Game-Based Assessment Framework For Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Digital Game-Based Learning
Game-Based Assessment Framework For Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Digital Game-Based Learning
Game-Based Assessment Framework For Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Digital Game-Based Learning
Int J Educ Technol High Educ (2023) 20:36 International Journal of Educational
Technology in Higher Education
[email protected]; Abstract
[email protected] Immersive learning technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR)
School of Engineering, and educational digital games offer many benefits to teaching and learning. With
Newcastle University, Merz Court, their potential to immerse learners in realistic environments and facilitate higher-order
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Department of Chemical cognitive learning, these technologies could be used to complement current class-
Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, room pedagogical practices. However, given that these learning environments differ
Belgium from conventional classroom learning activities, current assessment practices may be
insufficient for assessing learning in immersive environments. This paper develops the
concept of a game-based assessment framework (GBAF) for educators interested in the
assessment of learning in digital games, VR or AR. Importantly, this paper also presents
the application of the framework to the design and implementation of assessments
for a VR game during the game design phase. Grounded in the principles of Construc-
tive Alignment and the Evidence-Centred Design (ECD) framework, this assessment
framework describes the steps to consider for assessments and outlines the compo-
nents that must be aligned for the design of assessments. To illustrate the application
of the GBAF to the design of assessments for immersive learning environments, a
stepwise design of assessments for a VR game is presented. The results of the outcome
of the assessment of laboratory health and safety competencies of six engineering
students is also presented. The GBAF offers simple and useful guidelines for the design
of assessments around game tasks. It could serve as a structured basis for educators
and researchers to design assessments to measure lower and higher-order cognitive
learning in complex immersive environments.
Keywords: Assessment, Immersive learning, Virtual reality, Assessment design
The applications of immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented real-
ity (AR) and digital games (DGs) span a wide range of industries and sectors, including
education, healthcare, tourism, military and aviation. For education, immersive tech-
nologies provide situated and interactive learning environments that enhance learning
experiences and foster deeper learning (Shute, et al., 2017). Grounded in constructiv-
ism (Piaget, 1973), immersive learning environments offer interactive space for learners
to construct knowledge through meaningful interactions. Some rationales behind the
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Udeozor et al. Int J Educ Technol High Educ (2023) 20:36 Page 2 of 22
systematic reviews (e.g. Gorbanev et al., 2018; Udeozor et al., 2022). In addition to
providing an active learning environment, VR, AR and DGs offer complex learning
environments that challenge students, and that are also problem-based, and real-
istic, offering students the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills to different
real-world contexts while supporting collaboration and self-assessments. All these
elements, considered critical for authentic assessment, are achievable with immer-
sive technologies. The interactions of students within immersive environments gener-
ate large amounts of cognitive and non-cognitive data that are captured in log files,
providing an estimate of their knowledge and skills (Shute et al., 2017). With their
abilities to simulate realistic environments, immersive technologies provide accurate
representations of world-of-work environments that give students a sense of the real-
world applications of the knowledge learned in the classroom. These technologies
also allow educators to assess students based on how they apply multiple cognitive
skills to complex tasks. Importantly, such assessment is based on what students do
(performance-based) rather than what they say or choices made in multiple choice
tests. Nonetheless, immersive technologies might be insufficient for measuring cer-
tain intended learning outcomes. In such cases, traditional assessment methods such
the use of multiple choice tests and essay questions should be considered.
To inform the design of valid assessments for immersive learning environments,
a few frameworks and systems like the information trails (Loh, 2012) and the Evi-
dence Centred Design (ECD) framework (Almond et al., 2003) have been used. Of
these, the most commonly used embedded assessment design framework for immer-
sive environments is the ECD framework (see Jaffal & Wloka, 2015; Kerr & Chung,
2012; Shute & Rahimi, 2021) The ECD framework is also the basis for the design of
Stealth Assessment which is popular in the field of game-based learning and assess-
ment (Alcañiz et al., 2018; Min et al., 2020; Smith et al., 2019). Although successfully
used to design assessments for immersive environments, the design process is often
complex and time-consuming and requires advanced statistical and machine-learning
skills (Kim et al., 2016; Westera, 2019; Westera et al., 2020). It is also most effective
for use during the design phase of the immersive learning environment making it less
useful for assessment designs around a pre-existing game. These make ECD particu-
larly challenging to use by educators who lack both the time and resources to develop
new immersive tools and assessments for classroom use.
For wider adoption and broader impact of immersive learning technologies in edu-
cation, particularly in HE, the process of designing and implementing assessment
for the classroom measurements of learning in VR, AR and DGs must be simple and
educator-friendly. There is currently no established assessment design framework
relevant to educators interested in the use of immersive technologies for classroom
teaching and assessment. Hence, this paper proposes an educator-targeted assess-
ment framework for designing assessment tasks for immersive learning. To do this,
this paper aims to answer the following research question:
RQ: How can educators design and implement assessment in a robust, structured
and relatively simple way in order to measure learning in immersive environ-
ments such as games, and virtual and augmented reality applications?
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Conceptual frameworks
The assessment framework proposed in this paper is the Game-Based Assessment
Framework (GBAF). The GBAF is underpinned by two established pedagogical concep-
tual frameworks: the Evidence Centred Design (ECD) framework (Mislevy et al., 2003b)
and the principle of Constructive Alignment (CA) (Anderson, 2013).
Constructive alignment
Constructive Alignment is the second principle upon which the GBAF was designed.
Grounded in the constructivist learning theory, constructive alignment works on the
idea that students learn by constructing knowledge through active engagement in the
learning environment (Biggs, 2003). The fundamental principle of constructive align-
ment is that intended learning outcomes are aligned with learning activities and assess-
ment tasks as shown in Fig. 2.
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Learning outcomes
Biggs proposed four steps to ensure the alignment of all components of the system.
First, intended learning outcomes (ILOs) have to be defined following an appropriate
taxonomy such as the structure of observed learning outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy or
Bloom’s taxonomy (Biggs & Tang, 2010). It is also considered important to distinguish
between the types of knowledge to be assessed. Two fundamental types that need to be
distinguished are declarative knowledge, which is not a function of the actions of stu-
dents, and functioning knowledge which is a result of the actions of the students. Each
ILO is to be written with appropriate verbs to indicate standards of achievement (Biggs
& Tang, 2010). The second step involves the choice of L&T activities. Although lectures
and tutorials, which mostly require passive listening from students, are commonplace in
HE, other L&T activities that offer active and engaging environments are recommended.
The third step is to design the assessment tasks. Assessment tasks should be aligned with
one or more ILOs. These tasks should require students to use the operative verbs in the
ILO. An L&T activity that is itself the assessment (such as in games or problem-based
learning) offers the best form of alignment (Biggs & Tang, 2010). Biggs and Tang also
argue that assessment tasks are best when they are authentic to the discipline. The last of
the four steps in designing assessments using the constructive alignment principle is the
development of grading criteria.
The constructive alignment principle is widely used by educators in HE for curriculum
and instructional designs. It is the main principle required for programme specification,
assessment criteria and statement of learning outcomes (Ali, 2018). It provides a logical,
effective and familiar principle for assessment design that would allow academic prac-
titioners with or without game-based learning experience to design valid assessments
around game tasks. The principles of constructive alignment complement the ECD
framework by emphasising strong connections between ILOs, assessment tasks and
L&T activities, factors that are crucial to the design of classroom instructional activi-
ties. Whereas constructive alignment offers educators familiar guidelines on assessment
design, the ECD has a wider application in the field of games-based assessment.
shown in Fig. 3, the GBAF is made up of five components that must be aligned for a valid
The GBAF can be applied to AR, VR or DGs. For any of these applications, assess-
ment design begins by outlining the objective of the assessment. These objectives are
often broad, encompassing more than one ILO. Next is the careful description of the
ILOs to be assessed. Each ILO should be closely linked to the tasks within the immer-
sive environment as shown in Fig. 4. It is also crucial that appropriate metrics that
can be used to infer the knowledge levels of students from each task are identified. All
Udeozor et al. Int J Educ Technol High Educ (2023) 20:36 Page 8 of 22
these components must be aligned for a valid and effective assessment of competen-
cies in immersive environments.
Overall objective
Overall objective describes broadly the purpose of the assessment and in general terms,
the competence assessed (see Sect. “Results and discussion” for examples). A clear artic-
ulation of the objective of an assessment in an immersive environment is critical to iden-
tifying an appropriate immersive tool. This can also provide students with information
about the learning and performance expectations, in addition to demonstrating the pur-
pose and relevance of the immersive tool.
Learning outcomes
This describes the specific knowledge, skills, or expertise that students are expected to
acquire from a learning activity. It also informs students about the competencies that
will be assessed. For performance-based assessments applicable to immersive envi-
ronments, statements of ILOs should focus on how students will be able to apply their
knowledge in the simulated real-world context. When designing assessments around
immersive learning tasks, the ILOs to be assessed should inform expectations in terms
of what students ought to do to be considered successful. Each ILO should be written
with adequate consideration for the available tasks in the immersive environment to be
used. This is often less complicated when designing a new environment because of the
flexibility to design tasks around ILOs of interest. When an existing game is used, avail-
able game tasks should sufficiently address the ILOs outlined.
Game tasks
Immersive technologies offer active learning environments where students interact with
game elements or collaboratively with other students to complete given tasks. Unlike
the conventional assessment tasks that require students to respond to questions, game
assessment tasks are performance-based. Game tasks constitute activities that require
students to do, that is, to perform actions in realistic settings. Game-based assessments
are effective for assessing higher-order cognitive processes due to the complexity and
authenticity of the environments (Kim et al., 2016). One game task could elicit numer-
ous competencies of students and hence could be used to measure more than one ILO.
Adequate alignment between the ILOs and game tasks is crucial to the design of a valid
game-based assessment. Available game tasks should sufficiently measure the ILOs by
requiring students to perform actions that would elicit their level of knowledge on the
outlined ILOs (this is illustrated in Sect. “Assessment design/items”).
Scoring metrics
Another factor to take into consideration in the design of assessments for immersive
environments is the game metrics that provide evidence of the knowledge and skills of
students. Scoring metrics here refer to those game metrics that can be used to assess
the performance of students given the ILOs. VR, AR and DGs collect and store the
process or telemetry data containing information about the actions carried out by stu-
dents and that can be used for assessment purposes. This means that real-time in-game
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performance data of students can be used to infer competencies. These data can be as
general as ‘tasks completed’, ‘time spent on task’, ‘levels completed’, or ‘correct/incor-
rect answers’, or they can be detailed as ‘numbers of retries’, ‘materials/hints accessed’,
‘locations visited’, or ‘logic sequences of steps’. In a new game, the scoring metrics can
be determined and integrated into the game mechanics, however, when a pre-existing
game is used, it is necessary to identify available scoring metrics and ascertain whether
they cover all ILOs. It is worth noting that the quantity and quality of data collected in
immersive environments differ. This is can pose a major challenge for educators as fewer
data might limit outcomes assessed, while too much unnecessary data might make it
challenging for assessment design and increase data processing times (Loh, 2009). This
challenge is common in pre-existing games designed with no assessment considerations
from the outset. Meanwhile, when assessment is embedded during the design phase of
the game, data collection can be limited to information pertinent to the ILOs assessed.
Nonetheless, identifying relevant metrics in a pre-existing immersive environment of
choice could require reverse engineering, that is working backwards starting with iden-
tifying available game metrics to determining learning outcomes to measure. Figure 5
outlines a decision-making process that can be useful for determining the appropriate-
ness of an immersive environment for assessment. For an educator interested in using a
game or other immersive learning application for assessment, identifying an appropriate
application that meets the instructional objectives is the first step. The educator would
then have to play the game to determine whether it sufficiently covers the ILOs. If the
game meets the requirements, the next step would be to look at the data captured in the
game and determine whether they can be used to measure the specified learning out-
comes. If the game captures some but not all of the data thought relevant for the ILOs,
it would be useful to find out from the game developers if additional data can be cap-
tured. If this is not possible and the data collected during gameplay is not useful for the
intended purpose, a different game should be sought. Lastly, it is also important to find
out whether the gameplay log data can be made available to the educator for analysis.
This is essential for grading the performance of students. For more details on the appli-
cation of the GBAF to a pre-existing game, see Udeozor et al. (2023).
Grading methods
As with traditional classroom assessments, determining grading methods is necessary if
grades are to be awarded. The grading methods are the criteria or formula for determin-
ing the competency level of students based on their performance on the scoring metrics.
They are used to award marks or grades to students. In game-based assessments where
competencies are assessed following actions (or inactions) in complex environments,
grading criteria must account for these complexities. Instead of simply grading by cor-
rect or incorrect answers chosen or given by students, speed of response, the efficiency
of solutions, errors made, hints requested and other variables that enable authentic
assessments could be used for grading.
One of the last steps of designing assessments for immersive learning environments is
a consideration for feedback integration. Feedback is crucial for learning and thus should
be an integral part of all assessments. For immersive learning environments, feedback can
be immediate, by offering hints or performance metrics to students soon after an action is
Udeozor et al. Int J Educ Technol High Educ (2023) 20:36 Page 10 of 22
completed. Where a pre-existing game is used, delayed feedback should be considered soon
after gameplay sessions. This can be provided personally to each student as individual feed-
back or to groups of students during debriefing sessions. However, it has been found that
immediate feedback has a higher positive impact on learning compared to delayed feed-
back (Tsai et al., 2015).
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Seven undergraduate chemical engineering students from Newcastle University, UK
took part in this study. Convenience sampling method was used to recruit participants
for the study (Creswell, 2011). Participants were made up of six male and one female stu-
dent in their 2nd year of study. 2nd year students from two faculties were invited to take
part in the study but only seven students turned up resulting in the very small sample
Fig. 6 Assessment design for a VR laboratory health and safety game. (Health point is described below)
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size. The participants had a general awareness of laboratory safety rules from previous
laboratory sessions but had not been assessed on this subject. One participant did not
finish the two levels of gameplay for technical reasons, therefore only the data of six par-
ticipants is presented here. Two of these participants indicated having used VR applica-
tions for entertainment.
Students were divided into two groups due to the limited number of head-mounted
devices (HMDs) available. Each experiment included a description of the aim of the ses-
sion, a declaration of the potential risks associated with the use of VR HMD and the
signing of consent forms by the participants. The Meta Quest 2 HMDs, also known as
Oculus Quest 2, with hand controllers which are some of the affordable yet sophisti-
cated HMDS available in the market were used in this study. To familiarise students with
the devices, initial training sessions had to be completed before beginning the gameplay
and assessment tasks. The training included how to grip objects, open doors, teleport,
and how to put on personal protective equipment (PPE). In total, all activities, including
training, gameplay and assessment, lasted for up to 2 h depending on each student.
Data collection
The performance of students was measured using their gameplay data and integrated
multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The GBAF was used to design this assessment
as shown in Fig. 6. For risk spotting, the attempts made by students at correctly tak-
ing pictures of potentially risky scenarios were logged and this was used to assess this
competence. MCQs were used to assess risk identification and consequence predictions.
Students were presented with questions such as “which hazard types are present in this
photo?”, What are the possible consequences of this risk?”. Lastly, for risk elimination
and safety protocols, data on the actions of students were collected as detailed in sub-
Sect. “Assessment design/items” (scoring metrics). Performance data were collected
anonymously with no personal information of students acquired in the process. Neces-
sary ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the university before
the experiment.
Assessment design/items
As previously mentioned, the assessment design for this VR H&S game happened dur-
ing the development of the game. The ILOs informed the game design including the
tasks and game metrics. Adopting the GBAF, the assessment design components of the
VR LaboSafe Game are shown in Fig. 6.
Overall objective This VR game aimed to provide an interactive and authentic learning
context for students to learn about the identification and mitigation of laboratory risks
in order to improve their knowledge and skills in laboratory safety practices.
Learning outcomes The acquisition and demonstration of laboratory risk awareness
and practices, the focus of this game, is broken down into measurable and achievable
ILOs. These ILOs informed the design of tasks that measure the laboratory risk com-
petencies of students. The intention was to measure higher-order cognitive process
Udeozor et al. Int J Educ Technol High Educ (2023) 20:36 Page 13 of 22
dimensions. Five ILOs were assessed as outlined below. The cognitive process level and
knowledge dimensions following Bloom’s taxonomy are respectively indicated too:
Game tasks The VR game at the time of this study had two levels that teach and assess
laboratory risk awareness and practices. In the first level of the game, students had to
search and correctly spot five safety risks in the chemical laboratory. There were always
more than five risks in the laboratory and these were randomly presented to students. To
complete the task, students were required to take pictures of the identified risky scenario
using the virtual tablet provided. Examples of the safety risks presented were a flamma-
ble chemical product in a non-explosion-proof fridge, and a laboratory technician per-
forming hazardous experiments in a fume hood where the sash was fully open. After
spotting the risks, students were presented with MCQs such as: “Which hazard types
are present in this safety risk?”, and “What are the possible consequences of this risk?”.
Answering these questions correctly would infer knowledge of hazard types and conse-
quences. In the second level of the game, students were presented with similar tasks as
in the first level. Additionally, students were required to eliminate the risks identified.
This could mean moving the flammable products from a standard to an ignition-free
fridge, or dressing up a laboratory technician in appropriate PPE. Students could choose
to skip this risk-elimination step if they could not find a solution, however, this would
affect their scores. The game tasks were completed when all five safety risks are spot-
ted in the first level and when all safety risks are (correctly or incorrectly) minimised or
skipped in the second level.
Scoring metrics The scoring metrics selected to assess the ILOs were seamlessly woven
into the game tasks in such a way that the gameplay activities of students provided evi-
dence of their competencies. For risk spotting, ILO1, the percentage of correct photos
taken was the scoring metric utilised. For ILO2, hazard identification, students were
expected to evaluate the spotted hazard and determine what kind of hazard it pos-
sessed—chemical, physical, environmental, ergonomic or health hazard. Therefore, to
assess this ILO, the percentage of correct hazard options selected from a list of possible
options was the scoring metric used. In addition to identifying the hazard types, stu-
dents were required to infer the potential consequences of such risks. Similar to ILO2,
for ILO3, the percentage of correct consequences selected from the list of potential
options was the scoring metric used. Furthermore, to mitigate potential risks in the
laboratory, students were expected to make changes to the environment where needed.
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ILO 1 c c is the number of correct photos taken and i is the number of incorrect photos
Rspot = c+i
ILO2 h
Rhazard = H+i h is the number of correct hazards types identified, H is the total number of cor-
rect hazard options and i is the number of incorrect options selected
ILO3 Rconseq = K k+i k is the number of correct consequences chosen, K is the total number of cor-
rect options available and i is the number of incorrect options selected
ILO4 l
Reliminate = L+i l is the number of correctly eliminated risks, L is the total number of risks pre-
sented and i is the number of incorrect actions taken
ILO5 RHPoint = hp hp is the number of health points remaining after completing the level
This involved moving objects, closing fume hoods, or dressing up technicians in the
right PPE. For ILO4, students were assessed based on the percentage of correctly miti-
gated risks. For ILOs 1, 2, 3 and 4, incorrect answers and actions of students were also
taken into account as shown in Table 1. This was done to account for guesswork from
students and to evaluate the accuracy of actions. Lastly, as would happen in a real-world
laboratory, interaction with dangerous chemicals could be unsafe without the right PPE.
To simulate this effect in the VR game, a Health Point (HP) system was incorporated
into the second level of the game. The HP of students at the beginning of the game was
5 (100%) but this value reduced with every inappropriate exposure to dangerous chemi-
cals when appropriate PPE is not worn. Hence, to measure the observance of safety
protocols in the laboratory environment, the percentage of HP left after the tasks were
determined. The scoring of HP is important as it mimics real-life consequences of poor
laboratory practices without causing any harm to students. This ILO was only assessed
in the 2nd level of the game as it has been shown that the behaviours of students at the
beginning of gameplay are exploratory and prone to mistakes compared to their behav-
iour subsequently (Udeozor et al., 2021).
Grading methods With all other components of the GBAF outlined, the grading crite-
ria were developed. Given that this assessment was embedded during the design of the
VR game, the formulas for calculating and grading the performance of students were
also incorporated. Doing so made it possible to provide immediate feedback to students
by presenting performance scores during gameplay. The scoring methods used to calcu-
late performance on each measured learning outcome are presented in Table 1.
Students were also graded for each level of the game completed to determine their
proficiency levels. The following equations were used as scoring methods to calculate
the performance of students on each game task /level:
Level 2 : Rspot × 0.3 + Rhazard × 0.3 + Rconseq × 0.2 + Reliminate × 0.1 + RHPoint × 0.1
The coefficients in each scoring method/equation represent the weight attrib-
uted to the assessed outcomes. For Level 1 of the game, weightings of 40%, 40% and
20% were given to risk spotting, hazard identification and consequence prediction,
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Data analysis
At the end of each level of gameplay, students were presented with summaries of their
performance on scoreboards as shown in Fig. 7. These show their performance and
grades (Novice, Competent or Expert) on all measured ILOs as well as on each level of
gameplay following the criteria outlined in Table 2.
For a detailed insight into the performance of students, log files were collected and
analysed. Since this assessment was designed and embedded into the game to measure
specific learning outcomes, the data collected and stored were semi-structured and con-
tained only relevant information. Data were collected for each student on each level of
the game. To analyse the data, the raw.xml files were converted to readable table format
(.csv) using Python. The outputs were tables containing rows of anonymised IDs of par-
ticipants and columns of scores on all scoring metrics. In addition to the scoring metrics
as described above, additional data that were considered relevant to the understanding
learning process of students were collected and these included time on task and hints
requested. Although relevant to understanding and enhancing learning in the game
through immediate feedback, in the case of hints, these were not considered appropri-
ate for assessment and grading as they can be affected by factors such as familiarity with
VR devices, in the case of time on task, and learning style when it comes to hints used.
At this time when much information about the VR experience of the students and their
learning styles was unknown, incorporating these metrics into the assessment could
unfairly affect the performance and grades of students. The speed of task completion
was not considered releveant at this time. However, time could be considered relevant
by an educator based on the measured outcomes, the level of knowledge and expertise
of the students and the goal or purpose of the assessment. Using the grading methods in
Table 1, the performance of students on all measured outcomes was computed as shown
in Table 3.
Level 1 Level 2
ID Time Hints Risk-spot Risk- Risk- Overall Overall Time Hints Risk-spot Risk- Risk- Risk- Risk- Overall Overall
on task hazard consequences score rating on task hazard consequences eliminate HPoint score rating
(secs) (sec)
CE1 1079 5 0.109 0.273 0.5 0.253 N 1147 2 0.556 0.167 0.444 1 0.2 0.481 C
CE2 1005 2 0.192 0.444 0.5 0.355 N 1109 2 0.625 0.429 0.625 1 0.2 0.624 C
CE3 1368 1 0.357 0.545 0.857 0.532 C 748 1 1 0 0 0.8 0.2 0.5 C
CE4 1549 5 0.063 0.375 0.875 0.350 N 830 3 0.217 0.5 0.5 1 0.2 0.457 C
CE5 337 1 0.455 0.5 0.5 0.482 C 677 1 0.5 0.571 0.75 0.8 0.2 0.621 C
CE6 1133 1 0.156 0.4 0.8 0.383 N 1211 2 0.278 0.5 0.75 0.8 0.2 0.511 C
Bold letters indicate the grades awarded to students in levels 1 and 2 of the game
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Overall scores
Level 1 Level 2
Fig. 8 Overall performance of students in Level 1 and Level 2 of gameplay
Table 3. However, for hazard identification and consequence prediction, 50% and 67%
of the students performed worse in Level 2, respectively. This unexpectedly poor per-
formance could be due to a lack of conceptual understanding of laboratory hazard types
and their effects however, the small sample size of our study limits the conclusions that
can be drawn based on these findings. DGs have been found to have the highest influ-
ence on procedural and factual knowledge compared to conceptual knowledge (Perini
et al., 2018a, 2018b), which could be the reason for these outcomes. Nonetheless, the
overall performance of students on the subject can be said to have generally improved
for those students that spent more time in Level 1 (which had fewer tasks) compared to
the time spent completing tasks in Level 2. Similar observations were made for students
that requested fewer hints in Level 2 than in Level 1 of the game.
Network would be created for each level of the VR LaboSafe game. Probability mod-
els will be developed to infer the proficiency levels of students based on their actions
in the VR environment. These activities would often require the use of sophisticated
machine learning software such as Netica (Shute & Rahimi, 2021). The initial values
of the inferred competencies (prior probabilities) of students are then automatically
updated as students progress through the VR application. This process is non-trivial
and the demand on educators high given the skills required for it. Nonetheless, the ECD
framework is advantageous for large-scale testing as it automatically updates informa-
tion about the proficiencies of students, requiring no additional grading inputs from
educators. In the case of small-scale classroom assessment, applying the ECD to the
design of assessments for classroom use would require extensive preparation time that
offers little or no additional benefits to educators. In such cases, the GBAF would be a
potentially better alternative to the ECD framework given that requires lesser prepara-
tion and implementation times, and no additional advanced skills from educators. This
ease of use of the GBAF could enhance the adoption of immersive technologies-enabled
authentic assessments in HE. The practical implication of the successful development
and application of the GBAF is that it could potentially serve as a structured basis for
researchers and educators interested in designing and implementing assessments of
learning in immersive environments. This should also promote the adoption and use of
immersive technologies for formal education. The presentation of the application of the
GBAF to the design and implementation of assessment for a VR game shows the struc-
tured and simple steps educators can follow to design assessments for immersive learn-
ing. Starting with the overall objectives and ILOs to the grading methods to be used, the
GBAF highlights relevant steps for assessment design and its application to a VR game
presented in this paper offer a step by step approach that can be followed by anyone
interested in assessments with immersive applications.
Although the purpose of this paper is not to determine the efficacy of VR for learn-
ing, the performance of students in the VR LaboSafe game was promising. The results
showed that the overall performance of students in the assessed learning outcomes in
Level 2 of the game was better than their performance in Level 1. This is particularly
interesting given that for a majority of the students, it was their first time interacting
with a VR device. Additionally, the performance of students in other metrics such as
time on task and hints requested were seen to improve in Level 2 compared to Level
1. These findings are consistent with the results of other studies on VR for engineer-
ing education (Bolkas et al., 2022; Rossado Espinoza et al., 2021). VR applications are
increasingly being explored for education due to the belief that they promote contextual
and experiential learning that is considered beneficial for knowledge and skills acquisi-
tion (Radianti et al., 2020). The outcome of this research, although limited by the very
small sample size, indicates that VR can lead to performance improvement when used
for learning. To conclude, the GBAF introduced in this paper could provide a consistent
and structured basis for designing assessments for immersive learning environments.
Designed for educators, this framework can also be used by researchers, game designers
and non-game experts. Developed at the conceptual level and not for one specific game
environment, the GBAF can be applied to the design of assessments for mobile and
computer games, as well as VR and AR games. One limitation of this paper is the lack of
Udeozor et al. Int J Educ Technol High Educ (2023) 20:36 Page 20 of 22
evaluation of the framework by educators. Future studies should consider carrying out
studies to evaluate the usability of the GBAF, preferably with educator participants who
have some experience using immersive technologies for teaching. Future works should
also aim to test the robustness of the framework by applying it to the design of external
assessment forms and for digital games and AR applications.
Not applicable.
Author contributions
CU planned the study, collected, analysed, and interpreted data in this paper. PC provided the VR game used for the
study and drafted a description of the game. FA and JG supervised research, reviewed and revised the paper. All authors
read and approved final manuscript.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Horizon 2020 under Grant Agreement No 812716.
Competing interests
We have no conflicts of interest to disclose, and I can confirm that all authors have approved the manuscript for
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