MLST Yr 1 Study Guide

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NOTE : Due to the nature of our program being a “hands on “

course , units are not done for an entire academic year like the rest
of the programs within FHS but for a semester this is to allow the
student to develop the foundation before progressing to the clinical
aspects i.e Fundamentals of Immunology is done in Yr 1 semester
1 and the Clinical part of it is done in Yr 4 semester 1

-Exams are therefore done at the end of the semester and each
semester entails different but related units

Core Units in Medical laboratory Science and Technology


Note : This are just the core units and not inclusive of all units

1. Immunology
Done in First Yr & Fourth Yr
2. Hematology
Done in First Yr & Third Yr
3. Blood transfusion Science
Done in First Yr & Third Yr
4. Microbiology ( sub-divided into various disciplines )
Done in Second & third Yr
5. HistoCytology
Done in third Yr
6. Clinical Chemistry
Done in First Yr & Fourth Yr
7.Biochemistry (sub-divided into various disciplines)
Majorly done in First & Second Yr


Semester One
1. Immunology
2. Medical Physiology
3. Human Anatomy
4. Physical Chemistry
5. Inorganic Chemistry

- As its one of the core units of Mlst program ensure you
master the concepts well as there will be a continuation of it
in fourth year
- The exams and cats will be theoretical though there will be a
few introductory practical session towards the end of the

Study tips/useful resources for Immunology

1. Use of textbooks for detailed explanations ; textbooks

such as Rottis Immunology and Kuby’s Immunology
Immunology textbooks

2. Lecture slides are brief , so ensure you listen to the

lecturer’s explanation during class time and take notes

3. Use the summary notes provided in the drive for

Summary of Immunology

4. Youtube channels such as ; Frank’s lectures ,

Shomu’s biology for the fundamentals of Immunology
part and for the laboratory techniques part useful
channels include ; Cleva lab , biochemistry basic by Dr
Amit and Frank’s lectures
5. Revision questions (mcq’s) from the textbooks or
websites like Studocu

Medical Physiology

- Physiology is a very broad unit , you should therefore use

your lecture schedule to guide you on what to read as you
are not expected to know everything but only what’s required
of you as a Medlab student

Study tips / useful resources

1. Textbooks such as “Physiology by Linda S.Costanza “

simple and precise , “ Ganong’s Review of Medical
Physiology by Kim Barrett
2. Lecture slides are less detailed but pay
attention to the lecturer’s explanation and take
3. Youtube videos from the following youtube channels ;
Ninja nerd (very detailed ) , Medicosis Perfectionalis
(quick review) , Dr Najeeb (detailed )
4. For revision use Websites like ; Toppr , Quizlet ,
teachmephysiology , cliffnotes


- As a Medlab student you’ll be required to only know the basics of

Anatomy and not in-depth
- There will be a few practical sessions(gross anatomy ) but both the
exams and cats are theoretical
Useful resources/tips

1. Ensure you use your lecture schedules to guide you on

what to read
2. Use your lecture slides to study & take notes during class
3. Useful Websites where you can get notes ;
teachmeanatomy , cliffnotes
4. For Revision you can use website like toppr

Inorganic Chemistry & Physical Chemistry

- Both units are under Biochemistry , they entail some theory and
mathematical problems hence one is required to do the practice
questions and examples in the lecture slides
- Cats and exams are mostly examined from the lecture slides , so
ensure you go through them more than once and do practise
- You can use Youtube videos to complement the lecture slides
- Some useful Youtube channels include ; Inorganic Chem tutor ,
Chads Prep , Andrey K Lectures , Melissa Marbel
- For revision , Websites like ; Chemistry libre texts

Semester two
1. Hematology I
2. BLood transfusion
3. Clinical Chemistry
4. Structure of Biomolecules
5. Biomedical techniques and Instrumentation

- Being a core unit for mlst program , this unit should be

studied in depth and the concepts well mastered
- Hematology will be covered again in third year , so it's
important to understand the first yr concepts well
- Below are some tips to effectively study hematology

● Use textbooks such as Monica’s Cheesbrough
which is brief but on point Monica's Cheesbrough and
comprehensive summary of hematology notes

● For revision , materials are included in the drive and

Kmlttb pastpapers in the telegram group
● Link to telegram group "Laboratory Scientists "
● Some pastpapers
● Youtube channels that are beneficial include ;
1. Ninja Nerd ( Detailed ) - for topics like Complement
2. Medicosis Perfectionalis - for quick reviews
3.Osmosis from Elsevier - quick reviews
4.RegisteredNurse Rn
5. Dr Najeeb ( detailed )

● Ensure you know the following the practical section as
it will be tested in the practical exams
1. Preparation of Peripheral blood films - make sure
you can make a PBF , Try and organize with the
hematology lab techs a session aside from the
practical session to practise (it's important to
know how to prepare well as it will be tested in
the practical exams )
2. Ensure you know how to use a microscope
before you sit for your exams ; try and organize a
session aside from the class practicals
3. Practical exams will include spots , ensure you
look at pictures of certain “equipments” and their
uses i.e wintrobe tubes used for ESR , different
vacutainers etc

Blood transfusion

-This unit is brief and doesn’t entail much compared to

haematology however the concepts should be well understood and
mastered as its very important for BTS
- There will be a practical exam so its important to know how to
perform the various blood transfussion tests

1. Go through all the topics listed in the lecture schedule
2. Use this summary for revision Summary of BTU notes
3.Useful youtube channels include ; Medicosis Perfectionalis ,
RegisteredNurse Rn , Dr Najeeb(detailed) etc


1. Before you sit for your exams ensure you know how to
perform a blood group test as it will be tested in the practical
2. The practical exam will contain spots where you’ll be
required to identify different equipments/ reagents used in
BTS and their uses i.e Blood transfussion bag & the
anticoagulant in it , Coombs reagent and its uses etc
3. Ensure you understand how Reverse Blood grouping works
it can be tested theoretically in the practical exam

Clinical Chemistry
- This is another core unit of Medlab so ensure you master the
concepts well as its the foundation of Clinical Chemistry II to be
done in 4th Yr
- There will be a practical exam and theory

Key areas - Theory

1. Quality Assurance - Diff between IQA & EQA , LJ Charts etc
2. Phlebotomy (theory ) - Go through all 9 modules
3. Path of Workflow - pre-analytical , analytical ,post-analytical
4. Laboratory Safety
5. Vacutainers & its anticoagulant
6. Urinalysis

-Use lecture slides to study , they’re brief and precise

- For revision use pastpapers in the drive

- It will include a wet practical such as performing and
interpreting Urinalysis and Dry practical
Sample of dry Practical
- There will spots questions i.e identifying different
vacutainers and its anticoagulants , Safety
equipements etc

Structure of biomolecules

- Ensure you know all the structures of biomolecules ,

structures will be examined together with the theoretical
aspects of the unit
- Watch Youtube channels which will help you master the
structures ; such as Andrey k , Komali mam , Professor Dave
- Use your lecture slides when studying and your lecture
schedule to guide you on what you’re expected to know

Biomedical Techniques and Instrumentation

- This unit is fully practical however the cat will be theoretical and
exams will consist of a theory paper and hands on practical
- Every week you’ll be doing a specific practical as a group and
using the data you get , you’ll be required to write a report(you’ll be
instructed on how to write the report ) the report will be graded at
the end of the semester and a percentage added to your exam
- Ensure before each practical session you go through the
objectives of the practicals as indicated in the manual in order to
familiarise with the practical

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