Recommendations For Developing TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Plans - USEPA
Recommendations For Developing TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Plans - USEPA
Recommendations For Developing TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Plans - USEPA
With more than 44,000 TMDLs developed nationwide, and limited successes reported, the importance of
demonstrating incremental improvements in water quality cannot be overstated. TMDL effectiveness
monitoring helps to measure progress towards attainment of water quality standards and informs future
management actions. Documenting improvements in water quality is important because demonstrated
success, or effectiveness, is often tied to funding; further, a lack of demonstrated success can undermine the
scientific credibility and hard work of the many stakeholders involved in TMDL development and
implementation. In a review of stream restoration project monitoring activities in the Pacific Northwest, 64%
of project managers indicated that, in retrospect, they would have used a more methodical monitoring design
that allowed for a scientific evaluation of project effectiveness, citing future funding as a benefit to such an
approach 1. Washington Department of Ecology describes the benefits of effectiveness monitoring as follows:
1Jeanne M. Rumps, Stephen L. Katz, Katie Barnas, Mark D. Morehead, Robin Jenkinson, Stephen R. Clayton, and Peter
Goodwin. (2007). Stream Restoration in the Pacific Northwest: Analysis of Interviews with Project Managers.
Restoration Ecology Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 506–515.
Prepared by The Cadmus Group, Inc. for U.S. EPA Region 10 (Contract EP-C-08-002) 1
3. Provides technical feedback that is useful for refinements of initial modeling analysis (e.g., for a
TMDL) or refinements in the planning of best management practices (BMPs), permits, and other
pollutant reduction and watershed restoration strategies.
Most states rely on their current ambient monitoring network to evaluate TMDL effectiveness. However,
statewide ambient water quality monitoring networks are generally not set up to provide a significant amount
of data on targeted water bodies; rather, ambient monitoring networks provide basic data for many different
uses, including supporting the development of water quality criteria, reporting on the condition of the state’s
waters, and identifying impaired waters. As a result, ambient monitoring networks are typically designed to
characterize water quality conditions at a broad scale. This approach is not consistent with the data needs of a
TMDL effectiveness monitoring program, which requires targeted, more rigorous sample collection of
specific parameters and information on designated use support on a smaller (i.e., subwatershed) scale.
EPA’s current strategic plan calls for the improvement of water quality in impaired watersheds using the
watershed approach (Measure SP-12) and the full or partial restoration of water bodies that are primarily
NPS-impaired (Measure WQ-10). The strategic plan refers to these targets as National Water Program
Guidance Measures. Measure SP-12 is a “demonstration” measure, used to document water quality successes
that result from application of the watershed approach; the intent is not to inventory all instances where
success has occurred or is underway in a state. Measure WQ-10 is the main long-term environmental results
measure for the NPS program and requires that a designated use be restored or that one or more pollutants
causing impairment of a designated use meet applicable criteria.
For a watershed to be counted under SP-12, states can use one of three options for demonstrating water
quality improvement. Under Option 1, states must demonstrate improvement as the removal of one or more
of the impairment causes identified in 2002 for at least 40 percent of the impaired water bodies or impaired
miles/acres. Under Option 2a, states must use valid scientific information and statistical procedures to
demonstrate that significant improvement has occurred with a 90 percent or greater level of confidence,
where improvement is defined as a significant watershed-wide improvement in one or more water quality
parameters associated with the impairments. Under Option 2b, states can use a multiple lines of evidence
approach to demonstrate watershed improvement. A “multiple lines of evidence approach” means that the
cumulative weight of several lines of evidence is used to assess whether a watershed-wide improvement has
A watershed approach is focused on hydrologically defined areas, involves key stakeholders, uses an adaptive
management process to address priority water resource goals, and uses an integrated set of tools and
programs to meet those goals. To meet the requirements of SP-12, use of the watershed approach must be
demonstrated by:
Prepared by The Cadmus Group, Inc. for U.S. EPA Region 10 (Contract EP-C-08-002) 2
Create BMP
Evaluate Choose Study
Existing Data Design
Tracking System
Monitoring Plan
and QAPP
In order to meet the requirements of SP-12, the TMDL implementation measures that resulted in water
quality improvement must be documented. However, the importance of BMP implementation tracking goes
beyond receiving credit for measure SP-12. Effectiveness monitoring is a critical component of an adaptive
management approach to water quality improvement. While one can certainly determine trends in water
quality over time without knowing anything about management actions in the watershed, those trends cannot
be attributed to specific TMDL implementation activities without certain critical pieces of information. The
minimum pieces of information that should be tracked for all BMPs include:
• Type of BMP;
• Latitude and longitude of BMP location;
• Date of implementation; and
• Maintenance schedule and activities.
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These minimum pieces of information are necessary for demonstrating a linkage between water quality
improvement and TMDL implementation. Ideally, BMP implementation would be tracked in a geospatial
database that records all information about each BMP and its location. Some management measures, such as
public education programs or lawn fertilizer bans, may not have specific latitudes and longitudes associated
with them. However, the geographic areas in which these types of management measures are implemented
can still be represented in a geospatial database.
Evaluations of individual BMP effectiveness can also be carried out to supplement this information. This can
provide even stronger support that the management measures implemented are responsible for water quality
improvement. However, BMP effectiveness is highly variable and the effectiveness of one BMP cannot be
assumed to represent all BMPs of that type or in that location. Since every BMP in a watershed cannot be
monitored, individual BMP effectiveness monitoring does not necessarily provide significant information
relevant to watershed-wide improvements. General estimates of BMP effectiveness are already available from
sources such as the International Stormwater BMP Database ( and use of these
estimates is a cost-effective method for choosing BMPs to implement and evaluating their likely effectiveness.
Existing data are an important component of the development of any monitoring plan. Exploratory analysis
of these data can help to inform the study design by revealing apparent trends, important covariates, and
baseline conditions. Apparent trends can most simply be evaluated by plotting the parameter of interest in a
scatterplot over time. This will often reveal apparent trends that can then be tested with more formal
statistical tools. Linear regression and Kendall trend tests are two such tools. Covariates are other variables
that are significantly correlated with the water quality parameter(s) of interest. Inclusion of covariates in the
monitoring plan and subsequent analyses can increase the chances of detecting a statistically significant trend,
where one exists. Data from two or more different sites can also be compared to one another to visualize
differences between upstream and downstream locations. This is most simply achieved with boxplots. The
existing data should also be evaluated for normality if possible. Normally distributed data are required for
parametric statistical techniques, such as linear regression or t-tests (although these two techniques are
relatively robust with large sample sizes). If the raw data do not appear to be normally distributed,
transformations should be tested to see if they improve the normality. Common transformations for water
quality data include the logarithmic transformation and the square root transformation. If the normality of the
data cannot be improved, nonparametric statistical techniques (e.g., Kendall trend test, rank sum tests) may
have to be used instead.2
It is not necessary to conduct a full statistical analysis of the existing data. Quite frequently, in fact, there will
not be sufficient data available to conduct any meaningful statistical analysis. The point of the existing data
evaluation is simply to provide insight into the nature of the data such that an appropriate study design can be
chosen. Most importantly, existing data allow for estimation of the error variance in the water quality
parameter(s). This is critical for determining the necessary sample size. The higher the variance, the more
samples that will need to be collected to demonstrate trends or changes with statistical significance. The lower
the variance, the fewer samples that will be required.
2For guidance on appropriate statistical methods, see: Helsel, D.R. and R. M. Hirsch, 2002. Statistical Methods in Water
Resources. Techniques of Water Resources Investigations, Book 4, Chapter A3. U.S. Geological Survey. 522 pages.
Prepared by The Cadmus Group, Inc. for U.S. EPA Region 10 (Contract EP-C-08-002) 4
Existing data are typically available for the development of TMDL effectiveness monitoring plans, as TMDLs
themselves are not frequently developed without monitoring data to confirm the impairment or characterize
current conditions. In the event that existing data are not available, however, one season of sampling is
typically sufficient to estimate the error variance and identify some covariates.
Choosing a study design requires a thorough understanding of any existing data, the TMDL implementation
plan, and requirements for delisting the water body (e.g., a 30-day geometric mean based on a minimum of 5
samples). It is important to understand how the data to be collected under the effectiveness monitoring
program will be used in future analyses, as this will impact the monitoring design. For example, will pre-
implementation data be compared to post-implementation data (before, after, control, impact design), or will
trends be evaluated continuously over the entire time frame (trend design)? Will one watershed be compared
to another, possibly a reference watershed (paired watershed or upstream/downstream design)? The answers
to these questions should inform your selection of monitoring locations and sampling frequency.
Selection of water quality monitoring locations typically follows either a targeted design or a probabilistic
design. Targeted designs are most commonly used for evaluating TMDL effectiveness because the same
monitoring site can be maintained over a long period of time and sampled with a consistent and
representative frequency. This allows for statistically valid trend analyses to be conducted on the data. EPA’s
National Water Program Guidance Measure SP-12 requires that results be documented at the HUC-12, or
similar, scale. If one of the objectives of the effectiveness monitoring program is to obtain data that will be
used in demonstrating improvement under SP-12, monitoring locations should include sites at HUC-12
outlets. This allows for trends to be detected at the appropriate scale and the trends can be related to known
BMPs that have been implemented in the contributing drainage area.
Local watershed stakeholders may have additional objectives for the monitoring plan. For example, a
particular river reach may be targeted for riparian reforestation and the effectiveness of this individual project
may be of interest. In this case, monitoring at the reach scale will also be appropriate. In another example,
urban jurisdictions may be interested in the collective effectiveness of their water quality management actions.
Key streams that intersect the jurisdiction’s boundaries may be targeted for monitoring in this case. A single
monitoring program can have multiple objectives and be carried out at multiple scales. It is important to
distinguish between these scales however, as data analysis should be conducted on only one scale at a time
(i.e., reach and watershed scale data should not typically be combined in the same analysis).
In addition to the primary water quality parameter(s) of concern, numerous other parameters may also be
monitored as part of an effectiveness monitoring program. The important covariates identified in the
evaluation of existing data should be included. These can be used in subsequent analyses to help demonstrate
trends in the parameter(s) of concern. Flow should be measured where possible. Flow data allow for the
calculation of loads and flow-weighted averages, which are useful in trend analyses and comparisons of
before/after data. Existing flow gages may be operated by one or more agencies; existing gages should be
identified and utilized as appropriate. Rainfall and air temperature are also monitored at many locations by
multiple agencies and these data can be useful in statistical analyses to detect change over time. Changing land
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use patterns over time can often confound trend analyses if they are not accounted for. Any information on
changes in land cover/land use patterns should be monitored if possible. In coastal areas (often including
hundreds of miles inland), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coastal Change Analysis
Program ( monitors changes in land cover approximately
every 5-years. These data can also be incorporated into subsequent analyses to help explain variability in the
data. Biological and habitat data can be monitored to provide additional supporting information for an SP-12
determination. Option 2b uses a multiple lines of evidence approach where biological and habitat data can be
incorporated. Macroinvertebrate, fish, and/or periphyton assemblage sampling, for example, allows for
assessments of biotic integrity using existing protocols that can provide supporting information to an
observed trend in a water quality parameter. Biological data are also a more direct measure of aquatic life
designated use support.
It is important that the results of a TMDL effectiveness analysis are statistically significant. This is required by
Option 2a of Measure SP-12 (if the results are not statistically significant, but there are additional lines of
evidence, then Option 2b can be used). A statistically significant improving trend may also provide
justification for delisting a previously impaired water body that is now meeting water quality standards.
Ensuring statistical significance can be aided by a power analysis. To conduct a power analysis, one must be
able to estimate two variables:
1. The error variance in the measured parameter, which can be estimated by calculating the standard
deviation of the residuals of a model that includes known covariates (e.g., season).
2. The expected change in the response variable’s concentration, which should be estimated based on
the expected effects of BMP implementation. If the expected reduction is uncertain, a conservative
estimate should be made.
The power analysis results in a recommended sample size for detecting the expected change in the parameter
with the specified error variance. This sample size represents the total number of samples necessary to detect
that change, but says nothing about when these samples should be collected. An estimate of the time frame
that the expected change will take place allows the total sample size to be distributed over an appropriate
number of years (keep in mind that there may be a significant lag time between BMP implementation and an
observed water quality response). For example, a power analysis might result in a recommended sample size
of 60 for an expected change that is estimated to take 5 years to occur. Year-round, monthly sampling would
provide a sufficient number of samples to detect this change with statistical significance. Alternatively, if only
the summer months are of concern or suitable for field sampling, samples could be collected biweekly from
May to October in order to arrive at the same total sample size after 5 years. Calculated sample sizes will vary
depending on the type of statistical test that will be used to analyze the data. This is why it is important to
evaluate existing data and think about the statistical method that will be most appropriate for analyzing the
data resulting from the effectiveness monitoring program.
The monitoring plan and quality assurance project plan (QAPP) document the decisions resulting from the
elements discussed above. The monitoring objectives (evaluating effectiveness of TMDL implementation)
and study design should be fully described in this document. Monitoring locations should be listed and
mapped, water quality parameters defined, and number of samples needed explained. The expected change in
Prepared by The Cadmus Group, Inc. for U.S. EPA Region 10 (Contract EP-C-08-002) 6
water quality and estimated response time of the various BMPs or TMDL implementation measures should
also be described along with the error variance in the water quality parameter of interest. These two measures
determine the estimated sample size necessary to detect a statistically significant change.
Demonstrating Effectiveness
The objective of a TMDL effectiveness monitoring plan is to demonstrate incremental improvements in the
relevant physical, chemical, and/or biological elements of the impaired water resource. While monitoring is
vitally important, implementation of watershed management measures to restore and protect the resource is
equally critical, as incremental improvements will not be seen without these actions. Effectiveness monitoring
results help to target watershed management actions through an adaptive management approach. Ultimately,
effectiveness will be determined by compliance with water quality standards and attainment of designated
uses. This is the overriding goal that all implementation and monitoring activities should be designed to
achieve. If an activity does not help to achieve this goal, its status as a program priority should be reevaluated.
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