Notes QFT41
Notes QFT41
Notes QFT41
Wojciech Dybalski
February 7, 2018
The central question of these mathematical lectures is the following:
• Is QFT logically consistent?
Although it may not seem so, this question is quite relevant for physics. For
example, if QFT contained a contradiction and, say, the magnetic moment of the
electron could be computed in two different ways giving two completely different
results, which of them should be compared with experiments? It turns out that
such a situation is not completely ruled out in QFT, since we don’t have enough
control over the convergence of the perturbative series. If we take first few terms
of this series, we often obtain excellent agreement with experiments. But if we
managed to compute all of them and sum them up, most likely the result would
be infinity.
For this and other reasons, the problem of logical consistency of QFT fascinated
generations of mathematical physicists. They managed to solve it only in toy
models, but built impressive mathematical structures some of which I will try to
explain in these lectures.
The strategy to study the logical consistency of QFT can be summarized as
follows: Take QFT as presented in the physics part of this course. Take the
whole mathematics with its various sub-disciplines. Now try to ‘embed’ QFT into
mathematics, where the problem of logical consistency is under good control. The
‘image’ of this embedding will be some subset of mathematics which can be called
Mathematical QFT. It intersects with many different sub-disciplines including al-
gebra, analysis, group theory, measure theory and many others. It differs from
the original QFT in several respects: First, some familiar concepts from the phys-
ical theory will not reappear on the mathematics side, as tractable mathematical
counterparts are missing. Second, many concepts from mathematics will enter
the game, some of them without direct physical meaning (e.g. different notions
of continuity and convergence). Their role is to control logical consistency within
It should also be said that the efforts to ‘embed’ QFT into mathematics trig-
gered a lot of new mathematical developments. Thus advancing mathematics is
another important source of motivation to study Mathematical QFT.
1 Wightman quantum field theory
The main references for this section are [1, Section VIII], [2, Section IX.8,X.7].
1.1.1 Observables
1. Consider an operator O : D(O) → H i.e. a linear map from a dense domain
D(O) ⊂ H to H. D(O) = H only possible for bounded operators O (i.e.
with bounded spectrum). In other words, O ∈ L(D(O), H), which is the
space of linear maps between the two spaces.
Definition 1.1 [4] The joint spectrum Sp(O1 , . . . , On ) of such a family of
operators is defined as follows: p ∈ Sp(O1 , . . . , On ) if for any open neigh-
bourhood Vp of this point there is a function f ∈ C0∞ (Rn ) s.t. suppf ⊂ Vp
and f (O1 , . . . , On ) 6= 0.
It is easy to see that for one operator O with purely point spectrum (e.g. the
Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator) Sp(O) is the set of all the eigenvalues.
But the above definition captures also the continuous spectrum without using
‘generalized eigenvectors’.
Sp P := Sp(P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 ) ⊂ V + , (6)
1. Hilbert space H.
So far in our collection of observables {Oi }i∈I we have identified only global quanti-
ties like Pµ . (For example, to measure P0 , we would have to add up the energies of
all the particles in the universe of our theory). But actual measurements are per-
formed locally, i.e. in bounded regions of spacetime and we would like to include
the corresponding observables. We have to do it in a way which is consistent with
Poincaré symmetry, spectrum condition and locality (Einstein causality). This is
the role of quantum fields.
∂ |β|
where xα := xα0 0 . . . xα3 3 and ∂ β = (∂x0 )β0 ...(∂x3 )β3
, |β| = β0 + · · · + β3 .
2. The semi-norms kf kα,β := supx∈R4 |xα ∂ β f (x)| give a notion of convergence
in S: fn → f in S if kfn − f kα,β → 0 for all α, β.
R notation (9) is often used also if there is no underlying function, e.g. δ(f ) =:
δ(x)f (x)d4 x = f (0).
• D ⊂ D(φ(f )) ∩ D(φ(f )† ),
• φ(f ) : D → D,
• φ(f )† : D → D.
We say that (φ, D) is an operator valued distribution if for all Ψ1 , Ψ2 ∈ D the map
(b) (Covariance) U (Λ, a)φ(f )U (Λ, a)† = φ(f(Λ,a) ), for all (Λ, a) ∈ P+↑ and
f ∈ S. Here f(Λ,a) (x) = f (Λ−1 (x − a)).
1. Operator valued functions satisfying the Wightman axioms do not exist (we
really need distributions). The physical reason is the uncertainty relation:
Measuring φ strictly at a point x causes very large fluctuations of energy and
momentum, which prevent φ(x) from being a well defined operator. Such
observations were made already in [7], before the theory of distributions was
2. It is possible to choose D = D.
Example: Let H be the symmetric Fock space, then the energy-momentum op-
d3 p d3 p
P = p 0 †
a (p)a(p), ~ =
P p~ a† (p)a(p), (11)
(2π)3 2p0 (2π)3 2p0
where p0 = p2 + m2 , satisfy the spectrum condition and generate a unitary
representation of translations U (a) = eiPµ a . Clearly, Ω = |0i is the unique vacuum
state of this relativistic QM. The Hermitian operator-valued distribution, given in
the function notation by
d3 p
φ0 (x) = (eipx a† (p) + e−ipx a(p)). (12)
(2π)3 2p0
2 Path integrals
The main references for this section are [5, Chapter 6] [6, Chapter 1].
Recall that T φ(x1 )φ(x2 ) = θ(x01 −x02 )φ(x1 )φ(x2 )+θ(x02 −x01 )φ(x2 )φ(x1 ). This
multiplication of distributions by a discontinuous function may be ill-defined
in the Wightman setting. Approximation of θ by smooth functions may be
necessary. Then we obtain tempered distributions.
Today’s lecture:
2.2 Elements of measure theory
1. Def. We say that X is a topological space, if it comes with a family of subsets
T = {Oi }i∈I of X satisfying the following axioms:
• ∅, X ∈ T ,
• j∈J Oj ∈ T ,
• N
j=1 Oj ∈ T .
B(ϕ0 ; J1 , . . . , JN ; ε1 , . . . εN )
:= { ϕ ∈ SR0 | |ϕ(J1 ) − ϕ0 (J1 )| < ε1 , . . . , |ϕ(JN ) − ϕ0 (JN )| < εN }. (17)
• X ∈ M,
• A ∈ M ⇒ X\A ∈ M,
• An ∈ M, n ∈ N, ⇒ A := n=1 An ∈ M.
4. Def. The Borel σ-algebra is the smallest σ-algebra containing all open sets
of X. Its elements are called Borel sets.
and set ZE,C [J] := e− 2 hJ|CJi . This map satisfies the assumptions of the
Bochner-Minlos theorem and gives a measure dµC on SR0 called the Gaussian
measure with covariance (propagator) C. In the physics notation:
1 − 1 R d4 x ϕ(x)(−∆+m2 )ϕ(x)
F (ϕ)dµC (ϕ) = F (ϕ) e 2 D[ϕ]
1 − 1 R d4 x (∂µ ϕ(x)∂ µ ϕ(x)+m2 ϕ2 (x))
= F (ϕ) e 2 D[ϕ], (23)
for any F ∈ L1 (SR0 , dµC ). Since we chose imaginary time, we have a Gaussian
damping factor and not an oscillating factor above. This is the main reason
to work in the Euclidean setting.
Definition 2.2 We say that a Borel probability measure µ on SR0 defines an Osterwalder-
Schrader QFT if this measure, resp. its generating functional ZE : SR → C,
5. (Ergodicity) Define:
Ergodicity requires that for any function A ∈ L1 (SR0 , dµ) and ϕ1 ∈ SR0
1 t
lim A(Ts ϕ1 )ds = A(ϕ)dµ(ϕ). (25)
t→∞ t 0 SR0
For φ4 theory in two-dimensional spacetime these problems were overcome and dµI
satisfying the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms was constructed. It was also shown
that the resulting theory is interacting, i.e. has non-trivial S-matrix. In the next
lecture we will discuss the S-matrix is in the Wightman setting.
3 Scattering theory
The main reference for this section is [3, Chapter 16].
3.1 Setting
We consider a Wightman theory (H, U, Ω, φ, D). Recall the key properties
1. Covariance: U (Λ, a)φ(x)U (Λ, a)−1 = φ(Λx + a),
A.3. hΩ, φ(x)Ωi = 0. This is not a restriction, since a shift by a constant φ(x) 7→
φ(x) + c gives a new Wightman field.
which have all the properties of the (symmetrised) tensor product but take values
in H (and not in H ⊗ H). After all, we know from quantum mechanics, that sym-
metrised tensor products describe configurations of two undistinguishable bosons.
The strategy is suggested by the standard Fock space theory: With the help of
the field φ we will construct certain ‘time-dependent creation operators’ t 7→ A†1,t ,
t 7→ A†2,t s.t.
• Construction of A†t .
3.3 Definition of A†t
The operators A†t are defined in (41) below. In order to motivate this definition,
we state several facts about the free field. It should be kept in mind that we are
interested in the interacting field, and the following discussion of the free field is
merely a motivating digression.
Recall the definition of the free scalar field:
d3 p
φ0 (x) = (eipx a† (p) + e−ipx a(p)). (36)
(2π)3 2p0
d3 p d3 p
† †
a (f ) := 3 0
a (p)f (p), fm (x) = 3 0
e−ipx f (p), (38)
(2π) 2p (2π) 2p
Now we come back to our (possibly) interacting Wightman field φ and perform
both operations discussed above to obtain the ‘time dependent creation operator’
Z ↔
At := i d3 x φ(h)(t, ~x) ∂ 0 fm (t, ~x), (41)
3.4 Construction of scattering states
Theorem 3.2 (Haag-Ruelle) For f1 , . . . , fn with disjoint supports, the following
limits exist
† †
n = lim A1,t . . . An,t Ω, (42)
† †
n = lim A1,t . . . An,t Ω (43)
where in the last step we used the first item above. Hence φ(h)(x)Ω are
single-particle states of mass m.
For n = 2 we set Ψt := A†1,t A†2,t Ω and try to verify the Cauchy criterion:
Z t2 Z t2
kΨt2 − Ψt1 k = k ∂τ Ψτ dτ k ≤ k∂τ Ψτ kdτ. (46)
t1 t1
If we manage to show that k∂τ Ψτ k ≤ c/τ 1+η for some η > 0 then the Cauchy
criterion will be satisfied as we will have
1 1
kΨt2 − Ψt1 k ≤ c η − η . (47)
t1 t2
(Note that we use the completeness of H here i.e. the property that any Cauchy
sequence converges).
Thus we study ∂τ Ψτ . The Leibniz rule gives
Since (∂τ A†i,τ )Ω = 0 by the first part of the proof, only the term with the com-
mutator above is non-zero. To analyze it, we need some information about KG
• Def. For the KG wave-packet fi,m we define the velocity support as
Vi = | p ∈ suppfi (49)
and let Viδ be slightly larger sets.
• Fact. For any N ∈ N we can find a cN s.t.
cN ~x
|fi,m (τ, ~x)| ≤ N
for ∈ / Viδ . (50)
τ τ
Due to (50), the contributions to k[(∂τ A†1,τ ), A†2,τ ]Ωk coming from the part of the
integration region in (41) where ~xτ ∈
/ Viδ , are rapidly vanishing with τ . So we only
have to worry about the dominant parts:
Z ↔
Ai,t := i d3 x φ(h)(t, ~x) ∂ 0 fi,m (t, ~x). (51)
Since V1δ , V2δ are disjoint, the Wightman axiom of locality gives for sufficiently
large τ .
†(D) †(D) cN
k[(∂τ A1,τ ), A2,τ ]Ωk ≤ . (52)
This concludes the proof.
Ŝ = (W out )† W in . (55)
d3 k1 d3 p n
† †
h0|a(f1 ) . . . a(f` )Ŝa (g1 ) . . . a (gn )|0i = . . . f1 (k1 ) . . . gn (pn )×
(2π)3 2k10 (2π)3 2p0n
` n
(−i)n+` Y 2 Y
× √ (ki − m2 ) (p2j − m2 )×
( Z)n+` i=1 j=1
Z P` Pn
× d4 x1 . . . d4 x` d4 y1 . . . d4 yn ei i=1 ki xi −i j=1 pj yj ×
By analytic continuation one can relate the Green functions to Schwinger functions.
The latter can be studied using path integrals as explained in the previous lecture.
This led to a proof that for φ4 in 2-dimensional spacetime Ŝ 6= I [9]. It is a
big open problem if there is a Wightman theory in 4-dimensional spacetime with
Ŝ 6= I.
The notation Ŝ is used to avoid confusion with the Schwartz class S.
4 Renormalization
Main references for this section are [10, 11].
for some Borel measure dµ and J ∈ SR . (We changed eiϕ(J) to eϕ(J) , where J ∈ SR ,
making use of the Osterwalder-Schrader axiom of analyticity).
Today we will attempt to construct this measure in λφ4 theory. This endeavor
will not be completely successful. In the end we will obtain GE,n as power series
in the coupling constant λ whose convergence we will not control. Thereby we will
abandon the Wightman/Osterwalder-Schrader setting and delve into perturbative
QFT. Strictly speaking, we will also abandon the realm of quantum theories, as
there will be no underlying Hilbert space and thus no control that transition prob-
abilities of physical processes take values between zero and one. On the positive
side, the finiteness of individual terms in this expansion will be an interesting
problem in the theory of differential equations.
Introduce the physical parameters via ϕB = Zϕ, mB = Zm m, λB = Zλ λ. This
SE [ϕ] = d4 x ∂µ ϕ∂ µ ϕ + m2 ϕ2
Zλ Z 2 4
1 1 2
+ d4 x (Z − 1)∂µ ϕ∂ µ ϕ + (Zm Z − 1)m2 ϕ2 +
2 2 4!
= SE,0 [ϕ] + SE,I [ϕ]. (58)
Let us start with the free action SE,0 . The corresponding generating functional is
R 4
d p J(p)C(p)J(p)
ZE,0 [J] = e = eϕ(J) dµC (ϕ), (59)
b b
1 −SE,0 [ϕ]
dµC (ϕ) = ” e D[ϕ]”, (60)
where C(p) = p2 +m2 and dµC is the corresponding Gaussian measure given formally
where we also introduced a finite volume V . Of course, when we try to take the
limit Λ0 → ∞, we will get back divergent expressions. The idea of renormalization
is to absorb these divergencies into the parameters in SE,I,(V ) (therefore we added
a superscript Λ0 ). For simplicity, we rename the coefficients from (58) as follows:
d4 x aΛ0 ∂µ ϕ∂ µ ϕ + bΛ0 ϕ2 + cΛ0 λϕ4 .
SE,I,(V ) [ϕ] = (64)
• ΣΛ,Λ0 [J] := − log (N ZEΛ,Λ0 [(CΛΛ0 )−1 J]) + 21 hJ|(CΛΛ0 )−1 Ji generates (regular-
ized) connected amputated Schwinger functions with subtracted zero-order
contribution GΛ,Λ 0
E,r≥1,a,c,n .
i.e. a series whose convergence we do not control. (Order by order the limit
V → R4 can be taken, so we will not discuss it anymore). Similarly, we treat the
coefficients from the interaction Lagrangian as formal power series:
aΛ 0 = λr aΛr 0 , bΛ0 = λr bΛr 0 , cΛ0 = λr cΛr 0 . (67)
r≥1 r≥1 r≥1
exist and are finite, and the renormalisation conditions (68) hold.
The physical meaning of our RC is not so direct, since we are in the Euclidean setting.
Before substituting our n-point functions to the LSZ formula for the S-matrix, they have to be
analytically continued to the real time and transferred to the on-shell renormalization scheme.
Example: Consider the leading contribution to the two-point and four-point func-
S1,2 (p) = ......O...... + ......x......
d4 q Λ 0
= 12c1 C (q) + 2(aΛ1 0 p2 + bΛ1 0 ),
(2π)4 0
(q 2 +m2 )
d4 q
Λ0 1 −
= 12c1 4 2 2
e Λ20 +2(aΛ1 0 p2 + bΛ1 0 ), (70)
(2π) q + m
| {z }
I Λ0
S1,4 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) = 4!cΛ1 0 . (71)
For any finite Λ0 the integral above is convergent, but it diverges for Λ0 → ∞.
We have to choose the behavior of aΛ1 0 , bΛ1 0 , cΛ1 0 s.t. this divergence is compensated
and the RC are satisfied. We get from the three RC conditions, respectively,
Hence, cΛ1 0 = 1/4!, bΛ1 0 = −(1/4)I Λ0 , aΛ1 0 = 0 and thus bΛ1 0 absorbs the divergence
of the integral I Λ0 .
• limΛ→Λ0 ΣΛ,Λ0 [J] = SE,I [J] since limΛ→Λ0 CΛΛ0 (p) = 0 and therefore, formally,
limΛ→Λ0 dµC Λ0 (ϕ) = δ(ϕ)D[ϕ].
d4 p
1 Λ,Λ0
∂Λ Sr,n (p) = (∂Λ CΛΛ0 )(p)Sr,n+2 (p1 , . . . , pn−1 , p, −p)
2 (2π)4
1 X n Λ,Λ
− 0−1
[Sr0 ,n00 (p1 , . . . , pn0 −1 )(∂Λ CΛΛ0 )(q)SrΛ,Λ 0
00 ,n00 (−q, pn0 , . . . , pn−1 )]sym ,
2 0 00
r +r =r
n0 +n00 =n+2
With the help of the above equation one proves the following theorem:
Given this, the structure of the flow equation suggests the inductive scheme as in
the figure: Indeed, we can start the induction in the region where (74) holds and
therefore the estimate from Theorem 4.3 is satisfied. We suppose the estimate
holds for
Indeed, without assuming connectedness we clearly have vanishing of these functions for
n > 4r. Now (r − 2) verticies need to use at least two lines to keep the diagram connected. 2
verticies need to spend only one line. So altogether n > 4r − 2(r − 2) − 2.
• (r, n1 ) for n1 ≥ n + 2.
we can apply the estimate to this r.h.s. Then (after quite some work) the flow
equation gives the required estimate on the Sr,n , which appears on the l.h.s. of
the flow equation (73).
5 Symmetries I
Symmetries in physics are described by groups. We recall some definitions and
facts from the theory of groups and their representations following [14, Chapter
1], [15, Chapter 1], [16].
5.1 Groups
1. Def. A group is a set G with an operation · : G × G → G s.t.
2. Examples:
• There is an atlas A(M ) := { ηα : Uα → Oα | α ∈ I } given by some fam-
ily of open sets Oα ⊂ Rn and charts ηα , which are homeomorphisms.
(A homeomorphism is a continuous bijection whose inverse is also con-
• Let Oα,β := ηβ (Uα ∩ Uβ ) ⊂ Rn and let Oβ,α = ηα (Uα ∩ Uβ ) ⊂ Rn . Then
ηα ◦ ηβ−1 : Oα,β → Oβ,α is smooth.
X(f ) = f ◦ γt |t=0 , f ∈ C ∞ (M ). (77)
6. Fact. Given two vector fields X, Y , the commutator [X, Y ](f ) := X(Y (f )) −
Y (X(f )) is again a vector field.
‘forgets’ f and thinks about ∂x∂ i as basis vectors then the expression
If one P
Xx = ni=1 dtd γti (x)|t=0 ∂x∂ i is clearly the tangent vector to t → γt (x) at x.
where f CAB are called the structure constants. In physics one usually defines
the infinitesimal generators4 tA := iX A and writes (80) as
[t , t ] = if CAB tC , (81)
which takes values in O i.e. m(ε1 , ε2 ) = (m1 (ε1 , ε2 ), . . . , mn (ε1 , ε2 )). Since
η −1 (0) = e, we have m(ε1 , 0) = ε1 and m(0, ε2 ) = ε2 . Consequently
∂mi ∂mi
(0, 0) = (0, 0) = δi,j . (83)
∂εj1 ∂εj2
Given a flow of a vector field γt in G we define the transported flow γ̃t (ε) =
η ◦ γt ◦ η −1 (ε) = (γ̃t1 (ε), . . . , γ̃tn (ε)).
d i ∂mi
γ̃A,t (ε)|t=0 = A (ε, 0). (84)
dt ∂ε2
Then these fields are left-invariant. Furthermore, they are linearly indepen-
dent near e and thus span the Lie algebra.
d d
XηA−1 (ε) (f ) = f (γA,t ◦ η −1 (ε))|t=0 = f˜(γ̃A,t (ε))|t=0
dt dt
n ˜ n
X d i ∂f X ∂mi ∂ f˜
= (γ̃A,t (ε))|t=0 i (ε) = A
(ε, 0) i
(ε). (85)
dt ∂ε i=1
∂ε 2 ∂ε
∂ 2 mC ∂ 2 mC
with f CAB = ∂εA B (0, 0) − ∂εB A (0, 0). (Homework).
1 ∂ε2 1 ∂ε2
5.4 Abstract Lie algebras
1. Def. A Lie algebra is a vector space g over the field R together with a bilinear
form [ · , · ] : g × g → g which satisfies
• Antisymmetry: [X, Y ] = −[Y, X] for all X, Y ∈ g.
• Jacobi identity: [X, [Y, Z]] = [[X, Y ], Z] + [Y, [X, Z]] for all X, Y, Z ∈ g.
2. Examples:
• Let V be a vector space over a field K. Then gl(V ) denotes the Lie
algebra of all linear mappings V → V with [X, Y ] = X ◦ Y − Y ◦ X.
• For V = Kn we write gl(n, K) := gl(V ). This is the Lie algebra of all
n × n matrices with entries in K.
• so(3) = { X ∈ gl(3, R) | X T = −X } is the Lie algebra of rotations.
• su(2) = { X ∈ gl(2, C) | X † = −X, Tr(X) = 0 }.
3. Def. Let g, h be Lie algebras. A linear map h : g → h is a Lie algebra
homomorphism if h([X, Y ]) = [h(X), h(Y )]. If h is a bijection, it is called an
4. For example, so(3) and su(2) are isomorphic Lie algebras.
5. Thm. If g is a finite-dimensional Lie algebra then there is a unique, up to
isomorphism, simply-connected Lie group G s.t. G0 = g.
(Recall that a topological space is simply connected if any loop can be con-
tinuously contracted to a point).
6. Fact: If H : G 7→ Ĝ is a Lie group homomorphism then
h(X) = H(exp(tX))|t=0 , X ∈ G0 (88)
is a Lie algebra homomorphism. Furthermore H(exp(tX)) = exp(th(X)) for
all t ∈ R.
7. Thm. Let G, Ĝ be Lie groups and suppose G is simply-connected. Then
a Lie algebra homomorphism h : G0 → Ĝ0 can be lifted to a Lie group
homomorphism H.
3. Recall that so(3) and su(2) are isomorphic Lie algebras. However SO(3)
and SU (2) are not isomorphic Lie groups. In particular, SU (2) is simply
connected, SO(3) is not.
6 Symmetries II
6.1 Representations
1. Def. A group homomorphism D : G → GL(V ) is called a representation.
d(X) = D(exp(tX))|t=0 , for X ∈ G0 (92)
defines a representation of G0 .
6. Thm. Let G be a simply-connected Lie group and G0 its Lie algebra. Let
d : G0 → gl(V ) be a representation. Then there exists a unique representa-
tion D : G → GL(V ) s.t. (92) holds.
7. Def. Let G be a matrix Lie group. We say that a bilinear form b : G0 ×G0 → R
is invariant, if b(gXg −1 , gY g −1 ) = b(X, Y ) for all g ∈ G, X, Y ∈ G0 .
8. Fact. Let d : G0 → gl(V ) be a representation, b an invariant bilinear form
on G0 and {X 1 , . . . , X n } a basis in G0 . Then the Casimir operator
C := b(X A , X B )d(X A )d(X B ) (93)
3. We have (GL(V )/U (1))0 = (GL(V )0 /U (1)0 ) = gl(V )/(iR). The elements of
this Lie algebra are the equivalence classes Y = {Y + iz |z ∈ R}.
4. For equivalence classes we have [d(X A ), d(X B )] = C f CAB d(X C ). But for
any given choice of representatives d(X A ) ∈ d(X A )
[d(X A ), d(X B )] = f CAB d(X C ) − iz A,B I, (96)
where z A,B are called the central charges and the (-) sign in the last formula is
a matter of convention. In the physical notation one defines the infinitesimal
generators T A = id(X A ) so that (96) reads
[T A , T B ] = if CAB T C + iz A,B I. (97)
• One can choose D s.t. eiϕ(g1 ,g2 ) ∈ {±1}. By continuity, eiϕ(g1 ,g2 ) = 1 for
g1 , g2 close to e, hence z A,B = 0.
• Thus D can be lifted to a unitary representation D e of SO(3)
f = SU (2).
More precisely, D(A) = D(Hc (A)), where A ∈ SU (2) and Hc : SU (2) →
SO(3) is the covering homomorphism.
• ker Hc := Hc−1 (e) = Z2 thus SU (2)/Z2 ' SO(3) and every element of
SO(3) corresponds to two elements in SU (2). That is SU (2) is a double
covering of SO(3).
2. We choose a basis in so(3) as follows
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 −1 0
L1 = 0 0 −1 , L2 = 0 0 0 , L3 = 1 0 0 , (100)
0 1 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0
so that eθ~n·L is the rotation around the axis ~n, k~nk = 1, by angle θ.
[J i , J j ] = iεijk J k . (102)
• From quantum mechanics we know that there is only one Casimir opera-
tor J~2 = J12 +J22 +J32 , whose eigenvalues are j(j+1), for j = 0, 1/2, 1, . . ..
• The irreducible representations d(j) are labelled by j and are 2j + 1
• The basis vectors are denoted |j, mi, m = −j, −j + 1, . . . j, where
d(j) (J3 )|j, mi = m|j, mi.
7. Fact: Only for integer j the representation D(j) of SU (2) can be lifted to a
representation of SO(3).
But, as we know from the previous subsection, for any j it can be lifted to
a projective representation of SO(3). In order to accommodate half-integer
spins, we need to justify that the projective representations of SO(3) corre-
spond to rotation symmetry of physical quantum systems. This will be done
later today, using that quantum states are determined up to a phase.
8. For any j = 0, 1/2, 1, . . . and a rotation R given by the axis ~n and angle θ
we define the Wigner functions
(j) ~(j)
Dmm0 (R) := hj, m|e−iθ~n·J |j, m0 i, (103)
where J~(j) denotes here the angular momentum in the representation d(j) .
9. Let us illustrate how the projective character of D(j) (R) for half-integer j
comes about: Consider a rotation R2π by 2π around the ~e3 -axis in the j = 1/2
representation. It can be computed in two ways: First, since rotation by 2π
is equal to identity, we obtain D(1/2) (R) = I. On the other hand, formula
(103) gives
−i2π 23 1 0 e 0
D (R2π ) = e = exp − iπ = = −I. (104)
0 −1 0 eiπ
Since we got two different results, D(1/2) is not a well defined homomorphism
SO(3) → GL(V ) (i.e. representation). But it can still be a well defined
homomorphism SO(3) → GL(V )/U (1) (i.e. projective representation) as
the two results differ only by a sign and thus belong to the same equivalence
2. The Wigner theorem gives corresponding unitary operators U (g). Since they
are determined up to a phase, they form only a projective representation:
e 3 g̃ 7→ Ũ (g̃) ∈ B(H).
G (107)
Strictly speaking, in previous sections we tacitly assumed that the representations act on
finite-dimensional vector spaces, while here H can be infinite dimensional. Fortunately, the
relevant results generalize.
7 Mathematical framework for QED
Main reference for this section is [17, Chapter 7].
• From the ∂ν ε-term of the (109) we get the local Gauss Law
∂µ F µν = j ν (112)
(Noether’s theorem)
• Furthermore, Q is the infinitesimal generator of the global U (1) symmetry,
{Q, φ(0, ~x)} = − φε (0, ~x)|ε=0 = −iφ(0, ~x), (114)
{Q, φ∗ (0, ~x)} = − φ∗ε (0, ~x)|ε=0 = iφ∗ (0, ~x). (115)
Here the Poisson bracket is defined by
3 δF δG δF δG
{F, G} = d z − + ··· (116)
δφ(0, ~z) δπ(0, ~z) δπ(0, ~z) δφ(0, ~z)
where π(z) = ∂(∂∂L0 φ)(z)
is the canonical momentum and the omitted terms
correspond to φ and A. (Note, however, that terms corresponding to A are
not relevant for (115)).
• On the other hand using ∂µ F µν = j ν we can compute
−iφ(0, ~x) = {Q, φ(0, ~x)} = d3 y {j 0 (0, ~y ), φ(0, ~x)}
3 i,0
= d y {∂i F (0, ~y ), φ(0, ~x)} = lim ~ · E(0,
d3 y { ∇ ~ ~y ), φ(0, ~x)}
R→∞ B
= lim ~ ~y ), φ(0, ~x)},
d~σ (~y ) · {E(0, (117)
R→∞ ∂BR
• One possible way out (which we will not follow) is to abandon locality of
charged fields but keep ∂µ F µν = j ν (Quantisation in the Coulomb gauge).
• We will follow instead the Gupta-Bleuler approach, where all fields are local,
but hΨ1 |(∂µ F µν − j ν )Ψ2 i = 0 only for Ψ1 , Ψ2 in some ‘physical subspace’
H0 ⊂ H. This will enforce hΨ|Ψi < 0 for some Ψ ∈ H thus we have to use
‘indefinite metric Hilbert spaces’ (Krein spaces)
Only the first property above is physically important. The role of the last two
properties is to provide a topology on H which is needed for technical reasons (e.g.
density of various domains).
Definition 7.2 A Strocchi-Wightman relativistic quantum mechanics is given by:
It should be mentioned that for gauge theories the standard quantisation prescription
{ · , · } → −i[ · , · ] may fail in general and a detour via ‘Dirac brackets’ is required. However, in
the above situation the simple analogy can be maintained.
1. A Krein space H.
2. A physical subspace H0 ⊂ H s.t. hΨ|Ψi ≥ 0 for Ψ ∈ H0 .
3. The physical Hilbert space Hph := (H0 /H00 )cpl , where H00 := {Ψ ∈ H0 | hΨ|Ψi =
0}. Its elements are equivalence classes [Ψ] = {Ψ + Ψ0 | Ψ0 ∈ H00 }, where
Ψ ∈ H0 .
e+↑ 3 (Λ,
4. A h · | · i-unitary representation P e a) in H s.t. H0 is
e a) 7→ U (Λ,
invariant under U . Then U induces a unitary representation on Hph by
Uph (Λ,
e a)[Ψ] = [U (Λ, e a)Ψ]. We assume that Uph is continuous and satisfies
the spectrum condition.
5. A unique (up to phase) vacuum vector Ω ∈ H0 s.t. hΩ|Ωi = 1 and U (Λ,
e a)Ω =
Definition 7.3 A Strocchi-Wightman QFT is given by:
1. A Strocchi-Wightman relativistic QM (H, H0 , U, Ω).
2. A family of operator-valued distributions (φ` , D), κ ∈ I, ` = 1, 2, . . . rκ s.t.
• I is some finite or infinite collection of indices numbering the types
of the fields corresponding to finite-dimensional representations D(κ) of
Le↑+ = SL(2, C).
• For a fixed κ ∈ I the field φ(κ) = (φ` )`=1,...rκ transform under D(κ) .
(κ) (κ̄)
• For any κ, ` there exists some κ, ` s.t. φ (f )† = φ ¯ (f¯).
` `
• Ω ∈ D and U (Λ,
e a)D ⊂ D for all (Λ,
e a) ∈ e+↑ .
(a) (Locality) If supp f1 and supp f2 are spacelike separated, then
(κ) (κ0 ) (κ) (κ0 )
[φ` (f1 ), φ`0 (f2 )]− = 0 or [φ` (f1 ), φ`0 (f2 )]+ = 0 (118)
in the sense of weak commutativity on D. (Here −/+ refers to commutator/anti-
e a) ∈ P
(b) (Covariance) For all (Λ, e+↑ and f ∈ S
X (κ)
e a)φ(κ) (f )U (Λ,
U (Λ, e a)† = e −1 )φκ`0 (f(Λ,a) ).
D``0 (Λ (119)
(κ ) (κ )
(c) (Cyclicity of the vacuum) D = Span{ φ`1 1 (f1 ) . . . φ`mm (fm )Ω | f1 , . . . fm ∈
S, m ∈ N0 } is a dense subspace of H in the topology given by ( · | · ).
The distributions (φ` , D) are called the Strocchi-Wightman quantum fields.
7.3 Free field examples
7.3.1 Free Wightman fields
1. Suppose first that H is a Hilbert space (i.e. h· | ·i is a positive-definite scalar
product and we can choose H0 = H). Then the above setting is called the
Wightman framework for fields with arbitrary (finite) spin.
2. Let us stay for a moment in this Hilbert space framework. Recall that
finite-dimensional irreducible representations D(κ) of Le↑+ are labelled by two
numbers (A, B). From the physics lecture you know the following free field
• (0, 0): scalar field φ
• 21 , 12 : massive vector field j µ
• 21 , 0 ⊕ 0, 21 : Dirac field ψ
For QED defined Ras above, one can define the electric charge operator by suitably
regularizing Q = d3 y j 0 (0, ~y ).
Theorem 7.6 (Strocchi-Picasso-Ferrari [22]) Suppose that Q is an infinitesimal
generator of the global U(1) symmetry, i.e. for some field φ
∂µ F µν − j ν = −∂ ν (∂ρ Aρ ) (126)
2. The equation (126) comes from a classical Lagrangian with the gauge-fixing
term, e.g.
1 1
Lgf = (Dµ φ)∗ (Dµ φ) − Fµν F µν − (∂µ Aµ )2 . (128)
4 2
Lgf is still invariant under ‘residual’ local gauge transformations s.t. ε(x) =
0. Denote infinitesimal transformations of the fields as δε φ(x) = iε(x)φ(x),
δε φ(x)∗ = −iε(x)φ(x)∗ and δε Aµ (x) = ∂µ ε(x).
where the last equality holds for local gauge transformations but fails for global
(i.e. ε(x)=const). φC is simply the (non-local) charged field in the Coulomb gauge
expressed in terms of the Gupta-Bleuler fields. Indeed, we can see (129) as a gauge
transformation. Then the corresponding transformation applied to the potential
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