Vocabulary List Unit 4: Information

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Pathway III Unit 4

Vocabulary List Unit 4: Information

You are responsible for learning the definitions as well as the existing word forms
(NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE, and ADVERB) of the following words from Unit 4.


An explanation or opinion of
Interpretation (N) Interpretation Interpret Interpretative
what something means.
The process of watching
someone or
Observation (N) something carefully, in order to
Observation Observe Observable Observagly
find something out.

Proof (N) evidence Proof Prove Proven

Guess usually based on some

Speculation (N) Speculation Speculate Speculative Speculatively
evidence , theory

Corroboration (N) Support for a statement or theory Corroboration Corroborate Corroborative

The act of attributing something

Attribution (N) Attribution Attribute Attributive Attributively
to a particular cause or person.

Conventional (Adj) traditional Convention Conventional Conventionally

Mainstream (Adj) The dominant trend in option Mainstream Mainstream

Remove a cover or covering

Uncover (V) Uncover Uncovered

A hole or crack in an object or

Leak (N) container that a liquid or gas Leak Leak Leaky
comes out of.

Disclose (V) To make something known Disclosure Disclose Disclosed

A serious examination or a Critique,

Critique (N) Critique Critical Critically
judgment of something criticise

Pathway III Unit 4


Investigation (N) Carry out research into something Investigation Investigate Investigative

The place something comes from

Source (N) or starts at, or the cause of Source Source
The distance down either from the
top of something to the bottom, or
Depth (N) to a distance below the top surface
Depth Deepen Deep Deeply
of something.

Credible (Adj) Able to be believed or trusted. Credibility Credit Credible Credibly

Unfolding (Adj) A developmental progress Unfold Unfolding

In a way that is very eager to have

Voraciously (Adv) a lot of something. Voraciousness Voracious Voraciously

Distorted (Adj) Twisted information or meaning Distortion Distort Distorted

A way of writing or talking about

Sensationalism (N) events that makes them seem as Sensationalism Sensationalist Sensationally
exciting or shocking as possible.

A spoken description of an event

Commentary (N) Commentary Comment
given while the event is happening

The range of a subject covered by a

Scope (N) book, programme, discussion, Scope Scope
class, etc.

Circulation (N) Moving in a circle or circuit Circulation Circulate

Evaluate (V) Assess Evaluation Evaluate Evaluative

Guesswork (N) Speciulation Guesswork

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