Stable Manifold Theorem
Stable Manifold Theorem
Stable Manifold Theorem
1. We will consider the space of curves that approach the fixed point 0
with a certain exponential rate, as shown in Figure 1. In particular,
for each a E s we will consider the set of such curves that begin at
a + y for some y E cu . As before, we do not assume a priori that these
curves are trajectories of the ODE.
2. We will define an integral operator on this space whose fixed points are
solutions of the ODE. Then an application of the Banach fixed point
theorem completes the proof.
for all t 0. (Note that the second of these does not give decay to 0, but
does give some control on growth.)
(The reader familiar with Banach spaces will note that X is in fact a Banach
Fixing a E s , we consider the subspace Xa = {x X | xs (0) = a}.
Here and throughout we will write xs E s and xcu E cu for the parts of
x lying in the stable subspace and centre-unstable subspace, respectively, so
that x = xs + xcu . The goal is to find, for each sufficiently small a E s ,
some x Xa that is a trajectory of the ODE x = f (x). Then we can put
(a) = xcu (0) and conclude that has the properties claimed in the theorem.
(In fact we will not prove that is C 1 , which takes some more work, but
positive invariance and exponential stability will follow from what we show.)
If F (x) 0 then the solution is x(t) = eAt x(0), and in particular eAt x(t) is
constant. So we differentiate this expression and use (3) to get
d At
(e x(t)) = AeAt x(t) + eAt (Ax(t) + F (x(t)))
= eAt F (x(t)).
Integrating, we see that (3) is equivalent to
Z t
x(t) = e x(0) +
eA(ts) F (x(s)) ds,
Now by decomposing everything into the part lying in E s and the part lying
in E cu , we see that x(t) is a solution of (3) if and only if we have
Z t
Pt s
x (t) = e x (0) +
eP (ts) F s (x(s)) ds,
Z t
Q(tT ) cu
Q(ts) cu
x (t) = e
x (T ) +
F (x(s)) ds
for some (and hence every) T 0. The reason for using non-zero values of
T in the second equation is that we have good control on eQ when < 0
but not when > 0, and so by sending T we may observe that
|eQ(tT ) xcu (T )| keQ(tT ) k|x(T )| e(tT ) kxkeT = et kxke(+)T 0,
recalling the relationship between , illustrated in Figure 2. In particular,
we may replace (6) with
eQ(ts) F cu (x(s)) ds.
x (t) =
then x = Px if and only if x solves (3). One may also understand the
motivation behind sending T as follows: for a fixed T , we expect
the first term from (6) to grow exponentially as t , which makes it
difficult to verify the property (Px)(t) 0. By eliminating this term (and
the corresponding growth in the integral), we obtain an expression that is
more tractable in the limit t .
Now we show that P maps Xa to itself, and that it is a contraction,
which will complete the proof by an application of the Banach fixed point
theorem. First we observe that because the non-linear part F of the vector
field f is C 1 with DF (0) = 0, it is Lipschitz on small neighbourhoods of
0, and the Lipschitz constant can be made arbitrarily small by making the
neighbourhood small enough. More precisely, for every > 0 there exists
r > 0 such that if |x|, |y| r then |F (x) F (y)| |x y|.
Now we make a computation that shows both claims in the previous
paragraph. Fix x, y X and let r, be as above. Recall that by the definition
of d(x, y) we have |x(t) y(t)| d(x, y)et for all t 0, and write s =
|xs (0) y s (0)|. Then
|(Px)(t) (Py)(t)|
()s t
t s
t e
t e
e + d(x, y) e
Using the fact that < 0 and > 0, we obtain
e et
t s
t s
e + d(x, y)e
( )
d(x, y) et .
= s +
( )( )
Writing L =