Virtual Reality Assisted Engineering Education: A Multimedia Learning Perspective
Virtual Reality Assisted Engineering Education: A Multimedia Learning Perspective
Virtual Reality Assisted Engineering Education: A Multimedia Learning Perspective
Keywords: Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful technology that can enhance engineering education by providing immersive
Virtual reality (VR) and interactive learning experiences. However, many VR studies in engineering education lack a clear theoretical
Design principles or pedagogical framework to guide their design and evaluation. This scoping review analyzes 51 studies on VR-
Learning theories
assisted engineering education and reveals the trends and gaps in the current research. We argue that engi
Pedagogical principles
Multimedia learning
neering VR studies should be informed by theories of learning and instruction that address the cognitive and
Engineering education socio-cognitive aspects of learning. We also suggest that VR-assisted engineering education research should
incorporate multimedia design and pedagogical principles to optimize the effectiveness of VR applications. Our
perspective aims to inspire engineering educators, practitioners, and instructional designers to develop VR
contents and formulate VR research imperatives grounded in sound educational theories and multimedia
learning principles.
1. Introduction fields in the last decade. In a recent literature review, Makransky &
Petersen, 2021 reported that educational VR research increased
Virtual realities (VR) are computer-enabled simulation of real-world dramatically over the last decade. They attributed this increase to a
impressions in artificial or virtual environment (Bailenson et al., 2008). growing interest in the adoption, application, and, thus, research of
Advances in computing and image processing capabilities have signifi instructional VR technologies in educational literature. Their search of
cantly enhanced the capabilities of VR technologies to render real-world the Scopus database showed that more than 500 educational VR
scenes in a manner that emulates a near-real experience. VR technolo research studies were published between 2016 and 2020. In addition, in
gies are categorized as immersive VR (IVR) and non-immersive desktop a bibliometric analysis of 3342 articles, Chen, Zou, Cheng, & Xie (2020)
VR (DVR) based on the type of experience they afford (Hamilton et al., noted that VR research was one of the major topics identified by studies
2021). Immersive VR experiences rely on head-mounted devices (HMD) in the Computers and Education research community. This growing
– examples include the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive – and creates the body of studies examines the applications of instructional VR to address
impression of completely immersing users in the experience. They give educational challenges – including using VR to motivate learning and
users a greater sense of ‘being there’. Contrariwise, desktop VR does not enhance students’ cognitive and spatial abilities.
require headsets - only computer keyboard and mouse devices are Several empirical studies have explored how VR is used in educa
needed to interact with the virtual reality environment. Desktop VR tional contexts – a few reviews of these empirical studies in the K-12 and
environments are projected on a desktop computer monitor or television higher educational settings have also been published (Jensen & Kon
screen. In addition, because users view and interact with desktop VR radsen, 2018; Luo et al., 2021; Merchant et al., 2014; Mikropoulos &
representations without being embedded in the environment, they also Natsis, 2011). Many of these studies make impressive claims about the
do not get the same level of immersiveness that HMD devices offer (Ochs educational benefits of instructional VR. However, these claims are not
& Sonderegger, 2022). often grounded in empirically tested theoretical principles. For example,
There has been an increasing adoption and application of Virtual while principles based on learning theories are essential to designing
Realities (VR) for instructional purposes across several educational and implementing effective pedagogies and promoting positive learning
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A.V. Oje), [email protected] (N.J. Hunsu), [email protected] (D. May).
Received 23 July 2022; Received in revised form 17 June 2023; Accepted 19 June 2023
Available online 14 July 2023
2949-6780/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A.V. Oje et al. Computers & Education: X Reality 3 (2023) 100033
experiences, many educational technologies are designed and imple foundations. Our goal is to inform STEM researchers and educators of
mented with little or no recourse to relevant learning theories (Clark, the need for trustworthy research about the affordances and limitations
1994). Existing empirical and review studies on educational technolo of VR to foster positive learning experiences. By highlighting multi
gies suggests that educational technology adopters tend to focus more on media learning principles from prior VR literature in the learning sci
the technology itself rather than how learning theories can inform how ences, we intend to inform about potential considerations in designing
these learning technologies can be optimally adopted (Granić, 2022). and implementing VR pedagogies that support positive learning expe
Multimedia learning theorists argue for the application of theory- rience in VR-aided engineering education.
based and empirically tested principles in designing multimedia envi
ronments that limits extraneous cognitive processing – to reduce 2. Background
cognitive load (Mayer. 2005), and enhances germane cognitive pro
cessing – to promote meaningful engagement with learning (Chang & 2.1. Virtual reality applications in educational settings
Yang, 2023). For example, by invoking the distraction hypothesis, the
orists argue that high-fidelity multimedia learning environments, e.g., VR applications have revolutionized how instructional content can
VR environments, can comprise high sensory stimuli that overload be delivered and experienced across several educational fields. For
learners’ memory capacity and reduce their ability to process the most instance, students can experience and learn about near and distant
critical information in the learning environment. places by exploring geographical scenes rendered in VR without leaving
Hence, such environments must be designed to minimize seductive the classroom, sometimes even without leaving their homes. Unlike
details that mitigate germane cognitive processing (Mutlu-Bayraktar video representations of the same learning content, students can interact
et al., 2019). Furthermore, theorists also propose that learners be with the environment and vividly experience the content as though they
encouraged to engage in generative learning activities that focus their are at the scene. Medical science educational fields leverage instruc
attention and optimize cognitive processing. tional VR to facilitate safe, near-real-life medical experiments where
Despite the importance of multimedia learning theories to designing students can learn procedural skills that are too risky or costly to support
multimedia learning contents that reduces learning inhibitors, a careful otherwise (Merchant et al., 2014)4). For example, VR technologies are
evaluation of the VR literature reveals that only a few educational VR used to deliver instructional content about surgical procedures and
studies were grounded or guided by empirically tested cognitive and human anatomy in ways that are cost-effective and improve the learning
non-cognitive theories of multi-media learning. This observation is experience (Javaid & Haleem, 2020).
especially pronounced in discipline-based VR-focused educational Apart from their application in medical science and geography ed
research (Radianti et al., 2020). The growing adoption of VR to support ucation, several studies have reported the benefits of VR activities in
engineering pedagogy and learning is a welcome development. How language learning (Lan, 2020), physics, and astronomy (Barnett, 2005;
ever, VR technologies could become a fad if instructors find them inef Chen et al., 2007; Porter et al., 2020), mathematics (Hsu, 2020), psy
fective in supporting learning. As Clark and Mayer (2016) argued, chology and other STEM fields (Pellas et al., 2020; Riva, 2022). Advo
educational technologies (Edtechs) are no antidotes for solving learning cates of VR argue that the kind of immersive learning experiences that
challenges. However, designing and implementing Edtech’s based on instructional VR affords can remediate students’ misconceptions of
empirically tested theories and principles can increase their efficacy to geographical and geological concepts (Yusuf & Safitri, 2021) and that
motivate meaningful learning and engagement. they offer better visualization and spatial navigation of abstract con
This article was motivated by two primary objectives: (i.) to inves cepts than traditional teaching methods could do (Bailenson et al., 2008;
tigate reported uses of VR to facilitate learning in engineering education Salzman et al., 1999). Some studies also indicated that instructional VR
(and their intended learning goals), and (ii.) whether those uses were technologies could facilitate collaborative exchange in a virtual learning
informed by learning theories and principles. Where theories of learning environment (Zheng et al., 2017), stimulate students’ motivation and
and pedagogies played a deciding role in study, we wanted to know self-efficacy to complete procedural task science laboratory experiments
which theories were references, to what depth were they used, and how (Makransky et al., 2019), and support emotional regulation strategies
frequently these learning theories occur in VR research. Mostly impor (Colombo et al., 2019). In summary, advocates argue that educational
tantly, we also examined whether the VR study designs were informed VR can allow learners to experience a variety of environments with
by multimedia learning theories or principles. To this end, our scoping diverse placements and perspectives. Consequently, educational VRs
review was guided by the following questions: can facilitate discovery-based activities and stimulate learning interest
and motivation (Pantelidis, 2010).
1. Which specific learning theories and design principles have been
reported in VR-assisted engineering education research literature? 2.2. Virtual reality applications in engineering education
2. How frequently, and to what extent, do VR-assisted engineering
education research incorporate relevant theories and multimedia Many students find abstract engineering concepts too intangible and
design principles? cognitively challenging to grasp. Such students may struggle to formu
3. Which learning outcomes have been reported as the focus of VR- late coherent mental models of abstract engineering concepts and,
assisted engineering education research? consequently, fail to gain a conceptual understanding of such concepts
4. Which multimedia learning theories and design principles from other (Streveler et al., 2008). Educational VR environments can be especially
educational technology literature can inform research on instruc beneficial in supporting students learning of such content. For example,
tional VR in engineering education? electromagnetism or three-dimensional (3-D) statics concepts can be
challenging to grasp mentally because such concepts cannot be physi
Subsequently, we highlight principles of multimedia learning the cally observed. Representing such abstract concepts in Virtual Reality
ories reported in the learning sciences literature that may be relevant to Learning Environments (VRLEs) can make them more vivid and clarify
discipline-based VR research. Our focus on discipline-based VR research, abstract concepts (Manseur, 2005).
especially within the sciences, is informed by the fact that VR can change Several research studies have described different uses of VR-based
the way abstract and procedural concepts in STEM fields are learned. instructional applications in engineering learning contexts to aid con
While that may be true, it is expedient that such claims be substantiated ceptual understanding, problem-solving, and skill training, among
in theory and backed by empirical data. Our focus on engineering ed others (Halabi, 2020; Stuchlíková et al., 2017). For example, Salzman
ucation was informed by our disciplinary affiliation, and the desire to et al. (1999) opined that VR’s multisensory cues could improve learners’
substantiate the validity of prior VR efficacy claims on sound theorical interaction with electrical engineering activities in a VRLE. In applying
A.V. Oje et al. Computers & Education: X Reality 3 (2023) 100033
VR to assist students with grasping challenging electric fields and elec weft-knitting engineering in their participants.
trostatics concepts, they observed that students gained a better con Given the growing interest in, and adoption of, instructional VR to
ceptual understanding of the distribution of forces in an electric field as support the pedagogy and learning of conceptual knowledge and pro
they interacted with concepts and navigated multiple perspectives in a cedural skills across engineering fields, there has been a proliferation of
VRLE. Valdez et al. (2014)4) designed and used a prototype VRLE called published studies focusing on the uses of VRLEs to facilitate engineering
the Virtual Electric Manual (VEMA) to teach and demonstrate various education. Many of these VR studies focused on student perceptions and
electrical experiments using the technology’s visualization capabilities. the usability of VR to support the learning of engineering content.
In addition, VR-based instruction has been used to facilitate inductive However, as it is often the case with much educational technology
learning of fluid pressure in fluid mechanics (Savadatti & Johnsen, research, claims about the affordances of VRLEs and their effectiveness
2017), fluid statics and dynamics (Johnsen & Savadatti, 2019), and are thinly rooted in empirically tested theories or principles. This article
Truss systems (Banow & Maw, 2019) in mechanical engineering appli highlights how frequently VR-assisted engineering education research
cations. Apart from their use in delivering engineering content, some draws on theory and outlines potentially relevant theories and learning
articles have described using VRLEs to facilitate problem-solving skills principles that future VR studies in the engineering domain can draw on.
in craft production and manufacturing design processes (Aqlan et al.,
2019), problem-solving and collaborative skills in an engineering statics 3. Methods
domain (Tuttle et al., 2019).
Fig. 1 depicts screenshots of a VRLE of an engineering content. A scoping review of VR-assisted engineering education research was
Because engineering education is a practical and experiential field conducted to address our study objectives. The methodology for the
that integrates theory and practice, laboratory instructions have always scoping review entailed a: systematic literature search, screening and
been integral to undergraduate and graduate engineering curricula ex selection of relevant articles, and coding for variables deemed relevant
periences (Feisel & Rosa, 2005). VR-based laboratories can be leveraged to answering our research questions.
to support alternative laboratory experiences in engineering without
necessarily replacing the traditional in-person laboratory experience. 3.1. Literature search and article selection
VR platforms can support laboratory instructions and experiences in
engineering fields because practical activities that result in the acqui The literature search was conducted between August 2021 and
sition of procedural skills can be rendered in VRLE-based training sys March 2022 and was limited to VR studies published within the last
tems (Kollöffel & de Jong, 2013). decade (2011-2021). Key terms that are relevant to VR-assisted engi
Some studies have reported instances where VR was used to support neering education research were combined using Boolean operations to
laboratory experiences in engineering education. For example, Singh search the Web of Science, Wiley, EBSCO Complete, and IEEE Explore
et al. (2021) used a VRLE to train engineering students to ‘handle’ databases:
electronic hardware and conduct laboratory experiments. They reported
that the students they observed found the virtual activities especially “Virtual Reality” AND “Engineering” AND “Education” OR
useful for learning. In another instance reported in the literature, a VRLE “Training” OR “Learning” OR “Teaching”.
was used to illustrate relative motion concepts (Kozhevnikov et al., The literature search returned 1492 VR studies from all search in
2013), to train engineering students to operate a transformer in an dexes. Information about the searched articles was downloaded into
electrical power station (Barata et al., 2015); in chemical production EndNote® and later transferred into Excel to manage the process of
plant operations (Ouyang et al., 2018); in operating weft-knitting ma screening and selecting relevant articles. The titles and abstracts of the
chines (Zhang et al., 2018). Zhang and colleagues argued that VRLE articles were read to screen and eliminate irrelevant and non-empirical
fostered operational skills, practice ability, and holistic knowledge of VR research articles – 367 articles were retained after the title and
Fig. 1. VR content from Labster showing conceptual and procedural learning of a circuit concept in electrical engineering.
A.V. Oje et al. Computers & Education: X Reality 3 (2023) 100033
abstract screening exercise. The remaining articles were then screened One study referenced a motivational.
based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria (Table 1) to determine
whether they met our selection criteria. Overall, fifty-one articles were 4.3. How frequently, and to what extent, do VR-assisted engineering
retained after further screening with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. education research incorporate relevant theories and multimedia design
3.2. Coding
In addition to highlighting which theories were referenced by the
Selected articles were then coded to extract quantitative and quali studies scoped, Table 2 also reported how frequently each theory was
tative information about the use of learning theories and principles in referenced. With regards to the quality of reference or usage of theory,
VR-assisted engineering education research: For a quantitative assess Fig. 3 showed that 15.7% of the studies reviewed relied on theory to
ment of the VR research studies, we coded for: the frequency of occur support the conceptualization (to argue the logic of the study), design
rence of VR research per year, and the frequency of learning theories and (inform data collection, and which variables were relevant to their
principles in VR research. For qualitative assessment of extant engi study’s objective), and analysis and interpretation of their findings;
neering educational VR research, we coded for: (i.) which learning 19.6% made a rather superficial reference some theory or theoretical
theories and principles are cited; (ii.) the extent to which they inform the frameworks without leaning on such theories substantively; 64.7% of
objective and design of each study analyzed. Each study was classified the VR studies made no reference to or use of a theoretical or peda
based on whether it referenced or did not reference theory, whether gogical framework(s).
theory was only superficially mentioned, or whether it informed the
study’s objective and design. 4.4. Which learning outcomes have been reported as the focus of VR-
Because we sought to uncover the theoretical underpinnings of VR assisted engineering education research?
studies and the assessment of outcomes in engineering education, we
constrained our coding to study features that identify how theory has Next, we examined which learning outcomes were assessed in the
been employed to support the research objectives of VR studies in en studies that were identified. More studies (n = 17) were focused on as
gineering education. In addition, we extracted descriptive study char sessments of participants’ perceptions of the usability of VR-based in
acteristics that illustrate the current state of VR-assisted engineering struction or a VRLE. Several of these studies examined the effects of VR
education research. The different study features (see Appendix for on cognitive learning outcomes or school performance measures. We
coding scheme) were explored using the visualization capabilities of R categorized learning outcomes that examined affects, motivation,
studio to identify trends in VR-assisted engineering education research. spatial ability, and cognitive overload as others (please refer to Table 2
and Fig. 4).
4. Observations and discussion
4.5. A general overview of VR-assisted engineering education research
4.1. Growth of VR-assisted engineering education research
A major trend from our scoping review suggests that a greater ratio of
Fig. 2 shows that VR-assisted engineering education research studies engineering-focused VR studies did not consider how empirically tested
published in peered review journals and conference outlets have been on learning (and motivational) theories can shape the design of VRLEs to
the rise within the last five years. About 49% of all VR studies in the field optimize their learning efficacy. Most prior VR studies in engineering
were published between 2019 and 2021 alone. education focused on evaluating VR aesthetic and technology features,
VR usability, and the affects and emotions that VRs engender. Further
4.2. Which specific learning theories and design principles have been more, we observed that many of the positive claims about the instruc
reported in VR-assisted engineering education research literature? tional value of VRLEs are either informed by anecdotes or, at best,
conjectures based on students’ subjective self-reports on studies about
Sequel to coding and extracting relevant information from the arti VR usability or their perception of the VR learning experience. Some
cles included in this study, we analyzed our datasheet to examine the instructional VR advocates argue that the aesthetics features of VRLEs
extent to which these studies referenced or used relevant theories to promote arousal and immersion. The arousal hypothesis holds that the
inform the basis of their inquiry and to support the learning outcome attractive graphics or auditory design of VRLEs fosters a sense of im
each study examined. Overall, 16 studies made references or used 12 mersion that makes the VR learning experience enjoyable. VR arousal
theoretical lenses, while 33 studies made no theoretical references at all. advocates argue that VRs engender positive emotions and learning
Only three studies referenced the cognitive load theory, which often engagement. They also suggested that the perceptual realism of VRLEs
informs the design of multi-media learning content and environment. could induce flow or presence, which can stimulate positive emotional
The other references to theory were about pedagogies of engagement (e. responses and willingness to engage in VR-based learning content
g., Problem-based learning, Collaborative learning, Guided inquiry (Parong & Mayer, 2021).
learning) and usability (i.e., Unified Theory of Use and Acceptance of Although the arousal and immersion hypotheses seem logical, critics
Technology). Table 2 highlights the specific theories or theoretical have argued that emotional and affective arousals alone may be insuf
frameworks that informed, or are mentioned in, the studies examined. ficient to ensure that students are meaningfully engaged with learning in
VRLEs. Similarly, aroused interest or emotional responses may not
necessarily translate to positive learning outcomes (Mayer, 2020).
Table 1
Inclusion and exclusion criteria of selected studies. Emotional arousals may actually distract from learning in some situa
tions (Makransky et al., 2019). Some critics also argue that seductive
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
details, such as excessive imagery and background sounds in VRs, can
Articles is publicly available and indexed by Articles focused on only VR engender extraneous cognitive processing that may inhibit learning
the databases development
(Hamilton et al., 2021; Mikropoulos & Natsis, 2011; Radianti et al.,
Full-text available Reviews, meta-analysis,
qualitative or commentary articles 2020). Therefore, educational psychologists and instructional theoreti
Articles focused on the implementation and Articles are peer-reviewed cians strongly recommend balancing the emotional benefits of the
use of VR in engineering education ‘interesting features’ of multimedia learning environments and their
Articles not published in English Studies outside the engineering cognitive consequences (Sundararajan & Adesope, 2020).
education field
We noted that very little has been done to explore or highlight the
A.V. Oje et al. Computers & Education: X Reality 3 (2023) 100033
implications of design and pedagogies principles on the effectiveness of behavioral, cognitive, and social engagement as they learn engineering
VRs for learning engineering content. There is currently a dearth of contents in VRLEs, and how to facilitate meaningful learning and in
empirical research on designing and implementing VR for effective en struction in VRs are urgently needed. Such empirical studies are
gineering education. Similarly, prior VR studies within the discipline important for identifying evidence-based recommendations for
have given little attention to theoretical and methodological rigor in designing and implementing efficacious educational VRLEs for engi
extant educational VR studies. However, theory-driven VR studies are neering learning contexts.
necessary because they can aid our understanding of how students learn
using VR technologies. For example, theoretical frameworks can provide
4.7. Recommendations of theoretical perspectives for VR research from
explanatory frameworks for the design of effective VRLEs, and to predict
the multimedia learning literature
how different elements in VRLEs would affect learning effectiveness.
Hence, we reecho earlier calls for more VR studies that draw upon
Relevant learning theories can provide frameworks that can help
empirically tested design and pedagogical principles to validate claims
explain and predict the potential effects of VRLEs in various learning
about the educational affordances and efficacy of VR (Kalyuga et al.,
contexts. Rather than hoping that VR imageries and features will pro
1999; 2000; Mayer & Johnson, 2010).
mote positive learning engagement and outcomes, VRLE design for en
gineering contents can be informed by intentional applications of design
principles grounded upon cognitive and non-cognitive theories with
4.6. A case for engineering education VRLE design and research grounded
solid empirical supports. Such deliberate research and development
in multimedia learning theories and principles
initiatives may draw on existing multimedia learning design principles.
Based on the multimedia learning literature, VRLEs must be thought
As VR technologies become better and the cost of acquiring them for
fully designed to minimize factors that engender cognitive load. Simi
instructional purposes decline, they are bound to become ubiquitous in
larly, the educational affordances of VRs may be enhanced if VR learning
our future classrooms. Hence, it is highly likely that more engineering
incorporates pedagogies that encourages learners to engage meaning
educators will increasingly seek to leverage VR to enhance engineering
fully with their learning material. Drawing on the multimedia and VR
classrooms and laboratory instruction and learning experiences.
learning literature from adjacent educational disciplines, we highlight
Although VR instruction can potentially enhance how certain engi
cognitive and non-cognitive theories that may be relevant to advancing
neering contents are delivered, poorly designed or poorly implemented
VRLE designs and pedagogy research in engineering education in the
VRLE pedagogies can distract or harm learning. For instance, a recent
following sections.
study reported that students who learned in highly aesthetic VR envi
ronments performed worse than those who learned with VR with less
aesthetical detail (Petersen, Petkakis, & Makransky, 2022). Not 4.8. Relevant design-focused cognitive principles for VRLEs
addressing avoidable distractions can undermine any potential affor
dances of VR engineering pedagogy. 4.8.1. Cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML)
Given that poorly designed and implemented instructional VR can be Richard Mayer and colleagues proposed the CTML to explain how
deleterious to learning (Parong & Mayer, 2018), engineering educators learning ensues in multimedia learning environments (Mayer, 2005).
who intend to ethnically adopt VR for engineering instruction must The CTML presumes that multimedia content is processed through two
ensure to ‘do no harm’ to students learning. (verbal and visual) processing channels. The theory also presupposes
Based on the preceding, we argue that the design, development, and that working memory capacity is limited – meaning that learners can
adoption of VR technologies for engineering instruction must be only process a limited amount of information at a time. Because memory
informed by evidence-based theoretical principles (Kalyuga et al., 1999, capacity is limited, learners only focus on a proportion of instructional
2000; Mayer & Johnson, 2010; Pollock et al., 2002). Hence, more content while neglecting the rest at any given time (Mayer & Moreno,
theory-informed VR studies investigating imperatives for designing 2002). Furthermore, theorists argue that effective multimedia learning
effective VRLEs for engineering contents are needed. Apart from environments must carefully balance how sensory information arrives at
investigating VRLE design considerations, studies that explore students’ learners’ visual and verbal channels to avoid overloading any one
A.V. Oje et al. Computers & Education: X Reality 3 (2023) 100033
A.V. Oje et al. Computers & Education: X Reality 3 (2023) 100033
4.9.4. The segmentation principle Mayer, 2007) and the Cognitive-Affective Model of Immersive Learning
Proposes that “people learn better when a multimedia message is – CAMIL (Makransky & Petersen, 2021) framework to accommodate the
presented in user-paced segments rather than as a continuous unit when role of affective and psychological factors in multimedia and VR
information is presented in segments, rather than one long continuous learning experiences. These frameworks describe how cognitive, affec
stream” (Mayer, 2009). Parong and Mayer (2018) found that learners tive, and psychological interaction and factors influence learning pro
who received VR multimedia lessons in short segments performed better cesses and outcomes in multimedia and VR learning environments.
on factual questions than those in a VR control group. Their findings Furthermore, because engineering activities occur in highly collabora
demonstrated the relevance of the segmenting principle in VRLE tive contexts, contextually relevant VRLEs for engineering education
designs. must enable collaborative learning experiences. Hence, it is essential
that VRLE designs, and implementation draw on relevant theories of
social engagement in learning contexts.
4.10. Relevance of non-cognitive multimedia theories to VRLE design
Several prior studies have highlighted the effects of psychological 4.11. Pedagogy-focused principles for VRLE implementation
and emotional factors (such as achievement emotions, presence, in
terests, self-beliefs, etc.) on learning engagements, processes, and out Beyond design imperatives, the quality of students’ cognitive and
comes in multimedia environments (Mayer & Estrella, 2014)4). socio-cognitive engagement with learning contents and environments is
Likewise, some studies have suggested that VRLEs trigger situational critical. Learning is a generative activity that depends on the quality of
interests, presence, and flow ((Kim & Ko, 2019; Parong & Mayer, 2018). the cognitive activities that students engage in as they interact with and
As a consequence, multimedia learning theorists have proposed the process the learning material (Fiorella & Mayer, 2016). Thoughtfully
Cognitive-Affective Theory of Multimedia Learning – CATML (Moreno & designing VRLEs to balance features of VR environments and
A.V. Oje et al. Computers & Education: X Reality 3 (2023) 100033
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et al. (2020) found that spatial ability moderates the effects of collab 4.16. Exploring the mechanisms of learning in engineering VRLEs through
orative learning in VR. the lenses of learning theories
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5. Conclusion Acronyms
This article highlights the growing trend in adopting VR for engi CATML Cognitive-Affective Theory of Multimedia Learning
neering education and the need to leverage empirically tested learning CAMIL Cognitive-Affective Model of Immersive Learning
theories and design principles in engineering VR research. Our scoping CLT Cognitive Load Theory
review showed that there is currently a lackluster approach to CTML Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning GLP – Generative
leveraging tested learning theories and principles to the study of the VR Learning Principles
learning phenomenon in engineering education. Consequently, we HMD Head-Mounted Devices IVR – Immersive VR
described some relevant theoretical principles for designing, imple STEM Science Technology Engineering Mathematics VEMA – Virtual
menting, and studying effective VRLEs. We hope this article inspires a Electric Manual
discussion about the value of a theoretical framework in research on VR VR Virtual Reality
engineering education and how instructional design principles can be VRLE Virtual Reality Learning Environments
used to predict and explain the unique affordances of VR instruction.
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