Ben Afshari Plaintiff,: Case Number

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JAN 202012
4950 Jennie Kate lane
Lexington Kentucky 40510
Ben Afshari
United States District Court
Eastern District Of Kentucky
Central Division
Ben Afshari
: Case Number
Bear Archery inc and SOP services Inc.
Plaintiffs Ben Afshari, for its Complaint of patent infringement against defendant
Bear archery inc and SOP services Inc alleges as follows:
1. Plaintiff Ben Afshari is an individual under the laws of the United States of
America Representing Himself, Prose.
2. Defendant, SOP Services, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws
of the State of Nevada and has a principal place of business at 2325-B
Renaissance Drive, Suite 10, Salvages, Nevada 89119.
3. Defendant, Bear Archery, Inc., is a corporation organized under the laws
of testate of Florida, and has a principal place of business at 817 Maxwell
Avenue, Evansville, IN 47711.
4. On information and belief Bear Archery Inc and SOP services Inc. has, at all
times material hereto, has conducted business in the State of Kentucky.
5. This action arises under the patent laws of the United States, 35 U. S. C.
271, 281, 283-285. Subject matter jurisdiction is conferred on this Court by 28
U.S.C. 1331 and 1338(a). Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C.
1391(b), 1391(c) and/or 1400(b).
6. On April 27th 2004, United States Letters Patent No. 6,725,854 (lithe '854
patent") was issued for an invention entitled Illuminated sight pin with priority date
, Abbas Ben Afshari as the inventor. Atrue and correct copy of the 854 patent is
attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
7. On March 17th 2009, United States Letters Patent No. 7,503,321 (lithe '321
patent") was issued for an invention entitled Illuminated sight pin with priority date
, Abbas Ben Afshari as the inventor. A true and correct copy of the 321 patent is
attached hereto as Exhibit liB".
8. The '854 and 321 patents are directed to, an archery bow sight system which
includes a sight pin, a sight pin Guard, a long fiber optic member, a pin
attachment portion, and a wrapped portion when one end of fiber optic member
is attached thru a hole which is at one end of the sight pin and a portion of the
fiber optic is at least partially wrapped for gathering light and exposing it from the
ends of the Fiber optic member.
9. On information and belief, defendant Bear archery and SOP services inc. has
engaged in providing users with various Version of paragraph 8 above since
2007 until now. These products are so far identified as. Outlaw, Judge, Cypher,
MicroCypher, Hitman, Drive Slider, V5, V3, Alpha, and Pursuit
pr:rtlOft mthe f!f1
10. The technology covered by the '321 and 854 patents enables Archers to
hunt confidently during the dusk and down without being worried about seeing
their sight pin tip for accurate shot placement.
11. Paragraphs 1-10 above, are hereby incorporated herein by
10. Defendant Bear archery and SOP services has manufactured, sold or
offered to sell, and will continue to Manufacture, sell or offer to sell, bow sights
which incorporates all elements of 854 and 321 patents.
12. By Manufacturing, selling, and/or offering for sale its Arrow rest system,
defendant Bear archery and SOP services Have directly and contributory
infringed, and will continue to directly and contributory infringe, Claim 7 and 12 of
854 patent under 35 U.S. C. 271 (a), (b), (c), and/or (f), literally and/or under
the doctrine of equivalents.
13. By Manufacturing, selling, and/or offering for sale its Arrow rest system,
defendant Bear archery and SOP services Has directly and contributory
infringed, and will continue to directly and contributory infringe, Claim 1, 5, 6, 7,
8,9,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,25,26 and 12 of 321 patent under 35 U.S. C.
271 (a), (b), (c), and/or (f), literally and/or under the doctrine of equivalents.
14. By making, using, selling, and/or offering for sale certain bow sights,
defendant Bear Archery Inc and SOP services Inc. Has induced infringement of,
and will continue to induce infringement of, more than One claim from 854 and
321 patents under 35 U.S. C. 271 (b), and/or (f), literally and/or under the
doctrine of equivalents.
13. On information and belief, Bear Archery Inc and SOP services Inc.
Infringement of the'854 and 321 patents have been and continues to be willful
and deliberate.
14. As a direct and proximate consequence of the acts and practices of
defendant, plaintiff Ben Afshari has been, is being and, unless such acts and
practices are enjoined by the Court, will continue to be injured in its business and
property rights, and has suffered, is suffering, and will continue to suffer injury
and damages for which it is entitled to relief under 35 U.S.C. 284.
15. As a direct and proximate consequence of the acts and practices of
defendant, defendant has also caOsed,is causing and, unless such acts and
practices are enjoined by -the Court, will continue to cause irreparable harm to
Ben Afshari for which there is no adequate remedy at law, and for which plaintiff
is entitled to injunctive relief under 35 U. S. C. 283.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff Ben Afshari prays for the entry of a judgment from this
a. Declaring that United States Letters Patent 6,725,854 and 7,503,321
was duly and legally issued, is valid and is enforceable.
b. Declaring that defendants Bear Archery Inc and SOP services Inc .. Has
directly infringed, contributory infringed, and/or induced infringement of
Several Claims from 854 and 321.patents;
c. Declaring that defendant Bear Archery Inc. and SOP Services inc. Has
willfully infringed one or more claims of 854 and 321 patents.
d. Deeming this to be an "exceptional" case within the meaning of 35
U.S.C. 285, entitling plaintiff to an award of its reasonable attorney fees,
expenses and costs in this action.
e. Preliminarily and permanently enjoining defendant Bear Archery Inc.
and SOP services Inc .. And its respective officers, agents, servants,
employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or
participation with them who receive actual notice of the order by personal
service or otherwise, from committing further acts of infringement under 35
U.S.C. 271 ofClaims1, 5,6,7,8,9,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,25,26
of 321 under 35 U.S.C. 283;
f. Preliminarily and permanently enjoining defendant Bear Archery Inc. and
SOP services Inc. And its respective officers, agents, servants,
employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or
participation with them who receive actual notice of the order by personal
service or otherwise, from committing further acts of infringement under 35
U.S.C. 271 of Claims 7 and 12 of 854 patent under 35 U.S.C. 283;
g. Awarding plaintiff damages in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 284;
h. Awarding plaintiff its costs in connection with this action; and
I. Awarding plaintiff such other and further relief as this Court may deem
to be just and proper.
J. Preliminary Stop Bear Archery Inc. And SOP services Inc. from selling,
Marketing and manufacturing all infringing products including:. Outlaw, Judge,
Cypher, MicroCypher, Hitman, Drive Slider, V5, V3, Alpha, and Pursuit
Dated: Jan 20th 2012
Ben Afshari
4950 Jennie Kate lane
Lexington Kentucky 40510

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