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Mustansiriyah University

College of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Department

Electrical Machines Lab Manual

For Third Year

Prepared by

Asst.Prof. Dr. Amer Mejbel Ali Lect. Dr. Saif Thamer Fadhil

Lect. Dr. Hussein Ghani Abdulkareem Asst. Lect. Zahraa Ghalib Mustafa

Chief Eng. Hisham Muhammad Ali Chief Eng. Wafaa Sulaiman Hussain

Updated Edition 2023

List of Experiments

Exp. Experiment Title Pages


1 To Determine the Efficiency of Three-Phase Transformer 1-6

by Open Delta Test

2 To Separate the Core Losses of Single-Phase Transformer 7 - 13

3 To Study the Parallel Operation of Two Three - Phase 14 - 20


4 To Study the Effect of External Rotor Resistance on the 21 - 26

Performance of Three-Phase Wound Rotor Induction Motor

5 To Determine the Performance Characteristics of Three- 27 - 34

Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor by Load Test

6 To Determine the Performance Characteristics of Three- 35 - 46

Phase Induction Motor From Circle Diagram

7 To Control the Speed of Three-Phase Induction Motor by 47 - 56

Stator Voltage Variation and Variable Frequency Supply

8 To Determine the Parameters of Three-Phase Induction 57-65

Motor by Open and Short Circuit Tests

9 To Determine the Efficiency of Three - Phase Alternator 66 - 72

10 To Determine the Voltage Regulation of Three-Phase 73 - 81

Alternator by Synchronous Impedance Method

11 82 - 89
To Determine the Voltage Regulation of Three - Phase
Alternator by Zero Power Factor Method

12 To Obtain V – Curves and Inverted V-Curves of 90 - 97

Three-Phase Synchronous Motor
‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


To Determine the Efficiency of Three- Phase

Transformer by Open Delta Test

The efficiency of a transformer may be estimated from Open Circuit (O.C) and
Short Circuit (S.C) tests or by performing load test. Small rating transformer can
be subjected to full load test, but it is not possible on large transformers,
particularly because of wastage of large amount of energy, but mainly because of
the difficulty in arranging a suitable load to absorb full load power.
The iron loss (Pi) of the transformer in open-delta method is found out by
supplying rated voltage to the primary side without applying any load to the
secondary. Then the copper losses (Pcu) of the transformer is found out by
turning the secondary side of the transformer open delta and applying power to
the secondary side till the rated current flows through the secondary at rated
condition. Thus, both the iron losses and copper losses are found out. Then
efficiency of the 3-phase transformer at any load is given by
X (3V2 I2 CosØ)
η = ------------------------------------×100%
X (3V2 I2 CosØ) + X² Pcu + Pi
(Referring all items to the secondary side)
X = Full load ratio, i.e. 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125% of full load.
V2 = Secondary voltage per phase .

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


I2 = Rated load current per phase.

CosØ = Power factor of the load.
Pcu = Copper losses of transformer.
Pi = Iron losses of transformer.
1. Make the connection according to circuit diagram as in figure (1).
2. Connect the transformer secondary windings in open delta and switch
(OFF) the secondary winding circuit (the secondary winding circuit now is
open circuit).
3. Connect the transformer primary windings closed delta with power supply
terminals. Apply rated primary voltage to the primary windings.
4. Note down the readings of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeters. The two
wattmeters will read the total core total core losses of transformer.
5. Switch ON of AC power supply on the secondary winding circuit. Now
vary slowly and increase the output voltage from variable power supply,
keeping very strict watch on ammeter go on increasing the voltage till the
current flowing in the circuit becomes equal to the value of rated phase
current of secondary windings.
6. Note down the readings of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter.
7. Switch OFF the power supply back.

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.1‬‬

‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.1‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬
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Observation table:-
1. Rated voltage of primary of 3-phase transformer =
2. Rated voltage of secondary of 3-phase transformer =
3. Rated primary current =
4. Rated secondary phase current =
Primary side Secondary side
Volt current (Pi) wattmeters reading Volt current (Pcu)wattmeters reading

Record the name plate data of the test transformer as in photo of figure-3


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A) Calculate the efficiency of the test transformer at the following
loading conditions :(X=15%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and 125% of
the full load), for the following load types:
i. Resistive load (Cos𝝓=1).
ii. Inductive load (Cos𝝓=0.8 lagging).
B) From part (A) draw in the same graph paper the plot of efficiency
(Y-axis ) vs output power (X-axis) of the transformer for both resistive
and inductive loads.
Take the scale of X-axis ,each 1 cm =100 W.
Take the scale of Y-axis ,each 1 cm =4%.
C) Discuss the plots of part (B).
1-What is the difference between power transformer and distribution
transformer in core losses and copper losses?
2- What is the material commonly used for construction of transformer
core? Draw the B – H curve for this type of ferromagnetic material?
3- If we use in transformer core (i) solid magnetic material, or (ii)
nonmagnetic material, instead of ferromagnetic material, comment on
the consequences?
4- Why we adopt open delta test instead of direct loading test to
calculate the efficiency of large transformers?

‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


To Separate the Core Losses of Single-Phase Transformer

The core losses, also known as iron losses, are the losses that occur in the
magnetic core of the transformer due to the alternating magnetic field.
Separating these losses allows engineers to quantify the energy losses within
the transformer and identify areas for improvement, such as using a more
efficient magnetic core material or optimizing the design to reduce losses.
The flux density (B) in the core of transformer is sinusoidal, and B max is its
maximum value. The hysteresis and eddy current losses components are:
Wh = Kh f Bm n
We = Ke f ² Bm²
Kh = a constant depending upon the weight of core and units employed.
n = an exponent depends upon the magnetic characteristics of the core
material. This termed ″Steinmetz″ constant.
f = frequency of flux.
Ke = a constant, depends upon the resistivity, thickness of lamination,
volume of core materials.
Total core loss (or iron loss) = hysteresis loss + eddy current loss
Wi = K1 f + K2 f ² when Bm is constant or

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


-------- = K1 + K2 f
Wi = total core loss
K1 = Kh Bm n
K2 = Ke Bm ²

The graph between (Wi / f) and (f) would be a straight line ( as in figure. 1).
The interception on (Y- axis) will give the constant (K1) and tangent of the
gradient at (X-axis) gives constant (K2). Knowing (K1) and (K2) the
hysteresis and eddy current losses at any frequency can be determined
separately for a particular maximum flux density.
In performing this experiment, the maximum value of flux density is
maintained constant by keeping the ratio (V/f) constant due to the following
V/f = E/f = 4.44 T A Bm
V = supply voltage
E = Induced voltage in the winding connected to the supply.
T = number of turns of the winding of the transformer.
A = effective area of the iron core of the transformer.

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Figure -1


1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure-2.

2. Run the d.c. motor and adjust its speed such that the alternator
voltage has a frequency equal to the frequency of transformer
(50 Hz).
3. Adjust alternator excitation to such a value that making its
terminal voltage is equal to the rated value of transformer.
4. Record voltage, frequency, speed and the power input.
5. Reduce frequency (by reducing d.c motor speed) to 40 Hz, and
adjust alternator excitation to such a value that applied
voltage/frequency is the same as rated voltage/rated frequency.
Record applied voltage, frequency and power input to

6. Repeat the same steps for a number of values of frequencies

above and below the rated frequency keeping always V/f ratio
7. Switch (OFF) the transformer and stop motor generator set.

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.2‬‬

‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.2‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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Observation Table:-

S.No. Input power Voltage applied to Frequency ------ (V/Hz)
(W) transformer (v) (Hz) f

- Record the name plate data of the test transformer as in photo of



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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


1. Plot the total core loss / cycle (Y-axis) vs frequency (X-axis). Take the
scale of Y-axis each 1cm =0.05 W/Hz, and the scale of X-axis each
2. Evaluate (K1 & K2) corresponding to value of (voltage & frequency).
3. Calculate hysteresis and eddy current losses at rated voltage and
4. Calculate hysteresis and eddy current losses at 50% of rated voltage
and frequency.

1. List the different loses in a transformer?
2. Draw (output-vs-efficiency) of a transformer? What is the condition
for maximum efficiency?
3. If a transformer is operated at rated frequency but at voltage higher
than the rated value, what do you expect the following quantities to
a) No load current.
b) Hysteresis loss.
c) Eddy current loss.

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


To Study the Parallel Operation of Two Three-Phase Transformers

Modern power system generation transmission and distribution usually have
several transformers that are operated singly or in several parallel
combinations to supply a common load. There are valuable reasons for this
practice. Since the power system load fluctuates during 24 hours period, it is
most economical to have several smaller transformers connected in parallel to
share the common variable load.
Continuity of service is of course, extremely important in the operation of
electrical system. It requires several transformers connected in parallel, so that
break down of a transformer does not involve the complete interruption.
It is a good practice to give transformer periodic inspection to avoid the
possibility of failures of the system. So, service continuity is maintained
without shut down of the whole system. As the future demand increases in a
system it is easy to install another transformer in parallel to other rather than
replacing the existing system by completely new system.
For the successful operation in parallel, the transformers must satisfy the
following conditions:
1. The voltage ratings of the primary windings, as well as the secondary
windings must be the same, i.e. the transformers must have the same
voltage ratio.

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2. Secondary voltage of one transformer must be in phase with the

secondary voltage of the other transformer with respect to load .Both
transformers should have the same phase sequence.
3. Equivalent impedances of the two transformers (ohmic values) referred
to the same windings, should be inversely proportional to their KVA
4. The ratio of the equivalent resistance to the equivalent reactance for
both transformers should be same.
5. The two transformers share load according to their ratings.
A three phase transformer is connected in several ways Y-Y, ∆-∆, Y-∆, ∆-Y.
The following combinations are possible for parallel operation.

First Transformer Second Transformer


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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


1. Take two identical transformers (Y-Y) and (Y-Y) combination given
above and complete the circuit diagram as shown in figure-1.
2. Keep all switches (OFF).
3. Be sure that the power supply is at its minimum value at the time of
switching (ON).
4. Check the phase sequence of both the transformers with the help of
phase sequence indicators, by applying rated primary voltage to the
transformer. If the phase sequence indicators (lamps) are not
available, then both the voltmeters connected in secondaries of the
transformers must read ZERO or (all lamps are dark), the
connections are correct in phase. If one or both the voltmeters are
read same voltage instead of ZERO or (one lamp is dark and the
remaining two lamps is glow) the connections are not correct in
phase. In that case, you should change the phases.
5. If the connection is correct in phase, switch (S2) is made (ON). Now
both the transformers are in parallel.
6. Now changing the three phase resistive load, go on recording two to
three readings.

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.3‬‬

‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.3‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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Observation Table:-
Load current
First Second Primary Load shared by two Total load
Transformer Transformer Voltage resistance transformers (A) current
(V) (Ω) (A)

First second
Y-Y Y-Y R"

- Record the name plate data of the test transformer as in photo of



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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


1. Determine the rating for each transformer in (VA) for different load
2. Draw in one graph paper the relation between VA and load current step in
each transformer. Take the VA on (Y-axis) and loading current step on (X-
axis), and take the following scale:
Each (1cm) for each (50VA)
Each (1cm) for each (0.05A)
3. Discuss the above curve.
1. What are the features of star and delta connected windings?
2. What will happen if transformers are connected in parallel without
satisfying the necessary conditions?
3. Out of the conditions for successful parallel operation listed above,
state which of the conditions must be strictly satisfied and which of the
conditions permit deviation?
4. What do you mean by transformer connection Yd1 and Dy11?
5. Draw the connection diagram for two parallel transformers with (Δ-Δ)
connected ?
6. Why the following connections are not possible for parallel operation?
First Transformer Second Transformer
Y-Y Y- Δ

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To Study the Effect of External Rotor Resistance on the

Performance of Three-Phase Wound Rotor Induction Motor

The torque in a wound rotor I.M. with no external resistance is given
by the following relation:
S R2
Torque α -----------
(S X2)²
Where, X2 = per phase leakage reactance of rotor winding at
stand still.
R2 = per phase resistance of rotor winding
S = slip
Since X2 is constant for a given motor, so the torque is inversely
proportional to the slip and directly proportional to rotor resistance.
Torque α ----------
When it is required to increase the starting torque, the usual practice
is to insert extra resistance into the rotor circuit and remove this
resistance as the motor accelerates because the copper losses in the

‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


rotor winding with extra resistance would be high which fall the
motor efficiency.
1. Make circuit connections as shown in the circuit diagram, figure (1).
1. Start the I.M. with reduced voltage by using of an auto transformer.
2. Suitable external resistances are to be selected after seeing the rating of
the motor.
3. Now load test is to be performed for different values of the external rotor
4. Set a particular value of external rotor resistance (say R2') in all the
5. Excite the eddy current brake which is coupled with the motor as a load,
by varying the d.c. source to obtain 110 volt.
6. Switch (ON) the load switch.
7. Note down the reading of instruments placed on motor side and eddy
current brake side.
8. Repeat twice the step No. 3 for another value of external rotor resistance
R2'' and R2'''.
9. For each step above, put the values in observation table -1

‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.4‬‬

‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.4‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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Observation Table:-
Table -1
Test motor Eddy current brake
Voltage Current Power Speed Vd.c I d.c Torque
(V) (A) (W) (r.p.m.) (V) (A) (N.m)

- Record the name plate data of the test three phase wound rotor
induction motor as in photo of figure-3

4.0kW 17.1/9.9A 0.80 1410 r.p.m 21



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1- Calculate the test motor output power (in H.P), slip, power factor, and
efficiency for each case of R2.
2 - Draw on one graph paper the relation between output power and
torque, slip, P.F for each case of R2. Take out put power in (x- axis) and
torque, slip, P.F in (y- axis) with the following scale:
 For output power each 1cm = 100watt
 For torque each 1cm = 1 N.m
 For slip each 2cm= 0.02
 For P.F each 3cm= 0.1
3- Comment the effects of increasing resistances in the rotor circuit on
the performance of the test motor.
1. Discuss the ratios of no load current, and starting current of three
phase induction motor to its rated value?
2. Explain the applications of three phase wound rotor I.M?
3. Why is the starting torque increased by providing external resistance
on the wound rotor type induction motor?
4. Why does an induction motor always works on lagging P.F?
5. What are the advantages of adding an external resistance to the rotor
circuit of three-phase wound rotor induction motor?

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


To Determine the Performance Characteristics of Three-

Phase Squirrel- Cage Induction Motor by Load Test

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the performance of 3-phase
SCIM when it is supplying a variable load, the following are the main
1. Speed- Load Characteristics:
The induction motor has drooping characteristics like d.c. shunt motor.
The fall in speed is not very much from no-load to full load.
2. Input Current- Load Characteristics:
The no-load current is approximately 0.2 to 0.3 times full load current. As
load increases, the current rises rapidly. The variation of input current
becomes linear after 75% of full load.
3. Efficiency- Load Characteristics:
The most common losses in induction motor are
(i) Constant losses: composed stator core losses, friction, bearing and
windage losses. These losses vary slightly from no load to full load.
(ii) Variable losses: composed of rotor and stator copper losses, and rotor
iron loss (a rotor iron loss is very small).

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


The efficiency of I.M. increase from no-load to near full load. The efficiency is
maximum for the load at which the variable losses are equal to constant losses.
The maximum efficiency lies between 75% to 85% of full load. The efficiency
again drops if load is increased more than full load. This is because of sharp rise
in copper losses.
4- Power Factor-Load Characteristics:
The induction motor stator current is made up the following components:
1. Magnetizing component of current to develop the rotating magnetic field.
This component is purely reactive.
2. A component to supply the stator copper loss and stator iron loss.
3. A component to balance the rotor current. At no-load, the motor is
required to develop power only to supply the friction, and windage loss,
and therefore the rotor current, which depends upon the rotor power
developed, is very small. Out of three component at no-load, component
(1) is comparatively very large and hence the input current power factor at
no-load is very low.
As the load on the motor shaft increases, component (3) increases, rotor current
has got a large active component, and therefore, with the increase in motor
output, the input power factor improves.

‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


1. Connect the SCIM as shown in figure (1).
2. Make the star–delta switch on star connection, so the stator winding
are connected through a star connection during the starting period.
When the motor speed reaches about 80% of its rated speed, the star–
delta switch will be changed to delta connection of stator winding.
3. Start the motor without load, keeping load switch (OFF) by varying
slowly the supply voltage till rated voltage is applied and motor attains
steady state rated no-load speed. Record the applied voltage, current
and power at input side and speed also.
4. Check properly that the load (eddy current break) is coupled with
motor. Vary d.c. source to obtain 110 Volt applied to eddy current
break .
5. Switch (ON) the load switch, keeping the load at minimum value.
6. Gradually increase the load on the motor. This is being done by
gradually reduce the variable resistance of eddy current brake .
7. Take 5 or 6 sets of reading of supply, input current, input power ,speed,
and d.c. load current.
8. Take readings for 110% loading condition.
9. Note down all readings in the observation table as shown in table-1.
10.Reduce the load and stop the motor.

‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ ‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.5‬‬

‫‪Figure -1‬‬
‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.5‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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Observation Table:-
Test motor Load and torquemeter
Voltage Current Power Speed Vd.c I d.c Torque
(V) (A) (W) (r.p.m.) (V) (A) (N.M)

- Record the nameplate data of the three phase sequirrel cage motor
as in photo in figure (3).

220/380V 20.2/11.7A 5.5kW

0.85 50
1450 r.p.m

Figure -3

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‫مختبر المكائن الكهربائية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬


Calculation Sheet:-
Calculate motor output power ,efficiency, and power factor, from the test
readings and put are in the table (2) as shown below:
Speed Output
S.No. (r.p.m) Input current Efficiency Power factor power (W)
(A) (%)

A- Plot the all following characteristics on one graph paper:
1. Speed vs output power.
2. Power factor vs output power.
3. Efficiency vs output power.
4. Input current vs output power.
Take out put power in (X- axis) ,and speed, P.F, efficiency, input current in
(Y- axis) with the following scale:
 For output power each 1cm = 100 W.
 For speed each 1cm = 2 r.p.m (take the first value of speed
 For P.F each 1cm=0.05
 For efficiency each 1cm = 10%
 For input current each 1cm= 0.1A

B- Comment on the above four plots.

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1. Why does speed of an I.M. fall as the load torque is increased?
2. Why it is necessary to start an I.M. at reduced voltage?
3. The fuse in one of the supply phases of a running 3-phase I.M.
blows off. Will the motor continue to run at ( i) original speed
(ii) reduced speed (iii) come to stand still?
4. How can the direction of rotation in I.M. be reversed?
5. Why the power factor of induction motor low at no-load and
increase as load increasing?
6. Is it possible to do this experiment without using a star- delta
7. Why does the speed of IM never reach the synchronous speed?

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To Determine the Performance Characteristics of

Three-Phase Induction Motor From Circle Diagram

The circle diagram of an induction motor is a very convenient means of
obtaining the induction motor performance under different loading conditions.
This circle diagram is a locus of stator current under certain valid
assumptions. This locus is drawn using the test data obtained from the no load,
blocked rotor test and measuring the stator resistance, as following:

A) No load test:
If the motor is running at rated voltage and frequency without any mechanical
load on its shaft, It will draw power corresponding to its no load loss (iron loss
and mechanical loss). The current drawn under no load condition will have
two components, active component and magnetizing component, , the active
component is being very small, so the p.f. of the motor at no load is very low.
No load test gives one point on the current locus.
B) Blocked rotor test:
This test will give second point on the current locus. The stator is supplied
with reduced voltage, rated frequency, and the rotor is blocked. The power
input, input current and applied voltage are recorded. Convert the data to rated

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The input power to I.M. during blocked rotor test is wholly consumed in the
stator and rotor copper losses. The total equivalent resistance of the stator and
rotor can be obtained by input power and short circuit current.

C) DC resistance test:
The stator resistance (R1) is measured by simple ammeter voltmeter method,
which is obtained by giving d.c. supply to stator circuit (as in figure.1). This is
known as Rd.c., and R1 is obtained from R1= 1.25 Rd.c.

Preparing to draw the circle diagram of the test motor:

From the values of the no-load and blocked rotor currents at rated voltage
and frequency, the corresponding power factors, and stator resistance, the
completed circle diagram is drawn (as in figure.3).
Take V1 (motor rated voltage) as reference vector on Y- axis. (OA) is equal
to no load current (Io) at an angle ( Øo ),which can be calculated from:
Cos Øo = ---------------
√3 V1 Io
Where (Po) is the no load power input at rated voltage and frequency.
Convert the data obtained during blocked rotor test to rated short circuit
values. If (Vb) is the reduced voltage at which blocked rotor test was
performed, Ib the input current, and Pb the motor power under blocked-rotor
test, these values are converted to actual short circuit values as follows:

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Isc = Ib ( ---------- )
Psc = Pb ( ----------) ²
Pb Psc
Cos Ø sc = ---------------- = ----------------
√3 Vb Ib √3 V1 Isc

Stator copper losses at stand still = 3 Isc ² R1 .

Rotor copper losses at stand still = Psc – 3 Isc ² R1.
(OC) equal to Isc at an angle Øsc , is now drawn.
(A & C) are then two points on the current locus.

Steps to draw circle diagram (see figure.3 and use current scale of 1cm =
1- After assigning points (A & C), draw line (AC), and from point A draw line
(AL) parallel to X- axis.
2- From center of (AC) draw line perpendicular to (AC) and cut line (AL) at
point X.
3- From point X, use a compass to draw a semi-circle with a radius of (XA).
4- Use compass to assign rated operating point P, with radius of (OP), where
(OP) represent motor rated current.
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ΦF. L is the angle between (OP) and V1, which can be measured by protractor
in degrees, so full load power factor is (cos ΦF. L).

5- From point O draw a line (ON) tangent to the semi-circle. Φmax is the angle
between (ON) and V1, so best power factor is (cosΦmax).
6- Divide CE (which represents per phase Psc) such that:
CD Per phase rotor Cu losses at stand still Psc/ph – Isc ² R1 R2
----- = --------------------------------------------------- = --------------------- = -----
DE Per phase stator Cu losses at stand still Isc ² R1 R1
Where, R2 is the rotor resistance referred to stator per phase.
7-The line (AC) is known as output line, and the line (AD) is the torque line.
8-For any operating point P (rated condition for this experiment) on circle
diagram, the entire per phase performance can be obtained by drawing
perpendicular line (PT), then:
Input current = OP
Power output = PQ
Rotor Cu-loss = QR
Stator Cu-loss = RS
No-load losses = ST
Power input = PT
Rated torque (Tr) in synchronous watts = PR

Rotor Cu-losses QR
Slip = -------------------------- = -------
Rotor input power PR

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9- Draw a line parallel to output line (AC) and tangential to semi-circle. If it

meets at point P′, draw line (P′ R′) parallel to V1, with point R′ on the
output line. Since (P′ R′) is the maximum length of line parallel to V 1(with
its tips on the circle and on AC)this proportional to maximum per phase
output power.

10- Draw a line parallel to torque line (AD) and tangential to semi-circle. If
it meets at point P′′ , draw line (P′′ S′′) parallel to V1 ,which represents the
maximum torque (Tm) , which equal to (V1 * current corresponding to
length P′′ s′′ ) in synchronous watts per phase , so the ratio of (Tm / Tr) of
test motor can be calculated from (P′′ S′′/ PR) ,and the ratio of (Ts / Tr) can
be calculated from (CD / PR).

It should be noted that the circle diagram is basically the locus of current .Any
current component parallel to the voltage (V1) is an active component .When
this active component is multiplied by the voltage, we get the active power in
watts. Similarly any current component perpendicular to the voltage (V1) is a
reactive component .When this reactive component is multiplied by the
voltage, we get the reactive power in VAR.

Tests procedure:-
i. Open circuit test:
a. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.1.
b. Run the motor without a mechanical load on its shaft with rated voltage
and frequency across the stator terminal.
c. Note the readings of the instruments.

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ii. Blocked rotor test:

a. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.1.
b. Hold the rotor stationary by hand and apply reduced voltage to the stator
terminals from variable power supply.
c. Increase the reduced voltage till it gives rated current.
d. Note the readings of the instruments.
iii. Measurement of the stator resistance:
a. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.1
b. Supply a reduced d.c voltage and measure current.
Rd.c total = ------------- Ohms (for 3 phases ),
Rd.c total
Rd.c = ------------- Ohms , R1 = 1.25 Rd.c Ohms/ph

Where the value of Rd.c is depending on the type of stator winding connection
whether it is star or delta.

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.6‬‬

‫‪Figure -1‬‬
‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.6‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.6‬‬

‫‪Figure -3‬‬

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Measurement tables:-
a . Open circuit test (no load test):
V1 (volts)
Io (amps)
Po (watts)

b. Blocked rotor test (short circuit test):

Vb (volts)
Ib (amps)
Pb (watts)

c. Measurement of stator resistance (D.C resistance test):

Vd.c (volts)
Id.c (amps)

- Record the name plate data of the test motor.

Cos Φo = → Φo =
Cos Φsc = → Φsc =
Io =
I sc =
Psc =

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- Record the name plate data of the test three phase wound rotor
induction motor as in photo of figure-4

Figure -4

1. Based on the results above, draw the test motor circle diagram.
2. Use circle diagram (at rated operating point) to compute:
a. Full load p.f. and best p.f.
b. Efficiency.
c. Rated slip.
d. Tm /Tr.
e. Ts/Tr.

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1. What is the difference between circle diagram method and equivalent
circuit method in calculating the performance of three phase induction
2. How can determine whether the three phase induction motor is working
in stable operation region or not, on the circle diagram?
3. What is the meaning of torque in synchronous-watt?

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To Control the Speed of Three-Phase Induction Motor by

Stator Voltage Variation and Variable Frequency Supply

A three phase induction motor can run only at its rated speed when it is
connected directly to main supply. But many applications need variable speed
operation. Speed control can be achieved from stator side (for all types of IM),
and from rotor side (for wound rotor only).
In stator voltage variation control, the motor speed can be increased by
increasing stator voltage and vice-versa. By decreasing stator voltage motor
torque reduces considerably (torque proportional to the square of applied
voltage) and if the load on motor is sufficient, the stator voltage can be
reduced below a certain value for continuing its running.
The most popular control technique is by generating variable frequency
supply, which has a constant voltage to frequency ratio. This technique is
known variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) control or (VF) control or
(V/f) control.

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Procedure for stator voltage variation control:-

1. Make circuit connection as shown in the circuit diagram of figure (1).
2. Keep the test motor on no load.
3. Keep auto transformer knob at zero position.
4. Switch S (ON).
5. Slowly move the knob of auto transformer, and set the knob at rated
voltage of the test motor. Observe the reading of voltmeter and
ammeter. Measure the speed of the test motor by a stroboscope.
6. Reduce the supply voltage in steps by moving the knob of auto
transformer. Observe the readings of voltmeter, ammeter, and
stroboscope for each step.
7. Load the motor by eddy current brake.
8. Repeat steps 3 to 7.
9. Put the test result in the observation table-1.

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Figure -1
Experiment Schematic Diagram for Stator Voltage Variation Control

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Experiment Real Circuit Diagram for Stator Voltage Variation Control

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Sr. Stator voltage On no load On load

No. (volts)
AC line current Motor speed AC line current Motor speed
(Amps) (r.p.m) (Amps) (r.p.m)

- Record the name plate data of the test three-phase wound rotor
induction motor as in photo of figure-3

4.0kW 17.1/9.9A 0.80 1410 r.p.m 21


Figure-3 Nameplate of WRIM

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Procedure for ( V/f ) control:-

1. Make circuit connection as shown in the circuit diagram of figure (4).
Ensure switch (S) is OFF
2. Set the potential divider of alternator (Rf2) at maximum position.
3. Set the field rheostat of DC motor (Rf1) at minimum position.
4. Switch (ON) the DC supply of DC motor and bring the speed of the set
to synchronous speed of alternator by adjusting (Rf1).
5. Adjust (Rf2) to get rated terminal voltage from alternator. Note down the
voltage in observation table-2.
6. Close switch (S) to supply output voltage of alternator to test motor
(induction motor will start running). Note down the current and speed
of induction motor. Also note down the speed, frequency, and voltage
of alternator in the observation table.
7. Reduce in steps the speed of DC motor by adjusting current, also
alternator speed, voltage and frequency , the value of alternator voltage
and frequency should always have the same ratio (the ratio of V/f is
constant in each step).

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.7‬‬

‫‪Figure -4‬‬
‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram for V/f Control‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.7‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram for V/f Control‬‬

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Induction motor Induction motor Alternator Alternator Induction motor (V/f)

Sr. Stator voltage A.C line current speed Frequency speed ratio
No. (Volts) (Amps) (r.p.m) (Hz) (r.p.m)

Record the name plate data of the test three phase induction motor as
in photo of figure-6 for 0.4 ,figure 7 for 1.1 kW, and of alternator in

Figure-6 Nameplate of small size IM (0.4 kW)

Figure-7 Nameplate of big size IM (1.1 kW)

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Figure-7 Nameplate of Alternator

1. Comment about effect of decrease stator voltage on three phase
induction motor speed.
2. Comment about effect of decrease supply frequency on three phase
induction motor speed.
3. Determine the speed of SCIM by constant (V/F) control at 25 %; 50 %;
and 75% of rated voltage and frequency. Assume rated slip of 4%.
1- Explain why we fixed the ratio of V/f in this experiment?
2- List the methods of speed control of three phase induction motor
from both stator and rotor sides?
3- What does mean by constant torque operation region at speed control
with VVVF ?
4- What does mean by constant power operation region at speed control
with VVVF?
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To Determine the Parameters of Three-Phase Induction

Motor by Open and Short Circuit Tests


The equivalent circuit of an induction motor is similar to a transformer

equivalent circuit because the energy is transferred from stator to rotor is
essential as a transformer operation from primary to the secondary winding.
An equivalent circuit enables the performance characteristics of the induction
motor. The data obtained from the equivalent circuit can be used to
calculate efficiency, torque, losses, rotor output, etc. All per phase quantities
are used in representing the equivalent circuit.

The rotor of induction motor does not receive electric power by conduction
but by induction in exactly the same way as secondary of a two-winding
transformer receives its power from primary. In fact an induction motor can be
treated as a rotating transformer i.e one in which primary winding is stationary
but the secondary is free to rotate. Figure (1) shown the equivalent circuit of
an induction motor where all values have been referred to stator. The
parameters of this equivalent circuit are determined by open and short circuit

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i. Open circuit test:
a. Connect the circuits as shown in figure 2.
b. Run the motor without a mechanical load on its shaft with rated
voltage and frequency across the stator terminal.
c. Note the readings of the instruments.
ii. Blocked rotor test:
a. Hold the rotor stationary by hand and apply reduced voltage to the
stator terminals from variable power supply.
b. Increase the reduced voltage till it gives rated current.
c. Note the readings of the instruments.
iii. DC resistance test:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure 2.
2. Supply a reduced d.c voltage and measure current.
Vd.c R d.c total
Rd.c total = ------------- Ohms , Rd.c = -------------- - Ohms
Id.c 3
R 1 = 1.25 Rd.c Ohms/ph
To calculate per phase motor parameters, all values of voltages and currents
should be per phase.

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Open circuit (No Load) test:-

Figure (1-b) shows the equivalent circuit for open circuit test of an induction
motor. The no load test is carried out with rated value of applied voltage.
The no load input power (Po) is measured by two watt meters, no load
current (Io) is measured by an ammeter and no load terminal voltage (Vr) is
measured by a voltmeter. Which are included in the circuit diagram [figure
As motor is running on light load, the p.f would be low i.e less than (0.5).
Xm = per phase magnetizing reactance.
Rc = per phase resistance whose losses correspond to the iron losses.
Iw = Po ∕ √3 Vr
Rc = Vr ∕ Iw

Qo  Vr  Io 2   Po  VAR /ph


Vr 2
Xo   X1  X m

Short circuit (blocked rotor) test:-

Figure (1-c) shows the equivalent circuit for short circuit test of an induction
motor. This test is used to find:-
1. Short-circuit current with normal voltage applied to stator.
2. Power factor on short-circuit.
3. Total leakage reactance (Xeq) and total resistance (Req) of the motor.
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In this test, a reduced voltage (20 to 25 percent of rated value) is applied to

the stator terminals and so adjusted that a full load motor current is flow in
the stator.
In this test (S = 1), this means that R′2 ∕ S is equal to R′2 which is the
resistance of the rotor referred to the stator side.
Because Is.c is much greater than the magnetizing (no load) current Io, we
can neglect the magnetizing branch and now the equivalent circuit educes
to that shown in figure (1-c).

Rbr 
Pbr / 3 , R2  Rbr  R1
I br

Qbr  Vbr  I br 2  ( Pbr / 3) 2 VAR /ph

X br  2
I br

For WRIM X1 = X2 = Xbr /2

Finally , Xm = Xo – X1

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.8‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.8‬‬

‫‪Figure -2‬‬
‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.8‬‬

‫‪Figure -3‬‬
‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬
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- Record the nameplate data of the three-phase induction motor

as in photo in figure (4).

Figure -4

Report :-
Draw the exact equivalent circuit of a three-phase
induction motor , and assigning on it the values of six
parameters calculated from this experiment, with
mention the details of calculating these parameters.

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1. If the blocked rotor test is to be performed on a wound
rotor motor, and if the rotor winding is kept open, will you be
able to perform the test?Why?
2. Comment on the values of X1 & X2 if we use different
motor NEMA designs (A, B, C, D)?

3- Why it is very important to determine the parameters

values of an IM before applying a real loading condition?

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To Determine the Efficiency of Three - Phase Alternator

In order to calculate the efficiency of an alternator, it is first necessary to
determine the various losses in it. Calculation of alternator losses is
important for two reasons. Losses determine the efficiency and influence the
operating cost of the machine, and losses determine the heating of machine.
With the alternator or synchronous generator operating under load, the
following losses are obtained:

1. Rotational losses:
a) Friction and windage.
b) Brush friction at the field connector rings.

2. Electrical losses:
a) Field winding copper losses.
b) Armature winding copper losses.

3. Magnetic losses:
Hysteresis and eddy currents losses in the stator core.

4. Losses in the exciter used for field excitation.

5. Stray load losses.

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1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure (1).
2. Switch (OFF) load switch (S), i.e. load on alternator should be
3. Run the d.c shunt motor and bring the speed of the set to rated
synchronous speed of alternator by adjusting field current of d.c
4. Excite the field circuit of the alternator such that the alternator
generates rated output voltage.
5. Note the values of Vd.c, Id.c, output power by d.c motor, Va.c, Ia.c, If
and Vf.
6. Switch (ON) the load switch (S), keeping the load resistance at
maximum value, i.e minimum load current.
7. Increase the load on the alternator by varying the load resistance in
several steps.
8. Adjust the speed of motor to keep at synchronous speed of
9. Adjust the field of the alternator to keep the generated terminal
voltage close to the rated value in all set of observations.
10. Increase the resistive load on the alternator till it gives rated
output at full load.
11. Repeat the same procedure for inductive and capacitive load.
12. Stop the motor and disconnect the circuit connections.

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.9‬‬

‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬
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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.9‬‬

‫)‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram (for resistive load‬‬

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Observation tables:-
1- D.C motor (prime mover):

Id.c (A) T (N.m)

2- Alternator (for resistive , inductive , and capacitive loads):

Id.c (A)
(prime Va.c (V) Ia.c Vf If
mover) cosØ
(A) (V) (A)

- Record the name plate data of the test three phase Alternator as in
photo of figure-3


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 Output of d.c motor = w * T in Watt ,
Where: w: angular velocity in ( rad / sec) = 2л N / 60 ,
N: prime mover speed in r.p.m.
 T: torque in (N.m) ,which can be assigned from the plot of (T & Idc) of
prime mover.
 Total input to alternator = w * T + Vf If in Watt.
 Output of the alternator = √3 Va.c Ia.c cosØ in Watt .
 The efficiency of the alternator will be,
Output of alternator √3 Va.c Ia.c cosØ
ηalt = -------------------------- * 100% = ------------------------ * 100%
Input to alternator W * T + V f If

1- Plot the relation between Torque (Y-axis) & Idc (X-axis) for dc
motor (prime mover), which is used to obtain the value of torque
(T) at each value of (Idc). Take the scale of Y-axis (1cm=1N.m),
the scale of X-axis (1cm=1A).
2- Plot the relation between ηalt (Y-axis) & Ia.c (X-axis ) for
resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads in one graph paper. Take
the scale of Y-axis (1cm=5%), the scale of X-axis (1cm=0.2A).

3- Comment on the three plots in (2).

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1. What are the losses taking place in an alternator?
2. Why do you keep the alternator speed constant in this
3. What are the main effects of losses on the performance of the
4. What do you mean by stray load loss of an alternator?
5. Why the efficiency of large size alternator should be larger
than that of small size?

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To Determine the Voltage Regulation of Three-Phase

Alternator by Synchronous Impedance Method

The voltage regulation (V.R) of synchronous generator is the rise in terminal
voltage of an isolated machine when full load current at a given power factor
is thrown off, keeping excitation and speed constant, or (it is the difference
between the no load voltage and the full-load voltage expressed in percent of
full-load voltage with constant excitation and speed).
Eo – Vt
%V.R = ------------------ * 100% , where:
Vt = full load terminal voltage.
Eo = no load voltage on terminal voltage after full load is thrown off.
The purpose of this experiment is the determination of voltage regulation by
carrying out the open circuit and short circuit characteristic on 3- phase
alternator to calculate synchronous impedance (Z s), hence this method is
called synchronous impedance method . Since this method is based on the
calculation of (Eo) , so is also called E.M.F method. The change in terminal
voltage when full load is thrown off is due to armature resistance drop,
leakage reactance drop and armature reaction effect.

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The effect of armature reaction depends upon the magnitude of armature

current and power factor of the load.
This effect can be classified as:
I. Cross magnetizing for resistive load.
II. Magnetizing for capacitive load.
III. Demagnetizing for inductive load.
The V.R will be positive for resistive and inductive load and negative for
capacitive load.
1. Open circuit test:
a) Connect the circuit as shown in figure (1), switch S is open .
b) Start the prime mover (D.C motor) and adjust the speed to
synchronous speed of alternator. Note down the value of
residual voltage at zero field current.
c) Excite the field circuit of alternator. Increase in steps the
field current slowly to such a value when it gives rated
terminal voltage at no load. Take 5 or 6 readings.
2. Short circuit test:
Note: This test is to be carried out very carefully.
a) Connect the circuit as shown in figure (1), switch S
is closed.
b) Start the prime mover (DC motor) and bring the
alternator to its rated synchronous speed without
exciting field current.
c) Now gradually increase excitation till full load
current circulates in alternator winding. Note the
variation of short circuit current and field current.
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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.10‬‬

‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.10‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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Observation table:-
O.C.C test S.C.C test
Field current No load phase voltage Field current Armature current
(A) (V) (A) (A)

- Record the name plate data of the three phase alternator as in

photo of figure-3

Figure -3

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3- Measurement of effective resistance of armature winding (Ra):

a) Connect the diagram as shown figure.(1b).
b) Apply reduced d.c. voltage, measure current.
Vd.c d.c total
Rd.c total = ------------- Ohm , Rd.c = ------------- Ohm/ph
Id.c 3
R 1 = 1.25 Rd.c Ohm/ph
The value of Rd.c is depending on the type of armature winding connection
whether it is star or delta.

Calculation of voltage regulation :-

The synchronous impedance (Z s) may be calculated as follows:

Vo.c [ open circuit phase voltage ]

Z s = ----------------------------------------------------- , for same field current
Isc [short circuit current (Rated current) ]
X s = √(Z s² – Ra.c²)
→ → →
Eo = Vt + Ia Z s
Eo = √ [(Vt CosØ + Ia Ra) ² + (Vt SinØ + Ia X s) ² ] , for lagging p.f
Eo = √ [(Vt CosØ + Ia Ra) ² + (Vt SinØ − Ia X s) ² ] , for leading p.f
Eo = √ [(Vt + Ia Ra) ² + ( Ia X s) ² ] , for unity p.f

So , percentage voltage regulation is equal to

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|Eo| – |Vt|
V.R% = --------------- * 100%
1. Draw the open circuit & short circuit characteristic on
one graph paper by selecting a proper scale for voltage and
current as in figure (4). Take the scale of field current
(1cm=0.1A), armature current (1cm=0.5A), and phase
voltage (1cm=10 V).
1. Calculate the percentage voltage regulation of alternator
at 0.8 p.f lagging; 0.8p.f leading, and unity p.f.
2. Draw the alternator phasor diagram for each case in (1).
3. Comment on the results obtained.
1. What are the reasons of drop of terminal voltage due to
load in alternator?
2. Why synchronous impedance method does not provide the
exact value of voltage regulation of an alternator?
3. How does the armature reaction vary with the power factor
of loads applied to the alternator?
4. Why the O.C.C. characteristic is non-linear?

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.10‬‬


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To Determine the Voltage Regulation of Three - Phase

Alternator by Zero Power Factor Method

When the alternator is subjected to a varying load, the voltage at the armature
terminals varies; the magnitude of this change in terminal voltage depends
upon the load current and power factor.
The terminal voltage of loaded alternator changes due armature resistance,
armature leakage reactance and armature reaction. Zero power factor (ZPF)
method is used to calculate alternator voltage regulation. For this method open
circuit characteristic and terminal voltage – excitation characteristic at full load
and zero power factor are determined. This method is more accurate than EMF
method since it is based on the separation of armature leakage reactance (X L)
and armature reaction effects. XL is called potier leakage reactance; hence this
method is also called potier reactance method.
To determine armature leakage reactance (XL) and armature reaction mmf
separately, three tests are performed:
a. Open circuit test.
b. Short circuit test.
c. ZPF test.

The experiment steps are as follows:

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1. Connect the circuit of figure (1).

2. Make switch (S) open and the alternator is driven by
its prime mover (d.c. motor) at its synchronous speed
which must be constant at all steps of experiment.
3. Vary the excitation current (If) from zero to rated
value by changing of (Rf) in definite number of steps.
The open circuit EMF is measured with the help of
voltmeter. The readings are tabulated.
4. Conduct the short circuit test (as in Exp. No. 10) and
measure the value of (If) at rated armature current.
5. Close switch (S). Due to this, a purely inductive load
gets connected to alternator. A purely inductive load has
power factor of cos 90°, i.e. zero p.f lagging, hence this
test is called zero power factor test.
6. Make the load current delivered by alternator
constant at rated full load value (IF.L) by varying (If) at
each value of inductive load.

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.11‬‬

‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.11‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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Observation tables:
1- O.C.C test:
If (A)

Vo.c /
2- S.C.C test:

If (A) Ia (A)

Z.P.F test:
If (A)

Vt / ph (volt)

- Record the name plate data of the test three phase Alternator as in
photo of figure-3


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Report steps:-
1. Plot in one graph paper the open circuit characteristic (Voc &If),
short circuit characteristics (Ir &If) and ZPF characteristic (Vt
& If) as in figure (4). Take scale 1cm=20 V/ph for Y-axis , and
1cm=0.1A for X-axis.
2. Draw the air gap line tangent to O.C.C .
3. Draw the line (BH) with length equal to field current (OC)
required to produce full load current at short circuit. The
extension of (BH) meats (Vt ) as in figure 4.
4. Draw (HD) parallel to the air gap line so as to touch the
O.C.C. in point (D).

5. From point (D) draw (DG ) parallel to voltage axis. Now (DG)
represents voltage drop (IXL ) and (GB) represents the field
current(If2) required to overcome the effect of armature reaction.
Triangle (DGB) is called potier triangle and XL is the potier
leakage reactance.

6. Find Er from Vt & IaXL as follows:

Er = Vt + Ia (Ra + jXL) = | Er | ∟ɸr
Where Ia is the armature rated current (taken from alternator name plate data)
7. From Er draw line parallel to If –axis and intersect with O.C.C
to find (If1).
8. Calculate (If ) based on the following equation:

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If = If1 ∟(ɸr +90) - If2

9. From point (If ) draw line parallel to voltage axis and intersect
with O.C.C to find the corresponding Eo.

10. Calculate alternator percentage voltage regulation at full

load with 0.8 p.f lagging:

Eo – Vt
V.R% = -------------- * 100%


1. Why EMF method is called pessimistic method, and ZPF

method is called optimistic method?

2. What is the significance of determining voltage regulation

of an alternator?

3. Why O.C.C and Z.P.F curves have similar shapes?

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.11‬‬


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To Obtain V – Curves and Inverted V-Curves of

Three - Phase Synchronous Motor

V-curve of a synchronous motor represents the variation of armature current
with the field current for a constant load of synchronous motor. The armature
current drawn by a synchronous motor for some definite power output is a
function of field current.
For a given load on the motor, as the field current is varied, both the input
current and the input power factor change. The plot of armature current as a
function of field current of a constant output power resemble the English
letter V, hence it is called V-curve.
The armature current is minimum at a particular field current when the load is
constant. If the field current is gradually deceased below this value, the
armature current will increase gradually. As the field current is now increased
from the minimum value, a similar response is observed. Fig. (1) Shows the
V-curves for different values of power output. As the power output increases,
the V-curve shifts upwards.
The points on the V-curves where the armature current is minimum
correspond to unity power factor of the input current. The curve, joining the
minimum current points of a set of, V-curves plotted for different output

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1. Make the circuit connection as shown in figure (2).
2. Start the synchronous motor. Then connect excitation circuit by closing
switch (S1) as soon as possible.
3. The motor will attain its synchronous speed very quickly at no load.
4. Reduce the field current till the armature current reach its rated value.
5. Gradually increase the field current and note down several values of
armature current, power input, voltage for different values of field current

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at leading p.f drawn by the armature. Also record the minimum value of
armature current and corresponding value of the field current.
6. Bring the excitation back to its normal value, i.e minimum armature
7. Load synchronous motor by applying D.C voltage across the terminal of
eddy current brake, then increasing D.C current by decreasing the variable
resistance (RL).
8. Gradually increase and decrease the field current till the rated armature
current is obtained at 50% of full load, 75% of full load and 100% of full
load ,and record several value of armature current, power input, applied
voltage to motor and record the values of Vd.c and Id.c on the above
mentioned loads.
9. Reduce the load and switch OFF the power supply circuit.

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.12‬‬

‫‪Figure -2‬‬
‫‪Experiment Schematic Diagram‬‬

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‫‪EXPERIMENT‬‬ ‫‪No.12‬‬

‫‪Experiment Real Circuit Diagram‬‬

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Observation table:-
S.No. Field Armature Line armature Power CosØ
current(If) current(Ia) voltage (Va) input
(Amp.) (Amp.) (Volt) (Watt)

- Record the nameplate data of the three phase synchronous

motor as in photo in figure (4).


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The power factor of input current to test motor is calculated as:
CosØ = --------------
√3 Va Ia

1. Plot V-curves (Ia versus If) for the following cases on the one
graph paper at:

a) no load.
b) 50% of full load.
c) 75% of full load.
d) 100% of full load.
Take scale 1cm=0.25A for Ia , and 1cm=0.1A for If .
2. Plot inverted V-curves (p.f versus field current If) for the
following cases on one graph paper at:
a) no load.
b) 50% of full load.
c) 75% of full load.
d) 100% of full load.
Take scale 1cm=0.05A for p.f , and 1cm=0.1A for If .
3. Comment on the above two plots.

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1. Identify unity power factor points on V-curves and

comment why you will not get unity power factor at same If
for various loads?
2. A synchronous motor is running with a certain load, how
you will ascertain whether it is running at lagging power
factor or a leading power factor without the use p.f. meter?
3. Compare 3 phase synchronous motor with 3 phase
induction motor as regards : ( i ) cost and size , ( ii) torque-
speed curve , (iii) p.f ,(iv) self-starting ,(v) types of supplies
required, and (vi) applications?
4. What advantage you can obtain from an over excited
synchronous motor at no load?
5. What does mean by synchronous condenser?


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