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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

11, Issue 3, 2023 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Wireless EV Charging System Using Piezo Plate

Divya Gosavi1 Asawari Jagtap2 Pranali Mahanvar3
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SVPM College of Engineering Baramati, Maharashtra, India
Abstract — All cars in India are switching to electric vehicles, transmit the transmitter coil then transmitter coil transmits the
which will play a significant role in the future. Battery AC current to the receiver coil.
charging in electric vehicles using a charger and wire is
inconvenient, dangerous, and expensive. Vehicles with petrol II. METHODS FOR WIRELESS ENERGY TRANSFER
and petrol engines currently on the road contribute to air, Technologies like lasers, photoelectrics, radio waves (RF),
noise and greenhouse gas pollution. The length of time it microwaves, inductive coupling, and magnetic resonance
takes to charge the battery is the main issue with electric coupling are all used in wireless power transfer systems.
vehicles. The concept put forth in this paper will shorten the Based on the underlying mechanism, transmission distance,
charging time and allow charging while moving. The and power rating, these technologies can be roughly divided
electromagnetic induction theory underlies its operation. For into three categories. Wireless energy transfer techniques can
converting DC to AC, MOSFET is used. Piezo plates be divided into two types: near-field and far-field, depending
generate electrical to mechanical energy. The wireless energy on the distance at which power is transferred. The far-field
transfer to the vehicle uses transmitter and receiver coils. The technique is used when the transfer distance exceeds the
rectifier converts AC to DC voltage. wavelength of the electromagnetic wave. Far-field energy
Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Wirelessly Energy Transfer, transfer techniques can be thought of as laser, photoelectric,
Piezo Material, Copper Coil, Battery radio frequency, and microwave. Near-field techniques
include those based on magnetic resonance coupling and
I. INTRODUCTION: inductive coupling
Without electricity, many issues plague the world. Electric
power is crucial in daily life for many applications, including III. LITERATURE SURVEY
mobile, laptop, camera, sensors, satellites, oil platforms, and The idea of wireless power transfer using the IPT method has
bionic implants. The transmission of electrical energy been known for a while and is currently gaining more
without the use of wires as a physical link is known as attention. The primary component of this dissertation is the
wireless power transfer, wireless energy transmission, or literature review, and a thorough analysis of the field has been
electromagnetic power transfer. Utilizing wireless power conducted as shown below.
transfer technology reduces the need for copper and Kiranmai Momidi, author July 2019 publication
aluminium-based electric wire. We can use wireless power year Summary: The fundamentals of wireless charging are
transfer technology to transmit electricity wirelessly from a identical to those of transformer operation. There is a
power plant to any location. In a wireless power transmission transmitter and a receiver used in wireless charging. A 220V,
system, an electrically powered transmitter device creates a 50Hz AC supply is converted into high-frequency alternating
time-varying electromagnetic field that transmits power current and supplied to the transmitter coil. This high-
across space to an electrical load through a receiver device. frequency AC then creates an alternating magnetic field that
EVs and high-power transfer have both used cuts the receiver coil and results in the production of AC
wireless charging systems (WCS). The wireless charging power output in the receiver coil. The resonance frequency
system can be more beneficial than plug-in charging in terms between the transmitter and receiver must be maintained,
of ease of use, dependability, and simplicity. though, in order for wireless charging to be effective.
In order to increase the battery storage capacity and Compensation networks are implemented on both sides to
range, wireless charging systems are used. Therefore, even preserve the resonant frequencies. Finally, the battery is
while the vehicle is moving, this system permits the charging supplied with DC power via the Battery Management System
of battery storage devices. We introduce wireless power (BMS) at the receiver side.
transfer of electrical vehicles to reduce the fault because
plugged-in charging of electrical vehicles has some sort of IV. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
difficulty travelling a long distance and has a slow charging
With the use of piezoelectric technology, wireless power
characteristic. Therefore, when driving on roads and transfer For the purpose of harvesting energy, a large number
highways, we can extend the range of electric vehicles by of piezoelectric sensors are inserted in the mat. piezoelectric
using wireless power transfer. the transmission of power over
sensor: a device that transforms mechanical energy into
the air from a stationary transmitter to a moving vehicle's
electrical energy. The dc-to-dc converter receives the voltage
receiver coil.
from the piezoelectric sensor and increases it. A voltmeter is
In Wireless charging, there are transmitters and
used to measure the increased DC voltage, which is then
receive. The piezo plate generates the 0 to 3v DC current. But stored in a battery. Using a dc-to-ac inverter, the dc voltage is
the transmitter coil required the 12v battery we use the mt transformed into the ac voltage. Because a DC-to-AC
model to convert 3v DC to 12v AC....12v battery to use the
converter operates at a high frequency, it has high efficiency
store supply current transmitter coil required the AC voltage
and minimal loss. The primary coil receives the inverter's AC
then uses the MOSFET to convert the DC to AC voltage to
voltage. There will be some losses during the transfer of

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Wireless EV Charging System Using Piezo Plate
(IJSRD/Vol. 11/Issue 3/2023/061)

electrical energy from the main to the secondary coil, such as the piezoelectric effect. A number of inherent benefits have a
eddy current losses. Therefore, high-frequency converters are direct impact on the development of piezoelectric technology.
used to increase the electrical energy's strength and to convert The piezoelectric crystal is one type of small-scale
the subsequent ac voltage into dc voltage so that it can be energy resource. The phenomenon of piezoelectricity occurs
stored. when these crystals are automatically deformed and produce
a very small voltage. This plate converts mechanical energy
into electrical energy whenever a force is applied to it. When
an electromagnetic force is applied to a piezo plate, the plate
starts to vibrate and produce energy.
B. Copper Coil –
The essential components of the entire system are the
transmitter and receiver coils. A coil is an electrical
component that uses electromagnetic induction to transfer
energy between two or more circuits. To achieve high
efficiency for the application of electric vehicles, this system
uses a tight coupling configuration with a short-distance
power transfer system. The system consists of two coils, with
the transmitter and receiver coils being made from copper
wires with an electrical conductivity of 16 cm. There are 30
Fig. 1: Working of the System turns in each coil. These two coils have a 4.5 cm air gap
A transmitter that generates the AC signal that needs between them.
to be transferred, along with a transmitting and receiving coil,
C. Arduino Uno –
is required for wireless power transfer. Receivers take in AC
signals, and rectifiers change the AC to DC voltage so that The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board
electric vehicle batteries can be charged. There are two based on the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller. It is
sections - a transmitter section and a receiver section in the primarily used in experimental and contemporary
block diagram for a wireless EV charging system using a applications due to its excellent quality, affordable price, and
piezo plate. simplicity of use.
12V AC signal is provided by the AC source. A lot The Arduino Uno microcontroller is utilized in this system
of piezo plates are placed below the speed breaker for energy- for the reasons listed below.
collecting purposes. Mechanical energy is transformed into  It only needs a small power supply.
electrical energy by piezo plates. The voltage from the piezo  Compared to other microcontrollers, it costs less.
plate is in DC. This generated 3V DC voltage is stored in a
4V battery. XL6009 boost converter converts 4V DC to 12V V. CONCLUSION
DC and this 12V DC is stored in a 12V battery. We used The mechanism to wirelessly charge an electric vehicle's
MOSFET for DC to AC conversion and this converted AC battery is created in this project. Essentially, it is made up of
voltage was transmitted to the transmitter coil wirelessly. a transmitter and a reception part. It is the core of our project.
According to Amperes law, alternating current (AC) travels Through the coil, the transmitter section sends electricity to
through the transmitting coil, where it generates a magnetic the receiver section. The electric car is charged using this
field, and then travels through the receiving coil, where it transferred electricity, and the vehicle is also propelled by it.
receives energy. According to Faraday’s law of With this method, we can charge our electric car at traffic
electromagnetic induction, the receiver coil is induced with lights, parking spaces, or even while we're travelling. The
an alternating EMF (voltage), which then induces an AC system offers longevity, safety, and dependability. This one
current in the secondary. Using a rectifier, this AC signal is is better than a traditional wired system.
turned into a DC signal. Electric vehicles can make use of that
This system uses an AC converter with a 12V DC
source. This DC signal is converted into AC by an AC It is my honour and obligation to express my gratitude for the
converter. The magnetic field is produced when AC current assistance and direction that many people provided in the
is applied to the transmitting coil. This magnetic field allows writing of this report. Without their invaluable assistance,
power to be transmitted to the receiving coil. The AC signal cooperation, and direction, it would not have been feasible to
is received by receiving coil. Using a rectifier, this AC signal create this report in its current form. First and foremost, I
is Transformed into DC. The battery stores this DC voltage. want to express my deep gratitude to our beloved Principal
A relay module is used to turn the motor on and off. On LCD Dr. S. M. Mukane for providing the library and laboratory
shows whether battery charging is ON or OFF. resources I required to write this report as well as for his
ongoing support and encouragement. I sincerely thank Prof.
A. Piezo Plate – Kamble B.S., who served as my mentor, for assisting me in
A piezoelectric sensor is a tool that converts pressure, conducting research on this topic and in performing
acceleration, and strainer force into an electrical charge using experimentation. I would like to express my gratitude to
Prof.Y. V, Parkale Head of the Department of Electronics and

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Wireless EV Charging System Using Piezo Plate
(IJSRD/Vol. 11/Issue 3/2023/061)

Telecommunication Engineering, for his incredibly helpful

advice and direction throughout the writing of this report.
Finally, I would want to express my gratitude to the SVPM's
College administration. Without the patience,
encouragement, and support of the Department of
Engineering, Malegaon (Bk.), the entire team, as well as my
family and friends, this Project work may not have been

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