Enviro Photo Mechanics

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Search for Enviro-Photo of the Year

a. The subject of the photo must be any place inside CLSU. It must show a scene that describes or conveys an environmental message. b. All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization (removal of dust, cropping, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color and contrast, etc.) will be disqualified. Multiple exposures that have been combined to produce single High Dynamic Range image are acceptable. Images that do not meet these requirements may or may not be judged at the judging panels sole discretion. c. Entrants can submit up to two (2) photos and must be taken within June 2011 to February 2012, and should not have won any competition. d. Each entry should be stored in a compact disc, saved as JPEG in RGB/sRGB color gamut/mode, no less than compression 7 (medium) will also be submitted together with the Entry Registration Form. The back of the frame and the face of the disc should be labeled with the title of the photograph, entrants name, contact number and address. e. Deadline of submission of entries is on February 10, 2012 until 8:00pm at the USSC Office, CLSU. All photos will be exhibited from February 13, 2011 up to the culmination during the Green Minds for a Greener World Symposium on February 15, 2011. Judging will be at the exhibit opening on February 13, 2012. Winners will be announced at the Symposium. f. Digital copies of all entries will be posted beginning February 11, 2012 in www.facebook.com/ussc.clsu it will be opened to public voting via the number of likes each entry will generate, the voting will end on February 14, 2012, 11:59 pm. g. All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party.

h. By entering the competition all entrants grant to the USSC the right to publish and exhibit their photographs in any medium. No fees will be payable for any of the above uses. While the USSC will make every effort to credit photographers, including in printed reproductions of their work. i. All entries will be judged according to the following criteria: Visual appeal and composition 40% Enviro-Message 25% Technical ability 15% Originality 10% Plus: Public Voting Score 10% TOTAL 100% j. Prizes Enviro-Photo of the Year- PhP3,000.00 and Certificate + Token 1st Runner-Up PhP2,000.00 and Certificate + Token 2nd Runner-Up PhP1,000.00 and Certificate + Token Certificates of Participation to all participants

Search for Enviro-Photo of the Year

Registration Form Name: ______________________________ Designation: _________________________ College: _____________________________ Entry Title: __________________________

Entry No

ID No.: _____________ Course & Section: ____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________ Contact no.: _________________________

Person Receive: ________________________________ Date: ____________ Time: _________

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