Best Practices For SAP BTP
Best Practices For SAP BTP
Best Practices For SAP BTP
This document helps you plan and set up your landscape and your lifecycle management for
running applications on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). It contains best practices and
recommendations for planning development projects – from setting up the correct organizational structure
to creating an account and security model, to developing and operating applications.
This guide is the starting point for setting up application lifecycle management for your specific use case,
business, and IT landscape. It contains recommendations and best practices that give you an overview of
what you should consider when planning development projects on SAP BTP. It does not contain specific task
descriptions, but does include links to step-by-step instructions when required.
If you're an architect or a development project lead, this guide helps you plan your organizational setup
and your account and security model. It has an overview of processes, tools, and services that are available
for developing and operating applications. Please note that SAP is currently renovating and adding core
functionalities to SAP BTP and as part of this process, global accounts are migrated from the existing cloud
management tools feature set A to the renovated cloud management tools feature set B. New global accounts
will be on feature set B which brings a more flexible account model with so-called directories to group and
manage subaccounts inside your global account. For more information, see Cloud Management Tools - Feature
Set Overview. In this Best Practices guide, you will get recommendations for feature set A and B. They are
marked as such, but please ensure that you know if you are on feature set B already.
If you're an administrator or developer, this guide helps you define the correct methodologies and tools for
your development project.
If you're an SAP partner, this guide helps you to set up SAP BTP for developing and running production
services for your customers.
This guide is targeted at customers who want to run and use applications in a production environment. If
you're an SAP BTP trial user, you might still find that some information in this guide is useful. Check out
the following page for more details about trial accounts: Trial Accounts and Free Tier. Please note that the
services available in the trial version differ from the ones in the enterprise version.
• SAP BTP is an integrated offering comprised of four technology portfolios: database and data
management, application development and integration, analytics, and intelligent technologies. The
platform offers users the ability to turn data into business value, compose end-to-end business processes,
1. Set Up and Plan [page 24] – build teams, set up your account and security model, and create an
enrollment process for your development projects.
2. Develop and Build [page 64] – find out about the tools and programming languages that are available on
SAP BTP, and how to use multitarget applications to efficiently manage dependencies.
3. Deploy and Deliver [page 81] – deploy and deliver simple and multitarget applications.
4. Integrate and Test [page 100] – test and integrate your application with other solutions.
5. Go Live and Monitor [page 103] – learn what's important for going live and monitoring applications,
services, and hybrid landscapes.
6. Improve and Retire [page 108] – make improvements to your application, perform housekeeping, and
learn about what's important to consider when you want to retire it.
The English version of this guide is open for contributions and feedback using GitHub. This allows you
to get in contact with responsible authors of SAP Help Portal pages and the development team to
discuss documentation-related issues. To contribute to this guide, or to provide feedback, choose the
corresponding option on SAP Help Portal:
• Edit: Contribute to a documentation page. This option opens a pull request on GitHub.
• Feedback: Provide feedback about a documentation page. This option opens an issue on GitHub.
More information:
• Contribution Guidelines
• Introduction Video
• Introduction Blog Post
Related Resources
The learning jouneys Lifecycle-Management of Applications on SAP BTP and DevOps for Application
Development on SAP BTP are extensive, well-structured collections of links to resources such as videos, blog
posts, openSAP courses, and additional documentation.
SAP BTP offers users the ability to turn data into business value, compose end-to-end business processes, and
build and extend SAP applications quickly.
The services and solutions of SAP BTP are available on multiple cloud infrastructure providers. The multi-
cloud foundation supports different environments, such as Cloud Foundry, ABAP, and Kyma, as well as
multiple different regions, and a broad choice of programming languages.
The central point of entry to the cloud platform is the SAP BTP cockpit, where you can access your accounts
and applications and manage all activities associated with them.
The figure below depicts the relationship between a global account, its subaccounts, environments, regions,
entitlements, and quotas. It shows the administrative tasks to be considered at the global acccount level as
well as at the subaccount level.
If your global account is on cloud management tools, feature set B, the account structure looks different. With
feature set B, the new hierarchical element called directory is introduced, which is essentially a grouping of
subaccounts. Furthermore, subaccounts can have multiple environments.
The figure below depicts the relationship between a global account, its directories, subaccounts, environments,
regions, entitlements, and quotas for feature set B.
Global Account • For each commercial model (licence type), you get a separate global account.
• Appoint at least one person as administrator. The administrator is responsi
ble for adding new subaccounts, adding members to a global account, and
managing the entitlements. We recommend that you also appoint at least one
substitute administrator. If the main administrator leaves the company or is
unavailable, it's important that you have someone who's available to take over
these tasks.
• You purchase entitlements for each global account (according to your commer
cial model). The administrator of the global account distributes quotas to the
individual subaccounts.
Directory (optional, feature set B) • Directories are only available with feature set B. See Cloud Management Tools
— Feature Set Overview. They are groups of subaccounts that you can manage,
operate, and analyze together.
• Appoint at least one person as administrator. The administrator is responsible
for adding new subaccounts, managing members, and managing entitlements.
We recommend that you also appoint at least one substitute administrator. If the
main administrator leaves the company or is unavailable, it's important that you
have someone who's available to take over these tasks.
Subaccount • Each subaccount runs in exactly one region (data center) and one environment.
• Appoint at least one person as administrator. The administrator is responsible
for adding new members to the subaccount and assigning their business roles.
We recommend that you also appoint at least one substitute administrator. If the
main administrator leaves the company or is unavailable, it's important that you
have someone who's available to take over these tasks.
For more information, see Account Model [page 12] and Setting Up Your Account Model [page 28].
SAP BTP offers fast in-memory processing, sustainable, agile solutions and services to integrate data and
extend applications, and fully embedded analytics and intelligent technologies.
Services enable, facilitate, or accelerate the development of business applications and other platform services
When you purchase an enterprise account, you’re entitled to use a specific set of resources, such as the
amount of memory that can be allocated to your applications.
• On SAP BTP, all external dependencies such as databases, messaging systems, files systems, and so on,
are services. In this context, multitenant applications and environments are considered services.
Each service has one or more service plans available. A service plan is the representation of the costs and
benefits for a given variant of a particular service. For instance, a database may be configured with various
"T-shirt sizes", each of which is a different service plan.
• An entitlement is your right to provision and consume a resource. In other words, entitlements are the
service plans that you're entitled to use.
• A quota represents the numeric quantity that defines the maximum allowed consumption of a resource. In
other words, how much of a service plan you're entitled to use.
• Entitlements are either managed at subaccount or directory level.
For more information, see Entitlements and Quotas and Managing Entitlements and Quotas Using the Cockpit.
On SAP BTP, member management happens at all levels from global account to environment, while user
management is done for business applications.
User accounts enable users to log on to SAP BTP and access subaccounts and use services according to the
permissions given to them. We distinguish between two types of users:
Member management refers to managing permissions for platform users. A member is a user who is
assigned to an SAP BTP global account or subaccount. Administrators can add users to global accounts and
subaccounts and assign roles to them as needed. You can use predefined roles, for example the administrator
role for managing subaccount members.
User management refers to managing authentication and authorization for your business users.
The SAP BTP cockpit is structured according to global accounts, directories, and subaccounts.
Global Accounts
A global account is the realization of a contract you or your company has made with SAP.
A global account is used to manage subaccounts, members, entitlements and quotas. You receive entitlements
and quotas to use platform resources per global account and then distribute the entitlements and quotas
to the subaccount for actual consumption. There are two types of commercial models for global accounts:
consumption-based model and subscription-based model. See Commercial Models [page 15] .
Global accounts are region- and environment-independent. Within a global account, you manage all of your
subaccounts, which in turn are specific to one region.
The following features, directories and labels, are only available if your global account is on feature set B.
For more information, see Cloud Management Tools — Feature Set Overview.
Directories allow you to organize and manage your subaccounts according to your technical and business
A directory can contain directories and subaccounts to create a hierarchy. Using directories to group other
directories and subaccounts is optional - you can still create subaccounts directly under your global account.
You can create a hierarchical structure that is up to 7 levels deep. The highest level of a given path is always
the global account and the lowest is a subaccount, which means that you can have up to 5 levels of directories
bewteen the global account and the lowest level subaccount.
Optionally, you can also enable the following features in your directories:
• Manage Entitlements: Enables the assignment of a quota for services and applications to the directory
from the global account quota for distribution to the directory's subaccounts.
When you assign entitlements to a directory, you express the entitlements and maximum quota that can
be distributed across its children subaccounts. You also have the option to choose the auto-assignment of
If you've enabled the Manage Entitlements feature for a given directory, you must first assign the
necessary entitlements and maximum allowed quota from the global account to that directory before
you can distribute this "reserved" quota to any of the directory's child subaccounts.
• Manage Authorizations: Enables authorization management for the directory. For example, it allows certain
users to manage directory entitlements. You can only use this feature in combination with the Manage
Entitlements feature.
Labels are user-defined words or phrases that you can assign to various entities in SAP BTP to categorize
them in your global account, to identify them more easily. They let you organize and filter your directories,
subaccounts, instances and subscriptions within your global account.
Subaccounts let you structure a global account according to your organization’s and project’s requirements
with regard to members, authorizations, and entitlements.
A global account can contain one or more subaccounts in which you deploy applications, use services,
and manage your subscriptions. Subaccounts in a global account are independent from each other. This is
important to consider with respect to security, member management, data management, data migration,
integration, and so on, when you plan your landscape and overall architecture.
Each subaccount is associated with a region, which is the physical location where applications, data, or
services are hosted. The specific region is relevant when you deploy applications and access the SAP BTP
cockpit using the corresponding cockpit URL. The region assigned to your subaccount doesn't have to be
The entitlements and quotas that have been purchased for a global account have to be assigned to the
individual subaccounts.
Global accounts and subaccounts are completely independent of user accounts. For more information, see
User and Member Management.
When you enable the Cloud Foundry environment in one of your subaccounts, the system automatically
creates a Cloud Foundry org for you. The subaccount and the org have a 1:1 relationship and the same
navigation level in the cockpit (even though they may have different names). You can create spaces within that
Cloud Foundry org. Spaces let you further break down your account model and use services and functions in
the Cloud Foundry environment.
For more information about Cloud Foundry orgs and spaces, see the Cloud Foundry documentation at https:// .
• Account Model
• Managing Global Accounts Using the Cockpit
• Managing Directories Using the Cockpit [Feature Set B]
• Managing Subaccounts Using the Cockpit
• Setting Up Your Account Model [page 28]Setting Up Your Account Model [page 28]
SAP BTP offers two different commercial models for enterprise accounts.
• Consumption-based commercial model: Your organization receives access to all current and future
services that are eligible for this model. You have complete flexibility to turn services on and off and
to switch between services as your business requires throughout the duration of your contract. This
commercial model is available in two flavors: Cloud Platform Enterprise Agreement (CPEA) and Pay-As-
You-Go for SAP BTP.
For more information, see What Is the Consumption-Based Commercial Model?
• Subscription-based commercial model: Your organization subscribes only to the services that you plan to
use. You can then use these services at a fixed cost, irrespective of consumption.
For more information, see What Is the Subscription-Based Commercial Model?
You can use both commercial models, either in separate global accounts or in the same global account
depending on your business needs. Contact your SAP account executive or sales representative for more
2.6 Environments
Environments constitute the actual platform-as-a-service offering of SAP BTP that allows for the development
and administration of business applications. Environments are anchored in SAP BTP on subaccount level.
Each environment comes equipped with specific tools, technologies, and runtimes that you need to build
applications. So a multi-environment subaccount is your single address to host a variety of applications and
offer diverse development options. One advantage of using different environments in one subaccount is that
you only need to manage users, authorizations, and entitlements once per subaccount, and thus grant more
flexibility to your developers.
When you create subaccounts in a global account on feature set B, you can use different environments within
the same subaccount: Choose multi-environment subaccounts to use Cloud Foundry, ABAP, and Kyma within
the same subaccount. However, inside such a multi-environment subaccount, you cannot use Neo. To use
Neo, you create a separate Neo subaccount. Neo cannot be combined with other environments in the same
If you consider to create Neo subaccounts, see Migrating from the Neo Environment to the Multi-Cloud
Foundation (Cloud Foundry and Kyma) to learn about the Neo environment and the multi-cloud foundation.
Environment Instances
To actually use an environment in a subaccount, you need to enable it by creating an instance of that
environment. There are several ways to create environment instances:
Related Information
2.7 Regions
You can deploy applications in different regions. Each region represents a geographical location (for example,
Europe, US East) where applications, data, or services are hosted.
Regions are provided either by SAP or by our Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) partners Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud. The third-party region providers operate the
infrastructure layer of the regions, whereas SAP operates the platform layer and Cloud Foundry.
A region is chosen at the subaccount level. For each subaccount, you select exactly one region (that is one data
Selecting a Region
When deciding on the location of your Platform as a Service (PaaS), consider existing Software as a Service
(SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and try to locate it close to those or even in the same data
center. You can also optimize application performance (response time, latency) by selecting a region that's
geographically close to your users. However, the selection of a region is also dependent on many other factors:
For a complete overview of the availability of services in the different regions, see Services .
A shared responsibility model applies to SAP BTP: SAP manages the platform, whereas you develop and
manage applications.
SAP's Responsibilities
SAP is responsible for operating the overall infrastructure of SAP BTP, including monitoring, patching,
applying software updates, and maintaining the infrastructure and underlying operating systems. SAP is
also responsible for technical operations such as monitoring SAP BTP services, providing health check
services, managing capacity, performing troubleshooting and housekeeping, implementing regular updates,
and managing incidents.
SAP creates your global account and provides you with the resources and services you've purchased.
Your Responsibilities
As an SAP BTP customer, you must manage your global account and any subaccounts; that is, you are
responsible for coming up with an account concept, creating and configuring your subaccounts based on the
requirements of your development projects, and for distributing resources and services accordingly.
In addition, it's up to you to develop and operate applications. You are responsible for creating and
deploying applications, managing application-specifc role assignments, integrating with existing systems and
applications, monitoring and implementing health checks, and performing housekeeping, troubleshooting, and
regular updates for your applications that are running on SAP BTP.
If you're using the SAP HANA service, you're required to trigger updates of SAP HANA revisions when
applicable, using a self-service from SAP BTP.
For a more granular overview of the responsibilities for operating SAP BTP, see Operating Model in the Cloud
Foundry Environment.
If you're new to SAP BTP, this checklist helps you ensure the implementation readiness of your development
Fulfill prerequisites 1. Get familiar with SAP Business Technology Platform Learning Journey: Discover SAP
and its role within the intelligent, sustainable enter Business Technology Platform
prise, understand the basic platform concepts and
Basic Platform Concepts [page 7]
your responsibilities throughout the implementation
project. Shared Responsibility Model Between
You and SAP [page 20]
2. Identify one or more initial development projects or Use Cases on SAP BTP
a pilot project.
5. Receive onboarding e-mail with a link to the cockpit. If you've chosen an existing global ac
count from within your company, you'll
need to contact the global account ad
min of this global account, as they'll re
ceive the communication emails. In this
case, we recommend to have them add
you as Global Account Administrator.
See Assign Users to Role Collections.
6. Obtain a customer number (required for support Check with your system administrator
tickets). if you do not know your customer num
7. Build a Cloud Administration and a Cloud Develop Building Teams [page 24]
ment Team (and optionally, a Cloud Center of Excel
Get started 8. Set up your account model. Setting Up Your Account Model [page
10. Create an enrollment process for development Creating an Onboarding Process for De
projects. velopment Projects [page 26]
Implement 11. Develop, integrate, deploy, and transport your ap Develop and Build [page 64]
12. Test and evaluate your application. Integrate and Test [page 100]
13. Go live with your application. Go Live and Monitor [page 103]
14. Make improvements to your application, or retire it Improve and Retire [page 108]
if it's no longer needed.
Before you begin developing your applications, make sure your organizational and landscape setup is
appropriate for managing their lifecycles, and consider failover to prevent breakdowns.
One of the first and most important steps of your journey to the cloud is to establish an appropriate
organizational setup and corresponding governance model. A clear and well-thought-out organizational setup
makes it easier for your employees to adopt agile processes.
We also recommend that before you begin your development project, you create an onboarding process and a
knowledge transfer process.
For example:
We recommend that you set up two types of teams: Cloud Development Teams, who build and operate
applications, and a central Platform Engineering Team / Center of Excellence, who is responsible for any
The Cloud Development Teams are responsible for developing and operating the applications that run on SAP
Teams that develop on-premise applications often follow a Build-Run setup. The Build team develops the
application, then passes it to the Run team, which operates and maintains it. However, this setup is not optimal
in a cloud application development environment.
We recommend that Cloud Development Teams follow a DevOps approach, which means that the team both
develops and operates applications. The team should maintain applications regularly after Go Live, and fix any
issues. For example, if the team develops an SAPUI5 front end, they should verify at least every six months that
the UI controls used are still supported by the latest SAPUI5 version. This doesn't require much effort, but does
need to be checked to ensure the application continues running properly.
The Platform Engineering Team defines, sets up, and maintains your cloud landscape.
The responsibility of this team is to operate and ensure a stable and secure cloud landscape, and to enable
other developers to build cloud applications. The members of this team are highly qualified experts who have
development experience and experience with setting up and running a build infrastructure for continuous
deployments and integration scenarios.
This team can support your development teams by providing knowledge and defining guidelines that match
your company’s quality and security requirements. The Platform Engineering Team should generally not be
responsible for the lifecycle management of specific applications; the Cloud Development Team should take
responsibility for this task.
The Platform Engineering Team can also operate as a Center of Excellence (CoE), driving cloud adoption,
migration, and operation throughout your organization by providing thought leadership and guidance for
resolving roadblocks. The CoE is also responsible for identifying, evaluating, and implementing use cases for
the SAP BTP.
We recommend that the Platform Engineering Team / Center of Excellence (CoE) create the following
If you're planning on starting multiple development projects on SAP BTP, we recommend that you set up an
onboarding process to ensure that new projects are tracked and documented properly, compliant with the
security standards and guidelines you define.
Every new application that is managed and tracked by a Platform Engineering Team should have an
onboarding process. Owners of new applications should fill out an onboarding document and a security
template. Maintaining administrative information about all applications in one central place helps the Platform
Engineering Team to keep an overview about all projects, applications, and responsibilities. It also allows the
team to inform all project managers and developers about changes and updates to the cloud landscape.
Onboarding Document
An onboarding document ensures that a new application is properly onboarded and documented. Onboarding
can happen via e-mail, a ticketing system, or any other tool used in your company that you find suitable. The
following provides an example of the information you might want to include:
After the document is verified, application owners and developers should get access to the development
subaccount to start developing. Make sure that all developers understand that on the development
subaccount, all applications can be stopped, and code can be deleted by users at any time without notice.
We recommend that the Cloud Development Team keeps the relevant code and files in a repository outside
of SAP BTP to avoid that applications and artifacts like git repositories (containing code) are deleted in the
subaccount by accident.
We recommend you provide a template for the security document that is filled out for every new application,
which is then approved by security experts in your company before you start developing. The template should
ask for detailed information, such as:
Services Catalog
If you're going to onboard multiple development projects, we recommend that you set up a services catalog
that summarizes all services offered by the Cloud Administration Team, especially when access to the testing
and production subaccounts are restricted for developers. This facilitates and speeds up the collaboration
between the Cloud Administration and the Cloud Development Teams. Examples of such services include the
All services should be offered as templates in a service catalog that developers can fill out, for example, in a
ticketing system.
We recommend that the Platform Engineering Team makes the consumption of services as easy as possible,
or even automates it using SAP BTP APIs. The team may want to, for example, write scripts for database
schema creation and access management. The Lifecycle Management API lets the Cloud Development Team
restart an application in the production subaccount without having access to it and without affecting any other
application. For more information, see the Lifecycle Management API .
Related Information
API Documentation
Carefully plan for sufficient enablement of all stakeholders, and ensure that the knowledge gained throughout
your application lifecycle is shared with others.
Before you start your development project, we recommend that you do the following:
• Ensure that the Platform Engineering Team, which should consist of skilled and experienced technology
experts, documents and shares their knowledge with existing and new colleagues.
• Set up training and enablement sessions to get everyone on board.
• Create and promote a dedicated communication channel, such as SAP Jam Collaboration, to share lessons
learned or provide other developers with guidance and recommendations. For more information, see SAP
Jam Collaboration .
The hierarchical structure between global accounts, directories, and subaccounts lets you define an account
model that accurately fits your business and development needs.
Once you've signed your commercial contract with SAP, you'll receive access information and credentials
for your global account. Use this account to manage the resources and entitlements for your development
projects; it's the realization of your commercial contract with SAP. You'll also receive a bill for all resources used
in your global account. If you require multiple global accounts for compliance or other reasons, you'll need to
sign a dedicated contract for each one.
SAP is currently migrating all global accounts from cloud management tools feature set A to the renovated
cloud management tools feature set B. We’re doing this migration as a phased rollout, which is why cloud
management tools feature sets A and B currently coexist. One big change that came with feature set B is
a renovated account model: With feature set B, you can use directories to group and manage subaccounts
inside your global account. For more information, see Cloud Management Tools - Feature Set Overview.
Please make sure to understand if your global account is already on feature set B.
Within a global account that is on feature set B, you can create a hierarchical structure of directories and
subaccounts that is up to 7 levels deep. Directories can group subaccounts and/or directories. To actually
develop and deploy applications, to use services, and to subscribe to business applications provided by SAP,
you need to create subaccounts. Directories are optional, but highly recommended as they offer a way to
organize your subaccounts and to manage entitlements or users for an entire group of subaccounts. This
means you can distribute the resources that are assigned to your global account across directories, and from
there to the subaccounts inside a directory. Directories and subaccounts let you structure a global account
according to the requirements of your organization and projects with regards to users, authorizations, and
The most important step in account model setup is to work out a concept that meets your business and
technical requirements. The account models in this guide are designed to help you accomplish this. However,
when it comes to acctually creating directories and subaccounts in your global account, you can choose
between different experiences:
Related Information
Account Model
Managing Global Accounts Using the Cockpit
Managing Directories Using the Cockpit [Feature Set B]
Managing Subaccounts Using the Cockpit
Cloud Management Tools — Feature Set Overview
Account Models with Subaccounts [page 32]
Account Models With Directories and Subaccounts [Feature Set B] [page 42]
The number of subaccounts you create, and for which purpose, depends on your organizational setup and your
use case.
In general, we recommend that you create at least three subaccounts to set up a staged development
environment, including one subaccount each for development, testing, and production.
• Development – for development purposes and for testing individual increments in the cloud.
Although we recommend that you use subaccounts to create a staged development environment, you can also
create subaccounts to do the following:
If your global account is on feature set B, you can use directories to further structure your global account.
See Account Models With Directories and Subaccounts [Feature Set B] [page 42].
• Separate development scenarios and projects to allow for easier configuration, for example, with regard to
access restrictions.
• Separate the work of different development teams.
• Restrict access to applications and their administration, for example, by setting up "high-security"
subaccounts with restricted access, or creating separate subaccounts to connect with your different
back-end systems.
• Share an SAP HANA database in one subaccount with similar projects managed in other subaccounts.
We recommend to build an account structure that can easily scale once your organization gets larger
or more projects are added. To start off with one subaccount per development stage (Account Model 5,
feature set A) or one directory that includes these three subaccounts (Account Model 6, feature set B) and
create more such subaccounts and directories, respectively, as the need arises.
• Connections to on-premise systems must be made separately for each subaccount, which also means
more work for your Cloud Administration Team. However, it might be easier for you to shut down all
integration paths for a project if you've maintained them all in one subaccount. This also lets you control
which application uses which on-premise connections.
• When choosing a region for your subaccount, consider that the region should be close to your customers'
geographic location to reduce network latency. In extension scenarios, choose a region that's close to the
systems involved. Also, consider any legal requirements and the load distribution when choosing a region.
• If your S/4HANA tenants need to be segregated for legal or regulatory reasons ( e.g. for the segregation of
subsidiaries of a company), then you should use different subaccounts for their extensions.
• If the DevOps or operations teams for applications within one subaccount are completely separate, you
should consider creating separate subaccounts for them for better maintainability.
For information about creating subaccounts in the SAP BTP cockpit, see Create a Subaccount.
When you enable the Cloud Foundry environment in one of your subaccounts, the system automatically
creates a Cloud Foundry org for you. The subaccount and the org have a 1:1 relationship and the same
navigation level in the cockpit (even though they may have different names). You can create spaces within that
Cloud Foundry org. Spaces let you further break down your account model and use services and functions in
the Cloud Foundry environment.
You can use both subaccounts and spaces to develop applications and to use services. You must therefore
decide, for example, whether to create different subaccounts or spaces within one subaccount to set up a
staged development environment. Consider the following:
• Think of a subaccount as a tenant: Data access and data visibility segregation is done on subaccount level,
not on application or Cloud Foundry space level. Keep in mind that services that are consumed by every
app within a subaccount will gather messages from all of these services. If those should not be visible
across applications, you need to create different subaccounts.
• In general, we recommend that you create different subaccounts for a staged development environment,
as shown below. This allows for dedicated user management between the different stages, as well as for
dedicated data management in elastic services, such as SAP IoT Application Enablement.
• You can then create a dedicated space for each application, extension, solution, or other project within
these subaccounts if you don't need a dedicated user management for these applications and projects.
• You can monitor the consumption of resources in your global account only per subaccount, directory,
or Cloud Foundry space. Not per application. To monitor the resources consumed by a specific project,
department, or application, create a dedicated subaccount, directory, or space for them.
• Accurate billing is only possible for global accounts. For the consumption-based model, you can calculate
costs according to usage, but note that this is only approximate. See Monitoring Usage and Consumption
Costs in Your Global Account.
To decide whether to create separate subaccounts or separate spaces within the same subaccount, consider
the different configuration possibilities, available for subaccounts and spaces:
Consider the following account scenarios for creating your own account model:
Account Models 1 - 5 show ways to structure your global account into subaccounts. Note that all of them are
just examples. They are not mutually exclusive and you can adapt them to your own needs.
Once your global account is migrated to cloud management tools, feature set B, you will be able to make use of
one more hierarchical level within your global account: While account models 1 - 5 are still possible, with feature
set B, you can additionally use directories and custom properties to group subaccounts. For more information,
see Cloud Management Tools — Feature Set Overview and Account Models With Directories and Subaccounts
[Feature Set B] [page 42].
Related Information
Account Models With Directories and Subaccounts [Feature Set B] [page 42]
In this scenario, the IT department of an organization creates a staged development environment by creating
three subaccounts in both the Cloud Foundry and the Neo environment, in order to use SAP Web IDE Full-
Stack, which only runs in the Neo environment.
Check out SAP Business Application Studio, which is a modern development environment that runs in the
Cloud Foundry environment, and which makes using the SAP Web IDE Full-Stack in the Neo environment
unnecessary: SAP Business Application Studio.
Dedicated spaces for specific applications or projects are created in each of the subaccounts in the Cloud
Foundry environment.
If you need to deploy an application to a space within the Cloud Foundry environment, you can use SAP Web
IDE Full-Stack, which runs in a subaccount in the Neo environment. In this case, we recommend that you create
three subaccounts in the Cloud Foundry environment to separate the three different development stages. In
addition, create one subaccount in the Neo environment that you use for developing using the SAP Web IDE
Full-Stack. You can connect that subaccount with your Development and Testing subaccounts in the Cloud
Foundry environment by configuring trust and destinations.
This setup works only if you use the same identity provider for the subaccounts in the Cloud Foundry and in
the Neo environments. For more information, see Principal Propagation from Cloud Foundry to Neo
Principal Propagation
Configure Trust
Configure Destinations from the Cockpit
When to Use Which Account Model [page 39]
In this scenario, the IT department creates one subaccount that serves as a base template. If new subaccounts
for a development project are required, the IT department clones the base template, thereby copying its
configuration settings to the new subaccounts.
The owners of the development projects are responsible for application lifecycle management. As shown
below, all new subaccounts are cloned from the base template, regardless of whether a project requires three
subaccounts for each development stage, or whether only one DEV subaccount is needed (for example, for a
proof of concept).
This account setup is especially well suited for organizations that rely heavily on a DevOps methodology with
independent development projects.
This account setup might require a high level of maintenance and governance efforts. For instance, it is
important that the responsible teams of each project landscape stay tightly aligned. Since each team has
full access to their subaccounts, it is important to define and follow guidelines for all projects, such as
security requirements, access guidelines, governance processes, and so on.
In this scenario, the IT department of an organization manages separate subaccounts for data isolation and for
reuse of API management and connectivity. The department also creates dedicated (staged) subaccounts for
development projects.
Access to back-end systems is managed centrally by the IT department via API management in
three dedicated subaccounts. Every new development project uses separate subaccounts (one each for
Development, Test, and Production) that consumes the APIs that are managed in these subaccounts via
destinations. In addition, SAP HANA databases are deployed in two dedicated subaccounts – Development/
Testing and Production – and shared across different subaccounts.
The advantages of this model are that it allows you to scale quickly while ensuring that connections to your
back-end systems are always established via APIs; it also keeps costs low (due to the sharing of the SAP HANA
databases across subaccounts).
In this account model, a dedicated Development subaccount is created for each development project.
Applications that are developed in these subaccounts are consolidated, tested, and published in one single
Testing and Production subaccount.
This account model is especially well suited for companies with a focus on continuous integration and
continuous delivery, as it lets every development project decide separately about their environment. A central
Testing and Production subaccount ensures a high degree of governance, data security, and compliance.
In this scenario, the IT department creates separate Dev, Test, and Prod subaccounts for each functional area:
In our example, HR, IT, and Sales each get their own subaccounts for development, test, and production.
With a separate account landscape per functional area, you can use multiple instances of the same SaaS
subscription (e.g. in case you need to keep data or user access separated). For example, HR subaccounts
would use an internal identity provider, whereas for public or external scenarios, an external identity provider
could be used.
A SaaS application can only be used once within a subaccount, so if each functional area has their own
subaccount (for dev, test, and prod), you won't encounter limitations as to using the same SaaS offering
in different projects. Still, in the Cloud Foundry environment, you can separate different projects within a
subaccount into different spaces.
This account model can also be combined with the structuring approach of account model 2. In addition to
the structuring according to functional areas, you can create separate dev, test, and prod subaccounts for
large projects that use different components or services and have a completely separated support process and
operations model than your other projects.
In the Cloud Foundry environment, if you use a central Fiori Launchpad, and you want to deploy applications
that use it in a different subaccount, use the Launchpad Module. If you want to create applications in the same
subaccount as the Fiori launchpad, we recommend to deploy them to the HTML5 repository as described in
Developing HTML5 Applications.
Related Information
Determine which account model with subaccounts is the most appropriate for your needs.
The tables below provide requirements with regards to project and team setup as well as the services and
resources involved. You can compare them against your own requirements and see which account model most
closely matches. Please remember that the four account models are a result of a best-practice approach. They
are not mutually exclusive and you may want to use a combination of approaches, if, for example, you have
different projects with different requirements.
Project Setup
Your Require
ments ... Account Model 1 Account Model 2 Account Model 3 Account Model 4 Account Model 5
DevOps methodol
ogy and have
many autonomous
centralized project
landscape with
many projects us
ing the same tech
nologies (for ex
ample, Fiori devel
opment for a Fiori
number of develop
ers, with several
different project ad
mins responsible
for them.
ferent development
teams, but only
one single produc
tion environment
for which the
teams develop ap
ent development
teams, each of
which works inde
pendently, meaning
they should not be
able to, for example,
accidentally break
the other team's
Your development X X X X
access to on-prem
ise systems via
Cloud Connector
only for selected
projects, while re
stricting it for
the applications of
other projects.
Your Require
ments ... Account Model 1 Account Model 2 Account Model 3 Account Model 4 Account Model 5
sign quotas to
different projects
and tightly control
that the projects
don't exceed their
the usage of a
particular service
only for selected
monitor which
services are con
sumed by which
projects. For ex
ample, you might
want to do inter
nal billing based on
the resource con
sumption of the in
dividual projects.
With cloud management tools feature set B, we're introducing a more flexible account structure with
The content in this section is only relevant for cloud management tools feature set B. For more information,
see Cloud Management Tools - Feature Set Overview.
Apart from structuring your global account into several subaccounts, you can group individual subaccounts
into directories to manage, operate, and analyze such groups of subaccounts together. One global account can
contain up to five levels of directories, can contain n subaccounts each. All examples of using directories are
Here are a few example use cases where directories help you manage your subaccounts:
• Administrative reasons: Structure your global account according to the responsibilities within your
organization. For example, give each subsidiary, department, or LOB their own directory.
• Billing purposes: Structure your global account into directories for accounting purposes.
• Geographical separation: Group subaccounts based on geographical locations to manage different local
regulations or to improve network performance for groups that are located together.
• Business scenario: Group subaccounts that belong to the same business scenario or according to other
business needs. This gives you the option to control each business solution separately.
• Resource limitations: Use the directory structure to control access to resources, limit usage by generating
separate usage and cost reports, or define usage limitations, to give more resources to critical directories,
or to enable different monitoring per directory. Or you could structure the subaccounts according to usage
limits in different landscapes.
• Technical reasons: Structure directories and subaccounts according to technical limitation and then add
labels for virtual grouping or vice versa.
Directories and subaccounts can be tagged with labels for easy organizing and filtering. Also, labels can be
attached to other entities in your global account, such as environment instances and service instances. Think
of labels as a way of virtually grouping subaccounts or directories that belong together or for which you want to
create reportings.
Directories and labels offer two different ways of structuring subaccounts into groups. We recommend
to use directories as the primary structuring mechanism and to use labels to build virtual groups of
subaccounts or directories for which you need to create reports.
The below-mentioned account models for feature set B work for all environments. A subaccount with
feature set B can either be a multi-environment subaccount where Cloud Foundry, Kyma, ABAP can be
enabled, or it can be a Neo environment subaccount. For the account structure, there's no difference.
Inside a subaccount, you can further structure your projects depending on the environment, for example by
creating Cloud Foundry spaces.
Independent of the account model you choose, we recommend to go through the following steps and define
guidelines for your development teams.
Task Step
Fulfill prerequisites 1. Evaluate your business and technical needs and define an account model that
fits the requirements of your company.
Ensure that the account model is suitable for all areas in your company.
2. Define account hierarchy and guidelines and roll them out to a few pilot project
managers to get their feedback.
Define account standards and rules 3. Create a template for new directories. See below.
5. Define labels and values according to the reports you want to create.
We recommend that you create a process for the creation of new directories. Here is an example template for
new directories that you can use or adapt to meet your own requirements:
New Directory
Related Information
In this account model, you create directories for each subsidiary of your company. Additionally, you canadd
labels, for example, for cost centers or owners of the individual subaccounts or directories.
In this account model, you create different directories for geographical areas. Additionally, for example, you can
add labels to subaccounts that belong to the same departments in those locations. Alternatively, you could
nest additional directories inside these ones.
This account model is based on Account Model 5 for feature set A, but it has directories as additional structural
elements, i.e. a separate directory for each functional area and one for central services that are used by all.
Within each of those directories, three subaccounts (for development, test, and production) are created.
For each directory, the functional area can use their own identity provider and manage their entitlements.
Additionally, you can make use of labels, for example for the person responsible, cost center, or other aspects
that you need for reportings later on.
To ensure that there are no conflicts with special characters, we recommend to stick with lower-case letters
and hyphens, and not to use spaces in names. This way, you can name a subaccount, its subdomain, and its
Cloud Foundry org exactly the same. Cloud Foundry spaces should be named identically across the three tiers
(dev, test, prod).
Subac mycom my-com my-com my-com my-com my-com my-com my-com my-com
counts pany-hr- pany-hr- pany-hr- pany- pany- pany- pany-IT- pany-IT- pany-IT-
and sub dev test prod sales-dev sales-test sales-prod dev test prod
Spaces project- project- project- customer- customer- customer- it-support it-support it-support
portal portal portal acquisi acquisi acquisi
central- central- central-
tion tion tion
activity- activity- activity- service service service
recording recording recording sales-sup sales-sup sales-sup
port port port
Related Information
Account Model 5: Create a Staged Development Environment Per Functional Area [page 37]
Applications on SAP BTP are exposed to the Internet and should therefore fulfill the highest possible security
requirements to prevent unauthorized access.
The level of security you implement may vary depending on your use case and your company's general security
requirements. However, there are a few best practices that we recommend, regardless of your implementation.
SAP BTP Security Recommendations collects information which enables you to secure the configuration and
operation of SAP BTP services in your landscape.
The SAP BTP landscape runs in an isolated network that is protected from the outside by firewalls, a DMZ,
and communication proxies for all inbound and outbound communication. All user access is protected with
transport layer security (TLS). Use SAP BTP Connectivity to enable your SAP BTP applications to access
remote services on the Internet or in your on-premise systems. For connecting to Internet services, we
recommend that you use APIs with destinations, and for cloud-to-on-premise scenarios, we recommend that
you use destinations and the Cloud Connector. If you use destinations, you achieve a separation between the
application and the configuration, which means it's easier to make configuration changes. And you can use the
destinations to store credentials and certificates.
The Cloud Connector is a lightweight on-premise agent that establishes a tunnel for connecting your cloud
applications to on-premise systems. The Cloud Connector acts as a reverse invoke between the on-premise
network and SAP BTP. That means you don't need to open in-bound ports in the firewall for external access
from the cloud. The Cloud Connector provides a fine-granular access control mechanism, supports multiple
protocols, such as RFC and HTTP, and can forward the cloud user identity using principal propagation. It
enables users to log on to on-premise systems without logging in again by forwarding their current identity
from the cloud. You can configure the Cloud Connector directly from the subaccount in the SAP BTP cockpit.
• Principal Propagation
• Connectivity
• Cloud Connector
Restrict access to any endpoint of your application through authentication and authorization. Identity and
authorization management ensures that only the intended target group, such as your company's employees,
can access your application. We recommend that you use SAML or OpenID Connect single sign-on protocol
for user access and principal propagation for back-end access. If only access for technical users is needed,
however, principal propagation isn't necessary. Once a user is authenticated, single sign-on propagates the
credentials to the back-end system without requiring the user to reauthenticate.
Subaccounts get their users from identity providers. Administrators ensure that users can access only their
subaccounts by establishing a dedicated trust relationship between the identity providers and the respective
subaccounts. The preconfigured default identity provider for SAP BTP is SAP ID service. If you have an SAP
Universal ID, you can log on with that service. You can also connect your own identity provider, which means
you have full control over your user base.
For developing and administrating your own applications on SAP BTP, we recommend that you use SAP
Cloud Identity Services - Identity Authentication as a hub, especially if your business users are stored in
multiple corporate identity providers. Identity Authentication is SAP's cloud solution for identity lifecycle
management for SAP BTP applications, and optionally for on-premise applications.
See the following for more information about security best practices:
When building applications, use the security features of SAP BTP, such as protection from web attacks.
We recommend that your developers configure and deploy application-based security artifacts containing
authorizations, and administrators assign these authorizations using the cockpit. SAP BTP offers platform
roles that help you ensure a segregation of duties, such as between app development and administration.
It's likely that data protection and privacy influence your architecture and the functions of your application.
Consider any implications as early as possible in your development process. Security monitoring is done with
audit logging. SAP BTP writes logs for security-relevant events and the written log files are digitally signed to
ensure their integrity.
See the following for more information about security best practices:
Use the decision tree below to determine how to set up authentication. Once you've implemented
authentication, you can start implementing user authorization.
There are two types of users on SAP BTP: platform and business. Platform users are usually developers,
administrators, or operators who deploy, administer, and troubleshoot applications and services. Business
users are those who use the applications that are deployed to SAP BTP.
Setting Up Authentication
Users can be authenticated by the Identity Authentication service or by the default identity provider.
We recommend that you use the Identity Authentication service and also connect any corporate IdPs to it.
The Identity Authentication service can authenticate users stored in the IAS user store, your own corporate
user store, or by forwarding to your own corporate identity provider.
Related Information
You can implement the authentication methods that are available on SAP BTP on the frontend of applications.
FORM or SAML2 Trusted SAML 2.0 identity provider with FORM authentication implemented
application-to-application SSO through the Security Assertion Markup
Language (SAML) 2.0 protocol. Authen
tication is delegated to the SAP ID serv
ice or a custom identity provider.
BASICCERT User name and password client certifi- Used for authentication either with a cli
cate ent certificate or with user name and
Authentication methods depend on buildpacks, and the Cloud Foundry environment offers more than just
Java. Please refer to the SAP Authorization and Trust Management Service in the Cloud Foundry environment
documentation for more information.
Destinations are part of SAP BTP Connectivity and are used for communication between a cloud application
and a remote system.
Destinations are required to consume a target remote service from an application. They're resolved at runtime
based on their symbolic names, resulting in an object that contains customer-specific configuration details,
such as the URL of the remote system or service, the authentication type, and the respective credentials.
Method Description Environment Internet Proxy On-Premise Proxy
BasicAuthentication Used for destinations Neo and Cloud Foun Yes Yes
that refer to a serv dry
ice on the Internet or
an on-premise system
that requires basic au
NoAuthentication Used for destinations Neo and Cloud Foun Yes Yes
that refer to a serv dry
ice on the Internet or
an on-premise system
that doesn't require
OAuth2ClientCreden Used to request an ac Neo and Cloud Foun Yes Yes
tials cess token from an dry
OAuth authorization
server, using the
als grant.
For user token exchange, use the OAuth2JWTBearer authentication method when possible, as
OAuth2UserTokenExchange needs a two-step mechanism to achieve the same resolution.
Avoid using BasicAuthentication and OAuth2Password in production environments. However, they work
well for test environments.
• Manual assignment by using the command line interface (btp CLI) or the SAP BTP cockpit. Small-sized
enterprises are typical use cases for this method.
Although technically handled differently, federation and provisioning are inherently similar. Doing the
assignment in the IdP is simpler to implement but does not scale in the same way that provisioning can.
The use of approval workflows and the information that authorizations belong together by way of role
definitions are other distinct advantages in using the provisioning option. With setting up authorization in
the IdP, this can only be manually achieved.
There are two types of users on SAP BTP: platform and business. Platform users are usually developers,
administrators, or operators who deploy, administer, and troubleshoot applications and services. Business
users are those who use the applications that are deployed to SAP BTP.
Setting Up Authorization
In general, although you can use either identity federation or provisioning in development and testing accounts
too, it makes sense to just use the manual authorization configuration.
If you have a lot of users like in widely used production accounts, identity federation or provisioning is typically
In addition to subaccount authorizations (like role collections), you also need to assign roles for the
environment, such as the Cloud Foundry User and Member Management.
Related Information
The decision trees below for the SAP BTP Neo and Cloud Foundry environments might help you identify an
appropriate setup; however, these are recommendations only. Your specific setup highly depends on your use
case. In general, we recommend using the PrincipalPropagation authentication type with SAP systems and
OAuth2SAMLBearer Assertion with third-party systems.
Principal Propagation
Principal Propagation via the Cloud Connector
Configuring Principal Propagation to an ABAP System
Application-to-Application SSO Authentication
All companies must respect data protection and privacy rights of individuals. Data protection and privacy most
likely influences the architecture and functionalities of your application and should be considered as early as
possible in the development process.
It's important you understand that simply using SAP software, such as SAP BTP, does not make your
applications compliant. However, SAP software can help you achieve compliance. You should consult legal
experts to determine the requirements for your applications and specific use cases.
SAP does not provide legal advice in any form. SAP software supports data protection compliance by
providing security features and data protection-relevant functions that can help to establish a compliant
identity lifecycle management. In many cases, compliance with applicable data protection and privacy laws
is not covered by a single product feature, and sometimes, not even within a product. For instance, users'
wish to delete their personal data usually requires data deletion in several integrated systems.
Furthermore, this information should not be taken as advice or a recommendation regarding additional
features that would be required in specific IT environments. Decisions related to data protection must be
made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the given system landscape and the applicable
legal requirements.
Related Information
If you've set up a staged development environment using different subaccounts or spaces, such as for
development, testing, and production, we recommend that you grant the Cloud Development Team access
to development subaccounts and spaces, but that you grant only the Platform Engineering Team access to the
testing and production subaccounts or spaces.
All developers and stakeholders for a particular development project or application should get access to the
Development subaccount or space, if the project or application has been properly enrolled. See Add Security
The Space Developer role has broad rights within Cloud Foundry and, in particular, has access to the
credentials used in various services and app bindings as well as other sensitive data. Users with this role
can access the data in the environment, either directly through administration tools or indirectly through an
application or other client.
In production environments, only give this role to members of the Cloud Administration Team that are
authorized to access data in the environment.
In cases where even the Administration Team isn't allowed to see or access the data, automate tasks that
require the Space Developer role or integrate them into a deployment pipeline using a technical user with
the Space Developer role. Firefighter situations where temporary use of the role is required for manual
actions by an actual administrative user can be handled by temporary assignment of the Space Developer
role. You can also use a special user account with the role whose credentials are only given out when needed
and changed immediately after use. Remember to log the use of this role in an audit trail or another tracking
As every small change that's made in a single application (for example, changing a destination) might affect all
other applications, only the Platform Engineering Team should have access to the test and prod subaccounts
or spaces, and should manage them centrally. If required, developers may be assigned to the User and Role
Auditor role to get read access. For all changes required in subaccounts or spaces, the Cloud Development
Team should reach out to the Cloud Administration Team.
To avoid overwhelming the Platform Engineering Team with inquiries, consider automating of tasks and
providing a build infrastructure for continuous deployment.
Related Information
Use a multi-data center setup and implement automatic failover to ensure the high availability of your
applications in case of a data center outage.
Together with Implementing Failover [page 87], this chapter helps you implement a basic automated failover
for SAPUI5 and HTML5 applications in a multi-data center setup. The failover approach ensures that your
At the moment, these chapters are only valid for SAPUI5 and HTML5 applications without data persistence
or any kind of in-memory caching, whose data is stored in on-premise back-end systems.
What is Failover
Generally, the term denotes the automated process of switching from one server, network, or system to
another redundant one in case of an either unexpected or planned downtime. If the primary server, network, or
system is unavailable, the traffic is redirected to the secondary one, which takes over the tasks. Therefore, both
functionality and availability of your application is maintained.
The following figure illustrates this concept for a mutli-data center setup, as described in this guide:
The SAP BTP Failover Guide focuses on four principles to consider when planning a failover:
For more information, see Deploy Your Application in Two Data Centers [page 87].
• Orchestrate your applications manually. See Synchronize Your Applications Manually [page 91].
For more information, see Keep the Two Applications in Sync [page 88].
For more information, see Define How a Failover Is Detected [page 92].
Related Information
SAP BTP offers various tools and programming languages for application development. You might also want to
consider to integrate your application with other solutions.
We recommend that you use the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model for your development projects.
For more information, see Cloud Application Programming Model [page 66].
Depending on your use case and the skill set of your developers, you can choose the runtime environment of
your choice:
Environment options
Cloud Foundry Kyma ABAP
B• Simplified developer experience • Free choice of programming lan • ABAP programming language
for business application develop guages and models (containerized • Fast prototyping with ABAP REST
ment deployments) ful Programming Model (RAP)
Large choice of programming lan • Combines microservices and serv • Integrated development lifecycle
guages erless functions
t • Reuse existing on-prem ABAP as
s• Intuitive “code-to-container” pack • Brings built-in, managed, service sets
aging and deployment, managed mesh
by the platform • More flexible with Kubernetes
• Platform-managed application se • Support for CAP – an opinionated
curity patching and updates business app development frame
• Automatic application routing, load work
balancing, health checks, and mul
tilevel self-healing
• Support for CAP – an opinionated
business app development frame
S• Any major programming languages • Kubernetes knowledge • Ability to write modern ABAP code
• SAP Fiori/UI5 and SAP HANA • Docker • Core data services
We recommend that you create multitarget applications for managing dependencies more easily. For more
information, see Using Multitarget Applications to Manage Dependencies [page 74].
If you need information about the Neo environment, please have a look at Development, Neo Environment.
To ensure consistency and foster collaboration between developers, we recommend that you define guidelines
that include standards for programming principles, code styles, and naming conventions.
• SAPUI5 Guidelines
• SAP Fiori Design Guidelines
SAP BTP provides various programming languages and tools for your development project.
For an overview about how to develop applications on SAP BTP, see Development.
The Cloud Application Programming Model offers a consistent end-to-end programming model that includes
languages, libraries, and APIs that are tailored for full-stack development on SAP BTP.
It simplifies the development process by enabling you to create concise and comprehensive data and service
models at a conceptual level, which are then used as input for the data, service, and UI layers. The SAP Cloud
Application Programming Model is compatible with any development environment, but we recommend SAP
Business Application Studio.
For more information, see Developing with the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model and SAP Business
Application Studio.
SAP BTP supports many different programming languages; the availability of each depends on the
development environment you're using.
Related Information
Configure and run predefined continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines that automatically build,
test, and deploy your code changes to speed up your development and delivery cycles.
For links to all SAP solutions for CI/CD, blog posts, presentations, and tutorials, have a look at our
Continuous Integration and Delivery by SAP overview.
Continuous integration (CI) describes a software development process, in which various team members
integrate their contributions frequently into a single main line. Before each integration, the changes are verified
through builds and automated testing. Thereby, you can detect errors as quickly as possible and prevent
integration problems before completing the development.
The continuous delivery (CD) concept expands on the one of continuous integration. It adds the aspect that
any change that has successfully passed the tests is immediately ready to be deployed to production, both
from a technical and a qualitative point of view.
For more information about the continuous integration and continuous delivery concepts, see What Are
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery?.
Depending on your use case, you can choose between different CI/CD pipelines to help you implement
continuous integration and delivery in your software development.
SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery lets you configure and run predefined pipelines for the development
of the following applications:
To learn more about the CI/CD pipelines supported by SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery and the stages
each pipeline can comprise, see Supported Pipelines.
SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery provides an easy, UI-guided way to set up the service and configure
and run your pipelines, without hosting your own Jenkins instance.
Only administrators of SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery can configure the service.
1. Configure credentials for connecting SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery to other services (for
example, GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket Server to clone your sources, and SAP BTP to deploy your built
2. Add your repository.
Now you can create and modify your CI/CD jobs and monitor their outcome. If you want to automate your
builds, you can configure a webhook between your repository and the service. You can create and modify timed
triggers for your jobs, if necessary.
For more information, see Initial Setup and Configuration, or follow the tutorial Configure and Run a Predefined
SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline .
Depending on your learning goals and level of expertise, you can choose from the following offerings:
6.1.4 Tools
SAP BTP includes many tools to help you develop and manage applications, and connect them to your
on-premise systems. The availability of tools can depend on the environment and cloud management tools
feature set that you are running on.
Tool Description
Account Administration in the Cockpit The SAP BTP cockpit is the web-based administration inter
face of SAP BTP and provides access to a number of func
tions for configuring and managing applications, services,
and subaccounts. Use the cockpit to manage resources,
services, security, monitor application metrics, and perform
actions on cloud applications.
Cloud Connector The Cloud Connector serves as the link between on-demand
applications in SAP BTP. This is the browser-based and ex
isting on-premise systems. You can control the resources
available for the cloud applications in those systems.
Command Line Interface for Cloud Foundry The Cloud Foundry command line interface enables you to
work with the Cloud Foundry environment to deploy and
manage your applications.
SAP BTP Command Line Interface [Feature Set B] The SAP BTP command line interface (btp CLI) is the com
mand line tool for convenient account management, such
as managing global accounts, directories, subaccounts, en
titlements, environment instances, multitenant application
subscriptions, and users and their authorizations.
SAP BTP SDK for iOS The SAP BTP SDK for iOS is based on the Apple Swift pro
gramming language for developing apps in the Xcode IDE
and includes well-defined layers (SDK frameworks, compo
nents, and platform services) that simplify development of
enterprise-ready mobile native iOS apps. The SDK is tightly
integrated with SAP Mobile Services for Development and
SAP BTP SDK for Android The SAP BTP SDK for Android provides development tools
for creating native Android mobile applications that use SAP
Mobile Services. The SDK is based on the Java programming
language and is built on top of Google's Android SDK.
SAP Cloud SDK SAP Cloud SDK provides a layer of abstractions for features
of SAP BTP such as logging, multitenancy, and connectivity.
It also includes project templates for different execution en
vironments and implementations.
Eclipse Tool for the Cloud Foundry Environment The Eclipse plug-in for the Cloud Foundry environment is
a Java-based toolkit for Eclipse IDE that enables you to de
velop and deploy Java and Spring applications in the Cloud
Foundry environment from Eclipse or Spring Tool Suite, as
well as perform operations such as logging, managing user
roles, creating connectivity destinations, and so on.
SAP Web IDE With SAP Web IDE Full-Stack, you can easily develop, test,
build, deploy, and extend role-based, consumer-grade apps
for business users. Create applications rapidly and deliver an
outstanding user experience. You can extend or build SAP
Fiori apps, create SaaS solutions, extend SAP S/4HANA
cloud services, develop hybrid mobile apps, and build IoT
apps for SAP Leonardo, using the UI development toolkit
for HTML5, the SAP HANA toolset, and Java programming
language and technologies.
SAP Business Application Studio SAP Business Application Studio is the next generation of
SAP Web IDE - Develop, debug, test, and deploy SAP busi
ness applications.
Service-Specific Tools The services that run on SAP BTP can come with service-
specific tools. For an overview of the services and their tools,
see the SAP Discovery Center .
Tool Description
SAP BTP Cockpit The SAP BTP cockpit is the web-based administration inter
face of SAP BTP and provides access to a number of func
tions for configuring and managing applications, services,
and subaccounts. Use the cockpit to manage resources,
services, security, monitor application metrics, and perform
actions on cloud applications.
Account Administration Using the SAP BTP Command Line The SAP BTP command line interface (btp CLI) is the com
Interface (btp CLI) mand-line tool for convenient account management, such as
managing global accounts, directories, and subaccounts.
SAP Web IDE SAP Web IDE is a cloud-based meeting space where multiple
application developers can work together from a common
Web interface — connecting to the same shared repository
with virtually no setup required. SAP Web IDE allows you
to prototype, develop, package, deploy, and extend SAPUI5
Maven Plugin The Maven plugin supports you in using Maven to develop
Java applications to the Neo environment. It allows you to
conveniently call the console client and its commands from
the Maven environment.
Cloud Connector The Cloud Connector serves as the link between on-demand
applications in the Neo environment. This is the browser-
based and existing on-premise systems. You can control the
resources available for the cloud applications in those sys
SAP BTP SDK for Neo Environment The SAP BTP SDK for the Neo environment contains every
thing you need to work with the Neo environment , including
a local server runtime and a set of command line tools.
SAP BTP SDK for iOS The SAP BTP SDK for iOS is based on the Apple Swift pro
gramming language for developing apps in the Xcode IDE
and includes well-defined layers (SDK frameworks, compo
nents, and platform services) that simplify development of
enterprise-ready mobile native iOS apps. The SDK is tightly
integrated with SAP Mobile Services for Development and
SAP JVM Tools in Eclipse for the Neo Environment SAP JVM Tools for Eclipse is an Eclipse plugin that allows you
to debug and profile applications which run on SAP JVM.
Console Client for the Neo Environment The console client for the Neo environment enables develop
ment, deployment and configuration of an application out
side the Eclipse IDE as well as continuous integration and
automation tasks.
Discover and consume APIs to manage, build, and extend the core capabilities of SAP BTP.
An Application Programming Interface or API is an interface provided by an application for interacting with
other applications. APIs specify how software programs are able to exchange information with each other,
even if designed and run by different organizations. They facilitate interaction by selectively exposing certain
functionality, allowing different apps, websites, and devices to communicate effectively with each other. More
importantly, APIs allow businesses to reach beyond regular business channels and share data, content, and
services directly to both B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) clients, making UI
development easy.
SAP BTP enables you to consume APIs and publish your own ones through the following offerings:
Offering Description
SAP BTP on the SAP API Business Hub The SAP API Business Hub provides you with one central
repository for browsing and accessing APIs from SAP and
select partners. Test APIs and try out mock data in your
It is also the official place where REST and OData REST API
references are published.
SAP BTP API Management API Management allows you to build, manage, publish, and
monetize your own APIs within one secure and scalable envi
SDKs The software development kits (SDKs) available for SAP BTP
offer APIs to, for example, accelerate enterprise app devel
Related Information
Cloud applications often come with a lot of heterogeneity, which is one of the key strengths of cloud
development, allowing for agility, resilience, and the rapid development of new features. However, it also
increases the complexity of cloud applications, which:
A combined lifecycle lets you deploy all parts together, automatically, and in the right order, and manage the
configuration of the complete solution. You can achieve such a combined lifecycle by developing multitarget
applications. Each multitarget application has the following characteristics:
• One archive file that includes all modules and a description of the dependencies
• Can be delivered, transported, linked to SAP software components, and deployed
• The process can be automated in a continuous integration pipeline
The multitarget application archive contains all required application types and configurations, as well as a
deployment descriptor file. It is intended to be used as a generic artifact that can be deployed and managed
on several SAP BTP subaccounts. For example, you can use one multitarget application archive in your
development subaccount and reuse it in your production subaccounts.
As all interdependencies are part of the archive file, it's easy to pass multitarget applications from development
to operations. All required information for deployment is provided during the development process. Due to the
benefits provided by applying the multitarget application approach, it is also part of the SAP Cloud Application
Programming Model.
The approach isn't mandatory for applications that are running on SAP BTP – you can also develop without
applying it. Without the multitarget application approach, you'll need to manually deploy your application
artifacts, for example by triggering the deployment from SAP Web IDE or manually uploading artifacts via
SAP BTP cockpit.
For more conceptual information about multitarget applications and detailed step-by-step instructions, see
Multitarget Applications in the Cloud Foundry Environment.
• If you use SAP Web IDE Full-Stack, you can use multitarget application templates for Cloud Foundry
applications, where the descriptor file is maintained automatically, for example, whenever you add a new
module in the SAP Web IDE.
• If you have development modules from other sources, you can use the multitarget application archive
builder, a Java-based command-line tool that builds modules and packages them into a deployable
multitarget application archive, together with a deployment descriptor. It is available for download from
SAP Development Tools (see
• If you have solutions already deployed in the Neo environment, you can use the solution export wizard,
as offered in the Solutions view of the SAP BTP cockpit. The wizard lets you select existing components
(considering interdependencies automatically) and offers to download the multitarget application archive
(not supported for archives comprising Java modules) or descriptor files, or to integrate the changes
into transport management processes (see Deploy and Deliver [page 81]). Applications, configuration
content, such as destinations, roles, and security groups are supported. For more information, see
Exporting Solutions on SAP Help Portal.
The provider/subscriber approach is one of the important scenarios that are supported with multitarget
SAP BTP allows you to develop and run multitenant (tenant-aware) applications. These applications, which
must apply the multitarget application approach, run on a shared compute unit that can be used by multiple
consumers (tenants). Each consumer accesses the application through a dedicated URL.
For example, SAP partners or central IT organizations can build and run multitenant apps in their provider
accounts, deploy them using the multitarget application concept as providers, then deliver them as services to
their customers or line of business subsidiaries in corresponding subscriber accounts via subscriptions.
One of the advantages of this approach is that the application lifecycle and resource management is centrally
managed. A single deployment can serve several subscribing subaccounts, which eases onboarding of new
customers and decreases the number of code versions to manage. This also eases the consumption, as the
actual customers of the applications do not have to deploy solutions and manage corresponding resources.
• Multitenancy Roles
As part of application development, developers create a role template during design time, which consists of
scopes and attributes. Once the application is deployed, an administrator can create a role from this role
template, which can then be assigned to a role collection.
For more information about the relevant security aspects and how to set those up, see Adding Authentication
and Authorization.
Our best practices about resilient application design help you to make your applications running on SAP BTP
stable and highly available.
There are many different principles and patterns you can use to make your software resilient. It is, however, not
always easy to find the combination that best fits your applications. The Developing Resilient Apps on SAP BTP
guide gives an overview of the various options you have when developing applications and detailed information
about the individual patterns you can use. Have a look at examples for applied resilience principles and find out
how to develop your own resilient apps on SAP BTP: Developing Resilient Apps on SAP BTP.
In the Cloud Foundry environment, you can make use of the availability zones (AZ): Benefit from the high
availability mechanisms in Cloud Foundry by setting up your applications with multiple instances. You do not
have to do anything explicitly to distribute the instances across the different AZs - this is handled by the
Setting up your application with multiple instances might have an impact on your applications' capability for
handling requests: In case of an AZ failure in a 3-AZ-deployment, at least one third of the application instances
are affected and unavailable until Cloud Foundry can reschedule these instances on a healthy virtual machine.
During that period, the remaining instances in the healthy AZs have to carry the request load.
For more information about availability zones, see Availability Zones in the Cloud Foundry Environment.
See also:
• Resilience, High Availability, and Disaster Recovery (Cloud Foundry, ABAP and Kyma Environments)
• Resilience, High Availability, and Disaster Recovery (Neo Environment)
SAP BTP offers services, tools, and capabilities to develop, extend, or integrate business applications in the
cloud. You can implement additional workflows or modules on top of existing solutions, which lets you benefit
from out-of-the-box security, inherited data access governance, user interface embedding, and so on.
All standard SAP solutions are offered with customizing capabilities. Additionally, customers often have their
own requirements for innovative or industry-specific extensions and the extension capability of SAP BTP can
help them build, deploy, and operate their new functionalities easily and securely.
You can use SAP BTP to extend standard SAP solutions without disrupting their performance and core
processes. When building extension applications, you can also benefit from the automation of the integration
between SAP BTP and the extended SAP solutions.
• Simplified, standardized and unified extensibility and configuration for the SAP solutions.
• Central catalog per customer for all connected SAP systems where data such as APIs, events, credentials
and other is stored. You can benefit from business services and actionable events across end-to-end
business processes.
If the automated integration with SAP BTP does not support your scenario, you can configure the integration
manually. Using manual configurations, you can extend SAP solutions on SAP BTP, such as:
Use Cases
The extension use cases include but are not limited to:
The following resources are available for your extension scenarios. The links to various documents guide you
through the configuration tasks that you need to perform to enable the SAP BTP for developing extension
applications for your existing SAP solutions, and the learning journeys are collections of links to additional
Related Information
You should always conduct careful testing to ensure that your application is of high quality. Create a release
candidate to propagate throughout your landscape.
For example, consider testing the user interface, usability, and performance, as well as running general unit
tests. Developers should use unit tests to ensure that software modules behave as expected. Unit tests are the
smallest tests, and they detect issues fast. Taking good care of unit tests usually leads to better maintainable
and understandable code. If you use the Continuous Integration process, you should consider automated tests
as part of the pipeline.
SAPUI5 supports QUnit testing. We recommend that you write unit tests as small as possible, ensuring that you
only test one single thing at a time. This will not only make debugging easier, but also maintaining the tests in
the long run.
For an overview of available testing options for SAPUI5 developments, see Testing and Performance
For SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori testing, please see the demokit for SAP UI5:
SAP Web IDE empowers developers to test and evaluate the functionality and performance of their apps:
• Use the application preview to test functionality, design and performance before deploying it. There are
different configuration options available, such as SAP UI5 runtime version, URL parameters. See Running
Applications in Development Mode.
• Run your application using a client mock server. See Run Applications with Mock Data.
• Execute unit tests for SAPUI5 (Qunit) and Java (JUnit). See Developing Application Tests and Test a Java
• Execute SAPUI5 integration tests based on OPA5. See Performing Integration Tests [page 100].
After you've developed your application, you need to deploy it and deliver it to your TEST and PROD
environments. By deploying it to two different data centers in parallel, you can implement failover.
You can leverage different deployment tools and methods, depending on the application type and your
• Manually: You can archive all components of your application into one package that includes the
deployment descriptor. You can then manually trigger the deployment of the solution using the SAP BTP
cockpit or the Console Client. The actual deployment of the MTA files is then performed automatically
by the SAP BTP deployment infrastructure, considering all interdependencies specified in the MTA
deployment descriptor that is part of the MTA archive. By assigning roles and encapsulating the Console
Client in a script, you can achieve a somewhat controlled release mechanism.
• Managed: If you prefer a managed approach, you can deploy MTAs as part of a CI/CD approach. See
SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery service for more information. Or you can implement transport or
change management processes for your SAP BTP apps, using enhanced Change and Transport (CTS+) for
example. For more information, see Transporting Multitarget Applications in Cloud Foundry using CTS+.
Related Information
If your application consists of only one module, there are different native options for deploying it, depending on
the programming language you're using.
You can use the SAP BTP cockpit, the console client (Neo), or the command-line tool (Cloud Foundry) to
deploy a Java application. You have several options to choose from with regards to runtimes, Java Virtual
Machine versions, and more.
For large-scale development setups, we recommend that you connect your own development infrastructure.
You can deploy HTML5 applications from within the SAP Web IDE. In addition:
• In the Neo environment, you can export and import your application via the SAP BTP cockpit.
• In the Cloud Foundry environment, you can deploy your application using the Cloud Foundry command-line
In the Cloud Foundry environment, you can deploy Node.js applications from within SAP Web IDE, or use the
Cloud Foundry command-line interface.
SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Classic Model (SAP HANA XS)
In the Neo environment, you can create a delivery unit as a .tgz file that contains all the artifacts for
applications that are based on SAP HANA XS. You can import and export the application using SAP HANA
administration tools, and open the application using the SAP BTP cockpit.
Please be aware that SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Classic Model has been deprecated – for more
information, see 0002465027 .
In the Cloud Foundry environment, you can deploy applications based on SAP HANA XSA using the SAP HANA
Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) from within SAP Web IDE. You can also deploy your application using the
Cloud Foundry command-line interface.
In the Cloud Foundry environment, you can use your own buildpack to create applications. The deployment of
such an application depends on the buildpack-specific development and deployment infrastructure.
There are several options for propagating developed applications from one subaccount to another, for example,
from your Development to your Testing and Production subaccounts.
Delivery Option
(Tool Support Development con
and Automation tent (such as
Decreasing from Java, HTML5, SAP SAP Integration Other app-spe
Top to Bottom) HANA XSA) packages cific content SAP HANA XS Portal Site
Required Expertise in
CI/CD Solution CI/CD Level of Flexibility Infrastructure Support
SAP Continuous In Low Medium SAP Continuous Inte Support provided by
tegration and Deliv gration and Delivery SAP
ery service is ready to use and
doesn’t need a sepa
rate CI/CD infrastruc
Project "Piper" Medium - high Medium - high Project "Piper" is an Open Source com
(complemented by open-source project munity and SAP Com
Continuous Integra that provides precon munity support (no
direct support by
tion and Delivery Best figured Jenkins pipe
Practices Guide lines, which you can
use in your own
Jenkins infrastructure
and adapt according
to your needs, if nec
essary. Project "Piper"
requires Jenkins as
underlying CI/CD in
frastructure. If you
don’t have a Jenkins
instance, yet, use
the Cx Server to
bootstrap a precon
figured one, or use
the step library and
the Continuous Inte
gration and Delivery
Best Practices Guide
to build own pipelines
on any CI/CD infra
structure. See Getting
Started with Project
"Piper" .
So, with the golden path for SAP-specific scenarios, SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery service
targets rather typical SAP customers and partners with an ABAP background that are transitioning into the
cloud, while Project 'Piper' offers full flexibility for experienced users with their own CI/CD stack and a high
level of expertise.
For more information, see SAP Solutions for Continuous Integration and Delivery and Which SAP Solution
for CI/CD Meets Your Needs?.
• If you want to have more control, especially when propagating changes towards your production
environment, consider the following transport and change management options:
• For cloud transports, also in hybrid landscapes: the SAP Cloud Transport Management service,
which allows you to transport content archives, delivery units of SAP HANA XS classic model, and
application-specific content, such as SAP Cloud Integration content, between different subaccounts
that might even reside in different global accounts, spread across different regions. This service is
recommended to handle SAP BTP application-specific content, independent of whether it is provided
as multitarget application (MTA) files or in other formats.
For more information, see What is SAP Cloud Transport Management.
• For ABAP-centric or hybrid scenarios, the enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+), running in
an on-premise ABAP system. Besides handling the transport of on-premise systems, CTS+ also lets
You can transport portal settings and configurations only by manually redeploying your application in
each subaccount.
• In the Neo environment, consider to use the Solution Export Wizard that you can start in SAP BTP
cockpit to model solutions by selecting comprised components (with an automated resolution of
interdependencies) and to either export the outcome (as multitarget application file) or to directly handle
the modeled solution via the change management options outlined above. For more information, see
Solution Export Wizard - Ease Modeling and Export of Solutions as MTA .
• (HTML5 applications only) Synchronize Git repositories and create build scripts that let you transfer
commits from the repository of the source subaccount to the repository of the target subaccount. After the
synchronization, you must still deploy the application manually using the SAP BTP cockpit.
• (SAP HANA XS applications only) Use the SAP HANA XS Application Lifecycle Management (HALM)
to create transport routes between two SAP HANA systems, then transport delivery units between those
systems. For more information, see SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
Related Information
Deploy your application in two data centers in parallel so that in case of an issue, you can switch from one to
the other.
To implement failover in an active/passive setup, deploy your application in two data centers in parallel. Among
these two data centers, define the primary (active) one to which the traffic is generally directed and the
secondary (passive) data center that takes over in case of a downtime.
Depending on your type of global account on SAP BTP and the environment you're using, you can choose
from different regions to deploy your applications. To deploy an application in subaccounts of multiple regions,
execute the deployment separately for each subaccount. For more information about regions and a complete
list of data centers from which you can choose, see Regions.
To optimize the performance of your application, which is, for example, response time and latency, we
recommend that you deploy it in two data centers of the region your target audience and your back-end
system are located in. If you are located in Europe, choose, for example, the data centers in Frankfurt and
If you want to deploy your application in two data centers that are not located in the same region, keep in
mind that there might be issues concerning legal data processing restrictions. For more information, see
Data Protection and Privacy.
Synchronize your applications in both data centers to maintain their functionality in case of a downtime.
Make sure that you transfer changes on one of your applications to the one in the other data center, as well, so
that its functionality is not interrupted in case of a failover.
Keeping your two applications in sync does not necessarily mean that both applications need to be
identical. If you want to offer only a reduced set of functions in your secondary application, we recommend
to visually mark it as your backup. In this way, your users are constantly reminded that they are using the
backup version and should switch back to the primary one once it is available again.
There are three different ways to synchronize your applications in the primary and the secondary data center:
• Orchestrate your applications manually. See Synchronize Your Applications Manually [page 91].
• Orchestrate your applications with the help of a continuous integration and delivery pipeline. See Use a
Continuous Integration and Delivery Pipeline [page 90].
• Orchestrate your applications through a combination of the Solution Export Wizard and the SAP
Cloud Transport Management service. See Use the Solution Export Wizard and SAP Cloud Transport
Management [page 89].
You can orchestrate your applications through a combination of the solution export wizard and the SAP Cloud
Transport Management service.
• You have deployed the applications you want to synchronize in two different subaccounts in the Neo
environment. See Create Subaccounts Using the Cockpit.
• You have a subaccount in the Cloud Foundry environment. See Create Subaccounts Using the Cockpit.
• You are subscribed and have access to the SAP Cloud Transport Management service. See SAP Cloud
Transport Management and Initial Setup.
• In SAP Cloud Transport Management, you have defined a transport route from your development system
to your failover system. See Configuring the Landscape.
In your subaccount in the Neo environment hosted in your primary data center, use the solution export
wizard to export the changes you have made to your application to the SAP Cloud Transport Management
service. From the Transport Management service, which is hosted in your subaccount in the Cloud Foundry
environment, transport your changes to the backup application in your subaccount in the Neo environment in
the secondary data center.
You can also use the solution export wizard independently from SAP Cloud Transport Management by
manually uploading your exported changes to the target account.
1. In the cockpit, navigate to your subaccount in the Neo environment, in which your HTML5 application is
deployed. See Navigate to Global Accounts and Subaccounts in the Cockpit.
2. From the navigation pane, choose Solutions.
3. To access the solution export wizard, choose Export. For more information, see Exporting Solutions.
4. In the Select Components section of the Solution Export Wizard dialog, select the components of your
HTML5 application you have changed.
The solution export wizard can automatically resolve dependencies, for example, by selecting
corresponding roles.
5. In the Export options section, select Transport Management Service to hand over your MTA archive to SAP
Cloud Transport Management. For more information about MTA archives, see Multitarget Applications.
6. In the cockpit, navigate to your subaccount in the Cloud Foundry environment. See Navigate to Global
Accounts and Subaccounts in the Cockpit.
7. From the navigation pane, choose Subscriptions.
8. On the Transport Management Service tile, choose Go to Application.
9. From the navigation pane, choose Transport Nodes and select the target node.
10. In the IMPORT QUEUE tab, select the MTA archive you have exported with the help of the solution export
11. Choose Import.
Related Information
Blog - Solution Export Wizard – ease modeling and export of solutions as MTA
Blog - The new cloud-based Transport Management Service
Blog - SAP Cloud Transport Management service generally available
You can synchronize the deployment of your applications in two different data centers by using a continuous
integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Configure it for multi-deployment so that in the final stage of your
CI/CD pipeline, your changes are automatically deployed to two subaccounts in parallel. In our case, these
subaccounts are hosted in different data centers. For more information about subaccounts, see Managing
Use a pre-configured pipeline of project "Piper" and adapt it for multi-deployment to your two subaccounts
in different data centers. For more information, see project "Piper" .
Related Information
You can orchestrate your applications manually by duplicating your modifications in both data centers, for
example, by mirroring from Git repositories.
Manual Synchronization
With this approach, you can decide yourself which of your changes to transport from one data center
to the other. Therefore, synchronizing your applications manually allows you to maintain two non-identical
applications, for example, if you want to visually differentiate between the UIs in your primary and the backup
With regard to the relatively high effort needed for this approach, we recommend it only if you do not plan
regular updates or changes to your application.
Define in which cases the automatic failover from one data center to the other is triggered.
You can choose from different test categories to decide when the automatic switch from your primary to the
backup application is triggered. Either define these test categories manually in your code or use rule-based
performance solutions such as Akamai ION . At each user request, you could, for example, check for a
combination of a predefined maximum read timeout and set HTTP status codes. If one of these two checks
responds an unwanted behavior of your application, the failover is triggered.
Failover Detection
As an example, you could define 25 seconds as maximum read timeout and set a number of server error
codes (5xx) to be checked. At each first HTTP request towards the URL of your application, both checks
are triggered. All following HTTP requests are ignored to avoid an unnecessary failover if, for example, only
an image resource is missing. If one of the two checks fails, the user is automatically redirected to an HTML
down page, which must not be cached. This down page provides the link to your failover application. Strictly
speaking, the failover itself is therefore manually performed by the user of your application.
In the setup of your failover scenario, define whether a failback is needed and how it is performed.
Depending on the setup of your failover scenario, a failback is either optional or mandatory:
• If you use an active/active setup, your applications in both data centers must be identical and provide the
exact same functionality. In this setup, both data centers are of equal value. Therefore, a failback to the
primary data center is not needed but performed automatically the next time a failover is triggered.
In a basic scenario, you can hand over the failback to the users of your application, who perform the
failback automatically when later trying to access the primary version of your application again. In this
scenario, visually differentiate between your primary and secondary application so that they are constantly
reminded to switch back to the primary one once they have completed their transaction. Unlike an
automatic failback as soon as the primary data center is available again, this approach ensures that your
users are not interrupted while completing a transaction. Instead, they can decide on their own when to
switch back to the primary application.
Implement multi-region architectures for applications deployed on SAP BTP, based on several reference use
You can implement multi-region architectures for the applications that are deployed on SAP BTP, such as
for SAP CAP applications or SAP SaaS applications such as SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition or
SAP Cloud Integration, by introducing geographic redundancy, application health checks and the application
synchorinzation between different regions. To monitor the health of the applications in two data centers, you
can use any of the available hyperscaler solutions such as Azure Traffic Manger or Amazon Route 53.
High-Level Architecture
In this setup, we create a common URL from a custom domain instead of the URL provided by the SAP BTP
services or applications. We then deploy the application across multiple regions (subaccounts) and leverage
load balancer configurations to route the requests intelligently from the custom domain URL to the healthy
application based on the health checks. In case of a failover, the switch to the healthy application is seamless
because the URL that the user accesses remains the same. In the background, the requests are routed to the
healthy service based on the configuration that you've maintained.
Use Cases
Explore the following use cases to get to know the specific steps and technical details that you need to
implement a multi-region architecture for your applications:
Multi-region high availability Multi-region High Availability Route Multi-Region Traffic
architecture for SAP Build architecture for SAP BTP samples/btp-services-intel to SAP BTP Services Intelli
Work Zone, standard edition Launchpad Service using ligent-routing/tree/launch gently
using Azure Traffic Manager Azure Traffic Manager pad_azure
Related Information
SAP BTP Multi-Region reference architectures for High Availability and Resiliency
Backup and recovery of data stored in the following services are performed by SAP. For other services, you can
follow our best practices to back up your configurations.
SAP handles the backup and recovery of service data. However, there are some exceptions.
• SAP HANA Cloud: SAP HANA Cloud instances are continually backed up to safeguard your database and
ensure that it can be recovered. For more information, see Backup and Recovery.
Data stored using these services and components is fully backed up on a regular basis. For services running in
the SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment, the backed-up data is copied to additional availability zones within
the same region. Each availability zone represents a physically separate location with its own power supply,
network, and cooling. For more information, see Regions.
For services running in the SAP BTP, Neo environment, the backed-up data is copied to an availability zone in
another region. For more information, see Regions in the Neo Environment.
The following services don’t currently provide any backup and restore features:
• Redis on SAP BTP, hyperscaler option: This service doesn’t support persistence.
Different configurations can be backed up, depending on your specific service. Here are some examples:
If your service has configurations that can be backed up, you can find more details in the Administration
section of your service documentation. This section provides links to detailed instructions on how to back up
and restore your configurations.
There's no backup for user-specific configurations available for the following services:
In contrast to unit tests that are performed locally on your development subaccount without any external
dependencies in the develop and build phase, integration tests target the interplay of a complete system,
spanning several single components and units potentially spread throughout a hybrid landscape. Integration
tests verify that all building blocks work together, meet specified requirements, and fulfill the targeted business
case. They should therefore then be executed on your test infrastructure or in your test subaccount after
the integration into an existing landscape has taken place. This ensures that the interplay with backend
functionalities is verified. In a CI/CD setup, note that such integration tests are part of the pipeline.
One Page Acceptance Tests (OPA5) is an API for SAPUI5 controls. It hides asynchronicity and eases access
to SAPUI5 elements. This makes OPA especially helpful for testing user interactions, integration with SAPUI5,
navigation, and data binding. See Integration Testing with One Page Acceptance Tests (OPA5).
SAP BTP offers various options for integrating your cloud application with other cloud and on-premise
Cloud Connector
If you want an application running on SAP BTP to access data from your on-premise back-end system, we
recommend that you use the Cloud Connector. It's an on-premise piece of software that you'll need to install in
your on-premise landscape, within the firewall. Once it's configured and paired with your SAP BTP subaccount,
a secure tunnel is established between SAP BTP (and all the services and applications that run on it) and
the Cloud Connector. Communication between SAP BTP and the back-end system is routed via the Cloud
Connector through a secure SSL tunnel.
SAP Cloud Integration (Cloud Integration) supports end-to-end process integration across cloud and on-
premise applications (cloud to cloud and cloud to on-premise integration). It provides the following features:
• Core runtime for processing, transforming, and routing of messages to be exchanged between your
• Out-of-the-box connectivity support (IDoc, SFTP, SOAP/HTTPS, SAP SuccessFactors, OData, HTTPS)
• Security features such as content encryption and certificate-based communication
Cloud Integration offers full flexibility for the manner in which messages are exchanged between your systems.
We recommend that you use the Cloud Connector if you require any of the following (or if you don't require
on-premise-based middleware, such as SAP Process Orchestration):
If you're planning on integrating your SAP BTP application into a hybrid landscape, you can also leverage the
Cloud Integration Automation Service that is offered for selected integration scenarios. This service provides
a guided workflow that uses customer-specific system information, reusable configuration settings between
tasks, and automated execution capabilities, thereby reducing the manual work for your scenario integration.
For more information, see Cloud Integration Automation Service.
Related Information
Once you've deployed, transported, tested, and integrated your application, you can go live.
After you've released an application, you have to ensure that it's provided with the right performance and
availability by monitoring its various parts – such as platform services, application parts, and databases. SAP
BTP offers various native tools for monitoring and operating your application, optionally complemented by
third-party offerings, in case you need deep monitoring of cloud-native applications.
For hybrid scenarios across the SAP portfolio, or if you already have an operations process in place, you can
also integrate operation aspects of SAP BTP into strategic operation platforms (such as SAP Solution Manager,
SAP Focused Run of SAP Solution Manager, and SAP Cloud ALM).
If you've integrated SAP BTP with your on-premise SAP landscape, you can use SAP Solution Manager,
Focused Run for SAP Solution Manager, and, for more and more options and scenarios also SAP Cloud ALM to
monitor and operate that hybrid landscape.
For example, the table below lists monitoring options offered by SAP Solution Manager.
User Experience Monitoring Simulate the behavior of users who ac User Experience Monitoring
cess central servers at different loca
tions to run business processes. Lets
you monitor the availability of the sys
tems, and connection performance,
from the end-user perspective, in real
Trace Analysis Trace the performance of SAP BTP ap Trace Analysis
plications. You can:
End-to-End Trace Analysis (Neo envi
• Trace requests to applications that ronment)
are deployed on SAP BTP or run
ning on your on-premise system
• Trace application performance
data, such as application and UI re
sponse times, and database calls
• Trace request paths through in
bound and outbound request
Related Information
In the Cloud Foundry environment, you can use the SAP Application Logging service for SAP BTP to
access logs from your applications. You can also run the Cloud Foundry CLI command cf logs to show
Container metrics in syslog drains are not currently logged by SAP BTP, but you can use the SAP
Application Logging service to access container metrics of your applications.
You can also configure health checks that continually monitor the status of a running application. For more
information, see .
In the Neo environment, you can use the cockpit to monitor applications:
• Custom JMX checks
• Monitoring APIs
SAP HANA XS applications • Health statistics for SAP HANA da SAP HANA: Application Operations
tabase instances
• Application availability checks
• Email notifications
HTML5 applications Log viewer collecting error messages Using Logs in the Cockpit for HTML5
You can also connect your Java applications to a Dynatrace SaaS monitoring environment. For more
information, see Agent Activation for Dynatrace.
You can follow the availability of the platform at SAP Trust Center . You can check:
• the availability by service on the SAP BTP tile of the Cloud Status tab page;
• the availability by region on the Data Center tab page.
To get notifications for updates and downtimes, subscribe at the Cloud System Notification Subscriptions
application. Create a subscription by specifying Cloud Product, Cloud Service, and Notification Type. For more
information, see Cloud System Notification Subscriptions User Guide .
There are additional monitoring tools and options available for certain SAP BTP services, such as the SAP
BTP Identity Authentication service. Please refer to the respective service documentation for more details:
Solutions and Services.
In addition to the general notifications mentioned above, Alert Notification for SAP BTP service lets you know
instantly whenever there's an issue with your specific cloud application or its dependencies, no matter if your
apps are running in the Neo or Cloud Foundry environment. You can subscribe to events coming from used SAP
BTP services, from hyperscalers, from third-party tools such as Dynatrace, or you can create custom alerts for
your apps. Furthermore, the notifications arrive via any channel of alert management you select, for example,
email, some sort of corporate chat, a ticketing system, or even SAP Solution Manager, Focused Run for SAP
Solution Manager , or and SAP Cloud ALM . For more information, see SAP Alert Notification Service.
Once you've tested your application successfully and ensured that you are compliant with any applicable
security guidelines and compliance regulations, you can go live with your application.
If you've set up a staged development environment, we recommend that your Cloud Administration Team
defines specific timeframes during which the Cloud Development Team is allowed to go live with an application.
You can forbid go-live activities during times that a stable landscape is particularly crucial (for example, at the
end of each quarter), and allow deployments to your production subaccount only in case of emergencies.
Consider embedding applications with internal end users in the SAP Fiori launchpad using SAP BTP Portal
before you go live. This enables your internal target audience to access all applications in one central place and
thus improves the app's usability. For more information, see SAP Cloud Portal Service .
Ensure that the business users of your application are being provided by using SAP ID service or configuring
the trust relationship to an external identity provider. They should also get the right authorization by using
application-based authorization artifacts provided by the developers. This allows the administrators to create
roles, build role collections, and assign these collections to business users and user groups.
For more information, see Security Administration: Managing Authentication and Authorization .
If your application's end users are widely spread across different countries or even continents, you can improve
your application's load performance by using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). For example, you can use
common CDN providers such as Akami or Cloudflare.
If you include SAP’s SAPUI5 library directly from *, the SAPUI5 resources are
automatically delivered via a CDN. See Variant for Bootstrapping from Content Delivery Network.
• Secure transport: Make sure any access via HTTP will get redirected to a HTTPS connection before loading
any content.
• Block access based on location: If blocking access from a certain country is required, the client’s location
data can be used. Keep in mind that this does not guarantee a full blocking, since the client’s location data
can be changed, or the client could access from another country via a virtual private network (VPN).
• Content compression: You can compress your content with gzip before it gets delivered to the client. This
improves the performance, especially for clients with a slow connection.
• Content caching: In addition to client caching, you can make the CDN provider cache your server’s content,
so that following requests of the same resources by other clients will be delivered faster. While this can
additionally improve the performance, you need to keep in mind the following:
• Make sure that you only cache static content. We recommend that you exclude certain files (for
example, for UI5 apps, exclude the neo-app.json file) or paths (for example, a route to OData services),
to make sure dynamic content is never cached.
• You should configure your CDN provider so that it respects the Cache-Control and Expires header
of your server.
• You should not cache any dynamic header, such as the X-CSRF-Token header, that is used against
cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
• See SAP Note 2943781 for information about using CDN for on-premise systems.
Once your application has gone live, we recommend that you continually ensure its quality. If you determine
that you no longer need it, you should retire it.
SAP is integrating more closely with hyperscalers, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform,
and Microsoft Azure. If you are currently running scenarios in our Neo enviroment, please have a look at our
migration guide for moving from Neo to the multi-cloud foundation.
Migrating from the Neo Environment to the Multi-Cloud Foundation (Cloud Foundry and Kyma)
If your application is no longer needed, the Cloud Administration and the Cloud Development Teams should
ensure that it is properly retired, and that all data retention requirements are met.
Once an application has gone live, the Cloud Development Team is responsible for housekeeping and ongoing
• Regularly verify and test the application to avoid issues caused by library and platform updates, such as a
new SAPUI5 version
• Ensure that the application remains compliant with all applicable standards and guidelines
• Fix bugs in a timely manner, and ensure that the user experience remains of high quality and is improved
and adapted over time
• Listen to user feedback
• Set up alerting that informs you automatically about issues with your application, for example by using
SAP Alert Notification Service
• Identify recurring operation tasks and automate them, such as by using SAP Automation Pilot. This
services provides catalogs of automated technical operation tasks for handling the lifecycle of apps
running on SAP BTP, such as for alert remediation and recurring DevOps tasks.
To stay up to date, we recommend that you regularly check the Release Notes and the SAP Community .
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