Bryant Consultants v. Sweeney Et. Al.

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CIVIL ACTION NO. _______________

ORIGINAL COMPLAINT Plaintiff, Bryant Consultants, Inc. (BCI), files this Original Complaint and would respectfully show the Court the following: Parties 1. BCI is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas.

BCI has a principal place of business at 3360 Wiley Post Road, Suite 100, Carrollton, Texas 75006. 2. Sean P. Sweeney (Sweeney) is an individual and a resident of the State of

Texas. He may be served with process at 7125 Duckhorn Lane, The Colony, Texas 75056. 3. Sweeney Earth Sciences, PLLC (SES) is a Texas professional limited liability

company with a principal place of business located at 7125 Duckhorn Lane, The Colony, Texas 75056. The registered agent for service of process for Sweeney Earth Sciences, PLLC, is Justine K. Sweeney, having an address of 7125 Duckhorn Lane, The Colony, Texas 75056.

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Michael D. Gehrig (Gehrig) is an individual and a resident of the State of

Texas. He may be served with process at 212 N. Main, Muenster, Texas 76252. 5. Gehrig, Inc. (GI) is a Texas corporation with a principal place of business

located at 212 N. Main, Muenster, Texas 76252. The registered agent for service of process for Gehrig, Inc. is Michael D. Gehrig, having an address of 212 N. Main, Muenster, Texas 76252. 6. Brian C. Eubanks (Eubanks) is an individual and a resident of the State of

Texas. He may be served with process at 7148 Silverbrook Lane, Frisco, Texas 75034. 7. Paragon Structural Engineering, Ltd. (PSE) is a Texas limited partnership with

a principal place of business located at 4100 International Parkway, Suite 1200, Carrollton, Texas 75007. The registered agent for service of process of Paragon Structural Engineering, Ltd. is Brian C. Eubanks having an address of 4100 International Parkway, Suite 1200, Carrollton, Texas 75007. Jurisdiction and Venue 8. This is an action for patent infringement under the patent laws of the United

States, 35 U.S.C. 1 et seq. 9. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction of the patent infringement claims

asserted under 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338(a). 10. Venue lies properly in this district and division under 28 U.S.C. 1391(b) and (c)

and 1400(b) because all Defendants are deemed to reside in this State and district and because a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claims occurred in this district. Factual Allegations Common to All Counts 11. On September 25, 2001, United States Patent No. 6,295,512 B1 entitled

Subsurface Mapping Apparatus and Method (the 512 Patent) was duly and legally issued to John Bryant. A true and correct copy of the 512 Patent is attached as Exhibit A and
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incorporated by reference. The 512 Patent is assigned to BCI. BCI is the sole owner of the 512 Patent. 12. On October 12, 2004, United States Patent No. 6,804,625 B1 entitled Subsurface

Modeling Method (the 625 Patent) was duly and legally issued to John Bryant. A true and correct copy of the 625 Patent is attached as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. The 625 Patent was assigned to BCI. BCI is the sole owner of the 625 Patent. 13. The inventions of the patents-in-suit are, generally, novel methods and devices to

carry out geotechnical analyses of geological features underground. 14. Mr. Bryant conceived the inventions as an extension of his graduate studies at

Texas A&M University. After graduation, Mr. Bryant formed BCI, which has practiced the inventions since their inception. 15. BCI is, and has been for many years, engaged in the business of providing

geotechnical services. Its business is based on the inventions of the patents-in-suit. The inventions are of great value to BCI. 16. Defendants, together and separately, are engaged in the business of rendering

geotechnical services in competition with BCI. 17. On information and belief, Defendants have worked in concert and by agreement

to at least practice, use and sell one or more of the inventions of the patents-in-suit. Count I Infringement of the 512 Patent (35 U.S.C. 271 and 281) 18. 19. 281.
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The allegations of Paragraphs 1-17 are incorporated by reference. This count arises under the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. 271 and


On information and belief, Defendants Gehrig and GI, without the consent or

authorization of BCI, have directly infringed the 512 Patent by making, using, selling, or offering to sell, within the United States, the patented invention of the 512 Patent. 21. On information and belief, Defendants Gehrig, GI, Sweeney and SES, without the

consent or authorization of BCI, have indirectly infringed the 512 Patent through contributory infringement by selling and offering to sell, within the United States, a component or step of the patented invention, constituting a material part of the invention of the 512 Patent, knowing the same to be especially made or especially adapted for use in infringement of the 512 Patent, and not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for non-infringing use. 22. On information and belief, Defendants, Sweeney, SES, Eubanks and PSE, without

the consent of authorization of BCI, have indirectly infringed the 512 Patent, by actively inducing others to infringe the 512 Patent. 23. On information and belief, Defendants have had actual notice of the 512 Patent

since long before the Complaint was filed. Therefore, Defendants infringing conduct is willful and intentional. The willful and intentional nature of Defendants conduct makes this an exceptional case. 24. Defendants infringing conduct is the actual and proximate cause of damage and

irreparable harm to BCI, which will continue unless enjoined by this Court. Count II Infringement of the 625 Patent (35 U.S.C. 271 and 281) 25. 26. 281.
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The allegations of Paragraphs 1-24 are incorporated by reference. This count arises under the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. 271 and


On information and belief, Defendants Gehrig and GI, without the consent or

authorization of BCI, have directly infringed the 625 Patent by making, using, selling, or offering to sell, within the United States, the patented invention of the 625 Patent. 28. On information and belief, Defendants Gehrig, GI, Sweeney and SES, without the

consent or authorization of BCI, have indirectly infringed the 625 Patent through contributory infringement by selling and offering to sell, within the United States, a component or step of the patented invention, constituting a material part of the invention of the 625 Patent, knowing the same to be especially made or especially adapted for use in infringement of the 625 Patent, and not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for non-infringing use. 29. On information and belief, Defendants, Sweeney, SES, Eubanks and PSE, without

the consent or authorization of BCI, have indirectly infringed the 625 Patent, by actively inducing others to infringe the 625 Patent. 30. On information and belief, Defendants have had actual notice of the 625 Patent

since long before the Complaint was filed. Therefore, Defendants infringing conduct is willful and intentional. The willful and intentional nature of Defendants conduct makes this an exceptional case. 31. Defendants infringing conduct is the actual and proximate cause of damage and

irreparable harm to BCI, which will continue unless enjoined by this Court. Demand for Jury Trial 32. jury trial. Pursuant to Rule 38(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, BCI demands a

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Prayer WHEREFORE, BCI respectfully requests that: A. Judgment be entered against each Defendant for willful infringement of United

States Patent Nos. 6,295,512 and 6,804,625; B. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C 283, a preliminary and permanent injunction be entered

restraining each Defendant, his officers, agents, servants, employees and attorneys, and all persons in active concert or participation with them, from infringing, contributing to infringement of and inducing others to infringe United States Patent Nos. 6,295,512 and 6,804,625; C. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284, judgment be entered against Defendants for damages,

together with interest and costs, to compensate BCI for infringement of United States Patent Nos. 6,295,512 and 6,804,625; D. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284, any judgment for damages be trebled due to the

knowing, willful, intentional, and egregious nature of Defendants conduct; E. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 285, judgment be entered against Defendants for the

reasonable attorneys fees of BCI; F. interest; and G. The Court award such other and further relief as it deems just and proper. Judgment be entered against Defendants for prejudgment and post-judgment

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Dated: March 16, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,

s/ George R. Schultz George R. Schultz Texas State Bar No. 17837500 [email protected] Nicole R. Marsh Texas State Bar No. 24044653 [email protected] SCHULTZ & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 5400 LBJ Freeway Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75240 (214) 210-5940 telephone (214) 210-5941 facsimile ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF BRYANT CONSULTANTS, INC.

ORIGINAL COMPLAINT 18634.0144.030712.14

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