Design of Bidirectional Battery Charger For Electr
Design of Bidirectional Battery Charger For Electr
Design of Bidirectional Battery Charger For Electr
Abstract- This paper proposes a design for the Bidirectional electric vehicle charger
which is capable of doing both the Grid to Vehicle and Vehicle to Grid power transfer,
and the interaction will be made through an automatic smart energy management
system(EMS). A simple power electronics topology is used. The user can adjust the output
of this charger by using the control signal provided by the controller. The simulation result
obtained shows that it has an interaction between the charger and an Energy Management
System(EMS) in a residence.
1. Introduction
The promotion of ultimate consumer resource efficiency policies along with the reduction of technical
based remedies to manifest them exhibit a basic step influencing for sustainable building, which
should be also joined with a higher penetration of endless resources in the generation mix. The current
growth of the existing grids to smart grids, bestowed with data and communicating technologies (ICT),
provides the technologies basic for the advancement of more sustainable, brilliant and elevated
resource management systems (RMS), such as the resource box (RB) as proposed already[1],[2]. The
RB makes use of the usual elasticity that end user have in load operating condition allotted to obtain
craved necessity response action and obtain ideal global control of energy resources. RB
characteristics are price signals obtained from the grid in the active tariff setting, user comfort demand
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IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
and limitation, atmospheric connditions, local generation forecast etc..., that could be
b used by a set of
rules for optimized control gamee plans production . These game plans have an adv vantage of ultimate
consumers, by putting down theeir electric power invoice by not lowering the hallm mark of the energy
service given, and system operattor, by guiding network management in terms of a significant
s entering
of intermittent endless generationn[3]. The RB can also exhibit modifying outline, caapture and learn the
consumer’s resource expenditurees profile and usual habit for more ahead resource management
m choices
In these circumstances, the accoomplishment of this type of RMS faces some techn nological hindrance
for instance the one said in thhis paper: the outlook of systems for interface am midst the grid and
stationery and vehicular energy vault. The plug in electric vehicle (PEV) that is a vehicle
v that can be
bounced back through an electriic plug (grid to vehicle, G to V), can be seen as a unique urban load
with the inbuilt power to givebacck resource to the grid (vehicle to grid V to G)
In reality, current developmentt in PEV and urban RMS notice the control of PEV P charging and
discharging operation as approppriate matters on the growth of defendable mobiility and universal
optimization of resource consum mption. The RB is trustworthy for limiting G to V/ V to G operations
modes in a way of command siggnals acting as a footnote to the charger controllers. In addition to load
management, photovoltaic and w wind micro-production, the management of G to V /V to G operation
modes has the ability to transformm a residence. The problem in the available charger systems are listed.
They are unidirectional so thatt only grid to vehicle charging is possible. No control c strategy is
integrated within the charger coontrol algorithm and also there is no screen for monitoring the power
variation. Instead of more compllex architecture being given in the literature, the app
proach can achieve
through wanted principles of opperation for the operational architecture of bidirectioonal charger RMS.
The design of power electroniics controllers and sizing of some submissive eleements have been
designed to sustain the current aand voltage levels within the limits, accomplishing power
p quality (PQ)
requirements. Minor sample is sset up for evaluating the desired architecture and control.
c The design
efficiency has been tested in variious performing areas. Final outcomes are quite wortthy and visionary.
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
4. AC/DC
Figgure 2. AC to DC converter.
It works as a both rectifier and inverrter mode of operation and in each mode of operatio on it is controllable.
Here apply unipolar switching methhods and at a same time the same leg switches are not n turned on as[6].
The output voltages is taken from thhe upper and lower part of the circuit. In the figure 2 Fourier series is
used to approximate the switching ffunction equal to 1/2 (1+Ci), where Ci is control siignal which is used
to control the convertor. Each IGBT T is turned on and off by using the control signal by a comparison with
the carrier signal. The same princippal is used for the inverter in figure 3 and the outputt is shown in figure
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
Fiigure 3. DC to AC converter.
The power factor is improved byy adding a L capacitor in the start of this circuit. It iss the minimum cost
solution. The size of the inductorr here used is 7.6mH with a power of 2.3KW.
Here used PI controller for AC tto DC and DC to AC conversion. The pole placemen nt approach is used
to tune this PI controller[7]. Duriing this inverter mode this is based on unipolar switcching method.
5. DC to DC converter
Class C chopper is used for this DC to DC conversion. It operates in first two quadrants. It is a
bidirectional one which operates inn both buck mode and boost modes respectively which w is shown in
figure 5. The PWM signals to these controller is provided by the controller. The importtant element of this
converter are the inductor and a cappacitor. The inductor should be sized and it work as an energy gauge.
The source current ripple is controolled by this inductor. Stabilization of DC voltage is provided by the
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
ure 5. DC to DC converter.
It uses PI controller for this contrrol operation and stimulated the entire design in MA
ATLAB software. It
is known that the charging is donne in two modes of operation. One is constant curreent and another one
is constant voltage. Some batteryy companies separate the constant current and constaant voltage sides at
80% SoC levels[8]. For the currrent control PI controllers fix P as 40 and I as 5000 based on Ziegler
Nichols method in figure 6. It ccan also vary according to our requirement. Here used a separate PI
controller for constant voltage control. For this voltage control PI controller the pro oportional constant
as 1 and integral constant as 50 are fixed by using the same method. The output of o this controller is
shown in figure 7. The battery paarameters while charging is shown in figure 8.
For discharging a separate PI coontroller is used which provides the load voltage. Fo
or this proportional
value as 0.15 and integral value aas 200 is fixed as per the same method.
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
7. Safety features
As a device with the protection agaiinst the electric shock, it is essential to install the prrotective measures.
In the making of a Bidirectional Chharger which can transfer energy to both G2V and V2G V it is necessary
to implement safety. These safety feeatures can protect the charger and it also improves the t life cycle of the
battery and the charger.
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
In the testing circuit setup 12V AAC supply is connected in series with the lamp whicch act as a load R5
is kept disconnected. It should innstantly switch ON the red LED indicating the curreent leakage through
the R2. Now the load is reducedd by adding a another 12V bulb serious in it. Even in n this condition the
LED should be able to indicate the leakage across R2. This test is used to conforrm proper working
circuit. Now removing the load should suddenly switch OFF the LED to assuring th he correct working
of the circuit.
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
Figure 13. Reverse battery protection
8. Controllers
The Proportional Integral type conntroller are used here and they design for accurateely controlling the
Insulated-gate bipolar transistor swiitching by references of current and voltage.
8.1 Controller design
I = −IC + I _L (2)
Cbus ࣭ dVCbus (t)dt = −I (t) + IL (t)
C (3)
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
VL + VBAT = 0 (6)
LChopper ࣭ d IL (t) dt = −VBAT (t) (7)
T / LChopper s + (1 − d (s)) VCbus / LChopper s (8)
Figure 14. Voltage andd Frequency value obtained in AC/DC converter conttroller.
IVC RAISE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1055 (2021) 012141 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012141
9. Conclusion
The bidirectional charger is developed which is to be used for the V2G and G2V power flow. It mean a
charging and discharging with one unit are possible, with the design proposed. It operate in constant
current, constant voltage battery charging methods are happen in unit power factor changing. The
operating parameters can be adjusted by varying the control signal from the controller. This design allows
the charging and discharging operation at the different power level.
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