MLST Yr 1 Study Guide
MLST Yr 1 Study Guide
MLST Yr 1 Study Guide
-Exams are therefore done at the end of the semester and each
semester entails different but related units
Note : This are just the core units and not inclusive of all units
1. Immunology
Done in First Yr & Fourth Yr
2. Hematology
Done in First Yr & Third Yr
3. Blood transfusion Science
Done in First Yr & Third Yr
4. Microbiology ( sub-divided into various disciplines )
Done in Second & third Yr
5. HistoCytology
Done in third Yr
6. Clinical Chemistry
Done in First Yr & Fourth Yr
7.Biochemistry (sub-divided into various disciplines)
Majorly done in First & Second Yr
Semester One
1. Immunology
2. Medical Physiology
3. Human Anatomy
4. Physical Chemistry
5. Inorganic Chemistry
- As its one of the core units of Mlst program ensure you
master the concepts well as there will be a continuation of it
in fourth year
- The exams and cats will be theoretical though there will be a
few introductory practical session towards the end of the
Medical Physiology
- Both units are under Biochemistry , they entail some theory and
mathematical problems hence one is required to do the practice
questions and examples in the lecture slides
- Cats and exams are mostly examined from the lecture slides , so
ensure you go through them more than once and do practise
- You can use Youtube videos to complement the lecture slides
- Some useful Youtube channels include ; Inorganic Chem tutor ,
Chads Prep , Andrey K Lectures , Melissa Marbel
- For revision , Websites like ; Chemistry libre texts
Semester two
1. Hematology I
2. BLood transfusion
3. Clinical Chemistry
4. Structure of Biomolecules
5. Biomedical techniques and Instrumentation
● Use textbooks such as Monica’s Cheesbrough
which is brief but on point Monica's Cheesbrough and
comprehensive summary of hematology notes
● Ensure you know the following the practical section as
it will be tested in the practical exams
1. Preparation of Peripheral blood films - make sure
you can make a PBF , Try and organize with the
hematology lab techs a session aside from the
practical session to practise (it's important to
know how to prepare well as it will be tested in
the practical exams )
2. Ensure you know how to use a microscope
before you sit for your exams ; try and organize a
session aside from the class practicals
3. Practical exams will include spots , ensure you
look at pictures of certain “equipments” and their
uses i.e wintrobe tubes used for ESR , different
vacutainers etc
Blood transfusion
1. Go through all the topics listed in the lecture schedule
2. Use this summary for revision Summary of BTU notes
3.Useful youtube channels include ; Medicosis Perfectionalis ,
RegisteredNurse Rn , Dr Najeeb(detailed) etc
1. Before you sit for your exams ensure you know how to
perform a blood group test as it will be tested in the practical
2. The practical exam will contain spots where you’ll be
required to identify different equipments/ reagents used in
BTS and their uses i.e Blood transfussion bag & the
anticoagulant in it , Coombs reagent and its uses etc
3. Ensure you understand how Reverse Blood grouping works
it can be tested theoretically in the practical exam
Clinical Chemistry
- This is another core unit of Medlab so ensure you master the
concepts well as its the foundation of Clinical Chemistry II to be
done in 4th Yr
- There will be a practical exam and theory
- It will include a wet practical such as performing and
interpreting Urinalysis and Dry practical
Sample of dry Practical
- There will spots questions i.e identifying different
vacutainers and its anticoagulants , Safety
equipements etc
Structure of biomolecules
- This unit is fully practical however the cat will be theoretical and
exams will consist of a theory paper and hands on practical
- Every week you’ll be doing a specific practical as a group and
using the data you get , you’ll be required to write a report(you’ll be
instructed on how to write the report ) the report will be graded at
the end of the semester and a percentage added to your exam
- Ensure before each practical session you go through the
objectives of the practicals as indicated in the manual in order to
familiarise with the practical