Skincare Male
Skincare Male
Skincare Male
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
The main objective of this study was to examine the factors that influence Indian customers' choices
of cosmetic products. The study investigated the impact of social and cultural factors on customers'
purchase decisions. The study's findings demonstrated the influence of social factors on customers'
decisions to buy beauty products, including model, religion, and self-esteem. In addition, the
attitudes, connections, culture, and social class of the consumers all influenced their behaviour when
it came to purchasing beauty products. The purchasing habits of consumers with regard to beauty
products were significantly influenced by age, gender, family income, and individual income.
Personality, lifestyle, and familial influence all had a major impact on the purchases made. 5105
The purpose of this study was to determine the variables affecting men's purchasing of grooming
products in Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. Primary data were gathered through the study's
questionnaire and then subjected to statistical analysis in accordance with the conceptual
framework. This section includes a description of the respondents' demographic information, their
shopping habits, and a study of the variables impacting men's purchasing habits for grooming
products. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in this study. Five-point
Likert scales can be used to measure respondents' perceptions in qualitative research. In Hyderabad,
Telangana state, 500 respondents made up the study's sample.
Key words: Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior -Skincare Products- customer
purchasing decisions
DOINumber: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475 NeuroQuantology 2022;20(19):5105-5118
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
demographic data about the respondents. Experts in the field explained this explosive
There are four types of aspects in the rise in men's self-consciousness about their
influencing variable questions: personal, appearance. Nowadays, men are significantly
societal, cultural, and psychological. On the more self-conscious than ever about how they
basis of the data collected for the study, SPSS look and how clean they are. In order to meet
(Statistical Package for Social Science) these needs, personal care companies now
conducts reliability tests, correlation analysis, have access to a sizable unexplored market.
and regression analyses to determine whether Analysts in the market believe that the three
or not the respondents concur that social, million affluent adult males in India will
cultural, psychological, and individual aspects account for a significant share of the rise.
influence men's purchase decisions.
Consumer purchasing decisions for beauty
Understanding Indian male consumers' goods are influenced by the market:
attitudes towards grooming and cosmetic The research has shown that customers'
products is the aim of this study. Their decisions to purchase beauty products are 5106
opinions about what it is to be a man, influenced by market factors. Many of the
concepts of masculinity, body image, self- respondents were adamant that factors like
concept, and brands available in the French price, advertising, promotion, and quality of
market have all been observed. This study fills the goods all had a big influence on what
a gap in the literature by examining the customers choose to buy. The whole range of
attitudes and behaviours of males who use product attributes, such as brand name,
cosmetics, which have not received enough loyalty, image, and preference, had a
attention despite the global cosmetics significant impact on the decision to buy the
markets' explosive rise. in-issue beauty product. The study concluded
that consumers' decisions to purchase beauty
Phased model of the consumer decision- products were significantly influenced by
making process (CDP): problem identification, economic and market factors.
information search, alternative assessment,
buy decision, and post-purchase evaluation. Everyone wants to be attractive. Our
The results of the study showed that networked environment generates
customers' decisions to purchase beauty stereotypes, which are subsequently used as
products are influenced by social factors, such models. Everywhere we look—in television
as religion, self-esteem, and role models. shows, films, fashion shows, ads, on the
street, at the office, and in classrooms—we
Finding the variables that affect consumer are confronted with an excessive number of
behaviour and purchasing decisions is the aim models. Everyone, men and women alike,
of this study. The purpose of the study is to aspires to the ideal existence, which includes
determine the impact of many factors on having flawless skin and a toned body.
consumer purchasing behaviour, including
product quality and attributes, pricing, Cosmetic buyers give careful thought to a
product ingredients, brand name, and number of marketing mix aspects, such as
packaging. Both primary and secondary data product quality, brand, price, advertising,
were used in the investigation. The study's availability, prior purchase history, and
findings showed that the primary motivations packaging.
for using grooming products are to enhance
appearance and personal hygiene, which in Consumer purchases are also influenced by a
turn boosts the development of self- number of other elements, including
confidence and contributes to status building. marketing, psychological, social, cultural, and
personal aspects. Every component of the
India's men's grooming market is expanding at market mix, including site, pricing, promotion,
a rate of twenty-five percent every year.
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
and product, has the ability to influence the shopping habits of consumers. These
purchasing process at different points in time. socialization agents claim that they frequently
have an impact on teenagers' decisions to
The size of the global market for men's purchase particular goods or brands.
grooming products was estimated at USD
54.38 billion in 2022 and is expected to Review of Literature:
increase at a compound annual growth rate Influence of Products on Consumer Choices
(CAGR) of 4.6% from USD 58.46 billion in 2023 Keller and Kotler (2022) define products as
to USD 80.06 billion by 2030. market offerings that satisfy customer needs
and wants. These offerings may take the
According to Kotler (2008), the study of shape of tangible goods, services,
consumer behaviour focuses on how, what, experiences, events, people, places,
when, and why consumers make purchases. It properties, organisations, information, or
is a subfield of marketing that combines ideas. They continue by saying that as the
aspects of economics, sociology, psychology, company's sales revenues are derived from
and anthropology. It makes an effort to product sales, the significance of the product
comprehend how consumers make decisions, offering is essential. To be regarded as market
both alone and collectively. It examines leaders, goods and services must be of the
personal attributes of each customer, greatest calibre and offer exceptional value to
including behavioural factors, psychographics, consumers. Customers will assess the product
and demographics, in an effort to offering by considering the features, service
comprehend their demands. mix, quality, and cost. Product dimensions
include product variety, quality, design,
Customers continually choose from a variety features, brand name, packaging, and other
of things even while they are unaware of the auxiliary services, according to Kotler, 5107
products or how to use them. They are Armstrong, and Opresnik (2020).
purposefully acquiring the different new
brands without being aware of the new Creusen and Schoormans (2019) contend that
offerings. Furthermore, when a new firm joins product look, or more particularly, product
the market, it can be very difficult for any design, is essential since it not only helps
consumer to understand the features of the consumers evaluate the product but also
newest products, which causes confusion offers them a distinguishing advantage.
among consumers trying to get information. Creusen and Schoormans then assess the
different purposes of product design,
Consumers have replied based on the quality including the dissemination of information
and dependability of the items; to that is artistic, symbolic, utilitarian,
comprehend the features, benefits, and ergonomic, attention-getting, and classified.
dependability of the products, one must have They found that the terms "aesthetics" and
a basic understanding of the products. The "symbolic roles of appearance" were most
final user of a product is the customer, who frequently used by respondents. Saleem,
purchases it from the market. For businesses Ghafar, Ibrahim, and Ahmed (2015) share this
to conduct successful sales activities, the opinion, but they also find that customer
market need an effective distribution network preferences and perceived product quality
and channel. The report also mentioned the have an impact on a buyer's purchase
significance of networks, distribution intention. Porter (1976); Porter; Saleem et al.
channels, and advertisements in the (2015); Porter. In the end, whether a product
consumer products sector. is regarded as superior is determined by
product performance factors including
Socialization agents such as peers, family, and dependability, durability, and perishability.
the media shape and influence the distinct
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
the self-concept theories of self-esteem and market development, competition from new
self-image, in order to address those market entrants, and declining sales across a
questions. The culmination of a person's variety of product categories since they
thoughts and emotions about themselves is operate in a highly competitive industry. The
their self-concept. It has to do with an industry has witnessed a significant surge in
individual's capacity to stand up for himself, the demand for natural and organic products
take ownership of his actions, and behave in a from health-conscious consumers. The rise of
self-aware way. grey markets, or extra avenues for product
The factors impacting students' decisions to distribution, poses a significant challenge to
purchase skincare products were determined these cosmetics firms. Due to the fact that
through the application of multiple regression most of these owners of grey market firms
analysis and the descriptive technique. By rely on social media for online distribution,
analysing the ways in which psychological, they represent a serious threat to
social, cultural, and personal factors influence multinational corporations.
students' decisions to purchase skincare
items, this study contributes to our Research Gap:
understanding of the elements influencing Despite the fact that marketing scholars love
student purchasing decisions. 500 to study consumer choice, little is known
respondents receive surveys once 500 about the factors that influence customers'
customers are polled. decisions to buy cosmetics. This research
study attempts to fill this knowledge gap by
Statement of the problem: looking at the elements that affect consumer
Products for aroma, colour cosmetics, choice in the cosmetics market and the
personal hygiene, haircare, and skincare are reasons why some brands are chosen over
just a few of the personal care items that others. Additionally, the paper covers the
consumer goods companies sell. with the management knowledge gap that marketing
majority of sales revenue coming from the managers in the packed cosmetics goods
skincare sector. These businesses cater to a industry should employ as the cornerstone for
wide range of market segments, including their strategic marketing choices. Additionally,
those with high, middle, and low incomes. We marketers frequently believe their products to
will concentrate on skincare, hair, and be artistic, creative, and lovely. Strong
makeup goods for middle-class and upper- marketing methods are necessary for the
class consumers in this study. launch of new products and market
penetration. To implement effective
Even though the cosmetics industry is mostly marketing tactics, marketers must be aware
immune to fluctuations in the economy, sales of consumer buying habits. Therefore, the
volume is a critical factor in determining its goal of this essay is to examine the factors
performance. These personal care companies that influence students' decisions to buy
face performance setbacks such as weak skincare products.
H1: Culturestrongly influencesmen’s consumptionof grooming products
H2:Lifestylestronglyinfluencesmen’sconsumptionofgrooming products
Table1DemographicProfileofRespondents: Age
Age Frequency Percent
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
Total 100
Above 40 years 4
36-40 years 5
31-35 years 16
26-30 years 55
Below 25 years 20
Percent Frequency
According to Table 2 of the survey, 28% of respondents had worked for less than five years, 45% for
five to ten years, and 27% for eleven to fifteen years.
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
45 500
28 27
140 135
Frequency Percent
Table 3 Students accounted for 22.5% of the responses, followed by business (11%), Software Engineers
(20%), Private Employees (13%), EDP Assistants (9.5%), and Others (24%). The composition spent time
analysing how men's grooming products behave.
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
Table 4 the educational level of the of those who are constantly looking for
respondents SSC 20%, Bachelors 36.5%, innovative ways to solve issues and ways to
Master's degree by 23%, and 20.5% others. increase the value of the organisations to
The most precious resource for businesses is which they are connected through knowledge
knowledgeable clients because they may creation, innovation, development, and
increase revenues. Regardless of where they application at work.
received their education, you should be aware
As indicated in Table 5 regular grooming products for this purpose, there is a sizable
practises can also help to avoid skin problems market for mass-produced and generic
like acne, wrinkles, and sun damage. Men grooming products for men. To satisfy the
who take good care of their skin have a lower growing demand for men's products,
risk of premature ageing and can look fresh businesses must build effective
for a longer amount of time. Males are communication strategies to express value to
increasingly valuing their appearance and customers.
appearance on par with women. Men and
women care equally about their appearance Psychology's Effects on Consumer Purchase
in today's culture, according to 92% of Behaviour:
respondents. The idea that Indian males do An important independent variable that
not place a significant emphasis on affects consumer behaviour is the
appearance has thus been refuted. There are psychological component. In this section, it
several opportunities for brands to profit from was examined to what extent respondents
the 5.97 product category for men's agreed on the purchase behaviour in light of
grooming. Despite the existence of specialised psychological factors.
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
Table7Respondents had to rank their choices 3.67 SD = 0.74), and finally Product Packaging
based on the characteristics of the products. (Mean= 3.49 SD = 0.62). This implies that
The research revealed that most consumers when choosing which products to purchase,
gave consideration to the following factors: the majority of respondents attributed
Product Quality (Mean= 4.53 SD = 0.50), substantial weight to considerations such
Product Availability (Mean= 4.52 SD = 0.60), product quality, price, past purchasing history,
Previous Purchase Experience (Mean= 3.90 SD product availability, brand, advertising, and
= 1.34), Advertising (Mean= 3.89 SD = 0.78), packaging.
Price (Mean= 3.76 SD = 0.82), 3.67 (Mean=
Table 8 The lowest mean score, 3.62, is that are appropriate for my social class. Table
obtained when my society's culture influences 3.15 presents these observations. The cultural
how I purchase skincare products, and my sub- component's overall mean score in predicting
culture—which includes my nationalities, consumer behaviour is 3.22. This leads to the
religions, racial groups, and geographic conclusion that students are less likely to concur
regions—influences what skincare products I on the impact of culture on consumers'
purchase. The highest mean score, 3.98, is decisions to purchase skincare products.
obtained when I purchase skincare products
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
that judgements are often influenced by details found on the box. These results
quality (Mean =3.92 SD = 0.86). Because corroborate the primary finding of the study,
reputable brands guarantee quality, which is that advertising plays a crucial role in
consumers of cosmetics frequently only buy both teaching consumers and helping them
from them (Mean = 4.25 SD = 0.62). The associate brands with profound symbolic
majority of respondents (Mean = 3.96 SD = meanings.
0.74) said they read and contrast the product
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
Table 11 The study's objective was to education level, lifestyle, and lifestyle
ascertain the extent to which respondents preferences. Nowadays, more people than
agreed with the following claims about how ever before use skincare products for both
marketing messages influence consumers' men and women. Consequently, marketers
choices of cosmetics. The majority of study need to look closely at the different skincare
participants concurred that they were more and cosmetics product markets.
inclined to select the unfamiliar product that
has garnered positive online reviews when Social issues that affect the way people
given the choice (Mean = 4.68 SD = 0.82). acquire beauty items:
Additionally, they stated that watching The results of the study indicate that people's
commercials had influenced their decision to decisions to buy beauty products are highly 5116
select a particular brand over another (Mean influenced by their religion, role models, and
= 4.55 SD = 0.75). Survey respondents also sense of self. Actually, 30% of respondents
stated that they evaluate a company's denied that people's decision to buy beauty
products mostly based on the commercials products was influenced in any way by their
they watch. (SD 0.86, median 4.48). When self-esteem, while 55% of respondents
comparing products, consumers refer to the strongly agreed with this finding. In a similar
information on the box as a guide (Mean = vein, respondents were asked if religion
3.96 SD = 0.74), and consistent advertising played any role in their decision to purchase
aids in brand recall (Mean = 4.96 SD = 0.78). cosmetic goods. Of those surveyed, 64% said
These results corroborate the study's that their religious convictions had some
conclusions, which hold that product design— impact on the cosmetics they purchased.
and by extension, product appearance—is Furthermore, the majority of respondents
crucial for offering businesses a competitive rejected the notion that role models had an
edge and helping customers evaluate influence on consumers' purchase decisions.
Attitudes, cultures, social classes, and
Findings and Suggestions relationships influenced consumer
The main objective of the study was to look behaviour:
into the factors that influence consumers' However, a notably higher proportion of
decisions to buy cosmetics or men's grooming participants stated that the attitudes,
goods in the Hyderabad, Telangana sample cultures, social classes, and interpersonal
study region. This research project's specific connections of individuals affected their
objectives were to ascertain whether market purchasing decisions for beauty products.
variables, social influences, and economic Sixty-eight percent of respondents said that
considerations influence consumers' decisions their opinions about the products influenced
to buy beauty goods. Many skincare product their purchasing decision. In terms of culture,
brands are available today, and customer 66% and 30% of participants, respectively,
purchasing habits differ based on a range of highly agreed and agreed that they buy
factors, including as age, gender, income, specific beauty products. Relationships and
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
NeuroQuantology| November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19 |Page 5105-5118| doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19.nq99475
Athota Rahul et al/ Analysis of Factors Influencing on Consumer Buying Behavior on Men’s grooming Products
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