Gujarat Technological University

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:2577101 Date:06/01/2021
Subject Name:Business Analytics
Time:10:30 AM to 12:30 AM Total Marks: 47
1. Attempt any THREE questions from Q1 to Q6.
2. Q7 is compulsory.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Question Question Marks

Q 1. A Elaborate the use of BI in telecommunication industry for customer 07
care function.
B Discuss the types of analytics in detail. 07
Q.2 A Explain the characteristics and sources of Structured, unstructured and 07
Semi-structured data.
B Explain the difference between OLTP and OLAP. 07
Q.3 A Create Star and Snowflake and constellation Schema for Hospital 07
B Create an ER diagram for a Retails Store – Sales department. 07
Q. 4 A List down the various reports used by the Finance Manager and design 07
a dashboard for him.
B Explain the data warehouse and its applications. 07
Q. 5 A Explain the technique used by E-commerce industries for cross-selling 07
and up-selling.
B Elaborate at least 5 practical applications of Big Data 07
Q. 6 A Write short notes on any 2 07
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Machine Learning
c. Business Intelligence
B Explain steps in implementing Data Mining in an organization. 07
Q. 7 Consider COVID-19 situation in India. 05

1. Identify any one BPM and KPI for COVID-19.

2. How arogyasetu app can utilize the users’ database for the
betterment of an individual.

OR 05
1 Design a Business Report which state government need to
Submit to PM Office over COID-19 ( Select type of report
and identify section with example).
2 Please comment: Analytics helps to manage COVID-19.

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