Fall2024 - Infographic CC Ad MWK
Fall2024 - Infographic CC Ad MWK
Fall2024 - Infographic CC Ad MWK
Medicaid Reimbursement 31
While live video is widely reimbursed in state All modalities
Medicaid programs, most states still have limitations
on allowable telehealth modalities, eligible sites,
services, and providers. However, a trend of gradual
50 42
change is emerging to improve telehealth accessibility. STATES
Medicaid programs are now often allowing STATES, DC AND PUERTO RICO Remote patient
Live Video monitoring*
reimbursement for services and professions that may
not have considered using telehealth previously, such
as ambulance services utilizing telehealth for triage
during transport, and doula services where telehealth
is being integrated in certain circumstances, for
example in the early stages of labor. Lists of service
codes eligible for telehealth-delivered services (similar 45 37
to Medicare) have also become more common. These STATES AND DC
Audio-only telephone STATES
changes reflect a measured but promising shift toward Store-and-
broader adoption of telehealth within Medicaid forward*
programs across the states. *Some states that are included in the counts above reimburse this
modality solely as part of Communication Technology-Based Services
(CTBS), which have their own separate codes and reimbursement rates.
2024 State Telehealth Laws and Medicaid Program Policies I AT-A-GLANCE
payer law that addresses telehealth to the COVID public health emergency,
reimbursement. Both Puerto Rico and through April 2026, and Connecticut made
STATES Pennsylvania are the two new states that their COVID payment parity requirement
Have explicit have added private payer policies since permanent. Another common clarification is
parity. Fall 2023. States also continue to amend that insurers cannot mandate the use of any
their laws in order to clarify payment specific technology or telemedicine platform
parity requirements. as a condition for reimbursement.
Thirty-eight states, as well as DC offer some type of limited exception to in-state licensing requirements. California is an
example of a state with new limited out-of-state provider allowances for marriage and family therapists, clinical social
workers, and clinical counselors, as well as physicians treating patients with life-threatening conditions, provided certain
conditions are met. CCHP also found that twenty-two states as well as the Virgin Islands have telehealth-specific special
registration or licensure processes that are available as an alternative to full in-state licensure. Colorado is an example
of a state that recently passed a telehealth specific licensure registration process, requiring providers to register with the
appropriate regulatory board and complete other requirements.
Adoption of Interstate Compacts continues to be common for states. Here are the numbers:
2024 State Telehealth Laws and Medicaid Program Policies I AT-A-GLANCE
FORTY-SEVEN STATES, DC, AND PUERTO RICO include some sort of consent requirement in
their statutes, administrative code, and/or Medicaid policies. SOUTH DAKOTA AND MONTANA
added consent requirements since Fall 2023. Consent requirements sometimes require written consent, while
other times verbal consent may be acceptable. Most consent laws are vague about the frequency with which
provider must obtain a telehealth specific consent from their patients. Some states may have different consent
requirements across payers and providers as well.