L&S Words
L&S Words
L&S Words
C1 L1&2 :
Boundary (n) limit الحدود
Indigenous (adj) originating or occurring naturally in particular place : native أصلي/ابن البلد
Raise awareness (phr.) to know the dangers of something and be careful from it زيادة الوعي
Atmosphere (n) the envelope of gases surrounding the earth الغالف الجوي
Resource (n) a stock of materials , money, staff and other assets موارد
Site (n) an area of ground on which a town or building /website موقع الكتروني/ موقع مبنى معين
C4 L1&2:
Activist (n) the condition in which things are happing or being done نشاط
Commodity (n) a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold سلعة
Guarantee (v) If a product is guaranteed, the company that made ضمان/ ضمن
Confidence of investor (phr) a feeling or belief by people with money that it is safe ثقة المستثمرين
Core strategies (phr) primary or fundamental plans of action for a business اإلستراتيجيات األساسية
Corporate responsibility (phr) the requirements for a business to abide مسؤولية مشتركة
Emerging economy (phr) a region that is experiencing rapid growth and industrialization االقتصاد الناشيء
Ethical goods (phr) products that are judged to be morally acceptable البضائع األخالقية
Exploit (v) to use something well in order to gain as much from it as possible استخدام/ استغالل
Household expenditure (phr) the costs of taking care of a home and family اإلنفاق األسري
C4 L1&2:
Intangible assets (phr) things of value that cannot be seen, such as knowledge األصول غير الملموسة
rather than waiting for things to happen and then reacting to them
Social impact (phr) the effects of an organization or agency on others تأثير اجتماعي
Sustainable market (phr) a system that can operate continuously while still meeting سوق مستدام