Deciding Which Bills
Deciding Which Bills
Deciding Which Bills
Getting Through
Tough Financial Times
Managing Your Debt: Deciding Which Bills to Pay First
Having trouble paying your bills? Are you getting overdue notices from your creditors? Are your accounts
being turned over to debt collectors? Are you worried about losing your home or car?
When you don’t have enough money to cover your family’s basic living expenses and pay all your bills, you
face some difficult financial decisions.
It may be tempting to use credit cards, take out a home equity loan or borrow money to pay bills. But tak-
ing on more debt is generally not a good idea. Unless your financial situation turns around quickly, it only
puts you further behind and creates bigger problems. Instead, focus on cutting your spending and working
with your creditors to reduce your payments until your situation improves.
When you don’t have enough money to pay your bills and other expenses, your spending habits must
change. The sooner you change, the more likely your financial problems can be lessened. Your family
should be part of the decision-making process, since their cooperation is essential in carrying out your
Detweiler, Gerri. The Ultimate Credit Handbook. Penguin Books: New York. 1997.
Leonard, Robin. Money Troubles: Legal Strategies to Cope with Your Debts. Nolo Press: Berkeley, CA. 1996.
Sheldon, Jonathan and Gary Klein. Surviving Debt: a Guide for Consumers. National Consumer Law Center:
Boston. 1996.