Lesson 4 Find and Do What You Love
Lesson 4 Find and Do What You Love
Lesson 4 Find and Do What You Love
Today, it is common knowledge that butterflies go be passionate about caterpillars, spiders, and other
through an egg-caterpillar-pupa cycle. However, until insects, but Merian was obsessed to the point that
the 17th century, many people regarded the butterfly she would sometimes watch them for weeks on end.
and the caterpillar as entirely different creatures. They She carefully painted each step of their life cycles,
believed insects were evil creatures that came from depicting even subtle changes.
mud. Butterflies, on the other hand, were considered Even after Merian got married and had children, her
“summer birds,” and it was commonly believed that passion for insects did not die down. She kept
they just fell from the sky in warm weather and caterpillars and butterflies at home in order to study
vanished in the fall. and paint them. To capture each moment of change,
In those days, one woman stood out as a pioneer. she spent many nights awake, watching and waiting.
Although having an interest in insects was considered In her house were so many plants and jars of insects
odd and weird, she observed many cases of insect that her kitchen began to look more like a research
scientific observations through her unique paintings. After almost 20 years of hard work, Merian
Her name was Maria Sibylla Merian. published a book about insects in 1679. There had
Merian was born in 1647 in the city of Frankfurt, already been books about insects, but Merian’s was
Germany. When she was still little, she became very special. While no other books had ever depicted the
interested in painting flowers. It is said that she once full life cycle of insects, Merian’s showed each stage
climbed over a wealthy neighbor’s wall to find of metamorphosis in detail. In addition, Merian
flowers that she could paint. She took some tulips revealed the relationships between living things by
without the owner’s permission. She must have been illustrating insects within their natural surroundings.
unaware of how expensive they were at the time. This was different from other drawings of the time,
When little Maria confessed her act, the neighbor which displayed only single specimens on a plain
asked to see the painting. Seeing her painting, he background. In an era when most scientists perceived
was so impressed that he only asked for the painting plants and animals individually, Merian paid attention
a painting by Maria Sibylla Merian ↑ time, which contained colorful and detailed paintings
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