities that are fully

described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
- examples:
1. Mass ( A person buys a tub of margarine with a mass
of 500 kg )
2. Time ( The car has reached its destination after 2h.)
3. Distance (Zaldy have walked a distance of 100 km) The following are the possible names:
4. Age ( Janelle will be turning 8 on Aug 6 , 2020 ) F= 50 newtons, 300
F= 50 newtons, - 3300
VECTOR QUANTITIES - quantities that are fully F = 50 newtons, 300 North East
described by both magnitude and direction. F= 50 newtons, 600 East of North
- examples:
1. Velocity (A car is travelling east along a freeway at  angles measured counterclockwise positive x- axis
1,000 km/h.) are positive; otherwise, the angles are negative.
2. Force ( A force of 50 newtons acts on a body in an
upward direction.) Resultant - The sum of two or more vectors is
3. Acceleration ( An airplane moves with an represented by a single vector
acceleration of 5m/s2
, 700 There are different ways to be followed in adding
North of East.) vectors:
4. Displacement ( The hiker is walking 3 miles per
hour , South) 1. Vectors acting in the same direction
 The resultant of two vectors acting in the same
SCALAR QUANTITY VECTOR QUANTITY direction is a vector whose magnitude is equal to the
 Scalar quantity has  Vector quantity has sum of their magnitudes and act in the same direction
only magnitude, but both magnitude and as they do.
no direction. direction. Example: 25 km North + 30 km North = 55 km North
 Every scalar quantity  Vector quantity can
is one dimensional. be one, two or three 2. Vectors acting in the opposite direction
dimensional.  The resultant of two vectors acting in the opposite
direction is a vector whose magnitude is the difference
 Any change in scalar  Any change in vector
of their magnitudes and which acts in the direction of
quantity is the quantity can reflect
the greater vector.
reflection of change either change in
Example :5 km/h, East - 2 km/h West = 3km /h, East
in magnitude. direction or change in
 Few examples of  Few examples of
3. Vectors in any direction
scalar quantity: vector quantity:
- Length - Displacement
- Mass - Velocity
A. Graphical Method
- Energy - Acceleration
1.parallelogram method
- Density - Weight
2.polygon method
- Temperature - Force
B. Pythagorean Theorem
C. Analytical Method or Component Method

1. Parallelogram method- the tail–to-tail method.
- The properties of parallelograms are that the
opposite sides and its angles are congruent.
Congruent angles - have the same angle in degrees.

1. Janelle and Myka pushes their cabinet along the
floor, Janelle exerts a force of 30 N horizontally while
Myka uses a rope and applies a force of 40 N. The rope
was pulled with an angle of 300from the horizontal.
Find the resultant force exerted by Janelle and Myka. Step 4: Draw the resultant vector. Use a ruler to
measure the arrow representing the resultant vector.
Given:  If your measurement is correct, it should be about
F1 = 30 N,horizontally (East) 6.7 cm.
F2 = 40 N, 300 from the horizontal (North of East)  Using a protractor, the angle that the resultant
vector makes with the positive x-axis should be
Find:FR around 18 degrees.


Step 1: Choose an appropriate scale.

 Scale: 1cm = 10 N

Step 2: Draw the Cartesian plane and plot the two

force vectors from tail to tail.
 Using your chosen scale, F1 = 3 cm long should be
drawn along x –axis (East direction)
 F2 = 4 cm long, then a protractor will be used to
plot 300 on the x- axis (North of East.)

Step 5. Using the chosen scale 6.7 cm is 67 N.

 Therefore, the resultant force vector is FR= 6.7N,
18 degrees North of East.

2. Polygon Method - the head-to-tail addition of



1. This time of pandemic, you choose to have your

Zumba exercise in your barangay gymnasium instead
of going to Fitness gym. So, from your house to the
gymnasium you walk with the following displacements
Step 3: Draw a line parallel to each vector to make a 100 mdue East, 50 m due North and another 50 m to
parallelogram. the West. Find your resultant displacement using
polygon method.

 d1 = 100 m, E
 d2= 50 m, N
 d3= 50 m, W
Find :dR  The resultant of two vectors that form a right
angle may be computed by applying the
Solution: Pythagorean theorem.

Step 1: Choose the appropriate scale and frame of

shows that vector A + B = R
reference for the given vectors. and that it forms a right angle .
 Scale: 1cm = 10 m

Step 2: Draw the first vector starting from the origin

of the reference frame.
 Draw the second vector starting from the head of a right triangle with sides a and
the first vector. b and hypotenuse , c . The
 Proceed to draw the remaining vectors starting length of the sides are related
from the head of the most recent vector drawn. All through the Pythagorean
the vectors must be connected in series, head-to- theorem, c2 =a 2 + b 2
tail fashion.
1. Tina, a mother of a one-year-old baby trains her
daughter to walk every morning. Baby Summer can
make steps for as far as 4 m East, falls and starts to
walk again with a distance of 5 m North. What is Baby
Summer’s resultant displacement?

 d1 = 4m, E
 d2= 5 m, N

Find :dR

Step 3: Draw a new vector connecting the tail of the Solution:

first vector to the head of the last vector drawn.
 The new vector is the resultant vector of the given STEP 1: The figure shows that the vectors form a right
vectors. triangle
 Measure the magnitude and direction of the  dR = hypotenuse
resultant vector using a ruler and a protractor.  d1= one side of the triangle,
 d2= the other side of the triangle

STEP 2: Using the Pythagorean theorem

2 2 2
a + b =c
dR=√ d 1+ d 2
¿ √ (4 m)2 +(5 m)2
¿ √ 16 m +26 m
2 2
STEP 4: If your measurement is accurate, then your
resultant displacement vector is dR = 7.1 cm, 450 ¿ √ 41 m2
¿ 6.40 m
North of East.
STEP 3: To get the direction of the vector
opposite side
4m STEP 1:
¿ 1.25 m opposite side
sin θ=
STEP 4: FIND θ = Tan-1 θ dy
sin θ=
θ = Tan-1 θ (1.25m) dy = d Sin θ
= 51.34 degrees = 10m Sin 60 degrees
= 8.66 m
STEP 5: 𝑑𝑅 = 6.40𝑚 , 51.340 𝑁 𝑜𝑓 𝐸 STEP 2:
cos θ=
C. ANALYTICAL METHOD - Vector addition by ℎypotenuse
components. dx
cos θ=
- The component method is the standard way to add dy
vectors. cos θ=d cos θ
- The trigonometric functions are used to determine the = 10 m cos 60 degrees
magnitude and direction = 5m
of the vector 2. Myka walks 100 m East. Find the components of
The different trigonometric functions are as follows:
Trigonometric functions ! d = 100 m
opposite side
sin θ=
ℎypotenuse Find: dx and dy

cos θ=

opposite side

1. Find the x and y components of a displacement
vector with a magnitude of 10 m and a direction of 600 SOLUTION :
with respect to x – axis dx = 100m
dy = 0

A camper was lost and so he was looking for his
companions He took his compass to see his exact
location.. He walked 10 km , 300 North of East then
walks another 5km, Southeast in order for him see his
companions. After a few hours of walking , .he was
able to locate the camping site. Determine the
resultant displacement of the camper by using
component method.

! d1 = 10 km, 30 degreed N of E.
! d2= 5km, SE
Find :dR
! d = 10 m ,60 degrees x-axis

FIND: dx and dy Solution:

Step 1. Draw each vector and show its components.
! Resolve each vector into its x and y components by ¿ √ (12.99 km)2+(7.5 km)2
using trigonometric functions. ¿ √ 168.7401 km2+56.25 km 2
¿ √ 224.9541 km2
Components of d1 ¿ 14. 9985 km
≈ 15 km

opposite side

d1x = d1 cos 30 degrees
= 10 km cos 30 degrees 7.5 km
= 8.66 km tanθ=
12.99 km
d1y = d1 sin 30 degrees
= 0.57 km
= 10 sin 30 degrees
= 5 km
θ = Tan-1 θ (0.57km)
= 29.68 degrees
≈ 29 degreed
Components of d2
dR= 15 km, 29 degrees N of E

MOTION - change with time of the position or

orientation of a body.

Kinematics is the study of the classification and

d2x = d2 cos 30 degree comparisons of motion.
= 5km cos 30 degrees
d2y = d2 sin 30 degree
= 5km sin 30 degrees Origin- zero point of an axis
= 2.5 km - finding its position relative to some
reference point
Step 2 .Find the sum of the x components
Σdx=d 1 x+ d 1 y Distance - the total length travelled
¿ 8. 66 km+4.33 k m
- it is a scalar quantity
= 12. 99 km

Step 3 .Find the sum of the x components

Σdx=d 2 x +d 2 y
¿ 5 km+2.5 k m
= 7.5 km

DISPLACEMENT X component Y component

D1 8.66 km 5 km " The positive direction of the axis is increasing
D2 4.33 km 2.5 km numbers which is to the right while the opposite is
Σ 12. 99km 7.5 km the negative direction

Step 4. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the Displacement - is a vector quantity.
resultant vector by using Pythagorean theorem and - It has both magnitude and direction
trigonometric functions
dR=√ (Σdx)2 +(Σdy)2 Speed- defined as the distance travelled in a unit time.
- the average speed is obtained by dividing the total
distance covered by the corresponding time.

total distance d
Save = =
total time t

" where Save is the average speed.

" The SI unit for speed is m/s

Velocity - the ratio of the displacement that occurs

during a particular time interval.
- To be more precise, we use the average velocity.

displacement Δx X 2− X 1
V ave = = =¿
total time Δt t 2− t 1

" where V ave is the average velocity.

" The SI unit for velocity is m/salong with a
specific direction because velocity is a vector
" It must have a magnitude and a direction

Acceleration - when the velocity of a particle is

changing, its motion is said to be accelerated. Just
as the velocity is the time rate of change of
- is the time rate of change of velocity

velocity Δ v Vf −Vi
a= = =
time Δ t Tf −Ti

# where a is the acceleration.

# A positive acceleration means that the object is
# negative acceleration means that the object is

Uniformly Accelerated Motion

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