Evolution of Precipitates in A Mechanical Vibration-Assisted Metal Inert Gas Welded Joint of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Made With An ER5356 Filler Wire

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https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-024-09960-z 1059-9495/$19.00


Evolution of Precipitates in a Mechanical

Vibration-Assisted Metal Inert Gas Welded Joint
of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Made with an ER5356 Filler
Mingxiao Shi, Jiugong Chen, Weihua Wang, Jingyong Li, Weidong Mao, Shengliang Li, and Xiang Ma

Submitted: 9 November 2023 / Revised: 13 February 2024 / Accepted: 20 May 2024

Advanced welding techniques of aluminum alloy are of great practical interest for applications in the
electric vehicle industry. However, heat-affected zone (HAZ) softening is one of the most daunting technical
challenges facing the welding of aluminum alloy. In this work, a mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding
process with a ER5356 filler wire was used to strength the welded joint of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy. During
welding, a continuous, hammering-like force was applied to the workbench by a vibrator and transferred to
the weldment, causing mechanical vibration of the weldment in a direction perpendicular to the aluminum
plate. The microstructures of the welded joints were characterized by optical microscopy (OM), scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy
(EDS), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). To evaluate the mechanical properties of the welded
joints, tensile test and Vickers microhardness test were performed. The joint strength was significantly
enhanced by the mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding process. The a (AlFeMnSi) precipitate formed
during welding leads to precipitation hardening in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) and therefore strengthens
the HAZ. Degassing of the weld pool and grain refinement in the weld, which also contributed to the
strength of the welded joint, can be achieved by means of mechanical vibration to stir the weld pool.

(i.e., 6xxx aluminum alloys) have become a primary light-

Keywords 6082-T6 aluminum alloy, evolution of precipitates,
mechanical vibration, mechanical properties, MIG weight structural material used in the manufacture of the bodies
welding of electric cars, taking advantage of their good extrusion
formability and heat-treatable strengthening (Ref 5). Conse-
quently, the high-quality welding of 6xxx aluminum alloy plays
a critical role in determining the service life of an electric carÕs
body. Metal inert gas (MIG) welding is the most widely used
method to join aluminum alloys in the manufacture of the
1. Introduction bodies of electric cars, owing to its low requirements for
assembly precision and its high production rate. However,
In recent years, energy depletion and environmental pollu- similar to other welding methods, when using MIG welding to
tion problems are becoming increasingly serious. By using join aluminum alloys, HAZ softening in the welded joint can
materials that are lightweight but very strong, automobile significantly reduce the joint strength (Ref 6-9). Researchers
vehicles can be designed to reduce the fuel consumption and have demonstrated that vibration welding (i.e., a mechanical
environmental damage (Ref 1). Aluminum alloys have a high vibration is applied to the weldment during welding) is useful
specific strength due to their low density and, as a result, find for enhancing the mechanical properties of welded joints (Ref
many applications such as automotives, high-speed trains, 10). Ilman et al. (Ref 11) studied the microstructure, mechanical
aircrafts, and the like (Ref 2, 3). In particular, with the properties, and corrosion resistance of a mechanical vibration-
development of rolling technology to obtain hollow, thin-wall assisted MIG welded joint of AA6061-T6 aluminum alloy. The
aluminum profiles (Ref 4), Al-Mg-Si wrought aluminum alloys application of mechanical vibration significantly increased the
tensile strength of the welded joint. The improvement can be
ascribed to grain refinement in the weld under vibratory
Mingxiao Shi and Jingyong Li, School of Materials Science and conditions. It was shown that the corrosion resistance of the
Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang welded joint was appreciably improved by mechanical vibra-
212003, China; Jiugong Chen and Weihua Wang, Chinese Special
Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Beijing 100029, China; tion. Tamasgavabari et al. (Ref 12) analyzed the evolution of
Weidong Mao and Shengliang Li, Chery New Energy Automobile intermetallics (IMCs) in the welded joints during vibration MIG
Co., Ltd., Wuhu 241003, China; and Anhui Key Laboratory of New welding of AA-5083-H321 aluminum alloy. The IMCs
Energy Automobile Lightweight Technology, Wuhu 241003, China; increased in both amount and size with increasing vibrational
and Xiang Ma, Department of Industrial Process Technology, SINTEF force. The tensile and fatigue strengths of the mechanical
Materials and Chemistry, 0314 Oslo, Norway. Contact e-mail: vibration-assisted MIG welded joint of 5083-H116 aluminum

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

alloy were researched by Ilman et al. (Ref 13). Hsieh et al. (Ref effect of mechanical vibration on the microstructure and
14) performed mechanical vibration-assisted TIG welding of mechanical properties of the joint was further evaluated. This
304 stainless steel in the vibrational frequency range of 0- investigation has provided an alternative pathway for the
390 Hz. The grains in the weld were refined and the strengthening of the HAZ of welded joints of aluminum alloys.
welding residual stresses were significantly relieved when the
vibrational frequency is 375 Hz. It is clear that previous studies
primarily focused on the grain refinement and stress regulation
effects of mechanical vibration. However, the coarsening and
2. Materials and Methods
dissolution of precipitates is another important factor that
reduced the strength of the welded joint of heat-treatable alu- The base metal used in the current work is rolled 6082-T6
minum alloys. Yan et al. (Ref 15) found that the evolution of aluminum alloy. A 1.2-mm-diameter ER5356 aluminum weld-
precipitates led to a strength loss in a laser–MIG hybrid welded ing wire was selected as the filler metal because it can prevent
joint of Al-Mg-Si aluminum alloy. Zhang et al. (Ref 16) studied liquation cracking in the HAZ of the welded joint of 6xxx
the hardness variation in a welded joint of 6082-T6 aluminum aluminum alloy (Ref 17). The chemical compositions of these
alloy induced by evolution of precipitates during MIG welding two materials are given in Table 1.
and subsequent heat treatment. It was found that the evolution The aluminum plates have dimensions of 150 9 100 9 3
of precipitates is one of the major reasons affecting the hardness mm. Before welding, the surface of this material was ground
of the joint. Our current work demonstrated that the application with 180 grit SiC abrasive papers to remove surface oxides and
of mechanical vibration to the weldment during welding then cleaned by an ultrasonic bath using acetone as a solvent to
increased the amount of strengthening phase in the HAZ and remove oil and grease.
thus resulted in a strengthening effect. Therefore, to strengthen The welding experiments were conducted based on a
the HAZ, the mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding may mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding system in a butt
be a good choice due to its strengthening effect on the HAZ. joint configuration, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A DC YD-ABD35
Here, mechanical vibration was applied to the weldment power source and a YA-1VAR81F00 welding robot were
during pulsed MIG welding of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy. The employed in this system. During welding, a continuous,
hammering-like force was applied to the workbench by a
VSR-10T vibrator and transferred to the weldment, causing
Table 1 Compositions of the materials used for welding mechanical vibration of the weldment in a direction perpen-
(wt.%) dicular to the aluminum plate. The welding parameters adopted
in the study are as follows: welding current 120 A, arc voltage
Material Si Mn Mg Zn Ti Fe Al
16.8 V, welding speed 0.6 m/min, and wire extension 15 mm.
The vibrational amplitude is 0.12 mm. The vibrational fre-
6082 0.97 0.67 1.02 0.06 0.01 0.37 Bal.
ER5356 0.05 0.82 4.87 0.01 0.08 0.21 Bal. quencies are 0, 60, 100, and 140 Hz, respectively. Pure argon
gas at a flow rate of 25 L/min was used to protect the weldment
against oxidation during welding.

Fig. 1. Mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding system

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

The cross sections of the welded joints were cut for vibration frequencies. Figure 2 shows that both mechanical
microstructural analysis. Samples for optical microscopy (OM) vibration-assisted MIG welding and conventional MIG welding
observation were mechanically ground and polished. Samples gave a good appearance of weld surface, indicating that the
for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation were effect of mechanical vibration on the appearance of weld
first mechanically ground and polished and then electropolished surface is negligible. However, the reinforcement decreased
until perforation. Samples for electron backscatter diffraction with the increasing vibrational frequency. The mechanical
(EBSD) analysis were first mechanically ground and polished vibration stirred the weld pool to promote the fluid flow in it
and then vibration polished with an amplitude of 50% for 60 h. that in turn caused the deeper penetration and thus smaller
Metallographic observation of the joints was performed using a reinforcement. Nevertheless, excessive vibrational frequency
VHX-900 OM. The precipitates in the joints were characterized may lead to the formation of overlap because of the excessive
by an FEI Tecnai G2 F20 TEM. EBSD analysis was conducted stirring of the weld pool caused by the mechanical vibration.
by a Nordif EBSD detector. The grain size is specified by Radiographic images of the welds obtained at different
diameter. The diameter of a particular grain is calculated by vibrational frequencies are illustrated in Fig. 3. The welds have
determining the area of a grain and then assuming the grain is a the lowest porosity at a vibrational frequency of 100 Hz
circle. The diameter is then equal to 2 times the square root of compared to vibrational frequencies of 0, 60, and 140 Hz.
the area divided by p. The grain size calculations were carried Under appropriate vibratory conditions, the weld pool was
out by OIM 7.2 software. The chemical compositions of the mechanically stirred to help gas bubbles escape and thus reduce
precipitates in the joint were measured by an XFlash 5030 porosity (Ref 18, 19).
energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector. Figure 4 shows EBSD inverse pole figure maps of the
Tensile specimens, which have a gauge length of 50 mm based welded joints. When a mechanical vibration was applied to the
on the GB/T228.1-2010 standard, were cut transversely from the weldment during welding, the number of columnar dendrites in
weldments using an electric spark wire-cutting machine. Tensile the weld near the HAZ decreased, and the equiaxed dendrites in
tests were carried out at room temperature using a CMT5205 the weld center became finer. Furthermore, the higher the
tensile testing machine with a strain rate of 1.3 9 103 s1. vibrational frequency, the finer the grain size. The mechanical
Vickers microhardness tests were performed by an HXS- vibration stirred the weld pool to break off the columnar
1000TAC Vickers-type microhardness tester with a load of 0.1 dendrites, inhibiting their growth, and the resulting dendritic
kg and a dwell time of 15 s. The microhardness profile was fragments provided nucleation sites for equiaxed dendrites (Ref
obtained in the horizontal direction of the cross sections of the 20).
joints with indentations made at 0.4-mm intervals from base metal The precipitates of the base metal were identified via TEM,
to weld to base metal. The fracture morphology of the joints was high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM),
observed by a JSM-7200F scanning electron microscope (SEM). EDS, and selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) analyses,
as illustrated in Fig. 5. There are two precipitates in the base
metal, one being coarse spheroidal b (Mg2Si) precipitate and
the other being needlelike b¢¢ (Mg5Si6) precipitate. The b and
3. Results and Discussion b¢¢ precipitates, especially b¢¢, play a critical role in the
strengthening of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy (Ref 21, 22).
3.1 Microstructural Features of the Joint TEM observations combined with SAED and EDS analyses
The appearance of weld is one indication of welding quality. identified the precipitates of the joint, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
Figure 2 shows the appearance of weld surface at different Only one precipitate, b particles, is present in the HAZ of the

Fig. 2 Morphologies of the welded joints obtained at vibrational frequencies of (a) 0 Hz, (b) 60 Hz, (c) 100 Hz, and (d) 140 Hz

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 3 Radiographic images of the welds obtained at vibrational frequencies of (a) 0 Hz, (b) 60 Hz, (c) 100 Hz, and (d) 140 Hz

Fig. 4 EBSD inverse pole figure maps taken from (a) through (d) the fusion zone and (e) through (h) the weld center

joint when using a conventional MIG welding process which markedly increased the dislocation density and thus
(Fig. 6a), but two precipitates, b particles and a (AlFeMnSi) promoted the nucleation of a precipitates (Ref 26-28), thereby
particles, were found in the HAZ of the joint obtained by partially counteracting HAZ softening and therefore enhancing
mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding (Fig. 6b through the strength of the joint (Ref 29, 30). It is also worth noting that
d). On the other hand, a precipitate-free zone (PFZ) formed in the number of precipitates increased as the vibrational fre-
the weld of the joint obtained by conventional MIG welding quency increased. The reason can be ascribed to the greater
(Fig. 6e), whereas enormous numbers of precipitates, GP zones, microstrain caused by the higher vibrational frequency.
were found in the weld of the joint obtained by mechanical
vibration-assisted MIG welding (Figs. 6f through h). In 3.2 Mechanical Behavior of the Joint
comparison to the base metal, the HAZ exhibits dissolution
Figure 7 shows the microhardness profiles of welded joints
of the b¢¢ precipitates, which may cause HAZ softening (Ref
obtained at different vibrational frequencies. As indicated in
23-25). However, mechanical vibration caused microstrain,

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 5 (a) TEM bright-field image of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy. (b) HRTEM image of b¢¢

Fig. 6 TEM bright-field images taken from (a) through (d) the HAZ and (e) through (h) the weld

Fig. 7, the microhardness of the joint obtained by mechanical The microhardness (H) as a function of inverse of the square
vibration-assisted MIG welding is much greater than that of the root of the grain diameter (d1/2) is plotted in Fig. 8. When the
joint obtained by conventional MIG welding, showing that the H and d-1/2 values are fitted to a straight line equation, the slope
mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding can provide effec- (Kv) as 9.15 and the intercept (HV) as 27.06 can be obtained.
tive strengthening in welded joints, especially in the HAZ. The The correlation coefficient of the linear fit is 0.99659,
a precipitated by mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding demonstrating that the fit is accurate. Thus, in this case, the
leads to precipitation hardening and hence decreases HAZ Hall–Petch equation is
The Hall–Petch equation (Eq 1) was used to quantitatively H ¼ 27:06 þ 9:15d 1=2 ðEq 2Þ
analyze the relationship between the microhardness of joint and The results are in good agreement with Ref 32.
its grain size (Ref 31). Figure 9 shows the results of the tensile tests. The fracture
H ¼ H V þ k V d 1=2 ðEq 1Þ positions of 0, 60, and 100 Hz welded joints are all in the heat-
affected zone, indicating that the heat-affected zone is the
where d is the average diameter of the grains, and HV and KV weakest area of the aluminum alloy welded joint. When the
are constants for the metal. vibration frequency is 140 Hz, the reinforcement of the weld

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 7 Microhardness profiles of the joints

Fig. 8 Effect of grain size on the microhardness of joint at room temperature

back is too large to produce stress concentration, and the joint strength of joint compared to the joint obtained by conventional
breaks here. The welded joint obtained by mechanical vibra- MIG welding. The experimental results demonstrated that
tion-assisted MIG welding exhibited the maximum tensile mechanical vibration-assisted MIG welding is an effective
strength of 246 MPa, achieving a 12% increase in tensile

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 9 Typical results of tensile tests of the welded joints

Fig. 10 Fracture morphologies of welded joints obtained at vibrational frequencies of (a) 0 Hz, (b) 60 Hz, (c) 100 Hz, and (d) 140 Hz

method to strengthen the HAZ, which can be attributed to the

precipitation of the a phase in the HAZ. 0:84Gb
s¼ ðEq 3Þ
The Orowan equation (Eq 3) was used to quantitatively k
analyze the precipitation-hardening mechanism.

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